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A81985 The Protestants practice, or The compleat Christian. Being the true and perfect way to the celestiall Canaan. Necessary for the bringing up of young and the estabilshing of old Christians in the faith of the Gospel: the use whereof in families will preserve them from the errors of the times. / By a Reverend Father of the Church of England. Davies, Athanasius, b. 1620 or 21. 1656 (1656) Wing D395; Thomason E1708_1; ESTC R209509 72,826 348

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of God wherein you say God hath declared himself unto us Answer It is the holy Scriptures Rom. 1.2 Question How can the Scriptures be called the word of God seeing they are written by men Answer Although holy men wrote the Scriptures yet did not they write by their own power or in their own name but by the power of the Spirit of God and in the name of God himself and therefore what they wrote is to be accounted the word of God himself Hos 8.12 1 Pet. 1.20 21. 2 Sam. 23.2 Question What hath God in the Scripture declared himself to be Answer An eternall most gracious most wise most just unchangeable infinite and all glorious Majesty from whom all things have their being and by whom all things are Governed and preserved Isa 43.10 13. Jude 25. Exod. 34.6 Deut. 32.4 Num. 23.19 Question Who is God the father in whom you believe The Father Answer He is the first person of these three the Father Son and Holy Ghost who are the one and onely God Eternall 2 Chron. 6.18 Psal 119.91 Acts 17.28 1 John 5.7 Question Why is the first person in the blessed Trinity called Father Answer He is called so especially in respect of his only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord and secondarily in respect of all his Saints who are adopted to be his Children by grace in Jesus Christ Jer. 20.17 Ephes 1.5 Question Why doe you call God the father Almighty Almighty Answer Because he is abundantly sufficient to accomplish his will so that he can doe whatsoever he will doe Psal 115.3 Question Whereby doth the Almighty power of God appear Answer It appears by this Maker of Heaven and Earth that he is the Maker of Heaven and Earth Question Why doe you call God the Maker of heaven and earth Answer Because God did at first make and doth still preserve the heaven and earth and all things that are in them Jer. 42.5 Question Of what did God at first make the Heaven and Earth Answer God created that is made the Heaven and Earth of nothing in the beginning and then brought them into that order wherein they now stand in six dayes Gen. 1. Question What did God doe in the first day of the world Answer He made the light and divided it from the darknesse calling the light day and the darknesse night Gen. 1.3 Question What did God in the second day Answer He made the firmament and therewith he divided the waters calling it Heaven Gen. 1.7 9. Question What did God in the third day Answer He made the dry Land calling it Earth and Seas and all kinds of Grasse and Hearbs and Trees Gen. 1.9 10 11 12. Question What did God in the fourth day Answer He made the Son the Moon and the Stars and placed them in the Firmament of Heaven that they might divide the day from the night and be for signs and seasons and dayes and years Gen. 1.3 5. Question What did God in the fifth day Answer He made all such Creatures as live in the water and all kind of Fowles which fly about the earth Gen. 1.20 21 22. Question What did God in the sixth day Answer He made creeping things of the earth and all Cattel and Beasts of the Earth and last of all he made man to whom he gave dominion over the Fish of the Sea Fowles of the aire and every living thing that moveth upon the earth Gen. 1.24 28. Question Whereof did the Lord God make man Answer The Lord God made man of the dust of the earth Gen. 2.7 Question Is there no part of man which was not made of the dust Answer Yes there is an immortall spirit in man which the Lord God breathed into him after he had formed his body of the dust Gen. 2.7 Eccles 12.8 Question How many more did the Lord at first make Answer He made only one and that was Adam the father of all mankind Gen. 2.7 Question How was woman made Answer The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and whilst he slept the Lord God took out one rib of his and made a woman of it Gen. 2.21 22. Question How many women did the Lord at first make Answer He made onely one and that was Evah whom he gave to Adam for wife and so they two became the first Parents of all mankind Gen. 2.22 23. Question Were Adam and Evah our first parents created sinfull and miserable as we are now Answer No the Lord God created them holy glorious and upright in his Image according to his likenesse Gen. 1.26 27. Eccles 7.3 Question How did they become then sinfull and miserable Answer By breaking the Commandement of their God Question What Commandement was it that they brake Answer That Commandment whereby the Lord forbad them to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and ill which was in the midst of the Garden of Eden wherein God put the man Gen. Question Seeing the Lord God created our first Parents holy and perfectly able to fullfill his will how became they so rebellious as to transgresse his Commandement Answer The Devil by his subtilty deceived them and so caused them to transgresse the Commandement of their God in eating the forbidden fruit Gen. 3.1 2 3 4. Question Was this sin of our first parents a small offence Question No it was a great and most grievous sin and that in a three-fold respect 1 Because it proceeded from the belief of the Devils lye before and against the knowne truth of God 2 Because it proceeded from a causeless and wicked distrust of Gods goodnes to them as if he envying their happines had by his Commandements restrained them from a principall means thereof 3 Because it was a willfull act of disobedience even against their Creators revealed will Question What effect wrought this disobedience in our first parents Answer It made them subject unto death and so to him who hath the power of death which is the Devil Rom. 5.12 Gen. 2.17 Heb. 2.14 Question What death were our first parents subjected unto by sin Answer They were subjected to a three-fold death The first of sin The second corporall The third everlasting Question How did our first parents disobedience make them subject to the death of sin Answer By depriving them of that righteousnesse wherein they were created making their hearts inclinable to all wickednesse and working darknesse in their understandings perversenesse in their wills disorder in their affections readinesse in all the members of their bodies to serve uncleanesse and so wholly subjecting them to the Dominion of sin and death Gen. 6.5 21. Ephes Pro. 1.24 25. 1 Pet. 2.11 Rom 6.19 Ephes 2.5 Rom. 6.17 Question What is that corporall death which sin brought upon our first parents Answer It is that death which is caused by the separation of the body from the soul when the body returneth to the ground whence it was taken
brought but he willingly descended or went down into hell and overcame the power thereof John 10.15 Question What was done to the body of our Saviour after it was layed in the grave Answer It was sealed up fast into the Sepulchre and watched by Souldiers that it might not be stoln away Mat. 27.66 Question When our Saviour was buried was he for ever holden in the grave Answer No He roseagain from the dead he arose againe from the dead Question What doe ye mean when you say that He arose againe from the dead Answer I understand thereby that the body of our Saviour was raised out of the grave and that by the joyning againe of his soule unto it he became of a dead a living man Rev. 18. Question How long was it after our Saviours buriall before he arose againe Answer He arose againe from the dead the third day Luke 24. The third day Question By what power did our Saviour rise from the dead Answer By the power of his eternall Godhead wherein he is one with the Eather and the Holy-Ghost 1 Pet. 3.18 Question What testimonies have we to assure us of our Saviours resurrection Answer We have the testimony of the Prophets of Angells of those many witnesses who saw him and spake with him and handled him after his resurrection and of those works of a truly living man which he did after he was risen from the dead Psal 16.10 11. Luke 24.5 6. Acts 13.22 Question How long continued our Saviour upon the earth after his resurrection Answer By the space of forty dayes Acts 3. Question What became of our Saviour after those dayes Answer He ascended in to heaven He ascended into Heaven Question What doe you understand by these words He ascended into Heaven Answer I understand thereby that our Saviour went up from the earth into Heaven where the glory and majesty of God doth appear in the presence of his holy Argells Luke 24.51 Eph. 4.10 Mat. 18.10 Question Why did our Saviour ascend into heaven Answer That he might prepare a place of rest and glory for the children of God and appear in the presence of God to intercede for them to the end of the world John 14.2 Heb. 7.25 Heb. 9.24 Question Is our Saviour then at this day in heaven Answer And sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty Yes there he sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty Acts 1.34 Question What doe you mean when you say that our Saviour sitteth at the right hand of God Answer I understand thereby that Christ Jesus our Lord is in the Heaven exalted to the highest degree of Heavenly glory and dignity being made much more powerfull and excellent then men and Angells Eph. 1.20 21 22. 1 Pet. 3.22 Question Shall our Saviour returne from the heaven whether he is ascended Answer Yes From thence he shall come to judge from thence shall he come to judge both the quick and the dead 2 Tim. 4.1 Question Whom doe you undestand by quick and dead Answer By the quick I understand all those who shall be living at the time of the appearing or second coming of our Saviour to Judgement the quick and the dead and by the dead all those who shall die before that day 1 Thes 4.15 Question Shall all then both dead and living be judged by our Saviour at his second appearing Answer Yes they shall appear before the judgement seat of Christ and receive from his mouth a most just and unresistable sentence of blessednesse or misery everlasting Rom. 14.10 2 Cor. 5.16 Mat. 25.34 35 36. Question Doe you believe onely in the Father and his Sonne Jesus Christ Answer No I believe in the holy Ghost I believe also in the holy Ghost Mat. 28. Question What doe you mean when you say I believe in the holy Ghost Answer I mean that I doe believe that there is a holy Ghost who is one God with the Father and the Son in whom the children of God ought to trust because he abideth in them to be their instructer comforter and sanctifier uniting them into the mysticall body of Jesus Christ and making them parts of the holy Catholick Church 1 John 5.7 John 16.13 1 John 2.27 John 14.16 Rom. 8.5 1 Cor. 12.13 Question Hath God an holy Catholick Curch Answer Yes The holy Catholick Church I believe the holy Catholick Church Eph. 1.22 Question What doe you meane when you say I believe the holy Catholick Church Answer I mean that I doe believe that there is an holy congregation of men women and children in all ages and out of all quarters of the world by Gods speciall grace according to his eternall purpose from the midst and miserable estate of wicked men to be Gods peculiar people on earth and the inheritance of his kingdome in Heaven Heb. 12.23 1 Pet. 3.7 1 Cor. 7.14 Heb. 11. Isa 60.4 Gal. 1.15 Rom. 8.28 1 Pet. 2.9 1 Thes 2.12 Question What is the meaning of the word Church Answer A Church is as much as a Congregation called out from among others Acts 15.14 Question What is the meaning of the word Catholique Answer Catholique signifieth as much as universall or generall Question Doe you believe that Gods Church is universall or generall Answer Yes I believe that the Congregation or assembly of Gods Saints which is called his Church is generally called in all times and out of all places in the earth Question How doth God call men into his Church Answer God calleth men into his Church after a two-fold way or manner 1 Ordinarily when he doth at once speak unto their eares by his Spirit moving them by faith to receive the word Acts 16.14 2 Extraordinarily when he doth without the means or ministry of the word work powerfully by his Spirit upon the hearts of men inlightning and sanctifying them Acts 9.6 Question May a man who neglecteth the call of God in his worke warrantably expect to be called of God by his Spirit Answer No in no wise because it is most just with God to deny those his extraordinary calling who most wickedly contemn the blessed call of his holy word Prov. 1.24 25 26 27. Question Why is the Catholike Church called holy Answer Because the Catholique Church consisteth onely of such as are holy to whom alone belongeth the kingdome of God Acts 20.32 Question What good doe men receive by being members of this holy Church Answer They are thereby made partakers of the communion of Saints the forgivenesse of sins and the resurrection of the body unto life everlasting Acts 2 47. Question VVhat doe you understand by the communion of Saints Answer I understand thereby that especiall joyfull and heavenly fellowship which the Saints have with God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ The communion of Saints and one with another 1 John 1.3 Question Have the Saints an especiall communion above others with God the Father Answer Yes
they have so blessed a communion with him that he is not ashamed to be called their God and to acknowledge them to be his people To be called their Father and to acknowledge them to be his children Heb. 11.16 2 Cor. 6.16 18. Question Have the Saints a speciall communion with our Lord Jesus Christ Answer Yes for he is their head husband redeemer Lord and advocate and they are his members his spouse his redeemed his subjects and those for whom he prayeth unto his Father Eph. 1.22 John 19.25 Phil. 4.23 1 John 2.1 1 Cor. 12.27 Psal 45.13 14. Rev. 5.9 Heb. 7.25 Col. 1.5 Question Have the Saints an especiall fellowship among themselves Answer Yes for they are fellow citizens fellow servants fellow brethren and fellow members which joyfull communion worketh in them brotherly love a compassionate consideration of anothers estate mutuall prayers and a mercifull reliefe of anothers necessities whether worldly or spirituall Eph. 2.19 1 Pet. 2.17 Rom. 12.5 Heb. 13.1 Rom. 12.15 1 Cor. 12.26 James 5.16 2 Cor. 9. Heb. 10.24 Question How is this joyfull communion of Saints wrought which they have with God the Father with our Lord Jesus Christ and among themselves Answer It is wrought by the communion of the holy Ghost who being one with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ is one also in all the Saints and so joyneth them together in this heavenly and spirituall fellowship 2 Cor. 13.13 2 John 5.7 1 Cor. 12.13 Question Are no wicked men of this fellowship Answer No this is onely the communion of Saints Question How can you believe that the Saints shall ever be admitted into the fellowship with God and Christ seeing the best of them are guilty of many sins Answer Because I believe the forgivenesse of sins The forgivenesse of sins Question VVhat mean you when you say I believe the forgivenesse of sins Answer I mean that I doe believe that the Lord God neither doth nor will deale with all men in the strictnesse of his Justice remembring and taking vengeance on their sins but that he doth and will in his abundant mercy in Jesus Christ forgive the sins of those his people which believe on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Psal 30.3 4. Dan. 9.9 Psalme 103.10 Luke 24.47 Question What is sin Answer It 's the transgression of the Law Gods revealed will either in thought word or deed by doing what he forbiddeth or not doing what he commandeth 1 John 3.4 Acts 8.22 James 3.2 Ephes 4.9 James Question What is the forgivenesse of sins Answer It is the Lords acquitting of a man from the guilt and punishment of his sins in Jesus Christ Rom. 8.33 34. Isa 53.5 Eph. 1.7 Question Is forgivenesse of sins onely to be had in Jesus Christ Answer Yes he alone hath born our sins and the punishment due to them and therefore in him alone we are and can be justified from all our sins and freed from the punishment of them and so brought to receive the forgivenesse of sins Isa 53.10 Acts 13.38.39 Question Who are they that receive forgivenesse of sins in Jesus Christ Answer All those who confessing and forsaking their sins rest by faith on our Saviours allsufficient Sacrifice the blessed means appointed by God for the purging of us from all our sins Prov. 28.18 1 John 1.9 Rom. 3.25 Heb. 9.12.26 Question When doe those who believe in Jesus Christ receive the forgivenesse of their sins Answer They receive forgivenesse of their sins so soon as they truly believe in Jesus Christ the which forgivenesse of sins is continually applied unto them by the continuance of their faith but they receive the full effect and benefit of the forgivenesse of their sins at the appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Acts 13.39 Heb. 10.38 39. Acts 3.19 Question Do those who believe in Christ Jesus barely receive forgivenesse of sins in him Answer No when as any one by faith partaketh of the forgivenesse of his sins in Jesus Christ then is he also accepted of God for righteous in him who is made unto him of God righteousnesse Phil. 3.9 1 Cor. 1.30 Question Doe the faithfull Children of God after their death reap any benefit of the forgivenesse of their sins and of their acceptation with God Answer Yes for their spirits are immediately after their death received into blisse by our Saviour Jesus and their bodies shall be perfectly glorified with him at his appearing Luke 23.43 Heb. 12.23 Col. 3.4 Question How can you be assured that the bodies of believing Saints shall be perfected in glory at our Saviours appearing seeing their bodies after their death are consumed in the earth Answer Because I believe the resurrection of the body The Resurrection of the body Question What mean you when you say I believe the resurrection of the body Answer I mean that I am assured that the bodies of all such men and women and Children as have dyed or shall dye before the last day shall rise again out of the dust of the earth and by the union of their souls unto them shall be made to live again 1 Cor. 15. Question What is it that worketh this assurance in you Answer This assurance of the resurrection is wrought me 1 By the word of God wherein it is plainly testified Isa 26.19 Dan. 12.2 2 By the consideration of Gods power whereby it shall be effected Rev. 20.12 Mat. 12.19 3 By the belief of our Saviours resurrection whereby it is sealed and confirmed 1 Cor. 15.12.16 Question Doe you believe that the same bodies which dye shall rise again and live Answer Yes I assure my self that God will not give new bodies but at the resurrection will restore the very same bodies to the Children of men which they formerly lived in Job 19.26 27. 1 Cor. 6.15 Question Shall the bodies of the Children of men at the resurrection be of the same condition that now they are of Answer No for the bodies of men which are now subject to death shall after the resurrection be no more subject thereto and the bodies of Saints which are now weak and vile shall in the resurrection be made conformable to the glorious body of our Lord Jesus Christ being freed from all those infirmities which doe now accompany flesh and blood Luke 20.36 2 Cor. 15 42 43 44. Phil. 3.20 Question When shall this resurrection of the body be A. At the last day when our Lord Jesus Christ shall come to judge the quick and the dead Q. What shall become of the Saints after the resurrection The life everlasting A. They shall be put into the possession of life everlasting Q. What doe you understand by life by the life everlasting A. I doe understand thereby a glorious estate of heavenly and perfect blessednesse wherein the Saints shall live for ever Jo● 7.22 3.2 1 Th. 4.17 Q Shall none of the wicked partake of everlasting life A. No all unrepentant wicked men shall
thy House of prayer and have our conversation truly and wholly in Heaven and all heavenly exercises Have mercy upon us O Lord in regard of that light estimation that worldly and vain mis-spending of this precious time whereof we have been so often and so deeply guilty heretofore and put thy Spirit into us we beseech thee to incline our hearts for the time to come to keep this Statute Ezek. 36.27 and to cause us to observe this great Commandement And first of all enable us we pray thee unto a meet preparation for this dayes service help us for that purpose so to examine our ways and carriage the week past as to repent truly of what hath been amisse and to renew our Covenant for a better carriage the week following Assist us withall for the through purging of our hearts from those dregs and defilements which the world hath left behind it as also for the stirring up of our souls by heavenly meditations and prayer that so we may come with devout minds and hungring hearts into thy Sanctuary as those that being poor and blind and miserable and naked stand in great need of thy provision Grant moreover O Lord that coming in due time and in a reverent manner into thy Temple our care may be attentively and without distractions of mind watchfully and without heavinesse of heart devoutly and without dulnesse of spirit reverently and without uncomelinesse of carriage to abide in thy presence and for the whole time to attend thee in thine Ordinances Make us mindfull afterward of those private exercises reading repeating conferring meditating praying whereby the publick may be made more profitable to us and powerfull in us And let us not forget according to the time and ability we have to meditate upon thy Creatures but this being the day wherein it pleased thy Majesty to put thine hand first for the making of them let it be our day also wherein to thy praise and honour to remember them especially let us not forget upon this good day those labours of love and charitable works for our brethrens good which thou O Lord forgettest not Heb. 6.10 And while we doe good to their bodies let us not be unmindfull of that which is the greatest matter the doing of all the good we can unto their soules That all this may be done the better grant we may abstain the day throughout not only from vain pastimes and sinfull practises but also from those every dayes works and words and thoughts more then truly necessary whereby we shall use as our own any part of that sacred time which thou O Lord hast set apart wholly and only for thy self Help us O Lord our God without whom we can doe nothing by thine own strength thus to observe thine owne time Sanctifie us that we may sanctifie it unto thee and be our selves sanctified by it it being made to us as it is to all good observers a blessed day by all the exercises thereof blessed to our use and spirituall advantage And let this work of sanctification by the service of this day as a speciall means be continued still and more and more perfected in us till we come to that place where perpetually resting from all our labours we shall enjoy an eternall and all-satisfying Sabbath with thine own glorious Majesty and thy blessed Son and Lord of the Sabbath Jesus Christ and that for the same Jesus Christs sake To whom with thee O Father and the blessed Spirit for the Creation of the world this day begun for the Redemption of the world this day finished for the Sanctification of the world this day by the descending of the Holy Ghost fully manifested and ordinarily most effected we acknowledge to be due and desire to give all honour power might Majesty and Dominion both now and for evermore Amen and Amen A Prayer to be used before the Hearing of the Word especially on the Sabbath I Doe humbly and heartily thanke thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth for that I live by thy goodnesse and good providence in thy Church in a Land of uprightnesse wherein there is the means of grace and that in these last dayes wherein it hath pleased thee to speak unto us by thy onely Son and so to make known unto me a poor Babe in Christ onely because it seemed good in thy sight things hid from the wise and prudent yea from Kings and Prophets who heretofore have desired to see the things that we see and have not seen them and to hear the things that we hear and have not heard them withall I doe with sorrow and grief of heart acknowledge how unworthily and with how little fruit I have entertained that holy word of thine and blessed means of salvation which thou hast in so much mercy and plenty afforded not understanding what I have heard for want of marking it not remembring what I have understood for want of making account of it not delighting in what I have remembred for want of love unto it not practising what for a time I have delighted in for want of considering the end of Preaching and the necessity of practising not persevering in what for a time I have practised for want of a through resolution to hold out in a holy conversation O Lord I deserve not to escape but to be seized upon by some grievous heavy judgement for neglecting so great salvation Notwithstanding gracious Father since thou hast been pleased to work in my heart a love unto thy word and a loathing of my self for my light esteeming of it heretofore I beseech thee pardon my former neglect and for the time to come let the eyes of my understanding be enlightned that I may know what formerly I have been ignorant of yea let my heart be opened that I may receive remember and delight in that word of thine which formerly I have shut out let slip and not regarded Give me thy Spirit to cause me to walk in those Statutes of thine which formerly I have not observed and uphold me with thy constant Spirit that I may persevere unto the end in all holy courses This day in particular wherein thou offerest the means and callest me unto the hearing of thy holy word vouchsafe to free me from all pride of heart Jer. 13.15 distractions of mind tentations of Satan from all drowsinesse deadnesse and dullnesse of spirit and withall make mine heart by that good disposition which thou shalt work in it like well prepared ground fit in the most kindly manner to receive that seed of thy word which thou preparest for it Assist thy Servant and Minister who is to deliver thy message that he may speak as he ought to speak even that which shall be profitable to the soules of all thy people and powerfull upon my soule in particular and for that purpose Paul may plant and Apollo water but thou O Lord givest the increase let it please thee so to blesse
Q. What is that everlasting death which sin brought upon our first parents A. It is that death which is caused by the everlasting separation of the whole man from the presence and glory of the Lord which wicked and ungodly men shall suffer in Hell fire Rev. 20.6 Zech. 1.9 Q. Did our first parents bring themselves only into this miserable estate by their sin A. No by this grievous offence of our first parents they and all their children to the world end were made children of wrath subject to death and him who hath the power of death Rom. 5. Ephes 2.32 Q. How could the sin of our first parents make their posterity subject to so much misery Answer Very well because they sin'd not only as particular persons but as the root or fountain of mankind and so their corruption floweth from them with their corrupt nature unto all who by ordinary generation receive their nature from them Question Must all men then dye and perish everlastingly Answer No although Almighty God might in Justice condemn all men yet he is pleased in mercy to save some Psa 130.3 Question What means hath God in mercy for the salvation of men Answer He hath given his Son Jesus Christ our Lord that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3.16 Question Doe you then believe in the Son of God Answer Yes I believe in Jesus Christ his onely Son our Lord. And. Question What is it to believe in Jesus Christ Answer It is from an inward evidence of heart concerning that unseen salvation which is in him to cleave unto him as the one and onely author of eternall salvation Heb. 11.1 John 6.68 69. Heb. 5.9 Question Why was the Son of God called Jesus In Jesus Answer Because he was to save his people from their sins as the word Jesus importeth which sign fieth a Saviour Mat. 1.21 Question Why was our Lord J●sus called Christ Christ Answer Because he was the great Messiah or anointed one of the Lord spoken of of the Prophets for so much the name Christ signifieth an anointed one importeth John 4.25 Dan. 9.25 Question Why was our Saviour called the anointed one of the Lord Answer Because those three great Offices the Kingly Priestly and Propheticall to which men were by Gods appointment anointed in their perfection in him who was appointed by God to be the heavenly King or Governour of his Church the heavenly Prophet or instructer of his Church and the eternall Priest who by one Offering of himself perfected for ever them that are sanctified and ever appeareth in the true holy place Heaven it self to make intercession for them 1 Kings 1.39 Exod. 29.7 1. Kings 29.16 Psal 2.6 Acts 7.27 Heb. 7.25 Heb. 10.14 Heb. 4.24 Question How was our Saviour anointed to these Offices Answer He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power Acts 10.38 Question What benefit hath the Saints by these Offices of our Saviour Answer Much every way for they need fear no spirituall enemy who have such a King to defend them they may with boldnesse come to God who have such a Priest appearing in the presence of God for them they may be sure of the knowledge of God who have such a Prophet to instruct them 1 John 4.14 Luke 1.74 75. Heb. 10.22 John 15.15 Question Seeing the Saints receive so great benefit by our Saviours Offices are there no duties which they owe to him in respect of them Answer Yes as he is their King so they must obey him as he is their Priest so they must rest upon his all sufficient Sacrifice and intercession and as he is their Prophet so they must attend unto him that they may be instructed by him 2 Cor. 10.5 Heb. 10.19 Mat. 17.5 Question How doth our Saviour being now in Heaven execute his Kingly and Propheticall Office in his Church on Earth Answer By his holy Spirit and holy word whereby he inwardly and outwardly Governes his Church as a King and instructeth it as a Prophet Rom. 8.9 Psal 110.2 Ephes 3.5 Col. 3.16 Question Whose Son is our Saviour Jesus Christ His. Answer He is the Son of God the father Almighty Mat. 3.17 Question Hath the Almighty any more Sons Answer Only Son No Christ Jesus is his only Son John 1.14 Question How then doth the Scripture call all the Saints the Sons of God Answer The Saints of God are his by his gracious adoption but our Lord is his only begotten Son by miraculous and unutterable Generation Rom. 8.15 John 1.14 Question Why is our Saviour Jesus Christ called Lord Our Lord. Answer He is called Lord both in regard of his Godhead wherein he is one Lord with the father and the holy Ghost and also in regard of the great Lordship and power which is settled upon him by God the father Mat. 28.10 18. Acts. 20.36 Question VVho are they that may in a speciall manner call Christ Jesus our Lord Answer All the Saints of God who are tra●slated out of the power of darknesse into the spirituall Kingdome of Jesus Christ the dear Son of God and are therefore his subjects and servants and so have him for their Lord Col. 1.15 Rev. 1.9 Question VVas Jesus Christ our Lord ever in the world Answer Yes in the fullnesse of time appointed by his father he came into the world Gal. 4.4 Question How came our Lord Jesus Christ into this world Who was conceived Answer He was conceived of the Holy Ghost and born into the world of the virgin Mary Luke 7. Question VVas our Saviour conceived by the power or means of any man Of the holy Ghost Answer No the Holy Ghost without man conceived our Lord Jesus in the bowells of his blessed mother being still a pure virgin Mat. 1.18 Isa 7.14 Question VVhy then is Joseph the husband of Mary in the Scripture called our Lord Christs father Answer Because he was his mothers espoused husband and so supposed to be his father though indeed he was not his true and naturall father Luke 3.23 Question VVhat doe you learn by knowing that our Lord Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost Answer I learn thereby two things 1 That he was God 2 That he was altogether without sin Question How doe you learn that Christ Jesus our Lord was God by knowing that he was conceived by the Holy Ghost Answer Because I know that the Holy Ghost is God and therefore that he who was conceived of him was God as he who is conceived of man is man Luke 1.35 Question VVas our Lord Jesus Christ God then Answer Yes he was eternally and now is and for ever shall be one with the father and the holy Ghost God blessed for evermore Isa 9.6 John 1.1 Rom. 9.5 Question How doe you learn that our Lord Jesus Christ was altogether without sin by knowing that he was conceived by the holy Ghost Answer Because our Saviours conception of the