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father_n believe_v holy_a son_n 32,892 5 6.1615 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69531 The dead mans real speech a funeral sermon preached on Hebr. xi. 4, upon the 29th day of April, 1672 : together with a brief of the life, dignities, benefactions, principal actions, and sufferings, and of the death of the said late Lord Bishop of Durham / published (upon earnest request) by Isaac Basire ... Basier, Isaac, 1607-1676. 1673 (1673) Wing B1031; ESTC R13369 46,947 147

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singulorum rationem reddere vel modum exponere vel quaestiones circa ea exortas solvere vel dum fortè satagunt Hallucinationes aliquot effugere penitùs ab errore immunes esse nequiverint Sed quàscunque olim Haereses quaecunque etiam Schismata quibuscunque tandem nominibus appellentur prisca universalis sive Catholica Christi Ecclesia unanimi consensu rejecit condemnavit ego pariter condemno rejicio unà cum omnibus earundem Haeresium fautoribus hodiernis Sectariis Fanaticis qui spiritu malo acti mentiuntur sese spiritu Dei afflari Horum omnium inquam Haereses Schismata Ego quoque Ecclesiae nostrae Anglicanae imò Catholicae Symbolis Synodis Confessionibus addictissimus pariter improbo constanterque rejicio atque repudio In quorum numero pono non tantùm segreges Anabaptistas eorum sequaces proh dolor nimiùm multos sed etiam novos nostrates Independentes Presbyterianos genus hominum malitiae inobedientiae seditionis spiritu abreptum qui inauditâ à seculis audaciâ perfidia tanta nuper perpetrarunt facinora in contemptum opprobrium omnis Religionis Fidei Christianae quanta quidem non sine horrore dici aut commemorari queant Quinetiam à corruptelis ineptis nuperque natis sive Papisticis quas vocant superstitionibus doctrinis assumentis novis in Avitam ac Primaevam laudatissimae olim tam Orthodoxae Catholicae Ecclesiae Religionem ac fidem jamdudum contra sacram Scripturam veterumque Patrum Regulas ac mores introductis me prorsus jam alienum esse atque adeò à Juventute mea semper fuisse sanctè animitùs adsevero Vbicunque verò Terrarum Ecclesiae Christiano nomine censae veram Priscam Catholicam Religionem Fidemque profitentur ut Deum Patrem Filium spiritum sanctum uno ore mente invocant ac colunt eis si me uspiam actu jam nunc jungi prohibet vel distantia Regionum vel dissidia hominum vel aliud quodcunque obstaculum semper tamen animo mente affectu conjungor ac coalesco id quod de Protestantibus praesertim benè reformatis Ecclesiis intelligi volo Fundamentis enim salvis diversitatem ut opinionum ita quoque rituum circa res juxta adnatas minùs necessarias nec universali veteris Ecclesiae praxi repugnantes in aliis Ecclesiis quibus nobis praesidendum non est amicè placidè pacificè ferre possumus atque adeo perferre debemus Eis verò omnibus qui malè consulti quoquo modo me iniquis calumniis insectati sunt vel adhuc insectari non desinunt ego quidem ignosco deum seriò precor ut ipse quoque ignoscere meliorem eis mentem inspirare velit Operam interim mihi aliis omnibus fratribus praesertim Episcopis Ministris Ecclesiae Dei quantum ex illius gratiâ possumus dandam conferendam esse existimo ut tandem sopiantur vel saltem minuantur Religionis dissidia atque ut pacem sectemur cum omnibus sanctimoniam Quod ut fiat quàm ocyssimè faxit Deus Pacis Autor Amator concordiae Cujus immensam misericordiam oro obtestor ut me in peccatis iniquitatibus conceptum ab omni humanae infirmitatis labe corruptela repurget dignumque ex indigno per magnam clementiam suam faciat mihique passionem immensa merita dilectissimi sui filii Domini nostri Jesu Christi ad delictorum meorum omnium expiationem applicet ut quum novissima vitae hora non improvisa venerit ab Angelis suis in sinum Abrahae raptus in societate sanctorum electorum suorum collocatus aeternâ foelicitate perfruar Haec praefatus quae ad Religionem Animae meae statum ac salutem spectant quaeque Latino Sermone à me dictata atque exarata sunt reliqua quae ad sepulturam corporis bonorum meorum temporalium dispositionem attinent sermone patrio perscribi faciam ac perorabo Vid. J. Will. c. Our help is in the Name of the Lord who made Heaven and Earth In the Name and Honour of the same Lord our God the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost the most High and undivided Trinity FOrasmuch as it is appointed for all men once to die and that every mans body shall be dissolved but the time of my dissolution is uncertain of which notwithstanding as if it were nigh at hand being mindful in my daily Meditations and shaken with the frequent infirmities of my body I ever and anon think thereof I John Cosin an humble Minister in the Church of God and by the permission of the most High now Bishop of Durham not putting my hope in this present life but ever aspiring to that other which is to come eternal in the Heavens and which by the mercy of God ere long I hope to obtain and humbly praying for the salvation of my own Soul that through the merits of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God our only Redeemer and Mediator all mine offences be forgiven me being of a sound mind out of a sincere heart do make ordain and constitute this Testament containing my Last Will in this form as followeth First of all I heartily thank our Lord God Almighty that he hath vouchsafed me to be born in this life of faithful and vertuous Parents and that it hath pleased him that I should be Regenerate and born a new in his Church unto Life Eternal by the holy Laver of Baptism which he hath instituted and that he hath instructed me from my Youth in sound doctrine and hath made me partaker of his Saints that he hath imprinted in my mind a Faith not feigned nor dead but true and living together with a firm confidence that hereafter I shall be brought unto eternal life which Faith doubtless consists in this That we adore and worship one God and believe in him and in him whom he hath sent his most beloved Son the Eternal Word begotten before all Ages Jesus Christ our Lord who for us and for our Salvation took flesh of the most blessed Virgin Mary the Holy Ghost over-shading her in this life and was made man afterward was born suffered was crucified dead and buried and after he had descended into Hell rose again from his Grave and leading captivity captive ascended into Heaven where sitting at the right hand of God he reigneth for ever but sent from thence the Holy Ghost in whom we ought equally to believe proceeding from the Father and the Son by whom he most bountifully gave gifts unto men and founded his Catholick Church in the Communion of Saints in the Divine Sacraments in true Faith sound Doctrine and Christian Manners together with the remission of Sins to be conferred on all the Godly and that in the same Church bring forth fruits meet for Repentance to whom also
when in the last day of the world he shall come from Heaven to raise the dead and judge all he will give eternal happiness but to the rest that are Infidels or that have lived according to the flesh and would not repent or be converted he will inflict eternal punishment In this Faith which is the summary and most absolute Abridgement of all the Holy Scripture Jude vers 3. once delivered to the Saints and which the Apostles and their Successors have spread abroad and derived down even to us I profess my self to live and that I may persevere in it constantly without doubting unto my last breath is my daily prayer in the mean time seeking after Unity by preserving the bond of Peace and Love with all Christians every where who among the great Evils Distractions and Calamities of the Church which truly I cannot but heartily bewail entirely receive this Faith and call no one part of it in question I hope also through the goodness of God and Christ God and Man our Saviour that all they that have together with us sincerely believed these things that are revealed and delivered from God and have lived a Godly life shall be saved in the great day of the Lord who although they are not able to give an account or explain the manner of every of them nor resolve the questions raised about them and though perhaps when they endeavour it they cannot avoid some mistakes and be altogether free from errour But whatsoever Heresies or Schisms heretofore by what names soever they be called the antient Catholick and Universal Church of Christ with an unanimous consent hath rejected and condemned I do in like manner condemn and reject together with all the modern Fautors of the same Heresies Sectaries and Phanaticks who being carried on with an evil Spirit do falsely give out they are inspired of God The Heresies and Schismes I say of all these I also as most addicted to the Symbols Synods and Confessions of the Church of England or rather the Catholick Church do constantly renounce condemn and reject Among whom I rank not only the Separatists the Anabaptists and their Followers Alas too too many but also the New Independents and Presbyterians of our Countrey a kind of men hurried away with the spirit of Malice Disobedience and Sedition who by a disloyal attempt the like whereof was never heard since the world began have of late committed so many great and execrable Crimes to the contempt and despite of Religion and the Christian Faith which how great they were without horrour cannot be spoken or mentioned Moreover I do profess with holy asseveration and from my very heart that I am now and have ever been from my youth altogether free and averse from the corruptions and impertinent new-fangled or papistical so commonly called superstitions and doctrines and new superadditions to the Ancient and Primitive Religion and Faith of the most commended so Orthodox and Catholick Church long since introduced contrary to the Holy Scripture and the Rules and Customes of the ancient Fathers But in what part of the World soever any Churches are extant bearing the name of Christ and professing the true Catholick Faith and Religion worshipping and calling upon God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost with one heart and voice if any where I be now hindred actually to be joyned with them either by distance of Countries or variance amongst men or by any other let whatsoever yet alwayes in my mind and affection I joyn and unite with them which I desire to be chiefly understood of Protestants and the best Reformed Churches for where the foundations are safe we may allow and therefore most friendly quietly and peaceably suffer in those Churches where we have not Authority a diversity as of Opinion so of Ceremonies about things which do but adhere to the Foundations and are neither necessary or repugnant to the practice of the Universal Church As for all them who through Evil Counsel have any way inveighed against or calumniated me and even yet do not forbear their invectives I freely pardon them and earnestly pray to God that he also would be pleased to forgive them and inspire them with a better mind In the mean while I take it to be my duty and of all my Brethren especially the Bishops and Ministers of the Church of God to do our utmost endeavours according to the measure of Grace which is given to every one of us that at last an end may be put to the differences of Religion or at least that they may be lessened and that we may follow Peace with all men and Holiness which that it may be accomplished very speedily God the Author of Peace and Concord grant whose infinite Mercy I humbly beseech that he would cleanse me who was conceived in Sin and Iniquity from every spot and corruption of humane frailty and that through his great clemency he would make me who am unworthy to become worthy and that he would apply to me the Passion and infinite Merits of his most beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord to the expiating of all mine Offences that at the last hour of my Life which I daily look for I may be carried by his Holy Angels into Abrahams bosome and being placed in the fellowship of his Saints and Elect may fully enjoy Eternal Felicity Having now declared what belongs to my Religion and the State and Salvation of my Soul which I have now delivered here in Latine The rest that belongs to my Burial and the disposal of my Temporal Estate I shall cause to be written in my Native Language and so conclude Durham Jan. 18. 1672. Vera Copia Examinata per me William Stagg Not. Publicum FINIS Gen. 35. 18. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 S. Basil Homil xxiii 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Idem S. Basil Homil 2. in Psalm xiv Non adhaerendum rebus secularibus ** Conctonator non ultra Horam ne fastidium pariat auditoribus Canon Hungaricus c. Eccles 24. 31. Psal 39. 15. 2 Sam. 3. 38. * The Lord Bishop of Durham is Lieutenant General of this County as ab Antiquo ex Officio so ex abundanti per Mandatum by the Kings gracious Commission cumulativè and so still under the King who is always the Sovereign of all Estates in his Realms Eccles 70. 2. Psal 90. 12. Can. 55. Hebr. 11. Hebr. 6. 12. Exod. 14. 20. with Hebr. 12. E. Ephes 4. 18. Psal 39. 5. Gen. 2. 17. Psal 30. 5. Ephes 2. 1. Revel 20. 6. * St. Aug. de Discipl cap. 2. non potest malè mori qui benè vixerit Audeo dicere non potest malè mori qui benè vixerit Deut. 32. 29. Hebr. 9. 27. 1 Cor. 15. 51. Gen. 5. 5. Rom. 8. 19. Phil. 1. 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 John 11. 35. Rom. 1. 31. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Thes 4. 13. Genes 50. 3. 10. Rom. 14. 7 8. * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉