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A69104 A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man set furthe by the kynges maiestye of Englande &c.; Institution of a Christen man. Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.; Church of England. 1543 (1543) STC 5168.7; ESTC S110763 117,759 234

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coupled togyther conteining as it is aforesayde the obedience to the hole doctrine and religion of Christe And here is to be noted that euery man that dothe offende god dothe not lose his faythe therby For they that synne by frailtie and sodeyn motions whiche iuste men doo not auoyde and be taughte therfore of Christ to say in their Pater noster Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgyue them that trespasse agaynste vs Yet those men so breaking their promyse with god and slackyng in suche care and desyre as they shulde haue to please god neuerthelesse be not accompted to haue lost theyr fayth therby yea they also who after the knowlege of god fall into deadly synne aduisedly as they that committe murther adultery and other abhominations and soo falle from faythe as it is taken in the seconde acception and be therfore out of the state of grace and fauour of god for the tyme yet do not those men fall frome fayth as it is taken in the fyrst acception Luc. xii that is to saye from certayne and assured knowledge of god and his doctrine And therfore the gospell speaketh of a seruaunt that knoweth the wyl of his lord and dothe it not And saynt Iames in his epistle sayeth Iacob ii that Faythe may remayne without charitie Wherfore a transgressour of the lawe of almyghty God after baptisme kepeth styll a remorse of conscience and the lyghte of knowledge by Faythe wherby he seeth the remedyes howe to atteyne remyssion of synne and by a special gyfte of further grace is moued to vse the same remedyes and so by faythe walketh the wayes ordeined to atteine remission of sinnes as in the sacrament of penance shal be declared Thus we haue shewed two acceptions of fayth and declared that the fayth of knowledge may remayne in hym that hath fallen from fayth after the second acception But whether there be any special particular knowlege which man by faith hath certainly of him self wherby he may testify to him selfe that he is of the predestinates which shal to th ende perseuere in their callynge we haue not spoken ne can not in scripture ne doctours find that any such faith can be taught or preached Truth it is that in the sacramētes instituted by Christ we may cōstantly beleue the workes of god in them to our present comfort and applycation of his grace and fauour with assurance also that he wyll not faile vs if we fall not from hym Wherfore so continuinge in the state of grace with hym we may beleue vndoubtedly to be saued But forasmoche as our owne frailty and naughtynes ought euer to be feared in vs it is therfore expedient for vs to lyue in contynuall watche and continuall fight with our enemies the deuyl the fleshe and the world and not to presume to moche of our perseuerance contynuance in the state of grace which on our behalfe is vncertayne and vnstable For although goddis promises made in Christe be immutable yet he maketh them not to vs but with cōdition so that his promise standyng we may yet faile of the promise bicause we kepe not our promise And therfore if we assuredly recken vpon the state of our felicitie as grounded vppon goddis promise and do not therwith remēbre that no man shal be crowned onles he laufully fight we shal triumph before the victory and so loke in vain for that whiche is not otherwise promised but vnder a condition And this euery christen man must assuredly beleue ¶ The Crede or the .xii. articles of the christen faythe iI Beleue in god the fatheralmighty maker of heauen and earth ii And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our lorde iii whiche was conceiued by the holy goste borne of the virgine Mary iiii Suffred vnder Pōce Pylate was crucified dead buried and descended into hell v And the third day he rose agein frō deth vi He ascended into heauen sitteth on the right hand of god the father almighty vii From thens he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade viii I beleue in the holy goste ix The holy catholike churche x The communyon of sayntes The forgyuenes of synnes xi The resurrection of the body xii And the lyfe euerlastynge Amen THE NOTES Here folowe certayne notes for the better vnderstanding of this Crede FIrst it is to be noted that all and singular the .xii. articles conteined in this Crede be so necessarye to be beleued for mans saluation that who so euer wyll not constantly beleue them or wyll obstinately affirme the contrary of theym can not be the very members of Christe and his espouse the churche but are very infidelles or heretikes and members of the deuel with whom they shall be perpetually damned Secondly it is to be noted that all true christen men ought and muste moste constantly beleue maynteyne and defende all those thinges to be true whiche be comprehended in this Crede and in the other .ii. credes wherof the one is vsed to be sayde at masse and is approued by the auncyen generall councelles the other was made by the holye man Athanasius And also all other thynges which be cōprehended in the hole body canon of the bible Thirdly that all true christen men ought and must not onely repute take and holde all the sayde thynges for the most holy most sure and most certayne and infallible truthes of goddis worde and suche as neyther oughte ne can be altered or conuelled by any contrarye opinion or authoritie but also must take interpretate all the same thynges accordynge to the selfe same sentence and interpretation whiche the wordes of scripture do signifie and the holy approued doctours of the churche do agreably intreate and defende Fourthly that all true christen men ought and must vtterly refuse and condemne al those opiniōs contrary to the said .xii. articles of our crede whiche were of longe tyme paste condemned in the .iiii. holy counsels that is to say in the counsel of Nece Constanstinople Ephese and Calcidonense The fyrst article I beleue in god the father almighty maker of heauen and earthe FOr the plain vnderstandinge hereof euery materiall worde of this article shal be declared hereafter And first we muste knowe God that God is a spiritual and an inuisible substance or nature of infinite power and eternall without beginning or endyng of incomprehensible knowlege wysdome goodnes iustice and mercy and that there is but one very god thre persons the father the sonne the holy gost that these thre persons be not three goddis but all one god one nature one substance all one euerlastinge essence or being and all lyke and equall in might power wisdome knowlege rightwysnes and all other thynges belongyng vnto the deitie And that besyde or without this god there is none other god Moreouer we must knowe that god the father is the fyrst persone in trinitie Father and Father of his onely begotten sonne the second persone in
Trinitie and that he dyd begette him of his owne substance by eternall generation that is to say by generation that neuer had begynning And where this article conteineth that god the father is Almighty it is as moch to say as that he may do all thynges that he wil. in heauen and in earthe and nothyng is to hym impossible and that his godly power and myghte excelleth infinitely and incomparably all other powers in heauen earth and hell so that all other powers whiche be in heauen earthe or hell be nothynge as of theym selues but haue all their might force and strength of hym and be all subiecte vnto his power and can not resyst or lette the same And althoughe god be omnipotent and of infinite power yet he is not author or worker of any synne for whan soeuer any synne is done by any creature the same is wrought by the malice of the deuyll or free wyll of man only by the sufferance and permission of god not and by the working power of god in styryng vp furtheryng or assisting the malice of the euyll thought or deede This article conteineth further that god the father Almighty dyd at the begynnynge create fourme and make of nought heauen and earthe and all thynges visible and invisible and that he dyd gyue vnto them all theyr power and myghte and so he doth from tyme to tyme continually preserue gouerne susteyne and mainteine the hole worlde and all creatures therin by his onely goodnesse and high prouidence in so moche that without his continuall workynge nothinge shulde be able any while to continue And for the more euydent and playne vnderstandyng of the firste parte of this article whyche is I beleue in god it is to be noted that we muste not onely beleue stedfastly that god is and that he is true in all his wordes and promyses and that he is omnipotente and creatour of heauen and earthe and so forthe but we muste also with this our beleue loue god and cleaue onely vnto hym and that with al our harte and power and so continue and dwelle styll in hym by loue It sygnifieth also that we must obey vnto his wyll as well in al our inwarde thoughtes and affections as also in al our outwarde actes and dedes and that we must abhorre all vyce and not wishe or desyre of god any euyll or vngodly thing It sygnyfyeth also that we must constantly betake and commytte our selues and all ours holy vnto god and fyxe all our hole hope trust and confidence in hym and quyete our selues in hym beleuynge perfectly and assuredly that he wyll in dede shewe no lesse goodnesse loue mercy grace and fauour vnto vs than he promyseth by his word to do with vs vsing our selues as afore is sayde This maner of beleue we ought to haue in no creatour of god be it neuer so excellente but in god only therfore in this crede the said maner of speaking kyng I beleue in is vsed onely in the thre articles whiche concerne the thre persons in trinitie that is the Father the sonne and the holy goste The seconde article ¶ And in Iesu Christ his onely sonne our lorde FOr the vnderstandinge of this second article it is to be knowen that IESVS CHRIST is the only begotten sonne of almighty god the father and that he was begotten of his godly nature substance eternally and that he is very god the same substance with god the father and the holy gost vnto whom he is equall in all thinges of the godhead And although we christen men may be called the children of god by adoption and grace yet onely our sauiour Iesus Christe is god the fathers sonne by nature We must knowe also and beleue that IESVS CHRIST was eternally preordeined and appointed by the decree of the hole Trinitie to be our lorde and to redeme and brynge vs from vnder the dominion of the deuyl sinne vnto his kyngdome lordshyp and gouernance and therfore is worthely called IESVS that is to say sauior and CHRIST that is to saye anointed king priest and LORDE that is to saye redemer and gouernour for he hath done and fulfilled for all mankinde the very office bothe of a priest and of a kynge and lorde Of a priest for asmoch as he hath made sacrifice and oblation on the crosse in that he there willingly suffered his naturall body to be slayne and his bloudde to be shed for remission of synne and so was bothe the prieste and the sacrifice it selfe And of a kinge and lorde in that he hath like a moste mighty conquerour ouercome and vtterly oppressed his ennemyes and hath spoyled theym of the possession of mankinde whyche they wanne before by fraude and deceyte by lyinge and blasphemynge and hath brought vp now into his possession and dominion to reigne ouer vs in mercy lyke a most louing lord and gouernour And therfore in this article we call hym Our lorde And although this worde Dominus diuers tymes is translated in to our englysshe tongue the lorde and the place and circumstance of scripture oftentimes requireth the same yet amonge vs christen men in our common speche when we speake of Christe and call hym Lord it is mooste mete and conuenient that we call hym Our lorde to signifie and admonishe vs that we be his peculiar people redemed by hym and deliuered from the dominion and the captiuitie of the deuyll and be made his owne propre and obedient seruauntes after which sorte the heathen people bycause of their infidelitie be neither his seruauntes ne partakers of his benefites and therfore can not say and call him as Christen men do Our lord The thirde article whiche was conceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Mary FOr declaratyon of this artycle ye shall vnderstande that whan the tyme was come in the whiche is was before ordeyned and appoynted by the decree of the hole Trinitie that mankynde shoulde be saued and redemed than the sonne of god the seconde person in Trinitie and verye god descended from heauen in to the world to take vpon him the very habite fourme and nature of man and in the same nature to suffer his glorious passion for the redemption and saluation of all mankinde And for farther declaration hereof it is to be consydered that before the commynge of Christe mankynde was so blynded and drowned in synne that the true knowlege of god was euery where in the world forgotten and his lawes broken not only by the gentiles in all other nations but also by the iewes the chosen people of god to whome god had by his seruaunt Moises giuen his lawes wher by they myght knowe howe to auoyde synne and pleased hym and where those lawes gyuen by god were often by them transgressed yet almighty god dyd from tyme to tyme sende to theym his prophetes inspired with his holy spirite bothe to admonyshe them of their synnes and to teache them how they shuld truely vnderstande and
the crowne whiche he promysed vnto al men that do feare hym and loue hym and walke in his wayes The eyght article I beleue in the holy goste THe holy goste is the thyrd persone in trinitie verye god and lorde authour and former of all thynges created and procedeth bothe frome god the father and frome god the sonne one with them in nature and substance and of the same euerlastynge essence or beinge whiche the father and the sonne be of and equall also vnto them bothe in almyghtynesse of power and in the worke of creation and all other thynges perteyning vnto the deitie or godhead wherfore he is also to be honored glorified equally with them bothe This holy goste whiche is the spirite of god is of his nature all holy ye holynes it selfe that is to say he is the onely goste or spirite which with the father and the sonne is was and euer shall be the autour causer and worker of all holynes puritie and sanctimonye and of all the grace comforte and spirituall lyfe which is wrought and cōmeth into the harte of any man in so mothe that no man can thynke well or do any thynge that good is but by the motion ayde and assistence of this holy spirite neyther it is possible that the deuylle or any of those euyll spirites whiche doo possesse and reygne in suche persons as be subiecte vnto synne can be expelled or put out of theym but by the power of this holye spirite neyther it is possible that the harte of any man beinge ones corrupted and made as prophane by synne can be purged purified sanctified or iustified without the worke and operation of this holy spirite neyther it is possible for any man to be reconciled vnto the fauour of god or to be made and adopted into the numbre of his chyldren or to obteyne that incomparable treasure whyche our sauyour Iesus Christe hath purchased and layde vp for mankynde onelesse this holy spirite shal fyrste illumine and lyghten his hart with the ryght knowlege and faythe of Christe and styrre hym by grace to haue due contrition and penaunce for his synnes and shall also instructe hym gouerne hym ayde hym dyrecte hym and indue hym with suche spirituall gyftes and graces as shall be requisite and necessary to that ende and purpose Moreouer this holy sipirit of god is of his own nature full of all goodnes benignitie yea goodnes it selfe from whom procedeth all and syngular graces and gyftes of feare wysedome vnderstandynge counsell strength fayth charitie hope and all other whiche be gyuen conferred and distributed vnto vs mortall men here in the eatthe at his owne wylle and dispensation and that noo man can pourchase or obteyne ne yet receyue reteyne or vse any one of theym without the specyall operation of this holy spirite whiche gyftes neuer the lesse he gyueth not nor dyspenseth the same equally and vnto euery man in lyke but he dyuydeth them particularly and specyally to euery member of the churche as is most necessary for the hole body and in suche plentye and measure as vnto his godly wyll and knowledge is thought to be mooste beneficiall and expedient for the same All whyche thynges he dothe of his mere mercye and goodnes freeely and aboue our deseruynge Farthermore this holy spirite is of his owne nature full of charitie and holy loue yea charitie it selfe frome whome procedeth all charitie and soo by his godly operation is the bonde and knot wherewith our sauiour IESVS CHRISTE and his moste dere espouse the churche whyche is also his mysticall body be vnited knyt and conioyned togyther in suche perfecte and euerlastynge loue and charitie that the same can not be dissolued or separated And ouer this is also the very bond and knot wherby all and euery one of the very membres of Christis churche and body be vnited coupled and conioyned the one of them with the other in mutuall loue and charitie Also this holye spirite of god is the spyrite of trouthe and the autour of all holy scripture conteined in the hole canon of the bible and did not only inspire and instruct all the holy patriarches and prophetes with all the other members of the catholyke churche that euer was from the beginnyng of the worlde in all the godly truthes and verities that euer they dyd knowe speake or write but also descended and appered in the symilitude lykenes of fyery tongues and dyd lyght vpon the apostles and disciples of Christ and inspired them with the knowlege of all truth and replenyshed them with heauenly giftes and graces and shall be continually present in the catholyke churche shall teache and reuele vnto the same churche the secretes and mysteries of all truthes whiche are necessary to be knowen and shall also continually from tyme to tyme rule directe gouerne and sanctifie the same churche and gyue remission of synnes and all spirituall comforte as well inwardely by secrete operations as also outwardly by the open ministration and efficacy of the worde of god and of the holy sacramentes in the sayd churche and shall endue it with all such spiritual graces and giftes as shall be necessary for the same Finally it is to be noted that albeit holy scripture dothe worthely attribute vnto the holy goste our sanctification our iustification all other benefites whiche Christe by his passion hath merited and deserued for vs yet neuerthelesse the same be also the workes of the hole trinitie and be not to be separated in any wise although scripture commonly dothe attribute them vnto the holy goste For in lyke maner dothe scripture attrybute power vnto the father and wisedome vnto the sonne which neuerthelesse be common vnto all thre The nynth article The holy catholyke churche AFter the eight articles of our belefe in which we knowledge goddes might and power in the creation of the worlde his mercy and goodnes in our redemption and his spirituall benefites exhibited and gyuē to vs by the holy goste foloweth the nynth article in whiche we declare that we do beleue and confesse the maner of goddis working in calling vs to haue fruition of hym and to be made partakers of hys sayde benefites Wherfore we must vnderstand that besides the inward and secrete calling which god hath alwais vsed and yet still doth vse he hath also ordeyned an outward callynge of the people vnto him by preachynge of his moste holy worde vpon whiche outwarde callynge the people yeldyng assentyng and obeyeng to the same worde of god and receyuynge it also with true fayth the sacrament of baptisme as Christis lawe requireth be named in scripture Ecclesia that is to saye an assemble of people called out from other as from infidels or heathens to one faythe and confession of the name of Christ whiche worde Ecclesia is in englyshe called Churche And it is to be noted specially that in our englyshe tungue by the worde Churche we vnderstande not onely the hole multitude of
iugement whan Christ shall come as in the seuēth article of this Crede is conteyned and syt to iudge both quycke and dead almighty god shall stirre and raise vp againe the very fleshe and bodies of all men women and children bothe good and bad christened heathen that euer lyued here in this world from the beginning of the same and died before that day And althoughe the sayd fleshe and bodies were dead and buryed yea and consumed or by any meanes destroyed yet god shall of his infinite power make them all at that daye hole and perfite again And so euery man generally shal resume and take againe the verye selfe same body and fleshe whiche he had whiles he liued here on earthe and so shall ryse from deathe lyue againe in the very selfe same body and soule which he had before At whiche tyme man beyng thus made perfit in coniunction of body and soule shall at that day appere before the highe iudge our sauiour IESV CHRIST and there shall make an accompte of his workes and his dedes suche as he dyd good or euyll while he liued here in this worlde And suche as haue ledde theyr liues in obedience and obseruation of goddis commandementes and die in true faith and charitie shal than be perfitely sanctified purified and deliuered from al contagion of sinne and from all corruption and mortalitie of the flesh and shall be perpetually glorified receyue bothe in body and soule together euerlastyng lyfe Whiche lyfe euerlastynge thoughe it passeth al mennes wittes to expresse how pleasant and ioyful it is nor yet mannes capacitie can compryse and vnderstande the same as saynte Paule wytnesseth saieng That which the eie hath not sene nor the eare hath not herde nor hath not entred in to mans harte i. Cor. ● God hath ordeyned for them that loue him Yet holy scripture speketh of it after our capacitie and intelligence but farre vnder the worthynes and excellency therof The prophet Esaie saith Esa xxxv Euerlasting gladnes shall be ouer their heades they shall haue ioy and gladnes sorowe wayling shall forsake them Apoc. vii And saynte Iohn saythe God that sytteth on his throne shall dwell ouer them They shall not hunger or thyrst any more neyther sonne nor heare shal hurte them for the lambe that is in the myddes of the throne shall feede them and brynge them to the fountaines of the water of life And god shal wipe away all wepyng and teares from theyr eyes death shall endure no longer There shall be no waylyng nor cryenge nor sorowe any more Yea there is no ioy or comfort that can be wished for but it is there most plentifully There is true glory where prayse shall be without errour or flatterye There is true honour whiche shall be giuen to none onles he be worthy There is true peace where no man shal be molested or greued neyther by hym selfe nor by others There is true and pleasant felowship where is the company of blessed angels and the elect and chosen saintes of god There is true and perfecte loue that neuer shall fayle For all the heauenly company is linked and fastened together by the bond of perfecte charitie wherby also they be vnyted and knytte to almyghty god euerlastyngly Fynally there is the true rewarde of al godlynesse God hym selfe The syghte and fruition of whom is the ende and rewarde of all our beliefe and all our good workes and of all those thinges whiche were purchased for vs by CHRISTE he shall be our sacietie our fulnesse and desyre he shal be our life our helth our glory our honour our peace our euerlasting reste and ioye He is the ende of all our desyres whom we shall see continually whom we shall loue moste feruently whom we shall prayse and magnify world with out ende ¶ The sacrament of Baptisme AS touchyng the holy sacrament of Baptisme it is to be noted Fyrst that this sacrament was instituted and ordeyned by our sauiour IESV CHRISTE in the newe testament as it doth appeere by Christis owne wordes vnto his apostles where he sayeth Go ye abrode through out all the world Math. xxviii and preache the gospel vnto al people and baptise them in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy goste Furthermore that the effecte and vertue of this sacramente is forgyuenes of synne and grace of the holy goste as is manifestely declared in the seconde chapiter of the actes of the apostles where it is sayde Do penance and be baptised euery one of you and ye shall haue forgyuenes of synne and shall receiue the gyfte of the holy goste Whiche effecte of grace and forgyuenes of synne thys sacramente hath by vertue and force of the workyng of almighty god accordyng to his promyse annexed and conioyned vnto this sacrament as is manifestly declared by the worde of Christe sayeng who so euer beleueth and is baptised shall be saued Marc. xvi Whiche sayeng of our sauiour Christe is to be vnderstande of all suche persons which die in the grace conferred and gyuen to them in baptisme and do not fynally fall from the same by synne Moreouer bycause all men be borne synners throughe the transgression of our father Adam in whom as the apostle sayeth Rom. v. All haue synned and can not be saued without remission of their synne whiche is gyuen in baptisme by the workyng of the holy gost Therfore the sacrament of baptisme is necessary for the atteyning of saluation and euerlasting lyfe Iohn iiii accordinge to the wordes of Christe sayinge No man can entre into the kyngedome of god excepte he be borne agayne of water and the holy gooste For whiche causes also it is offered and pertayneth to all men not onely such as haue the vse of reason in whom the same duely receyued taketh awaye and purgeth all kynde of synnes both originall and actuall commytted and done before theyr baptisme but also it apperteyneth and is offered vnto infantes whiche bicause they be borne in original synne haue nede and ought to be christened Wherby they being offred in the faith of the churche receyue forgiuenes of their synne and suche grace of the holy goste that if they dye in the state of theyr infancye they shall therby vndoutedly be saued ¶ And here we must knowe that as touchynge originall synne in infantes lyke as they take of theyr parentes theyr originall and naturall qualities euen so they receiue from them original sinne by whiche they are made the children of they re of god and by the same haue a naturall inclination to synne by lustes and desires whiche in further age and tyme sensibly moue and styrre them to wickednes For although the parentes be neuer so cleane purged and pardoned of theyr origynall synne by baptisme and grace gyuen in the same● yet neuertheles the chyldren of them begotten be conceyued and borne in original synne Example we may take of corne whiche thoughe it
manifestly sheweth in his epistle to Tite sayinge thus i Tim. v. For this cause I lefte the Crete that thou shuldest ordeyne priestes in euery citie according as I haue appointed the. T● i. And to Timothe he saythe Se that thou be not hasty to put thy handes vpon any mā And here is to be noted that althoughe this forme before declared is to be obserued in gyuyng orders yet there is no certaine rule prescribed or limitted by the word of god for the nomination election presentation or appointing of any such ecclesiasticall ministers But the same is holy left vnto the positiue lawes and ordinances of euery christē region proiuded and made or to be made in that behalfe with the assent of the prince and ruler And as concernyng the office and duetie of the sayde ecclesiasticall mynisters the same consysteth in true preachynge and teachyng the word of god vnto the people in dispensyng and ministring the sacramentes of Christe in consecratynge and offerynge the blessed body and bloud of Christe in the sacrament of the aulter in losynge and assoylyng from synne suche persons as be sory and truly penitent for the same and excommunicatynge suche as be gyltie in manyfest crimes and wyll not be refourmed otherwise and finally in praying for the hole churche of Christ and specyally for the flocke committed vnto them And althoughe the office and minysterye of priestes and byshoppes stande chiefly in these thinges before rehersed yet neither they nor any of them may exercise and execute any of the same offices but with such sort such limitation as the ordinances lawes of euery christē realme do permit and suffre And bycause it is not mete that this so chargeable a cure shuld be committed to euery man that peraduenture ambiciously wolde desyre it Therfore saynt Paule dothe dilygently set out to his disciples Timothe and Tite the conuersation learnyng conditions and qualities of them that shuld be admitted to the mynistery of priesthode i. Tim. iii. Tit. i. writyng in this maner A bishop or a priest ought to be blamelesse as the stewarde of god not wilfull not angry no drunkarde no fyghter not gredy of fylthy lucre but giuen to hospitalitie liberal discrete sobre rightuous deuout temperate and continent and such one as holdeth the true worde of doctrine that he may be able to exhort with bolsom lerning and to reproue them that saye against it Thus we haue shortly touched fyrst the ordrynge of priestes and bishoppes Secondly their ministery office and duetie with the charge cure belonging thervnto and finally the qualities and conditions required in the same And for as moche as it is an olde heresie of the Donatistes condemned in the generall counselles to thynke that the worde of god and his sacramentes shuld be of no efficacy strength or vertue whā they be ministred by euyll men it is to be remēbred that according to the saying of saynt Gregory Nazianzene Lyke as there is no differēce betwene the selfe same image or figure of any thyng imprinted with a signet of golde and a signet made of yron or of woode or any other viler mattier euen so the worde of god and the sacramentes of god mynystred by an euyll and noughty man be of the selfe same vygour strength and efficacie as whan they be ministred by a man of excellent vertu and goodnes The cause and reason wherof is for that the priestes and byshops although in the execution of their office and administration they do vse and exercise the power and auctoritie of god committed vnto them yet they be not the principall causers nor the sufficient or of them selues the efficient causers or gyuers of grace or of any other spirituall gyfte whiche procedeth and is gyuen of god by his word and his sacramentes But god is the only principall sufficient and perfite cause of all the efficacy of his worde and his sacramentes and by his only power grace and benefites it is that we receyue the holy goste and his gracis by the office and administration of the said priestes and byshoppes and the sayde priestes and bysshoppes be but onely as officers to execute and minister with their handes and tongues the outwarde and corporall thynges wherein god worketh and gyueth grace inwarde accordynge to his pacte and couenaunt made with and to his espouse the church And this also Chrisostome affirmeth the .lxxxv. homily vpon saynt Iohn where he sayth in this maner What speake I of priestis I say that neyther aungel nor archangell can giue vs any of these thynges whiche be giuen vnto vs of god but it is the father the sonne and the holy goste whiche is the effectuall cause of all these thynges the priest dothe onely put to his handes and his tongue And in this poynt saynt Ambrose also agreeth with the sayde sayinges of Chrisostome wrytyng thus The priest layeth his handes vpon vs but it is god that gyueth the grace the priest layeth vpon vs his besechynge handes but god blesseth vs with his mighty hande The byshoppe consecrateth an other bysshoppe but it is god that gyueth the worthynesse Wherfore we must always thynke and beleue that the vertue and efficacie of the word of god and his sacramētes consisteth and dependeth in and vpon the commandement ordinance power and auctoritie of god onely and that neyther the merites or worthynes of the ministers be they neuer of suche excellencie do gyue them theyr auctoritie strength or effycacie neyther yet the malyce nor corrupte lyuynge of them be it neuer so euyll can frustrate or take away from the sayde worde or sacramentes their sayd power authoritie strength or vertue Moreouer as touchynge the order of deacons we rede in the actes of the Apostles Act. vi that they were ordered and instituted by the same apostelles by prayer and imposition of their handes vpon them And as for the qualities and vertuous conuersation whiche be required in them saynte Paule setteth them out in his epistle to Timothe in these wordes l. Tim. iii. Deacons oughte to be chaste not double tounged no drunkardes not gredy of fylthy lucre hauynge the mystery of faythe in a pure conscience And their office in the primitiue churche was partly in mynistringe meate and drynke and other necessaryes to poore people founde of the churche partly also in mynystrynge to the bysshoppes and priestes and in doinge theyr duetie in the churche And of these two orders onely that is to saye priestes and deacons scripture maketh expresse mencion and howe they were conferred of the apostels by prayer and imposition of their handes And to these two the primitiue churche did adde conioyn certain other inferiour and lower degrees as subdeacons accolites exorcistes with diuerse other of the whiche mention is made of bothe of the most auncient writers that we haue in the churche of CHRIST after the apostelles and also in diuerse olde counsayles and namely in the fourthe counsayle of Aphrike in whiche
praier superfluous neyther there wanteth any petition suite or request for suche thinges as be necessarie for oure iourney and passage in this worlde or for oure furtherance to that ●eming of the lyfe and glorye euerlastinge Secondly that euery good christen man may be assured to atteine the requestes made in this praier if he shall enforce hym selfe and apply his hole harte and wyll to the wyll and grace of hym vnto whom this prayer is made and also if he shal vtter and offer the said petitions inwardly with his hart and with suche faith confidence and truste in god as he requireth For surely no prayer is thankfull vnto god Ps cxviii Exod. xiiii but that whiche is made with the hart And therfore the prophet Dauid crieth to our lorde with all his hart And Moyses is noted to crye out aloude whan he spake no word with his mouth but he spake aloude with his hart And our lord by his prophete noteth Psal xxix that some pray with theyr lyppes and in their hartes minde nothinge lesse than that which they praye for And therfore who so euer intendeth by saying his Pater noster to atteyne his desyre he must haue with faith a good and ernest deuotion and his hart as nigh as he can voyde of vayne thoughtes and applyed to god so that the entente and desyre of his harte maye be ioyned alwaies with the prayer of his mouth And for this purpose it is mete moch requisite that the vnlearned people shulde vse to make theyr prayers in their mother tounge which they best vnderstand wherby they may be the more moued and stirred vnto deuotion and the more ernestly minde the thinge that they pray for Our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name OF these wordes Our father placed in the beginning of this petition all true christen mē ought to conceiue a great comfort and ioy in that they be taught and commaunded in this prayer to take almighty god for their father and so to call him as for example If oure soueraine lorde the kynge wolde saye to any of vs take me for your father and so call me what ioye in harte what comforte what confidence wolde we cōceyue of so fauourable graciouse wordes Than moch more incōparably haue we cause to reioyse that the king prynce of al princes shewith vnto vs this grace goodnes to make vs his children And surely as the naturall sonne may assuredly trust that his father wyll do for him all thinges that may be for his settyng forth and aduancemēt euen so we may vndoubtedly assure our selues that hauyng almighty god to our father vsinge our selfe as obedient children we shall lacke nothynge whiche may be profitable for vs toward the euerlastinge inheritaunce prepared for vs. And here is to be noted a lesson that as this word Father declareth the great beneuolence mercy and loue of god towardes vs as well in the creation as also in the redemption of man so it admonisheth vs againe of our duetie towardes him and howe we be bounde to shewe againe vnto hym our hole harte loue and our obedience and redynes to fulfyll all his preceptes and commaundementes with all gladnes and humilitie And therfore who so euer presumeth to come to god with this prayer and to call hym father and yet hath not full entente and purpose to vse hym selfe in all thinges lyke a kinde and an obedient sonne he cōmeth to hym as Iudas came to Christe with a kisse 〈◊〉 xx.i. pretending to be his frende and his seruant in callyng hym mayster and yet he was in dede a traytour to hym and a deadly ennemy And for this consideration euery christen man that intendeth to make this prayer ought inwardly and thoroughly to inserche and examine him selfe and yf he finde in him selfe any notable crime for the whiche he ought to be ashamed to call god his father Let him accuse him selfe therof to god and recognise his vnworthynes sayeng as the prodigall sonne sayde Father I haue offended the Luc. xv I am not worthy to be called thy sonne And with due repentaunce and firme purpose intente to amende his naughty lyfe let him lyfte vppe his harte to god and callinge for his grace of reconciltation humbly say Our father c. Moreouer by these wordes Our father is signified that we ought to beleue that almighty god is the common father of al true christen people and fatherly regardeth all throughe and by the meane of our sauiour Iesu Christe vnto whom all faitheful and obedient christen men be brethern by grace and adoption and called to inherite with him the kingdome of heauen And they be also brethern eche one to other hauing al one father which is god almighty And therfore we ought not onely to be of one spirite towardes our said father and to employ and endeuour our selues to the vttermost to please him and to kepe his lawes and commandementes but we ought also eche to consent with other in perfite loue charitie eche to helpe further other towardes the saide inheritaunce of heauen And fynally in al our praiers to god eche to cōprise other and to praye for other lyke as in this prayer we be taught to say Our father gyue vs our breade forgiue vs our synnes suffer vs not to fal into temptation and delyuer vs from euyll By these wordes whiche art in heauen we be taught that we ought to haue an inwarde desyre and a great care study to come to the place where our heauenly father is and moche couet his sighte and presence For lyke as a louynge chylde is euen desirous to be where his father is euen so oughte we euer desyre to be with our heauenly father and to endeuour our selues that our conuersation be al withdrawen from the worlde the fleshe and the deuyll and be sette in heauen and heauenly thinges Phili. iii. as saint Paule teacheth and we shulde continualy wayle and lament bycause we be not with oure heauenly father sayenge with the prophete Ps cxix wofull am I that my dwellynge apon the earthe is so moche prolonged In these wordes Halowed be thy name it is to be noted that by the name of god is vnderstande god him selfe the power of god the myght the maiestie the glory the wysedome the prouidence the mercy and goodnes of god and al suche other good thynges as in scripture be attributed vnto god And this name is halowed whan it is praised glorified sette forthe honoured and magnified of vs both in worde and deede And where in this petition we praye that his name myghte be halowed it is not to be taken or thought that this name of god whiche in it selfe is euermore moste holy most gloriouse most marueylous and full of maiestie can be eyther aduanced or diminished by vs or any thyng that we can do but we desyre here that this most holy name may accordinge as it is
obserue the said lawes gyuen by his seruaunt Moyses After the whiche admonitions many tymes so gyuen by the prophetes and nothynge regarded almyghty god of his infinite goodnes and inestimable mercy for the loue that he beare to mankynde dyd send at the last in to the worlde his onely begotten sonne being his eternal wisdome by whome in the begynnyng he dyd create heauen and earthe and all creatures in them to take vpon hym mans nature for to redeme mankynde and to teache the world the truth of his lawes and by what meanes the world might by faythe to be gyuen to his wordes and doctrine amende theyr lyues and atteyne to comme to the lyfe in heauen folowyng hym in his doctrine who was the waye to come to the father the Truthe to atteyne the knowlege of the father and the Lyfe it selfe wherin he shulde finally leade them to come vnto the father vnto whom god the father commaundyng the worlde to gyue full credence sayd to all men Ipsum audire beare hym Mat. xvii Wherfore the sayd sonne of god in the wombe of the blessed virgin called Mary dyd take vppon him of her very fleshe nature and substance mans nature and beyng conceiued by the holy gost was borne of her body and dyd vnite and conioyne togither the same nature of man takē of the substāce of the said most blessed virgin with his godheade in one persone with suche an indissoluble and inseparable knotte and bonde that he beynge one persone IESVS CHRISTE was is and euer shall be in the same persone verye perfecte god and very perfecte man whiche holy worke of the incarnation was not wrought by the seede of man but by the holy goste in the sayde moste blessed virgine without any motion of concupiscence or spotte of synne and was accomplysshed without any violation or detriment vnto the virginitie of that blessed virgine saint Mary who bothe in the conception and also in the byrth and natiuitie of our sauiour IESV CHRIST her chylde and euer after reteyned styll her virginitie pure and immaculate and as clere without blotte as she was at the tyme that she was fyrst borne The fourth article Suffred vnder Ponce Pilate / was crucified dead buried and descended into hell FOr declaration of this article it shal be expedient brefely to repete the processe of a great part of our sauiour Christis lyfe from the beginninge vnto the tyme of his most glorious passion with the same passion also and the descense of his soule into hell wherfore we must vnderstande that Christe very god and man after he was conceyued and borne of his blessed mother waxed and lyued forthe here in the worlde vntyll he came vnto the .xxxiii. yere of his age and that in all this tyme of his lyfe he suffred and endured for our sakes and our welthe also for our example moche bodyly affliction moche labour moch trauaile moche hunger thyrst and pouertie moche iniury and ignominy and many other such miseries and infirmities as all mortall men be subiecte vnto syn and ignorance onely except so passed ouer al the hole course of his lyfe euen frō his natiuitie vntyll his death in suche perfect obedience vnto the lawes of god and man accordyng to the wyll of his father and in suche perfecte innocencye of lyuing that no faute or blame of lyuynge ne any offence or transgression coulde iustly and truly be laid against him and yet the blynd ignorant and obstinate Iewes replete with enuy and malice as the very members of the deuyll by whom they were prouoked and enduced thervnto laboured continually by all craft and meanes they coulde to dystroye hym and at length conspiring togither they toke him serching and procuringe false wytnesse to accuse hym and after they had bette him and spette in his face and vsed al the vyllany they could vnto him they boūd him and brought him before Pontius Pilatus beinge than the chiefe iudge in Ierusalem vnder the emperour of Rome and there they most falsely accused hym as a subuerter of the lawes of god and as a persone that seduced the people and moued sedition amonge them and as a traitour against the emperour of Rome after whiche accusations our sayde sauiour and redemer Iesus Christ was greuousely scourged by the commaundement of Pylate and had a crown of thorne put vpon his head by the souldiours of the garrison and was by them not onely moste spitefully mocked and scorned but also most cruelly tormented and afflycted and after this he was at the last in publike and open iugement condemned by the sentence of the said iudge to be crucified to the intent he shoulde suffer that kynde of deathe whyche amonge the Iewes was euer most abhorred and detested and accompted to be the moste shamefull and cursed of all other and so accordynge to the sayde sentence the souldiours of the garryson crucified hym that is to say they nayled hym throughe handes and feete to a crosse and hanged hym vppon the same betwene two theues vpon a certayne hyll callyd Caluary vntyl he was deade and after he was thus deade one Ioseph of Aramathia beynge one of Christis disciples obteyned lycence of the sayde iudge to take downe the blessed bodye of oure sauioure IESV CHRIST from the sayde crosse and that done he and an other of Christis disciples callyd Nicodemus wrapped and foolded the same bodye in a cleane syndon and soo layde it and buryed it in a newe graue or sepulchre whyche the sayde Ioseph had made a stone wherein there was neuer man buried before and after he was thus crucified and deade vppon the crosse he descended in soule into hell and losed the peynes or sorowes therof wherwith it was not possible that he shulde be holden and conquered and oppressed bothe the deuyll and hell and also deathe it selfe wherevnto all mankynde was condemned by the falle of oure forefather Adam into synne The proces of our sauiour Iesu Christis life deathe buriall and discence to hell thus declared it is specially to be noted and to be beleued for a certaine truthe that our sayde sauyour in all the tyme of his moste bytter and greuous passion and in sufferynge his moste peynfull and cruell deathe not only indured and susteyned for our redemption all the peynes and iniuries and all the obprobries and ignominies whiche were done to hym mooste pacientely withoute resistence and like an innocent lambe but also that he did wyllyngly and gladly suffer this crosse and this kinde of deathe for our example that we shulde folowe the steppes of hym in pacyence and humylitie and that we shulde beare our owne crosse as he did beare his and that we shoulde also hate and abhorre all synne knowinge for suretie that who so euer dothe not in his harte hate and abhorre synne but rather accompteth the breache and violation of goddis commandement but as a lyght matter and of small weyght and importance he estemeth not the price value
newe as in the olde testament And this penance is a thynge so necessary for mans saluation that without it no man that offendeth god can be saued or attayne euerlastyng lyfe The sacrament of penaunce is proprely the absolution pronounced by the priest vpon suche as be penitent for their synnes and so do knowledge and shewe them selues to be To the obteynynge of the whiche absolution or sacrament of penaunce be requyred contrition confession and satisfaction as wayes and meanes expedyent and necessary to obteyne the sayde absolution In all which ways and meanes fayth is necessarily required as the groūde and foundation of all thynges that are to be done for to atteyne the benefite of the sacramente of penance For who can haue tru penance with hope to atteyn any grace of remission of sinne therby onles he beleue stedfastly that god is and that in the new testamēt by the mean of our sauiour Iesu Christ by the force of his passion there is promise made to his church to grant remission of synnes by his ministers to suche as falling from the grace receyued in baptisme do at his callyng turn vnto him by penāce And like as they which were not baptised being infantes whan they come to the yeres of discretion and desyre baptisme be taught fyrste to beleue in god and to renounce the deuil his workes vppon which ground of faith they desyre baptisme as a necessary sacrament for remission of syn So euery man before he entreth into the wayes of fruitefull penance must haue for a grounde and foundation such a belefe as wherby he hopeth and loketh by the sacrament of penance to atteine remission of all his synnes whervnto we do come as is aforesayd by contrition confession and satisfaction Contrition is an inwarde sorow and griefe for synne whiche euery true penitent called by goddis grace hath by knowlege of the worde of god whervpon remembrynge his owne synfull and viciouse lyuynge wherby he hath prouoked the hygh indygnation and wrathe of god and on the other syde consideryng the dignitie and puritie of that state whervnto he was called in baptisme and his promyse made there to god the manifold benefites also dayly receyued of god Herevpon the sayd penitent moued and stirred with the great loue goodnes of god shewed before towardes him on the one partie and his owne ingratitude or vnkindnes towardes god on thother partie conceiueth an ernest sorowe for that he hath relinquisshed so louynge a lorde and an hatefull displeasure that he hath folowed sinne and therby so greuously offended god of whom he was before called to be in the state of a sonne inheritour with our sauiour Iesu Christe And thus beynge moued and troubled in spirite and lamentynge the myserable state whiche he is nowe in by his owne defaut is pricked and styrred in his harte accordynge to the teachynge of his mother holy churche to repaire to suche a minister as god hath ordeyned to pronounce the sentence of remissiō of synne And knowing him to occupy that place as deputed of god doth prostrate him selfe to god there humbly procedeth to confession wherin he callyng to his remembrance his sinful life past doth knowlege to the priest al such synnes in which his conscience telleth hym that he hath greuousely offended the goodnes of god almighty the same before the priest goddis minister he declareth vttereth with his mouthe and so blameth accuseth Luc. xv Luc. xii and condemneth him selfe for an vnkind prodigall sonne to almighty god his father for a naughty seruant that knewe by light of grace the cōmandement of his lord Iesu Christe and dyd it not was indued with many giftes of the holy goste and exercised them not And so detestinge and abhorryng synne and desyrous to be raysed frome that estate confesseth in humilitie the cause of synne to haue ben of hym selfe by yeldyng to the concupiscence of the fleshe the worlde and the deuyll Wherfore he is gladde to submytte hym selfe to suche dyscipline and wayes of reformation as the priest hering his synnes offences shall by his discretion and wisedome accordyng to the word of god thynke conuenient Whiche humble submission to the gostly father with consent and agrement to receyue the said discipline is a parte of satisfaction whiche is the thirde way or meane to the sacrament of penaunce as is before rehersed And this satisfaction declareth a desire to plese and content god his father for the vnkyndenes towardes hym in fallynge from the estate of grace wherein he was called to be his sonne and inherytour of heauen vnto the myserable condition of synne wherby he hath made hym selfe mooste vile bondman vnto the deuyll But here ye must vnderstand that the satisfaction whiche is here spoken of is not so to be taken as though the penitent synner coulde worthyly merite or deserue remission of sinnes by any peyn or punishement to be by him suffered or to make to god any iuste or full recompence equiualent to the synne that he hath committed against him and so to satisfie which he can neuer do For that satisfaction hath onely our sauiour Christe wrought in his glorious passion But to satisfie as here is mēt by satisfaction is to plese god with an hūble lowly harte redy to bringe forth the fruites of penance to bringe them forth in dede as in almes prayer and fastynge with all suche meanes as maye serue for the cutting away of the occasion of synne as the minister shall thynke good according to the worde of god and with suche weping lamentyng wayling as do burst out of the hart with a ful purpose to leade a newe life and therwith to forgiue al men theyr trespaces to restore to all men that he hath vniustly taken or reteyned from them to recompēce all hurtes and iniuries done by hym accordyng to his abilitie and power and as he may not onely to wyll but also to do thus to his neighbour in dede wherin the neighbour ought to be satisfied And hereby appereth howe god estemeth satisfaction both to him selfe and to the neyghbour after the wyll and power and not after the equiualence of that which is done For to god no man can so satisfie for sinne And Christ therfore hath satisfied for all by vertue wherof our satisfaction is accepted and allowed of god who of his infinite goodnes and for Christes sake is satisfied that is to say pleased with that littell we do Whervpon after this contrition had in harte confession made with mouth and satisfaction shewed and promised the penitēt may desire to here of the minister the comfortable wordes of remyssion of synnes And the minister thervpon according to Christes gospell pronounce the sentence of absolution vnto the whiche absolution the penitent must gyue credence and beleue with a perfite fayth that his synnes be now forgyuen frely by the merites of Christes passion to the whiche forgyuenes he hath recourse by the sacrament of
asshes on ashwednesday doth put vs in remembrance that euery christen manne shulde considre that he is but ashes and earth and thervnto he shall retourne Bearyng of palmes on palme sonday dothe put vs in remembrance of the receiuynge of Christe in to Hierusalem a lyttell before his deathe and that we must haue the same desyre to receyue him in our hartes Crepynge to the crosse on good friday there offeryng vnto Christ before the same and kyssynge of it declareth our humble submission and thankes giuynge to Christ for our redemption whiche he hath wroughte for vs vpon the crosse And so finally the settyng vp of the sepulchre of Christe whose body after his death was buried And al other like laudable customes rites and ceremonies do put vs in remembrance of some spiritual thyng And therfore they be not to be contemned and caste away but obediently to be vsed and continued as thynges good and laudable for the purposes abouesaid The exposition of the .v. commaundement of god Honour thy father and thy mother IN this commandement / by these wordes Father and mother is vnderstande not onely the naturall father and mother whiche dyd carnally begette vs and broughte vs vp but also princes and all other gouernours rulers and pastours vnder whom we be nourished and brought vp ordred guiged And by this worde Honour in this commandement is not onely ment a reuerence and lowlines in wordes and outwarde gesture whyche chyldren and inferiours ought to exhibite vnto their parentes and superiours but also a prompt and a redy obedience to theyr lawfull commandementes a regarde to theyr wordes a forbearyng and sufferinge of them an inward loue and veneration towardes them a reuerence feare and lothenes to dysplease or offende them and a good wyll or gladnes to assiste them ayde them succour them and helpe them with theyr counsayle with their goodes and substance and by all other meanes to theyr power as hereafter is declared This is the very honour and duetie whiche not onely the chyldren do owe vnto theyr parentes but also all subiectes inferiours to theyr heades and rulers And that children owe this duetye to theyr fathers it appereth in many places of scripture in the prouerbes it is written Prou i. Obey my sonne the chastisement of thy father be not negligent in thy mothers commandementes Deu xxvi In the boke of Deutronomie it is also written Accursed be he that doth not honour his father and his mother And in the boke of Leuiticus it is sayde Leuit. xix Let euery man stande in awe of his father mother 〈◊〉 xxi And yf any man haue a stubburne and a disobedient sonne whiche wyll not heare the voyce of his father and mother and for correction wyll not amende and folowe them Than shall his father and mother take him and brynge hym to the iudge of the citie and saye This our sonne is stubburne disobedient and dispiseth our admonitiōs and is a riotour and a drunkerde Than shal al the people stone him to death and thou shalt put away the euill from the that all Israell may here therof and be afrayde Exod. xxi And in the boke of Exody it is also writtē He that striketh his father or mother he shall be put to deathe And lykewise be that curseth his father or mother shall be put to death And in the boke of prouerbes Prouer. xxviii the wise man also saith He that stealeth any thyng frō his father or mother is to be taken as a murtherer And although these great punysshementes of disobedient children by death be not now in the newe lawe in force strength but lefte to the ordre of princes gouernours and their lawes yet it euidently appereth how sore god is agreued dipleased with such disobediēce of children towardes their parentes for as moche as in the olde lawe he did appointe thervnto so greuouse punishementes And as almyghty god doth threaten these punishementes vnto those children whiche do breake this commandement so he doth promise great rewardes to them that kepe it For he that honoureth his father saythe the wyseman Eccle. iii. his synnes shall be forgyuen hym And he that honoureth his mother is as one that gathereth treasures who so euer honoureth his father shall haue ioy in his owne children and whan he maketh his prayer vnto god he is herde He that honoureth his father shall haue a long and a prosperous lyfe And as the chyldren by this commaundement be bounde to honour and obey theyr parentes accordinge as is afore expressed so it is implied in the same precepte that the parentes shulde nourysshe and godly brynge vp their chyldren that is to say that they muste not onely fynde them meate and drinke in youth and also set them forwarde in learnynge labour and some other good exercise that they maye eschue idlenes and haue some crafte or occupation or some other lauful meane to get their lyuynge but also they muste learne them to beleue and truste in god to loue him to feare him to loue their neighbours to hate no man to hurte no man to wisshe well to euery man so moch as they may do good to euery man not to curse not to sweare not to be riotous but to be sobre and temperate in al thinges not to be worldly but to set their mindes vpon the loue of god heauēly thinges more than vpon tēporall thinges of the worlde And generally to do all that is good to eschue all that is euill and this the parentes ought to do not by cruell entreatinge of theyr children wherby they might discourage them and prouoke them to hate theyr parentes but by charitable rebuking threatning and charitable chastising and correcting of them whan they do euyll and cherishynge mainteyninge and commending them whan they do well This office and duetie of the parentes towardes theyr chyldren is witnessed in many places of scripture First saint Paule writeth thus Ep●e vi Fathers prouoke not your children vnto angre but bringe them vp in the correction and doctrine of god Deut. vi And in Deutronomy al myghty god saythe Pro. xxix Teache my lawes and commandementes to thy children And the wise man saith The rod of correction giueth wisedome The chylde that is left to his owne will Prou. xiii shal be confusion to his mother And in an other place he saith He that spareth the rod hateth his sonne and he that loueth hym will se hym corrected Pro. xxiii And in an other place he saythe Se thou withdrawe not from thy childe discipline and chastysynge if thou strike hym with the rodde he shall not die thou shalte strike him with a rodde and shalt therby deliuer his soule from hell 〈…〉 And on the other syde it is written The sonne vntaught and vnchastised is the confusion of his father And for this cause we fynde in the boke of the kinges how that our
lord conceyued great indignatiō against Hely the chiefe prieste i Reg ii bycause he dyd not duely correcte his two sonnes Ophni and Phinees i Reg. ●iii whan he knewe that they dyd greuously offende god and how in reuenging of theyr fathers negligence and remissenes in correcting of his children almighty god toke from Hely and all his issue and householde for euer the office of the high priesthode how his two sonnes Ophni and Phinees were slayne bothe vppon a day and Hely theyr father brake his necke This example of Hely is necessary for fathers to imprynt in theyr hartes that they may se theyr children well taught and corrected lest they runne into the great indignation of almighty god as Hely dyd and not onely in this world haue confusion but also in the worlde to come haue damnation for the mysorder of theyr children throughe their defaute and they muste not thynke that it is inough to speake somewhat to them whan they do amisse for so dyd Hely to his sonnes and yet our lord was not pleased bicause he dyd not moche more sharply correcte them and se them refourmed but whan wordes wyll not serue the fathers and mothers must put to sharper correction and by such discipline saue theyr soules orels they shall aunswere to god for them And truly they greatly deserue the indignatiō of god that whan they haue receyued of hym chyldren do not bringe them vp to his seruice but without regarde what cōmeth of them suffer them to runne into the seruice of the deuyl Wherfore al fathers ought diligently to consider and remembre how moche and how greuously they offende god and of how many euils they be the cause which either bring vp their children in wantonnes and idelnes and do not put them forthe be tyme to some facultie exercise or labour wherby they may after gette theyr lyuyng or occupie theyr lyfe to the profite and commoditie of the common weale or elles do suffer their chyldren in youth to be corruptid for lacke of good teaching and good bringing vp in the true knowlege of god and of his wyl and commandementes or committe in word or dede such thinges in the presence of their children wherof the yonge tendre hartes of the said children whiche like a smal twygge be inclinable euery way and by fraylenes of youth be inclyned to euyl do take so euyl example and corruption of vices and worldely affections that harde it wyll be for them after to eschue the same This cōmandement also conteineth the honour and obedience which subiectes owe vnto their princes And also the offyce of prynces towardes theyr subiectes For scripture taketh prynces to be as it were fathers 〈◊〉 xlix nurses to their subiectes And by scripture it appereth that it apperteyneth vnto the office of princes to se that the righte religion true doctrine of Christ be mainteined and taught that their subiectes be wel ruled gouerned by good iust lawes to prouide and care that the people common weale maye encreace and to defende them frome oppression and inuasion as well within the realme as without their subiectes aiding them thervnto to se that iustice be ministred vnto them indifferently to here by themselues or by their mynisters beningly al their complaintes and to shew toward them although they offende fatherly pitie And finally so to correct them that be euil that they had yet rather saue them than lose them yf it were not for respect of iustice maintenance of peace and good ordre in the cōmon weale And therfore al theyr subiectes must again on their partes and be boūde by this cōmandement not onely to honour obey their said princes accordyng as subiectes be bound to do to owe theyr truth fidelitie vnto them as vnto their naturall lordes but they must also loue them as childrē do loue their fathers yea they must more tendre the suretie of their princes person and his estate than their owne or any others Euen like as the health of the head is more to be tendred thā the health of any other membre And by this commandement also subiectes be bound not to withdrawe their said fealtie trouth loue and obedience towardes their prince for any cause what so euer it be ne for any cause they maye conspire against his person ne do any thing towardes the hinderance or hurt therof nor of his estate And furthermore by this commandement they be bounde to obey also all the lawes proclamations preceptes and cōmandementes made by their princes and gouernours except they be against the commandementes of god And lykewyse they be bounde to obey all suche as be in authoritie vnder their prince as farre as he wyll haue them obeyed They must also gyue vnto their prince aide helpe and assistaunce whan so euer he shall requyre the same either for suretie preseruation or maintenāce of his person and estate or of the realme or of the defence of any of the same against all persons And whā so euer subiectes be called by their prince vnto pryuy counsayle or vnto the parliament where is the generall counsayle of this realme than they be bounde to giue vnto theyr prynce as theyr learnynge wysedome or experyence can serue them the moste faythefull counsayle they can and suche as may be to the honour of god to the honour and suertie of his regall person and state and to the generall wealthe of this hole realme And further if any subiecte shall knowe of any thynge whiche is or may be to the noyaunce or damage of his princis person or estate he is bounde by this commandement to disclose the same with al spede to the prynce him selfe or to some of his coūsayle For it is the very lawe of nature that euery membre shal imploy him selfe to preserue defende the heade And surely wisedome and polycie wyll the same for of conspiracy and treason commeth no goodnesse but infinite hurte damage and perill to the common weale And that all subiectes do owe vnto theyr princes and gouernours suche honour and obedience as is aforesayde it appereth euidently in sundry places of scripture but specially in the epistles of saint Paul Rom. xiii and saint Peter For saint Paul saythe in this maner Euery man must be obedient vnto the hyghe powers for the powers be of god And therfore who so euer resisteth the powers resysteth the ordynaunce of god And they that resyst the ordynaunce of god shall get to them selues damnation For rulers are not feareful to them that be good but to them that do euil Wilt not thou feare the power Do well and thou shalte haue prayse of the same for he is the minister of god for thy welth But yf thou do euyll then feare for he beareth not the sworde without cause For he is the minister of god to punishe the euyll doer therfore you muste obey not onely for the feare of punysshement but also
the deuyll and from his power and tyranny so that he shuld not by his malyce and gyles intice vs and draw vs into synne wherby we myghte fynally be broughte vnto euerlastynge damnation From the whiche also we pray here to be delyuered ¶ The salutation of the angell to the blessed virgine Mary HAyle Mary full of grace / the lorde is with the blessed arte thou emonge women And blessed is the fruite of thy wombe FOr the better vnderstanding of this salutation of the angel made to the blessed virgine Mary ye shall fyrst consyder how it was decreed of the hole trinitie That after the falle of our firste father Adam by which mankinde was so long in the great indignation of god and exiled out of heauen the seconde person the euerlastynge sōnne of the father euerlastyng shulde take vppon him the nature of mā and so as he was perfect god shuld be perfect man to redeme mankynd from the power of the deuill Luc. i. and to reconcile the same again to his lord god And for this purpose as saint Luce in his gospel declareth in the .vi. moneth after saint Elizabeth was conceiued with saint Iohn the Baptist the aungell Gabriel was sent from god into a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin which was despoused or ensured to a mā whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgines name was Mary And whan this angell came vnto this said virgin he said these wordes Hayle ful of grace the lord is with the blessed art thou emong women And whan the virgine hearing these wordes was troubled with theym and mused with her selfe what maner of salutation ti shuld be The angell sayd to her Feare not Mary be not abasshed for thou haste founde fauour in the syght of god Lo thou shalte conceyue in thy wombe and shalte bryng forthe a sonne and thou shalt call his name IESVS he shall be great and shall be called the sonne of the hyghest And the lorde god shall gyue vnto hym the seat of Dauid his father And he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer And his kyngdome shal haue no ende Than sayd Mary to the aungelle Howe can this be done for I haue not knowlege of man And the aungelle answerynge saide vnto her The holy gost shall come from aboue in to the and the power of the hyghest shall ouershadowe the. And therfore that holy one that shal be borne of the shall be called the sonne of god And lo thy cousyn Elyzabeth hathe also conceyued a sonne in her olde age and this is the syxte moneth sythe she conceyued whiche was called the bareyn woman for there is nothyng vnpossible to god To this Mary answered Lo I am the handmayde of our lorde be it done vnto me as thou hast spoken And than forthwith vpon the departure of the angell Mary beyng newly conceyued with the most blessed childe IESVS went vp into the mountaynes with speede in to a citie of Iuda and came to the house of Zacharye and saluted Elyzabeth And as soone as Elyzabeth hearde the salutation of Mary the chylde sprange in her wombe and furthwith Elyzabeth was replenyshed with the holy goste and cried with a greate voyce and sayde Blessed arte thou emonge women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe And wherof cometh this that the mother of my lorde commeth to me For lo as soone as the voyce of thy salutation was in my eares the chylde in my wombe lept for ioy And blessed arte thou that dyddest beleeue for all thynges that haue ben spoken to the from our lorde shall be performed Secondly it is to be noted that the angel Gabriell which spake to the virgine was an high angel and an high messanger And truely it was conuenient that he shoulde be so for he came with the highest message that euer was sente whiche was the entreaty and leage of peace betweene god and man And therfore the fyrst word of his salutation that is to ssye Hayle or be ioyfull was very conuenient for the same For he came with the message of ioy and so sayde the other aungell whiche at the byrth of our sauiour appered to the shepherdes Luc. ii I shewe to you said he great ioye that shall be to all the people And surely consyderyng the effectes that ensued vpon his highe message all mankynde hadde great cause to ioy For man beinge in the indignation and displeasure of god was hereby reconciled Man beinge in the bondes of the deuyll was hereby delyuered Man beinge exiled and banyshed out of heauen was hereby restored thither againe These be suche matters of ioy and comforte to vs that there neuer was or shall be nor can be any lyke And not onely for this purpose he began with this high worde of comforte but also for he perceyued that the virgine being alone wolde be moche abashed and astonied at his maruailous and sodeine commyng vnto her And therfore he thought it expedient fyrst of all to vtter the worde of ioye and comfort whiche might put away all feare from the blessed virgine And he called her Full of grace by god endued so plentuously bycause she shulde conceyue and beare hym that was the very plenytude and fulnes of grace the lorde of grace by whom is all grace without whome is no grace And this is the syngular grace by which she is called not only the mother of man but also the mother of god Thirdly by these wordes The lord is with the is declared why the angell called her full of grace for surely our lorde is not with them that be not in grace nor tarieth with them that be voyd of grace and be in synne For there is a separation and dyuorce betwene the synfull soule and our lord as the wyse man saythe 〈…〉 Peruerse thoughtes make a separation and a diuorce from god Fourthly by these wordes Blessed arte thou emonge women was ment that there was neuer woman so blessed And truely she may wel be called so moste blessed emong all women for she had greate and high prerogatiues whiche none other woman euer had hathe or shall haue Is not this an high prerogatiue that of all women she was chosen to be mother to the sonne of god And what excellent honour was she put to whan not withstandinge the decree was made of his natiuitie by the hole trinitie yet the thyng was not done and accomplished without or before her consent was granted For the whiche so solemne a messanger was sent And also howe highe grace was this that after the defaute made through the perswasion of the firste woman our mother Eue by whom Adam was brought into disobedience this blessed virgin was electe to be the instrument of our reparation in that she was chosen to beare the sauiour redemer of the world And is not this a wonderfull prerogatiue to see a virgine to be a mother conceyue her chylde without synne we may worthily say