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A69089 An excellent and godly sermon most needefull for this time, wherein we liue in all securitie and sinne, to the great dishonour of God, and contempt of his holy word. Preached at Paules Crosse the xxvi. daye of October, an. 1578 by Laurence Chaderton Batcheler of Diuinitie. Chaderton, Laurence, 1536?-1640. 1578 (1578) STC 4924; ESTC S117846 46,847 118

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the certaintie of their election Therefore to stoppe the slaunderous mouth of the aduersarie and to terrifie the secure and presumptuous professor we conclude that woorkes are necessarily required not onely for doyng of the Fathers will but also for the declaration of our faith for the confirmation of our hope for the separating of vs from all infidels and hypocrites for the example of those which are without and within the Church for the relieuing and succouring of all especially of those which are of the houshoulde of fayth for to iustifie our religion to be pure and vndefiled before God the Father for to testifie our obedience and thankefulnesse to God the author thereof finally to prayse and magnifie the great power Iustice and mercie of God the Father his Sonne and the holie Ghost one God and three persons in the whole and perfect worke of our redemption Hitherto of the necessitie of woorkes now followeth the maner of doyng which is no lesse necessarie to the fulfylling of Gods will then workes themselues because it is the cause why all our workes are acceptable to god For albeit we doe continually cal vpon God with our lippes and heare his worde with our outwarde eares and bryng foorth all other apparent workes of godlines and ryghteousnes yet if we pray not in spirit heare not with vnderstanding and beleeue and woorke by loue according to God his wyll we do not the Fathers will but our owne we walke not according to the Spirit but according to the fleshe and therefore must reape of the fleshe corruption But let vs see what this ryght maner of doyng is whereof our sauiour Christ speaketh in this place whence it is whereof it is made and to what end it must be directed the knowledge of which causes wyll breede in vs a perfect knowledge of this vpryght maner of working whether it be inwarde in minde or outwarde in maners There is but one onely author and gyuer hereof euen the Spirite of God and Christ from whome proceede and come all good counselles pure desires and godly purposes For although it bee left in our power in asmuch as the Lorde hath made vs reasonable creatures in some sorte to resemble his Image to wyll this or that thing to reason vpon this or that question to thinke vpon this or that matter to speake this or that sentence and to doe this or that woorke yet to wyll to reason to thynke to speake and to doe all these so as our mercifull God requireth of his children and so as they may bee acceptablie receyued in Christ as syncere obedience vnto God it proceedeth not from fleshe and blood neyther from the wyll of man neyther from any other creature in heauen or in earth but onely from the moste comfortable Spirit of our regeneration whose peculiar office is to begynne continue and finishe in vs his holie vesselles this gracious maner of doyng the which our heauenly Father in the multitude of his mercies hath vouchsafed vs and his Sonne our only sauiour by his death and resurrection hath most perfectly deserued and purchased for vs So the blessed Apostle Paule teacheth in the second to the Philippians who after he had charged them to woorke their saluation with feare and trembling addeth immediately in the verse following For it is God that vvorketh in you both the vvill deede euen of his good pleasure Which is a most strong and forcible reason to stryke into their heartes a reuerent feare and trembling vnder the myghtie hande of God because that although they had power to wyll and worke yet the chaunging of our wyll and drawing it vnto good the power to doe that which is vnfaynedly good and acceptable in the sight of God doe proceede onely from the spirit of regeneration Agayne the same Apostle in the eyght to the Romanes witnesseth that we knowe not what to praye as we ought but the spirit helpeth our infirmitie and maketh request for vs with syghes that cannot be expressed according to the wyll of god Wherein as he remooueth from vs this poynt of wisedome to knowe both what to praye and howe or after what maner so contrarilie he ascribeth it vnto the spirite of Adoption the onely worker thereof For it is he that moueth and stirreth vp in our heartes sighes vnspeakeable and not onely helpeth our infirmities but also teacheth vs to pray in such maner that our worke prayer may be according to the wil of god So it is in al other workes which are acceptable vnto God for those only are his children which are in the maner of doing working the wil of God led and guided by his spirit Wherefore it is said that we haue not receyued the spirit of bondage to liue and worke in a slauish and seruile feare but the spirit of Adoption which sealeth and printeth in our heartes a full assurance of faith and hope whereby at all times and in all extremities we may boldly cry Abba Father So that it is manifest and plaine hereby that all those works are carnall earthly and d●uelish which are done after any other maner then this and contrarily that those onely be good works which are done after this heauenly maner which Gods spirit doeth teach by the word who therefore is called the spirit of trueth and sanctification because he onely leadeth vs into all trueth and holynes Many mo places might here be alledged for the proofe of this doctrine but because the matter is plain cannot be gainsaid with any soundnes of reason I will omit them onely aduertising the Reader of the difference betweene vs the Catholicks in the doctrine of freewill We teach and beleeue that although we haue a natural abilitie power to wil desire speake worke yet the whole maner of vsing these gifts according to the will of God proceedeth onely from the holy Ghost as we haue taught They holde and teach the contrary if not let them declare plainely wherein they differ from vs or els ioyne with vs at the least in the vnitie of this doctrine which ascribeth the whole glory of our new birth to God alone Thus then we know the author of this worthy maner of doing now let vs further cōsider whereof it ariseth wherin it doth consist that we may stand stedfast vnmoueable in the hope of our inheritance both in regard of our works also in respect of the maner of doing It is certeine that it ariseth of diuers and manifold graces of the holy Spirit which are proper and peculiar to his vessels neither can be at any time in the wicked reprobate what pretence soeuer they make of religion godlines But the time will not suffer me to speake of all I will briefly speake of the chiefest most principal gifts wherunto also al the other almost may be referred The first and chiefest of all is true faith rooted and established in our
woorkers of miracles shall be throwen into the chaynes of euerlasting darkenes O that men woulde seriously consider this and turne vnto the Lorde with all their hearts and soules in this acceptable time of grace for euen now wisdome cryeth without the sounde of the Gospell is heard in our temples nowe is the time of peace nowe is the day of repentance To day if you will heare the ioyfull voyce of Christ harden not your heartes with the wicked of this worlde but cease from your owne workes and doe the Fathers will which is in heauen So doyng the God of peace shal sanctifie you through out and keepe your whole spirit soule and bodie blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ The reason of this sorowfull departure is for that in preaching casting out deuils and working miracles they wrought and committed iniquitie for so it is sayd Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie Not that they did vnlawfull workes but because they did lawful things vnlawfully for albeit they preached and wrought miracles both which did auaile much to the edification of the Church yet in regard of the corrupt maner of doing Christ calleth them Workers of iniquitie This doctrine condemneth all men which do lawfull thinges vnlawfully how much more those which doe vnlawfull thinges though they haue neuer so great a shewe of godlynesse Good workes I confesse must be done but such onely are good which God hath commaunded in his word not such as men by worldly wisdome haue deuised of which sort are running on pilgrimage to the dumme and senselesse images doing of penance at the priestes appointment and an infinite nomber of the same not onely in that Popish religion but also in all humaine and voluntarie seruice For they haue not so much as a shewe of commaundement out of the word and Scriptures of God as maye easily appeare to him that hath but once in all his life read ouer the Bible Here then we see how euery man maye please and displease God please if he doe that which is commaunded of God after that maner he hath commanded it displease if he doe any thing either not commanded but deuised of man or do the thing commaunded after an vnlawfull maner In consideration whereof all those that be out of the Church are iustly termed workers of iniquitie for the which at the day of Iudgement they shal be eternallye condemned Contrarily those which are in and of the Church which is the mystical bodie of Christ because they doe workes commaunded after an vpright and sincere maner Christ doth iustly call them Doers of his Fathers will to whom by promise not by desert belongeth the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting happinesse Nowe therefore to make an ende I beseeche you for the loue that you beare to your owne saluation as though Christe should beseeche you by me to abhorre and eschewe the cursed behauiour of all dissembling professours to embrace and practize the vpright and syncere maner of doing the Fathers will to contend and striue to enter in at the narrow gate of the kingdome of heauen to flie al apparance of euil to abound plentifully in all good workes keeping faith hope loue feare and watchfulnesse without wearynesse and faynting euen vntill the last moment of lyfe that Christe which is our lyfe may receyue vs into eternall lyfe and immortall glorie This is my humble petition vnto you and my daylie prayer for all the Saintes and electe of GOD that we being all most perfectly by the holie Ghost and fayth vnited and incorporated into Christe as the members of the body into the head might be partakers of the felowshippe of his glorie together with his and our Father and al the holy companie of Angels in the heauenly kingdome of all happynesse and felicitie Nowe I for my part assuredly hope and perswade my selfe that all those that loue the comming of Iesus Christ will louingly receiue this my petitiō to doe thereafter And I constantly beleeue that our most mercifull Father wil heare my prayers and graūt this my request to the euerlasting prayse of his mercie and the continuall comfort of his Churche To him therefore with his Sonne the holy Spirit three persons and one immortall and euerliuing GOD be all praise power glorie and thankesgiuing for euer euer Amen The sūme and meaning of this text Luke 13.25 26 27. The order or disposition of the iii. verses There are two sortes of professors of true religion Gen. 4.5 Heb. 11.4 Gen. 4.4 Heb. 11.20 21. 12.16.17 Psal. 50.16 17 23 Esa. 29.13 14 15 Field Matth. 13.24 25. c. Floore Mat. 3.12 Luke 3.17 Nette Mat. 13.47 Who be the false professors of true religion what is their end Ierem. 7.3 4 Rom. 2.28 29 Iam. 2 17.24.26 1. Iohn 2 4 Luke 6.46 The end of false worshippers Notes to discerne betweene the false true woorshippers 2. Cor. 13.5 Matth. 5. Matth. 23.27 28. Philip. 2 1● Philip. 3.13.14 Acts 11.23 Rom. 7.24 25. Psal. 130.4 2. Co. 5.14 15. Who be true professors of Christian religion Gods will is done after two sortes Mark. 1.11 Two things required to the doyng of Gods will. Deute 5.1 Deu. 10.12 Ioshu 22.5 Matth. 3.8 Iam. ● 14 1. Pet. 4.2 1. Iohn 1.6 7 Acts. 26.19 20. Heb. 12.14 Matth. 25. from the verse 34. to 46. Iob. 1.1 Acts. 9.36 Phil. 2.21 Oseas 4.1 2. Works are necessarie for many causes What is the ryght maner of doing the Fathers will. Iohn 1.13 Phil. 2.12 13. Rom. 8.26.27 1. Ioh. 3.18 19 1 Fayth Act. 15.8 9. 2 Hope Heb. 6.19 20 Heb. 12.1.2 Gen. 5.22 3 Loue. 1. Cor. 13.13 1. Cor. 16.14 Tit. 2.14 1. Ioh. 4.16 4 Feare 2. Cor. 7.11 Heb. 5.7 Heb. 12.28 29 1. Pet. 1.17 Prou. 28.14 5 Watchfulnes Eph. 6.18 1. Cor. 16.13 1. thess. 5.6 Mar. 13.35 36 37 Ma. 26.38 40 41 The end Gods glorie Exo. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 4. 1. Cor. 10.51 What it is to doe the Fathers will. Matt. 6.10 The last Tridentine Councell the sixt Session and 14. Canon Trid. the last the 25. Session and first decree Trid. the last Session 14. Cap. ● Triden the last Session 6. Canon 15. and 16. Trident. the last Session 25. in the decree concerning purgatory Rom. 3.27 Eph. 2.8.9 Acts. 19.15 2. Cor. 5.17 1. Sam. 13.14 2. King. 18.3 2. King. 23.25 Luke 1.6 Iohn 1.47 Mat. 8.10 Luke 2.37 Act. 2.46 Ioel. 2.16.17 The second part of the text The defēce of the best sort of fay●ed profe●●ors Dan. 12 3. Mat 9.42 Mar. 9.41 1. Cor. 9.16 The right maner of preaching respecteth vtterance the inward affection Act. 20.24 1. Cor. 1.17 21. 1. Cor. 2.1.4 5. vers 1. Co. 2.13 1. Co. 3.12 13. 1. Co. 4.19 20. 1. Thes 2.5 2. Tim. 1.13 1. Tim. 4.7 1. Cor. 2.2 1. Pet. 5.2 3. Matth. 10. 1. Co. 9.16 17. 1. Cor. 9 19. ● 1. Cor. 9.27 1. Cor. 9.10 33. 2. Cor. 4.1.2 2. Cor. 6.7 1. Thes 2.7 11. Act. 20.20 1. Thes 2.8 2. Timo. 1.13 14 Tit. 2.7 8 How nere the wicked may come to the waies of the godly Mat. 13.20 Mar. 4.15 Luk. 8.11 Act. 8.13 Gala. Matth. 23. 1. Co. 13.3 Acts. 5.1.2 Heb. 6.4 Mat. 12.50 The answere of Christ Mat. 25.41 ¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes Maiestie
men in all estates and degrees of callings as of Princes Priestes and people so they did with great aucthoritie and boldnesse discouer their seuerall and particular sinnes and threaten against them present destruction and the fearefull Iudgements of God as may appeare to euery one that shal reade with diligence iudgement their prophecies Wherefore briefely to conclude this point of doctrine the three parables of our Sauiour Christ in the historie of the Gospell of the fielde floore and nette written for a plaine declaration hereof shall fully satisfie and content euery one that beleeueth him to be the onely teacher of all trueth and righteousnesse For euen as in the fielde there groweth vp not onely sounde corne but also tares cockell and darnell in the floore there is not onely pure wheat but also chaffe in the nette not onely good things but bad as filth and such like so in the militant and visible Church the fielde floore and net of the Lorde there are not onely syncere and faithfull but also hypocritical and faithlesse worshippers of God not onely vpright and constant doers of the worde but also vaine and Idle talkers of the same finally not only such as with good consciences pure heartes and fayth vnfayned doe serue the LORD and his Church but such also as be reprobate to euery good worke whose ende is to be cast eternally from the presence of God and to be burned as chaffe in the fearefull furnace of Gods wrath and euerlasting indignation Seeyng therefore that the example of Habel and Cain in the beginning of the Worlde of Ismael and Isaac Iaakob and Esau in the families of Abraham and of Isaac seeyng God him selfe in the 50 Psalme and in the nyne and twentieth of Esay seeing also all the Prophets in their prophecies and our Sauyour Christ the doctor of all trueth both in the three former parables as also in this present place doeth declare teache and confirme the trueth of these two sortes of professours who is so blinde that he can not see this who so faythlesse that will not beleeue it who so impudent that will not confesse it Finally who can be so iniurious to his owne saluation that hauing so manye witnesses and such dayly and continuall experience of this trueth will not giue his goods body life and all that he may be accompted of the LORD in the dreadfull daye of Iudgement a doer and worker of his will The vse of this certayne doctrine serueth to moue all true Christians to take greater paynes and care to frame their heartes and works according to the will of GOD then onely to haue an outwarde shewe and appearaunce of godlinesse as also to feare and terrifie the heartes of all true professours from forsaking the true Churche of God for the impietie and vngodlines of some knowing that for the triall of Gods electe heresies vices must continue in the Church till Christ at his comming abolish them with the breath of his mouth and crush all the wicked in pieces with the yron rodde and scepter of his kingdome And so deliuer the whole gouernement of all things into the hand of God his father that he may be al in all to the praise of his power and glorie and the euerlasting comfort of all his adopted children Nowe that we may the better see and know of which sort of professors euery one of vs is let vs heare and learne how our Sauiour Christ doth describe the former sort and what is the end of this profession He sayth Not euery one that saieth vnto me Lord Lord shall enter c. in which wordes he teacheth that all the religion of this kind of worshippers and callers vpon God consisteth onely in the outward profession of himselfe and of God his Father for here to call Christe Lord Lord is nothing els but in word and outward shewe to professe Christ the sonne of God to be their Lord and master God himselfe to be their Father the holie Ghost proceeding from them both to be their sanctifier and themselues to be the seruantes of these three diuers and heauenly persons Wherfore this first sort are such professors as haue onely a shewe of true religion and godlines being voide of all faithfull obedience to god The which kind of profession though it seeme good and glorious in the sight of men yet the Lorde which onely looketh into the heartes of all by his Minister and Prophet Ieremie calleth it the wordes of lyes saying Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel Amende your wayes and your workes and I will let you dvvell in this place Trust not in lying vvordes saying The Temple of the Lorde the Temple of the Lorde this is the Temple of the Lord. Wherein the Lorde as wee see opposeth the reformation of their wayes and workes to the outwarde profession of his seruice done in the Temple which being separated from the other he esteemeth no better then the wordes of lyes And in deede it is no better for whereas this outwarde profession sheweth and after a sort speaketh vnto others that we are the true seruantes of God when as we haue but a bare and idoll resemblance of them it maketh and speaketh a manifest and loude lye and therefore is iustly called of GOD the wordes of lyes The blessed Apostle Paul in the seconde Chapter to the Romanes speaketh most plainely against this kinde of profession His wordes be these He is not a Ievve vvhich is one outvvarde neither is that Circumcision vvhich is outvvarde in the fleshe but he is a Ievve vvhich is one vvithin and the Circumcision is of the hearte in the spirite not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God. In which wordes the nature and properties of these woorshippers euidently aypeare for the Apostle affirmeth such kinde of woorship to bee onely outwarde separated from the inwarde Circumcision of the heart and the sinceritie of the worke Likewise the Apostle Iames condemneth the knowledge outward profession of the trueth in the dispersed Iewes to whō he writ because they could not iustifie the sinceritie therof both by Faith and by their works as euery true Christian ought and can doe calling verie aptlie and fitlie this kind of profession void of workes a dead fayth Iohn also in his first Epistle 2. Chap. calleth these seruers of God liers in these wordes He that saieth I knowe him and keepeth not his commaundements is a lyer and the trueth is not in him And our Sauiour Christ himselfe as it is in the Gospel of Luke doth most plainely and briefely set foorth vnto vs the whole nature and qualities of these men which may be a most fitte interpretation of this place For with great aucthoritie and power he asketh a reason why any can be moued to separate the outward worship from the spiritual seruice of the heart and sinceritie in the worke saying Why call
To the right worshipfull Master Richard Martin Warden of the Queenes Maiesties Mints and Alderman of the Citie of London Grace and peace from God the Father through Christ Iesus our Lord. I Haue sent vnto you right worshipfull and dearly beloued in the Lord according to your earnest request and my promise the summe and effecte of my Sermon preached at Paules Crosse desiring you to receiue it as a most certaine token of my vnfayned loue towardes you in Christ For although it come from an olde friend and brother in the Lord yet I send it vnto your worship for a Newe yeres gift to testifie a newe increase of my Christian loue towards you so many as shal reade it with purpose to liue according to the rule of sound doctrine and godlines And concerning you of whose integritie I haue good experience I perswade my selfe that our most mercifull Father by this meanes vvill vvorke in your heart the plentifull increase of the giftes and invvard graces of that nevv man vvhich is framed according to the Image of his dearely beloued sonne Christ Iesus For as you haue bene most earnest to haue in vvriting this doctrine so I doubt not but you vvill be most diligent in the practise thereof for vvhich cause I commit it into your hands to vse to Gods glorie the profit of his children to your ovvne comfort Grace peace and loue vvith faith from God the Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ be vvith you novve and euer Amen From Cambridge by your most louing friend and brother in the Lord Laurence Chaderton To the Christian Reader AS much reading is a wearines to the flesh so there is neither end nor profit in making many bookes True wisdome escheweth both but the folie of our time neuer ceaseth to write nether can be satisfied with reading the new and variable inuētions of men A fault amongst wise Philosophers much misliked how much more ought it to be cōdemned eschewed of al learned Christians But vaine glory desire of popular fame in the writers desire of filthy lucre in the Printers haue stuffed our English studies with many superfluous vnnecessary books to the great hurt of many good wits to the hinderance of cōstant iudgemēt in the soūdnes of Christiā doctrine A matter most necessary to be reformed by such as haue receiued authority to this end that neither our Church nor cōmon weale shuld be hurt but rather bettered by the writings of men For my part I wish with all my heart that we had fewer bookes greater skill in the old newe Testament of Christ wherin are bequeathed vnto vs most heauenly precious Iewels legacies of the immortal inheritance to which most sure word Testament if we take heed as vnto a light that shineth in a dark place we shal be directed aright in the strait way that leadeth to immortalitie happines Now touching this my Sermon if I did thinke deare Christian Reader that it would quench in the mind of any the desire of hearing the Gospell preached not rather inflame their heart both to hearing faithful working I would rather haue buried it in perpetuall silence then committed it to writing But being fully perswaded that by this meanes the Lord God in mercye wil bring into the minds of those that heard me a fruitfull remēbrance of his mighty working by the power of his spirit at that present to their singular comfort I haue in some part satisfied the earnest importunat sute of many deare Christians and brethren who did both by letters word of mouth after a sort compel me to write it The summe and effect of al I haue set downe not in the same words I spake for the Lord knoweth I neuer writ it and therfore could not but in other so plainly as I could for the capacity and vnderstāding of al. I haue added those things whereof then I could not partly for lacke of time partly for other necessary occasiōs intreat And albeit mine owne inabilitie in this kinde of writing wherein I am altogether a stranger and the feare of the seuere censure of the learned eloquent diuines did greatly disswade me yet my earnest desire both to leaue behind me some smal testimonie of my saith cōscience religion also to haue my iudgement touching faith workes approued of the English church did as it were violētly carie me to this dutiful worke of loue Now my harty desire is that this my labour may be acceptably receiued louingly expounded of all my prayer vnto God is shal be that euery one of vs according to the measure of the gift of Christ may be inabled by his spirit to hold fast the sound doctrine of pure religion in life and in death with al ioy of the holy Ghost sincerely to practise the same to the glory of Christ the edificatiō of his Church But let no man thinke that the reading of this can be half so effectual and profitable to him as the hearing was or might be For it wāteth the zeale of the speaker the attention of the hearer the promise of God to the ordinary preaching of his word the mighty inward working of his holy spirit many other thīgs which the Lord worketh most mercifully by the preaching of his glorious Gospel which are not to be hoped for by reading the written Sermons of his ministers Neuerthelesse I trust that he will blesse the reading hereof to the praise of his owne name the cōfort of his Church To him therefore by Christ be al praise honour in the Church for euer Amen Matthewe vij 21 Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth my Fathers wil which is in heauen 22 Many will say to mee in that daye Lord Lord haue we not by thy Name prophecied and by thy Name cast out deuils by thy Name done many great works 23 And then will I professe to them I neuer knewe you depart from me ye that worke iniquitie THese three short verses are a principall part of that heauenly sermon which our sauiour Christ preached in the mount vnto his own disciples and the people The summe and meaning hereof is a dreadful declaration of the final destruction and eternall condemnation of all counterfait and hypocritical professors of Gods true Religion For although in the former verses Christ did particularly describe vnto his auditorie false and dissembling prophets by their fruits to the end they might better know them yet in this 21. verse he ascendeth from that particular to a general description of all false fayned professors of the trueth of what calling and function soeuer they be of in the Church or common wealth as appeareth most plainly both by the similitudes generally vsed in the 17.18 19. verses going before and also by these words Not euerie one that saith vnto
the 2. Epistle to the Corinth the 5. chap. the 14. verse For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs because vve thus iudge that if one be dead for all then vvere all deade And he dyed for all that they vvhich liue should not hēceforth liue vnto themselues but vnto him which died for them rose againe Wherefore as the doer of Gods wil doth abstayne from euil because it is contrary vnto the wil of God and doeth good because he is constrayned with the loue of him which is onely good so the hypocrite contrarily abstaineth from euyll for feare of punishment and doth the thing which seemeth good not constrained with the loue of God but mooued of his owne will by desire of prayse or hope of reward Finally the hypocrite in all his counsels wordes workes doeth although he sometimes playnly perceyue it not more and oftener regarde the feare fauour and prayse of men and his owne priuat cōmoditie and pleasure then the feare fauour praise of God commoditie of his brethrē Seeyng therfore that the life of these men consisteth in a shewe of godlines not in the power therof in the outward works not in an acceptable maner of doyng in carelesse securitie not in a reuerēt feare to displease God in a wauering mind not in a resolued purpose to perseuer vnto the end in the staying of the riuers of sinne neglecting the fountaine to conclude in seeking themselues rather then the glory of God cōmoditie of their brethren Let vs not onely detest and abhorre it with all our heartes and soules but also examine euery one his own estate and condition that we may see whether we do truely stande in the grace of God or no. For assuredly if the outwarde workes of our Christian calling be done in this sorte and maner they neyther are nor can be vnto vs the pledges and seales of our saluation but rather the subtile sleyghts of Satan and the deceites of sinne whereby these two myghtie enemies of our redemption bewitche vs and depriue our heartes of the sure hope of our promised inheritance and saluation Let him therefore that standeth both take heede least he fall and labour also to become not only a continuall eschewer of these euills but a newe creature framed according to the image of Christ But alas I feare me if all English Protestants woulde confesse freely to Gods glory and their owne shame the whole corruption of al their thoughts in this behalfe we should see such a huge masse and lumpe of hypocrisie as no man is able to cōceiue in heart muche lesse vtter in worde For then no doubt a great nomber would say All my religion is mere dissimulation all my glorious profession of the Gospell is nothing but a vayne shewe of Christianitie yea my whole life tryed and wayed in the balance of Gods law is lighter then vanitie it self And I woulde to God that wee were all come to this humble and godly acknowledging as of all other our sinnes so especially of this secure and carelesse hypocrisie wherein almost all professours are so drowned that except the most mercyfull God by his mighty and strong hande doe rayse them vp by faith and repentance they shall perish euerlastingly without any hope of redemption Nowe therefore deare brethren for the loue of God let vs not put our trust and confidence in these and such lyke lying words as to say The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lorde and to call Christ Lord Lord Master Master or to say I am baptized I knowe the trueth I professe the Gospell and such like because except we can iustifie this outward profession of our faith to be syncere and pure by the integritie of our workes our sauiour Christ telleth vs heere that we shall neuer enter into the kingdome of heauen Thus much for the former sort of professors their maner of cōuersation their final destruction contained in these wordes Not euery one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shal enter into the kingdome of heauen Nowe followeth the seconde sorte in these wordes But he that doeth the vvyll of my heauenly Father vvhich is in heauen Wherein Christ describeth the lawfull heires of his Fathers kingdome by their fruites all which fruites be comprised in this one sentence Which do my Fathers vvill Wherfore we must learne and know that the doyng of the Fathers wyll is of two sortes First syncere and also perfect which kinde of doyng is to be founde and seene onely in the natural Sonne of God Christ Iesus for his Father gyueth this testimonie of him that in him he is well pleased The second syncere onely and imperfect Nowe as the former is peculiar to the naturall Sonne so this latter is onely proper to the adopted sonnes of god Who therefore are most fitly and wisely by it described in this place of our Sauiour for he meaneth not here the perfect doyng of the Fathers will for then no fleshe shoulde be iustified in the sight of God but the syncere faithful obseruation of those things which are agreeable vnto the will of God the obseruers wherof shall enter into the kingdome of heauen which words though they be not plainly expressed yet they are necessarily to be supplyed as is before declared Nowe considering that the doyng of the Fathers will declareth who shall be saued let vs heare what the doing of the Fathers will is The knowledge hereof ariseth of two things which are necessarily required to the acceptable working of the same that is to say the workes of the lawe or actions thēselues the maner of doyng the whole want of either of which is a manifest token eyther of infidelitie or hypocrisie For the first that works are necessarily required to the accōplishment of the Fathers will the scriptures in many yea almost infinite places do teach a few whereof to auoyd tediousnes in so plaine a matter I haue chosen for the cōfirmation of this doctrine In the 5. of Deut. the meeke faithful seruāt of God Moses cōmandeth all Israel not onely to learne know the ordināces lawes of god but also carefully to obserue them saying Heare O Israel the ordinances and the lawes which I propounde to you this day that ye may learne them and take heede to obserue them Againe in the 10. of Deuter. hee hath written to the same effect these wordes And nowe O Israel vvhat doeth the Lorde thy God require of thee but to feare the Lord thy God to walke in all his wayes to loue him and to serue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule c. Wherein by the way is to be noted that the Lord God requireth not only the workes themselues consisting in his wayes feare loue and seruice but also the right maner of doyng in these words with all thy heart and with all thy soule Iosua as he succeeded Moses in the
hearts that is a constant trust in God whereby as he hath promised vnto vs in Christ all good thinges is able and faithfull to performe so we are assuredly perswaded that he will in due and conuenient time accomplishe his promise particularly vnto euery one of vs to his glory and our saluation For Peter teaching as it is in the 15. of the Actes how the vncleane Gentiles became cleane and what was the first gift whereby the holy Ghost purified their filthy heartes to make them all one body with the Iewes without difference nameth expresly this gift of faith in these wordes And GOD vvhich knovveth the hearts bare them vvitnesse in giuing vnto thē the holy Ghost euē as he did vnto vs he put no difference betweene vs and them after that by faith he had purified their hearts For the spirit of God by faith as by a most fit instrument doth clense and purge away all filthy and corrupt maner of seruing of God and worketh sanctification of life so that the increase of faith is the increase of holynes For til we be fully perswaded that God by his holy spirit and faith hath vnited and incorporated vs into the body of Christ to liue and be conformed according to his Image and that wee and all our workes are accepted through him we can neuer thinke will speake or doe any good thing with pure heartes Therefore this faith without which it is impossible to please God sealed in our heartes by the finger of God and offering vp all our works not in our personnes but in the person of Christ in whom they must needes be acceptably receiued is the first and chiefest gifte of regeneration out of the which ariseth though not a perfecte kinde of obedience and seruice of God for we beleeue but in part yet such a kinde as pleaseth God in Christ profiteth his Church and causeth vs to feele that peace and quietnes of conscience which passeth all wisdome and vnderstanding And therefore this faith aboue all things chiefly is to be begged at the hands of our merciful father that we may attaine vnto this right maner of doing his will and also the voyce of Christes Gospell sounding by his ministers in the Church by which meanes onely ordinarily it is obtayned is most diligently to be receiued and heard The second gracious gifte of the holy Spirit though it be a fruite of the former as the other which followe are yet it hath a seuerall vse I meane a stedfast and ioyfull hope for the full and perfect fruition of eternall life For as faith doth apprehend applie and as it were by a hand reache vnto euery man particularly the promises of God concerning eternall life in Christ and also Christ himselfe in whom all those promises are Yea and Amen fully and perfectly accomplished so hope vseth enioyeth and after a sort euen in this life possesseth all those thinges which are promised of God and apprehended by faith yea euen eternall life it selfe In consideration whereof the Apostle affirmeth that we are saued by hope that is to saye by the benefite of hope we enioye and possesse alreadie our saluation though as yet absent So that he which looketh vpon present things that are seene to haue saluation in them he renounceth hope which gift only in the elect is the faithfull keeper and possessor of our saluation purchased by Christ For it is called by the Spirit of God in the 6. to the Heb. the ancre of the soule in these wordes Which we haue meaning hope as an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast and it entreth into that vvhich is vvithin the vaile whither the forerunner is for vs entred in euen Iesus that is made an hye Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech For as the whole vse of the Ancre is to holde fast the shippe in one sure and certaine place notwithstanding all tempests and waues beating against it because it entereth into the very depth and bottome of the sea there taking fast hold euen so the principall vse of hope is to enter into the heauen of heauens where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God and to hold fast our soules there with him notwithstanding all the waues tempestes of Satan sinne and condemnation do beate daily continually against them As therfore faith is necessary to leade vnto Christ so hope is also necessary to keepe vs alwayes with him In regard whereof we are by the holy Ghost earnestly exhorted in the Christian race which is set before vs as to run with patience so especially to looke to Iesus the author finisher of our faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the Crosse despised the shame is set at the right hand of the throne of god Whereby it appeareth that this hope doth most liuely set before our consciences the presence of God Christ with the fruition of the kingdome of glorie so worketh in vs an vnspeakeable ioye and patience in all aduersities Whereof none of the reprobate or malignant church hath euer tasted to their saluation nether shall do but the children of God do not only tast hereof but also leade the whole course of their life in this hope as in the presence of Christ God for which cause they are said to walke with God. The third gift is a sincere loue of God man a most certaine and infallible note of a true Christian and more profitable to our brethren the Church of God then either of the former as the Apostle teacheth in the first to the Corinthians 13. saying And nowe abideth faith hope loue euen these three but the chiefest of these is loue The reason is because faith doeth apprehende those things we haue not hope doth retaine and enioye them but loue doth drawe out of vs the daily exercise and wise employing of the talents receiued to the benefite of the Church So that for apprehending benefits that are absent faith is the chiefest for the ioyfull retayning of them hope is the chiefest but for the vse and employing of them to the edification of others loue is the chiefest and therfore in this respect iustly and truely preferred of the Apostle if we attribute to euery one their proper vses and effectes If then we purpose to obserue a right maner of fulfilling the Fathers wil we must imbrace this grace also and gift of the holy Ghost that al our workes maye sauour and be done in loue Vnder loue I comprehend zeale a most excellent gift giuen vnto the Saints of God for to this end Christ hath giuen himselfe that he might redeeme vs from all iniquities and purge vs to be a peculiar people to himselfe zealous of good workes So we see that the Lord hath giuen vs his Sonne that we shoulde loue him which loued vs first that we should serue him diligently zealously all the
and holy bread offeringes carnall fastinges crossinges anointinges with infinite moe of the same sorte All which inuentions of men are directly contrary to that worship which our Sauiour Christ witnesseth to consist in Spirit and trueth and therefore iustly condemned For if bodily exercises which may be well vsed are neither profitable of them selues neither anye parte of the worshippe of God doe we not iustlye abhorre and detest the traditions which are after the commaundements and doctrines of men And nowe as it is certaine that they fayle in these thinges so also in the ende whereby all our actions must be measured and esteemed For in that they ascribe righteousnesse in parte to their workes which they haue done they may with as good reason challenge a part of the glory of their redemption whereby the Lord of necessitie must be robbed of his honour to whome belongeth all glory and dominion Thus much I haue spoken only of skilful malicious and obstinate Papists not of the poore ignorant ones which neither haue knowen the trueth neither haue their conscience set fixed in heresie Albeit I dare affirme that neither these neither any other obstinate and wilfull heretike or ignorant person doeth or can doe the Fathers will Because as heresie is strong to cōdemne so ignorance is blinde and causeth vs to fall into the pit of condēnation Seeyng therefore that this doctrine of our Sauiour Christe condemneth Atheists Infidels Iewes Libertines Papists and al other sects of heretikes ignorant persons euery one that is not of the true Church of God we had neede with all care and studye to trie and examine the very bottome of our heartes and rippe vp all the inwarde and secret corners of our consciences least we also be iustly reprooued and condemned by the same For assuredly we must all in the day of iudgement be tried and made knowen to the worlde by the practise of this doctrine to the glory of God the comfort of our owne hearts whether we haue truelye tasted of the gifte of God in Christ or no but if we do content our selues with the shadowes of inwarde godlynesse as with the outwarde vse of Baptisme and the Supper of the Lorde with lippe seruice and such externall kinde of profession denying the power thereof in our heartes and workes wee deceyue our owne heartes we depriue our soules of the ioyfull fruition of Gods presence and walke as fast as can be towards the place of darkenesse and endelesse destruction For this is the doctrine of the Sonne of God Not euerye one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my heauenly Father which is in heauen Goe to then you carnall and worldely Protestants that saye Lorde Lorde God be praysed and God be thanked for all his giftes c. I demaunde this of you in the person of Christ whose seruant I am though most vnworthie shewe me this your fayth and professed religion by your workes and iustifie it before me the Church of god For was not Abraham our father iustified through woorkes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the altar Was not Rahab the harlot iustified through woorkes when she had receyued the messengers and sent them out another way Knowe therefore for a certeintie all you that professe the feare of God that fayth professed without woorkes is dead Yea as the bodie without breath so fayth without woorkes is cleane dead and therefore but a shadowe of the true fayth which woorketh by loue But ye wyll say We knowe and beleeue that Christ is the Sonne of god What then the deuils beleeue also tremble yea and confesse IESVS wee knowe and Paul wee knowe but who are yee Yea but wee by Baptisme and the Sacrament of thankesgiuing are become the professours of Christ Was not Iudas a professour also yea a preacher and a worker of miracles But wee are no enemies and persecutors of Christ as he was No more were those dispersed Christians to whome Iames wrytte nay they suffered manye troubles for the outwarde profession of the trueth whome notwithstanding he condemneth for want of workes These thinges therefore are but clokes of hypocrisie and wordes of lyes whereby Satan carryeth away manye from the wayes of godlinesse and life into the paths of wickednesse and destruction It is not then the outwarde shewe of Christianitye in countenaunce worde and worke that auayleth any thing but onely a newe creature in Christ In consideration whereof I heartily desire and beseeche you all from the hyghest vnto the lowest both to flye this damnable corruption of worldly and carnall men and to giue all diligence to keepe and obserue this heauenly maner of doing the Fathers will. Take vnto you aboue all thinges fayth ioyne vnto faith hope vnto hope loue and brotherly kindenesse vnto brotherly kindenesse reuerent feare of the Maiestie of GOD vnto a reuerent feare a continuall and ●●cefull watchfulnesse in all good workes For if these be amongest you and abound more and more according to the measure of the gift of Christe they will make you that ye neyther shall bee idle nor vnfruitefull in the profession of Christ and his Gospell But he that hath not these thinges what face and countenance so euer he carrieth of religion wisedome learning and vertue he is blinde and can not see farre into the mysterie of godlinesse or els hath through ingratitude altogether forgotten that he was purged from his olde synnes Seeyng then by this meanes not onely an entring shall be ministred vnto you into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour IESVS Christ but also your effectuall calling and eternall election shall be fully ratified vnto your owne heartes and consciences so as you maye knowe perfectly that nothing can separate you from the loue of GOD if there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if anye fellowshippe of the Spirit if anye compassion and mercie thinke on those thinges which you haue now heard fulfill these things and you shal neuer fall but the God of peace shal be alwayes with you neither shall the comforter euer depart from you But peraduenture some will say O Lorde who is able for these things In deed in respect of man it is vnpossible but with God as all other things so this is possible and hath bene by his power wrought in man For doeth not the holy Ghost witnes of Dauid that he was a man according to Gods own heart of Hezechia that he did vprightly in the sight of the Lord according to al that Dauid his father had done of Iosia that he turned to the Lorde with all his heart and with all his soule and with all his might according to all the lawe of Moses of Zacharie and Elizabeth his wife that they were iust before God and walked in all the ordinances of the Lord without reproofe of Nathanael that he was an Israelite