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A63780 Truth vindicated against all heresies shewing how the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent is distinguished : the woman cloathed with the sun discoverd, she having the moon under her feet : the Old and New Testament made to agree and God's justice and mercy magnified. Marsin, M. 1698 (1698) Wing T3162; ESTC R32876 65,626 96

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blind to thy self such are full of Darkness and then how great is that Darkness Mat. 6.22,23 for that leads to utter Darkness But for some there is a Redemption in the World to come for all that dyed in Adams Transgression will be cleared from Original Sin by Christ 1 Cor. 15.22 and so a Redemption for all Children in time to come For then the Son shall not bear the Iniquity of the Father neither shall the Father bear the Iniquity of the Son the Soul that sinneth it shall Dye Ezek. 18.20 But in this time it is only the Children of the Believer is Holy 1 Cor. 7.14 before they have committed actual Sin and the Believer is he that believes Salvation is to be had according to the words of Christ but at Judgment there is none Condemned but for the Deeds done in the Body 1 Cor. 5.10 and then all Children will be cleared and likewise all them unto whom God hath promised Mercy will then accordingly find Mercy as the Meek the Mercifull c. Mat. 5. and all that order their conversation aright Psal 50.23 and the Ignorant shall be beaten with fewer Stripes than those that wilfully offend Luke 12.47 And whereas it is said He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not Life 1 John 5.12 These Words do no ways exclude a Redemption by Christ for some in the World to come or Restoration but for some Sin there is neither forgiveness in this World nor in the World to come Mat. 12.32 1 Joh. 5.16 But whereas it is said Where the Tree falleth there it lieth thereby it shews that after Death we can no ways help our selves as we may now by Repentance and Amendment of Life but all that go into the Pit must there stay till they are brought to Judgment to receive their Sentence of release or final Condemnation but the coming of the Lord the raising of the Saints the judgment of this World and the restoration of Israel will be many Ages before the last Judgment when the Sea Hell and Death deliver up their Dead Rev. 10.12 In which God hath secret places for Souls which we know not of for all that go not to Heaven do not go to the Fire of Hell for what the Lord speaks by the Law and Gospel is but to them that are under it as I have proved and for them that are under the greater light they will fall under the greater Condemnation but whereas the Prophet prays Jer. 10.25 Pour out thy Fury upon the Heathen that know thee not and upon the Families that call not on thy Name for they have eaten up Jacob and devoured him and consumed him and have made his Habitation Desolate The Prophets Petition here is only against those Heathens that devoured Jacob and laid wast his Dwelling Place The same also is said upon their like Cruelties in Psal 79.6,7 And whereas the Apostle saith The Lord will come to take Vengance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1.8 And those are they that know not God that believe he will not Reward and Punish according to his Word VIII Concerning the drawings of God as to when and upon what account Christ then thus Spake NOW whereas the Lord saith No Man can come to him except the Father draw him John 6.44 And also the Lord saith in vers 65. No Man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my Father The Lord Christ hath here his reference to the then time in which he appeared as a mean Person which in Scripture is termed the form of a Servant and those that were then first called in had the more immediate drawings of God and the Words of the Lord here had their tendency to the Remnant with the rest of the Elect that were given him of his Father unto whom the Holy Ghost was afterwards given to be in them And therefore the Lord saith in the 45. vers It is written in the Prophets and they shall be all taught of God The Lord here having his reference to the time that the Holy Ghost should be given for the establishing of the Gospel Heb. 2.3,4 and as an earnest of their Inheritance in time to come Ephe. 1.14 And whereas the Lord saith Every Man that hath learned of the Father cometh unto me Whether the Lord in these Words meaneth only the Sheep that were his Fathers before and given to him or all them of Israel who then lived according to the rule of Gods Word for of such it may be said they were taught of God in that they were guided by his Precept and unto all that fear his Name in Israel was the Word of this Salvation sent Acts 13.26 But the Lord seems rather here to have his peculiar reference to them that was then given him by his Father but the reason the Lord speaketh thus mystically to them was because the Multitude had seen the great Miracle that he did in feeding Five Thousand with Four Loaves and Two Fishes Upon which the Multitude thought to have taken him by force and to have made him a King but the Lord knowing their thoughts went privatly from them and the Multitude seeking after the Lord which when they again had found him he then spake so mystically unto them that they could not understand him and therefore they said they were hard sayings who could bear them and from that time many of the Disciples went back and so the Lord brake their design of making him a King for his time to Reign was not then but these very Persons that did not then wilfully depart from him but went away because they could not then understand his sayings Christ said unto them in the 27. vers Labour not for the Meat which perisheth but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you Which was to those very Persons that sought after him to make him a King and who had eaten of the Loaves and were filled For though by those hard sayings the Lord brake their design yet from the Word of the Lord it is plain they were not to be forgotten by him And whereas the Lord saith vers 39. This is the Father's Will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing Again in the 40 vers And this is the Will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting Life That is every one that so believeth in the Son as to walk in the Precepts of the Son it is likewise the Father's Will that all such may have everlasting Life which is if they continue in well doing then will the Lord raise them up at the last Day which is the last Day of the Power of this wicked World For God is not willing that Man should perish but that they
if so be the Spirit of God dwell in them Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his vers 9. Now there was a twofold Indwelling of God in the first Churches by his Spirit That is there was first a complying frame of Spirit to the Will of God so as not to walk after the Will of the Flesh but after the Spirit which was in a holy Conversation without which no Man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 For if we have not thus the Spirit of Christ we are none of his for it is required that the same Mind be in us as was in Christ Jesus Phil. 2.5 Therefore it is not the Seed after the Flesh to whom the Promise belongs which live after the Will of the Flesh and of the Mind whether of the natural or the adopted Seed of Israel they are not the Seed to whom the Promise is made but the Seed in Christ and Isaac both of Jew and Gentile which walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit so as to have their Wills brought into subjection unto the Will of God are the Seed to whom the Promise belongs For to be carnally minded is Death but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace vers 6. For the Kingdom of God and Christ must be within us Luke 17.21 if we are his For Christ must have the ruling Power in the Heart And God also saith Give me thy Heart And when we give to God and Christ the ruling Power in our Heart then is his Kingdom within us And if Christ be in us the body is dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness vers 10. Thus the true Believer is dead to the World that he may live to God And this ruling power Christ had in the hearts of his Disciples before he gave them the Holy Ghost And likewise all that did receive the Holy Ghost to be in them for the confirmation of the Gospel Christ had first the ruling power in their hearts and they yielded to him to be his Servants and then were they Baptized and thus they were prepared before they could receive the Holy Ghost to be in them by which they were then glorified and had power to speak with Tongues and work Miracles and Prophesy and understand Prophesies for the Spirit was to teach them all things John 14.26 And so by all it was then known who were the Elect And these were those whom God made to differ 1 Cor. 4.7 But some through negligence and heedlesness the Prince of Darkness makes to differ they following his dictates and so corrupt th●… way and when they have accustomed themselve● 〈◊〉 do evil then it is they cannot learn to do well A●… some make themselves to differ by taking heed to their Ways according to the Word of God And so by considering their ways they become wise Psal 119. ● For God hath promised to bless such endeavours Prov. 3.6 For the common drawings of God are the Invitations of his Word and the good motions of his Spirit But the fore-mentioned were chosen according to the Counsel of the Will of God by the which Will they were sanctified Heb. 10.10 And received the Holy Ghost to be in them And Christ said the World could not receive the Holy Ghost because they knew him not John 14.17 For the World then lay in Wickedness and therefore they could not then receive him because they knew him not and were not prepared for the receiving of him 2dly God did not intend to give the World the Holy Ghost to be in them but to be with all such as will keep his Way And therefore Christ prayed for his Disciples and first Churches which believed on him through the Word 〈◊〉 ●he Disciples as he did not for the World but that 〈◊〉 World through them might believe that God had sent him John 17.21 And therein he prayed for the World and by the evident Witness of the Holy Ghost in them the World did believe and the Nations embraced the Faith by laying hold of the offered Mercy in the common Salvation And Christ did but promise the Remnant which were his Father's Sheep before and given to him that he would be with them to the end of the World and that he would send them another Comforter which should abide with them for ever John 14.16 But he doth not say In them for ever And he will be with all while they keep the Way But the Apostle knowing that the Holy Ghost would 〈◊〉 remain in their succeeding Generations in this time 〈◊〉 ●efore he saith Prophesie should fail and Tongues they ●ould cease and Knowledge it should vanish away 1 Cor. 13.8 Which came to pass when the Nations came to have no Love to the Truth but took pleasure in Unrighteousness Then God gave them up to strong de●…sions that they should believe Lyes 2 Thes 2.10,11,12 〈◊〉 he did Israel for Sin to blindness of Mind But Love and Charity among the Faithful was ever to remain as Love to God in their obedient walking according to knowledge and Charity to their Neighbour For Faith Hope and Charity were the Graces that would abide 1 Cor. 13.13 with them that will be faithful And the Apostle saith The time would come when they would not endure found Doctrine but after their own Lust shall turn away their Ears from the Truth For the generality of the World chose to themselves false Teachers before God gave them up to delusions 2 Tim. 4.3 For a Believer is no longer a Believer than a Righteous Man is a Righteous Man in the day that he wilfully commits Iniquity Ezek. 33.12 But they which live holily thereby bring forth Fruit to the Spirit But the Eternal Life that Christ gave to his Sheep which were his Father 's before was given to their Persons and Posterity and to every Believer while they continue in Believing Salvation is to be had according to his Word in the way of their Obedience For every Tree which bringeth not forth good Fruit is hewn down and cast into the Fire Mat. 3.10 And it is a meer Stratagem of the Prince of Darkness in perswading any Man God will not punish according to his Word that was the way he beguiled Ewe and so he doth the generality of Mankind IV. A Twofold Indwelling of Christ by his Spirit in the first Churches AND whereas St. Paul saith Rom. 8.11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the Dead 〈◊〉 also quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Here the Apostle writes to the elect Church among the Romans who were then called and justified and glorified by receiving the Holy Ghost to be in them 1 Pet. 1.11,12 But these had not the Promise from Christ that none should pluck them out of his Hand That Promise did appertain to the Disciples which were of that Remnant
vvas his VVill and his VVord he Gloriously and Terribly appeared on Mount Sinai and to confirm the Gospel he first sent dovvn the Holy Ghost in cloven Tongues like Fire Acts 2.2 And then because that vvould not be a sufficient Evidence to the VVorld vvhat vvas done at Jerusalem altho there vvere then some of all Nations there then present yet notwithstanding for the farther confirmation to the World that God had sent Christ he therefore took from among the Gentiles a People for his Name at the first visiting the Gentiles by the Gospel Acts 15.14 Who through the conviction of the Spirit upon the word of the Disciples believed in Christ through their Word John 17.20 And the Word in this place Christ terms their Word because they received it from the Mouth of the Disciples and believed it God having then given them no other outward visible Testimony than what they had from the Disciples whose Word they believed and so were Baptized And afterwards the Holy Ghost was given to be in them according to the Promise of the Lord John 14.17 by which they were glorified ver 22. 1 Pet. 1.2 And became united to God by partaking of that one Spirit that the World might believe that God had sent Christ John 17.21,22,23 by the mighty Power Signs and Wonders that were seen among them These were those that were foreknown called justified and glorified Rom. 8.29,30 by their receiving the Holy Ghost to be in them by which their Bodies became the Temples of the Holy Ghost These were those that when they were brought before Governours and Kings were to take no thought how or what they should speak for it should be given them in that Hour what they should speak for the Spirit of the Father spake in them Mat. 10.19,20 For the Holy Ghost which was but with the Disciples was afterwards given to be in the Disciples and first Churches John 14.17 chap. 17.21 So then the World did not believe in Christ through the alone word of the Disciples but through the evident demonstration of the Spirit of God which was evidently and visibly mannest in the Elect by their Speaking with Tongues and working of Miracles so as the World thereby might have sufficient Evidence to believe that God had sent Christ And thus was the Prayer of Christ fulfilled in that the World might believe that God bad sent him John 17.21 And the Gospel being thus wonderfully establish'd Heb. 2.4 Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things is they were first delivered and not as we first received them And the care of the Lord was such that although he commanded his Disciples to teach all Nations Mat. 28.19 yet notwithstanding they were for bidden by the Spirit to preach the Word in Asia and Bythinia Acts 16.6,7 till such time the Elect were called in that by their receiving the Holy Ghost to be in them they might be a Light to the World And afterwards the Word was preached in Asia and believed on there Rev. 1. And St. Paul saith That the Gospel had been preached to every Creature under Heauen Gol. 1.10,23 And that their sound went through the World Rom. 10.18 And that the World embraced the Faith in the Apostles time Col. 1.16 And their standing was as they continued in the Faith and were not moved away from the hope of the Gospel by which the promised Hope is attained And upon the perfermance of this condition God will never forsake any for as the Lord is the Author of Faith so to them that obey him he will be the Finisher Heb. 12.2 chap. 5.9 the word our in this Verse is not in the Greek And whereas St. Paul saith That none can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12.3 This the Apostle spake when the Gospel was first publish'd at which time the Holy Ghost was given for the confirmation of the truth thereof But since the Christians have learned to say by rote that Christ is the Son of God without the assistance of the Holy Ghost And whereas the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 2.14 The natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him neither can be know them because they are spiritually discerned That is whilst the natural Man gives himself to sensual delights as the pleasures and profits and other advantages of this life which in the 6th vers is termed the wisdom of this world he will not give himself a liberty to consider his ways to be wise And therefore such cannot receive the knowledge of the things of God because they are spiritually to be discerned that is by a considering Spirit or a Spirit of Consideration And therefore God often calls to Man to consider their ways Deut. 32.29 Job 34.27 Psal 50.22 Isa 1.3 Chap. 5.12 Ezek. 18.14,28 Hos 7.2 2 Tim. 2.7 Rev. 2.5 And also St. Paul saith 1 Cor. 3.18 If any Man among you seemeth to be wise let him become a Fool that he may be Wise For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God But by our forsaking the Vanities Pleasures and subtil Craftiness of the World is the way to become wise in Spiritual things And if ye resist the Devil he will flee from you draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you James 4.7,8 And David by making the Law of God his Meditation became wiser than all his Teachers Psal 119.99 And if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God who giveth and upbraideth not and it shall be given him James 1.5 If thou criest after knowledge and liftest up thy Voice for Vnderstanding If thou seekest her as Silver and searchest for her as for hidden Treasures then shalt thou understand the Fear of the Lord Prov. 2.3,4,5 Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with thy getting get Vnderstanding She shall give to thine Head an Ornament of Grace a Crown of Glory shall she deliver to thee chap. 4.7,9 But the worldly wise men the Apostle saith will be taken in their own Craftiness 1 Cor. 3.19 And whereas the Apostle saith vers 7. Neither is he that planteth any thing neither is he that watereth but God that giveth the encrease This he spake upon the first publication of the Gospel upon the calling in of the Elect which great increase God gave by a fore-appointment of whom he said they knew God or rather are known of God Gal. 4.9 Because they were those that were fore-chosen For herein he had his reference to the then time which was the great Day of Salvation when the Elect were called in and a Door of Mercy set open to the World that they might take hold of the offered mercy in the common Salvation The which the Nations did and so became the Seed of Abraham But they that were made the Temple of God if any of them defiled the Temple of God him would God destroy 1 Cor. 3.16,17 For St.
TRVTH Vindicated Against All HERESIES SHEWING How the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent is distinguished THE Woman cloathed with the Sun discovered she having the Moon under her Feet The Old and New Testament made to agree AND God's JUSTICE and MERCY Magnified LONDON Printed and Sold by Edward Pool at the Sign of the Half Moon under the Royal Exchange Abel Roper at the Black Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church Fleet-street Mr. Michael at the Crown and Cushion in Westminster-Hall And at Mercer's Chappel in Cheapside 1698. I have by God's assistance made plain the true meaning of this Text which I found to be much abused by one who in his Book saith He knows not but that he may be the Elias which was to come And he in his Book has thrown the miscarriage of the Devil and Man upon God upon the mistakes of this and some other mistaken places of Scripture By which mistaken places the Prince of Darkness has got wonderful advantage to the destruction of many thousand poor Souls I. Chap. GEN. 3.22 And the Lord God said Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil And now least he put forth his Hand and take also of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever Now in that God said Behold the Man is become as one of us to know go●… and evil That was the Man became like God in the knowledge of good and evil For God had the knowledge of good and evil to distinguish between the excellency of the one and the abomination of the other For God was of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity Hab. 1.13 That is to behold either the Pride or Malice of the Devil or the evil of Man with approbation And Adam and Eve when they had eaten of the forbidden Fruit they became ashamed of the Evil they had done whereby their Nakedness was discovered to them And so the Evil of Sin became disliked by them And in that Adam and Eve disliked Sin and liked Good therein they became like God in the knowledge of good and evil In that they disliked the one and loved the other tho' not in that perfect degree yet unto God it might bear a resemblance For Man was at first created in the Image of God yet infinitely short of the glorious perfection of God who is an unchangeable Being and beyond the Power of Satan's deceiving But Adam and Eve being ashamed of what they had done therein they were quite contrary to the Devil for he was without shame and without excuse For whatsoever Evil he commits he never is surprized or drawn into it but he always doth the worst of Evils with his best liking And whatever Wickedness he does he is the Father of it John 8.44 And not that the Evil of Sin was first determined by God as is falsly asserted by some Now Adam and Eve were beguiled and drawn into the Snare by the Devil And he endeavoured to ensuare our blessed Lord when he said If thou be the Son of God cast thy self down for it is written He shall give his Angels charge concerning thee and in their Hands they shall bear thee up least at any time thou dash thy Foot against a Stone Mat. 4.6 So likewise Satan used perswasions to Adam and Eve in setting forth how beneficial the eating of that Tree would be to them And then she apprehended it was a Tree to be desired to make one wise And Wisdom is pleasing to God and Man And he that hateth Understanding is a Fool 1 King 3.9,10 Prov. 1.22 And it was by Satan's plausible Insinuations that he deceived them he telling them They should be as Gods knowing Good and Evil. And that God did but threaten them and that they should not surely dye Gen. 3.4 So he beguiled them and they did eat but not as they had any dislike to good or delight in evil but the contrary for he perswaded them they should be like Gods or God and when they saw by what they had done that their Natures were defiled so as thereby their Nakedness did appear to them they were ashamed And where there remains Fear and Shame there remains a Child-like frame Now Adam beholding his Sin with fear and Shame Gen. 3.7.10 He thereby shewed his dislike to Sin And therefore God had compassion on Man and promised him a Saviour And in the State that Adam was then in God saw a probability that he might still take and eat of the Tree of Life and therefore the Lord sent him forth of the Garden least he should put forth his Hand and take also of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever Gen. 3.22,23 the which God before they had Sinned gave them free liberty to do Gen. 2.16 And therefore God determined not Mans miscarriage by not putting him in ability capable to stand as some have falsly imagined But God having said before to Adam that in the Day that he did eat of the Tree of knowledge of Good and evil he should surely die Gen. 2.17 And it being impossible for God to lye Heb. 6.18 Therefore God sent them out of the Garden least they should take hold of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever And God rather choosing to part with the Son of his Love from the Throne of his Glory to Suffer for Sinners his Love to his Creatures made that possible but for God to lye is impossible Therefore Adam for his transgression dyed in the day of a Thousand Years For one day is with the Lord as a Thousand Years and a Thousand Years as one day 2. Pet. 3.8 And for the Sin of Adam's transgression there was but the punishment of this Life and Death pronounced against them with a comfortable promise by the Seed of the Woman Gen. 3.15,16,17,18,19 but the Fire of Hell was not threatned to them neither was Hell Fire prepared for Man but for the Devil and his Angels Matt. 25.41 who before the Creation of the World rebelled 2. Now there is a great deal of difference in Scripture between the meaning of the Creation of the World and the Foundation of the World there being but one Creation of the World but several Foundations in as much as there was made several Worlds Heb. 1.2 As the Old World This World and the World that is yet to come All having several Foundations Adam being the Foundation of the Old World Noah the Foundation of this World And Abraham the Foundation of the World to come So as all that come in heirs to that World must come in as the Seed of Abraham Gal. 3.28 And as the Twelve Tribes are the Foundation of the World to come so the Twelve Apostles are said to be the Foundation of the Heavenly City having their names writ on the wall thereof Reve. 21.14 And the Twelve Tribes when they were brought out of Egypt to be placed in the Heart of the Earth and to
Paul's Epistles had their peculiar tendency to them of that time to whom he wrote who then had turned from worshipping dumb Idols to ferve the living God who was then in a more peculiar manner brought home and was then justified through the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness in the Belief of the Truth without their before performing the Deeds of the Law so as none might charge them for their Sins that were past Rom. 3.25 but then they were to walk in newness of Life These were those that were saved not for Works of Righteousness which they had done Tit. 3.5 Thus was a Door of Mercy set open not only to the Elect that had the peculiar Calling but also to the World that had the general Call by the Gospel and believed like Abraham the Word of the Lord. And as he for sook his Country his Kindred and his Father's House So were the Christians to forsake all the Vanities of this present evil world the which accordingly they did And the Lord knew that Abraham would command his Children and his Houshold after him that they should keep the Ways of the Lord to do Justice and Judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken of him which Promises were to be performed upon Conditions the which conditions he fulfilled So likewise the first Churches generally obeyed and commanded their Children and Houshold after them to keep the ways of the Lord Heb. 2.1,2,3 and to walk blameless and they were to hold fast that which they had received till the Lord comes Rev. 2.25 1 Tim. 6.17,18,19,20 But when the Christians as Israel formerly had done forsook his ways they then became estranged from God and so their Children became estranged from the Womb and stopping their Ear like the deaf Adder who will not hear the Voice of the Charmers charming never so wisely Psal 58.4 Here we see their Ears were no otherwise stopt than as they stopt them themselves And such as harden themselves in Sin and will not do justly God chooses to harden them in blindness and unbelief of the truth and such will be the Vessels of his Wrath and sore Displeasure But as for those that have not so hardned themselves in Iniquity so as to become thereby under a stupid sence let them seek to God for his assisting Grace that thereby they may be enabled to withstand Sin that they may not be guilty of the like again and then will not the Prayers of the Wicked be sin when they go to God to ask Forgiveness for that which they never intend to commit again but it is their Prayers are abomination and Sin who ask Forgiveness for those Sins which they intend to commit again XIII Concerning being Born again WHereas Christ said to Nicodemus John 3.3 I say unto thee except a Man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Here Christ doth not say every Man must be born again that seeth the Kingdom of God but such a Man or Men as Nicodemus that had embraced this present World and valued the praise of Men and so ashamed to own Christ and therefore came to him by Night such must be born again or brought off from the World or they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God But whereas the Lord saith vers 5. Except a Man be born of Water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God In this Verse he doth not say that all that enter into the Kingdom of God must be born again altho all that enters must be born of the Spirit For some were born after the Spirit from their Mother's Womb as John Baptist Luke 1.41,44 and Jeremiah Jer. 1.5 And the Prophet David says God made him hope when he was upon his Mothers Breast Psal 22.9 And Saint Paul was separated from his Mother's Womb Gal. 1.15 Acts 26.5 And all the Children of Believers are said to be Holy 1 Cor. 7.14 that is before they commit actual Sin Likewise Christ saith Suffer the little Children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of God Mark 10.14 Mat. 18.10,3,4 Therefore no need of their being born again But as the Lord had a Figurative meaning in his saying a man must be born after the Spirit So it was here but a Figurative Speech in that he said a Man must be born again for the Lord had here no reference to the natural Birth for first those that are Religiously brought up and walk all along in Integrity and do not wilfully corrupt their way such are born after the Spirit and those that like the Prodigal wander from home thereby they become born after the Flesh such must be regenerated that is to say born again or they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God And tho' there is original defilement in all Children so the best of Saints are not here without Sin but Christ will take away Original Sin from both Ezek. 18.20 And whereas Christ saith John 3.8 The Wind bloweth where it listeth The Lord had here his more peculiar reference to the time when the Elect were to be brought home by the inward touch of the Spirit upon the heart which then in a more wonderful manner the Spirit like the Wind blew where it listeth Now Nicodemus being one of the Rulers of the Jews unto whom Christ always spake in dark Sentences and Parables And without a Parable he spake not unto them Mat. 13.34 And all that Christ here said to him was so Mystical that it appeared to him as a Paradox But no doubt after the Lord's Ascension but those Rulers that desired the knowledge of the Lord before he suffered believed on him when the Gospel was taught and the Scriptures opened But before these Mystical Sayings of Christ were opened they seemed to contradict what before they had received and therefore they could not believe And it is said Psal 53.2,3 God looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men to see if there were any that did understand that did seek God Every one of them is gone back they are altogether become filthy there is none that doth good no not one From these words it is plain that they might have sought God and God did expect better from them but they were gone backward and became filthy through their own default But with these that were gone back the Elect Remnant were not reckoned For at that time God said of them that were gone back that they did eat up his People as they eat Bread vers 4. And God's People in Scripture are termed the Sons of God and therefore not reckoned with the Children of Men. And tho' God has concluded all under Sin so as none can be saved without the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness Rom. 3. But whereas St. Paul saith in the 10th and 11th Verse Wherein he could have no reference to the Remnant For he saith There was none Righteous no not one There was none that sought after God For if he