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A55568 The young mans conflict with, and victory over the Devil by faith, or, A true and perfect relation of the experiences of T.P., begun in the 15th and continued till the 17th year of his age ... by T.P. Powell, Thomas, fl. 1674-1679. 1675 (1675) Wing P3076; ESTC R17963 49,441 152

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days of your Youth Consider I pray you these following things First Consider your Youth God requires Eccl. 12.1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth Secondly it is a Question whether you may live to an old Age which if not what will become of you Thirdly grant that you live to an old Age it is a Question whether the day of grace may last so long Fourthly if the day of grace should last so long it is a question whether you will not through the pains and imbecilities of old Age be rendred incapable to serve God Fifth●y Consider you may serve God when it is too late but you can never serve him too soon Paulus Verily this is true I cannot deny it but do you not think that God is more glorified by an old Convert then by a young Evangelus When you have such suggestions as these endeavor to make them abortive at their birth for any will tell you that there is nothing more acceptable unto God then when a young man offers up the Flower of his Age unto him yea and what does conduce more unto Gods glory then the same Paulus Well I am now convinc'd of my folly especially of confiding in good works for salvation Evangelus Well bless God for it and now seeing through infinite mercy an insufficiency in good works to save you what think you of God Paulus Why I think that he is a Spirit Evangelus He is so my friend and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth Paulus This I knew a great while ago Evangelus Very good are there more Gods then one Paulus Y●a surely there must be three Gods God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost Evangelus Know Friend that thou art wofully ignorant for though there be three Persons in the Godhead yet th●se three are but one in substance all this while there is but one individual Deity as the Fire does contain in it three Properties 1. It s self 2. Heat 3. Light So though there be but three ways of subsisting in the Godhead yet all this while it is but individual Paulus Pray Sir is there any Scripture for this Evangelus Yea Scripture enough see Deut. 6.4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord Isa. 44.6 I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God Isa. 45.22 Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth for I am God and there is none else So 2 Cor. 8.4 5 6. and Eph. 4.5 1 Tim. 2.5 Paulus I confess these Scriptures do hit me for how many times have I read the Bible over and yet do not remember these places Evangelus You minded then well what you read for certainly if you had read diligently and with a desire to know you would have given a more pertinent Answer to such a Fundamental and Practical Point of Divinity as this But this is not all our Souls are spirits Angels are spirits and the D●vils are spirits what difference is th●●● then between God and these Paulus Why I suppose he is bigger then all of them Evangelus Bigger then all of them this is no solid Answer God he is an increated Spirit all others are created God he is an infinite Spirit all others are finite Paulus Nay this is very good Evangelus Well I am glad you like it but what difference is there between the Devils and the Angels Paulus Why I suppose they are both Spirits and both Angels only the Angels in Heaven are the good Angels and the Devils are the evil ones Evangelus Thou sayest right the Devils th●● are now in Hell were once righteous Angels but through pride and malice they are now become of all creatures the most miserable but where do the Devils inhabit Paulus I suppose the Devils do dwell in Hell it being a Place prepared for them and the wicked Evangelus The habitation of the Devils is partly in Hell and partly in the Air The Devils do dwell in the Air unto the Day of Iudgement and usurping the same on purpose that they might rule in the hearts of men But what difference is there between the spirits and our souls for our souls you know are spirits Paulus Nay I believe now you ask me that which you cannot answer your self Evangelus Think not so friend for the Angels were the firs● Creatures that God made whereas our souls are not the Angels are not covered with flesh but our souls are the Angels are perfect spirits but our souls through union with their bodies are imperfect and impure but enough of this what think you now of Iesus Christ Paulus Who is Jesus Christ why he is the Son of God Evangelus It is true my friend he is so for God the Father testifies it Mat. 3.17 The Chu●ch acknowledgeth it Matth. 16.16 And the Devils confess it Luke 4.41 But who do you think of these were first God the Father or God the Son Paulus There is a question indeed surely the Father must be before the Son Evangelus Yea friend that is true it is so in natural generation but here it is not for Christ Iesus is co-eternal with his Father and equal with him in Power and Glory Paulus This will not stand by reason Evangelus Divine Mysteries are not to be apprehended by carnal reason for he who would see by an eye of Faith must shu● out the eye of Reason and what think you now of the Holy Ghost Paulus Why I suppose he is God too is he not Evangelus Yes he is so see 1 John 5.7 For there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father Word and Holy Ghost and these three are one Paulus Nay this is very evident you bring Scripture I say to prove what you say Evangelus Well if so be you do believe what I have said concerning the blessed Trinity say with me God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and these three are one Paulus God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and these three are one Evangelus Right what think you now of the Creation of the World did God make the World of somthing or of nothing Paulus Of somthing surely for out of nothing nothing can be made Evangelus Friend what do you think Creation signifies Paulus Truly I know not very well Evangelus Why it signifies a making all things of nothing Paulus Say you so Evangelus Yea and have you not read that the World was made only by the especial word of his Power not that we should understand that any word did really proceed from God but only that he will'd it Paulus Did God do you say only speak● th● word and was this World made I cannot believe this except you bring me Scripture Evangelus If Scriptures will convince you I 'le bring you Scriptures enough See Psal. 33.9 For he spake and it was done he commanded and it
of things not seen Heb. 11.1 Paulus How is this Faith attained Evangelus It is attained by a conscientious use of the Word and increased by Prayer and Sacrament Paulus What is Prayer Evangelus Prayer is the pouring out of our souls unto God in the Name of Christ by the help of the Spirit and with faith on the Promises for those things which are agreeable unto his Will Paulus This I remember for it has been told me a great while ago Evangelus You understand herein I shall examine by asking you several questions concerning this duty as first ought we to pray unto God and only unto him Paulus Only unto him excepting Saints and Angels Evangelus How do you mean Saints and Angels I hope you don't hold praying to them Paulus Nay I cannot think any otherwise but that it is lawful to pray to them for they are those who do make a way unto God the Father for us Evangelus I deny it and therefore shall affirm that Christ only is the way to the Father but that I might further clear this truth observe 1. Prayer is a part of Divine Worship which all grant and God only is the object of Divine Worship therefore to pray unto any besides God is a perfect violation of that Command Deut. 6 1● Mat. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve 2. Consider we have but one Intercessor and Mediator in Heaven and therefore it is a high affront unto Christ to make any use of others in that kind 3. Consider that excellent place of Scripture Rev. 19 10. And I fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not I am thy fellow-servant And in the last place consider here is but little encouragement for any of us to pray unto Saints because the best Saints in Heaven is ignorant of our conditions here below Isa. 63.16 John 14.21 Paulus Why truly all this is clear none can deny Evangelus Well friend what think you of this question can one pray and not speak Paulus No surely that can't be Evangelus Yes one may for there is vocal Prayer and mental Prayer Vocal Prayer is the expressing our desires unto God by the words of our lips and Mental Prayer is the offering up of our desires unto God without the help of words as Hannah prayed when her voice was not heard 1 Sam. 1.13 Paulus How may I pray so as to finde acceptance with God Evangelus First direct your supplications unto God Secondly Pray in faith Thirdly with a sense of your wants Fourthly with a sense of your unworthiness to have any of your wants supplied Fifthly with Sincerity and Perseverance Sixthly beg what you beg in the Name of Christ. Seventhly conclude your Prayer with a Doxology being this For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory for ever and ever Amen Paulus I thank you good Sir for this seasonable advice Evangelus What think you now of the Sacrament Paulus It is an Ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ himself Evangelus A Sacrament is a seal of the Covenant of grace whereby as God doth oblige himself to give unto us all the benefits contained therein so we in like manner do by that oblige our selves to be the Lords and to be true and faithful● unto him Paulus This I now do understand Evangelus Very good now how many Sacraments are there of use in thi● Gospel● Dispensation Paulus Surely there are but two Evangelus Thou sayst right and therefore the Papists herein are to be blamed wh● say there are seven Sacraments whereas we do deny any such number and do affirm that there are but two Sacraments viz. Baptism and the Lords Supper Baptism is a Sacrament wherein the washing with wa●er in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost doth signifie and seal our ingrafting into Christ the Lords Supper is a Sacrament wherein these things given viz. Bread and Wine are signified exhibited and shewed forth unto us the Body of our Lord Iesus which was broken and his blood which was poured out abundantly for the remission of our sins Circumcision and the Passeover was in the Law in room whereof comes Baptism and the Lords Supper Baptism in the room of C●rcuncision and the Lords Supper in the room of the Passeover Paulus In this I am also very well satisfied Evangelus I am glad of that but what think you of this Is the bread really transubstantial and turn'd into the Body of Christ Paulus Yes that is really my belief for does not our Saviour say This is my Body 1 Cor. 11.14 Evangelus Friend believe it not because there is not Grounds whereupon Reason should be built much less faith Observe what I have to say contradictory to it and you will finde that such an opinion is against Scripture Sense and Reason Consider these words This is my body is no proper but figurative expression were all Scriptures to be understood literally then there would be some reason for the understanding of this expression to be as you would have it Paulus What do you tell me of Figures surely our Saviour would have spoken more plainly to his disciples than so especially in the instituting of an Ordinance Evangelus Christ spoke intelligible enough but tell me is not that plain enough when we take the words as they are frequently and commonly used in Scriptures Paulus Yes That I can't deny Evangelus Well then these words are common and frequent in Scripture John 6.14 is thus written I am the Way so John 10. I am the Door Christ properly is no Door but only as a Door is an entrance into a Place so Christ in this respect is an entrance into Heaven Now compare this with the other Place of Scripture This is my Body the true meaning is This is a figure sign and Pre-Presentation of my Body This is my Body that is as Bread doth nourish strengthen and refresh the Body and satisfie the natural appetite so the Body and Blood of Christ received by faith doth strengthen nourish refresh and satiate the spiritual appetite Observe I pray you how oppugnant this is to reason for is it not absurd that bread should be turn'd into another substance and yet the accidents remain the same there is the colour ●as●e and smell of the bread if the bread in the Sacrament is turn'd into the real Body of Christ then the Nature End of a Sacrament would be destroyd the nature of a Sacrament is to be a Sign and the Ends of it is to be a remembrance of Christ both which supposes Christs Body to be absent Again observe our Lord Iesus mentions Bread after the words of Consecration saying the bread which we break 1 Cor. 10.16 He that eateth this bread 1 Cor. 11.27 28. If the bread is turn'd into the real Body of Christ then wicked Communicants may receive Christ and Christs
Body must be in a thousand Places at once and now what say you unto all this Paulus I see now as you say that this opinion is oppugnant unto Scripture Reason and our three senses viz. Seeing Smelling and Tasting I wish with all my heart that I could stay a little longer with you for the benefit which I have received from you is unconceivable but I am sent for an Errand and therefore cannot yet if you please to inform me where you dwell and what is your name I shall thereby be much obliged unto you Evangelus That you shall my friend I dwell in such and such a place my name is so and so READER AS Concerning this young man being so willing to defer his Repentance unto an old Age was the main Suggestion which did keep him off from Closing with Jesus Christ of whom is shadowes in this Dialogue and signified by Paulus together with his beleeving that God was more glorified by an old Convert than by a young one but when you come to understand how God dealt with this young man in bringing him off from all those letts and Impediments by which he was kept from Closing with Christ you will admire it being in form following This young Man as aforesaid being much molested with Temptations of that kinde One day above the rest a Small-coal man going along the streets did measure some thereof unto a Customer who having no sooner done it but he imm●●●●tely fell down dead although he was as well as I am now at this present writing which being noised abroad and many coming to see him he made one who seeing him to lie dead on the ground was amazed especially when he understood the suddenness thereof Thus after a little Contemplation upon him he goes home falling down upon his knees saying to God Lord have mercy upon me and this was all he could say for an hour together somtimes it was Lord have mercy upon me a sinner and pardon my sins thus continuing for the space of many weeks despairing of Gods mercy to his soul and being also convinced of his former ignorance he is now glad to receive good Counsel from any body his minde and will being changed makes him to believe that there is salvation only in Christ and looks now upon all his duties as a Pauls indeed accounting them but dross and dung compar'd with our Lord Christ. But one day more than the rest praying to God does earnestly beg of him for a pardon of all his sins Thus Expostulating with God for the attainment thereof Lord saith he Thou hast given a Pardon unto some and why not unto me what way and course therefore may I take for the obtainment of the same and immediately at his request after the performance of duty the Lord was pleased to give in this Text of Scripture Isa. 55.7 Let the wicked for sake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon from hence he gathers hopes of Gods mercy unto his soul but in temptations his hopes vanished away again as to those other Scriptures which the Lord was pleased to han● forth unto him for his stay and comfort in his journey to the heavenl● Ierusalem is conteined in the ensuin● Dialogue And observe what now treateth o● him is about his converted estate being the second Part. The End of the First Part. The Second Part being YOUTH in his unconverted state AEtatis suae 16. Evangelus WELL met Friend how is it with you now Paulus Now I wonder at my self how ●●norant I have bin and especially ●f my being so unconcern'd with my 〈◊〉 estate as I have Evangelus Yea Friend when God is pleased to 〈◊〉 a sinner a sight of his fearful 〈◊〉 out of Christ he is startled and 〈◊〉 amazed at the consideration of 〈◊〉 former security therein Paulus I have found it so blessed be God 〈◊〉 you Evangelus And blessed be God also for that ●rovidence which brought us then to gather and which now has vouchsafed another like opportunity wherein we may confer about the things of another world how therefore my friend ha● God dealt with you since I last parted from you Paulus God I hope has blessed what then you said unto me the verity of which has bin set home by a specia● and extraordinary Act of Providence Evangelus What kinde of Providence I pray friend has been exercised towards you since I last saw you Paulus That Sir which the Lord was pleased to hand forth unto me by you your self in answer unto those two suggestions wherewith I was heretofore troubled has bin seconded by the sudden death of a poor Small-coal-man Evangelus How I pray Paulus He was going along the streets who was measuring of a few Small●oal to one of his Customers did ●●mediat●ly fall down dead al●hough he was as well as now you ●nd I are in body that the sight of ●is d●ath together with the sudden●ess thereof did startle me and shew●d th● vanity of protracting and de●erring time and repentance as I ●id Evangelus Oh! Glory unto the Father Son and Holy Ghost be ascribed for ever Oh ●ow is your heart affected with this Paulus I am so unsatisfi●d in minde as that does render me very incapable ●f performing any service unto God Evangelus Be sure you give not present Enter●ainment unto any thing suggested ●ithout special examination what is 〈◊〉 therefore in which you are unsa●●sfied Paulus In Gods mercies Evangelus How so for when you knew nothing● you could then render unto me God● mercy as grounds sufficient on whic● you built your hopes of salvation● Then my friend you had no cause s● to to do but now you have I dar● say Paulus I do suppose it is all one for that● inform me I pray you then how I may come to obtain Gods favour and grace for I find as once you tol● me that I have lost it in Adam Evangelus Friend as Gods favour was lost in Adam so it is found in Chri●t see● therefore the favour of God i● an● through Christ. Paulus I must first come to Christ and receive him before I can make use of him to reconcile me unto God wheras my faith is weak and will not as yet lead me unto him Evangelus Does that faith which thou hast assent to Gods Essence and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Paulus Yea I think it does so if my heart deceives me not Evangelus Well if so then you have that which will commend you to Iesus Christ and not only commend you un●o him but likewise that which will ●nable you to receive him see Heb. 6.1 For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Paulus God will I see make use of you to do my soul
thy Holy Spirit against Heaven and in thy sight and we are not worthy to be called thy children and therefore most iustly mayst thou pour down thy displeasure upon us and empty the Vials of thy wrath upon us and ours it is mercy nay infinite mercy and free grace that we are this side of Hell and the Grave but much more that we have an opportunity to plead with thee how many are there in Hell that would give ten thousand worlds for what we enjoy and have We bless thee O Lord for Iesus Christ by whose blood these Mercies were Purchased and the Priviledges which we now enjoy receive him for us and accept us in him magnifie thy grace in and through him towards us by pardoning our sins remiting our transgressions sanctifying our nature washing our souls in the water of Regeneration and by evidencing thy favour unto us under all our cloudy and gloomy dispensations and this is that O God which we are come about at this time it is the Sun-shine of thy countenance and strength against our adversary the Devil Behold O Lord thy servant before thee that is molested by Satan and burried with his temptations Behold O Lord the enemies which he hath to wrestle with how are they increased both from without and from within increase his faith that his spiritual existence may be sustein'd let him not perish in his distress and warfare for want of thy assistance seeing O God that we sue not to thee for any terrene or earthly enjoyments but for grace that we may through strength received therefrom be enabled to repel and quench all the fiery darts of the evil one and therefore for the sake of thy Son Iesus hear us and strengthen thy servant whereby he may now at ●ist conquer Satan who has so much ●●deavored to overthrow him Ap●ear for him O blessed Iesus unto ●hom all Power is given in Heaven ●nd in Earth and being tempted ●nowest how to succour those that be ●empted And with us sweet Father ●e mindful of all thine throughout the ●hole World Bless thy Church and Zi●n bring home Iews and Gentiles and ●ll that belong unto the Election of thy ●race Give unto thy Son the Hea●hens for his inheritance and the ut●ermost Parts of the Earth for his Possessions O Lord keep up England ●rom falling from thee let it not languish nor decay in Godliness and let ●ot wantonness under the means of ●race procure any want of grace thou ●ast divided us bring us together again And thou who art a God of Order O settle Order in thy Church ●●d Vnity among thy Saints Let ●uch as do erre out of ignorance learn ●nowledge and such as have sinn'd against knowledge finde repentance Endu● the Magistrates with the knowledge of thy Spirit of Grace and Wisdom as well as with Power that w● may live a peaceable and quiet life under them in all godliness and honesty O let thy Ministers be cloathed with holiness write it on their Breasts give them the Urim and Thummim and let them shine by holiness of life as well as by doctrine and Crown all their labours with a Garland of Souls Remove not O Father thy Candlestick from us for our unworthiness of it and unthankfulness for it but pardon our unpro●●ableness under it and teach us to profit more and more And now O Lord comfort thy afflicted Servant before thee stand by him and be his Help and all this we beg in the Name and for the sake of Iesus Christ to whom with thy self and ever blessed Spirit of Grace enable us to ascribe as is most due all Power Praise Glory and sincere obedience from us and all thine now henceforth and for evermore Amen Well I 'le detain you no longer only take this from me Do not give place to the Devil Reader Take notice that this poor young ●onvert having taken his leave of this ●recious Minister doth in his return ●omewards meet with a cursed in●rument of the Devil being one De●as by name a sad Apostate who ●●swades him to throw off Religion ●nd to turn Atheist that is nothing at ●ll of which this ensuing Dialogue ●ill give a further account Demas How now why do you look somelan●holy no doubt but you have been with ●ome Phanatick Priest or another your ●ountenance is so dreadful Paulus I blame your folly for he whom ● have been with let him go under what notion soever is a holy man and has been one of great use to me Demas I sware you talk more like a mad ●an than any body else I tell ●ou if you believe all what they say you 'll be distracted if you are not already Paulus Whether I am distracted or no I matter not for take notice I must observe what they say unto me because it concerns what I am to do for God and for my own soul Demas Why doest thou think there is a God Paulus Yes as firmly as I do believe the Sun to be in Firmament on Noon-dayes Demas Doest thee I hope then before I shall have done with you to make you of the same opinion as I am Paulus What opinion I pray are you of Demas What opinion am I of why I am of such an opinion as that I can produce you one whom I 'le affirm to be God Omnipotent Omnipresent Om●iscient and more just then the God ●hom you serve for I shall tell you I have been of the same opinion with your ●elf and have believed on the same God ●hich you believe but now I am of an●ther mind and I question not but that ● shall make you of the same also if you ●e but ruled by me Paulus Pray what is he Demas A sober Gentleman Paulus Will he do one no hurt Demas No he will not hurt you for he is a harmless Gentleman you may see him if you please Paulus Pray then bring him and let me see him Demas Rather than that I would have you come to my House about ten a Clock to● morrow morning and then we may talk together without any interruption You know where I live Paulus Well then I le be sure to come if I am in health Demas Be sure you do not fail me Reader Now followeth another Conference between Evangelus a Minister of th● Gospel and Paulus the young Convert who endeavours to hinder him from going but cannot Evangelus So So I see I am forc'd to visit you before you will visit me Paulus Truly Sir I can't help it for I have been so out of order both in soul and body since I saw you last a● that I am not fit to keep any body Company Evangelus Why did you not send for me all this while if you had I should have come for I doubt you have had no company since I have been with you Paulus Yes Sir I have had some Company with me Evangelus What company I pray good company
know what heaven is live then as one that knows the same Oh go to the throne of grace and leave it not till thou doest find the grace of God and the Oyl of Consolation Pour'd into thy heart and for the order of your appearing unto God demean your self as the Prodigall Luke 15. Cry as David Psalm 38.18 For I will declare my Iniquities and will be sorry for my sins how thy state now is I know not and therefore after what maner to write to thee I know not I do believe your case is dreadfull by the oppression of my own spirlt and your being so long absent from me and whether now this may come to you I cannot tell therefore I shall desist from writing so amply as I would Aug. 16. 1672. Your Father in the Lord Jesus W. W. The young Man having received this Letter reades it and having read it he considers upon it and at last is affected exceedingly therewith but these two Deceivers coming unto him again doth through their vain discourse and diabolical concernment make this Youth to yield unto them so as that he forgets the Letter which came from his dear friend in which was conteined such wholesom seasonable and compassionate Instructions Demas and Apollyon So what now I hope you have not transgress'd Paulus Not I indeed Apollyon How then comes it to pass you look so sad Paulus I have by an unparalleld providence received a letter from one who lov'd me which is strange in regard that he knew not where I dwelt Apollyon Sha Providence there 's not such things as that for those things which you call Providence are only things which falls out by chance and you also talk illiterately and foolishly to say that was unparallel'd because such as this has bin common ere now Paulus Nay I do not know but none shall make me to believe any otherwise but that it was Miraculous if it will not hold with being unparallel'd Demas Pray let me speak a word in your ear Paulus With all my heart Good Sir Demas Pray now have a care of carrying your self foolishly left thereby you occasion him to depart as I told you once before Paulus Well I will Apollyon How are you compos'd in minde Paulus Not very well My Lord. Apollyon How can you call me Lord and adjoyn such an ep●thite as my thereto whereas you have not given up your self unto me Paulus Will you accept of me Oh Lord Apollyon If I had meant otherwise I should not have ask'● you Paulus Lord I am at your service do with me as seems good in thy sight Apollyon Has that God which you serv'd been good to you Paulus Truly I must needs say this that though I had many things of the other ●od whom I serv'd yet he would not give me all as I desir'd Apollyon That I believe and shall I tell you those many things which you had of him were not so reall as they were Presented to you being only shadows Paulus It 's likely so truely Apollyon Well if you are willing as you say to be my Servant meet me about five of of the Clock at night by the place where we use to meet and bring with you your Penknise Paper and Pen this is all only be sure to meet me without fail or else be it to your own peril Paulus I 'le be sure not to fail you Apollyon Till then farewell Reader Thus thou seest how this poor Convert is tossed up and down through the wiles and Machinations of Satan how Sollicitous have been the vety powers of H●ll to destroy the soul of this young man how have they Combin'd together for the making of their stratagems effectual For once he went with an intent to meet the Devil and as he was entring into the appointed place the Spirit of God interrupted him by setting home this Scripture with such power Mat. 16.26 For what is a man profited if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul At that he was forc'd to return home again and ask God for pardon and yet nevertheless Corruption being very prevalent and the Devil mighty busie he was thereby impuls'd to make another attempt in the like manner who accordingly did as you may understand by what shall follow Apollyon Well met my Paulus why does● thou muse with thy self Paulus I am at a stand and know not what to do Apollyon At a stand why so Paulus You know O Lord the business which we are met about and the weightiness thereof therfore I hope reason will shew why I look so Apollyon Friend As for my part it matters not whether or no you consent to what I require it was for your happiness that I requir'd this from you but to conclude take notice that I will not be made a fool by such an one as you Go therefore to your other God and see what ●e can do for you for I scorn to receive you Paulus Good Lord fret not your self so for I am not going away from you only I desire deliberation suiting with a work of so great a concernment as this Apollyon Nay call not me Lord except you were my servant and as for your deliberation you have had time enough already Paulus Ha but I never did deliberate upon it till now Apollyon If so be you could not deliberate when you had time enough expect it not now Paulus Well if so you will not give me leave to satisfie my self herein I know not what to say to you Apollyon You know not what to say to me say somthing or nothing and if in this you be not satisfied a Fig for you Paulus Be not angry I pray Apollyon Here is cause to be angry when you deal thus with me who am so fully God Consider the aggravation that does attend it therefore in this one minute resolve me either in the negative or affirmative Paulus What would you have me to do Apollyon Only this Put P●n to Paper and write thus Paulus Well I will write thus For Apollyon Proceed why stay you your hand Paulus I know not what the matter is for I cannot move my hand Apollyon You had as good go on now seeing that you have written the first word viz. For for you are mine by what you have done already Paulus I defie you as yet for I know what I have done Apollyon A Nuncup●ti●● Well is as good as a written one so that what you have not done by Pen you have done by word of Mouth and therefore it is all one Observ. I. The young man supposing him with whom he had conferr'd so long to be the Devil breaks forth into these breathings of spirit unto the true God whom once he serv'd viz. Now now now O precious Saviour give me somthing for my faith to act upon by making of thy self unto me ● present