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A28383 A plain and brief explanation upon the church catechisme different from what hitherto hath been extant : wherein the first elements and grounds of religion are reduced to such plain and familiar questions and answers ... : to which is added, a plain and useful tract of confirmation / by Nathaniel Blithe ... Blithe, Nathaniel. 1664 (1664) Wing B3197; ESTC R5761 48,274 155

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belief of this Rule of Faith be qualified A. It must be intire and universal I must neither add to not diminish from this Confession of Faith but I am obliged by my Baptismal vow to believe all and every Article of this Christian Faith Q. The last thing which your Sureties promised for you was to keep Gods Holy will and Commandments and to walk in the same all the days of your life How or by what means come you to know the will of God A. He hath revealed it in his Holy Word wherein he hath at large manifested how and in what manner he will be worshipped and served Q. For what end and purpose hath God made known his mind unto us A. That we might make it the Rule of our lives and walk according to that Rule all the days of our lives Q. Dost thou think that thou art bound to believe and do as they promised for thee A. Yes verily and by Gods help so I will and I heartily thank our Heavenly Father that he hath called me to this state of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Saviour And I pray unto God to give me his Grace that I may continue in the same unto my lives end Q. How comes it to pass that thou art bound to perform that promise which others made A. Because they only made it in my behalf when by reason of my tender Years I was uncapable of making of it in my own person which promise I am bound actually to perform when I come to years of discretion Q. Are you then able to perform that promise which was made on your behalf A. I am not by my own strength but by the grace of God I am which he hath faithfully promised to give to all those that heartily beg it Q. What think you of this Estate which by your Baptism you are placed in A. I think it is an excellent and blessed Estate as far excelling my natural condition as light doth darkness the one being a state of death and the other a state of life Q. How come you to have a right to this excellent condition A. By vertue of Christs sufferings who hath purchased this condition for me by his Death and Blood-shedding in which by the help and grace of God I do resolve to continue unto my lives end Q. Rehearse the Articles of thy belief A. I believe in God the Father Allmighty maker of Heaven and Earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he arose again from the dead he ascended into Heaven and there be sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints the forgiveness of Sins the Resurrection of the Body and the Life everlasting Amen Q. What dost thou chiefly learn in these Articles of thy belief A. First I learn to believe in God the Father who hath made me and all the World Secondly in God the Son who hath redéemed me and all mankind Thirdly in God the Holy Ghost who sanctifieth me and all the Elect people of God Q. In which Article do you learn to believe in God the Father A. This I learn in the first Article I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth Q. How many Gods are there A. There is but one only the true everliving and eternal God Q. How can that be when you profess that you believe in God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost How sayest thou then that there is but one God A. In the God-head indeed there are three Persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost but these three are but one God and this great truth St. John thus expresseth There be three that bare record in Heaven the Father the VVord that is Jesus Christ the Son of God the VVord incarnate and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Q. What is God A. God is a Spirit Infinite in all his Attributes and Perfections Q. How knowest thou that there is such a being as God A. Several ways by his wonderful work of Creation the Heavens declare the Glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his handy work but especially by my own Conscience which this Infinite Being hath placed within me to accuse me of all those Crimes I commit against his Divine Majesty Q. Vpon what grounds do you call God Father A. He is my Father by Creation giving me at the first my Being he is also my Father by Adoption having through the Gate of Baptism received me into the number of his Servants and Members Q. How did God at the first create you A. By his Almighty and Infinite Power by vertue whereof he can do whatsoever pleaseth him both in Heaven and in Earth Q. And did he finish the Heavens and the Earth and all the rest of his Creation by his Power and Word alone A. Yes he spake and it was done he commanded and they were brought forth Q. In what time did God finish his Creation A. In the space of Six days and rested the Seventh day Q. Why did God at the first give you a Being A. To advance his Honour and to perform his sacred Will Q. Of what did God make Man A. He made his Body of the dust of the ground and breathed into his Nostrils the breath of Life and so he became a living Soul Q. In which Article do you learn is believe in God the Son who redeemed you and all mankind A. In these And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was Crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead Q. What is this Jesus Christ in whom you believe A. He is perfect God and perfect Man equal to the Father as touching his God-head but inferiour to the Father as touching his Man-hood Q. What Relation stands this Person in to God A. He is his only Son begotten of the Father before the world his first born from all Eternity Q. Why did this Eternal God take upon him our nature and so become Man A. That he might Redeem me and all mankind Q. But how can this be that God should be made Man A. He became Man not by turning the God-head into the nature of Man but by taking Mans nature into the God-head that so one person might be both God and Man Q. What need was there that so excellent a Person as the Son of God should thus abase himself A. Because there
was no other person that could bring to pass this great work of mans Redemption Q. Could none of the glorious Angels or blessed Saints have come down from Heaven to mannage this charitable design A. It was not in the power of any Angel or Saint nay not of all the Saints and Angels to Redeem lost Man Q. Why what was the reason A. In regard none of them was able to sustain so great a burden as the sins of the whole world He who was infinite in power as the Son of God was was only able to bear up under so heavy a load besides man by reason of sin was condemned to infinite torments and therefore no less than an infinite God could rescue man from those eternal torments Q. If none but the Son of God could effect this work why did he not bring it to pass by vertue of that Almighty power which appertained to his Godhead without taking any other nature A. The Godhead is of that infinite perfection that it cannot possibly be subject to any passion he therefore that had no other nature but the Godhead could not pay such a debt as this the discharge whereof consisted in suffering and dying Q. Why did he not then take some more excellent nature than that of mans A. Because it was fit that God's justice should be satisfied in the same nature that had offended Man onely had sinned and therefore it was but just that the same nature which had offended should suffer before it could be restored Q. Did not the fallen Angels Sin A. Yes they sinned but for them Christ died not and therefore they are reserved in everlasting chains under darkness Q. How comes it to pass that they an exempted from receiving benefit by his gracious sufferings A. In regard they beheld the utmost of their own blessedness but notwithstanding they fell from that glory and happiness into a rebellion against their Creator without the least provocation or temptation either from any outward assault or inward frailty Q. What was it that moved God 〈◊〉 send and his Son so willingly to come from Heaven for the sake of lost undone ma● A. It was their infinite love an● never failing mercies God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son to dye for it and Christ Jesus had such a tender compassion for the sinful off-spring of Adam that he came down from his everlasting habitation of glory to open the eyes of the blind to call them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan into his own most blessed kingdome Q. Did man contribute nothing towards the deserving so great a favour A. No far otherwise he was then in an open rebellion against the King of Heaven and instead of meriting his favour in strict justice he deserveb the utmost of his fury and displeasure Q. How did Christ bring to pass this great designe A. By suffering the punishment that was due unto us for sin and by conquering and subduing all our spiritual enemies Q. How did he undergoe this punishment A. By his humiliation He took upon him our nature was born of a pure Virgin suffered under Pontius Pilate by being crucified on a Cross where his hands and his feet were pierced with Nailes and his side with a Spear And by this his infinite condescention and humiliation he offered himself a Sacrifice for the sins of the whole world Q. How did he conquer all our spiritual enemies A. By his exaltation he arose again the third day a compleat conquerour over Hell and Death and all the powers of the grave and ascended into the highest Heavens where he ever liveth to make intercession for us Q. Do you believe then that Christ dyed for the whole world A. Yes I do believe that the eternal Son of God hath redeemed me and all mankind Q. How comes it to pass then that the greatest part of mankind shall perish A. Because they are preverse and obstinate they will not go unto him that they may have life nor embrace those conditions that he offers in his Holy Gospel Q. In which Articles do you learn to believe in God the Holy Ghost who sanctifieth you and all the elect people of God A. In this Article I believe in the Holy Ghost Q. What do you believe that the holy Ghost is A. I believe that he is very God the Third Person in the holy Trinity proceeding from the Father and the Son Q. What is the office of the Holy Ghost A. It is to sanctifie all the elect people of God Q. Why is he stiled the sanctifyer of all the elect people of God A. In regard he is the Author of all holiness and purity in them all our inward gifts and embellishments proceed from him he is the Lord and giver of life namely of that spiritual life which is requisite to actuate and enform every Christian Q. How doth he perform this his Office A. Both outwardly and inwardly Q. How doth he perform it outwardly A. By revealing the Will of God to the Prophets Evangelists and Apostles who by his assistance and inspiration have made it known to the world wherein is contained all things appertaining both to life and Godliness Q. How doth he perform it inwardly A. By renewing of us in all the parts and faculties of our soules working heavenly dispositions in them whereas before they were enclined to all manner of sin and wickedness As also by fearing directing and governing of us in our actions and conversations so that we may actually perform those things that are acceptable in the sight of our heavenly Father Q. Is there nothing else which the Creed propounds to you as the subject of your belief A. It also teacheth me to believe something concerning those persons that with true Faith and obedience worship the undivided Trinity Q. What doth it teach you to believe concerning these A. It teacheth me first to believe that there is a Church Holy and Catholick Q. What do you believe this Holy Catholick Church to be A. By the Holy Catholick Church I mean the whole congregation of Christian people professing one and the same Faith far and wide dispersed over the face of the whole earth Q. Who is the supream head and governour of this Church A. Christ Jesus the eternal Son of God he is the governour thereof the Rock whereupon it is built his holy Spirit is the preserver and sanctifier of it and his blessed Apostles and Evangelists together with those Bishops and Pastors that succeed them do keep and maintain it in the profession of the true Christian faith and religion Q. What number is there of these Churches A. There is but one holy Catholick Church Q. How 〈◊〉 that he when as in the Scripture we read of several Churches as the Church of Rome the Church of Corinth the Church of Ephesus with divers others A. These several congregations every one of which is in some sense a Church and may be
the sole Author of those graces that by Sacraments are made over to true believers Q. How many parts are there in a Sacrament A. Two the outward visible sign and the inward spiritual grace Q. Why are the one part in these Sacraments namely water in Baptism and bread and wine in the Lord Supper termed outward and visible signs A. They are termed outward and visible in regard they are apparent to our senses no eye but seeth them and they are called signs because they are resemblances of some higher things signifie or specifie some favours that by them are conferred upon mankind A. Wherefore is the other part of these Sacraments stiled an inward and spiritual Grace A. It is termed inward invisible because it is not to be discerned by the eye of men but it is represented to us by these signs and therefore it is called a grace because the benefits that by these Sacraments are made over unto us proceed from the meer grace and mercy of God through Je-Christ our Lord. Q. What is the outward visible form or sign in Baptism A. Water wherein the person Baptized is dipped or sprinkled with it in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. What Analogy or proportion doth this outward Sign Water bear to the thing signified A. Very much Baptism is the washing away of sin and therefore the outward washing in water doth very fitly represent the inward washing of our Souls both from the guilt and spot of sin in the blood of Christ Q. Wherefore is Baptism administred in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the holy Ghost A. This is done for divers weighty reasons First that the congregation may know that what the Minister doth he doth not of or from himself but by commission and good authority even by the authority of the whole Trinity Secondly This is done for the comfort of the Baptized in regard they may be assured that the whole Trinity do ratifie and confirm what is promised in Baptism viz. remission of Sins and acceptance into Favour Thirdly This is done to lay a strict obligation on the party Baptized to acknowledge and believe in these three persons and to deliver up himself to follow the instructions of these and no other in the mysteries of Religion to be obedient to their injunctions and to ascribe all honour and glory to the whole Trinity Q. What is the inward spiritual grace in Baptism A. A death unto sin and a new birth unto righteousness for being by nature born in sin and the children of wrath we are hereby made the children of grace Q. What do you mean by a death unto sin and a new birth unto righteousness which you say is the inward grace given you in baptism A. By a death unto sin I mean a getting out of the power and from under the guilt and punishment of sin And by a new birth unto righteousness I mean a denying all our former ungodliness and worldly lusts and a living soberly righteously and godly in this present evil world Q. But how is baptism a means of working this in us and a pledge to assure us thereof A. In regard in Baptism there is that measure of strength given us by Christ as will enable us to get out of that servile dangerous condition notwithstanding before the administration of this Sacrament we were in a state of sin and children of wrath that is had strong inclinations and violent propensions to evil yet hereby we are made children of grace that is are endowed with a sufficiency of power and strength to walk as children of light Q. What is required of persons to be baptised A. Repentance whereby they forsake sin and faith whereby they stedfastly believe the promises of God made to them in that Sacrament Q. Why is Repentance a necessary qualification to baptism A. In regard we then change our condition we are received from an estate of wrath into an estate of grace and favour and therefore it is requisite we should change our minds after their dispositions inclinations as also this grace is necessary because it disposeth us and makes us capable of the mercies in Baptism Q. What is Repentance A. Repentance is a turning from sin to God and it is such a sincere repentance as this that is required before Baptism Q. The other qualification is faith wherein lyeth the necessity of this grace to dispose us for Baptism A. It lies in this because the promises of God have not their effect upon us unless they are accepted by us and it is Faith only that can apply them and therefore it is necessary that those who partake of this Sacrament should by Faith believe the promises of God made to them in that Sacrament Q. Why then are Infants Baptized when by reason of their tender years they cannot perform these conditions that is they cannot Repent and Believe A. Because they promise the performance of both these by their sureties which promise when they come at age themselves are bound to perform Q. But what power hath the Church of God to administer this Sacrament to Infants meerly upon the engagement of others for the performance of these conditions A. Herein the Church follows the example of our Saviour Christ who commanded young children to be brought unto him when by reason of their tender years they were uncapable of coming themselves and although they could not in that capacity by any act of their own dispose themseves for his favors yet he took them up in his arms as Ministers do Infants laid his hands upon them as the Minister doth water and blessed them as his Ministers pray over them and for them and our Saviour affirms that of such is the kingdome of Heaven that is those who do not receive it as little children that is with innocence without any let or hinderance cannot enter into it and in conformity to this great exemplar the Church admits Infants in regard they are part of the kingdom of Heaven that is to them it belongs into the Covenant of the Gospel by setting on the seal of it Baptism when they are not in a capacity themselves actually to repent and believe Q. But suppose infants do not perform this promise made on their behalf when they come at age A. Then they forfeit that grace given in Baptism For Baptism is a Covenant wherein God makes over to mankind divers favours and man on his part promises an entire forsaking of sin a stedfast believing of Gods word and a hearty obedience to his commands now man by breaking his part of the Covenant forfeits his right to those favours by it held forth Q. Why was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ordained A. For the continual remembrance of the Sacrifice of the death of Christ and of the benefits we receive thereby Q. Why do you call the death of Christ a Sacrifice A. In regard he freely offered up himself upon
when they know that we are not of their foot-marks but have publickly disowned their ungodly practises and principles You complain of lewd society of friends and acquaintance that draw you into many inconveniences do but let them know that you intend to be religious and they will let you alone The Philosophers openly professed a severe and unusual life that all men might let them live Philosophically and not be a disturbance unto them Let but us do so and be professedly religious and they will have the less boldness for to trouble us Our work is half done when we are heartily resolved and more than half done when we publickly profess these our good resolutions Thirdly This open renewing of our Baptismal engagements wil very much lead to the bringing of Religion into fashion and to make it a thing very creditable and honorable When men openly appear for it and are not ashamed publiquely to confess and acknowledge it then the perverse sons of Belial will be discouraged from scoffing and reproaching of it it will stop the mouths of all gainsayers when they behold the greatest and soberest part of mankind to countenance it by professing seriously to practise it And this certainly will mightily prevail with all those as have any kindness or honour for Religion openly to renew their vows especially in this careless age wherein Atheism and prophaneness have joyned forces to discountenance yea utterly to banish all Religion from amongst us Fourthly The open owning of our Baptismal vow wil be a great preparatory in order to the receiving the holy Sacrament of Christs most precious body and blood neither is it meet that any should be admitted to so neer a communion with Christ who will not openly acknowledge and promise fealty and obedience to his Sacred commands And therefore what our Church enjoyns in this case is very reasonable viz. that none should be admitted to the holy Communion untill such time as he be confirmed or be ready and desirous to be confirmed and therefore if we intend to receive Christ in the Sacrament to feed upon his body and blood which is such excellent food as most certainly will nourish our souls to life eternal it is but very meet and convenient that we should first openly profess our selves his members and servants and that we resolve so to continue this will reduce us into a fit capacity to feed at the Lords Table whereby we may encrease in strength enjoy a more intimate communion with the Father Son and Holy Ghost And indeed until this is done I may justly say men are but imperfect members babes and infants in Christ and not to be admitted in the judgment of all ages to tast of the meat of men until they shew themselves to be men by speaking for themselves And to all this I shall only add the misery that in the end shall attend those that will not make an open profession of Christ as also the priviledge that they shall enjoy who are free to perform this so reasonable a duty and this I shall give you in our Saviours own words Mat. 10.72 Whosoever shall confess me before men him will I confess before my Father which is in Heaven That is will confess him to be one of my flock my true disciple and member and accordingly will reward him but whosoever shall deny me before men and certainly he that is ashamed openly to profess Christ will not be afraid to deny him if moved thereto either by fear or advantage him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven And it is not within the power of any man to imagine how dreadful and insupportable their doom will be who are denyed and disowned by the great Judg of Heaven and Earth So that now I cannot see what there is to deter men from submitting to this wholsome discipline it being not only necessary but also highly reasonable that we should openly promise to be his faithful servants who both created us and redeemed us Why should we not as freely and readily promise in the face of the congregation obedience to Gods sacred pleasure and commands as we do allegiance and loyalty to our Prince before a Court of Justice If it is reasonable that we should be obedient to the laws of our Maker which no Christian will deny what harm is their in making an open profession that we will be so and therefore it would be very happy and cannot but be earnestly desired by all good Christians that all animosities and vain janglings might be quite layed aside and that we may all joyn together in practising whatsoever may advance us forward towards the end of our hopes the Salvation of our Souls FINIS
so called are properly but one Church in regard they are all subject to one and the same Governour they are all built upon the same Rock all profess the same Faith all receive the same Sacralments all perform the same Devotions which although divers congregations yet may they very aptly be reputed members of the same Church Q. But besides these several Churches we also read of a Church Militant and a Church Triumphant how say you then there is but one Church A. These are but the different state and conditions of the Holy Catholick Church and not two Churches In this world it is the Church Militant and it is so termed because alwayes in a posture of War continually fighting against the World the Flesh and the Devil And in the world to come it shall be Triumphant for then it shall take possession of that heavenly Kingdome which the Lord Christ Jesus hath purchased for it where it's warfare shall be ended and it shall gloriously triumph over all its enemies Q. How long shall this Church continue A. To the end of the world Christ from the beginning had and the end shall have a Church against which all the powers of Hell shall not be able to prevail in regard he hath promised to be with them always even unto the end of the world and then he shall receive the true members of it up into glory to reign with him in his everlasting kingdom to eternal Ages Q. Why do you call this a Holy Church A. For divers reasons as first because it is called by Christ Jesus and therefore seperated from the rest of the world by a Holy calling Secondly in regard all her offices administrations and powers are ordained to produce holiness the Religion she professeth is Holy the laws by which she is governed are holy and good the offices she performs are Divine Thirdly because whosoever is called to profess the Faith in Christ is hereby ingaged to holiness of life Fourthly in regard the end of constituting a Church was for the purchasing an holy and peculiar people to God zealous of good works Q. Why do you call this Church Catholick A. Catholick signifies universal or whole under which term the largeness of the Church is comprehended it being extended to all places and to all persons In former time the Jews only were the Church of God but now the partition-wall is broken down and all Nations and all Persons in all Nations have a capacity to be of the Church of Christ Q. What benefits do those receive who are members of his Holy Cathotholick Church A. There are four mentioned in this confession of Faith the communion of Saints the forgiveness of Sins the resurrection of the Body and the life Everlasting Q. Who do you mean by these Saints A. By the Saints I mean such persons as are called by a holy calling and are obedient to it such as are endowed with a holy Faith and purified there by such as are sanctified by the Spirit of God and by vertue thereof do lead an holy and unblameable life such persons are truly and indeed Saints Q. What is that Communion or wherein doth it consist that these holy Persons enjoy A. The Saints on Earth enjoy Communion either with those who are not of the same nature with them as men or with those that are of the same nature with them Q. What persons are those that are not of the same nature with whom the Saints have Communion and wherein doth that Communion consist A. First they have Communion with God the Father they are of his Family they are his Servants his Sons and therefore they may with boldness sue to him for his favours who is as dear and tender over them as a Father is over the fruits of his own Loins Secondly that Saints living in the Church of God have Communion with the Son of God he is our elder Brother our Intercessor and Advocate all our requests are put up to the Father in his Name who by presenting of them before the Throne of Grace makes them available for such things as we beg Thirdly the Saints in the Church of Christ have Communion with the Holy Ghost they become Saints and holy men by partaking of this Divine Spirit of life and by being sanctifyed by him he inhabits in them enlivens and actuates them to the performance of every good and Religious Duty Fourthly The Saints in the Church of Christ have Communion with the blessed Angels these are those Ministring Spirits who are sent abroad to Minister for their sakes who are heirs of Salvation yea the holy Jesus hath assur'd us that they have a particular sense of our condition enforming of us that there is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner that repenteth Q. What Persons are those that are of the same nature with the Saints with whom they enjoy fellowship and what Communion is it A. These are of two sorts Q. which is the first sort with whom they Communicate A. With those who partake not of the same holiness with them There was a Judas amongst the holy Apostles and there ever was and will be to the end of the World some Hypocrites in the Church of God the Tares must must grow up with the Wheat least by plucking up the one they destroy the other Q. What Communion have they with these A. They communicate in the same Water being both externally baptized they communicate in the same Creed both making the same open confession of Faith both agree in the acknowledgement of the same Principles of Religion both communicate in the same word both hear the same Doctrine preached they communicate at the same Table both eat the same Bread and drink of the same Cup which Christ hath appointed to be received Q. If then the Saint and the Hypocrite communicate in the same benefits how then doth the Saint differ from a Hypocrite or what priviledges doth the one enjoy more that the other A. Although the Hypocrite doth communicate in the same externals with the Saint yet he doth not communicate with him in the same saving Grace nor in the same Faith working by love nor in the same renovation of mind and spirit Q. Are there no other matters wherein they do not communicate A. They do not communicate with the Hypocrite in the same sins in the same accursed infidelity in the same barrenness under the means of Grace in the same false pretence and empty form of Godliness Q. What are the other sort of persons of the same nature with whom they communicate A. The Saints of God living in the Church have communion one with another Q. Wherein doth this Communion consist A. They all communicate of the same Ordinances all partake of the same promises are all endowed with the Graces of the same mutual love and affection keeping the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace all engrafted into the same Stock and all receive