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A15310 Here begynnethe the glorious lyfe and passion of seint Albon prothomartyr of Englande, and also the lyfe and passion of saint Amphabel whicheconuerted saint Albon to the fayth of Christe.; Life of Saint Alban and Saint Amphibal Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? 1534 (1534) STC 256; ESTC S108894 67,790 178

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falsely forge and lye Stopped his eares from all flaterye To foren quarelles lyst yeue no credence Tyll the partie come vnto audience Enuious sclaunder be punyswed rygorously Cōpassed of malyce hatred and di●●ame To double tonges euer he was enmye whiche to say yuell of custome haue no shame And backbyters that haue theyr lyppes lame To say well this prince yonge and olde Voyded all suche out of his householde By discreeion he coulde punysshe and spare His harte ay voyde of all duplicite Large of custome to naked folke and bare His gate ay open for hospitalite That if his vertues shulde rekened be Here in this boke tolde from yonge age I haue therto no connyng nor langage Oot withstandyng as I haue behyght I wyll procede and not excuse me To declare howe god sawe to his knyght The tyme rehersed the date also parde whan Amphibalus entred the citie Of Verolamy tolde eke the occasion Howe he and Albon met in the town Amphibalus entred the citie Of auenture to seke herburgage By the stretes vp and downe wente he Lyke a pylgryme of chere and visage Tyll it fell so he met in passage The noble prince playnely to conclude Blessed Albon with a great multytude This myghty prince by great fortune After custome vsed that tyme of olde Amyd the citie walked in his estate In a garment frenged all with golde Amphibalus vertuously made bolde with humble chere and meke visage Besought hym lowly to graunt hym herbergage For whan that he on Albon cast his loke And hym behelde with euery circumstance By longe auyse of hym good hede he toke It fell anone into his remembrance Full yore agone of his acqueyntance Howe they in one of fortune dyd assent Out of Brytayn and vnto Rome went For gods sake this Amphibalus Of herborgage can lowly hym require To be receyued and take in to his hous Albon anone as the story doth vs lere was in suche case straunge in no manere Hauyng a custome to hye and lowe degree Frely to graunt hospitalite In to his house hym goodly hath receyued This symple clerke lyst no lenger tary His porte his there benyngly receyued Mynystred to hym all that was necessary From Christis lawe though Albon dyd vary Lyke a prince benyng and vertuous Receyued hym full goodly into his hous Not after longe onely by goddes grace Of knyghtly fauour sought oportunyte To get a tyme a leysour and a space To auoyde from hym his people and his mayne with this pylgryme alone for to be And secretely whan they were met in fere To hym he sayde anone as ye shall here By many signes and tokens that I can Dyuers daungers straunge to recure In soth that ye be a christen man And of hardynes durst your selfe assure To put your body and lyfe in auenture Amonge paynyms your persone to ieoparte without dethe howe myght ye departe Quod Amphibalus Christe Iesus of his grace Of his mercy be it that I haue deserued From all daunger and euery peryllous place Christe goddes sonne my body hath preserued Ben my gyde and my lyfe conserued To this citie brought me safe to preache His glorious lawe and his faythe to teache Quod Albon than howe may this trewe what that he is I wolde fayne lere The sonne of god a straunge thynge and a newe Had god a sonne declare this mattiere Quod Amphiball so ye lyst to here Paciently for nothyng wyll I spare Curiously the trouthe to declare Amphibalus is entreated by reason On the gospell to grounde his processe And to confirme his disputation Of holy writte he toke iustly wytnesse Howe our beleue recordeth in sothnesse Of god the father and god the sonne also This is our belefe take good hede therto The sonne moste perfyte moste good For mans helthe and saluation was incarnate and toke flesshe and blode And semblably for shorte conclusyon Of his moste benigne consolation Ryght so as he firste made man in dede So come he downe to take our manhede And as hym lyste of grace and of mercy By his power whiche that is deuine Ordayned maydens to lyue here parfytly So he agayn warde playnly to determyne Toke flesshe and bloude of a pure virgine The tyme come there was none obstacle But that he wroughte his maruaylous myracle The tyme approched of grace and gladnes Towarde sommer whan the lustye quene Called Flora with motleis of swetenes Clothed the soyle all in newe grene And amerous Veer agayne the son shyne By the cherysshynge of Apryll with his shores Bryngeth kalendes of May of his flowres So in the season heuenly and deuine Of wynter stormes was passed all outrage And in the rayne Phebus gan to shyne The same tyme to our great auauntage Downe from heuen was sent a message whiche concluded for our felicite A braunche shulde sprynge out of iesse This newe tydynge to Nasereth was sent And Gabrell come on his message The trynyte hole beinge in one assent For to accomplysshe this gratious viage The holy goste holdynge his passage Downe descendyng ryght as any lyne In to the breste of a pure virgyne Lyke as Luke in his gospell sayth As is remembred in the same place whan Gabryell lowly gan abrayde Mekely sayde Hayle Mary full of grace Thou chosen of god euery houre and space The tabernable of the trinyte Amonge all women blessed mote thou be whan she had herde the angell thus expresse Troubled in his wordes of femynyte Thought in her selfe of very chast clennesse This chosen myrrour of humylyte This salutation what it myght be The angell seinge her aferde of womanhede Sayd O Mary haue herof no drede Afore god thou hast founden grace Thou shalt conceyue a chylde in all clennesse Of whose byrthe Bedleme shall be the place As the gospelll can bere herof wytnesse And his name playnly to expresse Thou shalt hym name of moste vertue whan he is borne and call hym Iesu Howe may this be sayde this glorious mayde That knowe no man in wyll dede nor thought Thangell than vnto Mary sayde As I toforne haue the tydynges brought By the holy goste this myracle shalbe wrought The vertue also of hym that syt highest Shall ouershadowe and lyght into thy brest For that lorde that shall of the be borne As thynge moste holy men shall hym call The son of god as prophetes wrote beforne Suche heuenly grace is vpon the fall By a prerogatyue aboue women all with lyght surmountyng aboue the sterres seuen This message I haue brought the from heuen Quod Mary fulfylled be the wyll After the worde which thou hast brought vnto me Beholde this handmayde this humble ancille This was her answere with all humylyte Thoo god was pleased with her virginite yet was that lorde doctours beare wytnesse Pleased more with her deuoute mekenes Thus hath a mayde through her perfytnes To beare her lorde graciously deserued A chosen doughter by her pure clennes To beare her father her chastite concerued By her merytes
that were to her reserued As I sayde erst by a prerogatyue She amonge women was mayden mother wyfe To god a mayde to fulfyll his wyll And to the lorde a seruant by mekenes Doughter mother eke faythfull ancyll whiche to remembre hath brought gostly gladnes Of all welfare our daungers to represse Aforne by recorde of prophetes in substaunce Vs to defende agayne all mortall greuaunce For whiche dere host sith it may auayle To my doctrine yeueth hartily credence God hath me sent to teache you and counsayle So that ye lust with humble diligence Become his knyght and do hym reuerence Obeye his lawe his preceptes all Taketh good hede to you what shall befall His fayth to you shall gyue so great vertue That blynde folke ye shall make for to see By inuocation only of Christe Iesu Delyuer the people from all aduersite Leprous folke and tho that lame be To be made clene and make them go vpryght And euery sykenes recouer thrugh his myght ye shall escape by his prouydence All myscheues to you that ben contrary Lyue longe tyme go free from pestilence From Christis fayth if that ye wyll not vary To graunt your askynge the lorde shall not tary But at last or ye hens wende By martyrdome ye shall make an ende By martyrdome ye shall ende your lyfe And blessedly from this worlde shall passe Out of all trouble and transitory stryfe whiche day by day doth you here manasse Thrugh Christis myght and influence of grace ye shall to god to your great auantage By meke suffraunce make your passage This was chefe cause and grounde of my cōmyng Sent by Iesu vnto this towne As a bedyll to brynge you tydyng Howe by his myghty visitation ye shall endure payne and passyon For Christis fayth in his moste pacient wyse As knyght and martyr chosen to his seruice That is his wyll ye shall fynde in dede To recompence the great humanyte whiche ye haue vsed of fredome and manhede To indigent folke and people in pouerte And specially for hospitalite with other dedes in nombre called seuen Dedes of mercy registred nowe in heuen To fede the pore whiche had no vitayle And to viset folkes in prison Receyue them that herburgh dyd fayle Bedred folkes that lay in myschiefe downe Comforte the syke mynystre them foysowne Parte with them of that they had nede And vury them that laye in myschiefe dede To his seruantes all that ye haue mynystred Cronycled ben in the heuenly consistory In his boke perpetually registred Eche good dede the lorde hath in memory It to guerdon with a palme of victorie Perpetually with hym to reigne in ioye Greatter conquest than was the sege of Troye Sith ye your handes haue not withdrawe From hospitalite pore folkes for to fede whyle ye haue lyued in this paynym lawe Causes of the poore to promote and to spede God forgetteth not to quite your mede If this be done after ye be baptised A double palme for you shalbe deuysed Lyke a prince in moste knyghty wyse Albon obeyed with entiere diligence All these wordes gan wysely aduertise Answerynge these wordes in sentence what maner worshyp what maner reuerence Shall I do than whan I am withdrawe From ydolatry and turned to Christis lawe Amphibalus yafe answere to Albon ye must beleue in no doubte be There is no god in this worlde but one The father the sonne the holy gost these thre Ioyned in one by perfyte vnite The foundation as I can well preue Firste article grounde of our beleue This fayth in soth shall clerely you directe If that you lyst gyue therto credence All olde errours to auoyde correcte If ye so done with humble reuerence I dare affirme and conclude in sentence That your begynnyng to god is acceptable And to your soule treasure moste profytable Of the father the power eternall Of the sonne souerain sapience Of the holy gost in especiall Grace dothe procede by vertuous prouidence And to descryue the magnificence Of all the thre called thre and one Vndeuided they neuer asonder gone And if ye lyste vnto this lawe tourne Of his most dignē imperiall maieste He shall you make with hym to soiourne This blessed lorde this blessed trinite where ioye is euer and all felicite Tofore whose face eternally lastynge Thre Ierarchies one Osanna synge Of this matiere be nothyng in doute Set asyde all ambiguyte Forsake your mawmettes and all that false route For they be made of metall stone tree whiche may not helpe nor forther in no degree Saturne Iubiter Mars and Appollo with the false goddessis Dyana and Iune Though they haue eares in trouth they may not here with eien great of lokyng they do fayle They be forged in golde stones clere who calleth to them they may nothyng auayle Nowe dere host forsake all this rascayle As I haue sayde and do in Christ delyte And he by grace shall make you perfyte A large space Albon kepte hym close Fayned in maner as he had disdayne From his place in great hast arose yet or he went he gan to sayne ye be not wyse your doctrine is in vayne If it were wyst ye were in this citie ye shulde endure full great aduersitie For your sake there shulde be practysed Dyuers tourmentes for your destruction For your blasphemye cruelly chastised without fauour or remyssyon At the last for shorte conclusyon your heed smyten of without grace If ye were knowne or founden in this place In this mater I can none other fele For your persone somwhat I stande in doute you ben here yet I shall counsayle And you preserue that no man shall take hede Of your consayte nor what ye mene in dede And with that worde out of the place he goth Sheweth a chere lyke as he had bene wroth By grace of god and fauour of fortune All that he sayde was done with reuerence Of gentylnes he was not importune Suffered all thynge with humble pacience Albeit so he gafe no full credence To his doctrine of thynges whiche he tolde Stode in doute what partie he shulde holde Albon in hast thought for the best whan Lucyna shone full shene and bryght with slepe oppressed for to take his rest Amphibalus satte all that longe nyght Vpon his knees as gods owne knyght For loue of Albon with great deuotion Makyng full mekely his orison To whose prayer of grace god toke kepe And lyste to consydre his affection And in this whyle as Albon lay and slepe The same nyght he had a vision Straunge and dyuers by manyfolde reason And wonder fer from his intelligence what it ment or what was the sentence Towarde morowe whan Albon dyd abrayde Out of his slepe and Phebus shone full shene Gan to maruayle and no worde he sayde Touchyng his dreame newe fresshe and grene Vnderstode not what it shulde mene Rose vp in haste and to the pylgryme went Besechyng hym to declare what it ment My frende quod
he if all thynge be trewe whiche ye haue preached of Christ of his lawe Dyuers maruayles vnknowne straunge newe Shewed to me this nyght or it can dawe I you beseche your witte ye nat withdrawe For to declare the exposition whan I haue tolde you myn auision The whiche truly as I reherce can Lokyng vp to the heuenly mansion Me thought sothly that I sawe a man From that place to this worlde come down Of whose beautie was no comparysown Eke me thought of boystous folke rude He was beset with a great multitude This people enuious frowarde of entent As it semed of malyce and hatered with many a sondry fell turment with sharpe scourges made his sydes blede Bounde his handes I toke therof good hede And on a crosse they hynge hym vp full blyue with spere and nayles they yafe him woundes fyue Naked he was body fote and hondes On length and brede drawen with great peyne By the constreynt of myghty stronge bondes Drawen a sonder was euery narfe and veyne with a sharpe spere his herte clouen in twene Persed he was so depe and profounde That bloude and water ranne out of that wounde with a reede spere they raught I toke hede To gyue hym drynke eysell mengled with gall A crowne of thorne set vpon his heed And amonge his cruell paynes all Kynge of iewes in scorne they hym call And in despite malycyously cryenge Of Iewery saluted hym as kynge As me thought they greately dyd offende To make all his body so for to blede And from the crosse downe bad hym discende If that he were gods sonne in dede His skynne to rent all blody was his wede Lyke a meke lambe myne herte dyd agryse To se hym turment in so cruell wyse After these paynes greuous and intollerable And all his hydous mortall tourmentry with a great voyce pitous and lamentable Vpon the poynte whan he shulde die To his father thus he gan to crye In to thyne handes father I commende My goste my spirite and thus he made an ende And with that crye as he yafe vp the go● From the crosse his body they toke downe Lyke well stremes vpon euery coost His grene woundes shed out great ●oyson Of blody droppes and for a conclusyon Of all his paynes his body was anone Closed and ensealed vnder a great stone And whyle that he w t stronge honde was kept close Maruayle of maruayles most I can maruayle The deed body to lyfe agayne rose Maugre the knyghtes with all plate and mayle A soden slombre theyr hedes dyd assayle An angell moste souerayne of delyte I sawe appere and he was clothed in whyte Amonge other maruayles there was one whiche I behelde in myne auision Out of his graue closed with a stone He rose vp lyke a stronge champyon with open eien I had aspection Of all this thyng no parte lefte behynde From poynt to poynt all marked in my mynde Rad nor songen amonge the Brytons layes was neuer herde so soote an heuenly sowne After the nombre full of forty dayes Folowed after the resurrection To the tyme of his assention what multytude of angels all in fere Conueyde hym aboue the sterres clere I sawe this thyng and knewe it well ynowe By a maner vncouth apparence The garmentes whytter than mylke or snowe Of all thangels that dyd hym reuerence This was theyr songe and refret in sentence Blessed be the father blessed mote he be The sonne eke blessed in his humanyte These vncouth tydynges I sawe them in my slepe And many other thynges mo withall Secrete thynges I toke of them good kepe Not to be shewed to no man mortall And he tolde vnto Amphibell all whan he a woke in full humble entent Besechyng hym to declare what it ment whiche thynges to here greatly was delyted within hym selfe of spirituall gladnes Saw that his herte was of god visited And full deuoutly a crosse he gan forth dresse Lo here quod he this token beareth wytnesse Of all the signes clere as the sonne beame That were vnto you shewed in your dreame The man whiche to you dyd appere Sent from heuen so fayre and glorious He was the same as I shall you lere My blessed lorde myn owne lorde Christ Iesus Most benyng moste meke and most vertuous whiche on a crosse suffred passion As ye sawe clerely in your auision Only by mercy by his gratious aduise Of the trespas to make redemption Touchyng the aple whiche in paradise Adam ate of by false suggestion Of a serpent to great confusion Fyrst of hym selfe nexte of all his lyne Tyll Christis passyon that was our medycyne Agayne Adam the serpent was so wode To staunche his venym was founde none obstacle Tyll on the crosse Christ Iesu spende his blode A medycyne bawme and chyefe triacle Lycour of lycours dystyllyng by myracle From the cundytes of Christis woundes fyne Man to restore ayen from deth to lyue whose blessed passyon is our restauratyfe Helth and diffence of moste excellence To asswage the bolynge of our mortall stryfe Bawme imperyall agaynst fendes violence The phylosophre celestiall queynt essence To all welfare mankynde to restore Helpeth all sykenesses whan leches can no more Our leche our ypocras our gostely galyent Our samson called that venquisshed the lyon Our myghty chāpyon the famous strōge Achilles That bare vp heuen for our saluation Hye on the crosse makyng our raunson He that ye sawe was the same man In your auision that ouercame Sathan The multytude that aboue hym stoode were false iewes his deth immagynyng Of cursed malyce nayled hym to the rodde Lyst not receyue his gratious comyng Of theyr prophetes refused the wrytyng Knewe not theyr lorde but as folke aduersary For his goodnes were to hym contrary Mercyfull Iesu gayn deth to stynte our stryfe Lyst suffre deth from deth to make vs free Venquisshed deth with deth to brynge in lyfe whan lyfe was slayne an high vpon a tree Forbode frute brought immortalyte By a rounde aple was caused all this losse By frute refourmed that henge vpon the crosse Let me I praye you haue veray knowlegyng By your discrete faythfull diligence As ye that ben experte in many a thyng what obseruaunce what due reuerence Vnto the father and his magnificence To the holy goost tell on fyrste of those two And to the sonne what seruice shall I do whan Amphabell gan playnely to aduertise His faythfull askyng with all humylyte Gan reioyse in many sondry wyse This Albon where as he stode free was godly moued to aske of these thre By god enspired conceyued of reason Only of grace came this question Thanked god and goodly gan hym dresse To comforte the trewe affection Of blessed Albon and truely to expresse Hym to quite for shorte conclusyon Of his demaunde made a solution His conceytes discretely to appese Thus he sayde to set his herte in ease These thre persones whiche ye haue named here The father the sonne the holy goste these thre
Ben sothfastly lyke as ye shall here Truste me ryght well on god in trinite Ioyned in one by perfyte vnite Beleue this iustly and your wyttes dresse For lyfe or deth this article to confesse This is my fayth and I beleue thus Quod blessed Albon with all humylyte There is no god but my lorde Iesus whiche that come downe from his fathers see Mekely to take our humanyte For our helth and our saluation Lyst of his mercy to suffre passyon He with the father the holy goste these thre Amphibalus rehersyng vnto Albon They be all one god by ꝑfyte vnite And other god in all the worlde is none And this belefe loke ye not forgone This worde ofte rehersed in sentence Albon fell downe with deuoute reuerence Toforne the crosse and with great repentance And sayde O lorde Iesu on my mysdede O Iesu mercy receyue my penaunce whiche on the crosse lyst for my sake to blede And on his knees fast he gan hym spede with contryte herte great to god a lofte with wepyng teares the crosse he kyssed ofte with all his membres hath hym applyed As on the crosse Christ had be present And he with hym whan he was crucyfyed So of hole herte Albon was dilygent His face his eien with teares all be sprent This penitent his langour for to lysse was euer busye Christis fote to kysse His bytter teares from his eyen tweyne Lyke a christall well encreasyng at a floode Albon ay busy to make the water reyne To myngle his wepyng with Christis owne blode I mene the wounde grauen in the roode Vpon the crosse that was to hym shewed Of drery sobbyng the carectes all be dewed By grace enspired this Albon gan hym drawe To take the order of religion Of Christis fayth and bynde hym to that lawe with wyll and herte and hole affection And secretely made his professyon To Christe Iesu tyme and houre deuysed By Amphibalus whan he was baptysed with humble herte this was the langage Of holy Albon quod he I here forsake The pompe of Sathan and all his baronage And all the power of the vggely fendes blake My soule and body to Iesus I betake whiche for mankynde dyed it is no nay Thus I beleue and rose the thyrde day Quod Amphibalus with a glad visage Be stronge of fayth our lorde is holde with the He wyll not fayle to confyrme your corage By tokens shewed of his beningnyte In especiall reporteth this of me To other aforne you as I reherse can That they were taught they lerned it of man But your langage excellyng in vertue Experience hath yeue you knowlegyng By reuelation of our lorde Iesu whiche to you hath declared euery thyng His byrth his passyon his vprysyng Of all this thyng lyke as ye had in syght To call you to hym to be his chosen knyght whiche me semeth ought ynough suffice with the surplus of your auision To you expouned the maner and the gyse Of Christis fayth with full instruction Mekely of herte with supportation At my request your highnes not ye greue For to departe goodly to yeue me leue I am meued of veray conscience Other contrees to preache Christis lawe I hope to you it shall do none offence For a season though I me withdrawe It is a by worde and a full olde sawe whiche hath be sayd fyth gone many a yere Frendes alway may not ben in fere Frendes quod Albon neuer depart asonder Ioyned in vertue and knyt by grace Though one be here and a nother yonder Theyr hertes ben one euery houre and space In god combined ther parteth them no place Of one wyllaye in that they haue to done Of whiche I praye departeth not so sone To abyde a weke ye may do me great ease By your doctryne to haue instruction My lorde Iesu howe shall I hym please with ryght hole herte and true affection To serue hym duely lyke my profession And in his fayth wherin I moste delyte with your teachyng that I may be perfyte Amphibalus knowyng his entent Lyst in no wyse denye his askyng The longe nyght they to gether spent Only in prayer and deuoute praysyng For out of syght they chose theyr abydyng From noyse of folke they gan them selfe withdraw And all that whyle they spake of Christis law Of Christis fayth and of his religion was theyr fayth and theyr dalyance Amonge to god they mayde theyr orison Them to detende from fendes accombrance In this whyle god yafe them sory chaunce A cursed paynym of malyce and enuie where they met the place he dyd espie To auoyde them of comforte and refuge This paynym aforsayd of malyce lyst not spate For to accuse them bothe vnto the iudge Of theyr metyng the maner to declare And moreouer yuell mote he fare Of malycyous frowarde cursednes The iuge he set a fyre with wodenes with enuious sturdy violence Through the citie they serched were sought And cōmaunded to appere in the presence Toforne the iuge both two to be brought The towne serched but they founde them nought Blessed Albon meued of corage To kepe his maister saue hym from damage Vpon a nyght before the dawnyng This blessed Albon his maister gan conueye with heuy chere most pituously wepyng Out of the citie brought hym on the waye At the departyng fared as they wolde dye So were theyr hertes ioyned in one cheyne Not lyke to twynne tyl deth deꝑte them in twayne O faythfull loue standyng in suche a state By resemblaunce in comparyson As whylome dyd Dauyd and Ionathas Maugre kyng Saules persecution Faynyng was none nor dissimulation Lyke to endure playnly to termyne Tyll Antropos theyr lyues tryed atwyne Theyr loue more sad stable and vertous In comparyson than the poetes made Of Pyrothe or of Thedeus Of Norestes outher of Pylade Fresshe for a season that wolde sone fade As whylome dyd the loue of Achylles And Patroclus slayne amyd the prees whan that Ector the Troyan champyon Slowe Patroclus for his frowardnes Maugre Achylles for all his high renown To exemplifie there is no stablenes In worldly loue but chaunge and doublenes Be it of blode kynne or alye without vertue all standeth in ieoperdye Of these tweyne the loue was a nother By enterchaungyng betwene them set a lawe Albon to abyde and to dye for his brother Amphibalus his presens to withdrawe In theyr hertes the feruence dyd adawe Of perfyte loue to endure longe As Salamon writeth that loue as deth is stronge In all suche case the loue maketh hertes bolde And by ensample that loue auoydeth drede Albon for loue toke his cloth of golde And lyke a prince lyst to chaunge his wede Of entier herte he gan it for to sprede Ouer the shulders of Amphibali anone The houre whan they atwynne shulde gone From all his fone he iustly was assured who that euer had on this clothe of golde Tyll he the place fully haue recured To stande atlarge aforne as I haue tolde
that were come to hym of newe From Verolamy his preachyng for to here Lyke a doctour in Christis fayth most trewe Receyued them with all his herte entiere Enformed them and taught them the maniere Cf Christis lawe with busy diligence And they were glad to abyde in his presence Lytell and lytell in he gan them drawe To catche fayth and sauour in his doctryne Of hole herte forsoke the paynyms lawe And with great wyll theyr corage dyd enclyne So to perseuer and so theyr lyfe to fyne In Christis lawe as folke that lyst not tary So for to abyde and neuer more to vary Other there were whiche gan pursewe The sayde people of malyce and of hate This newe doctrine of Christis trans●newe whiche come vpon armed with mayle and plate Sent from that citie of purpose to debate Agaynst them whiche that for Christis sake Fayth of paynyms vnwarely hath forsake Folowed after with rumour noyse and sowne To fall vpon them with sodeyn auenture Serchyng in wales aboute towne and towne Of Amphibalus the presence to recure whiche lyke a clerke grounded in scripture To that people at reuerence of our lorde Stode amōges them and preached goddes worde And one there was for anger almost wode That brake fyrst out shewyng his conceyte To Amphibalus amonge them as he stode wherof that people was all and hole receyte O thou quod he grounde of all disceyte Rote of fraude falsenes and trechery To all our goddes traytour and ennemye That thou hast done thou mayst it not forsake Of frowarde contempte malyciously practised Agaynst our goddes a quarell for to take Theyr lawes olde presumptously dispised As these people contagiously disguysed To great damage of vs and of our cite whiche trust me well shall not vnpunysshed be It is no doubte it shall not abyde longe Of theyr iniury and theyr godly greuance As they be moste myghty and most stronge They sodenly shall take on the vengeance But if thou wylte eschewe theyr pusance Fyrst do repent the to fynde them more tretable And seche a meane to make them mercyfull Fyrst of all do thy busynesse Of theyr great ire to appese the rancour Afore these people shewe outwarde thy mekenes To louse the bondes whiche by thy labour Thou hast them brought in full great errour Be so besy agayne with faythfull attendance Them to counsell to fall in repentance Gyfe them counsell and make them to assent with herte and body no daunger for to make To axe mercy and sore repent Or sodeyn vengeance be on them take Of that they haue our goddes forsake For this no doubte but it be done in dede we shall agayne them vengeably procede For if they stande in theyr fyrst errour As they began frowarde and obstynate They shall of mercy fynde no fauour without exception of high or lowe estate But lyke as people most infortunate Dye vpon the sworde take this for full sentence As is concluded by marcyall violence yet there was one supprised with feruence Of Christis lawe stedfast in the fayth whiche had bothe connyng and eloquence And for his maister holy wryt he laythe To thylke paynym euen thus he saythe Our lorde god whiche called is Iesu Shall be this day our refuge and vertue And our chefe helpe in tribulation whiche shall percase shewe some myracle By his most myghty dominacion Therfore these folke an vnkouth spectacle That there ayen shalbe none obstacle Through goddes myght and mercyfull goodnes Some man to same of his sodeyn sykenes Our maister here whom that ye repreue In Christis name to shewe an euidence From all myschefe some syke man to releue whiche lyeth outraged by mortall violence But to declare the magnyfycence Of Christe Iesu anone without more To helth agayne suche one he shall restore Not incouert but in your alther syght we haue suche trust in his parfynesse Fro whose doctryne as we haue behyght we shall not chaunge for deth not distresse without faynyng or any doublenesse your counsellyng in Christis holy name Folowe his teachyng and to do the same ye threte fast to maken vs aferde But god alone he is our defence Iesu is stronge agayne spere and swerde Vnder whose pauise of parfyte pacience we shall abyde concludyng in sentence we forsake all false ydolatrye And for Christis sake redy for to dye Fauour of blode nor none allyaunce Cherysshyng of treasure nor promyse of kynred Experte kynred nor none acqueyntance Fayre behestes manaces nor hatered All set asyde both loue and drede The fayth of Christ of hole herte we haue take All false ydols and mawmettes we forsake Of this answere the paynyms almost wode Lyke tygrys fell vengeable as lyons Of innocentes to shede the christen blode with sharpe swerdes lyke rauenous felons They kyll and slee of all conditions As hongry wolfes in theyr beastiall rage whithout exception of olde or yonge of age The father ther agayn all skylle and ryght Of his sonne toke his deadly wounde Brother and brother was slayne in that fyght And with theyr speres that were square rounde Theyr nygh cosyns were glad to confounde There was none spared of blode nor kynred without mercy eche others blode to shed Of aged folke there was no reuerence In that vnkyndly sodeyn cruell shoure Myddell age nor age of innocence Nor blode of blode lyst knowe his neybour Nor none to other lyst shewe his fauour Echon were slayne the story telleth thus And were conuerted by Amphibalus Frowarde tyrantes that this people sleeth Most mercyles with pollar swerde and knyfe Eche preased in aforne other towarde the deth So ametous was that charytable stryfe Lyke folke that were glad to lese theyr lyfe Of one corage and of one pacience To dye for Christe so hole was theyr feruence Amonge these holy seyntes euerychone That forsoke theyr towne and theyr cite There was none lefte alyue but one Of all that come Amphibalus to see whiche by occasyon of his infirmyte Abode behynde feble and impotent whiche at theyr dyenge myght not be present whan Anphibalus sawe them all deed Lyggyng in the felde turned vp set downe with pitous chere sawe theyr woundes blede Of wofull herte and compassyon Deuoutly made his commendation Prayenge Iesu with voyce full pytously On all tho soules to haue mercy At Lychefelde fyll all this auenture This great slaughter and made is mention Of whiche flaughter recorde of olde scripture By dayes olde named was the towne This worde Lychefelde by interpretation Is to say in that tonge as I rede A felde that lyeth full of bodyes deed There these martyrs suffered passyon Of one corage and of one stablenes The paynyms in theyr opinion Most obstinate in theyr cursednes Made a vowe in theyr wodenes Neuer to eate for none occasyon Tyll Amphibalus were brought to theyr towne Lyke wodemen they about hym ryde The holy man playnly to declare with speres wounded body backe and syde went aforne them with his fete all bare The more
vngoodly they dyd with hym fare The more the martyr with chere and visage Patiently suffred theyr owne outrage To hym they had frowarde fell langage The stone weye dyd hym great duresse And though that he felte in his passage Vnder his fete constreynt of great sharpenes Mytygation of all his heuynes was whan he the place dyd approche where Albon lay graue vnder a roche The homecydes of whom to forne I tolde Had in this whyle a maner repentance Bakwarde amonge as they gan beholde The people slayne of theyr allyance By theyr owne furyous gouernance For they them selfe lyke folke that were wode The slaugter made vpon theyr owne blode Lokyng behinde fyrst whā they toke hede beheld There owne brethern cosyns and kynred By theyr handes lay slayne in the felde They gan to wepe to se theyr woundes blede This same tyme or they toke any hede They founde a man that lay lanquisshyng Vpon the felde moste pitous compleynyng This syke man with a full deadly face For great constreynt of his malady Sawe Amphibalus forby shulde passe with deadly voyce gan to hym crye Seruant of god do me socour or I dye For Iesu sake lowly I the requere To helpe his seruant that lyeth in myschefe here For by the callyng of his holy name I haue suche trust in Christ Iesu and the Though I lye here impotent and lame By thy merytes thou mayst helpe me To be made hole of this infyrmyte Maugre paynyms that can about hym prece Of this clamour wolde not he sece In his prayer he doth alway continue Suche fayth he had in his opinion Paynyms sawe he was importune And so stable in his action Hadden in disdeyne and in derysion His great noyse but magre her felnesse He arose vp hole of all his olde sykenesse This seke man that lay bounde in payne Of olde sykenesse greuous and importable By Amphibalus lay bounde in a chayne was made all hole and of his lymmes stable This can the lorde whiche is most mercyable Of syke folkes here theyr complayntes And worche myracles for his holy sayntes This myracle gracious and vnkouth Fyrst of this man releued of his sykenesse The deth of the martyrs gan sprynge northe and southe Of theyr wylfull sufferance w t mekenes Homwarde agayne paynyms gan them dresse But this myracle whan they dyd auerte They were greatly astonyed in theyr herte Amonge them selfe they brake openly Though they to Christ were contraryous Of this myracle wrought sodenly They spared not playnly to say thus The god of christen is great and maruaylous Great is his vertue the deed beareth wytnesse To heale a man so sone in his sykenes As they tolde erst paynyms at last wonder desyrous towarde your contre They rode armed and began to hye fast And sped them so that they myght se The crested walles of theyr citie As they thought that tyme for the best After labour a whyle for to rest They were oppressed w t hunger and with thurst For that tyme lyst no forther for to ryde And eche one of them folowyng theyr owne lust Chose his grounde a certayne home to abyde Their shelde theyr speres set them downe a syde Them to refresshe layser they haue founde whyles Amhibalus lay in his fecers bounde The turmentours refreshed at the best As I haue tolde after theyr werynesse The holy martyr myght haue no pece nor rest Bounden in chaynes by full great duresse In his most labour and greattest distresse Maugre paynyms whan he a layser caught To his most soone the worde of god he taught This meane whyle y t all this thyng was wrought As ye haue herde come tydyng to the towne Howe Amphibalus was to the citie brought Maister vnto Albon as made is mention At whose entrynge great people there come downe Thought in them selfe all theyr heuynesse By his comyng was turned in to gladnes Dempte amonge them bothe one and all The matyre had standyng other wyse Howe Amphibalus from Christis fayth was fall Of that lawe lefte all his olde emprise Come to theyr goddes to do sacrifice All theyr frendes with them were repayrde Of whom toforne they dispayred The beastiall folke supposed in certayne Howe all the people that went by assent To Amphibalus were come home agayne By force of them that were for them sent But they fayled foule in theyr entent For through the towne the noyse went anone Lyke as it was howe they were deed euerychone Agayne Christis of malyce set a fyre Homecydes turmentours that dyd this cruell dede whiche fyll vpon them in theyr cruell ire Tho that made the martyrs for to blede Of indignation and of great hatered The selfe same made relation Of theyr slaughter through verolamy towne The fathers wepte with sorowfull syghes great whan they herde theyr sonnes were deed Pytous mothers theyr sobbyng can not let whose watrye eien with wepyng made red Through the citie bothe in lengthe and brede wydowes maydens ran with theyr here to torne That so sodenly haue theyr frendes lorne Suche pitous wepyng I trowe not ther was At the brennyng of the famous Ilyon In Troye whan the stede of brasse was by sleyght compassed of Synon For through euery strete of Verolamy towne This noyse was herde deedly and mortall Lyke as men synge at feastes funerall In theyr most wofull lamentation They said amonge them with hygh and low estate The tyme is come of our destruction Cite of citezyns forsake and desolate Most outragyous and most disconsolate To be noted of furyous fell hatered Blode agayn blode so felly to procede For our defence we haue nowe none excuse Folke infortunate by deuision we shall from hensforth be called the refuge As folke abiecte of euery nacion So importable is our confusyon That we be lyke neuer to fynde grace Amonge no folke to shewe ons grace we can nor may our seluen acquite For our excuse a reason for to make But here after that folkes wyll vs awyte Our kynne our blode theyr goddes haue forsake On whom vengeance so mortally was take In straunge countre so playnly to descryue Amonge also that none was lefte alyue Alas alas vnburyed in the felde Cast out to the beastes that walke in pasture Kynne agayne kynne in armes bare on shelde An hatefull warre a warre agayne nature whiche lye nowe deed without sepulture So late done it may not be socoured Of foule and beast a pray to be deuoured Alas our ioye is turned in to dispayre The staffe broke of our vnweldy age Our harpe troubled our fortune is not fayre Frowarde to vs she turneth her visage wo to that man that with his langage Caused Albon our goddes to forsake And magre them the fayth of Christ to take whiche hath alas perturbed the cite Brought our welfare to desolation Grounde and gynnyng of this mortalite Of our alyes and citezyns of the towne whose bodies nowe lyen vpsetdowne O myghty goddes of power immortall Defende the people of our cite royall
To our request your eares downe enclyne Take vengeance vpon our enemy whiche is cause of our mortall ruyne And of our myschefe the rote fynally Reuenge your wronge ye that be most myghty On hym that causeth that we be seke and grone Let the vengeance rebounde on his persone Of their plaintes and of their wofull clamours They seased not lyke folkes most vengeable Tyll it fyll so that turmentours Perceyued well they were not treatable Howe theyr sorowe was intollerable Of compassyon lyst no lenger spare Of all this thynge the trouthe to declare All sodeynly they began to abrayde Theyr deedly sorowes and playntes to refrayne Of the most worthy of the towne they sayde O citezyns why lyst ye so complayne Leue your wepyng your teares doth restraynt For by report of vs that were present Voyde of disceyte or meanyng fraudolent ye haue more cause of gladnesse than wepyng And greatter matter of consolation Than of distresse or of complaynyng For if the grounde be sought out by reason Touchyng your frendes slaughter and passyon ye haue more grounde vs lyst not for to fayne For to be glad than for theyr deth to prayne By sondry tokens that were contemplatyfe Of signes shewed the deed beareth wytnes Theyr deth was entred in to euerlastyng lyfe Ende of sorowe concluded on gladnes From this darke valey went vp to bryghtnes where day departed is from the nyght And bryght Phebus leseth neuer his lyght It is accordyng full well to nature A man to wepe for frendes that be dede But agayn warde by recorde of scripture For Christis sake who lyst his blode to shede A thousande folde shall receyue his mede And for his lyfe whiche is but transytory Eternally to abyde and lyue in glory where is no complaynt nor no parte of sorowe But euerlastyng gladnesse in that place Ilyche newe both at eue and at morowe From wo to ioye from sobbyng to solace wher deth hath lost his power to manace Fye on dispeyre for dethe to make stryfe where ioye foloweth of euerlastyng lyfe Dethe in this worlde shulde not be complayned Of them that passe from worldely vanite Suche as by grace and mercy haue attayned with Christ to reigne in his eternall see where ioye is euer and all felicite And for suche folke mydday eue and morowe It were wodenes for to make sorowe ye be bounde playnly to conclude To thanke god for frendes that ye mysse whiche hath chose so great a multitude Of this citie and brought them vnto blysse Of ioye perpetuall they may neuer mysse Makyng a chaunge from this temporall For thylke lyfe aboue celestiall Take hede hereto and yeueth good audience Of thynge that we shall make rehersale And it imprenteth in your aduertence Touchyng your frendes slayne in batayle whom that we dyd so mortally assayle All this consydered to complayne ye do wronge As ye shall knowe paraunter or ought longe Aforne rehersed the same turmentours with a great othe present there all the towne To them not only but to theyr successours To be reported through all that regyon Maden there open protestation Touchyng this mater they cast to expresse Shall haue no touche nor spot of falsenesse They gan theyr matter brefly to conclude Touchyng the story to all theyr entent In Verolamy to all the multitude Of great and small beinge there present Rehersyng fyrst howe that they were sent with myghty honde to all contres enuiron To seke theyr frendes were fled from the towne Vnder these wordes spake for theyr partie By your byddyng we went as ye wel knowe with force and armys serchyng to espie To north wales in countres high and lowe Tyll it fell so within a lyttell throwe Lad by fortune we founde them euerychone with hym that whylom was maister to Albon Out of this citie they were fled and gone Some that were full nygh of your allye Vpon the maister abydyng of Albon we founde eke gethered a great company And of Pectis we dyd also espie with walsemen of newe that were drawe And conuerted vnto christen lawe By thylke clerke that all these thynges wrought From whom they wolde departe in no maner Amonge all our kynred out we sought Toke them aparte and with full frendly chere with fayre speche requestes and prayere Maynte with manassis and softnesse of langage From that doctryne to reuoke theyr corage But euer they stode in suche obstinacy On hym abydyng eche houre and moment By theyr answere rather for to dye All of accorde and echeone of assent Lyst in no wyse folowe our entent whan we myght not our purpose recure we lefte our tretes and toke our armour Of whiche they were not astonyed nor aferde For Christis sake eche redyer than other who myght fyrst renne vnder the swerde In theyr metyng brother slayne of brother There was suche prese it myght be non other For Christis sake echon were fayne For a prerogatyue who myght fyrst be slayne Vpon the sonne whiche was the father heyre The father shewed most cruell violence whiche in nature was nother good nor fayre The sonne also voyde of all beneuolence To his father dyd no maner of reuerence There was no mercy but marciall outerage without exception of olde or yonge of age Pacience was captayne in the felde Of them that suffered deth for Christis sake Theyr spere was hope mekenes was theyr shelde Other defence they lyst not for to make In thylke quarell whiche they had take Lyst not departe tyll spent was theyr blode whiche on the playn ran large as a flode The lorde that sytteth aboue the sterres clere Saugh and behelde the great pacience Of his knyghtes whose blode lyke a ryuere Ran in the felde by mortall violence whom to comforte of his magnificence The heuen all open to shewe his great vertue Sayd vnto them that blessed lorde Iesu Cometh vp to me my knyghtes most entere Proued in batayle ryght victorious Assendeth vp aboue the sterres clere My gate is open and redy is my house Agayne your comyng most ryche and glorious with tryumphe that neuer shall disseuer And with a palme that shall lasten euer O Paradyse o chosen citezyns For your notable tryumphall prowesse Makyng your clayme as very denzyns There to abyde your knyghtly nobylnes To spende your blode was shewed no scarsenesse For me to suffre deth by great outrage Digne amonge martyrs come take your heritage The amerous fayre of feruent desyres In your conquest of most souereyne price Haue gyue you title to be possessioners Eternally to clayme lyke your auise Abydyng space in the heuenly paradise To be registred fre from all worldly stryfe with the holy martyrs in the boke of lyfe From this worlde we saugh them flee to heuen By many signes whiche that dyd appere From deth to lyfe aboue the sterres seuen we stode astonyed beholdyng the manere Howe Christe Iesu with a benyngne chere Lyst to receyue into his regyon These holy martyrs of Verolamy towne In these nombre of martyrs