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A13796 Mirabilia opera dei certaine wonderfull works of God which hapned to H.N. even from his youth: and how the God of heaven hath united himself with him, and raised up his gracious word in him, and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a minister of his gracious word, / published by Tobias a fellow elder with H.N. in the houshold of love. Translated out of Base Almain. Tobias.; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed trans. 1650 (1650) STC 24095; ESTC S106213 70,397 154

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Now goeth ye Iudgment ouer this world now is ye prince of this world cast out Iohn ●2 Now is ye Saluation ye por●●● and ye Kingdom becom our gods and ye Might his Christs Revet ●2 D. Mirabilia opera Dei Certaine wonderfull Works of God which hapned to H. N. even from his youth and how the God of Heaven hath united himself with him and raised up his gracious Word in him and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a Minister of his gracious Word Published by Tobias a Fellow Elder with H. N. in the Houshold of Love Translated out of Base Almain Now come hither and behold the works of the Lord Ps. 46 66. Know ye that the Lord leadeth his Saints wonderfully Ps. 4. a. And take heed that ye do not despise the works of the Lord lest there come upon you that which is said in the Prophets Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for I do a work in your days which you will in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you Hab. 1. a. Acts 13. b. THE PREFACE Tobias with H. N. a fellow Minister of the gracious Word of the Lord wisheth to all lovers of Truth Salvation and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord Amen FOrasmuch as I Tobias a fellow Elder with the Oldest Elders in the Houshold of Love have alwayes been present with H. N. in all what the Lord hath revealed unto him and now in this day of the Love of Iesus Christ am impulsed of the Holy Ghost to declare and to publish among the children of men under the obedience of the love of the Truth of certain wonderful works of God which befell H. N. and us the oldest Elders in the house of Love and that I also know that H. N. Gods chosen Minister and his ministration of the gracious Word of the Lord hath been disorderly rejected and censured with several false judgements by many false hearts and good-thinking wise-ones by many false Christians and unsent Teachers or Preachers and by some unfaithfull and opinionated self-seekers who are turned away from us And that the Godly Testimonies of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ published by H. N. were by many disgracefully contemned and reproached as if God had neither chosen nor sent H. N. to be a Minister of his holy and gracious Word and as if the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ were an unclean thing So have I for Gods cause and in regard of the Love which I bear and have to all mens salvation I could not omit to declare to all God-fearing-understandings and Lovers of the Truth That they may believe the Truth understand the Godly Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love and may be preserved in these dangerous times and to witnesse the Truth before them how and in what manner the Lord the living God of Heaven hath chosen H. N. from his youth to the ministration of his holy and gracious word and hath sent him thereunto in his old age of the holy and godly understanding through the holy Spirit of his Love 2 For the holy Spirit of the Truth of God and of the Love of Iesus Christ was alwayes powerfully abiding upon H. N. in all his ministrations after that the Lord had anointed him a with the same spirit and hath through the same spirit raised and sent him for to declare to all people the true b repentance for their sinnes and to draw and bring in through his ministration of the holy and gracious Word all those that love Gods Truth and the accomplishment of the Godlinesse in Iesus Christ and hunger and thirst after righteousnesse c to the peaceable Love and his Godly service for the preservation of them all in the Godlinesse that all they which H. N. and our fellowship may have their communion in Iesus Christ and may not be seduced in these dangerous times in which if it were possible the very elect d should be seduced with the unprofitable prating of the false hearts and unsent Teachers or Preachers which alwayes oppose the Truth of God e and blaspheme against the holy Spirit nor through any depraved hearts and Apostates who continually accuse with falshood the true Ministers of the gracious word and endeavour with all their power to abolish the same ministration nor should be kept of or held back from our most holy Service of the gracious word under the obedience of the Love to their condemnation 3 And therefore and for the Truth of Gods cause and for to declare the knowledge that the Promises of God the Father and of the Lord Iesus Christ g be fullfilled and established in the Love So is there also now presently in this same day of the Love in plain words to all understanding and before all good-willing hearts unto the righteousnesse through H. N. testified and published what that very thing which the Gracious Word of the Lord which the Lord now hath raised up according to his Promises doth require of all men 4 And for to witness and publish the truth that the Lord hath chosen and sent H. N. therefore have I through the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ plainly testified and declared the sending of H. N. also certaine wonderfull workes of God which from his youth hapned unto him from the living God That all those which read or hear all the Godly Testimonies of our writings may believe the Truth with a single heart to have a right regard to the true Promises of the Father and of the Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and of the accomplishing of the same and may hope upon the fulfilling of the requiring of the gracious word and of his service of Love and rightly and in Truth follow and imitate our Lord Iesus Christ in the saving word of his holy Spirit of Love h and might be of one mind with us and our communialtie of the Saints i in the Love of our Lord Iesus k into all unity and peace 5 And likewise that through the same declaration the enemies of H. N. together with all the opposers and reprochers of the Truth and of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ may see and know That they have villified and contemned not onely H. N. a choseu servannt of God but also God the Father the builder of our house of Love and the Lord Iesus Christ our Phisician and Saviour and the holy Ghost the inheritance of our spiritual and heavenly goods l and have pulled upon their own necks the wrath and judgement of their condemnation That they with humble hearts might bring forth real fruits of repentance 6 For it is not unknown or uncertaine to us that H. N. doth testifie out of the Truth of God and his gracious word and that the office of the ministration of the gracious Word is imposed and intrusted to him through m God's grace to administer for the Lord
hath chosen him thereunto from his youth to witness the same Testimonies of the Truth of God And to administer Gods holy and gracious word and to manifest his heavenly works and to declare upon the earth now in these last times under the obedience of the love of Iesus Christ Gods Truth and upright being and the acomplishment of the Godlinesse in Iesus Christ 7 Thus in this election by the living God H. N. hath declared on earth to this present day from the n uncovered face of God and of Christ Gods real Truth and the requiring of his upright righteousnesse together with his righteous Judgement and the fulfilling of the Godlinesse in Iesus Christ 8 Now whether this be believed or not believed however he hath revealed the the same out of Gods true light eternal life in manifest declaration brought it to light in this holy day of the love of God and Christ 9 And the same day of the love of God and of Christ which is come unto us from Gods grace is the newest or last day of which long agoe the Prophets of God and the Evangelists of Iesus Christ have foretold and published and is the day o which God hath appointed or ordained for to judge on the same the whole circuit of the Earth with righ●eousnesse 10 For on the same day of the Love of God and of Christ p shall all unbelievers and disobedient ones to the gracious Word of the Lord and all evil surmisers towards the Ministers thereof together with all opposers of H. N. and blasphemers of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ be q revealed and r judged and according to their works shall receive their reward 11 Therefore take warning by this declaration of mine all ye people which love the truth of Iesus Christ that you in no wise oppose neither the gracious Word of God nor his chosen servant H. N. because God the Father with his Son Iesus Christ dwelleth and liveth perfectly * in H. N. in the heavenly being and hath anointed him with the holy Spirit of God and of s Iesus Christ and that no man without the fellowship of H. N. or without the obedience of the requiring of his doctrine can be brought or gathered to the true living God nor to his Sonne Iesus Christ nor united with the same good being 12 Behold out of a very hearty love which I have to all your preservations in the godlinesse am I presently in this day of the Love impulsed and forced through the holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ to make the same known before all your understandings and to declare unto you how the calling H. N. came to passe by the living God and how he was chosen of the same God to Administration of his holy and and gracious word under the obedience of the love of Iesus Christ 13 And also to testifie unto you some mysteries t of the Kingdome of the God of heavens and of the heavenly revelations and workings of God which were revealed and shewed to H. N. by the living God out of his heavenly being even from the youth of H. N. 14 The Lord grant unto you all mercy and his Graee that in the hearing of these Testimonies your hearts may not be offended nor be hardened against the Truth u of the same Testimonies but that yee may hear them humbly receive and accept of them in all thanksgiving to God for his grace be well minded to the holy and gracious word of the Lord and his service of the Love to your preservation in the Godlinesse and may enter into the requiring of the same obediently Amen So be it Take it to heart Certaine wonderfull Workes of God which befel H N. from his youth CHAP. I. IN the eighth year of the age of H. N. in the days of Maximilian the first being made Roman Emperour by vertue or power of the Electoral Princes of the Roman Empire and the German Nation it fell out on an Evening in a Winter season That the Father of H. N. exhorted his Family and instructing them with many words That they should fear God a and to give praise and thanks unto him for the grace he bestowed on man 2 The same time The Lord opened the mouth of the childe H. N. and touched his lips and tongue and with this the childe spake to his Father and said Instruct me O my Father what is that singular Grace bestowed on us for which we ought to give praise and thanks to God 3 When the child had asked this questiof his Father The Father looked on the child and wondered that the child should aske him so earnestly and answearing the child said to him 4 O my sonne doest thou aske what that especial grace is which God hath bestowed on us and for which we are bound to give praise and thanks to him The same you read daily in the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ and is set forth unto us dayly in the service of the Masse and often also and abundantly is attested by Preaching how that God the Father by reason of Adams sinne whereby we all became the children b of death and damnation caused his deare Sonne Jesus Christ to suffer the ignominious c death on the Crosse and that thus Jesus Christ hath born the sins of Adam satisfied for the same on the Crosse and delivered us from that sinne into which Adam did fall hath reconciled us to his Father d and hath set up again the sincere righteoness and the true e life of Godliness and so all is found and restored againe that was lost by Adam that same is joyned again f made whole which through Adam was broken and wounded And this is that singular Grace which God bestowed on us to the laud and praise of his great Power 5 Then said the child O my Father I doe read indeed of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ and I heare it daily testified in Sermons that God the Father hath bestowed on us his great mercy and that his beloved Sonne Jesus Christ hath suffered the ignominious death of the Crosse by reason of sinne g but I finde not according to Truth that the sinne is amended in us nor that the true righteousness h wherein Adam was created and placed is restored in us or set up again 6 Then said the Father Oh my sonne what I have told you about the grace of God shewed to us through Jesus Christ you need not to doubt of it beleeve the same in simpleness of heart and that it all is come to passe as I have told you 7 Then said the child O my Father I make no question of the mercy of God which is come unto us through Jesus Christ and all that which is preached to us of Christ and his satisfaction for the sinne as that he through the death on the Crosse
hath prepared and obteined for us i the Salvation from the Sinne I believe also firmely That Jesus Christ for to bring us againe in all Godlinesse to God his father k is gone before us in l that death of his Crosse and hath opened to us the way and passage to the Kingdom of God his Father and to the everlasting life And m hath prepared the way for us that we might obtein the same 8 For I understand out of the preaching of Christ That Jesus Christ is preached unto us in his Gospel to such an end that we should beleeve in him n and should obediently o follow him in the same Passeover of his sufferings till unto the fulfilling of our Godlinesse in the same Jesus Christ and then also that we through Jesus Christ should obteine againe the inheritance of our God the upright p righteousnesse together with the spiritual heavenly goods the which as it stands to me in my understanding is the same Grace and Mercy of God which is come unto us through Jesus Christ So I cannot conceive that it is any otherwise brought again or shall be restored which was lost through the fall of Adam or that we have missed by reason of Adams sinne 9 For as I have heard preached in the Church that the Worke of God which he did make in the beginning and also the man q when he created him was perfect between which perfect worke of God there came in a breach or rent through the sinne r whereby the man also is turn'd off from his God and is wholly s estranged from his upright manly estate and from the union with his God 10 Now if all this same shall be restored again then that which was torn and broken must be t joyned together again and the man with all that God hath made and ordained even as it was in the beginning must be set againe in his upright u forme and order which we see now plainly and perceive that the same is not yet come to passe or accomplished in us Therefore it appeareth altogether in my understanding That God for the bringing again of the man into his upright being that the repentance or satisfaction for our sins must have another performance and fulfilling then many men suppose or conceive 11 Then the Father mervailed much at the distinct expressions of the child and said O my son hold they self iu silence lest you dig too deep into the works of God I will relate the matter to our spiritually learned which are our advisers * they shall well instruct thee therein to the belt for I my selfe doe not understand this business nor thou neither as I suppose and besides thou art yet too much young to be able to comprehend such things therefore let us hearken to our Advisers and simply beleeve them herein 12 Then said the child Father it is well let it be so I submit my selfe alwayes to your authority and so in that evening there was no more talke of it 13 But all the night after the Father was much perplexed with the sayings of his young sonne And being of himselfe plaine and simple went the next day to the Minorie-brethren to his Confessor for he thought in his judgement that these brethren of the Minories which were called also the Observators were the most holy and most judicious in the Godly things and able to give good instructions to him and his sonne and intimated to his Confessor confiding in him most the whole businesse of his sonne 14 And his Confessor gave to him this answer That he should bring his sonne to him then he would take to himselfe a good brother and would resolve them of all these matters 15 The Father did according to the direction of his Confessor and at a convenient time he went with his young sonne H. N. to the Minorie-brethren That both of them the Father and the child might heare and understand the right instruction of what the child had spoken and therein might be pacified CHAP. II. NOw when both of these came to the Confessor of the Father of H. N then the Confessor looked on the child which was very young and little and said to the Father Is that the lad thou told'st me of That hath such strange whimses in his head Surely he is to childish yet as to trouble himself with such things as you told me of Thou shouldest of right with a rod chastise him from the same neither to hear nor answer him in his sayings for it is not otherwise then the madness of a child 2 Then said the Child hold there Sir why do you speak forth such words It is true that I am yet young and childish and am still under the Rod and Discipline of my Father and stand under his doctrine and instruction And if my Father at his convenient time doth instruct me And I cannot conceive or comprehend in my apprehension of my Fathers saying should it not be granted or permitted me to aske for the sense and true meaning thereof 3 When the Confessor observed the Lad 's so modestly answeared him he began to be somewhat moved in himself And answered then to the child more discreetly and said yea in truth my sonne it behoveth you indeed to aske what the right understanding is but you are yet much too young and too small of capacity to search into the a deep profound mysteries of the godly things or to fathom them 4 Then said the Child because I am young and of a small understanding in the mysteries of divine matters therefore am I the more inclined for that reason to aske and not to search thereafter out of my owne power but desire to be instructed and taught therein from my youth of my Elders and Teachers 5 Then said the Confessor it is well done my sonue if you keepe there but me thinketh that thou makest a doubt as thy father informeth me of the satisfaction of Christ for the transgression of Adam and for all our sins 6 Then said the childe no Sir thereof I doubt not but my saying is that I do plainly see b That the satisfaction in Christ for our redemption or deliverance from the sinue for which Christ suffered death on the Crosse c and made satisfaction is not performed as yet in us and that we have not followed Christ in his Passeover to his Father and if I pereeive this and find it to be so Is it ill done that I akse whether the satisfaction or the upright fruits of repentance be still owing or how d we shall be delivered from the sinnes and be brought to the upright righteousnesse 7 And when I inquiring after this and likewise have and hope that it be performed in us and that the righteousness in which Adam was created and set into shall be restored unto us and that we also shall be delivered from the fall
and transgression of Adam this is I hope no doubt of Christ satisfaction but I may iustly doubt of our satisfaction for I conceive in my understandings that we are still indebted to God concerning our satisfaction in Jesus Christ 8 Then said the Confessor O my sonne thou runnest out too far with thy young understanding for after that thou mayest not search so deepe nor no man else but simply beleeve all that concerneth Christ and our salvation 9 Then said the child well Sir I will simply beleeve all as you say yet must I aske somthing of thee out of my simplicicy desire for the love of Jesus Christ that thou wouldest answer to my simple question 10 Then said the Confessor well my sonne aske and I will answer thee 11 Then said the child if Adam had lived simply according to the commandments of God and had not falne off from God had not transgressed the command of God should then he and we have lived in the sinne or in the righteousnes 12 The Confessor said Adam and we all should have lived eternally in the righteousness and no sin nor e death should have reigned over us 13 Furthermore the child asked and said when God created Heaven and Earth and all that is therein f and the man also whom he made after his owne Image did not God then make all things good and perfect and came it not to passe as he would have it 14 The Confessor said O yea my son g what ever God hath made he made it well and good and all what God said and h commanded to be it stood there present and all things had their progresse * towards perfection according as God would have it and even so the man in his upright being 15 Then said the child Seeing the man was created from the begining good and upright and i to live eternally in Gods upright righteousnesse and that he remained not steadfast therein And that God for to reduce the man to his right estate againe hath given up his beloved Son Jesus Christ to the death of the Crosse k and so through the death of the Crosse of Jesus Christ to re-establish l the man and all that was fallen in his right state and condition Therefore all must then be m restored to the same in his right form through Jesus Christ and his death of the Crosse even as it was from the begining the transgression of Adam must be mended and we must be n justified or cleansed from the sinne and must be o borne again unto the Image of God 16 Behold Sir in my understanding I conceive it soe and that we ought to take heed to this mercy of God p and to follow our Lord Jesus Christ in his q death of the Crosse and to be wholy incorporated into him with his r like death where through in us also the s sinne of Adam and our sinne becomes amended and blotted out in us from the death of sinne her t power and dominion taken away and the upright righteousnesse simplicity and the eternal life to which Adam was created u and set and was ordained to live therein eternally be raised up again 17 Now if all as you say should be fulfilled or satisfied then as I conceive nothing should be wanting in Gods work nor in mans upright life and obedience to God and all things must be restored to his right forme And seeing there is yet defect therein thereupon I aske where doth the fault lie in God or in us that the worke of God and his will is not performed in all on us and in us and that not the righteousnesse and the good life of Jesus Christ but the sinne and the death reigneth and hath dominion over us for me thinks that the right ground of this whereof we now speak● is not yet by many entred into nor rightly understood and that the most necessary part of our Godlinesse in Jesus Christ and the x obedience which God requireth of us through his Son Jesus Christ is still to be performed by us and in us CHAP. III. WHen the Confessor had heard all these words from the young child he could answer nothing to it but said to his fellow brother that was present and had heard all the speech of the child I know not what I shall say of the child and his sayings I know not whether it be childishnesse or Godly understanding it speaketh of 2 Then said his fellow brother surely thou art bereaved of thy wit doest thou not perceive that it is foolery and childishnesse the boy speaketh and I wonder also very much why thou exchangest so many words about it for if men of judgment were present they would say that you were more childish then the boy himselfe because thou hearest and answerest him in all his foolish words whereas they are meerly unprofitable things after which he diggeth and searcheth and should with these matters if he be let alone bring himselfe into weaknesse of minde Therefore it is most needfull that he be punished for these things and make him to forget them This he spake that the Father and the childe should heare and spake it so loud to that end that neither the Father nor the childe should observe that they were not able to answer to the childs questions or informe him therein and so these two fellow brethren tooke the childe between them and in the presence of his Father rebuked the childe with many hard words and among the rest the Confessor said to the childe do'st thou know what evill thou hast committed that thou troublest thy selfe with the matters of the mysteries of God the child said no Sir 4 Then said the Confessor O my son thou hast nigh committed the greatest sin that man can do on Earth for thou hast with thy thoughts digged and searched and troubled thy selfe which is not permitted to any man upon the a Earth let him be never so judicious to know the secrets of God I scarce know whether this sin may be forgiven to thee or whether thou shalt for this go to hell and he made the child quite astonished so that he spake no more of the same nor asked after any more instruction but fell on weeping and said Oh that I and all men might be saved Then said the Confessor 5 O my sonne seeing thou art now sory for thy sinne I promise salvation unto thee and that thy sins are forgiven 6 Then said the child I thank you Sir and will commit the cause to God let it come to passe according to his will And so his Father thanked the Minory brethren for that they had well taught and instructed his sonne and so departed from each other and the Minory brethren went their way and thought no more on this businesse or gave little respect unto it 7 But child was not appeased with the sayings of
the Minory brethren nor satisfied in his understanding but went up and down with a sad heart and seeing could not forget the things he had spake off So kept he all the same within himself and imparted the businesse no more to any man till he came to the day of his manly oldnesse with the gray haire and was stil more and more an earnest lover of Service and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholique Church and the requiring of it and being alone busied himselfe dayly with divine matters and with the fulfiling of the Godlinesse in Jesu Christ CHAP. IV. IN the ninth yeare of the age of H. N. in the days of the Emperour Maxmilian the first there was revealed to H. N. after midnight near upon day breaking by Gods grace a great wonderous work of God and wonderful vision of a heavenly mystery out of the heavenly being for he was compassed about with a mighty a great being of the glory of God and the same was ad a very great Mountain of glorious Beauty And when he was surrounded by this huge great Mountain and was throughly illuminated in all his being with the glory thereof then this great Mountaine wholly united it selfe with him in his whole spirit and mind so that his spirit and mind with the same great and glorious Mountaine became so great and broad that he became also of an equal greatness and like being with the same in altitude latitude and profundity 3 With which revelation and wondrous work of God it was declared to H. N. That the same and the uniformity thereof b within the man is the true accomplishment of the Godlinesse in Jesus Christ and the righteous c Iudgement of God or the great day d of the Lord which for righteousnesse is promised to come upon the Earth 4 And as then that great Uision and wonderfull Revelation of God vanished wholly from his eyes and sight so found he himselfe awakened lying on his bed and was very much troubled and wearied in all his being and mind and in respect of that wearinesse he had a mind to sleep 5 And whilst H. N. lay thus on his bed near the breaking of the day he fell into a slumber 6 And being fallen asleep there were then revealed unto him in his sleep wonderfull things which should befall him and the Saints of God for at that time understood he it not so well as he did when the same befell him 7 In this sleep he saw in a Uision That many Saints of God were with him on the Earth and that the same Saints of God and he joyntly rejoyced much with one another in the Godliness of our Lord Jesus Christ And that he loved all men highly to the same Godliness and called and invited them all thereto that they with him should rejoyce in the same and that he also out of great Love shewed to manifold men great friendship and many kindnesses for that he might likewise rejoyce in the same Godliness with men like as with the Saints of God And that he held forth unto them with all pleasantnesse a●d discreetnesse and lovely speech the transcendant worthy nobleness of man and the most peaceable life of Godlinesse to which e God hath created man and chosen him thereto through Jesus Christ 8 And he saw also in this Uision that many men which did not accept or take to heart the friendship and love which he shewed unto them thereby to bring them to a peaceable life of Godlinesse and did not repeut were withered and changed into dry and ex●cicated trees f and that many of these Trees were wholly eaten hollow by knawing wormes and inwardly were mouldred g away to dnst and consumed away to nothing and ●hat there was not left the least h monument or being of greennesse or blooming 9 He saw also in the same Uision that many good thinking men did oppose him and that the same and s●ch as were offended at him and at all that love and goodness which he shewed unto men and for which they mightily envyed and reproached him and hardned their hearts against his sayings and the Grace and Mercy which he offered unto them were changed into several terrible hurtful and tearing wolves or devouring beasts and they were inclined to bite and to i teare and wholly to devoure him and the Saints of God and that they joyntly together with great bitternesse and and hardnesse of heart exceedingly bellowed and foamed against him and the Saints of God and with clamour and extream horrible noise came on against him and railed and raged very terribly against him and the Saints of God for to destroy and consume them 10 In which horrible and terrible out cryings and fury of these horrible beasts awakned H. N. out of his sleep through great feare that they should teare and destroy him and all the Saints of God that were on earth with him and at his awaking he cryed out aloud Oh how long shall these yet judge * over my soul 11 When he thus cryed out and awakened from his sleep he found himself much disquieted and perplexed at his Uision 12 His Father and Mother being affrighted at the noise of his out-crying ran hastily to him to his bed and said God blesse thee my Sonne what ayleth thee what is is come on thee my dear what is hapned to thee that thou thus cryedst out Oh how long shall these yet judge * over my soul 13 But H. N. out of a heavy mind did sigh and said I ayle nothing but I am somewhat sorrowfull and a little weaknesse is upon me And he remained in all silence and stilnesse and related nothing of all what had hapned unto him however by the commotio● in his Uision he found himselfe not well in his body and was made very weake and feeble in all his joynts from that commotion 14 When he was recovered in his joynts and got his health againe yet would he say nothing of any thing that befell him in his Uision and spake not at all of that heavenly Revelation which awakened him on his bed nor of the Uision that appeared to him in his sleep but kept all this in his heart CHAP. V. IN the nine and thirtieth year of the age of H. N. in the dayes of Charles the fifth being made Roman Emperour by vertue or power of the Electoral Princes of the Roman Empire and the German Nation there was revealed to H. N. from the high heavens a mighty revelation of the living Godhead and by the same was shewed and manifested unto him the upright Truth and Righteousnesse of God together with the faithfull love of his dear Sonne Jesus Christ 2 Which heavenly manifestation of the living Godhead together with all that was shewed unto him descended to H. N. and wholly comprehended him to it selfe 3 And the same God of heaven excited and revealed in H. N. his holy and gracious word even
as he of old had promised to a raise up the same through his holy Prophets and with the same word and out of the same word the Lord b poured upon H. N. his holy Spirit of the of the Love of Jesus Christ 4 With this heavenly glory and out-flowing of the same holy Spirit of the true Love of Jesus Christ upon H. N. the Lord chose him to be a Minister of his holy and gracious word which He the Lord had excited and revealed in him 5 And the Lord prepared or ordained to H. N. for his assistance in the same ministration Daniel Elidad Tobias which continued allwayes with him and assisted him in all his ministration of the the gracious word of the Lord 6 And at that time also through the power of God and impulse of the holy Spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ H. N. was driven in his whole spirit mind for to administer on t of the holy and gracious word and holy spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ the most holy Office of the Love according to the command of God and to attest and set down in writing the godly truth of God and of Christ and the c upright way of the through-going or Passe-over which reacheth to the npright righteousnesse and to the eternalllife and to publish and express writingly in letters before all eyes of understanding 7 H. N. being thus chosen of the God of life to the ministration of his gracious word and was impulsed by the holy spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ to set * forth the manefestatton of the Truth of God and of the Godlinesse of Jesus Christ and let the Sonnes of men to know their errours that they repenting of their sins d may turn from their errour and sincerely endeavour to keep the truth of God and the godliness of Jesus Christ So he gave himself obediently at that time to that service and work of the Lord and carefully endeavoured to set down all that the Lord revealed and commanded him and that should be most profitable and necessary for the Sonnes of men to their Salvation and Peace and to the entrance of the upright life 8 But in his beginning of the same service and writings the word of the Lord came to him and said H. N. stay thy hand from writing in this place and get thee up and travel out of this land wherein now thou livest that thy soul may be preserved alive in my service and worke and be not devoured by bloud-thirsty men and in thy going out from this land take thy journey Eastward and dwell there till I my selfe by the hand of my Angel bring thee from thence 9 For whilest thou livest there thou shalt apply thy selfe for the most part to be in the land Pietas that thou mayest be diligent there rightly and according to the truth to manifest my honour and Love and to reveal the same to those who are worthy of love 10 For there in the manifesting of mine honour and Love thou shalt testifie and figure forth in writing the godly and heavenly things which I do reveal and make known unto thee and that profitable for the children of men unto Godliness 11 To thee shall also from henceforth many mysteries of my heavenly Kingdome which hitherto have been kept and concealed from the e world and her wise and letter-learned be revealed and made known for to bring the same to light 12 At the time according to the word and command of the Lord H. N. instantly took his journey Eastward and became an Inhabitant in the land of the East and was for the most time iu Pietas even as the Lord had commanded him ae3 And the Lord the God of heaven revealed to him in Pietas many godly mysteries and in these revealed mysteries H. N. excereised himselfe in Gods holy understanding to the serviceable benefit or utility of the children of men and to all their good knowledge of their Salvation and peace in Jesus Christ 14 There were revealed unto him also many wonderfull Acts or Workes of God many of which are testified and brought to light in the writings of H. N. to the knowledge of the upright Godliness in Jesus Christ 15 But in all this which the Lord hath revealed to H. N. he was rejoyced too exceedingly insomuch that he forgot all the sore wayes which he in great sadnesse had passed through 16 And the Lord afflicted him heavily through his enemies for the Lord suffered him to fall into the hands of the wicked his enemies whose ungodly being is the false destruction which hath brought on the Earth death or f mortality namely the Kingdome of the Devil and of hell which God hath not willed that it should be in the Earth but be condemned in the g bottomlesse pit and the everlasting darknesse from whence it also came And that the h Glory of Jesus Christ should be revealed on the earth and raigne over it eternally 17 Yea the same wicked Beeing must be abolished in the condemna●ion at the appearing of Jesus Christ in his glory for that same is the i envious man against God and his righteousnesse and against all that is Godly and * God-service k and wherewith the man practiseth his whoredome and adultery to the disobeying and resisting his God so that thereby the man every where l turneth or inclineth to himselfe and to things which are vaine and unprofitable whereby also the same ungodly being in the false light of the mans disobedient knowledge is become predominant 18 Behold into this Abysse or Depth the Lord let fall his chosen servant H. N and suffered him to tast and feel the condemnation of all ungodly ones in the hellish fire the most horrible perdition and the most ugly abomination of desolation 19 But when now H. N. found himself thus captived in misery wherein hee was sorely vexed by his enemies so there came on him a great and mighty sadnesse and he could find no comfort at all insomuch that by reason of his great heavinesse of mind he wringed his hands and exceedingly bewailed his sinnes and cryed aloud to God and besought him for his Grace and continued therein day and night And in this his misery he composed these Psalmes of mourning and lamentation and did not hide his sinnes and thus calling on and praying to the Lord he spake forth his mourning Psalmes with weeping and lamentation Here follow the Psalmes of H. N. and the declaration of his weeping and praying in his chastisement The Rod and punishment giveth wisdome Pro. 29. For whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth and delighteth in him as a Father doth in his sonne Pro. 3. Therefore shall the eare which barkeneth to the correction of the Lord dwell among the wise but he that letteth go the chastising Instr●ction or turneth away from it he rejecteth his own ●oul Pro. 2. CAAP. VI Psalme I. 1 O My
me and the Devil c roareth to devour me 3 Hell taketh hold on me and the d sorrows of my mind oppress me 4 My heart is cut through with e the sword of anguish and my thoughts bring forth all perplexities 5 Therefore must my soul now lament f as one that is forsaken without comfort 6 O Lord wilt thou not once look down and wilt thou quite turn away thy loving countenance from me what is then my soul which thou hast begotten g brought forth to life 7 Or O Lord doest thou try my Manhood or searchest thou the strength of my creature which is but earth and ashes h and is able to do nothing as a thing which is nothing 8 For it is now become as a spoiled instrument which is unprofitable to thy service 9 Therefore I must confess unto thee my weakness and impotency be thou O Lord my power my life and my ability 10 For if thou hidest thy self from me then am I as i the dead in the grave 11 And I find my self in great misery k like to those that are in Hell 12 Therefore O Lord consider my misery and refresh the soul of my m●nd then O Lord will I praise thee magnifie thy glory and will sing praises unto thy name for ever 13 For who is he among the l dead which remembreth thee in Hell there are no praises sung unto thee 14 But when thou O Lord doest afflict then the sighs of the poor come before thee and when thou makest glad again then they sing with joy a song of praise whereby thy name is magnified as holy CHAP. XII Psalme VII 1 OH Lord how am I thus perplexed how long shall my soul endure sadness how long shall the wickedness as an over-lorder triumph over me 2 That thou O God would'st guide me in thy wayes and would'st lead me in thy a paths and would'st deliver me from my adversaries and from all b mine enemies which have made up themselves against me Then would I O God out of the whole minde of my soul bring unto thee an offering of joy and offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving 3 O Lord let not my adversaries have their pleasure over me let not my enemies prosper against me 4 O that the wicked might give up themselves to flight and not reign over me for ever to the end that my c enemies boast not that they have destroyed me 5 O Lord assist me and rise up against mine enemies d that they may all be put to shame that assault me 6 O Lord let thy goodness imbrace me clense me from my sins and deliver me from the murtherous e persecutors of my soul that my soul may dwell in thee thee O my God in peace and without care 7 Ah how long shall I yet endure mine enemies how long shall they torment my soul with disquietness 8 Well I will be of good chear in the confidence of my God that my soul may get some refreshment 9 Oh my soul thou oppressed one f be of good chear in thy perplexity and expect the comfort of the Lord in long-suffering 10 For he will comfort thee in peace g if thou takest patience to thee as a precious treasure 11 He will bring unto thee meek-mindedness for an ornament and the burthen of the wicked shall be lightened in thee and h thy mind shall be refreshed in God CHAP. XIII Psalme VIII 1 WHy art thou so troublesome to me a O thou unbelief and distrust for my hope is in the living God that he will yet heal my soul 2 O Lord b heal me and take away from me the evil nature namely all the opposition of thy goodness 3 Ah I am doubtless very deeply wounded there is c no soundness in my soul 4 O God I am very miserable by reason of my torments is there any so d distempered as I am 5 I am not now like unto any e man but to those which have changed their humane form and shape 6 Wherefore was I born f upon the earth for I perish in great misery and am good for no use 7 O that my Father had let fall the seed of which I was begotten like Onan the sonne g of Juda that I had never been 8 Or that I for or to my Fathers sinne like the first born son of David h by Bashsheba had died 9 Ah that the earth would open it self receive me that the i hils would fall on me and cover and smother me in the earth that I might no longer see this horrible abomination 10 For I am bereaved of all comfort riches honour and wisdom 11 All unsoundness torment k sinne death Devil and Hell is faln upon me 12 Ah my l heart is thus afflicted and my mind is so much disquieted 13 My ●ones m quake my feet tremble and my jaw-bone is shaken 14 My teeth chatter my hands are wrung about or turned round my eyes weep and my thoughts affright me 15 All evil spirits domine●● over me and and my enemies drive me upon doubtings 16 Anguish and n perplexity more heavily oppress me then if the whole world lay on me 17 Doubt of deliverance and all despair o assault me the unbelief bringeth desperation before me as if I were forsaken eternally 18 There is no where any refreshment p for my soul that I might revive my self a little 19 Ah how hard doth the punishment of my God laid hold on me his stripes fall on me as q burning coals and flames of fire 20 I am afraid that the heat of his fire r will consume me to nothing 21 Or that he will hold his fierce countenance continually over me and hide his lovely face for ever from me 22 Ah I must bewail my sins continually for these hard stripes torment me CHAP. XIV Psalme IX 1 WHile I was thus wounded stricken chastised my friends also a made up themselves against me and became my enemies 2 And they also cried out against me with great accusation and said b O yea that is his reward the accursed 3 Kill him c away away with this wicked one condemn him for ever into hell 4 His sins are manifested to be beyond mercy for his evil deed is as of the most ungodly wicked one 5 Yea God thus rejecteth all those which fall off from him and never more come to his favour again 6 Therefore let all shame reproach and the eternal death befal him let not God help or succour him for ever 7 O Lord let that perdition which they have wished to me and also themselves have framed against me let it fall on d themselves and when they are smitten down let them never rise again 8 They have intended mischief against me e O Lord repay them that they have f deserved on my behalf