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A06678 An ansvver to the vntruthes, published and printed in Spaine, in glorie of their supposed victorie atchieued against our English Navie, and the Right Honorable Charles Lord Howard, Lord high Admiral of England, &c. Sir Francis Drake, and the rest of the nobles and gentlemen, captaines, and soldiers of our said navie. First written and published in Spanish by a Spanish gentleman; who came hither out of the Lowe Countries from the service of the prince of Parma, with his wife and familie, since the overthrowe of the Spanish Armada, forsaking both his countrie and Romish religion; as by this treatise (against the barbarous impietie of the Spaniards; and dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Majestie) may appeere. Faithfully translated by I.L.; Respuesta y desengano contra las falsedades publicadas en EspaƱa enbituperio de la armada Inglesa. English D. F. R. de M.; Lea, James, fl. 1589. 1589 (1589) STC 17132; ESTC S109021 42,817 64

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got it against reason justice and the will of God But that thou camest with thy mightie Armada by the ordinance of God and government of the holie Ghost and therefore thou camest to destroy and kill and that thou shouldst have enjoied that which thou hadst gotten If of so vaine a presumption thou couldst alleage anie place of the sacred Scripture in thy defence then neither would I call thy presumption vaine nor gainsaie thee But I gainsay thee bicause thou hast no reason I cal it vain bicause they are smokes of thy vainglories like those of them of whom Moyses speaketh that woulde builde a tower whose top should reach unto heaven who in rewarde of their pride were punished and destroied When the Lords people went foorth of Egypt remaining in the wildernes amongst other things that the Lord spak unto Moyses their guide and captaine generall this was one as appeereth That they should not encline to the Gods of the Gentils but that they should destroy and breake their altars And afterwards the Lord saith unto Moyses Take heede to thy selfe that thou make no compact with the inhabitants of the land whether thou goest least they be the cause of ruine amongst you But you shall overthrowe their altars and breake their images in peeces and cut downe their groaves God commanded Ioshua to destroy the citie of Iericho even to the overthrowing of the wals All the inhabitants of Ai were destroied and the citie laid waste God commanded Gideon to destroy the altar of Baal and he did it So then these and others which I might alleage If they conquered kingdomes slew the people and raced cities unto the grounde it was by the commandement of God For such kingdomes people and provinces lived prejudiciall to the honor of God But who commanded thee ô Spaine to come to make war upon Englishmen If it were by the commandement of God and for their idolatrie give us testimonie and shew us the place where God spake and shew us thy Moyses thy Ioshua or thy Gideon and if it were by ill counsellers punish them and repent thee of that which is done and amend from hence foorth I would gladly know which of these two causes stirred up this war whether the commandement of God or ill counsell To the first I saie if thou saiest it was by the cōmandement of God that thou errest in so saieng sith heaven earth shall faile but the word of God shall never faile and so had his divine Majestie commanded thee to come he had given thee victorie he gave it thee not then he was not pleased with thy comming He promised the land of promise to the children of Israel and though the countrie was strong and the defenders strong and many and they weake and weary yet he gave it them and to thee would he have given this Iland had he promised it thee Besides this thy comming could not be acceptable to God neither was it with his consent For God now is not a blouddy God but a God of love he punisheth not nowe in a strong arme as he was woont under that hard lawe but with a hand of compassion and thy comming was throwing lightnings thunders and thunder bolts and saieng let them die let them die let not a man remaine alive a matter most abhominable to God ergo without his consent That God commanded the captaines of his people to destroy the gods altars wals and groves of their enimies and to put them to the sword the cause was as I saide a little before bicause God was offended and dishonored by them But we according to the povertie of our strength blesse give God thanks and the honor that is his we give it not to creatures Then it is likely he would not command us to be destroied by thy wrathfull hand When his people of Israell committed idolatrie he put them into his enimies hands and when they acknowledged their sin he delivered them But God delivered not his people of England into the hands of the Spanyards then God cōmanded them not to com against England neither is this kingdome an enimie to God The Gentiles had many gods but Englishmen onely one God Father Sonne and holie Ghose three persons and one onlie true God omnipotent and creator of the universall And in such sort we beleeve in this God that we confound not the persons for one person is of the Father another of the Sonne another of the holie Ghost and so we beleeve three persons that yet we make not three Gods but one God as the scripture doth teach us where he saith Heare ô Israel the Lord our God is Lord onely He nameth God three times bicause he consisteth of three persons and bicause these three persons are one God and not three gods he saith is Lord onely and for that of this blessed Trinitie the second person was incarnate and clothed himselfe with our humanitie for our salvation therefore he saith in the second place our God If then we have one God whose pursons we confound not and whose substance we separate not and say that this God cloathed himselfe with our miseries for our salvation and reconciled us with the everlasting father whom according to our small power we worship and serve and obeie him according to his lawes and not after the lawes of men Then we have not manie gods with the Gentiles neither are we idolators why God should send you to make war upon us and hence I conclude that seeing God sent you not that it is the second cause that mooved you Which is ill counsellers who mooved by some secret hatred deceiving their king and destroie his kingdome The destroiers of kings and kingdomes are ill counsellers Three hundred yeeres the Romanes made wars upon thee yet never werst thou overcome of them but alwaies victor till such time as ill counsellers deceived thee sowing in thee hatred and division The ill counsels of the false prophets destroied Iezabel Achab and others And so thee ô Spaine have thy il counsellers and false prophets washed and destroied One of the chiefest causes why thou hast obtained so many victories against Turkes Moores the French and other nations hath bin bicause of thy good counsellers the conservation of the prince and people depends upon good counsell And so many honorable personages have exalted manie for their good counsell and utterly rejected il counsellers and flatterers Octavius Augustus gave the dignity of Consulship to the philosopher Frontonius with sundry other dignities for giving good counsel Marcus Antonius caused a Statua to be erected which might remaine for a memorie for the celebration of his name for the excellencie of his learning and good counsels as recordeth Iulius Capitolinus The Emperor Domitian made Scillus oftentimes Consul for his good counsell as may be gathered by certaine verses of Martial Trajan caried with him in his chariot triumphall Dion Prusio as affirmeth Suidas for his good
upon George Seguin of Callis To all this I say that it is better to be slandered by the wicked for being vertuous than by being evill to be hated of the good I will put an end to the answering of these five Letters for that I have sufficiently done it and for that I may have some time to answer the blinde man the toong and publisher of them onely putting Spaine in mind of a marvellous policie observed by the Lacedemonians who the better to conserve themselves established a lawe that none should be so bold to invent any noveltie in the Common weale And as this law was upon a time broken by a famous musicion called Tependarus whose transgression was that his instrument whereon he used to play being of five orders he added a string and made it of sixe a noveltie offending none neither did it good or harme to the Commonweale neither altered it the minds of the citizens for all this him they banished the Common-weale and brake the instrument in pieces With how much more reason then deere Spaine maist thou bereave the lives of these inventors of false novelties written so much in thy prejudice and the pen inkhorne and paper which served to that use to burne them in the market place Receive this ô Spaine from him that bewailes thy weepings widowes moorning attire and thy scattered small orphans remaining without their fathers aide and consider how far better it had been for thee to have imploied such a puissant Armada against infidels than against Christians baptized in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost redeemed by the blood of Christ from whom commeth all our weale and to whom we yeeld infinite thanks and praise for ever and ever Amen An end to the answer of the Letters with a briefe true and Christian relation of that which was done in England after the departure of the Armada THis victorie thus obtained the whole kingdom of England by the commandement of hir Majestie was imploied in spirituall plaies wherein was nothing els represented than thanks-giving to God singing of Psalms and preaching the Gospell and to this spirituall exercise repaired all both small and great poore and rich and this endured for certaine daies and at the length the Queenes sacred Majestie accompanied with the Nobles as Earles Lords Barons Knights and Gentlemen of the land came unto the church of Saint Paule where she was received of the Bishops and other Ministers in whose presence with great reverence solemnitie and devotion there was giving of thanks to God preaching the divine word singing sundry Psalms of which I will onely name this himne The Himne Te Deum laudamus and so foorth WE praise thee O God we knowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee the father everlasting To thee all Angels crie aloud the heaven and all the powers therein To thee Cherubin and Seraphin continually doe crie Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabaoth Heaven and earth are full of the majestie of thy glorie The glorious companie of the Apostles praise thee The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise thee The noble armie of Martyrs praise thee The holy Church throughout all the world doth knowledge thee The father of an infinite majestie Thy honorable true and onely sonne Also the holy Ghost the comforter Thou art the King of glorie O Christ. Thou art the everlasting son of the father When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man thou diddest not abhor the virgins wombe When thou hadst overcome the sharpnes of death thou didst open the kingdome of heaven to all beleevers Thou sittest on the right hand of God in the glorie of the father We beleeve that thou shalt come to be our judge We therefore pray thee helpe thy servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood Make them to be numbred with thy saints in glorie everlasting O Lord save thy people and blesse thine heritage Governe them and lift them up for ever Day by day we magnifie thee And we worship thy name ever world without end Vouchsafe O Lord to keepe us this day without sinne O Lord have mercie upon us have mercie upon us O Lord let thy mercie lighten upon us as our trust is in thee O Lord in thee have I trusted let me never be confounded THere were also said sundrie praiers some of thankesgiving for so great benefits received from the Lord others for the life and prosperitie of the Queenes Majestie and for peace others for the increasing of our zeale and the holding of his holie hand over us and for his church universall To him be all praise honor and glorie for ever and ever Amen FAr otherwise ô Spaine they celebrate heer such victories then they do in thy kindomes and provinces for there they passe all in worldly sports as maskings dauncings with bels hurling of canes launcing of buls Iusts and torneies and with these feastes ô Spaine thou givest the glorie of thy victories to the world as though the world had given them unto thee but from hence foorth take my counsell and give them to God and turne to him But if thou wilt be obstinate and still give them to the world heere I present thee a Himne which thou maist sing to the head of this world The Himne TE Papam damnamus Te confusum confitemur Te confusionis Patrem omnis terra arbitratur Tibi Ecclesiastici seculares incessabili voce proclamant Confusus Confusus Confusus dominus Babaloth Vacui sunt coeli terra operibus gloriae tuae Te gloriosus Theologorum chorus Te Medicorum laudabilis numerus Te Philosophorum candidatus vituperat exercitus Te per orbem terrarum omnis confitetur schola Patrem Mentis aegestatis Reprobandum tuum falsum innorme Collegium Malum quoque tuum spiritum Tu rex gloriae vanae Tu superbiae sempiternus es filius Tu ad regendam suscepturus Ecclesiam confudisti mundum Tu injuncto mortis juramento clausisti tibi credentibus Regna coelorum Tu ad dexteram Diaboli sedes in pena Luciferi Iudicatus crederis esse venturus Te ergo quae sumus tuis Scholis subueni quas ligitioso furore perdidisti Aeterno fac cum sociis tuis igne numerari Damna Papatum hunc Domine maledic haereditati suae Et doma eum humillia illum usque in aeternum Per singulos dies Papam maledicimus tibi Et vituperamus nomen tuum in seculum in seculum seculi Dignare Domine die illo Peccatorem hunc damnare Nèmiserearis ejus Domine nè miserearis ejus Fiat maledictio tua Domine super eum quemadmodum speravimus in te Tibi Domine peccavit confundatur in aeternum Amen The same in English WE condemn thee ô pope We knowledge thee to be confounded Al the earth judgeth thee to be the father of confusion To thee the cleargie and laitie continually docrie Confounded
confounded confounded Lord of Babaloth Heaven and earth are void of the workes of thy glorie The glorious companie of divines dispraise thee The goodly societie of Phisitions dispraise thee The noble armie of Philo sophers dispraise thee Everie schoole throughout the world doth knowledge thee The father of the povertie of minde to be Thy counterfeit and enormous colledge to be reprobate Also thine evill spirit Thou art the king of vaine glorie Thou art the everlasting son of pride When thou tookest upon thee to governe the church thou disorderedst the world Thou by an injoined oth of death hast shut the kingdome of heaven to all that beleeve thee Thou sittest at the right had of the divel in the pain of Lucifer Thou art beleeved that thou shalt come to be judged Wee therefore praie thee helpe thy colledges which thou hast cast away by cōtentious fury Make them to be numbred with thy fellowes in fire everlasting O Lord condemn this papacy And curse his inheritage Subdue him and cast him downe for ever Day by day ô pope we curse thee We dispraise thy name ever world without end Vouchsafe ô Lord that daie this sinner to condemne O Lord have no mercy upon him have no mercy upon him O Lord let thy curse lighten upon him as we have trusted in thee O Lord against thee hath he sinned let him for ever be confounded An answer to the songs of Christovall Bravo of Cordova blinde of bodie and soule in praise of the victorie which the Spanish Armada had against the English the yeere of our Lord God 1588 The first song O Emperour most high Iesus Christ consecrate Sonne of the virgine pure without sin begat Which wouldest for our sin suffer and die vpon the crosse whipt crowned and hung on hie Give me thy grace thou crowned king of kings to sing and recount these memorable things Which in England past as told I have beene and thou blessed virgine divine-garden and Queene Of Christ get me favor sith he is thy son that my toong may well end what I have begon Since our Armada went foorth as is prooved at last from the citie of Lishborne in May that is past Sailing with diligence care and all speede passing by the Groine a good harborough at need Heere begin the plagues of Egypt And after fewe daies great stormes there arose that unto the Groine the fleete againe gose Pharao his hart is hardned And the three and twentie of Iulie this yeere yet in hand they purpose to prosecute their voiage began Now begin the lies The second of August the Armada of Drake that pestilent man towards ours did make A lie On whom ours set with courage not thought and straight seven twenty to the bottom were brought And fower more without yards there were staid when all the rest fled they were so afraid Towards Dover in haste as written I found to enter the Thames their fortune so fround to live in their harbrough more safe and more sound The Answer to the first Song BLinde foole lier unbaptized and scald why thus devoid of feare on Christ hast thou cald To give and repart of his bountifull glorie to thee the treasure of his grace thou unhollie Saieng thou wilt sing a matter strange and true which was a loud lie as everie man knew Proclaiming dog truths yet sellest thou lies giving victorie to the vanquisht and the victors despies Abasing the victor and exalting the slaine And the glorie of England thou givest to Spaine Monster of nature borne in some lake mongst flags the sonne of a toade or a snake Lucifer thy father and Sathan thy brother a vassall of hell Leasings thy mother Thou wantest thy three powers and in steed thou hast got lieng and blindnes and of asses braines a pot I call thee Lope the Vylde blinde asse and dolt Ram ape parret munckie and colt Oystridge and ape clad in a coate of greene and sundry colours thy lightnes to note Mutinous perverse shamelesse in all things enemie to see peace amongst Christian kings Saie how durst thou sing the king of Spaine had destroide the English Navie and yet he the annoid Thou infamest thy woorthy king and dispisest his decree thou overthrowest his crowne scepter and degree And tell me bold bayard more fowle then horse gall why such words thou usest gainst a soldier so tall As is Sir Francis Drake of Gods temple a prop a defender of faith and to Britaine a hoape Of whom the universall trembles at his name the Indies for witnes can speake of his fame Galicia Cales San. Domingo Cartagena fear him at this day San. Augustine Santiago and the fierce Ocean sea The duke of Medina feard and durst not abide him Valdes that fled not may saie how he tride him He lost his strong ship and his soldiers stout but he lost not his honor by fighting it out They blind who blindfold fled are of thy side whose ships are lost displanckt and opened wide Who came out of the Groine in month of Iulie last of munition full of men powder shot and good repast These are the lost the English have the best for God was on their side who now doth give them rest The end of the answer to the first song The blinde mans second song wherein he prosecuteth his untruthes and injuries AFter the great battell was ended as before the second of August a fight most fierce and sore Our Armada retired to place most apt and meet to know if any hurt had chanced to our fleet One ship alone was mist which burned was at sea by slight regard hard mishap and lucklesse daie But all the men were saved and not a man was lost and other harme was none for that was all and most And on the sixt daie of month I named last our Armada going on thorow narrow chanell past And so did the contrarie proceed the selfe same way as neere unto England as either of them may And the English thought the wind of us to get but God would it not so their purpose he did let And when the darkesome night was come upon the skie the adverse part prepard at anker where they lie Eight ships all burning bright which seemed to the view ech ship of them a hell all what I sing is true Of powder full and stones with timber huge and great with engens many more which I can not repeat That they on our Armada at unawares might drive to burne our ships and men not leaving one alive But he the king of Heaven which rules the world wide permitted not theffect their treazons put a side For he inspirde our Duke of that his foe had wrought and then the prudent Duke to prevent the treason sought Or else they burnt must be wherefore the Duke doth send and wils each man his cable cut and all away to wend Vnto the sea where larger scoape they had his grace did so command which made