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A03788 A riche storehouse, or treasurie, for the sicke, full of Christian counsels holesome doctrines, comfortable persuasions, and godly meditations, meete for all Christians, both in sicknesse and in health. Wherevnto is annexed a comfort for poore prisoners, and also an exhortation to repentance. Written in Dutch, by Gaspar Huberine, and Englished by Thomas Godfrie, esquire, late ... fruits and ... at the request of his dangter Marie, wife ... Iohn French, gentleman of the Inner Temple Huberinus, Caspar.; Godfrie, Thomas. 1578 (1578) STC 13905; ESTC S113094 72,574 208

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faith loue prayer nor no good thought can any more appeare in their heartes If this great sore temptation shall happen also to trouble you yet despaire not therefore but be of good cheare thinke thus with your selfe I perceiue that I must altogether be naked and vnclothed and put off all that I haue spoile my selfe of euery thing that I haue or may doe all that euer I haue falleth cleane from me and forsaketh me My louing bridegrome our lord Christ wil cloath me anew adorne and dresse me and trimme me with all his iewels Therefore call now againe vpon him as vppon your highe priest that he will haue mercie vpon you intreat and pray for you and wil haue heartie compassion of your weakenesse For We haue not an high priest that can not take cōpassion of our feeblenesse but such an high priest that hath beene thoroughly tempted and is like vnto vs in all things except in sinne Therfore let vs goe vnto him with ioy to his mercie seate that wee may obteine mercie and finde grace at that time when helpe shal be necessarie for vs Heb. 5. Here haue you a very great comfort that Christ is your high priest Call vppon him earnestly that he wil send into your colde heart his holy spirite which shall call within you father father louing father Euen then shall the holy Ghost helpe vp your weakenes and intreateth for you also mightily with sighings not able to be expressed Rom. viij Then also doeth Christ himselfe pray for you like the high priest before the father suffereth not your weakenesse to be laid to your charge despiseth you not because of your vntowardnes your ignorance or faint heart for this high priest hath great compassion with our weakenes he doth not only intreat for vs but also he sheweth foorth before the father his innocent bodie which he hath offered vppon the Crosse for you a perfect sacrifice for euer Heb. 9. As also S. Paule witnesseth Ephes 5. where he saith thus Christ hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs for a gift and offering vnto God for a sweete sauour This is the noble gift and this is the auaileable offering for you which is richly accepted before God. Thus haue you now your high priest Christe oure Lord himselfe the altar wherevppon he was offered his crosse the offering his cleane vnspotted and pure bodie Nowe marke how and in what manner or fashion Christe your high priest did hang vpon the crosse for such maner of hanging is very comfortable if one would behold it with beléeuing eyes For first Christ hangeth vppon the Crosse with his armes and hands stretched out to signifie that he is readie to giue grace accept and imbrace with his armes all poore and wretched sinners for he hangeth there for the comforte of poore sinners reacheth out his armes to troubled consciences Secondarily his féete also be heaued vp and fast nailed in token that he tarrieth there for all wretched sinners for he wil not start aside nor flie from you but will continually be found and tarrieth for you Thirdly he turneth his face and not his backe to you he boweth downe his face like vnto a gentle and milde Lord to the prayers of all poore and troubled persons will gladly with all his heart heare them he is willing and readie he openeth his eares wide wherby he will certeinly heare you Fourthly his heart is wide open towardes you for it is pearced with a speare whereby he may haue heartie compassion with your aduersitie and will set your trouble very neare vnto his owne heart Fiftly he weareth a crowne of thorne vpon his head to signifie that he will be your king and defend and kéepe you from all misfortune from sinne from death from the diuell and from hell This is a maruellous gratious and louing beholding to all troubled sinners for he hangeth in the middle of sinners as a sinner bycause he will receiue all miserable forsaken sinners giue them grace and preserue and kéepe them for euer ¶ Hereafter followe certeine prayers whiche may be said before the sicke body if the sicknesse haue any continuance whereby sometime the sicke bodies heart may be touched moued and kindled that the sicknesse may not preuaile and haue the ouerhand vpon the sicke First welbeloued let vs lift vp our heartes to almightie God and put him in remembraunce of his gratious promise which he hath made vs at our holy baptisme therfore say after me though not with your mouth yet with your heart chiefly thus MY Lorde and God remember the holy couenant whiche thou hast made with me in my holy baptisme wherin thou hast receiued me to grace and to be thy childe and promised me that I beléeuing and béeing baptised should be saued Marke 16. Séeing then thou Lorde hast so assuredly bound thy selfe vnto me to be my gratious mercifull true and louing father my comforte and hope is alonely in thée therefore I stedfastly beléeue that as surely as I am baptised in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that thou wilt be my defender deliuerer and comforter and helpe me out of all daunger leade me and defend me from all perill that neither sinne death nor hell can hurt me Therefore I will not despaire in all aduersitie and euen in the extremitie of death turn my heart vnto thée and stedfastly beléeue that thou wilt neuer forsake me but giue vnto me euerlasting blessednesse through the deseruing of Christe my Lord and Sauiour Secondarily welbeloued let vs now againe turne our selues vnto almightie God from whome commeth al help and call vpon him from the bottome of our hearts inwardly as our onely God and father and say thus OH almightie euerlasting God and father I being full of all vnrighteousnesse and sinne come vnto thée and yet am I thy welbeloued childe Therefore séeing thou art the euerlasting true God I comfort my selfe with thy promise that thou wilt faithfully performe all that thou hast promised me Nowe thou hast saide Matth. 11. When I am troubled in my conscience with sinne care néede heauinesse and am heauie laden many wayes and I repaire vnto thée that then thou wilt help me and receiue me in my heauinesse For as much as thou art my welbeloued father and I am thy childe therefore doe I looke for from thée wholy all good things help comfort in al trouble for thou art not an earthly father whiche somtime can neither help him selfe nor his children but thou Lorde art the almightie heauenly father that wilt willingly with all thy heart helpe me likewise art able so to doe by reason of thy almightie power For thou art the maker of heauen and of earth thou hast all thinges in thy hande and power all cretures of heauen and of earth be subiect vnto thée and must serue and obey thée euen as thou listest Therfore Lord despise me
not though I be a very wretched sinner altogether for these causes séeing that thou by thy worde hast commaunded and promised that I shal be heard in what daunger and trouble so euer I be when I call vpon thée and that then I shall honour thée and euer acknowledge thée to be the true and very God séeing I perceiue that what so euer thou promisest that thou dost perfourme effectually Therefore beléeue I certeinly thy worde that thou wilt not denie it but vndoubtedly perfourme whatsoeuer thou hast once spoken therfore I beséech thée from the bottome of my heart that thou wilt help me out of my trouble and sicknesse and neuer forsake me but gratiously send me thy fatherly helpe and deliuer me from my distresse For there is no body vpon whō I can perceiue any helpe or goodnesse but only vpon thée therefore helpe thou me my lord and God but not according to my deserts worthinesse or goodnes but through the deserts of thy sonne Iesus Christe which hath purchased vnto me from thée all grace and fatherly fauour him dost thou loue and hast great pleasure in him and therfore thou wilt not forsake me for his sake but rather shewest vnto me all goodnesse therfore I commit my self wholy vnto thy mercy and fatherly goodnesse and put my whole cause vnto thée as to my louing father that thou wilt deliuer me out of all this trouble griefe weaknes paines when it shal please thy godly will therfore I will not appoint vnto thée neyther time nor space but earnestly hope vpon thée that thou wilt heare me and defend me though my case appeare very straunge and as impossible as it may be for thou art almightie hast might and power ouer all things and besides this thou art my father and art willing to doe it if it were nowe necessarie Therfore at thy hand I looke for al goodnesse be it vnto me according vnto thy true promise Amen Thirdly moreouer welbeloued let vs once againe lift vp our heartes and mindes vnto him from whome all help and goodnesse commeth chiefly vnto the father of all light which giueth euery good gift gratiously heareth vs Therfore séeing that your paines necessitie miserie and griefes stil continue therefore pray vnto our Lord God with holy Dauid and say thus Oh Lord punish me not in thine anger correct me not in thine me Lord be gratious vnto me for I am feeble heale me Lorde for my bones be afraide Turne thee Lord and deliuer my soule help me according to thy pleasure be not far from me for trouble is at hand for here is none that can helpe Remember Lorde thy mercy and thy goodnesse which hath ben since the world beganne Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor mine offences but thinke vpon me after thy mercy and according to thy goodnesse Lorde haue mercy vppon my misdeedes which be very great turne thee to me be gratious vnto me for I am forsaken and in miserie the heauinesse of my heart is great lead me out of my necessitie and need Behold my miserie and distresse and forgiue me all mine offences Lorde be gratious vnto me according to thy goodnesse and blot out all my sinnes after thy great mercy wash me cleane from mine offences make me pure from my sinnes for I acknowledge myne offences and my misdeedes be euer before me On thee alone haue I sinned and haue done euill in thy sight Hide thy face from my sinnes and blot out all mine offences Make a cleane heart within me and giue me a newe right spirit Cast me not out of thy sight and take not thine holy Ghost from me Comfort me againe with thy helpe and giue in me the spirite of peace Be vnto me a strong tower whether I may for euer flee for succour for thou hast promised to helpe me for thou art my rocke and my hill Oh Lorde I cry vnto thee bicause thou art gratious Lord for thy great goodnesse heare me with thy true help heare me Lorde for thy goodnesse is comfortable turne thee vnto me according to thy great mercy Lord be not farre from me My God make hast to helpe me Vpon thee Lord do I trust God helpe me out of all my needs and set me at libertie Looke vppon me and heare me Lord my god Lighten myne eyes that I may sleepe soundly in the middest of death I loue thee with all my heart Lorde God my strength Lorde my rocke my hill my deliuerer my God my castell vpon whome I trust my buckler and horne of my saluation my defence Lord in thee doe I trust let me neuer be confounded Deliuer me for thy iustice sake Bowe downe thine eares to me make speede to help me Be vnto me a strong rocke and an hill where thou maiest helpe me For thou art my rocke and my hill and for thy name sake leade me and bring mee foorth come to my soule and deliuer it keepe my soule and deliuer me Let me not be confounded for I trust in thee Lorde quicken me for thy name sake leade my soule out of this daunger for thy righteousnesse sake for my soule fainteth in my bodie and the feare of death is falen vpon me Feare and trembling compasseth me and loathsomenesse is falen vpon me I lie with my soule among the Lions therefore oh Lorde heare my prayers and let my crie come vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in my neede Bowe downe thine eare vnto me when I call vpon thee then heare me betime Nowe Lord wherein shall I comfort me I hope vpon thee leaue off from troubling me that I may refreshe my selfe before I goe hence and come no more againe If it please any man to say all the whole Psalms to be said to the sicke I will not complaine vppon him Therfore they that list may when he list sometime take these Psalmes hereafter following and read the same to the sicke and sometime make some shorte rehearsall of them and with them comfort the sicke body specially the 25. 51. 70. 71. 77. 87. 88. 103. 130. c. And if neede require a man may often repeate them or take some comfortable part of them and also like comfortable sayinges out of my litle booke called The spiritual conflict all which for shortnesse I leaue heere vntouched Fourthly if the sick bodie draw on and is neare his ende then say our beléefe that is the xij Articles of our holy faith thus J Beleeue in God the father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord whiche was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell he rose againe the third day from the dead he ascended into heauen he sitteth on the right hand of God the father Almightie from thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy ghost The holy catholique Church
The communion of Saintes The forgiuenes of sinnes The resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting Amen Oh highest comfort in all trouble helpe that we neither feare shame nor death that our senses be not dismayed when the enimie accuseth vs Lord haue pittie vppon vs. Fiftly if the partie lye long in a traunce For I haue many times seene that some haue lyen a long time as it were in a traunce and afterward haue begunne againe to speake and haue said that they very well heard and did vnderstand what hath then beene said vnto them Therefore they that will may rehearse to the sicke this short exposition of our beleefe I put all my trust hope and comfort onely in the méere grace and mercie of God that he onely himselfe can helpe me and none other creature howe holy soeuer he be in all my néede and trouble And séeing he is my father I beléeue stedfastly that he with all his hart will gladly helpe me neuer forsake me neither in this world nor in the world to come And because he is almightie God I beléeue that he can defend me and kéepe me from all that is against me For he onely is strong ynough for mine enimie by reason of his almightie power And séeing he is the creatour of heauen and earth I beléeue he can commaund all other creatures that none of them shall haue any power ouer me to my harme without his fatherly good will. Therefore do I looke for onely from this almightie God father creatour all good things and euerlasting life For all thinges come onely from him and are giuen vnto him for he will giue himselfe wholy and fully vnto me with all that he is and hath with heauen and earth with al creatures that they must serue me and profite me and further me toward euerlasting life I beléeue with all my heart that Iesus Christ the onely begotten sonne of the father from the beginning hath for my sake taken vpon him mans nature and that he was conceiued of the holy Ghost and borne of the holy virgin Marie as a right naturall mother and that that man is very truly God as an euerlasting and vndiuided person of God and man And that this sonne of God Marie our Lord Iesus Christ hath for me wretched sinner suffered was for me crucified and dead Wherby he hath deliuered me from sinne from death and from the euerlasting wrath of God by his innocent bloud whiche in his owne person suffered the pangues of death and hath tasted euerlasting hell and ouercome it to the intent that I should be reconciled with God and be made Lord ouer al mine enimies I beléeue that except the death of this sonne our Lord Iesus Christe I could neuer haue atteined vnto Gods fauour and my saluation neither by works nor by any manner of desert I beléeue that Iesus Christ my brother is risen from death for my righteousnesse and hath for my sake taken death and hell prisoner that they can neuer hurt me For I confesse that I shuld haue dyed for euer if Iesus Christ had not come to help me and taken vpon him as an innocent lamb my sinne faults curse and euerlasting death and hath satisfied for me by his passion and hath taken away the curse for me I beléeue that he doth daily like a faithfull mercifull Mediatour Sauiour and only Priest and Byshop of my soule appeare and intreate for me I beléeue that Christe with God equally ruleth and fulfilleth all thinges and that he is of equal power and might in heauen and in earth Lorde ouer all Lordes King ouer al Kings and aboue all cretures in heauen and in earth and vnder the earth aboue death and life aboue sinne and righteousnesse This King and Lorde shall goe before me in my passion and death shall hold battell and fight for me so that I with him shal be a Lorde ouer all mine enimies for euer and euer I beléeue that Christe crucified shall come againe at the last day and shall iudge and condemne those that will not beléeue on him but will defend me and all faithfull from the terrible iudgemēt of damnation perpetuall and say vnto vs Come ye hyther ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome whiche is prepared for you from the beeginning of the worlde coet I beléeue in the holy Ghost whiche with the father and the sonne is one very God and is procéeded from the father and the sonne euerlastingly and yet in one and the same godly being and nature an vndiuided person I beléeue that I by him shall be adorned with faith as with a liuing euerlasting godly gift and reward raised vp from death made frée from sinne and in my heart made merrie comforted and frée and safe in conscience For this is my reioycing that if I can finde in my hart such witnesse of Gods holy spirite that then God will be my father forgiue me my sinne and reward me with euerlasting life I beléeue that the holy Ghoste will help to beare mine infirmities and intreate for me with vnspeakable sighings strengthen me and light my hart that I may knowe the excéeding riches fatherly mercy that he hath giuen me rewarded me with of méere grace without all my deseruinges onely through Christ his beloued sonne by whome the father hath rewarded me with those his giftes But the holy Ghost teacheth me to knowe all these thinges he kindleth my heart and lighteneth me that these giftes come from aboue as Christe hath promised vs where he saith Iohn 7. He that beleueth in me as the scripture saith from his bodie shall flowe streames of liuing waters I beléeue that there is vpon earth one Christian church that is the congregation or number or assemblie méeting of all Christians in which there is one God one Lord one holy Ghost one faith one baptisme of which Churche Christ onely is the spouse and husband I beléeue that this Churche is the spirituall body and that Christ onely is her head I beléeue that Christ is the sauiour of this his body and Church and hath giuen him selfe for her that he might make her holy and hath cleansed her through the waterbath of his word that he may haue for him selfe a speciall congregation that neither hath spot nor wrinckle or any other infirmitie but that she may be holy and without fault a piller and foundation of trueth I beléeue that in this Christian congregation and where so euer it be that there also is forgiuing of sinnes There is the kingdome of grace and right pardon and that there is no saluation nor forgiuing of sins without Christendome I beléeue that no man can be saued except he be in this congregation and Church as a liuely member planted in his owne body I beléeue that in this kingdome there is not only once forgiuing of sinnes but as oft as we require and aske it For Christ is such a maister of the hospitall
the holy Euangelist in his first Epistle and the thirde Chapter The bloud of Iesus Christe Gods Sonne maketh vs cleane from all sinne Beléeue these wholsome comfortable and gratious wordes stande stedfastly in a true beléefe so shall you be a childe of euerlasting life Amen Sixtly nowe dearely beloued séeing you haue humbled your selfe before our Lorde God confessed your sinnes and haue cryed for grace and mercy ye shal nowe call vnto our Lord God from all your heart first and chiefly séeke for helpe and say thus OH thou mercifull good God father I come now to thée in my great necessitie and cry vnto thée and complain from the bottome of my heart as to my louing father my greuous passions and griefes and exhort thée that thou wilt remember thy comfortable promises for thou hast gratiously promised that I shal be heard where thou in the 50. Psal. saiest Cal vpon me in thy necessitie or trouble and I wil heare thee thou shalt praise me And Saint Marke in the 11. Chapter saith What so euer you aske in your prayers onely beleeue that you shall receiue it and so shall you haue it Vnto these thy promises come I forsaken miserable wretche and craue of thée helpe and comfort therefore my chiefly beloued Lord and father help me out of this my griefe and trouble and forsake me not in any of my tormentes for thine onely begotten deare Sonne Iesus Christes sake Therfore shall I alwayes highly laud praise thy name giue thée thanks frō the bottom of my hart for al thy benefits set foorth number the same always Seuenthly nowe deare friend séeing that your offences commited might make you afraide and weaken your faith that ye dare not with all confidence and sure trust require at Gods hand and hope for helpe and grace and trust surely vppon his mercie you shall in this manner call vppon God for forgiuenes of your sinnes and speake thus Oh thou most deare Lorde and very louing God séeing thou hast made vs so many and great promises whereby we might be richly comforted strengthened in all our troubles and aduersities I am bolde to put thée in remembraunce once againe very earnestly of thy true promises whiche thou hast made vnto me in the 6. of Saint Matthewe where thou hast promised me forgiuenesse of all my sinnes if I do forgiue my neighbours that wherein they haue offended against me For these be thy wordes If you forgiue other their faults so wil also your heauenly father forgiue you your offences Therefore come I vnto thée and stay me vpon thy worde specially that thou wilt forgiue me all my sinns according to thy mercifull promise fréely for nothing so that I also doe forgiue other For these nowe I praye vnto thée my Lord and God that thou wilt send into my heart thy holy spirite for thy bitter passion death sake that he may make cleane my sinfull hart lighten and kindle a feruent heate in me that I also may forget and forgiue For of myne own power I can do nothing so from the bottome of my heart shall I forgiue euery man both my friendes and enimies what so euer they haue done against me and put out of my heart all manner of malice hatred enimitie and displeasure And séeing that I now through thy grace perceiue such loue against myne enimie so am I nowe persuaded according to thy promises that thou nowe hast clearely forgiuen me all my sinnes of méere mercy without my desertes For there haue I a perfect signe good assuraunce séeing I haue according to thy promise forgiuen euery man that thou also hast forgiuen me all Do with me according to thy promise for thy word is true whatsoeuer thou sayest that kéepest thou assuredly Vpon this thy word do I stay without all doubt beléeue I thy promise that I haue now gotten forgiuenesse of all my sinnes wherefore I haue nowe a frée safe and ioyfull conscience that I know not now of any sin in me that I haue obteined from God peace ioy in the holy ghost that I certeinely persuade my selfe of Amen Eightly now welbeloued the holy scripture sheweth vs of two giuings of Christ our lords body vnto vs The first is the generall giuing where Christ gaue vs wretched sinners his body vpon the crosse for an offering for our sinnes this giuing is made vnto vs our owne through true faith specially when we surely beléeue Gods promises Ioh. 6. Of this giuing witnesseth Christ himself Ioh. 3. where he saith thus So hath God loued the world that he hath giuen his owne sonne to the intent that al that beleue on him shuld not be destroied but inioy euerlasting life And further the holy Apostle S. Paule Rom. 8. witnesseth likewise saith If God be on our side who can be against vs whiche hath not spared his owne sonne but hath giuen him for vs all And Rom. 4. Christ is for our sinne sake giuen and for our righteousnesse sake raised vp againe And to the Ephe. 5. saith S. Paul moreouer Christ hath loued vs and giuen him selfe for vs an oblation sacrifice These such like sayings you shal diligently marke stedfastly beléeue that Christ our only sauiour hath giuen and offred vp his body bloud vpon the crosse for you a sufficient sacrifice for euer ye shal not néed to séeke or to hunt after any other sacrifice satisfaction or redemption for your sin but lay fast holde vpon this innocent lambe which hath borne the sinnes of the whole worlde The other giuing of the body bloud of our lord Christ is an especial giuing which is deliuered vnto vs in the sacrament Whereof Christ speaketh Matthewe 26. And holy Saint Paule in the 10. 11. Chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians This second deliuering of the body and bloud of Christe in the sacrament is an assuring and an a certeyning of the establishing of the first deliuering or giuing For it confirmeth the first giuing which we receiue by faith And the second doth not profite or comfort vs without the first but is rather hurtful and damnable Therefore warneth vs also the holy Apostle S. Paule in the 11. Chap. of his saide first Epistle to the Corinthians that we shoulde well try our selues before that we receiue the holy sacrament of Christes body and bloud that no man receiue them to his condemnation This proofe standeth vpon thrée points First ye shal acknowledge your selfe for a miserable sinner that of him selfe and by him selfe can doe nothing nor hath any power to do any thing whereby he might be deliuered from his sinne God him selfe doth forgiue reconcile and pardon giueth true comfort purchaseth blessednesse specially to them that doe thirst after the grace of god And so of méere grace and mercie in Christe onely doe long after the kingdome of heauen Secondly examine
further earnest●● marke vnderstand and knowe that ●ot only al punishments and sufferings ●●me from God and be layde vppon vs ●●y God but ye shall also earnestly be●eue that GOD fendeth vnto his chil●●en as a very merciful father such pu●●shmentes and sufferings of méere fa●our and grace to his owne for their ●●ofite and commoditie For there be two causes why God ●●ndeth vnto vs aduersities troubles ●●d passions séeing that God hath two ●●tes of children vpon the earth Some many times lead a long time 〈◊〉 vnrepentaunt life they cannot not abide that a man of loue and good will say any thing vnto them but continually runne foreward in their mischiefous frowarde and naughtie wayes They haue GOD very little before their eyes Therfore must God lay hold on them restraine draw them backe and to true repentaunce and godly liuing driue and inforce them or els they will dye in their wicked froward conuersation Therfore doth God lay in the necke of backsliders from him some aduersitie that they may looke well about them and marke well who is at their backes and layeth such a yoke on their neckes at the last to knowe themselues and learne what they be whereabout they goe and howe they against GOD haue so grieuously offended Thus God correcteth them through punishmentes and learneth them as the Prophet Esaias saith in the 28. Chap. that doth the soule very much good and suche aduersitie is a precious medicine for trouble onely maketh a man take héede to the word Esaias 28. Then doeth ●e worde of God very well sauour vnto vs ●●en it is pouldred mingled or sawced with ●ubles and passions For when trouble is at ●de then we seeke to God and when God ●h visite vs then we call earnestly Esai 〈◊〉 Therefore doeth God many times ●mplaine against his foolish ignoraunt ●ople Esaias 9. where God saith The ●●ople do not turne backe to them that haue ●icken them nor inquireth after the Lord ●d of Sabbaoth Which is a great token ●an vnrepentant and stubberne heart ●esides that it is a great and heauie ●ne against the Lord God from whi●e God mercifully defend vs Amen The other cause wherfore our Lord ●d layeth troubles and aduersities vp●●●his children is this specially bicause ●e Lord God will leade his chosen chil●en from faith to faith and continual● maketh them expert and cunning in ●e knowledge of God and will thus ●oue them in faith and godly know●ge whereby his name by this mea●s may be the better knowne cōmen●d praysed as we sée in good Dauid Ionas and Iob c. Fiftly séeing that ye perceiue and knowe that ye are flesh fleshly weaknesse hath many times preuailed and you had the vpper hande vpon you and you haue oftentimes giuen ouer your selfe to your olde Adam and followed fleshe and bloud too muche and thereby many times displeased our Lord god Thus shall you therefore before the high maiestie of GOD humble your selfe acknowledge your offences aske mercy haue a seuere purpose to absteine from sinne and if God will againe restore you to liue in a good perfect Christian penitent life to embrace Gods mercy in Christ our deliuerer stay and holde your selfe with an holie hope vpon his comfortable promises Therefore thus say earnestly after me with heart and minde ALmightie euerlasting most mercifull God Father I acknowledge from the bottome of my heart and say with my mouth that I am a poore and damnable sinner For I am in sin conceiued borne Besides that from my youth hitherto all the imaginations thoughtes of my heart haue bene very wicked and inclined to al sinne and vnrighteousnesse There is also no true feare of God no faithful loue of God no perfect faith of God in my heart hitherto oh Lord founden Also I haue with my mouth oh God little called vppon God my lord in my trouble fled vnto him for succour I haue also bene very vnthankfull to God my Lord for all his wonderfull benefites both bodily and ghostly Likewise also haue I litle praysed or set foreward the thankes due to God and the same acknowledged confessed much lesse haue I rightly ben desirous to set forward maintein Gods true seruice To be short I haue not in my whole life time done and brought forth any good thing wherby before god I haue brought foorth any godly cōuersation to his glory honour and praise wherevnto he hath chiefly created and made me Al this I confesse and it grieueth me from the bottome of my heart that I haue so grieuously offended thée my very God Lord father especially with euill thoughts words and déedes Againe I acknowledge and confesse thée my Lord and God that I haue not rightly and truly obeied them to whom I ought obedience Also I haue oftentimes grieuously offended my neighbours and not sufficiently shewed vnto them Christian charitie and loue but haue bene many times disdainefull angrie fierce and very sowre Also I haue bene many times kindled in euil lustes and desires in forbidden loue Also I haue bene many times ouerséene with lewd thoughts I haue also many times ben too streight to my neighbours harmed them not holpen them defended them nor comforted them I haue likewise offended and hurt my neighbour by word spoken euill behinde his back and condemned him To be short all wicked desires and lustes haue taken in me very mightie vpperhand Therefore I acknowledge this my sinfull life require mercy haue pitie vpon me Lorde heauenly father for the bitter passion death of thine onely sonne our Lorde ¶ Heare your comfort Thus saith Saint Paule in the first Epistle to Timothie the seconde Chap. There is one God and one mediatour betweene God and man specially the man Iesus Christe that hath giuen him selfe for all for our deliuerance Beléeue this comfortable saying holde fast on Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour so shall you in your consciences rest in peace and quietnes with God the lord God graunt his grace thervnto Amen ¶ But if the sicke bodie be so weake and cannot make such a long confession you may vse an other shorter in this maner An other confession to the Lord God. OH thou merciful gratious good God and father I wretched sinfull sicke miserable forsaken creature come nowe before thy high and mightie maiestie as a poore sinfull creature full of sinne and vnrighteousnesse and confesse vnto thée frō my heart that I haue grieuously sinned against thée from my youth hitherto with wicked thoughtes words and déedes These do I acknowlege and confesse altogether generally for I am not able to remember number thē all at length particularly therefore my God be gratious to me a poore sinner through the deserts of thy louing Son our Lord Iesus Christ which was therfore slaine for me wretched sinner to the intent that I should be and remaine thy childe for euermore Amen Hearken to this comfort Thus saith S. Iohn
well your selues whether ye beléeue as Saint Paul saith in the 13. Chapter of his seconde Epistle to the Corinthes Try your selues saith he whether ye be in belefe proue your selues c. Specially that ye earnestly stedfastly beléeue the godly promise that is promised in the Sacrament Item wherfore that godly meate is giuen vnto you Thirdly examine your selfe well whether ye canne and will forgiue your neighbor whether they be friends or foes that haue offended or hurt you whereby ye can shewe towards al men a Christian friendly louing and courteous heart and good will. For this pray vnto our Lord God nowe once againe And if for your sicknesse you can not speake it with your mouth yet in your heart inwardly say thus My Lorde Iesus Christe I come againe as a wretched sinner vnto thée that haue many times offended thée haue deserued nothing but thy euerlasting displeasure and punishment But seeing thou art so gentle and mercifull thou willest not the death of a sinner but that he repent and liue therefore hast thou established among vs a newe Testament whiche was long before promised by thy holy prophetes that thou wouldest take our sinnes from vs through thy death and the same neuer after remember And also before thy death hast made thy last will and therein hast made vs an assured promise that thou wouldest giue vs thy body for our redemption to be slaine and shed thy bloud for remission of our sinnes For thus soundeth thy gratious promise Take eate this is my body which shal be giuen for you This is the cupp● of the newe testament in my bloud which shal be shed for you for the forgiuenesse of your sinnes This thy promise doe I beléeue stedfastly and for assurance thereof I haue before this time in my good health of body many times in the congregation of God receiued the holy Sacrament of thy very body and bloud wherof at this present I doe not doubt but am nowe certeinly and assuredly persuaded of al thy graces and mercies Be it vnto me according to thy word ¶ Here it is good to put the sicke body in remembraunce shortly what hath beene saide before after this manner Ninethly now deare friends I haue tolde you in the beginning how that all aduersities and troubles come from our Lord God and be laide vpon his of fatherly and true loue Therefore shall you be certeinely persuaded that this your sicknesse is by God therefore laide vpon you that the old man with Christ shoulde be nayled vpon the crosse that the sinfull body shoulde cease and a new and perfecte man appeare thereof whiche with Christe shall inioy euerlasting ioy and felicitie For Flesh and bloud can not enherit the kingdome of God As saint Paule witnesseth 1. Cor. 15. The olde man must full and whole be destroyed and as Christe in the 12. Chap. of Saint Iohn saith Except that the wheate corne fall into the earth and die so remaineth it but one corne But if it die it bringeth forth much fruite Thus must all both within and without vs be forsaken the olde Adam with all his wisedome reason and vnderstanding come to nought wherby a newe man may appeare at that day as Saint Paule saith 1. Cor. 15. Where he speaketh thus That whiche we see is not liuely except it first die It is sowen in corruption and shall rise againe in glorie It is sowen in dishonour and shall rise againe in honour It was sowen in weakenesse and shall rise againe in might It was sowen a naturall body and it shall rise againe a spirituall body When this corruptible body hath put on incorruption and this mortalitie hath put on immortalitie then shal be fulfilled the saying which is written Death is swalowed vp in victorie Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victorie God be praised that hath giuen vs the victorie through our Lord Iesus Christe Secondarily séeing the case standeth thus you shall nowe further resigne and forsake your owne wil and giue it ouer to Gods wil and pray as our Lord God hath taught vs to pray Matth. 6. and say Father thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen And as Christe Gods sonne him selfe at the houre of his death hath done and hath set forth vnto vs an example to be followed where he saide vpon mount Oliuet Matth 26. Father not my will but thy will be done So shall ye also doe vnto him conforme your selfe in all thinges to God him selfe our Lord and giue ouer all thinges to him our body our life our soule our estimation our goods friendes wife children and all c. and say thus NOw my Lord and God wil it none otherwise be but that I must at this time néedes drinke the cuppe of my passion that thou haste filled for me to drinke let thy will be done As thou willest so will I also I am willing and readie I am thy childe and thou arte my louing father thou wilt not destroy me that I knowe right well Oh onely giue thou me grace strength power mercie patience to suffer all thinges willingly that I may to thée kéepe a right holy day continually holde fast by thée and willingly to suffer thée to doe with me according to thy fatherly good will and pleasure Then shall I thrée dayes long rest lie with Christe in the graue hope for a ioyfull resurrection of all beléeuers at domes day according to the comfortable promise of Christe Iohn the 6. where Christe saith thus This is the will of him that sent me that he that seeth the sonne and beleeueth on him haue euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the latter day Thirdly ye shall also further vnderstande and beléeue certeinely that this your sicknesse howe great howe sore howe gréeuous to suffer howe long and painefull soeuer it bée yet is it not sufficient to appease pacifie Gods wrath to take away your sinnes and to purchase you euerlasting life For ye shall stedfastly beléeue this that deseruing of any Saint nor your owne worke how precious so euer it bée or may bée can gett you heauen or can deserue it For Saint Paule saith Rom. 8. That All the sufferinges in this worlde be not worthie of that glorie that shal be shewed vnto vs. Fourthly ye shall vndoubtedly beléeue that the onely passion and death of our Lorde Iesus Christe is a sufficient oblation for your sinnes For The Lorde Iesus is made for vs from God to be our wisedome our righteousnesse our sanctification and deliuerer as the Apostle saint Paul witnesseth in the first to the Corinthians the first Chapter For there is none other name giuē to men nor there is in none other helth wherin we shal be saued then only in the name of Iesus Christe c. As likewise witnesseth Saint Peter Acts the fourth For God hath made him that neuer knewe sinne for our sakes to
you very stoutly and that continually with many and diuers temptations and thinketh thus with so many and sundrie assaults and forces to dismay amaze enféeble match make desperate a féeble and vnexperienced Christian wherby he may driue an vnexperienced Christian at the last to put him selfe at all aduentures to giue ouer and yeld him selfe to euery temptation and to be ouercome to the intent that at the last he may fall into doubt yeald him selfe wholy prisoner to the wicked enimie and to submit him selfe vnto him from which our Lord defend you of his good grace with his holy spirite Amen Therfore if now at the last any such come vnto you and that sathan will lay vnto you that God after his maiestie is a great deale too high mightie to haue any regarde or to make any reckoning of you be gratious to you shewe you mercy then let such high imaginations and thoughts passe which touch the vnsearchable maiestie of God and come from thence to Christes humanitie and howe he tooke vppon him our nature and beginne at his cradell to take holde vpon God that is most high and too farr aboue our reach For In Christ dwelleth the whole fulnesse of the Godhead bodily Colos 2. And as Christe him selfe saith Io. 14. He that seeth me saith Christe to Philip hee seeth the father Doest thou not beleue that I am in the father and that the father is in me Therefore thus begin with Saint Thomas Iohn 20. and call thus vpon Christ say My God my Lorde Thus shall you séeke out the maiestie of God finde him and take holde on him that is only in Christe there is the euerlasting godhead and high maiestie onely to be sought and found and without our Lorde Christ shall you neuer finde God nor lay hand vpon him therefore thus cry with the woman of Chanaan Oh thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me Matth. 15. The thirtéenth And if beloued temptation after this sort would preuaile against you as though god were not nigh you neither in heauen nor in earth to succour and helpe you but that he doth vtterly despise and forsake you that sathan woulde lay and cast before you mocking and blasphemie and say Beholde where is thy God vppon whome thou hast so long trusted beholde howe well he heareth thée beholde what haste he maketh to help thée how wisely hast thou committed thy selfe to him either what great care hath he of thée he suffereth thee to sticke fast and starue in thy greatest danger perils Oh surely this is not the right God that thou takest for the right God and whom thou honourest callest vpon else would he neuer suffer thée now so miserably to be destroyed perish c. Whē any such or the like blasphemie of sathan is laid before you then holde your peace be quiet at such blasphemie neuer dispute with sathā but by by turne you to Christe crucified to Gods sonne him selfe and cal vpon him with your whole hart that he will come and ayde you with his holy spirite and strike sathan that he may be driuen away from you and call vppon Christe your mediatour onely that he wil stand betwéene the high maiestie of God and you miserable sinner and do like a good mediatour will withdrawe his great and mightie righteousnesse and iustice take your sinnes vpon him and so goe before you intreate and reconcile you Otherwise will the maiestie of God be too much too highe and terrible so that you shall before God be afraid amazed and out of countenance Therefore take this Lord and mediatour by the hand if ye will drawe nigh to God and haue any thing to do with him For this mediatour hath ben a long time ordeined by God himselfe for vs that we through him might be reconciled to God as witnesseth Saint Paul. 1. Tim. 2. where he saith thus There is one God and one meediatour betweene God and man namely the man Iesus Christe that hath giuen him selfe for all for deliueraunce The fourtéenth If welbeloued your sinne doth nowe accuse you for that you not onely in your youthe when your body was sound and lustie did sinne offend God but also euen now in your sicknesse ye haue displeased God by impatience murmuring misbeléefe c. as we al be borne in sinne be sinners and so remaine and abide till we come to our graue therefore let not your sinne in any case make you despaire but acknowlege and confesse and accuse your selfe before your Lord God and be sorrie for them with all your heart aske mercy therefore before God in Christe our Lorde For it is impossible in this life that in the sight of God we shoulde be found so cleare pure and without fault or sinne as holy Saint Iohn witnesseth .1 Iohn .1 where he saith thus If we say we haue no sinne then shall we deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. Therefore in the middest of sinne we haue this onely comfort when we acknowledge our sinne the vnquietnesse of our conscience and the trouble of our hearts cumbereth vs that we call then vpon our atturney Christ the Lord to the intent that he for euer be gratious vnto vs intreat speak for vs towards his deare father as then Saint Iohn when we sticke in sinne comforteth vs. 1. Ioh. 2. where he saith thus If any man sinne yet haue we an aduocate to the father Iesus Christe that maketh vs righteous and he is the attonement for our sinnes From hence shall you séeke youre refuge and succour and in euery assaulte of your sinnes comfort your selfe that you haue such a peacemaker before God the father whome the father doth accept and allowe that can speake well and is elo●●ent and can handle your cause and plead for you best Surely this is a gret and a perfect comfort that we haue our fleshe and bloud sitting aboue at Gods right hand the father which doeth take vppon him the whole progenie of man intreateth for vs pleadeth our cause turneth the wrath of GOD from vs as holy S. Paule also witnesseth Rom. 8. where he saith thus Christ is at the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs. This is his holy office that he deliuereth wretched sinners from Gods anger defendeth and kéepeth them therefore flée only to this Lord Christe when your sinne grieueth or troubleth you The fiftéenth If now in these long lingering assaults and conflicts welbeloued your heart waxe cold be vnlustie drowsie as you thinke that there is no more faith in your heart and that for vnlust you can neither pray nor beléeue yet shall you not therefore giue ouer or be afraid for the Lord God bringeth his many times so déepe vnder the crosse that they can neither beléeue nor hope and thinke with them selues that their heartes be vtterly cold and frosen yea very stiffe that neither
at any time cōfessed any thing to charge the innocent whereby you might cleare your selfe or thereby to escape and be at libertie then burthen not your selfe therewith nor let your soule carrie any such thing away but excuse the innocent and pray to God for mercy that he will pardon you and not suffer your heart to be bent to any vngodly way to excuse your offence and to defend it But before God confesse it aske grace and séeing it is come to light confesse it before the whole worlde or else you striue against Gods iudgement his will his worke which surely is horrible from which our Lord defend you of his grace through Christ Iesus his welbeloued sonne in the holy Ghost Amen Tenthly I further also charge you my deare friend that from the bottome of your hart you wil reconcile forgiue and forget all men that haue done any thing against you either by worde or déede whether it be for this matter or for any other before If you haue by any mā bene hurted or harmed though they be guiltie of this your iudgmēt suffring and death either if they haue espyed or laid hand vpon you al this together shal you cast out of your heart and lay aside all maner of swelling snarling malice hatred enimitie and euill will and contrarie shewe a gentle heart friendly loue and gentle speach without all hatred bitternesse and euill will as a patient lamb as Christ our Lord which was altogether innocent yet vpon the crosse prayed for his enimies and said Father forgiue them for they knowe not what they doe Thus shall you likewise do and thinke Well now welbeloued Lord and father though I be not guiltlesse and innocent as thy welbeloued sonne but haue worthily deserued all punishment wrath and vengeaunce Likewise séeing thou of frée grace and mercy through Iesus Christe hast for euer pardoned me after my departure wilt neuermore remēber my sin therefore I require thée that thou wilt giue vnto me such a gentle friendly Christian hart through thy holy spirit wherby I may forgiue and forget and also reconcile my selfe vnto euery man as well friendes as foes for thou wilt also forgiue me yea thou hast already clearly forgiuen all my sins misdéeds And for better assurance hereof giue me grace might and suche a burning charitie toward my neighbours that I may forgiue euery man and that from the bottome of my heart So shall I be sure that thou hast forgotten and forgiuen me and at the last day this shall be the signe that is the Christian and brotherly loue that we also be thy disciples séeing that we doe shewe Christian loue one toward an other Kéepe in me also the gratious promise of Christe my louing Lorde that saith thus Matth. 6. When you forgiue men their faultes then will also my heauenlie father forgiue you your faults With these Christian comforts I comfort my selfe and stay my selfe altogether vpon thy mercifull promise Doe with me after thy godly saying and promise for thou doest require of me that I be merciful as thou also art merciful towards vs Therfore I do knowe that in this my departure to death there is no better nor more acceptable offering then that I should shewe charitie and of mercy with well vnto all men pray for all men intreat and do well vnto al men as much as is possible for me For God hath pleasure in mercy and not in offering Osée 6. Twelfthly You haue also welbeloued for a comfortable example the théefe which also had done very wickedly for whiche he also receiued punishment of the magistrate but this punishment was vnto him onely the cause and furtheraunce that he did not onely knowe GOD and was faithfull but was also hanged beside Christe his saluation whereby he conceiued speciall comfort that Christ the innocent Lorde woulde pitie his miserie and would forgiue him all his sinnes and wickednesse wherevnto otherwise he shoulde neuer haue forsaken his naughtie life but woulde haue continued in his wickednes stubbornesse and vsed his stiffnesse and arrogancie his whole life long without al repentance turning from his naughtie liuing And so peraduenture had it ben with you you would haue gone forwarde in your vnrighteousnesse therein abiden withered and starued for euer without al penance or repentance godly knowledge vnder the feareful anger of God being bound with Gods iudgement condemnation Therefore séeing that God hath deliuered you from this miserable blindnesse and error he shall from hencefoorth leade you by this occasion means and purpose first bring you to know your selfe bring you to true repentance penance suffer godly knowledge to light in your hart kéepe you in the true faith of Christe Iesu and will suffer you to depart in the same at the last without all doubt Behold now dearely beloued howe our Lorde God is a valiant almightie father that of al naughtinesse can make all goodnesse and will to his turne all worst thinges to the best Sathan had thought that through this your fall and misdéede he would for euer haue kept you in his kingdome and to haue made you a member of himselfe But our lord God commeth and bringeth to passe by this means and crosse that he hath broken and hindered all sathans purpose Sathan thought he had made all cocke sure with you and had brought you to euerlasting sinne and shame and intended to haue kept you continually therein But God commeth and turneth the leafe vp and maketh of you that were the childe of darkenesse the childe of light and of euerlasting blisse Amen Twelftly Nowe deare friende I warne you nowe at the last that you will depart hence to death without all feare nor be not dismaide of death by reason of your sinne But herein take héede that thou do not alonly looke vpon death vnder the eyes and doest wrestle with him but take thine almightie god with thée which hath before laide hand vppon death and hath ouercome him that is Iesus Christ thy Lord and king which in the garden so mightily wrestled with sinne and death that bloudie sweat dropped from him Matth. 26. therefore weigh it not And againe be not afraide of death séeing you meete with him with this king and Lord but you shall do thus to him set all your only comfort hope and assurance vppon your Christe that hath made your way for you broken the hedge and kéepeth the field and hath for you ouerthrowne the mightie Goliah and hath brought the blessed victorie home to your doore as I haue before this time shewed you and yet againe must sette before your face For nowe is the time seeing you are come to the very push and this your daungerous enimie that is very terrible vnto the whole worlde will stande chiefly with you to bring and driue you from this point and so lay hande vpon you Therfore take to yourselfe the true shielde which is Christe your defence whome you
right way What beleeue you of this sacrament J Beléeue that there is according to the word of Christe giuen vnto me the body and bloud of Christe though in such sorte as reason can not perceiue So that God almightie worketh in me and towards me in the receiuing therof all that which my Lorde Iesus hath there promised as specially that his body maketh me cleane and maketh my body to be in fellowshippe with Christ and with all Christians and that his bloud doth washe away all my sinnes Therefore I doubt nothing at all but that I doe receiue there the body bloud of Christe albeit that by reason I can not perceiue how or by what manner and way neyther is it necessarie for me to knowe It was sufficient to Christes Apostles that they knewe that Christe was risen from death albeit they could not tell nor perceiue how he came vnto them the doores being shut in What is Christes Supper or Gods boord IT is nothing else but the Testament of Iesus Christe our Lorde which he made and ordeined before his passion and death for all them that beléeue vpon him and for them that in their baptisme through the deseruing of his death and resurrection be made frée from the power and kingdome of the diuell and chosen to be Gods children or inheritours of the kingdome of heauen To them hath he promised and giueth in this sacrament truely his body and his bloud for their comfort wherby they be fully assured made certeine by faith in their consciences that he will giue vnto them all the goodnesse of God and make them coheires with him with the whole Christian congregation in a perfect fellowship of all Saints For in as much as Christe hath promised and giuen vnto them his body and his bloud why can he not giue vnto them al other good things that he hath either in heauē or in earth Herevpon shal his body and his bloud certenly be receiued to assure vs that our louing Lord Christ wil not betray vs but make vs with him to be Lordes and inheritours of all the goodnesse of God. Whosoeuer will receiue the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ ought to know how to answere to the fiue questions folowing The first Question 1 WHerefore receiue you this Sacrament Aunswere Therefore bicause I may be a coheire with Christe and haue fellowship with him with all holy Saintes and with all good Christians with them to suffer and to dye Question 2 What doe you beléeue or what doe you confesse is in this sacrament Answere When I receiue the Sacrament I beleeue that vnder breade and wine I receiue the body and bloud of Christe but it is not sufficient that I know but also I must beléeue that my lord Christ hath giuen me them for a perfect signe and token seale and testament Question 3 What be the wordes of this Testament which our Lord Iesus did vse Answere Thus said the Lord to his Apostles when he gaue vnto them this breade Take ye and eate ye This is my body which shall be giuen for you And when he gaue them the cup he saide Drinke you all of this This is my bloude of the newe Testament whiche shall be shead for you and for many for the forgiuenesse of sinnes Do this in the remembrance of me Question 4 Wherefore do you take that token or signe séeing that faith is sufficient Answere I receiue the signes and tokens therfore bicause I may strengthen my faith not bicause I doubt in my beléefe but bicause God hath giuen me the signe with the word of his tender grace and mercy Therefore I will not despise to vse and acquaint my selfe with them Question 5 How will you vse the Sacrament Answere I will eate and drinke and beléeue this word which he spake vnto his Apostles when he gaue them this sacramēt We ought to take these comfortable promises with a faithfull heart A breefe declaration of the Lordes Prayer called Our Father FIrste we must consider wherfore we pray what is meant by wherefore the time occasion doeth always bring them But bicause we should not be carefull nor trouble our selues wherfore we should pray séeing we be now in such extremities that many troubles daily fall amongest vs and that from day to day the longer the worse although we shuld very much pray For The diuell is a liar and a murtherer And neither is the Pope nor the Turke nor many other tyrants which be against Gods worde idle Besides this we haue experience that euery aduersarie is sufficient of it selfe though this generall trouble were not therefore we haue euery where occasion sufficient which may driue vs to prayer Whosoeuer therefore cannot remember all our necessities let him take in hand and haue before his eyes the holy prayer of our Lord called Our Father in it be seuen petitions In which be conteined all troubles things necessarie 1. In the first prayer Hallowed be thy name we pray for the holy Gospel for all true preachers against all heresie misbeléeuers against the Iewes heathen Turke Pope For all these blaspheme and slander Gods name and vnhallow him that God will cut them short send good preachers kéepe his word cleane and pure against all heresie make vs apt hearers This is to intend or before to meane somewhat 2. In the second Thy kingdome come we praye that the kingdome of the diuel of death may be destroyed That is a great and a large petition for in it is conteyned the whole kingdome of the diuel that it would please God to make an end of it and set vp in vs and al men his owne kingdome through his word and the holy Ghost 3. In the third petition Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen we desire that all their willes be disappointed which striue against Gods gratious wil. That is a great vnsufferable prayer against the diuel and all wicked people meruellously putteth back many perils and misfortunes whiche the diuel and wicked people imagine and sett abroche if they were not thorough this petition disappointed 4. In the fourth petition Giue vs this day our daily bread wée do praye for the Quéenes maiestie for our magistrates for our elders for our wiues and children for our meate and drinke for the fruite in the field for peace and for such thinges as we lacke toward the mainteyning of this present life euery one in their vocation that God will blesse them therein giue them good fortune and kéepe them from all misfortune mercifully 5. In the fifte petition Forgiue vs our sinnes as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs we desire that God will be gratious to vs to turne from vs his anger whiche we haue deserued not punish vs for our wickednes and that he will deale gratiously with vs to the intent we from day to day maye waxe better and that we maye liue after his holy will and liue friendly one with another and that euery of vs maye forgiue an other their offences 6. In the sixte petition Lead vs not into temptation we pray that GOD will come and helpe all troubled heartes not suffer them to sticke in temptation but help them out therof gratiously through his word and holy spirite and that he wil vouchsafe to destroy the diuels purpose and might 7. In the seuenth petition But deliuer vs from the euill wée praye for a good houre that our Lord God will take vs out of this miserie with grace and make vs blessed for euer Thus in the Lords prayer are plentifully al thinges conteyned whatsoeuer by any meanes shal vexe or trouble vs or els whatsoeuer is méetest and most necessarie for vs Therefore the first i● that we purpose or intende something wherefore we will pray that will Almightie God surely giue For the commaundement is plainly there that Wee must pray the promise is also there that We shal be certeinely and surely heard And our mercifull Lord Christe himselfe hath sett foorth vnto vs both the words and the manner how we shal pray in the which all things necessarie for vs be conteined FINIS Rom. 8. Rom. 12. Eccle. 7. ●●le 11. 1. Cor. 11. Rom. 12. ●●tie 28. Esai 26. Esaie 9. 1. Tim. 2. ● Iohn 3 Psal. 50 Mark. 11 Matt. 6. Iohn 6. ●ohn 3. Rom. 8. Rom. 4. Ephe. 5. Iohn 6. Math. 26 1. Cor. 10.11 1. Cor. 11 2. Cor. 13 1. Cor. 15. ●ohn 12. ● Cor. 15. Matt. 6. Mat. 26. Iohn 6 Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 1. Act. 4. 2. Cor. 5. ●ctes 10. ● Pet. 2. ●ala 6. ● Pet. 1. 1. Thes 1. 1. Thes 5. Col. 1. Iohn 6 Iohn 17 Iohn 15 Iohn 8 Galat. 3 ●om 10. ●ctes 15. Iohn 1. Esaie 53. ●●he 1 ●im 1 ●tt 18. ●●k 19 ●●m 3 ●ohn 4 2. Tim. 1. ●●hn 8 ●●hn 5 ●ohn 11. Mat. 26. Luke 12. Luk. 10. Luke 22. 2. Cor. 2. 1. Pet. 5. Ephes 6. Ephes 1. Coloss 1. Matth. 16. Ephes 6. Matth. 4. 1. Cor. 6. 1. Iohn 3. Ezech. 18. 33 Matt. 9. Matt. 18. Luk. 19 Galat. 3 Rom. 16. Zach. 13. Esaie 55. Iohn 3. Iohn 5. Iohn 3. Iohn 6 Iohn 1. Iohn 1.3 2. Pet. 1. ●om 13. Iohn 16. ●saie 54. Cor. 4. Esaie 64. ● Cor. 2. Hebr. 12. Prouerb 3. Iam. 1. Matth. 10. Rom. 6. Luk. 2. Luke 2. Psalme 50. Esaie 30. Rom. 8. 1. Sam. 2. Rom. 8. ●ebr 11. ●sal 73. ●aie 41. Col. 2. Iohn 14. Iohn 20. Matth. 15 1. Tim. 2. Iohn 2 Iohn 2 Rom. 8. ●eb 5. Rom. 8. ●ebr 9. ●phes 5. Mark. 16. ●atth 11. ●ohn 7. ●ohn 6. Iohn 5. Iohn 6. ●●hn 1. Iohn 8. 2. Pet. 1. Phil. 3. 1. Thes 4. ●cle 38. Iohn 11. Eccle 7. Eccle. 38. ●aniel 7. Iob. 5. Prou. 29. Hebr. 12. Cant. 8. ● Cor. 10. Iob. 14. 1. Pet. 4. Iere. 25. Psal. 75. ●saie 54. Psal. 89. ● Cor. 1. ●om 8. Gen. 8. ●ohn 1. Iohn 14. Iohn 10. Deut. 12. Iohn 11. Marke 11. Marke 9. Esaie 66. Psalme 51. Psal. 68. Ios 7. Matth. 6. ●see 6. Matth 26. ● Corinth 15 Gal. 4. ●●hn 3. Gal. 6. Eccle. 18. ● Cor. 6. ●●al 32. Psal. 50. ●salme 119. ● Cor. 11.