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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07540 Milke for babes. Or, a north-countrie catechisme. Made plaine and easy, to the capacitie of the countrie people. / By William Crashavv, Batchellor in Diuinity and preacher of the Word... Crashaw, William, 1572-1626. 1618 (1618) STC 6020; ESTC S91563 20,542 85

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is A. Because he is inuisible and infinite h 1 Tim. 1 16 Q. How then is GOD to bee knowne A. Onely so farre foorth as hee hath vouchsafed to reueale of himselfe i Exod. 33 23. Q. What benefit is it to man to know God A. Excéeding great for it is tho onely sure way to attaine eternall life and happinesse Q. How hath God reuealed himselfe A. In his wordes and in his workes l Psal 19 1 CHAP. 3. Of Gods Word Q. VVHat is Gods Word A. Gods Word is contained in that blessed Booke that is called the Holy Bible m Deut. 4 2 Prou. 30 5 6 Reu. 22 18 19 Q. Why is that Booke called Gods Word A. Because GOD made it and it containes Gods will as a mans words declare his minde n Psal 147 19 20 Rom. 3 2 Q. But why is it called the Holy Bible or holy Scripture A. Most worthily for 1. The most holy God made it o Psal 68 114. 2. Holy men wrote it p 2 Pet. 1 20. 3. The matter it handles is holy q Psal 119. 140. 4. It makes them holy that loue to reade it r Ioh. 17 27. Q. How did God make it Ans He inspired holy men and made them write it ſ 1 Tim. 3 16 Q. But why would God haue his Word written Ans First that all men might the more easily know it t Rom 15 4 Ioh. 20 31 Againe that it might endure to all ages u Deut. 29 29 Q. To whom and for whom did they write it Ans Not to the present times or persons onely but for the perpetuall vse instruction and direction of the Church for euer x Rom. 15 4 Deut. 29 29 CHAP. 4. Of the knowledge of God out of his Word Q. VVHat is reuealed of God in the Scriptures Ans Two things the one touching God himselfe the other touching his seruice and worship Q. What is then reuealed to vs touching God himselfe Answ These points 1. That there is but one true God y Deut. 6 4 1 Cor. 8 5 6 2 That there be thrée persons in Trinitie yet but one God z 1 Iohn 5 7 3. That this God is Infinite Inuisible Omnipotent most Wise Iust Mercifull and Holy a Exod. 34 50 1 Sam. 2 2. 1 Tim. 1 17 Rom. 16 26 27 Q. What be these three persons called in the Scriptures Ans The Father the Word or Sonne and the holy Ghost b 1 Ioh. 5 7 Q. How can there be three Persons and yet but one God Ans We cannot comprehend it by reason but we must beléeue it by Faith séeing Gods Word saith so c 1 Tim. 3 16 Q. How is the Trinity of persons reuealed in the Scriptures Ans It was intimated and shadowed in the Old Testament d Gen. 1 26 19 24 Psal 110 1 Prou. 30 4 but is plainely taught and affirmed in the New e 1 Ioh. 5 7 2 Cor. 13 14 1 Pet. 1 2 Q. Why was it not made plaine till then Ans Because then God was manifested in the flesh f Ioh. 1 14 CHAP. 5. Of Gods worship and the kindes of it Q. VVHat is reuealed in the Scriptures touching Gods worship Ans The matter and the manner of it Q. What is there taught vs touching the matter of Gods worship A. Thrée things the kindes the degrées and the duties of it Q. What be the kindes of Gods worship A. Two Internall and Externall g 1 Cor. 6 20 Q. What is the Internall worship of God A. That which is performed by the Inner man the soule spirit and affections h Prou. 2 26 Q. And what is 〈…〉 A. That worship 〈…〉 which is performed with the 〈…〉 parts of it i Rom. 12 1 1 Cor. 6 13 being the outward man Q. What be the degrees of Gods worship A. Thrée publike priuate and personall Q. What is the publike worship of God A. That which is performed in and by the publike congregation k Psal 26 22 40 9 10 and 122 1. Q. What is the priuate Ans That which is performed in our houses and families l Gen. 18 19. Iosh 24 15 Q. And what is the personall A. That which euery Christian man performeth by himselfe m Math. 6 5 6. CHAP. 6. Of the paerts and duties of Gods worship Q. VVHat be the parts or duties of Gods publike worship Ans To meete together duely with ●●●●ation in time and place 〈…〉 And there First n Psal 122 1 and chiefly to call on God by prayer and thanksgiuing o Nehem. 8 1. to the 8. Secondly to heare Gods words read and preached p Acts 20 7 Thirdly to partake in the Holy Sacraments q. Ezra 9 1 4 psal 95 1 Q. And what bee the duties of Gods priuate worship in the family A. For the family daily to méete together r Iosh 24 15 And first to call on God by prayer and thankesgiuing ſ 1 Tim. 2 8 Secondly to read Gods word t Deut. 6 6 7 Thirdly to instruct one another in Religion u Gen. 18 19 Deut. 6 7 Fourthly to call to minde what was taught in the Church and apply it to themselues x Acts 17 11 Q. To whom belongs this duty A. To the chiefe in the family or else he is to appoint one fit to doe it y Deut. 6 6 Gen. 18 19 Q. And what is the personall worship that euery one is to performe by himselfe A. To retire himselfe euery day into secret and there betwixt God and himselfe z Math. 6 6 First to lay open his heart and confesse his sinnes Secondly to call on God and giue him thankes for his mercies b Psal 50 14 15 Thirdly to reade Gods Word c Psal 119 11 24 24 Fourthly to call to minde what was preached and make vse of it to himselfe d Deut. 6 5 10 12 20 2 Chron. 13 18 20 20. Q. But what is the internall worship of God Ans To honour him with all our hearts to loue feare and trust in him aboue all and to beléeue his Word e Ioh. 4 24. Q. In what manner is God to bee worshipped A. In spirit and truth spiritually that is with our hearts and soules as well as our bodies and truly that is sincerely and heartily without hypocrisie f Psal 32 2. CHAP. 7. Of Gods workes and the Creation Q VVHat bee the workes of God by which hee hath especially made knowne himselfe A. Foure Creation Gubernation Redemption and Sanctification Q. How are these the workes of God A. Thus. God created all things by his power Gouernes them all by his wisedome and prouidence Redéemes mankinde in his loue and mercie and sanctifies them hee redéemes by his grace and holinesse Q. What is the worke of Creation A. A worke of Gods power by which he made the world and all things in it
righteousnesse towards our neighbour Q. How is it diuided A. Into sixe Commandements which containe all duties of man to man Q. What is the first Commandement A. Honour thy father and mother c a Exod. 20 12 Q. What is the substance of the fift Commandement Ans The preseruation of our neighbours honour and excellencie with our owne Q. What is the affirmatiue part of it A. Preserue by all meanes the dignity of thy neighbours persons Q. But who is our neighbour in this case A. All men whether Superiors Equals or Inferiors b Luke 10 29 30 Q. What is the negatiue part of this Commandement A. Debase not thy neighbour Q. What is the sixt Commandement A. Thou shalt not kill c Exod. 20 13 Q. What is the substance of this Commandement Ans The preseruation of our owne and our neighbours life and health Q. What is the negatiue part of this negatiue Commandement Answ Doe not hurt nor hinder thine owne nor thy neighbours life nor health Q. What is the affirmatiue part of it A. Preserue thy owne and thy neighbours life and health CHAP. 14. Of the seuenth eight and ninth Commandements Q. VVHat is the seuenth Commandement Ans Thou shalt not commit Adultrie a Exod. 20 14. Q. What is the substance of this Commandement Ans The preseruation of our neighbours chastitie and our owne Q. What is the negatiue part of this negatiue Commandement Ans Thou shalt not hurt nor hinder thy neighbours chastity nor thy owne Quest What is the affirmatiue part of it Ans Preserue thy neighbours chastitie and thine owne Q. What is the eighth Commandement A. Thou shalt not steale b Exod. 20 15 Q. What is the substance of this Commandement Ans The preseruation of our neighbours estate and our owne and the maintenance of Iustice in all dealing Q. What is the negatiue part of this negatiue Commandement A. Thou shalt not hurt nor hinder thy neighbours goods Q. What is the affirmatiue part of it Ans Thou shalt preserue and helpe to increase thy neighbours goods Q. What is the ninth Commandement Ans Thou shalt not beare false witnesse c c Exod. 20 16. Q. What is the substance of this Commandement Ans The preseruation of our Neighbours good name and our owne Q. What is the negatiue part of this Commandement A. Hurt not thy neighbours good name nor thy owne Q. What is the affirmatiue part of it A. Preserue thy neighbours good name and thy owne CHAP. 15. Of the last Commandement and the vse of the whole Law Q. VVHat is the last Commandement A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house c a Exod. 20 17 Q. What is the substance of this Commandement Answ The rectifying of our thoughts as the other were for ordering our consents wordes and déeds Q. What is the negatiue part of this negatiue Commandement Answ Thou shalt not hurt thy neighbour no not in thought Q. What is the affirmatiue part of it Ans Wish and desire thy neighbours good in all things Q. In which of the Commandements is originall sinne forbidden A. In the whole Law but most properly in the tenth b Rom 7 7. Q What doth the Law bestow on the keepers of it A. Iustification life eternall and all happinesse c Leuit. 18 5 Ezek. 20 11. Kom 2 13 Quest How is the Law to bee kept Ans Perfectly in thought word and déed with all our heart and all our soule d Rom. 7 14. Luke 10 27 Q. Who was euer able to keepe the Law thus Ans Adam in his innocencie before he fell e Eccles 7 29. CHAP. 16. How the Law doth driue vs to Christ Q. VVHat doth the Law lay vpon the breakers of it A. Eternall death a Rom. 6 23 and as Harbongers to it all infirmities sicknesses plagues and curses on body goods name state and soule that Gods Iustice can inflict b Deut. 28 15 16 c. Q. Who hath broke the Law in this manner A. All men that came of Adam c Rom. 3 23 and 5 19. Q. What shall then become of all mankinde A. The Law findes them vnder sinne and therefore leaues them subiect to damnation d Rom. 3 20 23 Q. Is there then no hope of the saluation of mankinde Ans None at all in the Iustice of GOD but in his mercy there is hope e Lam. 3 22 Q. Where hath God manifested that mercie A. In the Gospell f Rom. 1 15 16 1 Ioh. 4 9. Q. What is the Gospell A. It is the couenant of Grace betwixt God and man g Rom 1 16 Q. How hath God reuealed his Mercie in the Gospell or Couenant of Grace Ans By allowing mankinde a Suretie and Sauiour euen Iesus Christ to whom we must flie to escape the curse of the Law and thus the Law is a School-master to driue vs to Christ h Gal. 3 24. And thus wee see the necessitie of our Redemption caused by our sinnes and the Law Let vs now be instructed touching the Author and the meanes of our Redemption CHAP. 17. Of Christ Iesus the Redeemer Q. VVHo is the Redeemer of mankinde A. The second person in Trinity now called by God his Father Iesus Christ a 1 Ioh. 2 1 2 1 Tim. 1 15 Q. To whom is he a Redeemer A. Onely to mankinde and to as many of them as God elected to saluation b Heb. 2 19 Q. Who was this Iesus Christ A. The Sonne of God and the Sonne of man c Rom. 1 3. Q. Why must the Redeemer bee Man Ans Because else he could not suffer d 1 Pet. 3 18 Q. And why must he needes bee GOD Ans Because else he could not satisfie e 2 Cor. 5 19 Q. But why should Gods Sonne be the Redeemer might there not haue beene some other Ans No for no man could saue himselfe much-lesse could he saue another and no creature else could because none but Christ could both suffer and satisfie f Acts 4 12 CHAP. 18. Of Faith and of the Creede Q. HOw doe we know all this to be true A. By the Gospell which brings the good newes of this Redéemer a Luke 2 10. Q. How doe we know the Gospell to be true A. By Faith b Rom. 1 17. Q. What is Faith Ans A guift of God by which a man beleeues Gods word to bée true c Heb. 11 1 Q. What are the things a Christian man ought by his Faith to beleeue for saluation Ans They bée contained in the Créede Q. Which is the Creede Ans I beléeue in God the Father Almighty c. Q. What are the principle points contained in the Creede Ans Foure The 1. Touching God the Father our Creator 2. God the Sonne our Redéemer 3. The holy Ghost our Sanctifier 4. Concerning Gods Church Q. What is laide downe concerning God the Father A. That hee is God
callings generall as wee are Christians and members of thy Church and personall as wee are members of this common-wealth In our personall callings Lord enable vs to loue our Neighbour as our selues and to doe to euery one as wee would haue them doe to vs and giue vs a conscionable care of such duties as belong vnto vs make vs faithfull laborious and diligent in the discharge of them yet suffer vs not so farre to be carried away with the cares of the world and the labour of our callings as that we should neglect the duties of Pietie and godlinesse commaunded vnto vs in our generall calling but teach vs gracious GOD to ioyne the practice of these both together and neuer to separate them whilst wee liue in the world but that in the one wee may labour faithfully to serue our brethren and in the other zealously to serue and glorifie thée our God That thus wee may with cheereful hearts and good consciences spend our dayes and waite for our consummation in Heauen when our dayes on earth shall be accomplished And when these dayes and nights which now eat vp our liues shall haue an end wee may then escape the euerlasting night and enioy the blessed fruition of that bright and ouer-shining Day in thy Kingdome where all our cares and cumbers our toyles and troubles our wrongs and oppressions shall haue an end where all teares shall bee wiped from our eyes and where with thee the blessed God the Father the Sonne the Holy-Ghost and with Iesus Christ in our owne flesh and with all the Holy Angels and the Saints gone before vs wee shall receiue the reward of our labours the issue of our hope the end of our faith and saluation of our soules through the blessed and glorious merits of our onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ in whose most holy Name we recommend to thy mercy thy whole Church and these especially whereof thou hast made vs members and beséech thée for thy speciall blessing vpon our gratious Soueraigne the King the Queene the Prince the Prince and Princes Palatine This whole State and all whom thou hast set ouer vs in Church or common-wealth vpon the Ministery with our Vniuersities the Magistracie with the Iudges and Innes of Court vpon our brethren in Virginia and Sommers Islands and all that helpe to beare thy name vnto the Gentiles whose conuersion Lord we beséech thée hasten as also the restoration of the Iewes thy ancient and beloued people As for the Turke and Pope and all the known enemies of thy Grace and Glorie conuert them Lord if they belong to thee else remooue them out of the way and let them goe to their owne place Remember all thy Children afflicted in minde or distressed in bodie and all those whom we ought peculiarly to pray for Lord blesse them and vs and heare vs for them and them for vs and Christ Iesus our glorious Mediatour for vs all In whose Name we offer to thy Maiestie our soules and bodies and this our poore Morning sacrifice in that most holy and perfect prayer that hee hath left vs. OVr Father which art in Heauen hallowed bee thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our dayly Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs And leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the Power and the Glory for euer and euer AMEN THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of GOD our Father and the comfortable fellowship of God the Holy-Ghost c. A houshold Prayer for the Euening MOst Mighty Lord GOD and mercifull Father the day is thine and the night is thine thou hast created the Light and the Sunne and cals for darkenesse at thy pleasure blessed for euer be thou who giues vs the rest of the night and comforts of the day And now wee confesse to thy glory O Lord that euen for the sinnes of this day if thou shouldest call vs to account we were not able to abide it for wee haue sinned against thée this day both in Omission of good and in doing of euill both towards thée and towards our brethren we haue not dealt with others as we would haue them deale with vs we haue taken vnlawfull libertie to our selues in thoughts words and déeds we haue abused thy good creatures to gluttony drunkennesse wantonnesse or excesse we haue delt either negligently or vnfaithfully in our callings and all this O Lord and much more because wee haue not set thée before our eyes nor nourished thy feare in our hearts To vs therefore in iustice belongs nothing but shame and confusion For thou art a righteous and a powerful God and we confesse there is good cause that thy iustice should condemne vs and thy power confound vs Haue mercie therefore vpon vs O mercifull Father euen for thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christs sake forgiue vs all that is past and remember that hee came into the world to saue sinners we haue sinned O Lord and haue need of thy mercy O Lord shew thy mercie vpon vs and grant vs thy saluation And séeing thy promises are effectuall to none but them that beléeue O LORD increase our Faith in thée and in all the sweete promises of thy Word let vs take hold of them beleeue them and rest vpon them in life and death And forasmuch as pardon is not giuen but to the penitent O LORD worke in vs true repentance for all our sinnes past Let vs sorrow more for sinning against thee then for all the wants and miseries crosses and losses of this world And Lord make vs new creatures worke in vs reformation and amendemnt of life and euery day wee liue let vs grow in grace and spirituall strength that as wee are daylie elder so wee may be better and the nearer wee draw to our ends grant Lord wee may draw the neerer to thee and to euerlasting happinesse with thee in Christ Iesus And now being reconciled to thee our God giue vs leaue to call for a blessing vpon vs and our labours in our callings this day for without thee O Lord all is in vaine though wee rise earely and goe late to bed and eate the bread of carefulnesse Blesse vs therefore most blessed God and all the workes of our hands Lord reward what is well done and pardon what is amisse giue vs also good Lord hearts humbled vnder thy Iudgements thankefull for thy mercies and contented in our places with the portion thy prouidence assignes vnto vs and teach vs to waite on thee and on thy good prouidence in all our needes and necessities of soule and body And let nothing of this world trouble our hearts O Lord our God but let vs haue grace to beleeue that thou who hast giuen Iesus Christ to saue vs canst deny vs nothing thus good Lord let vs liue the life of Faith whilst we are héere that after this life ended we may receiue the end of our Faith the saluation of our soules through Iesus Christ our Lord. In whose Name and mediation wee recommend to thy mercie thy whole Church and all whom we any way ought to pray for as well as if wee had named them particularly for thou knowest them all O Lord better then wee and what they néede for soule and body Lord bee mercifull to them and blesse them as our selues make vs partakers of their prayers and them of ours and let thy protection be ouer them and vs and al ours this night following giuing vs the rest and sléepe thou knowest néedfull for these poore and vile bodies and thereby enabling vs to the duties and burdens which the day following shall bring vpon vs. Heare vs for our selues good Lord and for all thine and for euery one of vs in this family from the highest to the lowest for with thée is no respect of persons and answere vs in these and all other good blessings which thou knowest good for vs and make vs truely thankefull for thy many good blessings this day and all our dayes bestowed on vs euen for the merites and blood-shedding of Iesus Christ To whom blessed Father with thee and the Holy Spirit of Grace our onely and Eternall God bee praise and glory now and euermore Amen THe Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God our Father and the comfortable fellowship of God the Holy-Ghost bee with all Gods children and vs in this family in our soules and bodies this night and euermore Amen FINIS