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B00937 The Epistels and Gospels for euery Sonday and holy day throughout the whole yeare. After the vse of the Church of England.; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. 1574. Selections. 1574 (1574) STC 2982; ESTC S124412 95,256 158

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is hee which was ordained of God to be the iudge of the quick and the deade To him geue all the prophetes witnes that through hys name whosoeuer beleueth in him shall receyue remission of syns ¶ The Gospell Luke xxiii BEhold two of the Disciples went that same day to a towne called Emaus which was from Ierusalem about .lx. furlongs and they talked together of all the thinges that had happened And it chaunced while they commoned together and reasoned Iesus hymselfe drew nere went with them But their eyes were holden that they should not know him And he sayd vnto them what maner of communications are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke and are sad And the one of them whose name was Cleophas aunswered and sayd vnto him art thou onely a straunger in Ierusalem and hast not knowen the things which haue chaunced ther in these daies He said vnto them what thinges And they sayd vnto hym of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet mighty in deede and word before God and all the people and how the hie Priestes and our rulers deliuered him to be condemned to death haue crucified him But we trusted that it had bene he which should haue redemed Israel And as touching all these thinges to day is euen the third day that they were done Yea and certaine women of our company made vs astonied which came earely vnto the sepulchre found not his body and came saying that they had seene a vision of angels which said that he was aliue And certain of them which were with vs went to the sepulchre and found it euen so as the women had sayd but him they saw not And he sayd vnto them O fooles and flow of hart to beleue all that the Prophets haue spoken ought not Christ to haue suffered these things and to enter into his glory And he began at Moises and all the Prophets and interpreted vnto them in all scriptures which were written of hym And they drewe nye vnto the towne which they went vnto And he made as though he wold haue gon further And they constrained him saying abide with vs for it draweth towards night the day is far passed And he went in to tary with them And it came to passe as he sat at meat with them he tooke bread blessed it and brake gaue to them And their eies were opened they knew him he vanished out of their sight and they said betwene themselues did not our harts burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and opened to vs the scriptures And they rose vp the same houre and returned to Ierusalem and found the eleuē gathered together them that were with them saying the Lord is risen in deede hath appeared vnto Simon And they told what things were done in the way and how they knew him in breaking of bread ¶ The Tuesday in Easter weeke The Epistle Actes xiii YE men and brethren children of the generation of Abraham and whosoeuer among you feareth God to you is this woord of saluation sent For the inhabiters of Ierusalem and their rulers because they knew him not nor yet the voices of the Prophets which are read euery Sabboth day they haue fulfilled them in condemning him And whē they found no cause of death in him yet desired they Pilate to kill him And when they had fulfilled all that was written of hym they tooke hym downe from the tree and put hym in a Sepulchre But God raysed him agayne from death the third day and he was sene many daies of them which went with him frō Galile to Ierusalem which ar witnesses vnto the people And we declare vnto you how that the promis which was made vnto the fathers god hath fulfilled vnto their children euen vnto vs in that he raised vp Iesus again Euen as it is written in the second Psalme thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee As concerning that he raised him vp from death now no more to returne to corruption he sayd on this wise The holy promises made to Dauid wyll I geue faithfully vnto you Wherefore he sayth also in an other place Thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruptiō For Dauid after that he had in his time fulfylled the wyll of God fell on sleepe and was layd vnto his fathers and saw corruption But he whom God raised againe saw no corruption Be it knowen vnto you therfore ye men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you forgeuenes of sinnes that by him all that beleue are iustified from al things from which ye could not be iustified by the law of Moises Beware therfore least that fall on you which is spoken of in the Prophets behold ye despisers wonder and perish ye for I do a worke in your daies which ye shal not beleue though a man declare it vnto you ¶ The Gospell Luke xxiiii IEsus stood in the middest of his Disciples and sayd vnto thē peace be vnto you It is I feare not But they were abashed and afraide and supposed that they had sene a spirit And he said vnto them why are ye troubled and why do thoughts arise in your harts Behold my handes and my feete that it is euen I my selfe Handle me and see for a spirit hath no flesh and bones as ye see me haue And when he had thus spokē he shewed them his hands his feete And while they yet beleued not for ioy and wondered he sayd vnto them Haue ye here any meate And they offered him a peece of broyled fysh and of a hoony combe And he tooke it and did eate before them And he said vnto thē these are the words which I spake vnto you whyle I was yet with you That all must needes be fulfylled which were wrytten of me in the law of Moyses and in the Prophets and in the Psalmes Then opened he their wits that they might vnderstand the scriptures said vnto them Thus it is wrytten thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from death the third day and that repentaunce remission of syns should be preached in his name among all nacions and must begin at Ierusalem And ye ar witnes of these things ¶ The first Sunday after Easter The Epistle i. Iohn v. ALl that is born of God ouercōmeth the world And this is the victory that ouercōmmeth the world euen our fayth Who is he that ouercōmeth the world but he that beleueth that Iesus is the son of God This Iesus Christ is he that came by water and bloud not by water onely but by water and bloud And it is the spirit that beareth witnes because the spirit is truth For there are three which beare record in heauen the father the word and the holy Ghost these three are one And ther are three which beare record in earth the spirit water and bloud and these three are one
she had brought foorth her fyrst begotten Sonne and called his name Iesus ¶ The Circumcision of Christ The Epistle Roma iiii BLessed is that man to whom the Lord will not impute syn Came this blessednes then vpon the vncircumcision or vpon the circumsicion also For we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousnes How was it then reckoned when he was in the circumcision or when he was in the vncircumcision Not in tyme of circumcision but when he was yet vncircumcised And he receyued the signe of circumcision as a seale of the righteousnes of fayth which he had yet beyng vncircumcised that he should be the Father of all them that beleue though they be not circūcised that righteousnes might be imputed to them also and that he might be the Father of circumcision not vnto them onely which came of the circumcised but vnto them also that walke in the steps of the faith that was in our father Abraham before the time of circumcision For the promise that he should be heire of the world happened not to Abrahā or to his sede through the law but through the righteousnes of faith For if they which are of the law be heires thē is faith but vain the promis of none effect ¶ The Gospell Luke ii ANd it fortuned assoone as the Angels were gone away from the Shepheardes into heauen they sayd one to another let vs go euen now vnto Bethelem and see this thing that we heare say is hapned which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs And they came with hast and found Mary and Ioseph and the Babe layd in a maunger And when they had sene it they published abroad that saying that was tolde them of that child And al they that heard it wondred at those things which were told them of the Shepheards But Mary kept al these sayings and pondred them in her hart And the Shepheards returned praysing and lauding God for all thinges that they had heard and sene euen as it was told vnto them And when the eight day was come that the Childe should be circumcised hys name was called Iesus which was named of the Aungell before he was conceiued in the wombe ¶ The Epiphany The Epistle Ephes iii. FOr this cause I Paule a prysoner of Iesus Christ for you Heathen if you haue heard of the ministration of the grace of God which is geuen me to you ward For by reuelation shewed he the mistery vnto me as I wrote afore in few woordes whereby when ye reade ye may vnderstand my knowledge in the mistery of Christ which mistery in times past was not opened vnto the sonnes of men as it is now declared vnto his holy Apostels and Prophetes by the spirite that the Gentiles should be inheritours also of the same bodye and partakers of his promise in Christ by the meanes of the Gospel wherof I am made a Minister according to the gift of the grace of God which is geuen vnto me after the working of his power Vnto me the least of all Saintes is this grace geuen that I should preache among the Gentiles the vnsearchable ritches of Christ to make all men see what the felowship of the mistery is which from the beginning of the world hath bene hid in God which made all thinges through Iesus Christ to th entent that now vnto the rulers powers in heauenly things might be knowen by the congregation the manifold wisdome of God according to the eternall purpose which he wrought in Christ Iesu our Lord by whom we haue boldnes entrance with the confidence which is by the fayth of him ¶ The Gospell Math. ii WHen Iesus was borne in Bethelem a City of Iewry in the time of Herod the king behold ther came wise men from the East to Ierusalem saying Where is hee that is borne Kyng of the Iewes For we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herod the kyng had heard these thinges he was troubled and all the city of Ierusalem with hym And when he had gathered al the chiefe Priests Scribes of the people together he demaunded of them where Christ should be borne And they sayd vnto him at Bethelem in Iewry For thus it is written by the Prophet And thou Bethlem in the land of Iewry art not the least among the Princes of Iuda for out of thee there shall come vnto me the Captaine that shal gouern my people Israel Then Herod when he had priuely called the wyse men he enquired of them diligently what tyme the starre appeared and he bad them go to Bethlem and said go your way thether and search diligently for the chylde And when ye haue found him bring me word agayne that I may come and woorship him also When they had heard the king they departed and loe the starre which they saw in the East went before them tyll it came and stood ouer the place wherin the child was When they saw the starre they were exceeding glad and went into the house and found the child with Mary his mother and fell downe flat and worshipped him and opened their treasures and offered vnto him gifts gold Frankincens and Mirre And after they were warned of God in a slepe that they should not go againe to Herod they returned into their owne countrey another way ¶ The fitst sunday after the Epiphany The Epistle Roma xii I Besche you therfore brethren by the mercyfulnes of of God that yee make your bodies a quicke sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of God and fashion not your selues lyke vnto this world but be ye chaunged in your shape by the renuing of your minde that ye may proue what thing that good and acceptable and perfecte wyll of God is For I say through the grace that vnto me geuē is to euery man among you that no man stande high in his own conceite more then it becommeth him to esteme of himselfe but so iudge of himselfe that ht be gentell and sober according as God hath dealt to euery man the measure of faith For as we haue many members in one body and al members haue not one office so we being many are one body in Christ and euery man among our selues one a nothers members ¶ The Gospell Luke ii THe Father and Mother of Iesus went to Ierusalem after the custome of the feast day And when they had fulfylled the dayes as they returned home the Childe Iesus abode styll in Ierusalem and his father mother knew not of it but they supposing him to haue bene in the company came a daies iourney and sought him amongest their kinsfolke and acquaintaunce And whē they found him not they went back agayne to Ierusalem and sought him And it fortuned that after three dayes they found him in the temple sitting in the middest of the Doctours hearing them and posing them And all that heard hym wer astonied at his vnderstanding and
If we receiue the witnes of men the witnes of God is greater For this is the witnes of God that is greater which he testified of his sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of God hath the witnes in himselfe He that beleueth not God hath made him a lier because he beleueth not the record that God gaue his sonne And this is the record how that God hath geuen vnto vs eternal life this life is in his sonne He that hath the sonne hath life and he that hath not the sonne of God hath not life ¶ The Gospell Iohn xx THe same day at night which was the fyrst day of the Sabboths when the doers were shut where the Disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stood in the middest sayd vnto them Peace be vnto you And when he had so sayd he shewed vnto them hys hands and hys side Then wer the disciples glad when they saw the Lord Then said Iesus vnto them againe Peace be vnto you As my Father sent me euen so send I you also And when he had sayd these wordes he breathed on them and sayd vnto them receiue ye the holy ghost Whosoeuers syns ye remit they are remitted vnto them And whosoeuers syns ye retaine they are retayned ¶ The second Sunday after Easter The Epistle i. Peter ii THis is thanke worthy if a man for conscience toward God endure griefe and suffer wrong vndeserued For what praise is it if whē ye be buffeted for your faultes ye take it paciently But if when ye do well ye suffer wronge and take it paciently then is there thanke with god For hereunto verely were ye called For Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an ensample that we shuld folow his steps which did no sin neither was ther guile found in his mouth which whē he was reuiled reuiled not again when he suffred he threatned not but committed the vengeaunce to him that iudgeth righteously which his own selfe bare our sins in his body on the tree that we being deliuered from syn should liue vnto righteousnes By whose strips ye were healed For ye were as shepe going astray but are now turned vnto the shepehard and Bishop of your soules ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. CHrist sayd vnto his Disciples I am the good shephard a good shephard geueth hys lyfe for the sheepe An hyred seruaunt and hee which is not the shepheard neither the shepe are his own seeth the Woolfe comming and leaueth the shepe and fleeth and the Woolfe catcheth and scattereth the sheepe The hyred seruaunt fleeth because he is an hyred seruaunt and careth not for the sheepe I am the good shepheard and know my sheepe and am knowen of mine as my father knoweth me euen so know I also my father And I geue my life for the sheepe and other sheepe I haue which are not of this folde Them also must I bring and they shall heare my voyce and there shall be one folde and one shepheard ¶ The third Sunday after Easter The Epistle .i. Peter ii DErely beloued I besech you as straungers and pilgrimes abstaine from fleshly lusts which fight against the soule and see that ye haue honest conuersation among the Gentyls that wher as they backbite you as euil doers they may see your good workes and prayse God in the day of visitacion Submit your selues therfore to euery man for the Lords sake whether it be vnto the king as vnto the chiefe head either vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euyl doers but for the laud of them that do wel for so is the wl of God that with wel doing ye may stop the mouthes of folish ignorant men as free not as hauing the liberty for a clock of maliciousnes but euen as the seruants of god Honour all men loue brotherly felowship feare God honour the king ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi IEsus sayd to his disciples After a while ye shal not see me and again after a while ye shal see me for I go to the Father Then said some of his disciples betwene themselues what is this that he saith vnto vs after a while ye shall not see me againe after a while ye shal see me that I go to the father They said therfore what is this that he saith after a wyle We cannot tell what he saith Iesus perceyued that they would aske him and sayd vnto them ye enquire of this betwene your selues because I said after a while ye shal not see me and again after a while ye shall see me Verely verely I say vnto you ye shall weepe and lament but contrarywise the world shal reioyce Ye shal sorow but your sorow shal be turned into ioy A woman when she trauaileth hath sorow because her houre is come but assoone as she is delyuered of the Child shee remēbreth no more the anguish for ioy that a man is borne into the world And ye now therfore haue sorow but I will see you againe and your hearts shal reioyce and your ioy shall no man take from you ¶ The fourth Sunday after Easter The Epistle Iames. i. EVery good gift euery perfect gift is from aboue and commeth down from the father of lights with whō is no variablenes neither shadow of chaunge Of his own wil begat he vs with the word of truth that we should be the first fruites of his creatures Wherfore deare brethren let euery man be swift to heare slow to speeke slow to wrath For the wrath of man worketh not that which is righteous before god Wherfore lay apart al filthines and superfluity of maliciousnes and receiue with mekenes the word that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi IEsus said vnto his disciples now I go my way to him that sent me none of you asketh me whether I go But because I haue said such things vnto you your harts are ful of sorow Neuertheles I tel you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away For if I go not away the cōforter will not come vnto you But if I depart I wil send him vnto you And when he is come he will rebuke the world of synne and of righteousnes and of iudgement Of syn because they beleue not on me Of righteousnes because I go to my father and ye shal see me no more Of iudgement because the prince of this world is iudged already I haue yet many things to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them away now how be it when he is come which is the spirit of truth he wyll leade you into all truth He shall not speake of him selfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake and he wyll shew you things to come He shal glorify me for he shal receyue of mine and shal shew vnto you Althinges that the Father hath are mine therefore sayd I vnto you that he
shall take of mine and shew vnto you ¶ The fyft Sunday after Easter The Epistle Iames. i. SEe that ye be doers of the worde and not hearers onely deceiuing your own selues For if any man heare the word and declareth not the same by hys workes he is like vnto a man beholding his bodely face in a glas For assoone as he hath looked on himself he goeth his way and forgetteth immediatly what his fashion was But whoso looketh in the perfect law of liberty and continueth therein if he be not a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke the same shal be happy in his deede If any man among you seeme to be deuout and refrayneth not his tounge but deceyueth his owne hart this mans deuotion is in vayne Pure deuotion and vndefyled before God the father is this to visyt the fatherles widdowes in their aduersity and to keepe him selfe vnspotted of the world ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi VErely verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye aske the father in my name he wil geue it you Hitherto haue ye asked nothing in my name Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be ful These things haue I spokē vnto you by prouerbes The time wil come when I shall no more speake vnto you by prouerbes but I shall shew you plainly frō my father At that day shal ye aske in my name And I say vnto you that I will speake vnto my father for you For the father himselfe loueth you because ye haue loued me haue beleued that I cam out frō god I went out frō the father cam into the world Again I leaue the world go to the father His Disciples said vnto him Lo now thou talkest plainly and speakest no prouerbe Now are we sure that thou knowest althings and nedest not that any man should aske thee any question therfore beleue we that thou cammest from god Iesus answered thē now ye do beleue Behold the houre draweth nie and is already come that ye shal be scattered euery man to his owne and shall leaue me alone And yet I am not alone for the Father is with me These wordes haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye might haue peace for in the world shal ye haue tribulacion but be of good chere I haue ouercome the world ¶ Ascention day The Epistle Actes i. IN the former treatise deare Theophilus we haue spoken of al that Iesus began to do teach vntil the day in which he was takē vp after that he through the holy ghost had geuen commaundements vnto the Apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he shewed himselfe aliue after his passion and that by many tokens appearing vnto them forty daies speaking of the kingdom of God and gathered them together and commaunded them that they should not depart from Ierusalem but to waite for the promise of the father wherof saith he ye haue heard of me For Iohn truly baptised with water but ye shal be baptised with the holy ghost after these few daies When they therfore wer come together they asked of him saying Lord wilt thou at this time restore againe the kingdome of Israel And he said vnto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power But ye shall receaue power after the holy ghost is come vpō you And ye shall be witnes vnto me not onely in Ierusalem but also in all Iewry in all Samaria and euen vnto the worlds end And when he had spoken these thinges while they beheld he was taken vp on hye and a cloud receiued him vp out of theyr sighte And while they looked stedfastly vp toward heauen as he went behold two men stood by thē in white aparel which also said ye men of Galile why stand ye gasing vp into heauen This same Iesus which is takē vp from you into heauen shal come euē as ye haue sene him go into heauen ¶ The Gospell Mark. xv IEsus appeared vnto the eleuen as they sat at meate and cast in their teeth their vnbeliefe and hardnes of hart because they beleued not them which had seene that he was risen again from the dead and he said vnto them Go ye into al the world preach the Gospel to all creatures he that beleueth is baptised shal be saued but he that beleueth not shal be damned And these tokens shal folow them that beleue In my name they shal cast out deuils they shal speake with new tonges they shal driue away serpents if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt thē They shal lay theyr hand of the sick they shal recouer So then when the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and is on the right hand of god And they went forth and preached euery where the Lord working with them and confirming the woord with miracles folowing ¶ The Sunday after the Ascencion day The Epistle i. Peter iiii THe end of all things is at hand be ye therfore sober and watch vnto praier But aboue all things haue feruent loue among your selues for loue shal couer the multitude of synnes Be ye herberous one to another without grudging As euery mā hath receued the gift euen so minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manifold graces of god If any man speake let him talke as the words of god If any mā minister let him do it as of the hability which god ministreth to him that God in al things may be glorified through Iesu Christ to whom be praise dominion for euer euer ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv WHen the Comforter is come whom I wil send vnto you from the father euen the spirit of truth which procedeth of the father he shal testify of me And ye shal beare witnes also because ye haue bene with me from the beginning These things haue I said vnto you because ye should not be offended They shal excommunicate you Yea the time shal come that whosoeuer killeth you wil thinke that he doth God seruice And such things wyl they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father neither yet me But these thinges I haue told you that when the time is come ye may remember then that I told you ¶ VVhitsonday The Epistle Actes ii WHen the fifty dayes were at an ende they were all with one accord together in one place sodaynly ther came a sound frō heauen as it had bene the comming of a mighty winde it filled all the house where they sat And there appeared vnto them clouen toūgs like as they had bene of fire and it sat vpon ech one of them they were all filled with the holy Ghost began to speake with other tounges euen as the same spirit gaue them vtteraunce Then were dwelling at Ierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen When this was noysed
about the multitude came together were astonyed because that euery man heard them speake wyth hys own language They wondred all marueled saying among thēselues behold are not al these which speake of Galile And how heare we euery man his own toūg wherin we wer born Parthians Medes and Elamites and the inhahiters of Mesopotamia of Iewry and of Capadocia of Pontus Asia Phrigia and Pamphilia of Egipt of the parties of Libia which is beside Siren straungers of Rome Iewes Proselites Greekes and Arabians we haue heard them speake in our own toungs the great workes of God. ¶ The Gospell Iohn xiiii IEsus said vnto his disciples If ye loue me kepe my cōmaundements I wil pray the father he shall geue you another comforter that he may abide with you for euer euen the spirit of truth whō the world cannot receiue because the world seeth him not neither knoweth him But ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shal be in you I will not leaue you comfortles but wil come to you Yet a litle while and the worlde seeth me no more but ye see me For I liue and ye shall lyue At that day shall ye know that I am in my father and you in me I in you He that hath my commaundements and keepeth them the same is he that loueth me And he that loueth me shal be beloued of my father and I wil loue him and wil shew mine own selfe vnto him Iudas saith vnto him not Iudas Iscarioth Lord what is done that thou wilt shew thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the world Iesus answered and said vnto them if a man loue me he will keepe my sayings and my Father wyll loue him and we wyll come vnto him and dwell with him He that loueth me not keepeth not my sayinges And the word which ye heare is not mine but the fathers which sent me These things haue I spoken vnto you being yet present with you But the comforter which is the holy ghost whom my Father wyll sende in my name he shall teach you althinges and bring althinges to your rememberaunce whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you Peace I leaue with you my peace I geue vnto you Not as the world geueth geue I vnto you Let not your harts be greued neither feare Ye haue heard how I said vnto you I go and come againe vnto you Yf ye loued me yee would verely reioyce because I sayd I go vnto the Father For the Father is greater then I. And now I haue shewed you before it came that when it is come to passe ye might beleue Hereafter wyll I not talke many wordes vnto you For the Prince of this world commeth and hath nought in me But that the world may know that I loue the Father And as the Father gaue me commaundement euen so do I. ¶ The Monday in whitson weeke The Epistle Actes x. THen Peter opened his mouth said of a truth I perceiue that there is no respect of persons wyth God but in all people he that feareth him worketh righteousnes is accepted with him Ye know the preaching that God sent vnto the chyldren of Israel preaching peace by Iesus Christ which is Lord ouer althinges which preaching was published throughout all Iewry and began in Galile after the baptisme which Iohn preached how God annointed Iesus of Nazareth with the holy Ghost with power Which Iesus went about doyng good and healyng all that were oppressed of the deuyll For God was with him And we are witnesses of althings which he did in the land of the Iewes and at Ierusalem whom they slew and hanged on a tree Hym God raysed vp the third day and shewed him openly not to all the people but vnto vs witnesses chosen before of God for the same entent which dyd eate and drinke with him after hee rose from death And he commaunded vs to preache vnto the people and to testify that it is he which was ordayned of God to be the Iudge of the quick and the dead To hym geue all the Prophetes wytnes that through his name whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall receiue remission of syns While Peter yet spake these wordes the holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the preaching And they of the circumcision which beleued were astonied as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was shed out the gift of the holy ghost For they heard them speake with toūgs and magnify god Then answered Peter can any man forbid water that these should be baptised which haue receiued the holy Ghost as well as we And he commaunded them to be baptised in the name of the lord Then prayed they him to tary a few dayes ¶ The Gospell Iohn iii. SO God loued the world that he gaue hys onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him shuld not perish but haue euerlasting life For God sent not his sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world through him might be saued But he that beleueth on him is not condemned But he that beleueth not is condempned all redy because he hath not beleued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of god And this is the condempnacion that light is come into the world and men loued darknes more thē light because their dedes were euil For euery one that doth euil hateth the light neither cōmeth to the light least his deedes should be reproued But he that doth the truth commeth to the lyght that his deedes may be knowen how that they are wrought in God. ¶ The Tuesday sn whitsun weeke The Epistle Actes viii WHen the Apostles which were at Ierusalem heard say that Samaria had receiued the woord of God they sent vnto them Peter and Iohn Which whē they were come down praied for them that they might receiue the holy Ghost For as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptised onely in the name of Christ Iesus Then they layd their handes on them and they receiued the holy Ghost ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. VErely verely I say vnto you he that entreth not in by the doore into the shepefold but climeth vp some other way the same is a theefe a murtherer But he that entreth in by the doore is the Shepheard of the sheepe To him the porter openeth the sheepe heare his voice he calleth his own shepe by name and leadeth them out And when he hath sent forth his owne shepe he goeth before them the shepe folow him for they know his voice A straunger wyl they not folow but wyll flee from hym for they know not the voyce of straungers This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto thē but they vnderstood not what things they were which he spake vnto them Then sayd Iesus vnto them againe Verely verely I say vnto you I am the doore of the shepe Al euen as many as came before me ar theues murtherers but the shepe
prophet For this is hee of whom it is written Behold I sende my Messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee ¶ The fourth Sunday in Aduent The Epistle Phillip iiii REioyce in the Lord alway and againe I say reioyce Let your softnes be knowen to all men the Lord is euen at hand Be careful for nothing but in all prayer and supplication let your peticions be manyfest vnto God wyth geuing of thankes And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe your harts and mynds through Christ Iesu ¶ The Gospell Iohn i. THis is the recorde of Iohn when the Iewes sent Priestes and Leuites from Ierusalem to aske him what art thou And he confessed and denyed not and said plainely I am not Christ And they asked him what then art thou Helias And he sayd I am not Art thou that Prophet And he answered no. Then said they vnto him what art thou that we may geue an answer bnto thē that sent vs What saiest thou of thy selfe He said I am the voice of a Cryar in the wildernes make straight the way of the Lord as said the Prophet Esay And they which were sent were of the Phariseis and they asked him and sayde vnto him Why baptisest thou then if thou be not Christ nor Helias neither that Prophet Iohn answered thē saying I baptise with water but ther standeth one among you whom ye know not he it is which though he came after me was before me whose shooe latchet I am not worthye to vnloose These thinges were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan wher Iohn did baptise ¶ Christmas day The Epistle Hebrues i. GOd in times past diuersly many waies spake vnto the Fathers by Prophetes but in these last daies he hath spoken vnto vs by his own sonne whom he hath made Heire of al things by whom also he made the worlde Which Sonne being the bryghtnes of his glory and the very image of his substaunce ruling al things with the word of his power hath by his own person purged our sins sitteth on the right hand of the maiestie on hie being so much more excellent then the Angels as he hath by inheritaunce obteined a more excellent name thē they For vnto which of the Angels sayd he at any time Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee And againe I wyl be his Father and hee shall be my Sonne And agayne when hee bryngeth in the first begotten Sonne into the worlde he sayth and let all the Angels of God woorship hym And vnto the Angels hee sayth hee maketh hys Angels spirites and hys Ministers a flame of fire But vnto the Sonne he sayth thy seate O God shall be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdome is a right scepter Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie wherfore God euen thy God hath annoynted thee with oyle of gladnesse aboue thy felowes And thou Lord in the beginning hast layde the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy handes They shall perish but thou endurest but they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shall bee chaunged But thou art euen the same and thy yeares shall not fayle ¶ The Gospell Iohn i. IN the beginning was the word and the word was with God God was the word The same was in the beginning with god Althings were made by it without it was made nothing that was made In it was life the life was the light of men and the light shineth in the darknes the darknes comprehended it not There was sent from God a man whose name was Iohn The same came as a witnes to beare wytnes of the lyght that all men through him might beleue He was not that light but was sent to beare witnes of the light That lyght was the true light which lyghtneth euery man that commeth into the world He was in the worlde and the world was made by hym and the worlde knewe hym not He came amonge hys owne and his own receiued him not But as many as receiued him to them gaue he power to bee made the sonnes of God euen them that beleued on hys name whych were borne not of bloude nor of the wyll of the flesh nor yet of the wyll of man but of god And the same word became flesh and dwelt among vs we saw the glory of it as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father ful of grace and truth ¶ Saint Stephens day The Epistle Actes vii ANd Steuen being full of the holy Ghost looked vp stedfastelye with his eyes into heauen and sawe the glorye of God Iesus standing on the right hande of God and sayde beholde I see the heauens open and the sonne of man standing on the right hande of god Then they gaue a shoute with a loude voice and stopped theyr eares and ran vpon him al at once and cast him out of the City and stoned him And the wytnesses layd downe their clothes at a yong mans frete whose name was Saule And they stoned Steuen callyng on and saying Lord Iesu receyue my spirite And he kneeled down cryed with a loude voyce Lord laye not this synne to their charge And when he had thus spoken he fell a sleepe ¶ The Gospell Math. xxiii BEholde I send vnto you Prophets and wise men and Scribes and some of them ye shal kil and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge in your Sinagogs and persecute them from city to city that vpon you may come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon the earth from the bloude of righteous Abell vnto the bloud of Zacharias the Sonne of Barachias whom ye slew betwene the temple and the aulter Verelye I saye vnto you all these things shall come vpon this generation O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which are sent vnto thee how often would I haue gathered thy children together euen as the Hen gathereth her Chicknes vnder her wings and ye would not Behold your house is left vnto you desolate For I saye vnto you ye shall not see me hence forth tyll ye say blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. ¶ Saint Iohn Euangelistes day The Epistle i. Iohn i. THat whych was from the beginning whych we haue hearde which we haue seene with our eyes which wee haue looked vpon and our hands haue handeled of the worde of lyfe And the life appeared and we haue sene and beare wytnes and shewe vnto you that eternall life which was with the Father and appeared vnto vs That which wee haue seene and heard declare we vnto you that ye also may haue felowshyp with vs and that our felowship may be with the Father and hys Sonne Iesus Christ And this we write vnto you that ye may reioyce and that your ioye may be full And this is the tidinges
eye thē shalt thou see perfectly to put out the mote that is in thy brothers eye ¶ The .v. Sunday after Trinity sunday The Epistle i. Peter iii. BE ye all of one mynde of one hart Loue as brethren Be pityful be curteous meeke not rendryng euil for euil rebuke for rebuke but cōtrariwise blesse knowing that ye are therunto called euen that ye should be heires of the blessing For he that doth long after lyfe loueth to see good daies let him refrain his toung frō euyl and his lyps that they speake no guile Let hym eschew euil do good let him seeke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the righteous hys eares are open vnto their praiers Againe the face of the Lord is ouer them that do euil Moreouer who is he that wyl harme you if ye folow that which is good Yea happy are ye if any trouble happen vnto you for righteousnes sake Be not ye afrayd for any terrour of them neyther be ye troubled but sanctifie the Lorde God in your hartes ¶ The Gospel Luke v. IT came to passe that when the people preased vpon him to heare the woord of God he stood by the lake of Genazareth saw two shyps stand by the lakes side but the fisher men were gone out of them were washing their nets And he entred into one of the ships which pertained to Simon and prayed him that he would thrust out a litle frō the land And he sat down and taught the people out of the shyp When he had left speaking he sayd vnto Simō Launch out into the deepe and let slyp your nets to make a draught And Simon aunswered and sayd vnto him Mayster we haue laboured all night and haue taken nothing Neuertheles at thy commaundement I wyll loose foorth the net And when they had so done they inclosed a great multitude of fyshes But their net brake and they beckened to their felowes which wer in the other ship that they should come and helpe them And they came and fylled both the shyppes that they soonke agayne When Simon Peter saw this he fel downe at Iesus knees saying Lord go from me for I am a synfull man For he was astonyed and all that were with hym at the draught of Fishes which they had taken and so was also Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede which were partners with Simon And Iesus sayd vnto Simon feare not from hence forth thou shalt catch men And they brought the ships to land and forsooke all and followed hym ¶ The sixt Sunday after Trinity sunday The Epistle Roma vi KNow ye not that al we which are baptised in Iesus Christ are baptised to die with him We are buried thē with him by baptisme for to dye That likewise as Christ was raysed from death by the glory of the Father euen so we also should walke in a newe life For if we be graft in death lyke vnto him euen so shall we be partakers of the holy resurrection Knowing this that your old man is crucified wyth him also that the body of synne might vtterly be destroyed that henceforth we should not be seruaunts vnto synne For he that is dead is iustified from syn Wherefore if we be dead with Christ we beleue that we shall also lyue with him knowing that Christ being raised frō death dieth no more Death hath no more power ouer hym For as touching that he dyed he dyed concerning syn once as touching that he liueth he liueth vnto god Likewise cōsider ye also that ye ar dead as touching syn but are aliue vnto God thorow Iesus Christ our lord ¶ The Gospell Math. v. IEsus said vnto his disciples except your righteousnes excede the righteousnes of the Scribes Phariseis ye cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen Ye haue heard that it was said vnto them of old tyme Thou shalt not kill whosoeuer killeth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I say vnto you that whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly shal be in daunger of iudgement And whosoeuer sayth vnto his brother Racha shal be in daunger of a counsell But whosoeuer saith thou foole shall be in daunger of Hell fyre Therfore if thou offerest thy gift at the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thine offering before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Agree with thine aduersary quickely whiles thou art in the way with him least at any time the aduersary deliuer thee to the iudge and the iudge deliuer thee to the minister and then thou be cast into prison Verely I say vnto thee thou shalt not come out thence tyl thou haue payed the vttermost farthing ¶ The .vii. Sunday after Trinity Sunday The Epistle Roma vi I Speake grosly because of the infirmity of your flesh As ye haue geuen your members seruaunts to vnclennes and to iniquity from one iniquity to another euen so now geue ouer your members seruaunts vnto righteousnes that ye may be sanctified For when ye were seruaunts of syn ye were voide of righteousnes What frut had you then in those things wherof ye ar now ashamed for the end of those things are death But now are ye deliuered from syn and made the seruants of God and haue your fruite to be sanctified and the end euerlasting life For the reward of syn is death but eternall lyfe is the gyft of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. ¶ The Gospell Mark. viii IN those daies when ther was a very great company and had nothing to eate Iesus called his disciples vnto him and said vnto them I haue compassion on the people because they haue bene now with me three daies and haue nothing to eate and if I send them away fasting to theyr owne houses they shall faynt by the way for diuers of them came from far And his disciples answered him where should a man haue bread here in the wildernes to satisfy these And he asked thē how many loues haue ye They said seuen And he commaunded the people to syt down on the ground And he tooke the seuen loaues and whē he had geuen thanks he brake and gaue to his disciples to set before them And they did set them before the people And they had a few smal fishes And when he had blessed he cōmaunded them also to be set before them And they did eate and were suffised And they tooke vp of the brokē meate that was left seuen baskets full And they that dyd eate were about foure thousand And he sent them away ¶ The .viii. Sunday after Trinity Sunday The Epistle Roma viii BRethren we are debters not to the flesh to liue after the flesh For if ye liue after the flesh ye shal die but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deedes of the body ye shall liue For as many as are led by the
Lord Christ And he came by inspiration into the temple ¶ Saynt Mathies day The Epistle Actes i. IN those dayes Peter stood vp in the midst of the disciples and sayd the number of names that were together were about an hundred and twenty Ye men and brethren the scripture must needes haue bene fulfilled which the holy ghost through the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas which was guide to them that tooke Iesus For he was nombred with vs and had obtayned felowship in this Ministration And the same hath now possessed a plot of ground with the reward of iniquity when he was hanged he burst a sunder in the middest and his bowels gushed out And it was knowen vnto all the inhabiters of Hierusalem in so much that the same fielde is called in their mother tounge Acheldema that is to say the bloudy fielde For it is written in the booke of Psalmes his habitation be voyd no man be dwelling therein and his bishopricke let another take Wherefore of these men which haue companied with vs al the time that the Lord Iesus had all his conuersation among vs beginning at the Baptisme of Iohn vnto the same day that he was taken vp from vs must one be ordeined to be a witnes with vs of his resurrection And they appointed two Ioseph which is called Barsabas whose sirname was Iustus and Mathias And when they prayed they sayd Thou Lord which knowest the hartes of all men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen that he may take the roume of thys Ministration and Apostleshyp from which Iudas by transgression fell that he might go to his owne place And they gaue foorth theyr lots and the lot fell on Mathias and he was coumpted with the eleuen Apostles ¶ The Gospell Math. xi IN that time Iesus answered and sayd I thanke thee O Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hyd these thinges from the wyse and prudent and hast shewed them vnto babes Verely Father euen so was it thy good pleasure All things are geuen vnto me of my father And no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father saue the Sonne and he to whom soeuer the sonne will open him Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wyll ease you Take my yoke vpon you and learne of me for I am meeke and lowly in hart and ye shall fynde rest vnto your soules for my yoke is easy and my burden is lyght ¶ The Annunciation of the virgin Mary The Epistle Esay vii GOd spake once again vnto Ahaz saying require a token of the lord thy God whether it be toward the depth beneath or toward the heyght aboue Then sayd Ahaz I wyll require none neyther will I tempt the lord And he sayd harken to ye of the house of Dauid is it not inough for you that ye be greeuous vnto men but ye must greeue my God also And therfore the Lord shall geue you a token Behold a vyrgin shal conceaue beare a sonne thou his mother shalt cal his name Emanuel Butter hony shal he eate that he may know to refuse the euill and chuse the good ¶ The Gospel Luke i. ANd in the syxt moneth the Aungel Gabriell was sent from God vnto a City of Galile named Nazareth to a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name was Marye And the Angell went in vnto her and sayd Hayle full of grace the Lord is with thee Blessed art thou among women When shee saw him shee was abashed at his saying and caste in her minde what maner of salutation that should be And the Angell sayd vnto her feare not Mary for thou hast found grace with god Behold thou shalt conceyue in thy wombe and beare a Sonne and shalt call hys name Iesus He shal be great and shal be called the sonne of the highest And the Lord God shall geue vnto hym the seate of his Father Dauid and he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome there shal be none ende Then sayd Mary to the Aungell How shall this be seeing I know not a man And the Angell answered said vnto her The holy ghost shal come vpon thee and the power of the hyest shall ouershadow thee Therfore also that holy thing which shal be borne shal be called the son of god And behold thy Cosin Elizabeth she hath also conceiued a sonne in her age this is the sixt moneth which was called baren for with god nothing shal be vnpossible And Mary said behold the hand maid of the lord be it vnto me acording to thy woord And the Angell departed from her ¶ Saynt Markes day The Epistle Ephe. iiii VNto euery one of vs is geuen grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ Wherefore he saith when he went vpon hie he led captiuity captiue and gaue gifts vnto men That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also descended first into the lowest parts of the earth He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vp aboue al heauens to fulfil althings And the very same made some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some shepheards teachers to the edifying of the saints to the worke and administratiō euen to the edifying of the body of Christ till we al come to the vnity of the faith knowledge of the son of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the ful perfect age of Christ That we henceforth should be no more children wauering caried about with euery wind of doctrin by the wilines of mē through craftines wherby they lay awayt for vs to deceiue vs But let vs folow the truth in loue and in althings grow in him which is the head euen Christ in whom if al the body be coupled and knit together throughout euery ioynt wherwith one ministreth to another according to the operation as euery part hath his measure he encreaseth the body vnto the edifying of it selfe through loue ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv I Am the true vine and my father is a husbandman Euery braunch that beareth not fruit in me he wyll take away And euery braunch that beareth fruit wil he purge that it may bring foorth more fruit Now are ye clean through the words which I haue spokē vnto you Bide in me I in you As the braūch cannot beare fruit of it self except it bide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vine ye are the braunches he that abideth in me I in him the same bringeth foorth much fruit For without me cā ye do nothing If a mā bide not in me he is cast foorth as a braunch is withered And men gather thē and cast them into the fire they burn If ye abide in me my words abide in you aske what ye wil and it shal be don
for you Herein is my father glorified that ye beare much fruit become my disciples As the father hath loued me euen so also haue I loued you Continue you in my loue If ye keepe my cōmaundements ye shal byde in my loue euen as I haue kept my fathers commaundements bide in his loue These things haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might remaine in you and that your ioy might be full ¶ Saint Phillip and Iames day The Epistle Iames. i. IAmes the seruaunt of God and of the Lord Iesus Christ sendeth greting to the twelue Tribes which are scattered abroade My brethren count it for an exceeding ioy when ye fall into diuers temptacions knowing this that the trying of your fayth gendreth pacience and let pacience haue her perfect woorke that ye may be perfect and sound lacking nothing If any of you lack wisdome let hym aske of hym that geueth it euen God which geueth to all men indifferently and casteth no man in the teeth and it shal be geuen him But let hym aske in fayth and wauer not for he that doubteth is lyke a waue of the sea which is tost of the windes and caried with violence Neither let that man thinke that he shall receaue any thing of the Lorde A waueryng mynded man is vnstable in all hys wayes Let the brother which is of lowe degree reioyce when hee is exalted Againe let hym that is rytch reioyce when hee is made lowe For euen as the floure of the grasse shall hee passe awaye For as the sun riseth with heat and the gras withereth and his flower falleth away the beuty of the fashion of it perysheth euen so shal the ritch man perish in hys wayes Happy is the man that endureth temptacion For when he is tried he shall receiue the crown of lyfe which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him ¶ The Gospell Iohn xiiii ANd Iesus sayd vnto hys disciples let not your hartes be troubled if ye beleue in God beleue also in me In my Fathers house are many mansions If it were not so I would haue told you I go to prepare a place for you And if I go to prepare a place for you I wyll come agayne and receiue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also And whither I go you know and the way ye know Thomas sayth vnto him Lord we know not whither thou goest And how is it possible for vs to know the way Iesus sayd vnto him I am the way and the truth and the life No man commeth to the father but by me if ye had knowen me ye had knowen my Father also And now ye know him and haue seene him Phillip said vnto him Lord shew vs the father and it suffiseth vs Iesus saith vnto him haue I beene so long time with you and yet hast thou not knowen me Philip he that hath seene me hath seene my Father and how saiest thou then shew vs the Father beleuest not thou that I am in the father and the father in me The words that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in mee is he that doth the workes Beleue me that I am in the father and the father in me Or els beleue me for the workes sake Verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth on me the works that I do the same shall he do also and greater workes then these shal he do because I go vnto my Father And whatsoeuer ye aske in my name that wyll I do that the Father may be glorified by the Sonne If ye shall aske any thing in my name I wyl do it ¶ Saynt Barnabes day the Apostle The Epistle Actes xi TIdinges of these things came vnto the eares of the congregation which was in Ierusalem And they sent foorth Barnabas that he should go vnto Antioch whych when he came and had seene the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of hart they would continually cleaue vnto the Lorde For he was a good man and full of the holy ghost and of fayth and much people was added vnto the lord Thē departed Barnabas to Tharsus to seke Saule And whē he had found him he brought him vnto Antioch And it chaunced that a whole yeare they had theyr conuersation with the congregation there and taught much people in so much that the disciples of Antioch were the first that were called Christians In those dayes came Prophets from the City of Ierusalem vnto Antioch And there stood vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world which came to pas in the Emperor Claudius dayes Then the disciples euery man according to theyr abilitye purposed to sende succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry whych thing they also dyd and sent it to the Elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saule ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv THis is my commaundement that ye loue together as I haue loued you Greater loue hath no man then thys that a man bestowe hys lyfe for hys friendes Ye are my friendes if ye do what soeuer I commaund you Hence forth cal I not you seruaunts for the seruaunt knoweth not what hys Lord doth But you haue I called friendes for all thinges that I haue heard of my Father haue I opened to you Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordayned you to go and bryng foorth fruite and that your fruite should remayne that what soeuer ye aske of the Father in my name he may geue it you ¶ Saynt Iohn Baptistes day The Epistle Esay xl BE of good chere my people O ye Prophetes comfort my people saith your God comfort Ierusalem at the hart tell her that her trauail is at an end that her offences is pardoned that she hath receiued of the Lords hand sufficient correction for al her syns A voice cried in wildernes prepare the way of the Lord in the wildernes make straight the path for our God in the desert Let all valeies be exalted euery mountaine and hyll be layde low What so is crooked let it bee made straight and let the rough bee made playne fieldes For the glory of the Lord shal appeare and al flesh shal at once see it for why the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it The same voyce spake Now cry And the Prohet answered what shal I cry That all flesh is grasse and that all the goodlynes thereof is as the floure of the field The grasse is wythered the floure falleth away Euen so is the people as grasse when the breath of the Lord bloweth vpon them Neuertheles whether the grasse wyther or that the floure vade away yet the woorde of our God endureth for euer Go vp vnto the hie hyll O Sion thou that bryngest good tidinges lyft vp thy voyce with power O thou Preacher Ierusalem Lyft it vp wythout feare
say vnto the cities of Iuda Behold your God behold the Lord God shall come with power and beare rule with his arme Behold he bringeth his treasure with him and his workes go before him He shal feede his flocke lyke an Heardman Hee shall gather the Lambes together with his arme and cary them in hys bosome and shall kindly intreate those that beare young ¶ The Gospel Luke i. ELizabethes time came that she shuld be deliuered she brought forth a sonne And her neyghbours and her Cosen 's heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy vpon and reioyced with her And it fortuned that in the eyght day they came to circumcise the childe and called his name Zachary after the name of his father And his mother answered and sayd not so but his name shall be called Iohn And they sayde vnto her There is none in thy kynred that is named with this name And they made sygnes to hys father how he would haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrote saying his name is Iohn And they maruayled all And hys mouth was opened immediately and his toung also he spake and praysed god And feare came on all them that dwelt nye vnto him And al these sayings was noised abrod throughout all the hye country of Iewry and they that heard them layd them vp in their hartes saying what maner of child shal this be And the hand of the Lord was with him And his father Zacharias was fylled wyth the holy Ghost prophecied saying Praysed be the Lord God of Israell for he hath visited and redemed his people And raised vp an horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were since the world began that we should be saued frō our enemies frō the hand of all that hate vs That he would deale mercifully with our fathers and remember his holy couenaunt he would performe the oth which he sware to our father Abraham for to geue vs That we being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies might serue hym wythout feare all the dayes of our lyfe in such holines and righteousnes as are acceptable for him And thou childe shalt be called the Prophet of the highest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his waies To geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remission of syns Through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day spring from an hye hath visited vs To geue light to them that sat in darknes and in the shadow of death to guide our feete into the way of peace And the Childe grewe and waxed strong in spirit was in wildernes till the day came when he should shew himselfe vnto the Israelits ¶ Saynt Peters day the Apostle The Epistle Actes xii AT the same time Herod the king stretched foorth his handes to vexe certain of the congregation And he kylled Iames the Brother of Iohn with the sworde And because he saw it pleased the Iewes he proceded further and tooke Peter also Then were the dayes of swete bread And when hee had caught him he put hym in prison also and deliuered hym to four quarternions of souldiers to bee kept intending after Easter to bringe him foorth to the people And Peter was kepte in prison but prayer was made with out ceasing of the congregation vnto God for him And when Herod woulde haue brought him out vnto the people the same night slepte Peter betwene two soldiers bound with two chaines and the kepers before the doore kept the prison And behold the Aungell of the Lord was there present and a light shined in the habitation And he smot Peter on the side and stirred him vp saying arise vp quickly And his chaines fel from his hands And the Aungell sayd vnto him girde thy selfe and bind on thy sandales And he so did And he sayde vnto him cast thy garment about thee and folow me And he came out and folowed him and wist not that it was truth which was done by the Angell but thought hee had seene a vision When they were past the first and second watch they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the city which opened to them by the owne accord and they went out and passed thorow one streete foorthwith the Angel departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe he sayd now I know of a suretye that the Lord hath sent his angel and hath deliuered me out of the hand of Herod and from all waiting of the people of the Iewes ¶ The Gospell Math. xv WHen Iesus came into the coastes of the City which is called Cesarea Philippy he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the son of man am They sayd Some say that thou art Iohn Baptist some Helias some Ieremias or one of the Prophets He said vnto them but whom say ye that I am Simon Peter aunswered and sayde Thou art Christ the son of the liuing god And Iesus aunswered and said vnto him Happy art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and bloud hath not opened that vnto thee but my father which is in heauen And I say vnto thee that thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will builde my congregacion And the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it And I wil geue vnto thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen And whatsoeuer thou bindest in earth shal be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou loosest in earth shal be loosed in heauen ¶ Saint Iames the Apostle The Epistle Actes xi IN those dayes came Prophetes from the City of Ierusalem vnto Antioch and there stood vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there should be great dearth throughout all the world which came to passe in the Emperour Claudius dayes Then the disciples euery man according to hys abilitye purposed to send succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry which thing they also did and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saule At the same time Herod the kinge stretched foorth his handes to vexe ceriaine of the congregation And hee killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword And because he saw it pleased the Iewes he proceeded further and tooke Peter also ¶ The Gospell Math. xx THen came to him the mother of Zebedes children with her sonnes worshipping him and desiring a certain thing of him and he sayd vnto her what wilt thou Shee sayd vnto him Graunt that these my two Sonnes may syt the one on thy right hand and the other on thy lefte in thy kingdome But Iesus answered and sayd yee wote not what ye aske are ye able to drinke of the cup that I shall drinke of and to be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with They said vnto him we are He sayd vnto them ye shal drink in deede of my cup