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A67263 A discoverie of the beasts being an exposition of the XIII chapter of the Revelation of Jesus Christ : wherein all true Christians (yet in Babylon) are admonished to come out, and the anti-Christians fore-told what their plagues will be / by I.W. I. W. 1641 (1641) Wing W41; ESTC R6846 38,588 101

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and Ministers to make Lawes for the Church Nothing verily but blind devotion for they being ignorant of God and of his Word thought it the best way to keep peace and vnity in the Church Whereas indeed it was the cause of strife and dissention and at length by that meanes iniquity was established for a Law and Gods Word wholy reiected and cast aside as vnmeet for Lay men to vse Now as in all lawfull proceedings Princes are Gods ministers in Gods stead vnto their subiects and people so in giuing this power to this Beast they are the Dragons ministers and instruments Whereas it is said that power was given unto the Beast to make but it is not noted what should be made it argueth that the things made are of that nature and qualitie that they are not worthy of any name the makers themselves use to call their Acts Canons Constitutions and Lawes but falfly for if they were such indeed then men might have some good vse of them but that no man can have therefore it is but falshood and deceit so to name them It is like the caling of one carved Image S. Peter another S Paul another S. Iohn c. that is to name things that they be not and that is to lie In that it is said that power was given unto the beast to make 12. Moneths It sheweth that the Beasts time is limited and seeing that the time is limited we must finde that the time of making of the Catholike Church agreeth with this stint before we can be sure that it is the Beast here represented wherefore consider that the ecclesiastical state began to make about the yeare of our Lord 304. the Ancyran counsell being the first whose constitutions tooke the effect and force of Law And made not an end of making vntill the year 1564. the Counsell of Trent being the last wherein the Beast acted the last act of this making and fulfilled the measure of that iniquitie and therefore is now to receaue judgment condemnation from the Lord as is hereafter in this prophesie declared So that if we account a yeare for a day and thirtie dayes for a month it will amount to 1260 dayes which is the just sum of 42. moneths that this Beast was a making which is a strong argument that by this Beast was signified the ecclesiasticall estate or Catholicke Church as is shewed before page 2. Further it is said of the Beast that he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven In that this Beast by the ministery of false Prophets and Teachers as by her mouth hath seduced the Nations and made them believe That God by the ministery of his holy Apostles and Prophets hath not left us a sure rule sufficient rule of faith in the holy Scriptures but that the want thereof must be supplied with unwritten verities the writings of Ancient Fathers determinations of Counsels and the Popes Decretals otherwise all people would run into confusion it may truly be said that she hath opened her mouth untoblasphemy against God First the eternall who hath created all things and for whose wills sake all things are and were created To be but a rude and grosse beginner of a worke which he hath left and given up for vaine man to finish and make perfect Secondly if there be particular laws left out of the Scriptures for want of which all people would run into confusion then God hath not shewed himselfe to be a God of order Thirdly the World of God is not sufficient to make the man of God perfect in every good work as the Apostles saith But thus to think is a horrible errour Thus to speak is wicked blasphemy and thus to teach is hellish iniquity For how will it stand with the glory of God and of our Lord Iesus Christ not to give unto his people a perfect Law and sure Testimony whereunto they might trust and wherein they might rest and live by faith but must depend upon other men to see as it were with their eyes not with their own and so hold their faith in respect of other mens persons to belieue as they believe c. as though Gods people their Leaders excepted were not reasonable creatures but as beasts without understanding But blessed be our God we have a sure Word of the Prophets which is as a light shining in a darke place whereunto we shall do well if we take heed Gods people have no need of unwritten verities mens precepts and traditions They have surer Lights to walk by then the writings of the School-men and other Writers of ancient times They have surer Rules and righter Testimonies wherby to decide and end controversies and doubts then the determination of Counsels and Popes decrees and they which speak to the contrary open their mouth to balspheme against God Concerning blaspheming the Name of God amongst other attributes or titles whereby he is set forth unto us he is called the Holy one of Israel and the High Priest in Israel did beare this inscription upon his forehead graven in gold Holinesse to the Lord. First therefore we may truly and boldly say of the Lord that Holy is his Name Secondly we may likewise truly and boldly affirme that to give the title of Holinesse unto any unholy prophane and abominable thing is to blaspheme the name of God But thus the Beast hath done many and sundry waies They ascribe Holinesse unto their Antichristian orders and Priesthood to their Idolatrous Masse to their exorcised or conjured Bread Water Oyle Tapers Ashes Vestures Vessels and many other implements in and by al which they blaspheme the name of God And as they blaspheme the Name of God So likewise the blaspheme his Tabernacle That is to say the true visible Church of Christ under the Gospel which is the place of Gods presence which he hath chosen to put his Name there where two or three or more are gathered together in the Name of Christ there is Christ present and where Christ is present there hath God put his Name there he is to be sought and there he may be found and there is his Tabernacle To come together in the Name of Christ is when Gods people joyne themselves together in a spirituall body politike separated from the common multitudes of known unbeleevers to the end to meet together for the mutuall edification and comfort one of another by doctrine breaking of bread and prayer and to practise all other Ordinances of Christ set down in his Testament as they shall haue occasion and to Companies of Beleevers having such fellowship and communion one with another the title of the Churches of Christ doth in our use of speech properly and of right belong but for beleevers to do this apart by themselves is adjudged contempt of authority factious novelty making of Conventicles and unlawfull Assemblies dangerous to the State and not to be
and sweare to be of his Dominion and under his Banner to fight against Christ and his Saints What this Marke is and what is the maner of giving and receiving of it is now to be declared For proofe of this look no further then in the 36 Canon of the Church of England An. 1603 The Prelacy and Clergie being as hath been before shewed assembled with authority to make laws did ordain that every Bishop in his Diocesse should carefully observe that none should preach or execut the functiō of a parish Parson Vicar or Curate in any Parish but he that would swear to observe their Lawes and Canons and thereupon should receaue the letters of orders of the Bishop of the Diocesse which letters of orders signed and sealed by the Bishop is the Marke of the Beast here mentioned and doth testifie in the behalfe of the bearer thereof that he is their sworne servant under holy orders either a Priest a Deacon or a half priest c. and that he is a man found capable meete for the cure and charge of soules and therefore to what parish soever these tried lads are sent to doe service upon sight of this marke they must be receaued without ony oposition upon penaltie of the law upon those that shall refuse them Here may be obiected that this marke is only receaued by the Clergie and not by the people of all sorts rich and poore bond and free according to the text I answer that all persons which receaue the false Preists doe likewise receiue and submit to that authoritie which sent them and also the marke by which they are sent as is-evident when a Priest cometh to take possession of a parish to which he is apointed by the Bishop he is not receaued upon his word nor because he tolleth the bell and and putteh on the Surplice and useth other Cerimonies enioyned him by the Prelate But shewing the foresaid Marke of the Beast they receaue both him and it and communicate with him thus all both smal and great rich and poore bond and free that submit unto their apointed Preist receaue a marke in their foreheads by receaving and submitting to him For as our sauiour Christ faith of his Apostles and Ministors He that receaueth you receaueth mee and he that Heareth you heareth me Luke 16. Iohn 20. So those that receaue heare and ioyne in fellowship with these false Ministers doe heare receiue and joyne to the false power which sent them and the marke by which they are sent whereas it is said that they receaved the marke in their foreheads or right hand thereby was shewed that this marke should be an aparent testimony that they were servants of the beast and that they were of that band which had ioyned hands made a league to walke in the wayes of destruction Further it is said Vers 17. And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the marke of the Beast or the na●e of the Beast or the number of his name Here is propounded three conditions and whosoever had not one of them thereby to be known to be of that Kingdom might not buy or sell or have any thing to do amongst them For the better understanding hereof let us minde that although these three Beasts in respect of their severall power and jurisdiction did differ one from another the Catholike Church being the chief and the Pope inferiour to her and the Image of the Beast as it were a servant or handmaid inferiour to them both yet notwithstanding they were one body being joyned and knit together by the power of the Dragon and have so farre prevailed over the Nations as that they have brought all both small and great rich and poore bond and free to bee in subjection to their Kingdome which beareth the name of the holy Catholike Church or Sea of ROME 〈…〉 14.8 ●1 but the Holy Ghost calleth it BABILON THE GREAT CITIE for as the materiall Babylon was a City which dwelled upon many waters which caused her to abound in riches and treasure so this mysticall Babylon this great Citie of Rome I meane the Ecclesiasticall State is said also to sit upon many waters which the Holy Ghost expoundeth to the People and Nations as in the seventeenth Chapter and 15 verse The Waters on which the Whore sitteth are Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues And these Waters have been the means of the flowing and increasing of the wealth and riches of this Citie so that their Merchants that is the Prelates have grown rich and become the great men of the earth by trafficking in them also the Ship-masters which are the Parish Priests and all Ship-men and mariners which are the inferiour guides and Ecclesiasticall Officers have gathered crums and waxed rich thereby and therefore at the destruction of this great Citie shall stand a farre off and shall howle to see the desolation thereof and their owne gaine taken away for from thence-forth no man will buy their commodities any more Here note that these foresaid spirituall persons are the sellers and the Lay-people are the buyers and the wares which are bought sold in this kingdom called spirituall as pardons for sin and indulgences of divers sorts which is a speciall commodity and bringeth in abundance of treasure also their Pistling Gospelling Chanting Homeling Massing which must be maintained with the Tithes or Tenth of all things which they usually call the maintenance of the Ministery Also the Sacrifices unacceptable to God and well-pleasing to the Divell which are daily offered at their Altars and at divers Images of Saints also the body of their Maker and Saviour besides Marrying Baptizing of Children Churching of Women Houseling the sick burying the dead these and many such like are the spirituall Wares sold in this Kingdom which have particular prizes set on them Now so it is that these wares are priviledged that none may either buy or sell them save he that hath the Marke of the Beast or the name of the Beast or the number of his name What the Marke of the Beast is hath been before shewed Secondly the name of the Beast is to be considered For the manifestation whereof let us consider and minde that those which did preach and professe Christ and his doctrine are said to have and to ●eare his Name The Lord Christ Iesus said unto Ananias in a Vision concerning Paul That he was a chosen Vessell to beare his Name before the Gentiles and Kings Acts 9.15 and the Children of Israel By the Name of the Lord here was meant that Paul should preach the doctrine of Christ and those that beleeved by his Preaching were said to believe in the Name of Christ and were therefore baptized into his Name and called Christians Acts 11.26 The Disciples were first called Christians in Antioch Also the Disciples and followers of Christ are said to have the Lambs Fathers Name written in their foreheads According
to this is the meaning of the name of the Beast which the holy Ghost setteth down in a mysterie in the 17 Chapter and 5 verse Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots the abominations of the earth But the Papists call it not Babylon the Great but the great universall or Catholike Church not the Mother of Harlots but the Mother of all true Beleevers not the Mother of all abominations of the earth but the Pillar and ground of Truth that cannot erre This is the difference betwixt the name which God giveth them and which they take and attribute unto themselves But let them speak the best of themselves and let us consider and answer them in their own language they call themselves the Catholike Church and their professed vassals and subjects are therefore called Catholikes and whatsoever they be that do either preach or professe the Catholike faith that is beleeve as this Catholike Church beleeveth that it is Mother of all true Beleevers that it cannot erre c. they are Catholikes such persons wheresoever they live if they thus believe although they never received the marke of the Beast nor can receive it yet this profession is enough to intitle them in the right of buying or selling these foresaid wares such persons have the name of the Beast and therefore they may buy pardons of the forgivenesse of part or all their sins and use any of these things which they suppose necessary for their souls health but indeed destruction yea after their death they may for a summe of money given to the foresaid Merchants by their charitable Successours be released out of Purgatory thus by their own discription we have found out the name of the Beast and who they are that have received it The third condition is the number of his name as the Beast had one generall name which is the Catholike Church whereby he was known from all other States and Kingdoms in the world so it hath a number of names belonging to the particular parts and members thereof to distingnish one from another as in the 17. Chapter and third verse The Beast was full of names of blasphemy As the true Church which is that body whereof Christ Iesus onely is the Head is compleat and furnished when it is coupled and knit together by every joynt and member which Christ Iesus hath given for the furniture thereof namely Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastours and Teachers So this false Church being furnished with those parts and members which that great red Dragon hath invented and set up under the title of Ministers of Christ to work upon the children of disobedience namely the Pope Patriarches Cardinals Arch-bishops Bishops Deanes Arch-deacons Abots Priors Prebends Canons Chancellers Commissioners Registers Doctours with the rest of the selected Synod or Counsell so I say this Church or Beast being furnished with these members are the full number of his name that is they are the number of whom the Catholike Church consisteth and from them all inferiour power and offices of Ministry as Monks Friers Parsons Vicars Curats and Jesuits are derived This I understand to be the number of his name and this exposition agreeth with that in the verse following where it is said let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast what can be understood but the Number of the particular parts whereof he consisteth And where it is said For it is the number of a man What can be understood but that it beareth the resemblance and likenesse of a man as followeth to be declared Thus we see who may buy and sell in this Kingdom and who may not Here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 666. Here is shewed first what is required in searching out this mystery and that is wisdom and understanding not such as is from beneath but from above which commeth down from the Father of lights from whom commeth every good and perfect gift he it is that giveth wisdome to the simple and the understanding of his secrets to those that feare him which should teach those that desire to know the Mysteries of his will to labour to be such as to whom he hath promised to reveale them then whatsoever we aske we shall receive of him for to such he giveth liberally and upbraideth not Secondly here is shewed a direction how to imploy a mans wisdom in finding out this Mysterie and that is by counting or reckoning the number of this Beast Thirdly a reason why the number of the Beast is to be counted Because it is the number of a man that is it agreeth with and is answerable to the parts of a man and so is the more easily to be found for as we know the true Church of Christ is compared in the Scriptures to the naturall body of a man as in 1 Cor. 12.12 For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ Jesus And in the 27. verse the Apostle speaking of the Church of Corinth he saith Yee are the body of Christ and members in particular c. So in the Ephes 1.22 23. Christ is given to be Head over all things to the Church which is his Body Thus as the true Church is called and compared to a body so the Catholikes affirme that they onely are that Church and that Body and that the particular parts and members of their Church are the full number thereof Now whereas they say they are the Church let us say they are the Beast And whereas they say their particular parts and members make up the number of the Church let us say their particular parts members make up the number of the Beast and so we finde the true interpretation of this Scripture Further here is set down the number of the Beast which is 666. By this number I do not understand any set number and that the parts and members of the Beast are no more nor lesse but thereby I understand is meant a full and compleat number as before was shewed As all the parts and members of a man joyned together make a whole perfect man so do the particular parts and members of the Beast make a perfect and entire Beast Thus briefly according to the ability which God hath given me I have gone over this Chapter wherein is briefly set forth the workers of iniquity which have done and yet still do prevaile over Gods people under the title of Ministers of the Gospell and Church of Christ as they were represented under the forme of three severall Beasts The first Beast representing the Generall Counsels or as the Papists call it the Catholike Church The second Beast representing the POPE And the third Beast the PROVINCIAL COUNCELS which were established by the Pope The which three Beasts bearing rule and Dominion in these times whereinto