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A65362 The key of knowledg opening the principles of religion, and the path of life directing the practice of true peitie design'd for the conduct of children and servants in the right way to heaven and happiness / by T. W. D. D. Willis, Thomas, 1582-1666. 1682 (1682) Wing W122; ESTC R6903 62,993 200

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that are your Masters according to the Flesh with Fear and Trembling in singleness of your Heart as unto Christ Eph. 6.5 III. You must be subject to them and serve them diligently and heartily Yea tho' your Masters are of a froward Disposition and hardly pleased you must notwithstanding be subject to them For saith the Apostle Servants be subject to your Masters with all Fear not onely to the good and gentle but also to the froward 1 Pet. 2.18 And whatsoever ye do do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the Reward of Inheritance For ye serve the Lord Christ Col. 3.23 24. VI. You must be faithfull in your trust and not do them the least Wrong in any thing For he that doth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done and there is no respect of Persons Col. 3.25 Servants therefore must be carefull to preserve their Masters Right not purloyning but shewing all good Fidelity that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things Tit. 2.10 V. You must be very carefull and diligent to do your Masters work and Will as well when he is absent as when he is present For God in the Gospel requires Servants to serve their Masters Not with Eye-Service as men-pleasers but as the Servants of Christ Eph. 6.6 Remember when you are not under your Masters Eye the Eye of God is upon you who will call you to Account for whatsoever you do Eccl. 12.14 VI. You must carefully shun ill Company and ill Courses as Fighting and Quarrelling Drinking and Revelling in your Masters Absence especially if you have any chief Place or Charge in the Family Who then is that faithfull and wise Servant saith our Blessed Saviour whom his Lord hath made Ruler over his Houshold to give them Meat in due Season Blessed is that Servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so d●ing Of a truth I say unto you that he will make him Ruler over all that he hath But if that evil Servant shall say in his heart My Lord delayeth his Coming and shall begin to smite his fellow-Servants and to eat and drink and to be Drunken or to eat and drink with the Drunken the Lord of that Servant even his Lord that is in Heaven shall come in a Day when he looketh not for him and at an Hour that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder or * margin cut him off and appoint him his Portion with the Hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth Mat. 24.45 51. with Luk. 12.42 46. VII If ye are rebuked buffeted or beaten by your Masters tho' it be without just cause you must take it patiently For this is thank worthy if a man for Conscience-sake towards God endure Grief suffering wrongfully For what Glory is it if when ye be buffeted for your Faults ye shall take it patiently But if when ye do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable with God For even hereunto were you called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an Example that ye should follow his steps who did no Sin neither was guile found in his Mouth who when he was revil'd revil'd not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously 1 Pet 2.19 23. Thus you now know your Duty be carefull to do it and so in serving your Masters you shall serve God and the Reward you shall receive from Him will be infinitely better to you than the wages you expect from them Know it 's no small Glory to be a good Servant A Christian Servant is the Lord's Free-man Every Star shines in its own Sphaere A good Servant is in God's Eye more honourable and glorious than a bad King It 's a higher Honour a greater Glory to serve God than to Command over men If in the Discharge of the Duty of your Place you faithfully serve Christ here 2 Tim. 2.12 you shall reign with him in Heaven to whom be Glory for ever and ever Gal. 1.5 Amen A Catechism for Communicants WHEREIN The Nature and Vse of the Sacraments of the New Testiament are explain'd for the Instruction of those who are of competent Age to receive the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Q. VVHAT doth God require of man in Order to his Salvation and eternal Happiness A. Deut. 32.46.47 The serious Exercise of the true Religion Q. Which is that true Religion which is the onely sure way to Salvation A. 2 Thess 2 13 14 15 The Christian Religion which was instituted by Christ himself and is prescrib'd in his Holy Gospel Q. What doth the Christian Religion comprehend A. Faith Obedience Prayer and Sacraments Q. What is the Sum of your Faith A. I believe in God the Father Almighty c. Q. How must you manifest the Truth of your Faith Jam. 2.18 A. By Obedience Q. What is the Rule of your Obedience A. The Law of God which is briefly comprehended in Ten Commandments Deut. 27.9 10. Rom. 3.31 Deut. 10.4 Q. Rehearse them A. God spake all these Words saying I am the LORD thy God c. Exod. 20.1 17. Q. Have you kept all these Commandments A. 1 Joh. 1.8 Exod. 36.27 No I have not neither can I so keep them as I ought without the help of God's Grace Q. What must you then do A. Hos 14.2 Earnestly pray to God for pardon and Grace Q. What is the most excellent Pattern of your Prayers A. The Lord's Prayer Q. Rehearse it A. Our Father which art in Heaven c. Mat. 6.9 13. Q. In whose Name and Mediation must you make your Addresses to God in your Prayer A. Joh. 16.23 24. 1 Tim. 2.5 Mat. 21.22 Jam. 1.6 Rom. 12.14 Jum 5.16 In the Name of our onely Mediator Jesus Christ Q. But how must you pray that you may prevail A. I must pray in Faith with Fervency of spirit Q. What is the Ground of your Faith A. The Word and Promises of God Q. Hath God afforded you any special Helps of Faith A. Yes the Sacraments Q. VVhat are the Sacraments A. Signs of things not seen Rom. 4 11 Seals of the Covenant of Grace and visible Pledges of the Performance of all God's Promises Q. VVhy were they appointed A. That Faith might be relieved by Sight and Devotion assisted by Sense Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Onely two Baptism and the Lord's Supper Q. Of what special Vse are these to us A. Acts 2.41 42 1 Cor. 12 13. By Baptism we have Admission into the Church and hold Communion with it in the Lord's Supper Q. But what 's their different Vse in respect of the Covenant of Grace A. By Baptism we enter into Covenant with God and renew it in the Lord's Supper Q. How else do they differ A. Joh. 3.5 6.48 58. Baptism is
crave of God those Aids and Supplies of his Grace which may enable me to honour him by a Holy Obedience for the time to come I must put forth in my Soul the Acts of Faith Mat. 5.6 brotherly Love and Charity and stir up in my Heart hungring Desires after Christ and the Participation of his saving Benefits in his Holy Supper Q. Why must you thus examine and prepare your self before you come to the Lord's Supper A. Lest I should receive it unworthily Q. What is the Sin and Danger of unworthy receiving A. 1 Cor. 11.27 28. He that receiveth unworthily is guilty of the Body and Bloud of the Lord as the wicked Jews Acts 7.52 who were his Betrayers and Murderers and eateth and Drinketh * Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 render'd in the Marg. Judgment See v. 30 31 32. Judgment or Damnation to himself being for this Sin liable to temporal Afflictions yea to eternal Damnation in the just Judgment of God Q. When doth a man receive unworthily A. When he presumeth to come to the Lord's Table in the guilt of any known Sin unrepented of or wanting that Faith Love and Charity which are required in a worthy Receiver Q. If the Sin and Danger of unworthy Receiving be so great is it not safer to forbear than to come to the Lord's Table A. He that forbears to come to the Lord's Table incurs a greater guilt and Danger for to the guilt that would make him an unworthy Receiver Luk. 22.19 he adds the Contempt of Christ's Command and of the Benefits of his Bloud 1 Cor. 10.16 freely offer'd to him in this Holy Supper Q. What then must you do that you keep your self clear from this Guilt and safe from this Danger A. I must be very carefull and serious in examining my self and finding my self guilty 1 Cor. 11.28 31. I must judge and condemn my self that I may be graciously acquitted by the Lord and accepted as a worthy Receiver Q. If you rightly receive this Blessed Sacrament what Benefit shall you have thereby A. Mat. 26.28 God will seal to my Soul the Pardon of all my Sins in the Bloud of Christ with a Right to all the Blessings and Priviledges of the Covenant of Grace Q. If after you have received this Holy Sacrament you should return to your former sins what will your State and Condition be A. Luk. 22.20 Heb. 10.28 29. 2 Pet. 2.20 21 22. VVorse than before For I shall greatly provoke the wrath of God by the Breach of a solemn Covenant ratifi'd with the Bloud of Christ Q. How must you demean your self then after you have received A. 1 Joh. 5.18 Col. 2.6 7. I must carefully keep my self from Sin that Sin especially to which I am most inclin'd and humbly walk with God in the ways of Holiness Psal 18.23 being diligent in every good Duty Q. What will be the Issue of this Holy Course A. I shall at length see my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ glorified in Heaven 1 Joh. 3.2 Joh. 17.22 24. who was Crucifi●d for me on Earth and shall for ever live and reign with him in Glory COL 11.6 7. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in Him rooted and built up in Him and established in the Faith as ye have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving If any by reason of the Weakness of their Memory or want of Ability to read cannot learn by Heart the fore-going Catechisin that they may not be kept from the Lord's Table nor come unprepar'd I have comprehended the most necessary things in the following Abridgment Let such then when they can repeat the Creed the ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer learn this Shorter Catechism But if they learn this onely at their first Admission they shall do well for an Increase of Knowledge to endeavour to learn the other also for their greater Benefit in their after-receiving A Shorter Catechism for the Younger Communicants Q. WHAT Religion is the onely sure way to Salvation A. The Christian Religion Q. What doth the Christian Religion comprehend A. Faith Obedience Prayer and Sacraments Q. What is the Sum of your Faith A. I believe in God the Father Almighty c. Q. What is the Rule of your Obedience A. The Law of God which is comprehended in Ten Commandments Q. Rehearse them A. God spake all these Words c. Exo. 20.1 17. Q. What is the Pattern of your Prayers A. The Lord's Prayer Q. Rehearse it A. Our Father which art in Heaven c. Mat. 6.9 13. Q. What are the Sacraments A. Seals of the Covenant of Grace Q. What is the Tenour of the Covenant of Grace A. I will be their God and they shall be my People Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Onely two Baptism and the Lord's Supper Q. Of what Vse are these to us A. By Baptism we enter into Covenant with God and renew it in the Lord's Supper Q. How else do they differ A. Baptism is a Sacrament of our New Birth the Lord's Supper of our Spiritual Nourishment and Growth in Grace Q. How oft must we receive them A. Baptism but once the Lord's Supper often for we can be but once born but must be oft fed Q. What must we consider in the Sacraments A. The outward Signs the Things thereby signifi'd and the spiritual Benefits thereof Q. What is the outward Sign in Baptism A. Water Q. What doth the water in Baptism signifie A. The Grace of God's Spirit Q. VVhat doth the washing of the Body with water signifie A. The cleansing of the Soul from Sin Q. VVhat is the Benefit of Baptism A. Regeneration or a New Birth Q. VVhat is Regeneration A. A Renewing of the Nature of man by the Spirit and Grace of God Q. In whose Name is Baptism to be Administred A. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. VVho are to be Baptiz'd A. Converts to the Christian Religion and the Children of Christians Q. To what are you bound by your Baptism A. To forsake my Sins believe in Christ and obey him Q. VVhat are the outward Signs in the Lord's Supper A. Bread and Wine Q. VVhat do they signifie A. The Body and Bloud of Christ Q. Hath Christ a true Body A. Yes the same Body which was crucified on Earth is glorified in Heaven Q. Is the Bread in the Sacrament the very Body of Christ and the Wine his Bloud A. No They are but the Signs of his Body and Bloud Q. What doth the breaking of the Bread signifie A. The Breaking of Christ's Body in his Crucifixion Q. What doth the Minister's giving of the Bread and Wine to the Communicants represent A. God's giving of Christ and His Benefits to Believers Q. What doth the receiving eating and Drinking signifie A. Our receiving and applying of Christ by Faith Q. What are the Benefits of this Holy Supper A. The
more than God Have I not lived in much Forgetfulness of God Jer. 2.32 and estrangement from Him Have I not feared men more than God Mat. 10.28 Have I not set my self up above God serving my own Will Joh. 5.30 Rom. 15.1 2 3. more than His and seeking to please my self more than him 2. Tho' I have not worshipped Idols II. Com. ave I not neglected the Worship of God or shew'd less Reverence to Him than the poor Pagans do to dead and dumb Idols Have I diligently attended the Ordinances of God's Worship and so demeaned my self therein as under his Eye Have I watch'd over my Heart and not suffer'd my Thoughts to wander from the Holy Service I have had in Hand Have I been very serious and sincere in the Service of God Isa 29.13 Have I not oft drawn near to God with my Mouth and honour'd him with my Lips when my Heart hath been removed sar from Him III. Com. 3. Have I not taken the Name of God in vain using it lightly and customarily in my Communications saying O Lord and O God when I have not thought of Him or abusing it in Oaths and Curses Mat. 5.34 Has my Heart accompanied my Tongue as oft as I have used the Name of God in my Prayers Have I never made a Jest of any Thing that is Sacred Have I endeavour'd so to adorn the Doctrine of God my Saviour in all things Tit. 2.10 that the Name of God might not 1 Tim. 6.1 thro' me be blasphem'd by any 4. Have I remembred God's Day IV. Com. and disposed my self to the keeping of it Holy Have I with as much Diligence and Seriousness Constance and Chearfulness attended the Service of God and the blessed Means of the Salvation of my Soul on the Lord's Day as I have my worldly Business or Disports on my own Daies Have I not been soon weary of the Service and presence of God Mal. 1.13 Am. 8.5 wishing the Sermon ended and the Sabbath done that I might be let loose to my worldly Employments or Recreations Have I not oft spent the most part of that Day which is consecrated to the Service of God in idle Talk or worldly matters Isa 58.13 or carnall Delights without serious minding of the great Concerns of my immortal Soul V. Com. 5. Have I so honour'd and obey'd my Father and Mother my Master and Superiours as I ought to have done Have I not despised their Authority and refused to obey their Commands Phil. 2.14 Have I done all things without Murmurings and Disputings Have I hearkened to their Admonitions and received their Reproofs without Cavilling Tit. 2.9 or answering again 6. VI. Com. Mat. 5.22 1 Joh. 3.15 Tho' I have not been guilty of gross Murder or killing any body yet have I not been angry with my Brother without a Cause Have I not hated him in my Heart and so been a Murderer in the Sight of God Gal. 5.20 Prov. 12.18 Rom. 12.19 Col. 3.13 Have I not been given to Quarrelling and Contention Have I not given provoking Words And when I have thought my self wrong'd have I not born Malice in my Heart and meditated Revenge 7. VII Com. Have I not by wanton Looks or Gestures Words or Thoughts Mat. 5.27 28. committed Adultery in my Heart or by any vile Acts or Provocations of Lust made my self unclean in the Sight of God Eph. 4.19 Have I endeavour'd by Temperance and Sobriety to keep my Body pure and my Mind chast and undefiled Col. 3.8 Have no vile Lusts lodg'd in my Heart and has no filthy Communication at any time come out of my mouth 8. VIII Com. Have I injur'd any one by Theft Deceipt or Cousenage Have I been just and true in all my Trusts and Dealings Have I not wasted much Time in sloth Idleness and Vanity Eph. 4.28 Have I not wasted what I had in Sports and Gaming Have I not consented to or conceal'd the Frauds or Wrongs that have been done by others Psal 50.18 9. IX Com. Have I not been guilty of Lying and Slandering Have I not taken pleasure in hearing my Neighbour reproacht and evil spoken of behind his back Psal 15.3 Have I not abetted to the injuries done him by others by bearing false witness against him Have I not sometimes scoft at men for those Infirmities which I ought to have cover'd in Love 1 Pet. 4 8. Have I been carefull to keep my word and to perform all my Promises to every man 10. X. Com. Have I been truly content with my own State and Condition without coveting any Thing which is another man's Have I not envy'd others their Happier Estate and repin'd at the meanness of my own Condition Have I not more complain'd of the Wants and Evils I have sustain'd according to my Deserts than I have been thankfull for many undeserved Mercies and Blessings A. Jam. 3.2 I confess I have offended in many Things I am guilty of very many Transgressions in so much as if God should enter into Judgment with me Psal 143.2 He might most justly condemn me But I hope in His Mercy who hath promised Pardon to all that truly repent Acts 3.19 But Q. 3. Repentance Do I truly and heartily repent of all my Sins and am I stedfastly resolved by the Grace of God to lead a new Life A. I am heartily sorry for all my Sins which I have committed against that God to whom I owe my Life and Being and who hath been very good and gracious to me all my Life long and I do stedfastly resolve forthwith to forsake all my Sins and to endeavour to lead my Life in all Things according to the Holy Law of God and Rules of the Gospel for the Time to come and I do heartily beseech Almighty God to enable me by his Grace so to do Q. 4. 4 Faith in Christ Do I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Am I fully persuaded that He is the Son of God and Saviour of the World and that all He hath revealed and said in his Holy Gospel is most certainly true Do I heartily take Him for my Lord and Redeemer and trust in Him alone for my Salvation Jam. 2.18 And can I shew my Faith by my Works A. I do stedfastly Believe that God the Father sent his Son to be the Saviour of the World 1 Joh. 4.14 Acts 8.37 that Jesus Christ who died at Jerusalem is the Son of God and I do heartily take Him to be my Lord and Col. 2.6 Saviour and submitting my self to his Soveraignty I trust in Him alone for my Salvation Mark 1.15 I am fully persuaded that whatsoever He hath said or revealed in his Gospel is most true And I shall endeavour by God's Grace to persist in this Faith and to demonstrate the Truth of it by my Works Jam.
A. Of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil thou shalt not eat Gen. 2.17 Q. Did he notwithstanding eat of it A. He did eat Gen. 3.6 Q. Were many the worse for this fault of one A. By one mans disobedience many were made Sinners Rom. 5.19 Q. What evil came upon all men hereby A. By the offence of one judgment came upon all men to Condemmation Rom. 5. 18. Q. Shall all men then being thus condemn'd everlastingly perish A. There is no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Rom. 8.1 § 3. Of Christ Q. VVHo is this Jesus A. Jesus is the Son of God 1 Joh. 5.5 Q. And was he sent to be our Saviour A. The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World 1 Joh. 4.14 Q. And did he accordingly come to save us A. Jesus Christ came into the world to save Sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 Q. After what manner did he come into the world A. He took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men Phil. 2.7 Q. Is he not true God A. He is the true God 1 Joh. 5.20 Q. Being true God how was he made in the likeness of men A. Being made of a woman Gal. 4.4 Q. What was this woman A. A Virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph Luk. 1.27 Q. And what was the Virgin 's Name A. The Virgins Name was Mary Luk. 1.27 Q. Being a Virgin how came she to be with child A. By the Holy Ghost Mat. 1.18 Q. And where was he Born of her A. Jesus was born in Bethlehem Mat. 2.1 Q. What was this Bethlehem A. The City of David Luk. 2.11 Q. Being thus made man what did he for mans Salvation A. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross Phil. 2.8 Q. What was done to him after his death A. He was buried 1 Cor. 15.4 Q. But did he not rise again A. He rose again the third day 1 Cor. 15.4 Q. And whether did he then go A. He was received up into Heaven and sate on the right hand of God Mark 16.19 Q. What mean you by his sitting on the right hand of God A. God hath highly exalted him Phil. 2.9 Q. What power hath he given him A. All Power is given to him in Heaven and in Earth Mat. 28.18 Q. Is he then fully able to save lost Sinners A. He is able to save them to the uttermost that come to God by him Heb. 7.25 Q. And is there no Salvation in any other A. Neither is there Salvation in any other Acts 4.12 Q. Who shall be saved by him A. He that Believeth and is Baptized shall be sased but he that Believeth not shall be damned Mark 16.16 § 4. Of Duties Q. IF Believing be so necessary to Salvation tell me how we must come by this Faith A. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God Rom. 10.17 Q. What call you the word of God A. The Holy Scriptures which are able to make me wise to Salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 Q. Is Baptism ordinarily necessary to Salvation A. Except a man be born of Water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Joh. 3.5 Q. What mean you by being born of water and the Spirit A. The washing of Regeneration and the renewing of the Holy ghost Tit. 2.5 Q. Does the promise of the Holy ghost which is the ground of Baptism belong to us that believe only or to our children also A. The promise is to you and to your children Acts 2.39 Q. In whose name is baptism to be administred A. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 Q. How should we walk who have been baptized A. We should walk in newness of life Rom 6.4 Q. How should we walk in newness of life A. Denying ungodliness and worldly Lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world Tit. 2.12 Q. That we may so live here then as that we may enter into life eternal in the end what must we do A. Keep the Commandments Mat. 19.17 Q. VVhich is the first and great Commandment of the Law A. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy mind Mat. 22.37 Q. VVhich is the second that is like to it A. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self Mat. 22.39 Q. But what need is there of our Obedience Did not Christ by his sufferings become the Saviour of all Sinners A. He became the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Heb. 5.9 Q. VVhat hath he in his Gospel said to us to engage our Obedience unto him A If ye love me keep my Commandments Joh. 14 15. Q. VVhat special Commandment hath he given us A. To love one another 1 Joh. 3.23 Q. And what charge hath he given us concerning our enemies A. Love your Enemies do good to them that hate you Luk. 6.27 Q. What must he do that will become Christs Disciple indeed A. Deny himself and take up his Cross daily and follow Him Luk. 9.23 Q. And what hath he said to encourage us to his Service A. Where I am there shall also my Servant be and if any man serve me him will my Father honour Joh. 12.26 Q. Besides Baptism for our admission into the Church what are we enjoyn'd for our holding Communion with the Church A. To eat the Lord's Supper 1 Cor. 11.20 Q. VVhat charge hath Christ given us concerning this A. This do in remembrance of me 1 Cor. 11.24 Q. Do not we hereby shew forth the Death of Christ A. As oft as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye do shew the Lord's Death till he come Cor 1.11.26 Q. That a man may rightly receive this Holy Supper what must he do A. Let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup 1 Cor. 11.28 § 5. Of Priviledges Q. VVHAT special Benefits have we by Christ upon Believing A. Being justify'd by Faith we have peace with God Rom. 5.1 Q. But when we have offended God what must we do that our sins may be forgiven us A. Repent and be converted Acts 3.19 Q. But what hath our Saviour said shall become of us if we repent not A. Except ye Repent ye shall all perish Luk. 13.3 Q. VVhat other Benefits besides Remission of Sins do we receive by Christ A. The Adoption of Sons Gal. 4 5. Q. And what do we receive hereupon A. The Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father Rom. 8.15 Q. And does God hear our prayers A. If we ask any thing according to his Will he heareth us 1 Joh. 5.14 Q. That you may obtain all good things then at his hand what must you do A. Watch and pray Mat 26.4 Q. That having done all these things you may not fall short of eternal life what must you
neglect no known Duty that thou may'st be able to say with St. Paul herein do I exercise my self to have alwaies a conscience void of off ence Act. 24.16 hoth toward God and toward men And that thou mayst proceed in this path of Piety with more pleasure I have furnisht out a short Banquet for thy Entertainment with Holy Delight in a brief Collection of some few pieces of Divine Poems which may serve to imbellish the memory and delight the mind Having thus begun and proceeded Heb. 6.4 endeavour to go on to Perfection Not to go forward still in Gods way is to go backward The path of the just is as the shining light Prov. 4.18 that shineth more and more unto the perfect day To this end daily read the Holy Scriptures wherein God has revealed his will to man unfolded the mysteries of Grace and made plain before us the path to eternal Life and Glory This is God's Book and therefore to be read with Reverence and preferr'd before all other Writings in the world On the Lord's Day especially spend some time in reading God's word And when thou takest this Blessed Book into thy hand lift up thy heart to Heaven and pray for the Illumination of the Spirit Eph. 1.17 18. Act. 8.30 that thou mayst understand what thou readest Meditate on what thou hast read and heard and endeavour to turn it into practice and improve it to thy comfort and joy in the hope of glory And thus I have shew'd thee the Way to Heaven a plain path to an eternal Paradise If thou lovest thy soul delay not to enter into it and walk in it Doubtless there are thousands of young people who sometimes resolved to repent and lead new lives but being loath so soon to leave off the Pleasures of sin alas they were surpriz'd with Death and must now suffer eternall pains in Hell Be warn'd be wise be good betimes and be happy for ever Assure thy self by setting with seriousness upon the Practice of true Pietie thou shalt not loose the pleasures of life but exchange them for purer and sweeter So much joy springs up in a truly pious Soul in the sense of God's Favour and in the hopes of Heaven that it far exceeds all the Pleasures and Delights of this world and the delight of well-doing surpasses the pleasures of sin Heb. 11.25 Prov. 14.9 10.23 Psal 40.8 Eccl. 7.6 that are but for a season They are Fools that make a mock and sport of sin but 't is the speech of a serious Saint I delight to do thy will O my God! yea thy Law is within my heart The laughter of a fool and such is the Sinner that laughs while he stands on the brink of Hell and Destruction is but as the crackling of thorns under apot 't is but a flash of vain mirth which will end in bitter pangs of long-abiding Sorrow What reason has he to laugh here that shall weep and mourn in Hell But the joy of a good man is as the Day-break of eternal Bliss Psal 34.8 1 Pet. 2 3. Oh taste and see then that the LORD is good and gracious He that may freely drink pure wine will never be persuaded to quench his thirst with puddle-water He that pursues the pleasures of Lust and sin seeks to quench his thirst at a vile puddle when in the Practice of true Piety he might daily drink of the wine of Paradise Such are those holy Comforts and Joys which spring up in a pious Soul in communion with God and Christ Certainly a Holy life is the happiest life of man on earth and the certain way to everlasting happiness in Heaven Thus live then and when thou diest be happy for ever Jude v. 24 25. Now unto him that is able to keep thee from falling and to present thee faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the onely wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and power both now and ever Amen The TITLES of the several TRACTS or PARTS of this Book I. A brief Compendium of Scripture-Catechism exhibiting the first principles of the Oracles of God II. The Scripture-Monitor declaring the duties of Children and Servants III. A Catechism for Communicants for the Instruction of those who are to receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper IV. Self-Examination shewing the Qualification of a worthy Communicant V. Christian Devotion in Forms of Prayer and praise for Children and Servants VI. Christian Conversation or directions for leading a good Life VII Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver or some choice Pieces of Divine Poesie for the Vse and Delight of young people A Brief Compendium of Scripture-Catechism Exhibiting The first PRINCIPLES of the OR ACLES of GOD * Heb. 5.12 § 1. Of God Q. WHAT must you do that you may be happy for ever A. Know God and serve him 1 Chron. 28.9 Q. What is God A. God is a Spirit and the Father of Spirits John 4.24 with Heb. 12.9 Q. But what is he for Excellency and Dominion A. The King eternal immortal invisible the onely wise God 1 Tim. 1.17 Q. Are there more Gods than One A. There is but one God 1 Cor. 8.6 Q. But how many Persons are there in the Godhead A. There are three 1 Joh. 5.7 Q. By what names are they called A. The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 Q. Are these three but one God A. These Three are one 1 Joh. 5.7 Q. By what name hath this one true God manifested himself to men A. By the name of God Almighty Exo. 6.3 Q. Is he not as well Merciful as Mighty A. The LORD is Merciful and Gracious Psal 103.8 Q. What is he for Counsel and Execution A. Great in Counsel and Mighty in work Jer. 32.19 Q. What great work hath God done A. God made the World and all things therein Acts 17.24 Q. Is he then Lord of all A. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth Acts 17.24 Q. And doth he govern all as King A. His Kingdom ruleth over all Psal 103.19 Q. Is it he then that hath made us and all men A. It is he that hath made us and not we our selves Ps 100.3 Q. And are we all sustain'd in life by him A. In him we live and move and have our being Acts 17.28 Q. And doth he give us all we have A. He giveth to all Life and Breath and all things Acts 17.25 § 2. Of Man Q. OF what did God at first form man A. The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground Gen. 2.7 Q. In what likeness did he make him A. God created man in his own Image Gen. 1.27 Q. Wherein was man made like to God A. In Knowledge Righteousness and true Holiness Col. 3.10 with Eph. 4.24 Q. When God had thus made man where did he put him A. Into the Garden of Eden Gen. 2.15 Q. And what Charge and Command did he give him
a Sacrament of our New Birth and the Lord's Supper of our spiritual Nourishment and growth in Grace Q. How oft must we receive these Sacraments A. Baptism but once the Lord's Supper often for we can be but once born but must be oft fed Q. What must we consider in the Sacraments A. The outward Signs the Things thereby signify'd and the spiritual Benefits thereof Q. VVhat is the outward Sign in Baptism A. Water Joh. 3.23 Acts 8.36 38. Ezek. 36.25 26. Q. VVhat doth the VVater in Baptism signify A. The renewing Grace and purifying Virtue of the Spirit of God Q. What doth the washing of the Body with water signifie A. Acts 22.16 The cleansing of the Soul from Sin Q. VVhat is the Spiritual Benefit of Baptism A. A Regeneration Joh. 3.5 or a New Birth Q. VVhat mean you by Regeneration or the New Birth A. A Change of our Nature Tit. 3.5 1 Cor. 6.11 which being depraved by Sin is therein renew'd by the Spirit of God Q. How is Baptism to be administred and by whom A. Mat. 28.19 By the Ministers of Christ in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. VVho are to be Baptiz'd A. Acts 2.38 39. Converts to the Christian Religion and the Children of Christians Q. To what are we bound by our Baptism A. Rom. 6.3 13. To forsake our Sins believe in Christ and lead our Lives according to the Laws of God and Rules of the Gospel Q. Wherein stands the Lord's Supper and how is it to be celebrated A. Mat. 26.26 27. Luk. 22.19 20. In a solemn blessing breaking and cating of Bread and Drinking of Wine with Thanksgiving in Remembrance of Christ Q. VVhat is the Intent and Meaning of this A. 1 Cor. 11.28 The setting forth of the Death and sufferings of Christ whose Body was broken on the Cross and his Bloud shed for our Sins Q. VVhat are the outward Signs in the Lord's Supper A. Bread and Wine Mat. 26.26 27.28 Q. What do this signifie A. The Body and Bloud of Christ Q. Hath Jesus Christ a true Body A. Yes Phil. 3.21 the same Body which was crucified on Earth is glorified in Heaven Q. Luk 22.19 20. 24.39 Is the Bread in the Sacrament the very Body of Christ and the Wine his Bloud A. No they are but the signs of his Body and Bloud and Pledges of the Benefits we receive thereby 1 Cor. 10.16 Q. What doth the breaking of the Bread signifie 1 Cor. 11.24 Gal. 3.1 A. The breaking of Christ's Body in his Crucifixion Q. What doth the Minister's giving the Bread and Wine to the Communicants represent A. Christ's giving himself Luk. 22 19. with the Benefits of his Body and Bloud to Believers Q. VVhat doth the receiving eating and drunking signifie A. Our receiving and applying of Christ Joh. 5.12 6.48 58. and his Benefits to our selves by Faith Q. What are the Benefits of this Holy Supper A. Mat. 26.28 Remission of Sins and Ratification of the New Testament Q. What mean you by the New Testament A. Heb. 8.6 9.15 16. The Covenant of Grace under the Evangelical Administration which is now establisht as the last Will and Testament of Jefus Christ whereby he hath bequeath'd unto us an eternal Inheritance Q. What follows upon the Ratification of it A. Heb. 8.8 9.10 An assured Right to all the Blessings of the Covenant with a renewed Obligation to Obedience for herein Christ gives himself with all the Benefits of his Death to me and I give my self up to serve him all the Daies of my life Q. How must you receive this Sacrament A. Heb. 12.22 29. With great Reverence and Devotion in Remembrance of Christ crucified who is herein lively set forth before mine eies 1 Cor. 11.24 25. Gal. 3.1 as broken bleeding dying on the Cross Q. But that you may be meet to receive it and partake of the Benefits thereof what must you do A. I must examine my self 1 Cor. 11.28 concerning my spiritual State Q. Herein what must you chiefly inquire after A Whether I consent to the Covenant of Grace lead my life according to the Law of God and obey the Commands of the Gospel Q. Jer. 31.33 with Heb 8.10 What is the Tenour of the Covenant of Grace A. I will be their God and they shall be my people Q. What does the Law of God require of you A. Exod. 20.2 3 8 12. To acknowledge the true God and worship him alone as God to fanctifie the Sabbath and honour my Parents Q. And what does it forbid A. Idolatry Exod. 20.4 5 7 13 17. and Abuse of God's Name Murder Adultery Thest Lying and coveting what is another man's Q. What does God in the Gospel require of you A. Mark 1.15 1 Joh. 3.23 2 Pet. 1.7 Repentance and Faith Brotherly Love and Charity Q. In examining your self concerning these Evangelical Graces what must you inquire A. 2 Cor. 7.10 11. Whether I am heartily sorry for all my sins and stedfastly resolved to lead a new Life Gal 3.21 22. Rom. 15.12 Acts 16.31 1 Pet. 1.22 4.8 whether I stedfastly believe the Promises of the Gospel and put my whole Trust in Christ for my Salvation whether I unfeignedly love the Children of God as my Brethren in Christ and am in Charity with all men Q. But wherein must you exercise this Charity A. Mat. 5.44 6.14 15. Rom. 12.20 21. Epb. 4.28 Gal. 6.10 In loving mine Enemies in forgiving of Wrongs in doing Good against Evil in releiving according to my Ability them that are in want and doing Good as I have opportunity to all men Q. But why are these Graces of Faith and Brotherly Love and Charity especially required for the right receiving of the Lord's Supper A. Mat. 26.28 Luk. 24.47 Mat. 18.34 6.14 Because the Bloud of Christ is therein exhibited for the Remission of Sins and without Repentance there is no Remission and if we do not from our Hearts for give them that have trespassed against us which is an Act of Christian Charity God will not forgive our Trespasses against him And lastly nothing can be more necessary than brotherly Love in the Lord's Supper which is a Feast of Loves and the Communion of Saints 1 Cor. 10.17 Gen. 43.16 wherein as the Brethren of Joseph with him we feast with our Elder Brother Jesus Q. When you have thus examin'd your self concerning your spiritual State what must you further do that you may rightly receive this Holy Supper A. 1 Pet. 5 6. I must cast my self down before God and with Sorrow in my Heart 1 Joh. 1.9 make an humble Confession of my Sins and earnestly implore Mercy in the free pardon of them in the Bloud of my Saviour 1 Thess 3.10 I must bewail my weaknesses and wants and earnestly
2.18 and constant Obedience to His Holy Commands all the daies of my Life Q. 5. 5. Brotherly Love Do I entirely love all the Children of God as my Brethren in Christ even because they are God's Children bear His Image and are beloved by their Heavenly Father A. I have a Love for all men Rom. 13.9 and do Desire to love my Neighbour as myself 1 Joh. 3.14 but for those who truly fear-God I have a great esteem of them and a hearty Love to them Psal 16.3 I account them the onely excellent Ones in the Earth And the more excellency I see in them the more my Heart is endeared to them I chiefly delight in their Company and when I can enjoy mine own Choice psal 119.63 I am a Companion of them that fear God and keep his Commandments Q. 6. 6. Charity Luk. 6.37 Mat. 5.44 Rom. 12.21 1 Cor. 5.8 Am I in Charity with all men Can I freely forgive them that have wrong'd me and find in my Heart to do good to them who hate me and ahve done and would do me Hurt A. I thank God I bear no Malice in my Heart to any man I do freely forgive them who have wrong'd me and account it but a very small matter if my Lord will graciously be pleased to remit me a Debt of Ten Thousand Talents Mat. 18.23 35. to forgive to my fellow-Servant a Debt of an Hundred pence And God knows my heart if it lay in my power I could freely do Good to the worst Enemy I have in the World If he was in Danger I would do my best to preserve him If I knew him to be in any Extremity I would to my Ability Rom. 12.20 very freely relieve Him I know I more need mercy from God than any man can need Mercy from me and I am ready and willing to shew Mercy to any man Jam. 2.13 as I do expect and desire to obtain Mercy from God in the Forgiveness of my Sins and the Salvation of my Soul Q. 7. Defire of Christ 7. Have I an Appetite to my Spiritual Food Have I an earnest Defire to have Communion with Christ and to partake of his saving Benefits in his Holy Supper A. Without Christ alas I am an undone Creature Ah Lord God! What wilt thou give me if I go Christless Give me therefore O give me Christ or I die It is Pardon and Grace and spiritual strength and Comfort which he is pleased to communicate to Believers in his Holy Supper These I want these I earnestly defire 1 Cor. 15.10 I must have Pardon or perish Without Grace I can do no good Peace with God is an inestimable Priviledge without this I cannot hope to see His Face in Heaven I want Strength to do my Duties conquer my Corruptions bear my Burdens and withstand my Temptations And my Soul thirsts after those Holy Comforts which are far sweeter than all worldly Joys Psal 4.7 These are the Blessings I earnestly defire These are the Benefits of my Blessed Lord and Suviour Jesus Christ And I am willing to part with the Pleasures of Sin for ever to partake of these Holy Comforts and there is no Treasure in the whole World that I prize or desire in comparison of these inestimable Priviledges which I beseech God to communicate to me in this Holy Feast Psal 63.5 Luk. 1.47 Jude v. 25. So shall my Soul be satisfi'd as with Marrow and Fatness and I shall greatly rejoyce in God my Saviour to whom be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power both now and ever Amen Now if upon this serious Self-Examination thou canst from thy Heart make these Answers to these Questions doubt not but God will accept thee as a worthy Communicant and thou shalt be●● 〈…〉 Guest to the Lord's Table God in that Blessed Ordinance of Christ's Holy Supper will seal up to thy Soul the Pardon of all thy sins and that Covenant of Grace whereby he assures thee of a Kingdome of Glory for thine etenal Inheritance Conclude this Work of Self-Examination with that Confession and Prayer which is fitted for that Purpose Christian-Devotion IN Some short Forms of PRAYER PRAISE Prayers for Children A Prayer for the Morning O LORD God and my Heavenly Father I give Thee humble and hearty Thanks for that Thou hast preserved me this Night past and rais'd me up in Health and Strength this Morning whereas Thou mightest in the Darkness of the Night have cut me off for my Sins and cast me into everlasting Darkness in Hell Pardon O Lord all my past Sins and keep me from sinning for the time to come Guide bless and keep me this Day in Thy Fear and grant that I may demean my self alwaies as in thy Sight And seeing I must at length appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to receive according to my Works and must then give an Account of every idle VVord grant that I may keep my self this Day from all foolish-speaking evil-doing Especially grant that I may keep my Heart with all Diligence seeing out of it come those evil Things which defile both Body and Soul Keep me O Lord by thy Grace from all wanton thoughts Words and Looks and from all those fleshly Lusts which will defile my Soul and make me loathsome in thy Sight Oh keep me from my special sin and quicken me to every good Duty Keep me from mispending my precious Time in Vanity and Idleness seeing upon this little Moment of my Life depends an Eternity of Joy or Torment Sanctifie me throughout by Thy Holy Spirit and enable me by thy Grace to live to thy Glory Plant in my Heart a Hatred of Sin and Love to Holiness that I may delight to do Thy Will O my God! Psal 40.8 Joh. 4.34 and account it my Meat and Drink to be employ'd in well-doing Grant I may love Thee with all my Heart and Soul and serve Thee with all my Strength all the Daies of my Life that in the End I may be happy for ever Make me like Christ in meekness Patience Humility that I may be like to Him hereafter in Glory Keep me this Day from Sin and Danger and give me all things both for my Soul and Body which Thou seest to be needfull and good for me Make me ever Thankfull for Thy Mercies and truly contented with my Condition Do good O Lord Psal 125.4 to them that are good and convert Sinners from their evil waies that they may be saved Bless my Parents Give them Health Prosperity and Length of Days here and everlasting Happiness in Heaven Bless all my Friends and dear Relations give them Grace and all good things both for Body and Soul Bless me even me also O my Father with the Blessings of thy Love and guide me in thy Holy ways to Life eternal through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour to whom with Thy Self and Holy Spirit be all Honour and
Glory now and for evermore Amen A Prayer for Noon BLessed be Thy Name O Lord my God that Thou hast preserved me this Day hitherto Blessed be Thy Name for all the Blessings which Thou hast bee stowed upon me Forgive me all the Sins which I have committed and keep me the rest of this Day from all evil Grant O Lord that I may continue to serve Thee faithfully and truly this Day and all the Days of my Life that it may be well with me for ever and ever thro' Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour to whom with Thy self and Holy Spirit be Glory and Honour Power Praise and Thanksgiving both now and for evermore Amen A Prayer for Night O Lord my God I humbly and heartily bless and praise Thy Holy Name for thy merciful Preservation of me this Day past and for all the Blessings which Thou hast bestowed upon me I bless Thee for my Health and Strength Food and Raiment Peace and Safety and above all for my Redemption by Jesus Christ and my Hopes of Salvation by Him Forgive me I beseech Thee all the Sins which either in Thought Word or Deed I have committed against Thee this Day Forgive me that I have neglected any good which I might and ought to have done or negligently done it I have forgotten Thee O Lord and I have done evil in Thy Sight But I am heartily sorry for all my Sins and do earnestly desire and seriously resolve to serve Thee better for the Time to come Remember not against me any of my past offences but be in Christ fully reconciled unto me And give me Thy Grace that I may henceforth walk in thy Ways and obey Thy Will in all Things Take me into Thy Tuition this following Night Keep me when I cannot keep my self Keep me O Lord from all evil Thoughts and hurtfull Lusts Keep me from the Power of Satan the Prince of Darkness Let Thy Holy Angels be my Guard and thy mighty Power my Defence Defend me from all Dangers and Disquiets Hide me under the Shadow of Thy Wings Psal 17.8 and keep me as the Apple of the Eye When I am awake let me remember that Thine Eye is upon me Psal 139.2 and that Thou see'st my down-lying and discernest my secret Thoughts Give me O Lord quiet Rest and Sleep and raise me up the next Day with renewed Health and Strength to do Thee Service Continue thy Favour to me through all my Life and in Death shew me thy Salvation Bless and keep Thy whole Church Continue Truth and Peace in this Land Bless and preserve my Parents in Life and Health Let all my dear Friends and Relations be Happy in Thy Love and Favour Bless me O Father and save me for Thy Mercies sake in Christ Jesus my Redeemer To whom with thy Self and Holy Spirit be Honour Glory and Praise for ever and ever Amen Prayers for Servants A Prayer for the Morning O Lord God I heartily bless Thy Holy Name for keeping me this Night past in Safety and raising me up with renewed Health and Strength this Morning Hadst Thou dealt with me O Lord according to my Deserts Thou might'st have sent me into the Land of Darkness and I might have made my Bed in Hell But O Lord as Thou hast mercifully kept me when I could not keep my self so take me I beseech Thee into Thy Holy Tuition and keep me henceforth from all Evil Pardon my Sin and preserve me to Thy everlasting Kingdom Direct me O God and lead me forth in Thy Fear and so bless and prosper me in all the Works and Businesses of this day Grant that I may faithfully and diligently discharge the Duties required of me in the Place wherein Thy Providence hath set me Keep me O Lord from all evil Thoughts which may defile my Heart and from all evil Words and Actions whereby I may offend Thee and deprive my self of Thy Blessing and Favour Grant that I may so remember Thine All-seeing Eye as to demean my self always as in Thy Sight studying and endeavouring to please and honour Thee in all things that at the last Day I may give up my Account with Joy Protect Thy whole Church by thy Power and bless all Thy People with Peace Bless this Land and preserve the true Religion Bless this House and Family wherein I live with all Temporal and Spiritual Blessings Bless guide and keep thy Servants to whom Thou hast committed the Care and Government thereof Give me Grace O Lord to look upon them as standing in Thy stead to me that by the Honour and Obedience which I yield to them according to Thy Command I may serve and honour Thee and according to thy Promise receive my Reward in Heaven Grant O Lord that the Beauty and Goodness of Thy Government of Thy Houshould the Church may appear in their wise and good Government of this House and Family committed to their Charge that this House may be to me and all that live therein as the Gate of Heaven and Way to everlasting Happiness Let thy Blessing O Lord crown all the Labours of thy Servants with good Success that whatsoever they do may prosper and man may have Occasion to say The Lord be magnified which hath Pleasure in the Prosperity of His Servants Psal 35.27 Bless all my Friends and Relations and all that have been Instruments of Good to me let all who have shew'd any Kindness to thy unworthy Servant be ever Happy in Thy Love and Favour Now O Lord be with me I beseech Thee this Day and bless me both in Body and Soul Put Thy Fear into my Heart that I may not sin against Thee Give me Health and Strength that I may chearfully serve Thee And when Thou hast finished Thy Will with me on Earth fulfill my Desire O Lord and make me perfectly happy with Thee in Heaven thro' the Merits of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ To whom with Thy Self and Holy Spirit be Glory Power and Praise now and for evermore Amen A Prayer for Night O Lord God who art Great in Power and rich in Mercy I Thy Poor Creature do here humbly cast my self down at Thy Footstool beseeching Thee for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake to forgive me all the Sins of the Day past yea all the Sins which I have ever committed against Thee Forgive me O Lord all my loose Thoughts all my rash Words all my irregular Actions whatsoever Thy pure Eye hath at any time seen amiss in me and be in Christ fully reconcil'd to me For I confess my Transgressions and am heartily sorry for my Sins Give me Grace O Lord for the time to come to serve and honour Thee by a better Obedience Heb. 8.10 Put Thy Laws in my Mind and write them in my Heart That I may know and do Thy Commandments Restrain me O God by Thy Grace from those sins to which I am most inclin'd and keep me from those Evils which I am
most apt to commit Help me to withstand Temptations and make me wise to avoid all Occasions of sin Seeing my life is but short on Earth Lord suffer me not to sin my Soul into Hell Bless all those I am bound to pray for my Friends and Kindred in the Flesh Do good to all that are good and requite all those who have done me Good let all the Benefits I have received from them be redoubled into their own Bosoms Bless this House and Family wherein I live Preserve thy Servants to whom Thou hast committed the Care and Government of the Family and all that belongs to them in safety Grant Lord that I may so shew all good Fidelity to them that I may find Favour with Thee who alone canst make me truly Happy for ever And now Blessed be thy Name O Lord who hast as well appointed the Night for Rest as the Day for Labour Keep me I beseech Thee this Night from all Evil. Give me that comfortable Rest and Refreshment which may fit me for the Duties of the following Day And grant Lord that where after a few days I shall sleep in the Dust my Soul may rest with Thee in Glory through the Merits of my Blessed Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ to whom with Thee O God the Father and God the Holy Ghost be Glory and Majesty Dominion Power and Praise now and for evermore Amen If thou art weary and sleepy or not being able to Read canst not learn the foregoing Prayers by Heart rather than lie down at Night like a Beast and rise up in the Morning and go out to thy Work without any serious Remembrance of God or pious Acknowledgment of thy Dependance on Him Acts 17.28 in whom thou livest movest and hast thy Being and without whose up-holding Hand thou canst not subsist a Moment without dropping into Dust and if in thy Sins into Hell Kneel down on thy Knees and say At Night Blessed be Thy Name O Lord God who hast kept me this Day past Forgive me I beseech Thee all my Sins and keep me from Sin and Danger this Night and raise me up refresht with quiet Rest and Sleep to serve Thee better the following Day to Thy Glory and my Salvation thro' Jesus Christ my onely Lord and Saviour Amen In the Morning Blessed be thy Name O Lord who hast kept me in Safety and refresht me with Rest and Sleep this last Night Now be with me I beseech thee and keep me this Day from all Evil. Guide me in all my ways and bless me in all my Works and bring me in the end to everlasting Life in Heaven thro' Jesus Christ my Lord and Redeemer Amen A Prayer for the Lord's Day O Most Holy and Glorious Lord God Thou art great in Thy Self and yet good to man Thou art gloriously exalted above the greatest of Kings and yet hast a gracious Regard to the meanest of Thy Creatures The Heavens O Lord are the Work of thy Hands and Thou hast made the Earth and all things therein Thou art great in Power Dreadfull in Majesty and glorious in Holiness Psal 8.4 Lord what is man that Thou remembrest him or the Son of man that Thou regardest him 39.5 Verily every man at his best State is altogether Vanity And yet how wonderfull are Thy Works 107.8 O God which thou hast wrought for the Children of men For man thou hast made the World and replenisht it with a rich Variety of Creatures both for his Use and Delight Thou hast appointed all things to serve him that he might with more chearfulness and Delight serve Thee For man thou hast sent and slain Thine own Son that guilty lost man whom Thou mightest have justly thrown into everlasting Darkness in Hell might for ever live with Thee in a Paradise of Divine Pleasures in a Heaven of Bliss and Glory O Lord grant that I thy poor Creature may so love Thee and serve Thee here that I may at length enjoy Thee fully and praise Thee eternally in heaven In Order to this End I bless Thy Name O Lord that Thou hast appointed a Day of Rest from all worldly Labours that I might attend upon Thee in the Duties of thy solemn Worship and Service O Lord make this Day of rest to be to me a day of spiritual Refreshment and holy Delight Grant that I may this Day hear the Voice of my Saviour calling to all that labour and are heavy laden to come to Him that he may give them Rest Mat. 11.28 and make me so sensible of the Burden of my Sins that I may betake my self to Him by a hearty Repentance and lively Faith and may obtain a Holy Rest in the Remission of my sins and the salvation of my soul Keep me this Day O Lord from Vanity and Idleness from foolish-speaking and evil-doing and make me very diligent and serious in the Duties of Thy service that I may not let slip a happy opportunity of insuring my salvation nor mispend that Time which Thou vouchsafest me for the Good of my soul but seriously employ it in the Duties of true Piety for the getting and encreasing of Knowledge and Grace and treasuring up for my self Glory in Heaven Keep me O Lord from all vain worldly and wanton Thoughts which may take off my Minde from a serious Attention to Thy Word and hinder me from joining with a Holy Devotion in Thy worship Grant that I may enter into Thy House as into Heaven and demean my self there as in Thy sight and Presence and Lord send me not away without Thy Blessing Grant O Lord that to Day Heb. 3.13.18 even while it is called to Day I may hear Thy Voice Thy word with a serious Resolution to obey Thy will in all Things lest Thou swear in Thy Wrath that I shall never enter into Thy Rest O let me not go from Thy House Gen. 28.17 the Gate of Heaven into everlasting Darkness in Hell But Lord speak to Thy servant this day those words which may effectually conduce to my salvation Grant I humbly beseech Thee that I may so serve Thee this Day and all the dayes of my Life that in the End I may be truly Blessed for ever through the Merits of my onely Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to whom with Thy self and Holy Spirit Be Glory and Honour Dominion and Power Thanksgiving and Praise now and for evermore Amen A Prayer before Reading the Holy Scriptures OPen my Vnderstanding O Lord Luk. 24.45 2 Tim. 3.15 that I may understand the Scriptures which are able to make me wise to Salvation Grant that I may so believe Thy word as to do Thy will and walk in that way which will bring me in the end to Life eternal Eternal through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer at the first Entrance into the Church LOrd Luk. 18.13 be merciful to me a sinner and forgive me my sins that make me