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A62900 The principles of the Papists by which their leaders put them upon bloody and treacherous practices, plainly demonstrated by the Scriptures to be most erroneous and wicked. And a few better principles briefly laid down, for them (or others) to meditate on, tending to a peaceable life among men, &c. And also a few quæries left them last of all, to satisfie their consciences in. Partly for the sakes of those among them whose consciences have some tenderness in them, and are not quite feared: partly also for those who through ignorance are too much inclining to them. Also there may be some service of these things to others. By a lover of truth, mercifulness, plain-heartedness, humility and fidelity, W. T. Tomlinson, William. 1679 (1679) Wing T1850; ESTC R221759 49,364 105

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man who had need to repent and pray God that the thought of his own heart may be forgiven him Argument 2. I come now to a second Argument against the Pope and to shew that he is no true Successor to Peter which I prove by shewing that he is not of Abraham's spiritual seed which of necessity every one must be that succeeds either Peter or any of the holy Apostles of Christ Jesus To make this clear let us take notice of these two things 1. What manner of Succession is cut off 2. What manner of Succession doth remain First What manner of Succession is cut off There was a Succession once which was lineal in the same seed outwardly and so from Abraham to Christ they succeeded one another as the Son succeeds the Father But this was cut off as the Scripture plainly sheweth Rom. 2.28 29. For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly but he is a Jew which is one inwardly Again Rom. 9.8 The Children of Promise are counted for the seed So also Gal. 3.7 They which are of faith the same are the Children of Abraham And again the Apostle speaking of the cutting off of the Jews through their unbelief shews that we who are of the Gentiles are grafted in into Abraham's stock only by faith and so by faith we stand Rom. 11.20 Well because of unbelief they were broken off and thou standest by faith be not high-minded but fear So then you see that outward succession in Abraham's line was cut off through unbelief Hence I argue thus If God hath laid aside that outward succession in Abraham's line who was called the Friend of God he will not take up any outward succession again to entail his promises upon and if succession be cut off from that natural seed for want of faith then all outward succession as from place or any other outward thing whatsoever will not hold where true faith is wanting but will fail him that depends upon it as well as it failed the Jews So then whosoever pretends a succession in Abraham's seed without which he cannot be a Successor to Peter he must establish his Succession in another thing than either in an outward seed or in place or any such like outward thing Therefore secondly let us now take further notice what manner of Succession that is which abides and wherein that is established which makes one a Successor in the seed of Abraham This doth not stand in any outward thing but in that faith which follows the steps of Abraham Rom. 4.11 12. Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness before he was circumcised as the foregoing words do shew That he might be the Father of all them that believe though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imported unto them And the Father of Circumcision to them who are not of the Circumcision only but also walk in the steps of that faith of our Father Abraham which he had being yet uncircumessed Here you may see plainly who are Abraham's Children now and so Christ's namely they that walk in the steps of that faith of our Father Abraham and they only For it 's said Rom. 11.20 Thou standest by faith he not high-minded but fear Ver. 21. For if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee Ver. 22. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God on them which fell severity but towards thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwise thou also shalt be cut off So here you may see it 's plainly exprest what cuts a man off from the seed of Abraham and so from Christ and also what establishes him in that seed It is walking in the steps of that faith of Abraham and continuing in the goodness of God that establishes a man and he that continues not therein shall be cut off Now examine and apply these things to the Pope Doth he walk in the steps of the faith of Abraham Surely his works loudly proclaim the contrary If ye were the Children of Abraham ye would do the works of Abraham saith Christ Jesus Joh. 8.39 c. But now ye seek to kill me this did not Abraham Ye are of your Father the Devil and the lusts of your Father ye will do He was a Murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the truth That the Pope is in this murthering spirit many Nations have felt it and the Earth rings of it How many Massacres how many bloody and inhumane Butcheries have been acted under him How many private Murders and secret Conspiracies to destroy mens Lives How many stabbings and poisonings of persons of all degrees many Countreys can witness Is this to walk in the steps of the faith of Abraham Is this to continue in the goodness of God who lets his Sun shine on the good and on the bad and sends rain on the just and on the unjust The Pope doth hereby clearly manifest himself to be cut off from walking in the steps of the faith of Abraham for thus did not Abraham Or doth he continue in the goodness of God who walks in the steps of him that was a murderer from the beginning I desire you poor captiv'd Souls to consider it who are under his yoke and deceive not your selves in trusting to him for you may plainly see by his works what Spirit your Pope is ingrafted into namely into his Spirit who was a murderer from the beginning and not into his Spirit who came not to destroy mens lives but to save They who have been ingrafted into Abraham's faith and so into Christ the true seed were never such murderers and bloody creatures but merciful and tender-hearted Nay if we go no further than the common Body of the Protestants they never were so bloody to you as your Pope hath taught you to be to them When did they commit any such Massacres upon you though you have highly provoked them as you have done to them even without provocation And still you hold on to attempt the like and repent not of your wickedness which shews plainly that they have more of the true spirit and faith of Abraham among them than you have and you partake more of the spirit of him that was a murderer from the beginning which is infused into you with the Principles that you suck in from your Pope and his Church I will tell you who your Pope is by the fruits he brings forth He is a great Agent of that Apollyon that is Destroyer spoken of Rev. 9.11 Who is King over them that have power to hurt men and he is the outward head of that mystery of iniquity which was to arise and you cannot find another like him to act such horrid wickedness and yet under the pretence of Christianity as if Christ that innocent Lamb of God who came not to destroy mens lives but to save were now become a Patron to devouring Wolves Here is the mystery of wickedness shrowding it self under
the matter in hand Therefore mind the Angel's interpretation Ver. 18. He tells John what that woman is The woman which thou sawest is that great City which ruleth or hath a kingdom over the Kings of the earth So that you see this woman which is the great Whore is a great ruling City reigning over Kings Then add to this the Angel's interpretation of the seven heads Ver. 9. The seven heads are seven mountains upon which the woman sitteth So then thus far is plain That the great Whore is a great ruling City that reigns over the Kings of the earth and is situated upon seven mountains This so fully points out Rome that their own Writers cannot deny it for it is famous in all Nations for its situation upon seven mountains or hills which are these viz. Mons Palatinus Quirinalis Aventinus Caelius Viminalis Aesquilinus Capitolinus Hence this City is called Septiceps and Septicollis that is it hath seven heads or seven hills Therefore Ovid speaks thus of it Sed quae de septem totum circumspicit Orbem Montibus imperii Roma Deumque locus Rome which from her seven mountains views round the World is the place of the Empire c. That 's one opening of the seven heads they are seven hills The Angel gives it also another opening ver 10. And there are seven Kings five are fallen and one is and the other is not yet come which also still further points out Rome These seven Kings are seven Governments as some observe Brightman Rev. 17.10 and five of these were fallen when John wrote the Revelations and one then was and another was not yet come at that time which they thus interpret Rome from its rise or first original had these Heads 1. Kings 2. Consuls 3. Dictators 4. Decemviri 5. Tribunes and these five were then fallen when John writ the Revelations 6. Emperors and that was the then present Government And the 7th was not yet come which was by Popes Thus both these opinions of the seven heads meeting together so patly upon Rome do still confirm that to be the place of the chief residence of the great Whore where she sitteth or is seated Some indeed take these seven Kings to be seven particular Emperors and in that they vary yet they meet in this that they belonged to Rome but in my understanding the first is most apt and so Learned Brightman takes it quoting The History of Cornelius Tacitus for those several Governments of Rome until the Emperors for he lived and writ in the first Century after Christ But I place not much weight upon this which may admit of dubious disputation but pass on to other things Again It 's said in this same Verse that this Woman or great Whore sitteth upon a scarlet coloured Beast Beast is used in Scripture for Dominion and Power as Dan. 7.3 17. These great beasts which thou saw are four Kings or four Governments c. Now this beast which the Woman sits upon is said to be scarlet coloured the colour of blood so the Church of Rome is born up upon a bloody power being upheld by bloody Cruelties Inquisitions Murders Massacres so that her sins are as scarlet wherewith she is clothed This is true enough of Rome Or if we take this scarlet colour to set forth the splendor magnificence and greatness of the beast or power that upholds the great Whore this also is answered by Rome's Equipage and Pomp. So put these together now Scarlet coloured beast relates to that potent and bloody power that upholds the Whore And great Whore relates to Religion or Worship and the temper of her Spirit which is degenerated and adulterated with traditions and superstitions and inventions of men And the seven heads or mountains relate to her outward situation or chief place of her residence which the seven Kings or seven sorts of Government also confirms the Angel thereby pointing as with a finger where to find her chief seat outwardly in the World This beast in whom the power resides is also further described hereby that it is full of Names of blasphemy To bring this home to Rome this I say That the Names of Holy Father his Holiness God's Vice-gerent Christ's Vicar upon Earth Vniversal Bishop Peter 's Successor Holy Church Holy Mother Mother Church Abbots which signifies Fathers Jesuits which signifies Disciples of Jesus and many other such like Names and Titles whereby men would shew themselves eminent Servants of God and of Christ nearly related to him I say these and such like Names and Titles being put upon most unholy and ungodly men upon superstitious and idolatrous Worshippers upon bloody and inhumane Butchers and slaughterers of men upon such as are teachers and animaters of lying and dissembling and speaking lyes in hypocrisie upon truce-breakers false accusers encouragers of men to forswear or perjure themselves under a cloak of Equivocation instigaters of acters of Massacres of Plots and Conspiracies against Rulers and Nations upon such persons as know these abominations aforehand to be sins and yet having their Consciences seared as with a hot Iron will presumptuously encourage men thereunto or in defiance of Conscience will rush into such sins and depend upon the Pope's Pardon I say such Names and Titles upon such persons or such a people is high blasphemy against God against Christ and against his holy Servants to whom they challenge Succession because such Titles of so near relation render the God of Christians as a Patron to all ungodliness they render Christ as a generater and nourisher of a brood of wicked people they render Christianity as a Nursery of more than heathenish absurdities and inhumane abominations they render Christ Jesus and Peter as Teachers of wicked Plots and Conspiracies What can tend more to blaspheme that is to defame that holy Name of God and of Christ whereby we are called What can more blast the Fame as the word Blasphemy imports of that innocent Lamb of God and of his holy Apostles by whom the profession of Christianity was planted in the Earth Well may the Jews Turks Infidels abhor the Name of Christianity looking upon it through the corrupt lives and deceitful and savage actions of those that by such Names and Titles profess themselves to be so great Masters of that profession and the chief upholders of it Thus the Name of God and of Christ is greatly blasphemed by the ruling Party of the Romish Church who dignifie themselves with such Names and Titles so nearly relating to Christ and yet live in such abominations as are so abhorring to his Nature Again This scarlet coloured beast on which the Whore sits is said to have ten horns that 's expounded by the Angel to be ten Kings ver 12. And these must agree to give their kingdom unto the beast until an appointed time that is until the words of God shall be fulfilled ver 17. And then they shall hate the Whore and make her desolate and naked