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A51759 The voyages & travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem, as also to the lands of the great Caan, and of Prestor John, to Inde, and divers other countries : together with many strange marvels therein. Mandeville, John, Sir.; Jean, d'Outremeuse, 1338-ca. 1399. 1677 (1677) Wing M415; ESTC R21151 84,811 129

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this land are many Griffons more than in other places and some say they have the body before as an Eagle and behind as a Lyon and it is true for they be made so but the Griffon hath a body greater than 8 Lyons and stronger then 100 Eagles for certainly he will bear to his Nest flying a Horse and a man upon his back or two Oxen yoked together as they go to Plough for he hath long nails on his feet as great as it were horns of Oxen and of those they make Cups there to drink with and of his ribs they make Bows to shoot with CHAP. LXXXVI Of the way to go to Prester Johns land which is Emperour of Inde FRom this land of Badile men go in many days journey to the land of Prester John that is a great Emperor of Inde and men call his land the Isle of Pantrore This Emperor Prester John holdeth a great land and many good Cities and good Towns In this Kingdom are many good Isles and large for the land of Inde is parted into Isles because of great Rivers that come out of Paradise and also in the sea are many great Isles The best City that is the Isle of Pantrore is called Nile that is a noble City end a rich Prester John hath under him many Kings and divers Lords and his land is good and rich but not so rich as the land of the great Caane for Merchants come not so much thither as they do into the land of the great Caane for it is too long a journey And also they find in that Isle of Cathay all things that they have need of as Spicerie Cloth of Gold and other Riches and although they might have better cheap in the land of Prester John then in the land of Cathay and more fine nevertheless they will not go thither by reason of the length of the journey and great perils on sea for there are many places in the sea where are many Rocks of a Stone that is called Adamant the which of his own kind draweth to him all manner of Iron and therefore there may be no Ships that have iron nails pass but it draweth them to it and therefore they dare not go into that country with Ships for fear of the Adamant I went once into that sea and saw as it had been a great Isle of trees stocks and branches growing and ●he Shipmen told me that those were great ships that above there through the vertue of the Adamants and of things that were in the ships whereof those Trees sprung and wared and such Rocks are there many in divers places of the Sea and therefore dare there no shipmen pass that way And another thing also is that they fear the long way and therefore they go most to Cathay and that is nearer unto them And yet it is not so near but that from Venice or Gene by sea to Cathay is xi or xii months journy The land of Prester John is long and Merchants pass thither through the land of Persia and come into a City that men call Hermes for a Philospher that was called Hermes founded it and then pass an arm of the sea and come to another City that men call Saboth and there find they all Merchandises and Popinjayes as great plenty as Larks in our country In this country is little Wheat or Barley and therefore they eat Rice Milk and Cheese and other fruits This Emperor Prester John wedded commonly the Daughter of the great Caane and the great Caane his Daughter In the land of Prester John is many strange things and many precious stones so great and so large that they make of them Vessels Platters and Cups and many other things of which it were too long to tell but some what of his Law and of his Faith I shall tell you CHAP. LXXXVII Of the Faith and Belief of Prester John but he hath not all the full Belief as we have THis Emperor Prester John is Christred and a great part of his land also but they have not all the Articles of our Faith but they believe well in the Father the Son and the Holy Gost and they are very devout and true one to another and they make no force of Cattel And he hath under him 72 Provinces and countries and in each one is a King and those Kings have other Kings under them And in this land are many marvels for in this land is a gravelly sea that is of sand and gravel and no drop of water and it ebbeth and fleweth with very great waves as another sea doth and it is never standing still and never in rest and no man can pass to the land beyond it And although there be no water in the Sea yet men may find therein very good Fish and of other fashion and shape then are in any other sea and also they are of a very good taste and sweet and good to eat And three daies journey from that Sea are many great Hills through which runneth a great Floud that cometh from Paradise and it is full of precious stones and no drop of water and it runneth with great Waves into the gravelly sea and this floud runneth three daies in the week so fast that it carrieth great stones of the Rock with it that make such noise and as soon as they come into the gravel sea they are no more seen and in those three daies when it runneth thus no man dare come in it but the other daies men go therein when they will And so beyond that floud toward the Wilderness is a great Plain among Hills all sandy and gravelly and in that plain grow trees that at the rising of the Sun each day begin to grow and so grow they till-midday and bear fruit but no man dare eat of that fruit for it is a manner of Ir●n and after mid-day it turneth again to the earth so that when the Sun goeth down it is nothing seen and so doth it every day And there is in that Wilderness many wild men with Horns on their Heads very hideous and they speak not but rout as Swine And in that country are many Popinjays that they call in their Language Pistak and they speak through their own kind partly as a man and those that speak well have long Tongues and large and on every foot five Toes but there are some that have three Toes but those speak not or very ill CHAP. LXXXVIII Of another Island where also dwelleth good people therein and it is called Synople THen is there another Isle that is called Synople wherein also are good people and true and full of good Faith and they are much like in their living to the men beforesaid and they go all naked Into that Island came King Alexander and when he saw their good Faith and Truth and their good Belief he said he would do them no harm and bid them ask of him Riches or any thing else and they should have
Israel and kept them from the peril of death therefore she had a good reward as Holy Writ saith Quicunque accipit prophetam in nomine meo mercedem Prophetae c. that is he that receiveth a Prophet in my name he shall receive the reward of a Prophet CHAP. XXX Of the holy places between Bethany and the River Jordan and other things ALso from Bethany men go to the River of Jordan through the Wilderness and it is near a daies journey betwéen Toward the East is a great Hill where our Lord fasted forty daies upon this Hill was Christ tempted of the Devil when he said to him Command that these stones be made Bread and there is an Hermitage where dwelleth certain Christians called Georgians for S. George converted them and upon that Hill dwelled Abraham a great while and as men go to Jericho sate the sick men crying Jesu fili David miserere nobis that is Iesus the Son of David have mercy upon us And two miles from Jericho is the River Jordan And ye shall understand that the Dead Sea parteth the Land of Juda and Araby and the water of that Sea is bitter and it casteth out a thing that men call Aspatam as great pieces as an Horse and Hierusalem is two hundred furlongs from the Sea and it is called the Dead Sea because it runneth not neither may any Man or Beast live therein and that hath béen proved many times for they have cast there in men that were judged to death nor no man may drink of the water and if men cast Iron therein it cometh up again but if a man cast a Feather therein it sinketh which is against kind And thereabout grow Trées that bear fruit of fair colour and séem ripe but when a man breaketh or cutteth them he findeth nought in them but coals and ashes in token that through the vengeance of God those Cities were burnt with the Fire of Hell And some men call that Lake the Lake of Asphaltid and some call it the Pool of the Devil and some call it the stinking Pool for the water thereof stinketh There sank those five Cities through the wrath of God that is Sodom Gomor Aldema Sabome Segor for the sin of Sodomy that reigned in them but Segor through the prayer of Lot was saved a great while for it stood upon a Hill and yet appeareth much thereof above the water and men may sée the walls in clear weather and in this city of Segor Lot was made drink by his Daughters and lay with them for they thought that God would have destroyed all the World as he did with Noes Floud and therefore they lay by their Father that men might born of them into the World and at the right side of the sea standeth Lots Wife in a Pillar of Salt because she looked back when the City sank down CHAP. XXXI Of Abraham and his Generation ANd ye shall understand that Lot was Harans Son Abrahams Brother and Sara Abrahams Wife was Lots Sister and Sara was ninety years old when she bare Isaac and Abraham had another Son named Ishmael that he had gotten of his Maiden Hagar and he was fourtéen years of age when Isaac was born and when Isaac was eight daies old he was circumcised and his other son Ishmael was circumcised the same day and was fourtéen years of age therefore the Sarasins that be of the Generation of Ishmael do circumcise them at fourtéen years of age and the Jews that be of the Generation of Isaac do circumcise them the eighth day of their age And into that dead sea aforesaid runneth the River Jordan and maketh there an end and this is within a mile of Saint Johns Church and a little beneath that same Church westward were the Christians wont to bathe them and a mile thence is the River Loth through which Jacob went when he came to Mesopotamia CHAP. XXXII Of the River Jordan THis River Jordan is no great nor no deep River but there is much good Fish therein and there cometh from Mount Lybany two Wells that men call Jor and Dan and of them it saketh the Name and upon the one side of that River is Mount Gelboe and there is a fair Plain And on the other side men go by Mount Lybany to the Desart of Pharaon Those Hills part the Kingdom of Sury and the Country of Phenice On that Hill grow Cedars that bear long Apples which are as much as a mans head This River Jordan divideth Galile and the land of Idumia and the land of Betron and it runneth into a Plain that men call Meldam in the Sarasins Language and in English Fair because oft-imes there be kept great Fayrs and in that Plain is the Tomb of holy Job In this River Jordan our Lord was baptized and there was the Voice of the Father heard saying Hic est filius meus dilectus in quo acquiesco ipsum audita that is This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him And the Holy Ghost descended on him in likeness of a Dove and so was there at his Baptism all the Trinity And through the River Jordan passed the Children of Israel on dry foot and set up stones in the midst of the water in token of that Miracle And also in that River Naaman the Assyrian bathed him who was Leprous and he was made whole And a little from thence is the city of Ay the which Joshua assailed and took And about the River Jordan are many Churches where Christians dwell Also by the River Jordan is the Vale of Mambre which is a fair Vale and plenteous CHAP. XXXIII Of many other Miracles ANd ye shall further understand that as we go from the Red-sea to pass forward to the land of Promise is a very strong Castle that men call Carran or Sermoyes that is the Kings Hill This Castle did the King of France make whose name was Bawdewin who conquered all the land and put it into the hands of Christians to kéep and under that Castle is a fair Town that is called Sabaoth and thereabout dwell many Christians under Tribute Then men go to Nazareth of the which our Lord had his Name and from Nazareth unto Jerusalem is thrée daies journey Also men go through the Province of Galile through Romatha through Sophyn and over the high Hill of Effrain where dwelt Hanna that was the Prophet Samuels Mother and there was he born and after his death was buried at Mount Joy as I have said before And after men come to Sybula where the Ark of God was kept under Helie the Prophet And there made the people of Israel their Sacrifice unto the Lord and there spake our Lord first to Samuel There also ministred God the Sacrament Néer thereby at the right side is Gabaon Rama and Benjamin of the which holy Writ speaketh After that men come to Sychem that some men call Sychar and that is in the Province of the Samaritans
Heaven And if they may find a Book with Gospels such as Missus est Angelus they do it great Worship and they fast one Moneth in the year and eat only a night and they keep them from their Wives but they that are sick are not constrained to it And their Book Alkaron speaketh of Jews and saith they are wicked people for they will not believe that Iesus Christ is of God Further they say that the Jews speak falsly of our Lady and her Son Iesus Christ in saying that they did not hang him on the Cross. Their Book Alkaron forbiddeth Murther and Theft and commandeth them to do so to others as they would have others do to them for the Sarasins believe so near our Naith that they are easily converted when men preach the Law of Iesus Christ. They say also that they know right well by their Prophesies that their Law of Mahomet shall fail as the Jews Law doth and that the Law of Christians shall last to the Worlds end And if a man ask them wherein they believe they say that they believe in God Almighty that is the Maker of Heaven and Earth all other things and without him is nothing done and at the day of Iudgment every man shall be rewarded after his deserving and that all things are truth that God spake by the mouth of his Prophets CHAP. XLV Yet further concerning Mahomet ALso Mahomet had writ in his Book Alkaron that every man should have two Wives or three or four but now they have nine and as many Lemmans as them liketh and it any of these Wives do wrong to their Husbands he may drive her out of his House and take in another but he must give part of his goods Moreover where men speak of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost they say that they are not three Persons but one God for their Book Alkaron speaketh not thereof nor of the Trinity but they say that God spake or else he was dumb and that God had a Ghost or else he was not alive They say Gods Word hath great strength and so saith their Alkaron and they say that Abraham and Moses were greatly in favour with God for they spake with him and Mahomet was a true Messenger of God and they have many good Articles of our Faith and some understand the Scriptures Prophets Gospels and the Bible for they have them written in their Language In their manner they know holy Writ but they understand it but after the Letter and so do the Iews for they understand it not Spiritually but after their Letter and therefore saith Saint Paul Litera occidit Spiritus autem vivificar that is the Letter killeth but the Spirit quickneth The Sarasins likewise say that the Jews are wicked for they keep not the Law of Moses which he gave them and also Christians are evil for they keep not the Commandments of the Gospel that Iesus Christ sent unto them And further I shall tell you what the Soldan told me upon day in his Chamber shutting out all other men as Lords Knights and others for he would speak with me in counsel and then he asked me how Christians governed themselves in our Country I answered him and said Right well thanks be to God but he said secretly nay for he said that our Priests made no force of Gods Service for they should give good example to men to do well and they give ill example and therefore when the people should go on the Holy days to Church to serve God they go to the Tavern to sin in gluttony both day and night eating and drinking as Beasts that wot not when they have enough He said also that there was much contention among Christians and one would defraud another and they were so proud that they wist not how to clothe them now short now long now strait now wide and of all fashions whereas they should be humble and meek giving their alms as Iesus Christ did in whom they believe He said also that they were so covetous that for a little money they would sell their children sisters or wives one man taking another mans wife and no man keeping his promise Therefore said he for their sins hath God given these Lands to our hands and not through our strength but all for your sins For we know certainly that while ye truly serve God he will help you so that no man shall win of you if that ye serve God as ye ought to do but while ye live so sinfully as ye do we have no dread of you for God will not help you And then I asked him how he knew the state of Christians in that manner and he said that he knew well the state both of Lords and of Commons by his Messengers which he sent through all the Countries as it were Merchants with precious Stones and other Merchandise to know the manner of every Country And then he did call again all the Lords into his Chamber to us and then shewed he unto me three persons that were great Lords of that Country who shewed unto me the manner of my Country and of all Christendom as though they had béen men born in the same parts and they spake French right well and the Soldan also and then I had great marbel of this slander of our Faith and so they that should be turned by our good examples to the Faith of Iesus Christ they are drawn away through our evil living and therefore it is no wonder if that they call us evil for they say truth but the Sarasins are true for they keep truly the Commandments of their Alkaron CHAP. XLVI Of the Birth of Mahomet ANd ye shall understand that Mahomet was born at Ithareb in Araby and his Father was a Painim and his Mother a Jew their names were Abdal and H●mna and they were but poor folk and he was first a poor drudge and kept horse and afterward he followed Merchandise And it befell sometime that Christians become Sarasins either through poverty simpleness or wickedness and therefore their Archbishop when he received them said Laelles ella Mahomet ros sella that is to say there is no God but one and Mahomet is his Messenger And seeing I have told you a part of their Law and their Customs Now I shall tell you of their Letters with their Names First they have for a almoy b bethat c cathi d delphy e ethoti f thy g gatophin h hecum i iochi k kathi l lothum m malach n nahalht o orthy p th●zui q zo●hii r ruchelat s chotimus t salathy v yrichom x m●z●r z z●l●phin johe-t●ncon these are the names Four Letters have they yet more for diversity of their Language forasmuch as they speak so in their throats as we have in our Language and speech in England Two Letters more they also have in their A. B. C. that is to say the which are called thrane and zawx CHAP. LVII
there then it is mid-night in our Country by reason of the roundness of the Earth for our Lord made the Earth all round in the middest of the Firmament Of Paradise can I not speak properly for I have not béen there but that I have heard I shall tell you Men say that Paradise Terrestre is the highest land of all the World and it is so high that it toucheth near to the Circle of the Moon for it is so high that Noes floud might not come thereto which covered all the earth about CHAP. CIII A little of Paradise Terrestre This Paradise Terrestre is inclosed all about with a Wall and that Wall is all covered with Mosse as it seemeth that men may see no stone nor nothing else whereof it is and in the highest place of Paradise in the middest of it is a Well that casteth out the four Flouds that run through divers lands The first floud is called Pison or Ganges and that runneth through Iude in that River are many precious Stones and much Lignum Aloes and gravel of Gold Another is called Nilus or Giron and that runneth through Ethiope and Egypt The third is called Tygrée and that runneth through Assyria and Armony the great And the fourth is called Euphrates that runneth through Armony the less and Persia and men say that the swéet and fresh waters of the World take their springing of them The first River is called Pison that is to say gathering of many Rivers together and falling into one and some call it Ganges of a king that was in Iude that men call Gangeras for it runneth through his land and this River is in some places clean in some places troubled in some places hot in some places cold The second River is called Nilus or Giron for it is ever troubled for Giron is to say trouble The third River is called Tygrée that is to say fast running for it runneth faster then any of the other named so of a Beast that men call Tygris for he runneth fast The fourth River is called Euphrates that is to say well bearing for there groweth many good things upon that River And ye shall understand that no man living may go upon that Paradise for by land he may not go for wild Beasts that are in the Wildernesse and for Hills and Rocks which no man may pass Neither by those Rivers may any man pass for they come with so great a course and so great waves that no Ship may sail against them Many great Lords have assayed many times to go by these Rivers into Paradise but they might not speed in their way for some died for weariness in rowing some were blind and some deaf with noise of the waters so no man may pass there but through special grace of God I can tell you no more of that place which I may speak of upon mine own sight CHAP. CIV How Prester Johns land lyeth foot against foot to England THese Isles of the land of Prester John they are under the Earth to us and they lie foot against foot to England and other Isles there are whoso would pursue them for to compass the Earth having the Grace of God to help the way he might come right to the same countries that he were come of and come from and go about the earth but for that it asketh so long time and also there are so many perils to pass that few men assay to go so and yet it might be done for men come from those Isles to other Isles coasting on the Lordship of Prester John which men call Cassay and that country is near ix days journey long and more than fifty of breadth and this Cassay is the best land that is in those countries save Cathay and if Merchants came thither as commonly as they do to Cathay it would be better than in Cathay for it is so thick of Cities and Towns that when a man goeth out of a city he séeth another at each side there is good plenty of Spices and other goods the king of this Isle is rich and mighty and he holdeth his land of the great Caane for that is one of the twelve Princes that the great Caane hath under him beside his own land CHAP CV Of the Kingdom of Ryboth FRom this Isle men go to another Kingdom that is called Ryboth and that is also under the great Caane This is a good country and plenteous of Corn Wine and other things men of this land have no houses but they dwell in Tents made of Trées and the prineipall city of the Country is all black made of black stones and white and all the Streets are paved with such stones and in the city is no man so hardy to spill blood of man nor beast for worship of an Image that is worshipped there In that city dwelleth the Pope of their Law and they call him Lopasse he giveth all Dignities and Benefices that fall to the Image And men of Religion and men that have Church-livings in that country are obedient to him as men here to the king They have a custom in this country that when a mans Father is dead whom they will do worship unto they send after all his Friends religious Priests and many other and they bear the body to an Hill with great joy and mirth and when it is there the greatest Prelate smiteth off his head and layeth it upon a great place of Gold or Silver and giveth it to his son and the son taketh it and giveth it to other of his friends singing and saying many Orisons and then the Priests and the religious men cut the flesh off the body in pieces and say Orisons and the Birds of the country come thither for they know well the custom and they flye about them as the Eagles and other Birds that eat flesh and the Priests cast the pieces unto them and they bear it away a little from thence and then they eat it and as the Priests were wont to sing for souls Subvenite sancti Dei so those Priests there sing with high voice in their Language in this manner wise Sée and behold how good and gracious a man this was that the Angels of God come for to fetch him and bear him into Paradise And then thinketh the Son of his Father that he is greatly worshipped when birds have eaten him and when there are most plenty of birds there is most worship And then cometh the son home with all his friends and maketh them a great feast then maketh he clean his fathers Scalp and giveth them drink therein and the flesh of his fathers head he cutteth off and giveth it to his most special friends some a little and some a little for dainty And in remembrance of this holy man that the Birds have eaten the son kéepeth his Scalp for a Cup and therein drinketh he all his life in remembrance of his father CHAP. CVI. Of a rich man that is neither King Prince