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A44213 The catechist catechized, or, An examination of an Anabaptistical catechism pretended to be published for the satisfaction and information of the people of God in Lancashire &c. : also some observations both old and new concerning the pretended visibility ... of the present Roman Church and religion / sent to a gentleman upon his revolt to popery and now published for the churches good by Richard Hollingworth. Hollingworth, Richard, 1607-1656. 1653 (1653) Wing H2487; ESTC R28107 42,729 60

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16. cum Gen. 6.1 2. So Ishmael cast out and the Ishmaelites Gal. 4 30. Gen. 21.10 14. Psal 83.6 which last place mentions the Edomites also which were the posterity of Abraham yea all the twelve Tribes which were the seed of Abraham were cast off at the last and yet their being begotten after the fl●sh and being circumcised in the flesh was an help not an hindrance to their being begotten of the Promise or to Circumcision in the Spirit Jacob was of Isaac and Rebecca after the flesh and yet also the heir of Promise And as then some were born only after the flesh as Ishmael Esau and some were also born after the spirit as Isaac Jacob So the Apostle looking not only to the Parallel but to the History saith So it is now some even in the time of the Gospel are born of Christian Parents only after the flesh and some also after the spirit and these do persecute one another Gal. 4.29 This difference may discover it self in riper years but in Infancy it is as undiscoverable now as then 3. It was not necessary that they should be the carnal seed of Abraham that were in Covenant-relation and initiated into the Church for Abraham was as to this not only the father of the Jews but of many Nations and upon this account his name was changed Gen. 17.4.5 Proselytes being Gentiles as well as we and not of his carnal seed nor many so much as of his family yet they were the seed of Abraham by believing as wel as we are now and they were not only initiated into the Church but those of them that were of Abrahams family were the foundationals and first members of the Church as constituted in Abrahams family his 318 trained servants besides others were not all if any of his carnal seed 4. As for the Infants of Believers which you separate from their Parents of which see before Chap. 3. § 3. and make them a fourth seed you know that Proselytes became Abrahams seed only by believing as you say we Gentiles now do and yet their children were accounted Abrahams seed though they be none of the three which you mention and as such were initiated into the Church Gen. 17.12 23. Exod. 12.48 49. In the same sence that Abraham was a father to a Proselyte or believing Gentile and his seed then he is a father to a Christian Gentile and his seed now for his Paternity abides the same nor can you shew a better warrant for his Paternity over the one then over the other nor have the Gentiles lost any priviledg by the coming of Christ which they had before The Scripture saith The Brethren now are the children of the Promise as Isaac was Gal. 4.28 Now Isaac was the seed of Abraham and in the Promise as an Infant of believing Parents before he was an actual Believer and his Infants wa● within the Covenant and accordingly initiated into the Church Abraham might say God is my God and the God of my Infant seed and so might the Gentile proselyted say also and why may not a Christian who is blessed with faith-ful Abraham Gal. 3.9 say so too especially seeing Jesus Christ the Minister of Circumcision did not abrogate but confirm the Promises made unto the fathers and that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his Mercy c. Rom. 15.8 9. God alluding to the outward Circumcision of his people and their seed promiseth to circumcise their hearts and the hearts of their seed Deut. 30.6 and this promise is Gospel and a parcel of the Covenant of Grace as appears by Deut. 30.6 10 11 12. with Rom. 10.6 7 8. and this circumcision of the heart is commended Rom. 2.28 29. and is signified and sealed in Baptism Colos 2.11 12. It is observed that Gen. 17.7 speaks not of Abraham and his seed which you say are actual Believers abstractedly taken but of his seed in their generations which words necessarily imply and include as the Parents generating so the Children generated Lastly Abraham is not only called the father of particular Believers but the father of Nations professing the true faith as well as of the Jewish Nation Every Nation receiving the true Faith as they did and in which there is a National Agreement in Doctrine Worship Discipline as was in the Nation of the Jews is an holy Nation a peculiar people to the Lord even Egypt and Assyria with Israel and may call Abraham father Isai 19.21 Gen. 17.5 When the Gentiles were graffed into that stock from which the Jews were broken off and did partake of the root and fatness of the Olive tree Rom. 11.17 and Abraham began to be the father of many Nations Rom. 4.16 17. Regenerate Infants are Abrahams spiritual seed by Mr. T. his confession and he professeth that he would baptize them if he could know them I am sure no one dare say of this or that particular Infant that it is not regenerate yea we are bound to judg they are such till something appear to the contrary ANABAPT CAT. Q. But are not the children of godly persons visibly in the Covenant of Grace A. No the Covenant of Grace is an invisible thing and we cannot know who are in it nor have we grounds to judg persons are in it till we see some profession of holy life of faith and repentance which Infants cannot make NOt to spe●k of such as are only intentionally in the Covenant of Grace as children yet unborn may be Examinat Cap. 8. § 1. Deut. 29.15 Those that are Actually in the Covenant of Grace are of two sorts Some are externally in it as Ishmael Judas Simon Magus and so all such as own God to be their God and themselves to be his people as the Jewish Church did and every true Christian Church doth though but externally are said to be within the Covenant Your self say that profession of faith and repentance are grounds to judg some persons to be in the Covenant of Grace There is external being in Christ Joh. 15.2 Vocation Mat. 22.14 Sanctification Heb. 10.29 and purging from sin 2 Pet. 1.9 But some are also internally and savingly in the Covenant of Grace as Isaac Jacob while Infants and when adult also Zacheus Lydia and her houshold the Jaylor and all his This distinction is grounded upon Rom. 9.4 6 7 8. We may know who is in the Covenant of Grace externally but the Covenant of Grace in the second sence is invisible and none could know who were in it in the time of the Jews though Infants were then visibly in it and initiated as such or amongst Christians If the invisibleness of the Covenant of Grace and our not knowing who are in it doth exclude Infants it doth also exclude adult Professors from admission into the Church for the signs of their being savingly in the Covenant of Grace are but conjectural hopeful and probable not certain and infallible none can be sure that he that makes profession at a
was but an Obligation to the Law as a rule of Righteousness Examinat Cap. 9. §. 1. subservient to the Covenant of Grace as Baptism also is Rom. 6.3 not to the Law in the rigor of it as it was a Covenant of Works for Abraham Isaac and Jacob were not so obliged they were in the Covenant of Grace as well as we and Circumcision was to Abraham by your own confession a seal of the righteousness of Faith Christ did profit may hundreds and thousands that were circumcised in the time of the Law he was the Lamb slain from the begining of the World and they were saved by Faith in him 1 Cor. 10.1 2 3. Heb. 11. but when Christians were circumcised in the time of the Gospel out of a perswasion of its necessity and their justification by it then it did bind them to keep the whole Law and Christ in that case did profit them nothing and this is all can be inferred from your Texts as to this matter As Circumcision did shew it was their duty to circumcise their hearts so Baptism shews it is our duty to wash our hearts Jerem. 4.14 Jam. 4.8 between heart circumcision and heart-washing is no great difference if any And as there was a precept for the circumcision of the heart so God promised his people that he will circumcise their hearts and the hearts of their seed of which before Chapt. 7. Though Circumcision did shew forth you say a Duty on our part as well as a Promise on Gods part yet you know Infants were then circumcised though they had no actual knowledg of either What you can gather hence if any thing against Infant-Baptism I expect to know ANABAPT CAT. Q. Was not Circumcision also a seal of the righteousness of Faith Rom. 4.11 A. Yes to Abraham only and if Abrahams believing children amongst the Gentiles should be baptized as he was circumcised then is must not be till they have the righteousness of Faith as Abraham here had at least they must have it in profession The Text saith It was the seal of the righteousness of Faith §. 2. which Abraham had being yet uncircumcised but it saith not that it was so to him only The Apostle brings it as an argument to prove the way of our Justification to be by Faith alone which were a meer inconsequence if proper to him and not belonging to others There was adult persons Believers in Abrahams Family when Circumcision was first instituted and many be-lieving Proselytes afterward which had Faith while yet they were uncircumcised as Abraham had of whom their Circumcision also was a seal of the righteousness of the Faith they had before yea Moses makes it to all a sign of the Covenant Gen. 17. which doubtless was the Covenant of Grace or to use Pauls dialect the righteousness that is by Faith Rom. 3.22 30. 10.3 6 c. cum Deut. 30.6 10 11 12. Phil. 3.9 this being the Tenor of that Covenant Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Acts 16.31 Your passage implying that there are some believing children of Abraham which have not the righteousness of Faith as Abraham here had I do not understand except you make actual believing and having the righteousness of faith two things not only distinct but separable But whatsoever your meaning be I cannot see here any shew of proof that children must necessarily believe or make profession of faith before they may be baptized as Abraham did before he was circumcised Abraham could not be circumcised in Infancy nor before Circumcision was instituted no wonder therefore if he believed before had Circumcision been instituted in the days of his fathers Abraham might have been circumcised before he actually believed as well as Isaac his son was Christ could not be baptized till John did baptize which was about the thirtieth year of Christs age nor did he receive the Eucharist till the night before he suffered yet some that pretend to imitate him can be baptized and possibly preach too at 15 16 20 21 c. years of age though Christ was neither baptized nor did preach till he was thirty ANABAPT CAT. Q. Whether doth Baptism succeed Circumcision in the same Office A. No Circumcision was to every Male though reprobate but Baptism only to the Believer Matt. 28.19 There being a change of the visible Church and of the Ordinances this cannot succeed in the room thereof nor hath any dependance thereon Your Argument against the succession of Baptism to Circumcision is weak §. 3. viz. Baptism is not like Circumcision in some things therefore it is not like in any thing therefore it succeeds not in the same office By this you may prove as well That the Supper doth not succeed the Passover nor the Lords-Day the Jewish Sabbath The office of Circumcision was to shew original sin to teach necessity of Regeneration of Mortification of Salvation by Christ the seed of Abraham to sign and seal the Covenant or the Righteousness that is by Faith to distinguish Jews from others to initiate solemnly and formally into the Church And doth not Baptism also initiate into the Church 1 Cor. 12.13 Yea doth it not Circumcision being now abrogated perform the foresaid Offices Indeed it is not every way the same for then it were not a successor Add hereunto that the Covenant was the ground of Circumcision Genes 17.7 9 10 11. the equity whereof obligeth to Baptism as the equity of the fourth Commandment extends to our Lords-Day As for the positive command vers 12. it only determines the time and day which circumstance of day and time was not built upon the Covenant of Grace as Circumcision it self was and therefore is not perpetual and without such a positive determination of the time Circumcision should and might have been administred to Infants the Jews did circumcise children bought with their mony the same day they bought them though they bought them the same day they were born See Ainsw in Genes 17.12 Oft-times Circumcision was not administred the eighth day but deferred in which cases the command of circumcising the eighth day was not observed yet Circumcision was and according to right reason ought to be administred to Infants by virtue of the naked institution thereof as we contend that Baptism ought now to be both of them being as was said seals of the Covenant But you in saying Circumcision was to every Male though reprobate do imply that it Was not to Females true but both Males and Females were then baptized and so they were in the New Testament Acts 8.11 Gal. 3.28 29. which is a sufficient justification of our deserting Circumcision in that point And the Infant-females as well as the adult were counted members of the Jewish Church and though by reason of their incapacity or Gods respect to the modesty of that Sex they were not personally circumcised yet they were circumcised in the Males Hence the whole Church of the Jews
Pennance Extream Vnction Orders of which there are seven viz. Priests Deacons Sub-deacons Acolytes Exorcists Lectors or Readers Ostiaries or Door-keepers and Matrimony God is to be invocated and Religiously worshipped Yea and the Images of God also Crosses Crucifixes Altars Angels Saints with their Reliques and Images Christ is the Head of the Church And the Pope also Christ is our Mediator and Advocate So are the Angels and Saints likewise Christ was conceived without original sin And the Virgin Mary also Christ was once sacrificed on the Cross for the Redemption of the world Christ is dayly offered up in Mass a propitiatory Sacrifice for the sins of quick and dead We are saved by the merits of Christ And also by the merits of the Saints We are justified by Faith And by hope love fear of God good works which merit Salvation All the words and actions which Scripture records to be used by Christ in the celebration of the Supper are to be used by us also The sacred Hoast must also be elevated adored reserved carried in solemn procession Christ is truly present in the Eucharist Christ is corporally present by Transubstantiation and may be received into the mouths of wicked men yea of Rats and Mice There are two places for the Souls of such as depart hence And two besides viz. Purgatory and Limbus Infantum The three Creeds commonly called the Creed of the Apostles of the Nicene Councel and of Athanasius are to be received and beleeved And Pope Pius his Creed also or his additions to the Nicene Creed are also to be received and beleeved These and the like positive Points of the Reformed Religion whereof I omit sundry are truly and properly Catholique for in them not only Papists but in a manner all Christians in the world concur with us but in your Additions you stand single and have multitudes of Christians in the Eastern and Western Churches dissenting from you 2. Peruse the Book of nine and thirty Articles the Homilies Leiturgy and Catechisms or the late Directory Confession of Faith or Catechisms larger or shorter and find if you can the Doctrine of our Church contrary to any one Article of those several Creeds which in the first six hundred years were Badges of Catholique Profession or produce any one of those Articles to which we do not willingly subscribe 3. Though the ancient Church did undoubtedly beleeve and profess all that was necessary to Salvation yet there is not one Creed of General or National Counced particular Church or Father within a thousand or twelve hundred years after Christ in which the Articles of Pope Pius his Creed were imposed as now they are for Articles of Faith necessary to be beleeved unto Salvation 4. The Church of God as might be proved by Scriptures or Fathers if it were not acknowledged by your own Authors cannot make a new Article of Faith nor any addition to the Creed save by way of Explication of that which was formerly upon Scripture grounds beleeved and professed But these additions of yours were not beleeved if you should say that they were beleeved implicitely this suppose it true would take away the Visibility of the Profession thereof by the Ancient Ca●holique and Apostolique Church 5. None of your side hitherto hath or hereafter can produce any one visible Church which in the Apostolique and in all succeeding Ages did approve and use Communion in one kind Private Mass Prayer in an unknown Tongue Image-worship Pardons Indulgences which beleeved the Popes Infallibility his Superiority over General Councels his temporal Authority over Kings and Emperors to depose them and dispose of their Dominions the necessity of auricular Confession the determinate number of seven Sacraments Purgatory and the Popes Power to deliver Souls from thence which forbade Lay-men without a special dispensation to read the Scriptures or Priests to marry c. 6. Nay you cannot name any one person in each several Age out of whose words or writings notwithstanding there were sundry Creeds Confessions of Faith Catechisms Sermons or Homilies Summaries of Christian Doctrine the aforesaid particular Points of Popery may be collected descending from the age of Christ to the days of Luther 7. Nay you cannot name any one Father or Catholique Writer for twelve hundred years after Christ that did hold all those Tenets which are now taught by the Romish Church and authorized by the Trent Councel 8. None of your side hath or can prove that any of the Primitive Martyrs or Confessors suffered Death Banishment Torment Confiscation c. for the Popish Religion or any particular thereof in which they differ from the Church of England as Papal Supremacy Communion in one kind Image-worship c. 9. You cannot shew that any one Article of your Faith in which we dissent from you is Catholique according to Vincentius Lirinensis his Rules viz. which was Ancient in his time and in respect of the Arrian Heresie which he calls novellum dogma a novel tenet and that which you know that not unus aut duo tantum sed omnes c. not only one or two but all though living in several times and places have with one consent openly frequently constantly held written and taught 10. None of your side dare for shame affirm that Communion in both kinds Prayer in a known Tongue communion of Priest with people Lay-mens reading of the Scriptures Worship of God without Images Invocation of God without mediation of Saints or Angels and other the aforesaid affirmative and positive Doctrines were invented by Luther or that they are not in themselves so lawful and agreeable to the Scriptures and practise of the first six centuries of years as Communion in one kind Prayer in an unknown Tongue c. 11. There are few or no Points denyed or affirmed against us by you in which you vary not amongst your selves and if any of you will distinctly set down avoyding general and ambiguous terms what he thinketh to be the truth in any Question or Exposition of Scripture controverted betwixt us I verily beleeve I can name him another Papist new or old that saith the contrary Bellarmine doth obiter discover to the world above three hundred several Opinions of Papists and those only in and about the Points controverted between you and us and Navane mentions about sixty Dissentions of your Doctors in one only Point to wit Confession 12. I shall hold till herein I be convinced of Error by instance to the contrary that whatsoever titles are by the ancient Fathers given to the Eucharist whereby you would prove Transubstantiation Adoration Sacrifice c. the same phrases or some equivalent to them may be found in the Fathers concerning Baptism in which you confess there is neither Transubstantiation nor Sacrifice 13. Also that those glorious things which were spoken by them of the Bishops of Rome may be parallel'd by such as read them throughly with the like honorable mention of other Patriarchs and Bishops 14. Also
Parents be Christian partus sequitur meliorem partem the children are not Infidels but Christian But §. 3. say you there is no command for baptizing such and you call it Will-worship forbidden Lev. 10.1 A tradition and ground-work for more traditions others call it the mark of the beast one of the strongest holds of Antichrist and what not To all which I answer 1. If Nadah and Abihu's offering strange fire fire unsanctified or not taken off the Altar Was Will-worship though the Scripture doth not call it so yet Paedobaptism suppose it be not warranted by the Word cannot be will-worship because it is not an introduction of a new Worship or Ordinance but the misapplication of an old and unquestionable Ordinance of God or if you put on it the worst name you can with any shew of reason the Profanation of an Ordinance as your self call it some of your party which have in derision and contempt of Infant-Baptism baptized Horses Cats or Dogs have been unquestionably guilty of horrible Profanation but not of will-worship 2. Infant-Baptism is grounded on and warranted by the Word of God and therefore is far enough from being a Profanation or so much as the misapplication of an Ordinance That it is so grounded and warranted needs no other proof then what hath already been produced in this Examination upon occasion of the Scriptures and Reasons brought against it 1. They that are Disciples in Scripture-sence are expressed in Christs Commission about Baptism and are to be baptized But Infants of the Church are Disciples in Scripture-sence Therefore they are to be baptized See Chap. 2. Sect. 3. 2. They that are Abrahams seed are to be baptized as you confess But such Infants are the seed of Abraham Therefore they are to the baptized See Chap. 7. 3. They that are visibly Within the Covenant of Grace are to be baptized as you acknowledg But such Infants are visibly Within the Covenant of Grace Therefore they are to be baptized See Chap. 8. 4. They that are to be judged Church-members are to be baptized But such Infants of the Church or born of members of the Church are to be judged Church members Therefore c. 5. They of Whom the Kingdom of God is are to partake of the privileges of the Kingdom of God But of Infants is the Kingdom of God Therefore c. 6. They that are Saints and holy are to be baptized But such Infants are Saints and holy Therefore 7. Christ knew that Baptism was an ancient Ceremony of initiation into the Church and applyed to the Infants of the Church as well as to adult Proselytes yet he took up that Ceremony and advanced it as he did the Postcoenium of the Passover to be a Sacrament of the New Testament without prohibition of Infants from it and therefore he did at least approve it should be administred to Infants See Cap. 2. § 1. In these alone to omit others conscientious enquirers into the mind of the Lord Jesus may find satisfactory grounds of Infant-Baptism especially when they are compared with the grounds of the contrary Opinion and Practice You cannot shew any precept at all §. 4. or president or good warrant in the Word of God that children of believing Parents should be kept from Baptism as you require them to be till they do in their own persons actually believe or make profession of Faith or that any such were baptized in riper years as you would have them now to be Yea I further say that if you can shew me in Scripture any son or daughter of believing Parents baptized I shall shew you that he or she was baptized in Infancy Surely from the time that John Baptist begin his Ministry to the writing of the Apocalyps great multitudes of Infants of Christians grew up to maturity yet amongst them all we read not of one whose Baptism was so delayed nor have we any solid ground to conceive that God at the coming of Christ took away Infants Covenant interest Church membership and Sacramental initiation and made their condition as to this as bad as the Heathen and worse then the Jewish children seeing it cannot be said that God did take these priviledges away in judgment upon occasion of Christs coming from all Infants even Elect children of Elect Parents seeing Infants in the time of the Gospel are not any way more guilty or uncapable then in former times nor can it any way appear that God did it in mercy and sure if it was done it was done either in judgment or mercy for it was a mercy to the Jewish children to have these priviledges and nothing more was conferred upon Infants which lost them then upon adult Christians which did not lose them You cannot shew a precept ' or president for your gathering Churches out of other true Christian Churches for requiring persons before they can be admitted members to give account of the truth of their graces for the Congregations judging whether they have grace or no and consequently whether they were to be admitted or no for a solemn explicite Church-Covenant for the erection of a Church without Officers for the power of such a Church consisting only of unofficed Christians to elect ordain impose hands by one or more of them on their Officers to censure or excommunicate any member yea any or all their Officers when they have them for maintenance of Ministers by Lords Day-Collections formerly urged as an Ordinance of God though of late much waved for a sentence of non-communion with Sister-Churches for Synods only consultative and not decretive for publike ordinary preaching of gifted men not so much as intending the Ministry and their receiving maintenance for their pains and yet these are asserted by men of the Congregational way in which Antipaedobaptists are generally found to be duties priviledges of the Church or Ordinances of God nor can you shew any Church consisting of unbaptized ones such as you account your selves to be your Infant-Baptism being a nullity till you be baptized upon profession und such a Church admitting members commissionating some Disciples to preach and dip nor any precept or president for admission of such which are in your opinion unbaptized to the Lords Supper not for rebaptizing such as were baptized suppose in Infancy in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost or for renouncing such Baptism nor can you shew any one Text of Scripture in which Infant-Baptism either in express words or in the interpretation of any Apostolick or Primitive Church or Father in the purest Times nor can you shew one visible Church from the beginning of the World to the time when your Opinion was lately broached which was of any long continuance and did neither admit into it nor permit in it any Infant-member Finally §. 5. Should you or I be required a Command for admission of women to the Supper as you require a Command for Infant-Baptism though you can neither shew command