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A43282 Seder olam, or, The order, series or succession of all the ages, periods, and times of the whole world is theologically, philosophically and chronologically explicated and stated also the hypothesis of the pre-existency and revolution of humane souls together with the thousand years reign of Christ on earth ... : to which is also annexed some explanatory questions of the book of the Revelations ... : and an appendix containing some translated out of Latin by J. Clark, M.D., upon the leave of F.M., Baron of Helmont.; Seder olam. English Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.; Clark, J., M.D. 1694 (1694) Wing H1394; ESTC R235336 106,660 246

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from 〈…〉 Explic. It ●●s well th 〈…〉 tion●d of ●a●c c. is s●●d ●xpre●l● 〈…〉 not to be 〈…〉 time the A●t●●r as ●●p●●r 〈◊〉 ou● o● his own M●nu●crip●s ●●d Paper● 〈…〉 stion ne●●●iv●ly 〈◊〉 a pos●●ive an 〈…〉 That Isa●c was 〈…〉 the Woman whi●h Christ 〈◊〉 w●en ●e c●use i● th● Fl●sh and t●at ●or 〈…〉 To 〈◊〉 I●aa● ●●s the promis●d 〈…〉 Ch●ist 〈◊〉 into that mos● 〈…〉 Un●●● wi●h himself is ●o ●ay 〈◊〉 I●●ac ●●com● Chri●t and so wa● 〈◊〉 own S●vi●ur b●t that is a●●u●●d fo● Is●ac ●o ●ll ●●●●r Men need●d an●ther to ●ave them from thei●●i●● and t●a●●t●●r was Chris● 2. It is the Tes●im●n● of 〈…〉 t●at all M●n d●s●●nded o● A●am ●●r●st 〈◊〉 have sin●ed and t●●r●f●re I●aac as we●● as A●raham and Ia●●● ●●●ve sinned so●e ●ime ●r ●the● but if Isaac ●●d ●●en Chr●st to wit the Man Christ th●n Ch●ist h●d d●●d ●●r his own Sin● but Christ died not for his 〈◊〉 that ●ver a● any time ●e h●d for he ne●●●●a●●●ny Sin D●n ● 2● compared with Isaia● 53.5 1 Cor. 15.2 2 Cor. 15.21 3. Isaac was to be saved justified and pardoned by Faith in the Man Christ but Isaac was not to believe or have Faith in himself 4. That promised Seed of the Woman that descended out of the Loins of all the Fathers in a straight Line of Succession from Adam to Christ and from Eve to Mary was no part of the defiled Nature of Man tho' it was conveyed or transmitted thro' them that had been defiled with Sin as David and Solomon were great Sinners and yet their Seed was conveyed and transmi●t●d through them And this is easie to understand how an holy and undefiled Seed or Principle can pass through them that have been defiled and be no more defiled therewith than how the Sun-Beams can shine on an unclean place and not be defiled ther●with Now that the Seed of the Woman so conveyed and transmitted from Adam to Christ was never defiled with Sin and so was no part of the fallen Nature of Man is clear because to signifie his Primitive Purity and Holiness he was conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of a Virgin and not after the ordina●y manner of Humane Generation And it is written of him Thou hast loved Righteousness and hated Iniquity c. Psal. 45.7 5. That of our Nature which Christ assumed if it had been defiled at any time with Sin how could it have been cleansed o● how could it ●leanse other parts of Man's Nature that had been defiled by Sin For it is the clean that cleanseth the unclean and the cleansing must begin in that which is clean that is the Root and Original to cure● and cleanse that which is unclean and by ●aith in the promised Seed of the Woman all they who were saved from the beginning of the World were cleansed and sanctified But if it be enqui●ed was this Seed of the Woman conv●yed from Adam to the Man Christ the Seed of Christ or only a Bodily Seed or Principle To this it is answered● That the hig●er degree of the Soul of Christ was not that Seed that was conveyed through the Loins o● Abraham and David to wit that degree of his Soul called the Spirt and Mind in Hebrew Ruach and Neshamah for that was in Heaven and came down from Heaven when the Child Jesus was conceived in the Womb of the Virgin as Christ himself said Ioh. 6.38 For I came down from Heaven not to do my own Will but the Will of him that sent me This was not the Godhead of Christ but that Superiour or Higher degree of his Soul called Ru●ch and Neshamah but the inferiour degree or Animal part called N●●h●sh in Heb. may be well allowed to have been in that Seed of the Woman which Christ assumed together with the Bodily Seed and Principle of Christ's Body and tho' it was conveyed and transmitted through all these Generations from Adam to Christ mentioned in Luke ch 3. yet that is not in the common sense of the word Revoluti●n because R●●olution in the common sense of the word used by M●●tick Writ●r● is used to signifie the returning of the Souls of deceas●d Men to live again in other Bodies of their Posterity or Kindred But when a Man begets a Son and the Soul of his Son comes out of ●is Loins as it is said the Souls of Iacob's Children came ●ut of his Loins that is not called Rev●lution in the common sense of the Mys●ick Writers Beside that Souls revolved are sa●d to suff●r t●e Bodily Pains and Affliction● that the Body suffers into which it revolveth and Death also and therefore the S●●l of Christ did not after this manner revolve for then he would have often died whereas Christ died but once and having once died he dieth no more Death● hath no more Dominion over him Rom. 6.9 Nor is there any cause to suppose that Isaac's Soul needed any Revolution more than the Soul of any ●f the holi●st Men for these holy Men being perfected in Faith Love and Holiness according to the H●pothesis of the Revolutions after Death need no Revolution but rest in perfect Peace and Joy until the Resurrection of the Dead But what is the mystery of these 76 or 77 Generations from Adam to Christ described by Luke Chap. 3. i● best to leave to God's further opening and no● t● intrude in●o things not s●en P●g●● 119 120 121 122. Emend That the two Witn●s●es shall be M●ses and Elias that shall be slain and ris● again from ●he De●d I find to be the opinion of some of the A●cie●ts particularly of H. Cozi●s ●●t they who did not h●ld t●at Opi●ion did not think they s●●uld be born again of Women but that they sh●●●d c●m● and s●ffer in these very Bodies wherein they ●ormer●y ●●v●d and should rise again But these two Wi●nesses sh●ll n●t 〈◊〉 M●s●● and Eli●s as some s●y or 〈◊〉 and E●●●s as o●hers sa● it is certain that they sh●ll be ●wo excellent and eminent Serv●nt● of G●d endu●d wi●h such a Prophetick and w●nd●r w●●●i●g ●pirit as M●ses and Elias had No● 〈…〉 appear that any of the deceased Sai●ts ●h●ll by 〈◊〉 be b●rn ag●in of Women ●ut they sh●●l ●e immediately raised up by the power of God a●d Christ. Pag● 122. ad ●i●em ●●●nd a●● 〈◊〉 That the S●in●s shall be ra●sed up t● live and reign with Christ on ●r over the ●●rth● is no●●o be understood as i● th●y should n●ed or 〈…〉 the Meats or Drinks o● the Ea●●h or any 〈◊〉 E●r●hly Convenience● b●t t●a● the●●hall appear ●o ●h● S●ints not yet 〈…〉 livi●g 〈…〉 Animal 〈◊〉 to their great 〈◊〉 and h●v● that Rule and Government over ●●l t●e E●rth that the Angels now have i● clear from Heb. ● 5 1 Cor. 6.2 Page 125. ad ●in●m Emend That the Church of 〈◊〉 shall ●ollow t●e latter part of the Thousand Yea●s is n●●●●o●able but rather that it shall be contemp●rary 〈◊〉 th● Church of Philadelphia for some
of 1000 Years after ●he ●ate of 1000 years to one Watch of the Nig●t as it is P●al 90. v. 4. each Watch consisting of thre● hours and 12 hours making ●p one intire Night or Day CHAP. XIX QUest 93. What is that multitude of People whom Iohn saw in ●eaven crying ●allelujah Salvation and Glory a●d Honor and Power to our Lo●d God Do not these signi●ie that ●ast Multi●ude which shall be Converted as well of Iews as of Gentiles over the whole Globe of the Earth under the Interval of the sixth Seal and the seventh and last Trumpet together with the Saints raised to Life again under the seventh Trumpet Therefo●e in the same hour of 2●●½ years viz. f●om the year of Christ's Nativity 1●0● to the year 2●33 or from the year of His R●●u●rec●ion 1666 to the year 2000. Will not the City Babylon be destroyed and t●e City or Church of God Glori●●●●y ●●ilt Whether or no that very hour is not that which is ●aid Rev. ● 8.● to be the hour o● Tr●al or Tem●ta●ion which sh●ll come over the whole ●arth from w●●ch● viz. f●om the Dan●●r a●d Evil of this ●our God hath p●omised to preserve t●e Church of P●●●ad●●phia aforesaid Quest. 94. What i● the Marriage of the Lamb which I●●n 〈◊〉 to come at t●e ●●me af●●●●aid And again what is that ●●pper of the L●m● to w●●ch whoso●●●r were called were Blessed v. 7 9 Do not both the Marriage and Supper of the Lamb denote the first Resurrection of the Saints unto Life among whom all Matrimony with the carnal use of it shall cease among Men and Women agreeable to Christ`s saying that in the Resurrection they neither Marry nor are given in Marriage But the Souls of the Saints are Married to the Lamb remaining in the mean time pure and chast Virgins Quest. 95. Doth it not clearly appear from chap. 18. v. 14 15. that the Army of the Lamb was to use no carnal Weapons For their Captain whom they followed Arrayed in white Garments and on white Horses will smite their Enemies with a Sword proceeding out of his Mouth And what are those white Horses which the Saints shall have Are they not pure Bodies Bodies of the first Resurrection above-cited CHAP. XXI QVest. 96. What is that Angel which Iohn sa● coming down from Heaven having the Key of the Bottomless Pit and a great Chain in his Hand who lay hold of the Dragon that old Serpent which is the Devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand Years Is not this Angel Christ But whethe● he shall descend corporally in his Glorified Body or only Spiritually I leave to be farther determined Quest. 97. Do not the 1000 Years six times mention'd in this Chapter signifie 1●00 Years properly so call'd And did not that Sabbath of Days and Y●ars made under the Law pr●●igure this Sabbath of the World to be in the seven thousandth year of it even as the six preceding thousand Years of the World were figur'd out or typified und●r the six Work-days And do not ●hese places of Scripture Psal. 90. v. 4. 2 Pet. 3. v. 8 r●late unto the mystery of 1000 Years put for a day And have not the Prophets prophesied of many great and glorious things touc●ing this ●amous time or gl●rious day of the Lord Also doth not that of Psal. 92. w●ere 't is treated of the Sabbath relate also unto that renowned tim● Moreover is not that day the same whereof Es●ias prophesied saying The Light of o●e day shall be as the Light of seven Days and the Lord alone shall be exalted and magnified in that da● B●sides also not only the more Learned among the I●ws but many also of the Fathers among the C●ristians in the Primitive Ag●s of the Church have declared and asserted their Faith and Hope concerning this Glorious Sabbath and Millennium to come wherein all t●e Saints being recalled from De●th unto Li●e shall lead a most Ble●●ed and also a most Holy L●fe upon Earth in the firm Belief and Perswasion wher●o● t●ey rejoyced and triumphed in the greatest Suff●rin●s and Dang●rs of this mortal Li●e Quest. ●8 Shall not all the Saints that ever lived ●rom the beginning of the World whethe● they w●re killed for the Testimony of God o● died ● natura● Death be raised up to live a Corpor●al Life in the fu●ure Millennium And is not this Resurrection som● part of the Saints Reward both of sma●l and gre●● according to Rev. 11. v. 13. and E●●d 20. v. 2. Quest 9● Shall not the Saints when they shall be rais●d to Life have Bodies of ●lesh not indeed su●h as Men now have but far more excellent such as was Adam's Body whilest he lived in the Earthly Paradise before the Fall and such also as was the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ before his Death which Bodies of the Saints shall at length in the end of the seventh Millennium be changed into Spiritual Bodies in which they shall ascend into H●aven to meet the Lord And did not Paul touch upon that Mystery 1 Cor. 15. saying As we have born the Imag● of the Earthly Adam viz. as he was before the Fal● we shall also bear the Image of the Heavenly now glorified in the Heavens And did not the Prophets prophesie of such a Resurrection and especially Hosea and Daniel Dan. 12. v. 2. Hos. 6. v. 2. and finally doth not Paul 1 Cor. 15. plainly describe the s●ate of a two-fold Body the first indeed natural and then after the Expiration of the Millennium and the end of the Worlds Ages is come a Spiritual Body but that is not first which is Spiritual b●t that which is Natural and then that which is Spiritual and is not that Reward one of the Promises of Christ in that Age when he shall come in the Glory ●f his Father Quest. 100. And as the Iews Sabbath began in the end or evening of ●he sixth day will not also this most blessed Sabbath o● the World begin in the end of the sixth Millennium to wit b●fore the sixth Milennium of the World is expired And seeing the whole time of this Worlds duration seems to be a Week consist●ng of 7000 Yea●s th●re woul● be no Rem●inder of Years af●er the end of the Millennium if this h●ppy Age of 1●●0 Years did not commence b●●ore the 6●00 Years were expired And that th●re is some Remaind●r of Years after the Millennium plainly appears ●rom the Revelations which Iohn calls a little Season Rev. 20 v. 3. Now wh●ther or no that little Season may not contain 260 Years making that most happy Age of the World to begin about t●e year of the World 5740 and of Christ's Resurrection 1●4● I leave to be determined by ●ny on● to w●om God shall vouchsafe to open these things by a purer Chronology Quest. 101. How shall the Saints be raised up again to live a Corporeal Life on Earth seeing Matrimony and carnal Conjunction of Male and Female shall cease whether all
SEDER OLAM OR THE Order Series or Succession OF ALL THE Ages Periods and Times OF THE WHOLE WORLD IS Theologically Philosophically and Chronologically Explicated and Stated ALSO The Hypothesis of the Pre-existency and Revolution of Humane Souls Together with the Thousand Years Reign of Christ on the Earth probably evinced and deliver'd in an Historical Enarration thereof according to the Holy Scriptures To which is also annexed Some Explanatory Questions of the Book of the Revelations of the like import And an Appendix containing some Emendations and Explanations of divers Passages in the two fore-going Treatises out of the Author 's Original Manuscripts and Papers Translated out of Latin by I. Clark M. D. upon the Leave of F. M. Baron of Helmont LONDON Printed for Sarah Howkins in George-yard Lumba● street 1694. TO THE English Reader Serious and Inquisitive Reader FOR thy sake was this small Tract translated into the English Tongue by the Consent of the Baron of Helmont now resident at London wherein I have rather affected a plain English Stile than any artificial Embellishment left I should make it less intelligible by ●ndeavouring to render it more po●ite and so rob the Author to divert the Reader which is to betray ●he Vnderstanding to gratifie the ●ancy And now Reader as to the ●ubject sure I am of Opinion if ●ere be any such thing as reveal'd ●eligion in the World as none b●● ●theists will deny the only sure ●ay to prove it is by reconciling Faith with Reason for tho' the subtilties of Faith may soar above the perfect comprehension of Reason yet no true Faith can be so absolute as to appear wholly inconsistent with it as is manifest in the Example of Christ's Incarnation where Faith perswades me of this miraculous Vnion and Reason s●ews me the necessity of it Here is the Conformity of Faith with Reason and no Hypothesis more effectually proves the veracity of Scripture against th● Objections of Atheists than that which perfectly demonstrates th● harmonious congruity and conformit● of those truths but all the vulgar ●●positors have hitherto been so far ●●om reconciling the Scriptures that they have made i● appear a Mass of Contradictions and mightily strengthened the principles o● Atheists J. C. SEDER OLAM OR THE Order of Ages 1. F●R as much as God is but one the terms o● Three Persons are very improperly apply'd to the Mystery of the Father Word and Holy Ghost It were better to stick to the words of Holy Writ in the Explication of so great a Mystery Herein w● may be safe and this would remove a Scandal from such who are offended at the names of Three Persons 2. Because God doth all things according to his infinite Wisdom therefore there is no indifference of Will in him and therefore in all things he doth he is a necessary Agent and yet also the most f●ee Agent 3. Therefore he did ●ecessa●ily create th● Worlds and that not by constraint from any foreign Agent but from the Determination of his internal Goodness and Wisdom 4. Ther●fore the Attribute of ● Creator is essential to God because in God there are no accid●nts 5. Therefore God is a Crea●o●●●om ●ternity and so by consequence did make Cr●atures ●rom i●fi●ite Ages and also s●ill doth and will c●e●te new to all ●terni●y 6. The Worlds therefore in respect of us are infinite and innumerable 7. But among other differences there is this special difference between God and Creatures that God is altogether unchang●able but all Creatures are in some Sense or other changeable 8. But there is a two-fold distinction in the mutability of Creatures for Creatures are either changeable to Good or Evil which indeed for some time is the L●● and Condition of all Creatures or el●● at length after a certain space of time only changeable unto Good 9. Which mutability of Creatures remains unto all Eternity for there is no Creature so perfectly good but that it is ●●ill capable of a greater Degree and Me●●ure of Goodness to all Eternity 10. Moreover there is necessarily intercedent between God and Creatures a certain middle Being which indeed is less than the supream Deity but greater and more perfect than all Creatures 11. And this Ens medium ● or middle Being between God and Creatures is Christ the Heavenly Adam 12. God by this Medium to wit Christ create● and produced all Creatures whatso●v●r 13. Again among other Differences there is this di●fe●ence between Christ and C●e●●ures● that all Creatures are for some time ch●ngeable unto Good and Evil but Christ is only changeable unto Good but never unto Evil. 14. And there●ore more justly merits the name of Son of God than that of a Creature and his production is rather to be accounted a Generation than Creation 15. Christ the Heavenly Adam is both God and Man containing in him both Natures viz. the nature of God and Man 16. For whereas the most Divine Humanity of Christ is intrin●ically and most perfectly united with the word of God which is God therefore this Heavenly Man and Divine Jesus Christ is truly God 17. But the Divine and Humane Natures in Christ must not be confounded but plainly distinguished so that the Humanity is never changed into the Deity nor the Deity into the Humanity 18. So great is the Excellence of Christ beyond all Creatures that there are certain Divine Attributes allowed him which are communicable to no Creatures to wit Omni-presence and Omniscience 19. Which Attributes of Omni-presence and Omniscience of the Man Christ are nevertheless inferiour to those which appertain unto God 20. For God is so present in all things that he is every where centraly existent but the Divine Humanity of Christ hath not its Center every where present but is universally extended by the essential Radiations from the Center of his most Divine Soul into all Creatures and Worlds 21. Lastly the Omniscience of Christ's Humanity is inferiour to that which appertains to the Deity for as the most glorious Godhead most perfectly knows all things without the Concurrence of crea●ed Objects as Instrumental causes to stir● up knowlege in him● the divine Soul of the Man Christ Jesus knows all things either by the perception of Objects as they do some way or other influence him or in respect of things to come are signified to him by divine Revelation from God the Father 22. Because Christ Jesus the Heavenly Man is the first begotten Son of the most excellent and supream God himself and by reason of his miraculous Union with the supream Deity is very God equal with God the Father and also because he is most loving to all Mankind every where present and all knowing and so can and will help all Men in any necessity or distress whatsoever therefore is deservedly to be call'd upon worshipped and adored and we cannot any other way duly and acceptably call upon worship or adore the supream God himself but in and through Christ the Mediator 23. That
Millenium that shou'd not dye but be changed 9. It appears also that when the Millenium is finished Gog and Magog shall gather themselves together against the Saints to slay them which certainly they cou'd never attempt to do if they did not live in a Body of Flesh. 10. This is more largely con●●●●'d i● that the Saints even until 260 years after the beginning of the Millenium shall marry and propagate Children for the State of Matrimony and procreation of Children is not beneath the dignity of the future Millenium for Ad●m in his Paradisical State before the fall had a Wife and tho' he had not sinned wou'd have known his Wife and have begotten Children 11. But that the Saints do for some time in the aforesaid Millenium contract Matrimony and beget Sons and Daughters appears from Isaiah Chap. 65. where the Inhabitants of this of this New Heaven and new Earth are pr●mised that they shall build Houses and in●●●ite them plant Vineyards and ear the F●●●t of them they shall not labour in vain ●or bring forth in fear for they are th● Seed of the Blessed of the Lord and their Off-spring with them yea in the same Chapter 't is affirm'd of the Sinners who shall live in the Millenium that they shall live to an hundred Years nor shall any die in Infancy and the days of the Saints shall b● as the days of the Tree of Life for so hereto●ore that place was read by the Fathers that is they shall live a thousand Years and then shall not die but ascend into Heaven in a Body changed which Adam would have done if he had not sinned 12. Now that new Heaven which will be c●ea●ed in the future Millenium will be only new in respect of their excellent natures 13. Ioseph's Bl●ssing by his Fa●her Iacob which belongs to the said Millenium clearly demonst●ates th●t they should marry and beget and bring up Children Gen. 49 2● 26. For among ●●her Blessings which he had he wa● also blessed with the Blessings of the B●easts ●nd the Womb which have a respect to Wives and Mothers whose Blessings also oug●t to reach to the utm●st bounds of the everlasting Hills viz. to the second Resurrection when this Body of Flesh shall be changed into a Spiritual Body and being thus changed shall ascend into the everlasting Hills that is into the highest Heavens 14. Therefore those Words of Christ that in the Resurrection of the Dead they do not marry nor are given in Marriage but are equal to the Angels are to be understood of the second Resurrection but not of the first because certainly in th● first Resurrection they shall not be equal to to the Angels but as Adam was in Paradise before the Fall 15. And hitherto may be referred those wo●ds of the book of Wisdom 3.43 Blessed is the Barr●n and Und●fil●d who hath not known the Sinful Bed for she shall have Fruit in the Visitation of Souls 16. Now all the Sons Daughte●s of the Saints in the future Millenium are the Souls of all the Saints that ever have liv'd in a carnal Body since the beginning of the World and finally raised up to Life in a ●ody of Flesh and bo●n of Fathers and Mothers into the Wo●ld for none shall enjoy the Reward and Blessedness of the ●uture Millenium but such who have lived an holy Life on Ea●th from the beg●nning of the World Moreover Christ called this Resurrection of the Saints unto Life regeneration 17. And therefore all Saints that enjoy the Millenium shall then be born into the World in a carnal Body and shall have Fathers and Mothers according to the Flesh. 18. Nor will this seem strange or incredible to any one after it is clearly demonstrated from Scripture that we have all lived several times in a Body of Flesh yea for many years and Ages of years 19. This Truth being once demonstrated and granted in a manner all the Mysteries and things dif●icult to be apprehended of the future Millenium will be most easily understood for the Ignorance of the Souls being born again and returning to Life in a body of Flesh hath mightily obscur'd the Mystery of the future Millenium and in a manner all other Mysteries of the whole Christian Religion which indeed when the said new Birth or carnal Regeneration is demonstrated will display themselves and appear with a wonderful sweetness facility and evidenc● of Truth 20. First therefore it shall be demonstrated by certain Arguments drawn from Scripture that the same Souls after the death of the carnal Body were again raised to Life and born of Parents in a Body of Flesh. 21. First this is proved from the express Words of Christ himself who called Iohn Baptist Elias yea affirmed him to be Elias himself Matth. 11. Mark 9.12 and declared him also to be the same that was to come But that where Iohn denied that he was Elias is to be understood of the Mystery of 1045 Years couch't under the name of Eliah which also signifies the strong and mighty God for that Dispensation or Ministration of Iohn answers not to to the name of Elias but the name of Iohn which signifies Grace but when he shall be born again into the World that Dispensation will most excellently suit with the name of Eliah 22. Secondly 'T is proved from that passage of St. Paul to the Romans where discoursing of the unbelieving Iews he affirms that they shall after many Ages believe in Christ and finally be reunited to their natural Root but the force of the Argument concludes in behalf of those Souls who were unbelieving in the Apos●les days which after certain Ages were to believe in Christ after the fullness of the G●ntiles was converted to the Christian Faith which Conversion of the Iews we yet expect 〈◊〉 Earth even of those who were unbelieving in the Apostles days for all the Iews which are natural Branches shall be saved and their Hearts shall be opened and that too before the beginning of the Millenium 23. Thirdly 'T is proved from Matth. 23.35 compared with the 2 Chron. 24.22 where Christ a●●irms that those very Iews who were contemporary with him in the Flesh had kill'd Zacharias the Son of Baruch c. But this Wickedness was committed in the days of King Ioas more than eighty Years before Christ's Incarnation * See Matth. 21.35 c. compare here-wit● 2 Chron. 24.22 But if any should affirm that this was not their own but their fo●e-Father's Crime and imputed to them because they were led by the same Spirit of Iniquity and Impiety I answer This cannot destroy the force of the Argument because according to the R●ghteous Ordinance of God the Sins of the Fathers are not imputed to the Children beyond the third or fourth Generation even when the Children are led by the same Spirit and follow the same steps of their Fathers But be●cause many Generations have interven'd between that Wickedness and the
happen'd in the same Intervals of time yet many of them were attended with different consequences others with very ●ike Events as will appear from the ensuing ●ines Quest. 29. Wherefore did Iohn say at the opening of every of the ●our first Seals that he heard one of the Beasts say * Come see why Come and see except it were to shew us that the Interval of every Seal the seventh only excepted comprehends the space of a mystical Hour viz. 333⅓ Years For is not the Face of some Animal stirr'd up or awaken'd in every Mystical Hour which may be therefore said to be on the Watch Veni● vide Come and s●e Quest. 30. If the Events which were to come to pass and are in great measure elapsed from the time of our Lord's Ascension to this present day do better answer to the Intervals of 333⅓ Years assigned to each of the first six Seals than to any other whatsoever doth not this elegantly prove the truth of the said Intervals Quest. ●1 What may we understand by Iohn's Vision of a White Horse and him that sat thereon who held a Bow in his Hand and went out at the opening of the f●●st Seal conquering and to conquer Is not he † He that sat thereon that sat thereon our Lord Jesus Christ And doth not the * The White Horse white Horse mean h●s Ministers arayed in the white Robes of Righteousness and inward Holiness bringing the Gospel unto Men viz. the glad Tidings o● P●ace † What was the Bow in his Hand and doth not the Bow in his Hand signify the Power and Energy of his Heav●nly Gospel and Doctrine Which Gospel indeed in those Primitive times Conquer`d many thousands of Men and subjected them to the Obedience and Faith of Christ. From the Year of Christs Bi●th 366 And moreover did not this pu●e and exceeding prevalent Dispensation of the Gospel remain on Earth at least the space of 333 Years and ⅓ after ou● Lords's Ascension or from his ●●carnation 366 which Interval indeed reacht beyo●d Constanti●e and his Sons nay beyond Iulian the Apostate Iordan Valens Valentinian and indeed the power and purity of the Evangelical Doctrin did still prevail in the World notwithstanding the sottish Superstitions foolish Traditions and wrangling debates of some concerning Arrius and his Disciples Quest. 32. What may we understand by Iohn's Vision of a red Horse What the red Horse is at the opening of the second † The second Seal Seal Is it not Soldiers and Captains of Armies and such as stir up terrible Wars in the World to the shedding o● much Blood and who is he that rides upon this red Horse * He that rides upon the Horse but some great Angel or Daemon who by God's permission inspires and prompts Men to Bloody Wars which Wars doubtless came chiefly in those parts of the World where the Gospel had been Preached and were sent by the most hol● God as a Just Punishment on Men for dispising the Gospel And indeed they who delivered the faithful Servants of God to various kinds of Death in the first Interval because they believed in God and Christ are slain themselves together with their Children by others in the second Interval God punishing the Iniquity of the Fathers u●on the Children even to the third and fourth Generation Besides do not the events or historical effects plainly answer to this second Interval to wit from the Year of our Saviour Christ's Resurrection 333 to the 666 or from the Year of his Birth 366 to the Year 700 for within that Interval of time was not the whole West●rn Empire miserably torn and at last almost totally erased and aboli●hed in the said Interval Moreover also Rome her self as it were ●he Empress of the World was often taken and after some Revolutions she was burnt within the same Interval b●t the chief Authors of these terrible Wars wer● the Go●hs Vandals Hunnes and Persians with th●i● Kings and Leaders Then about the latter end of this Interval viz. about 600 and odd Years after the Birth of Christ comes Mahome● with his follow●rs who were at that time call'd Saracens and these indeed were the Authors of dreadful W●rs in many places Quest. 33. What ●s to be understood by Iohn`s Vision of a black What he ●lack Horse was● ●or●e and him that sat thereon holding a Balance in his Hand when the third Seal was to be opened Is not te●rible Famine hereby signified and indeed that which is natural an● exte●nal as well as that which is spi●it●al an● internal And indeed both ●f these compleatly happened within the third Interval of time to wit from the year of Christ's Resurrection 666 to the year 1000 as the History of those times do clearly evince for in this Interval there was a great Spiritual F●mine or Want of the Celestial Bread of Life and the time of this Interval was the same with that of the Church of Pergamus above recited within which Interval God promised to feed the Faith●ul with hidden Manna Rev. 2.17 for all that whole Interval was full of Ignorance in the extremity of Darkness and very few famous Men flourished in it Lastly as to what pertains to natural or outward Famine that indeed in a manner continually attends horrid and bloody Wars Quest. 34. What is meant by the * The pale Horse pal● Horse and him that sate thereon whose name was Death whom Hell followed having power to kill with the Sword with Famine and with Death and with the Beas●s of the Earth which was to come to pass when the four●h Seal † The 4 th Seal open'd was opened Doth it not seem to be the whole and entire Body of all the Wick that have gone before with Addition of many others For what doth the killing with the Sword signifie but W●r Scarcit● and Famine And was no● Death which was the name of him that sat thereon the Devi● himself whom Hell followed Lastly what is signified by the Beasts of the ●arth but foul and unclean Spirits or Terrestrial Demons which miserably beguile and deceive the Ignorant and Unthinking Mobile with their Cheats and Delusions For in Holy Writ the Devil and unclean Spirits are called Beasts of the Field or Beasts of the Earth as it is said of the Serpent in Genesis that he was more subtile than any Beast of the Field which doubtless could not be understood of common Beasts Moreover doth not the event or Historical effect apparently answer this Inter●val viz. from the Year * From the year of the Resurrection 1000 to 1333. o● Christ's Resurrection 1000 to the year 1333 within which time the foulest Superstitions and most detestable Idolatry abounded among Christians falsly so called also the Pride Covetousness and Luxury of the Antichristian Clergy within this Interval exceeded all bounds besides many damnable Opinions and Here●ies were preached and published by the Antichris●ian Emissaries to wit the