Selected quad for the lemma: father_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
father_n believe_v faith_n holy_a 10,213 4 5.4982 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43097 The English school-master compleated containing several tables of common English words, from one, to six, seven, and eight syllables, both whole and divided, according to the rules of true spelling; with prayers, and graces both before and after meat, and rules for childrens behaviour at all times and places, with several other necessaries suitable to the capacities of children and youth. Also brief and easie rules for the true and exact spelling, reading, and writing of English according to the present pronunciation thereof in the famous University of Oxford, and City of London. To which is added, an appendix containing the principles of arithmetick, with an account of coins, weights, measure, time, &c. Copies of letters, titles of honour, suitable for men of all degrees, and qualities, bills of parcels, bills of exchange, bills of debt, receipts, and several other rules and observations fit for a youths accomplishment in the way of trade. John Hawkins school-master at St. Georges Church in Southwark. Hawkins, John, 17th cent. 1692 (1692) Wing H1175; ESTC R213434 60,375 140

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circumlocution cir-cum-stan-ti-al-ly circumstantially cir-cum-vo-lu-ti-on circumvolution co-a-gu-la-ti-on coagulation co-es-sen-ti-al-ly coessentially com-me-mo-ra-ti-on commemoration co-mi se-ra-ti-on comiseration com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on communication com-pas-si-o-nate-ly compassionately com-pa-ti-bi-li-ty compatibility con-ca-ti-na-ti-on concatination con-fe-de-ra-ti on confederation con-gra-tu-la-ti-on congratulation con-si-de-ra-ti-on consideration con so-li-da-ti-on consolidation con-ta-mi-na-ti-on contamination con-tu-ma-ci-ous-ly contumaciously cor-ro-be-ra ti-on corroberation D D De-fa-ti-ga-ti-on Defatigation de-bi li ta-ti on debilitation de ge-ne-ra-ti-on degeneration de-li-be-ra-ti-on deliberation de-no-mi-na-ti-on denomination de po-pu la-ti-on depopulation de-ter-mi-na-ti-on determination di-a-bo-li-cal-ly diabolically di la-ce-ra-ti-on dilaceration dis-ad van ta-gi ous-ly disadvantagiously dis-com-men-da-ti-on discommendation dis-con-ti-nu-a ti-on discontinuation dis-in-ge ni-ous-ly disingeniously dis-pro-por-ti-o-ned disproportioned dis si-mu-la-ti-on dissimulation E E Ec-cle-si-a-sti-cal Ecclesiastical ec cle-si-a-sti-cal-ly ecclesiastically e di-fi-ca-ti-on edification e-le-e-mo sy-na-ry eleemosynary e-nig-ma-ti-cal-ly enigmatically e-nu-cle-a-ti-on enucleation e-nu-me-ra-ti-on enumeration e qui-vo-ca-ti-on equivocation e-ra-di-ca-ti-on eradication e-va-cu-a-tion evacuation e-va-po-ra-ti-on evaporation ex-a-mi-na-ti-on examination ex-com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on excommunication ex-tra-or-di-na-ry extraordinary ex-tra-or-di-na-ri-ly extraordinarily ex-o-ne-ra-ti-on exoneration ex-ter-mi-na-ti-on extermination F F Fa-mi-li-a-ri-ty Familiarity for-ti-fi-ca-ti-on fortification fruc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on fructification G G Gra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on Gratification ge-ne-ra-lis-si-mo generalissimo ge-o-gra-phi-cal-ly geographically ge-o-me-tri-cal-ly geometrically glo-ri-fi-ca-ti-on glorification gra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on gratification H H Hy-po-cri-ti-cal-ly Hypocritically hu-mi-li-a-ti-on humiliation hy-po-chon-dri-a-cal hypochondriacal hy-po-chon-dri-a-cal-ly hypochondriacally hy-po-cri-ti-cal-ly hypocritically I I Ig-no-mi-ni-ous-ly Ignominiously il-le-gi-ti-mate-ly illegitimately il-le-gi-ti-ma-ti-on illegitimation il-lu-mi-na-ti-on illumination im-mo-de-ra-ti-on immoderation im-par-ti-a-li-ty impartiality im-pos-si-bi-li-ty impossibility im-pro-ba-bi-li-ty improbability im-pro-pri-a-ti-on impropriation in-au-gu-ra-ti-on inauguration in-com-men-su-ra-ble incommensurable in-com-men-su-ra-bi-li-ty incommensurability in-com-pas-si-o-nate incompassionate in-com-pas-si-o-nate-ly incompassionately in-com-mo-di-ous-ly incommodiously in-com-mu-ni-ca-ble incommunicable in-com-mu-ni-ca-bi-li-ty incommunicability in-com-pre-hen-si-bi-li-ty incomprehensibility in-com-pre-hen-si-ble incomprehensible in-com-pre-hen-si-ble-ness incomprehensibleness in-com-pa-ti-bi-li-ty incompatibility in-con-si-de-rate-ly inconsiderately in-con-si-de-rate-ness inconsiderateness in-con-ve-ni-ent-ly inconveniently in-con-ve-ni-en-cy inconveniency in-cor-rup-ti-bi-li-ty incorruptibility in-de-fa-ti-ga-ble indefatigable in-de-ter-mi-nate-ly indeterminately in-dis-po-si-ti-on indisposition in-di-vi-du-al-ly individually in-fal-li-bi-li-ty infallibility in-sa-ti-a-ble-ness insatiableness in-suf-fi-ci-en-cy insufficiency in-suf-fi-ci-ent-ly insufficiently in-ter-change-a-ble-ness interchangeableness in-ter-lo-cu-to-ry interlocutory in-ter-me-di-ate-ly intermediately in-ter-pel-la-ti-on interpellation in-ter-po-si-ti-on interposition in-ter-pre-ta-ti-on interpretation in-ter-ro-ga-to-ry interrogatory in-vi-o-la-ble-ness inviolableness ir-ra-di-a-ti-on irradiation ir-re-con-cile-a-ble irreconcileable ir-re-con-ci-li-a-ti-on irreconciliation ir-re-gu-la-ri-ty irregularity ir-re-pre-hen-si-ble irreprehensible ju-di-ci-a-ri-ly judiciarily L L Le-gi-ti-ma-ti-on Legitimation M M Ma-the-ma-ti-cal-ly Mathematically ma-the-ma-ti-ci-an mathematician me-di-ter-ra-ne-an mediterranean me-ri-di-o-nal-ly meridionally me-ta-pho-ri-cal-ly metaphorically mis-in-ter-pre-ta-ti-on misinterpretation mo-di-fi-ca-ti-on modification mol-li-fi-ca-ti-on mollification mor-ti-fi-ca-ti-on mortification mul-ti-pli-ca-ti-on multiplication mun-di-fi-ca-ti-on mundification N N Na-tu-ra-li-za-ti-on Naturalization ne-go-ti-a-ti-on negotiation no-ti-fi-ca-ti-on notification O O Ob-li-te-ra-ti-on Obliteration oc-ca-si-o-nal-ly occasionally o-pi-ni-o-na-tive-ly opinionatively P P Pa-ci-fi-ca-ti-on Pacification par-ci-mo-ni-ous-ly parcimoniously per-am-bu-la-ti-on perambulation pe-re-gri-na-ti-on peregrination per-pen-di-cu-lar-ly perpendicularly per-pe-tu-a-ti-on perpetuation phi-lo-so-phi-cal-ly philosophically pre-de-sti-na-ti-on predestination pre-ju-di-ca-ti-on prejudication pre-me-di-ta-ti-on premeditation pre-oc-cu-pa-ti-on preoccupation pro-ble-ma-ti-cal-ly problematically pro-cra-sti-na-ti-on procrastination prog-no-sti-ca-ti-on prognostication pro-nun-ci-a-ti-on pronunciation pro-pi-ti-a-ti-on propitiation pro-por-ti-o-na-bly proportionably pu-ri-fi-ca-ti-on purification pu-tri-fi-ca-ti-on putrification Q Q Qua-dru-pli-ca-ti-on Quadruplication qua-li-fi-ca-ti-on qualification R R Ra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on Ratification ra-ti-o-ci-na-ti-on ratiocination re-ca-pi-tu-la-ti-on recapitulation re-ci-pro-ca-ti-on reciprocation re-com-men-da-ti-on recommendation re-con-ci-li-a-ti-on reconciliation rec-ti-fi-ca-ti-on rectification re-fri-ge-ra-ti-on refrigeration re-ge-ne-ra-ti-on regeneration re-i-te-ra-ti-on reiteration re-mu-ne-ra-ti-on remuneration re-pre-sen-ta-ti-on representation re-ver-be-ra-ti-on reverberation S S Sa-cri-fi-ca-to-ry Sacrificatory sa-cri-le-gi-ous-ly sacrilegiously sanc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on sanctification sca-ri-fi-ca-ti-on scarification sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-on signification so-lem-ni-za-ti-on solemnization stu-pi-fi-ca-ti-on stupification sub-rep-ti-ti-ous-ly subreptitiously sub-si-di-a-ri-ly subsidiarily su-per-nu-me-ra-ry supernumerary su-per-e-ro-ga-ti-on supererogation su-per-fi-ci-al-ly superficially su-per-sti-ti-ous-ly superstitiously sur-rep-ti-ti-ous-ly surreptitiously T T Ter-gi-ver-sa-ti-on Tergiversation the-o-lo-gi-cal-ly theologically te-sti-fi-ca-ti-on testification trans-fi-gu-ra-ti-on transfiguration tran-sub-stan-ti-a-ti-on transubstantiation V V Ve-ri-fi-ca-ti-on Verification un-ac-com-pa-ni-a-ble unaccompaniable un-ac-cu-sto-med-ness unaccustomedness un-a-li-e-na-ble unalienable un-cir-cum-ci-si-on uncircumcision un-com-for-ta-ble-ness uncomfortableness un-com-mo-di-ous-ly uncommodiously un-com-mu-ni-ca-ble uncommunicable un-com-pa-ni-a-ble uncompaniable un-con-sci-o-na-ble unconscionable un-con-cei-va-ble-ness unconceivableness un-con-ta-mi-na-ted uncontaminated un-i-ma-gi-na-ble unimaginable u-ni-ver-sa-li-ty universality un-pas-si-o-nate-ly unpassionately un-pre-me-di-ta-ted unpremeditated un-pro-fi-ta-ble-ness unprofitableness un-que-sti-o-na-ble unquestionable un-rea-son-a-ble-ness unreasonableness un-re-me-di-a-ble unremediable un-sa-ti-a-ble-ness unsatiableness un-sea-son-a-ble-ness unseasonableness vo-ci-fe-ra-ti-on vociferation Chap. 18. The Learner being perfect in Spelling the Examples contained in the several Tables of the foregoing Chapters let him now learn to read and say by heart the Lords Prayer the Creed and the Ten Commandments as follow The LORD'S PRAYER OUR Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on ●rth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily Bread And forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom the Power and the glory for Ever and Ever Amen The CREED I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Faith And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who was Conceived by the Holy Ghost Born of the Virgin Mary 〈◊〉 under Pontius Pilate was Crucified Dead and Buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the 〈◊〉 he ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come 〈◊〉 Judge both the Quick and the Dead I Believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholick Church the Communion of 〈◊〉 the Forgiveness of Sins the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting Amen The Ten COMMANDMENTS GOD spake these words and said I am the Lord thy 〈◊〉 which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of 〈◊〉 House of Bondage I. Thou shalt have no other Gods but me II. Thou shalt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to thy self any Graven Image nor the Likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath or in the Waters under the Earth Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a Jealous God visiting the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the Third and Fourth Generation of them that hate me and shew Mercy un●o Thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain IV. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day six days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of Work thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-servant and thy Maid servant thy Cattel and the Stranger that
is within thy Gates For in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee VI. Thou shalt do no Murther VII Thou shalt not commit Adultery VIII Thou shalt not Steal IX Thou shalt not bear False Witness against thy Neighbour X. Thou shalt not Covet thy Neighbours House thou shalt not Covet thy Neighbours Wife nor his Servant nor his Maid nor his Ox nor his Ass nor any thing that is his Chap. 19. Prayers and Graces fit for Children to get by Heart A Prayer for the Morning O Most Glorious Lord God in whom I live move and have my Being thou wast pleased to take me from the Womb wherein I was Conceived and hast ever since preserved me to this very day ever blessed and praised be thy Name O God for all thy Mercies bestowed upon me for securing and preserving me from the perils 〈◊〉 dangers of the Night past and suffering me to enjoy the Glorious Light of another Day protect me I beseech thee this day and all the days of my Life by thy Holy Spirit from all Sin and Wickedness and let me be so armed with Faith in Jesus Christ that I may powerfully resist the Temptations of the World the Flesh and the Devil let thy Blessing be upon my Endeavours this day that I may profit both in Religion and Learning bless my Parents Friends and Relations and be a comfort to all in distress and grant that when this Mortal Life shall have an end I may joyfully hear my Blessed Saviour say Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you Grant these my Requests for Jesus Christ his sake in whose Name and Words thou hast taught me to pray saying Our Father which art in Heaven c. A Prayer for the Evening EVer Blessed and Glorious Lord God I a poor Sinner most humbly prostrate my self before the Throne of thy Divine Majesty this Evening beseeching thee to pardon all my Sins and Iniquities which are many and very great preserve me O God from Evil this Night watch over me and bless me this Night let me lye down in thy fear and rise in thy favour bless my Parents and Friends that they may instruct me in thy Truth so that I may not be taken in the Snares and Temptations of Satan these and whatever else I may stand in need of I humbly beg for Jesus Christ his sake in whose Name and Words thou hast taught me to pray saying Our Father c. A Family Prayer for the Morning O Most Merciful and Glorious Lord God we bless and praise thy Holy Name for all the benefits of this Life and heartily thank thee for the Comfortable Rest which thou had been pleased to give us in the Night past for saving and defending us from all dangers of our Enemies both ghostly and bodily and that thou hast been Graciously pleased to let us see the Glorious Light of another Day grant we beseech thee that we may dedicate this and all the rest of the days of our Lives to thy Service and give us Grace so to walk warily among the Snares of our Mortal Enemies the World th● Flesh and the Devil that all our Thoughts Words an● Deeds may redound to the Honour and Glory of thy Hol● Name and the Good and Comfort of our Precious and Immortal Souls and as thou hast been Graciously pleased to preserve and keep us under thy mighty protection from the beginning of our Lives unto this day so we beseech thee to receive us this and all the remainder of our Lives into thy tuition ruling and governing of us by thy Holy Spirit to the utter destruction of Sin in us We confess that we have every minute of our Lives committed great and manifold Sins against thy Divine Majesty therefore we humbly beseech thee through Jesus Christ our Saviour and for his Sake to forgive us and let our Consciences be certified of the remission and forgiveness thereof by thy Holy Spirit Grant we beseech thee these our Prayers and whatsoever else we stand in need of either relating to this Life or the Life to come for Jesus Christ his Sake who hath taught us to pray saying Our Father c. A Family Prayer for the Evening O Eternal and Glorious Lord God we beseech thee look down from Heaven thy Dwelling place upon us poor sinful Creatures Dust and Ashes and visit us with thy Mercy Grace and Salvation we confess thy Fatherly Goodness towards us through the whole Course and Progress of our Lives and therefore we bless and praise thy Holy Name We beseech thee O Lord to continue thy Mercies unto us bless us in our down lying and in our up rising let thy Holy Angels pitch their Tents about us to save and deferd us this Night and ever hereafter from all our Enemies both ghostly and bodily give our Bodies rest and quietness but let our Souls be continually watching unto and waiting and thinking upon thee and thy Holy Commandments that whensoever our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shall come he may find us like wise Virgins with Oyl in our Lamps ready prepared to receive him bless us with the Light of thy Countenance in the joyful appearance of another Day that we being whole both in Body and Soul may rise again with thankful Hearts unto thee our God and diligently walk in our Vocations to our own Comfort and the Praise and Glory of thy most Holy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who hath taught us when we Pray to ●y Our Father c. Grace before Meat MOst Glorious Lord God we beseech thee to look upon us with an Eye 〈◊〉 and forgive us all our Sins sanctifie these thy good Creatures to our use make them healthful for our nourishment and us truly thankful to thee for these and all other thy Mercies for Jesus Christ his sake Amen Grace after Meat THE God of all Majesty Power and Glory who hath Created Redeemed and at this time plentifully fed us his most Holy Name be blessed and praised both now and for evermore Amen Grace before Meat O Eternal and Glorious Lord God we beseech thee bless these thy good Creatures which thou hast been pleased to provide for us and help us by thine especial Grace so to improve every Mercy that we receive from thee as that all may be to the Praise and Glory of thy Holy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Grace after Meat MOst Glorious Lord God we bless and praise thy Holy Name for all the Mercies which thou hast been pleased to bestow upon us especially for feeding our weak and frail Bodies at this time with thy good Creatures Lord teach us so to make use of thy Mercies that they may be