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A27442 The Church of England evidently proved the holy catholick church by Peter Berault ... Berault, Peter. 1682 (1682) Wing B1948A; ESTC R22975 53,217 264

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is Trinity And Thomas Aquinas saith impossibile est per rationem naturalem ad cognitionem Trinitatis divinarum Personarum pervenire quia homo per rationem naturalem in cognitionem dei pervenire non potest nisi ex Creaturis Creature autem ducunt in Dei cognitionem sicut effectus in causam Hoc igitur solum ratione naturali de Deo cognosci potest quod competere ei necesse est secundum quod est omnium entium principium Virtus autem Creativa Dei communis est toti Trinitati unde pertinet ad unitatem essentiae non ad distinctionem Personarum per rationem igitur naturalem cognosci possunt de Deo ea quae pertinent ad unitatem essentiae non autem ea quae pertinent ad distinctionem personarum That is It is impossible by natural Reason to come to the knowledg of the Trinity of divine Persons because by natural Reason we cannot come to the knowledg of God but by Creatures which lead us to the knowledg of God as effects to the Cause Therefore by natural Reason that only may be known of God which by necessity belongs to him as he is the principle of all things But the Power of creating in God is common to the whole Trinity therefore it belongs to the unity of Essence and not to the distinction of Persons We may then by reason know the things belonging to the unity of the Essence of God but not the things belonging to the distinction of Persons Secondly I answer That though it be contrary to Reason that Peter Paul and John who are three distinct Persons have but one nature Numericè nevertheless it doth not imply that the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost who are three really distinct Persons have but one nature or substance Numericè For it is otherwise in divine than humane Persons And although Person in God be a real being and consequently being really taken a Substance yet it doth not follow because there are three really distinct Persons that there are three Substances really distinct one from another For God being an intellectual Being he knows himself to be infinitely Perfect and knowing himself to be so he loves himself The term of his Intellect is called the Son as we call the Holy Ghost the term of his love but it is not so with the term of the Intellectand Love of God as with the term of the Intellect and Love of men because this is an Accident that a Substance I say a Substance because no Accidents can be found in God as it is the consent of all Writers therefore since the term of the Intellect of God and the term of his Love is a Substance and since one is call'd the Son and the other the Holy Ghost it follows since three Substances cannot be in God because it would import three Gods which is contrary to the nature of God to Reason and to the Holy Scriptures that they have but one and the same Substance as it is taught both in the Symboles of Nice and Athanasius Thirdly I answer That though the Trinity be not found distinctly in the holy Scripture yet it may be inferred from thence by clear and necessary Consequences And though the two Texts of St. Matthew and John before mentioned be not sufficient to convince the Reader since they may be explained as they are in the Objection nevertheless the essential Attributes of God as his Eternity Immensity Omnipotency Creation Conservation of the World Sanctification of Souls Resurrection of the Bodies Prayer and Worship being equally attributed to the three Persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost as it may be seen in several places of the holy Scriptures and I will shew in the sequel of my Discourse it follows by an evident and necessary Consequence that they are God and therefore that they have but one substance or Nature Numericè which is called Trinity Obj. The Church of England believes that the Son is Consubstantial with the Father but the word Consubstantial is not found in the holy Scriptures therefore the Church of England believes an Article of Faith which is not in the word of God therefore she is not the holy Catholick Church Answer Though that word Consubstantial be not read in the holy Scriptures yet the thing signified and meant by that word is found therein For when we say and believe that the Son is Consubstantial with the Father we mean that he hath one and the same Substance with his Father which is inferred from the holy Scripture by clear and necessary Consequences for these words of St. Jahn I and my Father are one do signifie nothing less than the Son hath an unity of Substance with his Father for if had only an unity of Will of Mind and Agreement as the Arians and several other Persons in France England Holland c. do believe at this time he should not be called in the holy Scriptures the only begotten Son of God the true God eternal Life and God blessed over all for ever He should not be called the brightness of the glory of his Father and the express Image of his Person and we should not read of him that he being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God he should not be called Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending which is which was and which is to come the Almighty Or that In him are hid all the Treasures of wisdom and knowledg and that In him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily We should not read that By him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth vistble and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers and that All things were created by him and for him and that he is before all things and by him all things consist and that He upholds all things by the word of his Power and as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickens them even so the Son quickens whom he will Neither should we read that He knows the hearts of all men and that All men honour the Son even as they honour the Father and that All the Angels of God worship him and that Four and twenty Elders fall down before him and worship him and cast their Crowns before the Throne saying Thou art worthy O Lord to receive Glory and Honour and Power for thou hast Created all things and for pleasure they are and were Created Now since by these Texts of the holy Scriptures ye see that the Name of the true God which cannot be proper to a Creature is not only ascribed to the Son but also all the essential properties of God are attributed unto him it follows by a clear and necessary Consequence that he is Consubstantial with the Father or that he hath with him one and the same Substance Numericè You may further urge
Comparison between that Infinite Eternal and Independent Being and what is Finite Temporal and Dependent He therefore who did truly think himself equal with God as being in the form of God must be conceived to subsist in that one infinite eternal and independent Nature of God And therefore as here Christ was really and essentially man of the same Nature with us in whose similitude he was made so certainly was he also really and essentially God of the same Nature and Being with him in whose form he did subsist This truth is confirmed by these words of the 1st of John We know that the Son of man is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and Eternal Life And by these of St. Paul to the Romans Out of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever From whence we may infer that he who was truly subsisting in the form of God and equal with him before he was in the Nature of man and who is called God and the true God the Almighty and that in all those ways by which the supreme Deity is expressed hath an eternal and indivisible Essence and Nature with God But Christ was so and is so called therefore c. Moreover is it not written in your Law saith Christ Ye are Gods Are not these the very words of the eighty second Psalm If God himself so spake or the Psalmist from him if this be the Language of the Scripture if Kings and Magistrates and they be called Gods unto whom the Word of God came may we not say with greater Reason of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the World and in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily that he is God We grant That the Father is the true God we grant that God only is to be worshipped and served Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Therefore we must grant that the Son also is the true God since we are commanded to worship him and the same honour is given to him as to the Father which is seen by these words Let all the Angels of God worship him and by these of John Who hath committed all Judgment unto the Son that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father If then we be obliged to worship the God of Israel only if we be also commanded to give the same worship to the Son which we give to the Father or to the God of Israel it is necessary that we should believe that the Son is the God of Israel and consequently truly and properly God Which is seen clearly by these words of Austin upon those of St. John All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Neque enim dicit omnia nisi quae facta sunt id est omnem Creaturam Vnde liquido patet ipsum factum non esse per quem facta sunt omnia si factus non est Creatura non est si autem Creatura non est ejusdem cum Patre substantiae est Omnis enim substantia quae Deus non est Creatura est quae Creatura non est Deus est Et si non est Filius ejusdem substantiae cujus est Pater ergo fact a substantia est si facta substantia est non omnia per ipsum facta sunt at omnia per ipsum fact a sunt unius igitur ejusdemque cum Patre substantiae est ideo non tantum Deus sed verus Deus That is For he doth not say all things but the things which are made to wit all Creatures From whence it appears clearly that he by whom all things were made was not made And if he was not made he is not a Creature if he be not a Creature he is of the same substance with the Father for every substance which is not God is a Creature and that which is not a Creature is God And if the Son be not of the same Substance with the Father then he is a Substance made if a Substance made all things were not made by him but all things were made by him therefore he is of the same Substance with the Father and consequently he is not only God but true God Which is confirmed by these words wherein he is said to exist before all things for if he was not true God he should be a Creature if a Creature we could not say that he is before all things because he who should have created him should have his Existence before him for every Creature supposes a Being antecedent from whom it hath received its Existence Since therefore he is said to be before all things it is because he is the true God for none but the true God can be said properly to be before all things every Creature having its Being of him and he neither hath nor can have his Existence from any thing whatsoever having it of himself from all Eternity Object The Church of England believes as an Article of Faith that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son and though they can make it appear that he proceeds from the Father from the words of St. John 15. 26. yet they cannot prove that he proceeds from the Son I answer as before to wit that these words the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son are not found distinctly in the holy Scripture but yet are inferr'd from it by clear and necessary Consequences So these words of Jesus Christ All things that the Father hath are mine and those of the 17. Chapter All mine are thine and thine are mine prove this evidently for if it be true as it is granted by all Divines viz. That all things that the Father hath the Son hath likewise the Relation of Paternity only excepted the Father producing the Holy Ghost it follows that the Son doth produce him also and consequently that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Son as he proceeds from the Father This is manifested by these words of St. John It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart part I will send him unto you And by that of the 15. When the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father For if ye suppose what ye do already believe and as I will make appear in the sequel of my Discourse viz. That the Holy Ghost is God as it is declared by the words of the 5th of the Acts To lie to the Holy Ghost is to lie unto God and as it appears by the essential Attributes of the Godhead ascribed unto him as the Sanctification of Souls and Omniscience For
the Spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God It follows because he cannot be sent as Servants are by their Masters or Ambassadors by their Lords since in that mission there is always some dependency there is a Superior and inferior there is one Major and one Minor which can never be found in God it follows I say by a necessary Consequence he being sent from the Father and the Son it is because he proceeds from both You may further urge the Holy Ghost is not truly and properly God therefore he doth not proceed from the Father and the Son according to the manner as it is believed in the Church of England The Antecedent appears by these words of St. John When the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and will shew you things to come From whence I thus argue First He that doth not speak of himself supposes another distinct Person from whom he hath received Instruction but the Holy Ghost doth not speak of himself therefore he supposes another distinct Person from whom he hath received Instruction therefore he is not truly and properly God because he that is truly and properly God cannot suppose any other Person from whom he should receive Instruction Secondly He that speaks what he heareth supposes another Person speaking distinct from him that heareth but the Holy Ghost speaketh what he heareth therefore he supposes another Person speaking distinct from him therefore he is not truly and properly God because he that is truly and properly God cannot suppose any other Person speaking unto him from whom he could receive Instruction this being contrary to the Nature of the true God The Major Proposition of these two Arguments is clear and certain the Minor is from St. John therefore it follows that the Holy Ghost is not truly and properly God and consequently that he doth not proceed from the Father and the Son as the Church of England believes Answ I grant that the Holy Ghost doth not speak of himself but speaks what he heareth he being not of himself but of the Father and the Son however it doth not follow but that he is truly and properly God But before I make it appear it is necessary to observe that the Holy Ghost is sometimes taken for God himself sometimes for a divine Quality sometimes for a Person really distinct from the Father and the Son First He is taken for God himself God is a spirit John 4. 24. For God being Holy and a Spirit it is evident that he is holy Spirit and Reciprocally he that is called holy Spirit per Excellentiam and without dependency is God For these Terms God and holy Spirit are really one and the same thing as likewise these following Eternal Lord Creator Conservator They differ only in reference to the different effects which we apply them to God is named Eternal because he is without Beginning and Ending Is called Lord because of his Power over all things Creator because he made them of nothing and Conservator because he keeps them from returning into nothing And he is called Holy Ghost per Excellentiam because to speak properly none but he is truly Holy and because he receives his Holiness from no body all other Creatures whatsoever have their holiness by Communication and Dependency In that sence the Holy Ghost is not really distinguish'd from the Eternal Father but only per Intellectum or in as much as the Definition which is ascribed to the Eternal Father is different from that of the Holy Ghost as the Eternal is distinguish'd from the Creator For although it be really one and the same thing yet our Understandings conceive the Eternal otherwise than the Creator in as much as the Eternal is a Being without beginning and ending and the Creator is a first and Independent Cause who produced all things out of nothing Therefore in that sence the Holy Ghost being not really distinguish'd from the Eternal Father we cannot say that he proceeds from him because it would follow that one and the same thing should be supposed at the same time existing and not existing existing because we conceive it to be so and not existing because in that instance of Reason when we should conceive it proceeding from the Father it should not be existing which is contrary to Reason since there is no instance of Reason wherein we can conceive the true God not to be Therefore it follows that the Holy Ghost in the aforementioned sence doth not proceed from the Father Secondly He is taken for a divine Quality as when the Holy Ghost said unto those of Antioch Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them We must conceive it was God who spake these words but because God did all this by that Power within him which is his Spirit therefore these words and actions are attributed to the Holy Ghost in that sence likewise the Holy Ghost is not really distinguish'd from the Eternal Father and consequently is not proceeding from him Thirdly He is taken for a Person really distinct from the Eternal Father and that he is so is evidently proved by these Texts Grieve not the holy spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption and by this to the Romans The spirit it self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and by that of the first to the Corinthians The spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God For Grief is certainly a personal Affection of which a quality is not capable We can understand what is an interceding Person but we have no apprehension of interceding and groaning Qualities and we understand also that to search is a property belonging to a Person and not to a Quality You will urge that it is ordinary in the holy Scripture to find the like Expressions which are proper unto Persons given unto those things which are no Persons as when the Apostle saith Charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not vaunteth not it self c. All which personal Actions are attributed to Charity which is no Person but belonging to that Person which is charitable because that Person which is so qualified doth perform those Actions according to and by the vertue of that Charity which is in him In the same manner personal Actions are attributed to the Holy Ghost which is no Person but only the Virtue Power and Efficacy of God the Father who is a Person and doth perform those personal Actions attributed to the Holy Ghost by the Virtue Power and Efficacy in himself which is the Holy Ghost Answ This giveth no satisfaction for there are several personal Attributes given in the holy Scriptures expresly to the Holy Ghost which cannot be ascribed to God the Father as for Example to make Intercession is a
there is no other Church wherein we can be saved but the holy Catholick Which is confirmed by the Fathers Whosoever saith Chrysostome divides the unity of the Church the mystical Body of our Lord he shall not incur a less punishment than those have done who pierced mangled and tore his Body Sola Catholica Ecclesia est quae verum cultum retinet Hic est Eons veritatis hoc est domicilium fidei quo si quis non intraverit vel à quo si quis exierit à spe vitae ac salutis aeternae alienus est He shall not have God for his Father saith Austin That would not have the Church for his Mother So the fourth Council of Carthage declares that out of the Catholick Church there is no Salvation And Fulgentius speaks thus Sicut in Hiericho quisquis extra illam domum fuit nullum potuit adipisci vitae subsidium sic extra Ecclesiam Catholicam nullus accipiet indulgentiam peccatorum Extra hanc Ecclesiam nec Christianum nomen aliquem juvat nec baptismus salvat nec mundum Deo sacrificium offertur nec peccatorum remissi accipitur nec aeternae vitae foelicitas invenitur As in Hierieho whosoever was out of that House could not obtain the benefit of Life so out of the Catholick Church none shall receive the pardon of sins Out of this Church neither the Title of Christian secures any one neither doth Baptism confer Salvation neither doth any man offer a Sacrifice agreeable unto God nor receives the Remission of his sins nor finds the happiness of Eternal Life And in another place he saith Firmissimè tene nullatenus dubites quemlibet Haereticum sive Schismaticum in nomine Patris filii Spiritus sancti baptizatum st Ecclesiae Catholicae nonfuerit aggregatus quantasque eleemosinas fecerit etsi pro Christi nomine etiam sanguinem fuderit nullatenus posse salvari Omni enim homini qui Ecclesiae Catholicae non tenet unitatem neque baptismus neque Eleemosina quaelibet copiosa neque mors pro nomine Christi suscepta proficere poterit ad salutem quandiu in eo Haeretica vel Schismatica pravitas perseverat quae ducit ad mortem Hold this most firmly and doubt not of it in any wise that every Heretick and Schismatick whatsoever baptized in the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost if he be not reunited to the Catholick Church let him bestow never so many Alms yea though he should shed his blood for the Name of Christ he cannot obtain Salvation For neither Baptism nor Alms how great soever nor death suffered for the Name of Christ shall profit unto Salvation to any man that holds not the Vnity of the Catholick Church If he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an Heathen man and a Publican Therefore since those who separate themselves from the holy Catholick Church are Schismaticks and out of hope of Salvation as I have made it appear evidently the Church of England being the holy Catholick let now the Reader draw the Conclusion I know what I said just now concerning those who are out of the Catholick Church will be granted to be true but the Reader will object again the Question is to know which is the holy Catholick Church for if we will believe some Fathers it seems that the most part yea none of those that you blame in this Treatise are out of it For Fulgentius in the place aforementioned saith that There is one only Church which is this wherein the Trinity is believed one God of one Nature and Substance wherein nothing is attributed to the Son more than to the Holy Ghost wherein one and the same honour and worship is rendred to the Trinity who is true God This is the only true Church which believing and publishing one Essence in Trinity dares not esteem one Person above th' other Vna est Ecclesia in qua Trinitas unus Deus unius naturae atque substantiae creditur in qua nec Filio nec Spiritui sancto contumelia minorationis ingeritur in qua unus atque idem Cultus honor unus uni Trinitati quae Deus verus est exhibetur Haec est una vera Ecclesia quae sic credit praedicat unam Trinitatis Essentiam ut in tribus unam quamlibet non audeat praeferre alteri personam Athanasius is of that Opinion Whosoever saith he will be saved before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholick Faith and the Catholick Faith is this that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Vnity And Lactantius saith Sola Catholica Ecclesia est quae verum cultum retinet This is the only Catholick Church which keeps the true Worship And three or four times after he speaks thus Quia singuli quique Coetus Haereticorum se potissimum Christianos suam esse Ecclesiam Catholicam putant sciendum est illam esse veram in qua est Confessio poenitentia quae peccata vulnera quibus subjecta est imbecillitas carnis salubriter curat That is Because every Congregation of Hereticks think to be especially Christians and their Church the Catholick they must know that that Church is the true wherein is Confession and Repentance that cures the sins and wounds which the weakness of the Flesh is subject to Therefore according to Fulgentius and Athanasius the Arians only are out of the Catholick Church and according to Lactantius we are not able to determine any Person out of it Every one pretending to keep the true Worship and granting Confession and Repentance to be necessary Christ himself in his answer to the young man who asked him What good thing shall I do that I may have Eternal Life Did not bid him to believe in the Trinity nor in the Consubstantiality of the Son with the Father nor in the Procession of the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Son nor in the Incarnation of the Son of God nor in his Resurrection nor did tell him that he was to be baptized or to keep the Sabbath c. but If thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commandments and the young man having asked him which were they Jesus specified them unto him saying Thou shalt do no Murther thou shalt not commit Adultery thou shalt not Steal thou shalt not bear false Witness honour thy Father and thy Mother and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self If then according to Christs words he that keeps these Commandments here described is saved we must conceive him to be in the Catholick Church or what some Father 's said that out of the Catholick Church there is no Salvation is false And as in what Sect soever every one pretends to keep the true Worship and by God's Assistance to perform his Commandments even so every one pretends to be saved and consequently to be in the holy Catholick
Church I answer That they are deceived for when the Fathers said that the Catholick Church did confist in such and such a thing as for Example in the belief of the Trinity they did not intend to exclude the belief of the other points of Faith nor the practise of the Commandments enjoyned us in the holy Scripture And Jesus Christ who saith to the young man that if he will enter into Life he must keep the Commandments here mentioned pronounces Wo unto the Authors of Heresies as unto all Scribes Pharisees and Hypocrites will have us to eat his Body and to drink his Blood Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood ye have no Life in you bids us to be baptized Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Besides practice he desires belief He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Wherefore it is not enough to say I thought I was a Member of the Catholick Church because I thought it did consist in believing and practising such and such things only our ignorance is not sufficient to excuse us before God we are bound to inquire after Truth and the true Worship of God A wilful and affected ignorance is a double Crime and we must not believe because we think we do well and are Members of the Catholick Church that this is sufficient to excuse us this is a mistake otherwise the Jews should not have been guilty when they crucified Jesus Christ because they did it ignorantly and thought they acted according to their Law For had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory We could not say that Paul was guilty when breathing out threatnings and slaughter against the Disciples of the Lord he went unto the High-Priest desiring Letters from him to Damascus to the Synagogues that if he found any Christians whether they were men or women he might bring them bound to Hierusalem Nor when he made havock of the Church entring into every House and haling men and women committing them to Prison Nor when he was consenting unto the death of Stephen and kept the Cloaths of the Witnesses who stoned him though Austin speaks thus of him Vt enim esset in omnium lapidantium manibus ipse omnium vestimenta servabat magis saeviens omnes adjuvando quàm suis manibus lapidando For he thought he did well transported by a Zeal which he had for his Law Neither could we now blame the Papists when they act so horrid and cruel Tragedies against those that they call Hereticks for as I suppose they think they do a Sacrifice well-pleasing unto God If any ignorance can excuse a man it is that which is called Invincible as that of young Children and mad People Therefore when we live in a Kingdom wherein Religion there practised is not contrary to the holy Scripture we are bound to conform unto it I know that We had rather obey God than men but it is when their Commandments are contrary to the Commandments of God otherwise we are obliged to obey the Princes and Magistrates which we are subject to put them in mind to obey Principalities and Powers to obey Magistrates Tit. 3. 1. Obey them that have the Rule over you and submit your selves Heb. 13. 17. Submit your selves to every Ordinance of men for the Lord's sake whether it be to the King as Supreme or unto Governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do well 1 Pet. 2. 13. Let every Soul be subject unto the higher Powers for there is no Power but of God The Powers that be are ordained of God whosoever therefore resisteth the Power resisteth the Ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves Damnation Rom. 13. 1 2. Wherefore the holy Powers enjoyning usto conform to the Church of England which as I have made it appear teaches or practises nothing contrary to the holy Scripture we are obliged to obey them Neither do I see how those that are convinced of what I have here written and still refuse to obey can excuse themselves from being Schismaticks and from being out of hope of Salvation He shall not have God for his Father who will not have the Church for his Mother Whosoever resisteth the Power resisteth the Ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves Damnation O Ecclesia Romana aut quaecumque sis alia quid insultas quid exsufflas quid etiam ad tempus multa usurpas adversus Ecclesiam Anglicanam Licet haec doleat non te magna metuit sponsa Christi sancta Catholica Ecclesia cum enim respexerit ille sponsus ejicieris tu ut ancilla cum filiis tuis quoniam non erunt haeredes filii ancillae cum filiis liberae O Church of Rome or whatsoever other Church thou art Why dost thou boast Why art thou puffed up Why also dost thou usurp upon the Church of England Though she be sorrowful yet the great spouse of Christ the holy Catholick Church doth not fear thee for when the Bridegroom looks upon her then thou shalt be cast out as the Bond-woman with thy Children because the Children of the Bond-woman shall not be heirs with the Sons of the Free woman Although I have made appear that the Church of England is the holy Catholick Church and that all those who knowing her to be such and still refuse to conform are Schismaticks out of hope of Salvation and shall not be heirs with the Sons of the free-woman but cast out as the bond-woman with her Children yet I am not of that Opinion that they ought to be persecuted this Doctrine of Persecution being contrary to the Law of Nature and to the Doctrine of our Saviour Jesus Christ As ye would that all men should do unto you so do you unto them We would not be persecuted for our Religion therefore we must not persecute others But the Reader will object we have a Law and by our Law they ought to be persecuted I Answer if that were a sufficient Reason to warrant Persecution we could not blame the Jews when they killed the Prophets and stoned them and crucified Jesus Christ who is Heir and Lord over all and God blessed for ever For they said We have a Law and by our Law he ought to die And we could not blame Queen Mary who by a Law in her days caused so many to suffer Martyrdome nor now the Papists who formerly and at this very time in France Spain and Italy establish Cruelty and Oppression by Law If any men be Plotters or contrive any evil against the King or Government or breed Sedition and Disturbance in the Kingdom they must suffer according to the Law but if they be found without Plots or evil Contrivances but erring only concerning Religion
which by their Institution and Operation are holy Thirdly In reference to the Saints departed from this life and admitted to the presence of God and of this Church speaks St. Paul when he saith Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it by the washi●g of Water by the Word that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrink'e or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Fourthly In respect of every Person who is a member of that Church because in professing Faith in Christ he is thereby engaged to holiness of life according to the words of the Apostle Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity The Church that we are speaking of and call holy is that that embraces all the Professors of the true Faith of the holy Scriptures when they are in this World which Church comprehends good and bad being both externally called and professing the same Faith for the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Field in which Wheat and Tares grow together into the Harvest Like unto a Net that was cast into the Sea and gathered of every kind Firmissime tene nullatenus dubites aream Dei esse Ecclesiam Catholicam intna eam usque in finem seculi frumento mixtas paleas contineri hoc est bonis malos Sacramentorum Communione misceri that is Hold this most sirmly and doubt not of it in any wise that the Catholick Church is a Floor and that therein as long as the World shall stand Wheat and Tares together shall be contain'd that is to say that the bad and wicked shall be mingled with the good and just in the Communion of the same Sacraments This is that Ark of Noah in which were preserved Beasts clean and unclean This is that great house in which there are not only vessels of Gold and Silver but also of Wood and Earth and some to honour and some to dishonour Therefore when we speak of the Holy Church we do not consider her in respect of the Vocation which is holy neither of the Offices and Powers which likewise are holy nor in reference to the Saints departed this Life and enjoying the presence of God nor in relation to the Persons who compose the Church in this Life since in that respect the Church comprehends both good and bad but in relation to the Doctrine taught therein which is pure and holy and without blemish The Church thus described is also called Catholick that is universal which word is used in our Creed to teach us to discern the true Church from the false The word Catholick may be taken either in reference to time or relation to places or in respect of Persons or else in reference to Doctrine It is here taken in respect of the Doctrine only so that by the Catholick or universal Church we mean that Church that teaches and believes the whole Christian Doctrine For as the Holy Ghost did lead the Apostles into all truth so did the Apostles leave all truth unto the Church which is called Catholick from the universality of necessary and saving Truths contain'd therein This being granted it follows that that Church which embraces the Faith once delivered to the Saints and keeps the holy Scriptures in Purity without adding to or diminishing from them is the holy Catholick Church for whatsoever Church pretendeth to be holy Catholick and keeps not the whole Faith once delivered to the Saints and imposes things to be believed which are not found neither can be deduced from the Scriptures by evident and necessary Consequences as the Church of Rome doth falsly attributes this name to her self Since then the Church of England keeps the Faith once delivered to the Saints preserves the holy Scripture in its Purity and imposes nothing to be believed but what is therein distinctly contained or can be deduced therefrom by evident and necessary Consequences it follows that she is the holy Catholick Read over the Old and New Testament and if you can make it appear that the Church of England believes or practises one point of Faith which is not contain'd in the holy Scripture or doth not believe or practise those Articles of Faith which are contained therein as too often the Roman Church doth then I will grant freely that she is not the holy Catholick bnt no body being able to make this appear I am in the right in asserting the Church of England to be the holy Catholick Church 'T is certain they do not make unto themselves any graven Images nor worship kiss and serve them neither bow pray and offer Incense unto them They do not make Images of God the Father in the shape of an old man holding the Globe of the World in his hands nor of the Holy Ghost in the form of a Dove nor of the Cross and do not worship them as the Church of Rome doth with a Worship of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is with a Worship due unto God only They do not believe in any other Saviour and Redeemer than Jesus Christ they hold him for their only Mediator and Advocate and they will not put their trust and confidence in any other They do not believe any other Purgatory than the Blood of Jesus Christ nor believe that the Pope with a little Indulgence laid unto a Bead or Cross or Medal or with a Mass said upon certain days of the week is sufficient to procure a release to the Souls of men detained in torments wherein to fill his Trunks with Money and to fatten his Kitchin he would make ignorant People to believe they are imprisoned They do not believe that he is Infallible that he hath any Power to depose Kings and Princes from their Throne to dispense their Subjects from their Allegiance or to kill those that he calls Hereticks Neither do they believe that Christ's Body is still upon Earth they believe and put it in practice that we are bound to sing pray and give thanks to God Almighty in a known tongue they believe they ought to give the common People the liberty of reading the holy Scriptures in their own Tongue They give the Sacraments of Christ's Body and Blood with Bread and Wine give leave to eat Flesh at all times do not forbid Bishops Priests and those which are in orders to marry knowing that such a Doctrine is the Doctrine of Devils they add nothing to nor diminish from the holy Scriptures as the Church of Rome often doth therefore it is clear that the Church of England believes the whole Christian Doctrine as it was once delivered to the Saints and consequently that she is the Holy Catholick Object The Church of England believes in the Trinity but the word Trinity is not found in the holy Scripture therefore the Church of England believes a point of Faith not contained in the Word of God
therefore she is not the holy Catholick for as you said before to give the denomination of holy Catholick to any Church it is requisite she should believe the whole Christian Faith as it was once delivered to the Saints without any addition to or diminution from the holy Scriptures Answ Though that word Trinity be not found in the holy Scriptures yet the thing signified thereby is found therein as it appears by the words of Matthew Go ye therefore and teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father ther and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost And more evidently by those of the first of St. John There are three that bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one That Consequence therefore is not good which saith that the Church of England is not the holy Catholick because it believes in the Trinity that word not being express'd in the holy Scripture for provided the thing signified be found there in equivalent terms or may be deduced from thence by clear and necessary Consequences 't is sufficient and matters not if the word it self be not expressed But as I have just now made it appear by the Texts of Saints Matthew and John the Trinity is there very clearly expressed therefore c. But you may further urge that by the word Trinity we mean three eternal and infinite Persons really distinct one from another subsisting in one Nature numerically but this is contrary to Reason and is not found in the holy Scripture nor can be deduc'd from it by clear and necessary Consequences therefore it may be rightly inferr'd that the Church of England is not the holy Catholick Church it believing a point of Faith which is neither found distinctly nor in equivalent terms in the holy Scripture Probatur minor First That the Trinity is contrary to humane Reason which is proved thus For as it is contrary to humane Reason that Peter Paul and John who are three distinct Persons have but one Nature Numerically seeing that every Person hath its Nature different from th' other if not in Specie at least Numericè and it cannot be otherwise so it is centrary to Reason that the Father Son and Holy Ghost should be three really distinct Persons and notwithstanding have but one nature Numericè which can't be since from three Persons do naturally follow three substances or natures which is proved thus Person in God is either a being or nothing we can't say that it is nothing because the three divine Persons should then be nothing at all therefore it must be a Being If Being either it is real or mental we can't call it mental because sublato Intellectu the Persons should be no more therefore it remains that it is a real Being if real either it is a Substance or an Accident there being no Medium between Substance and Accident We can't say that it is an Accident because we do not admit any in the Godhead for the great Absurdities which follow from thence therefore it must be a Substance and if a Substance since there are three really distinct Persons it follows that there are also three really distinct Substances which is contrary to Reason Secondly That the Trinity is neither found distinctly nor in equivalent Terms in the holy Scripture is easily proved The former is without any contradiction for if ye read over the holy Scripture ye shall no where find the word Trinity And the latter is proved thus If the Trinity be there in equivalent terms it is either in this Text Go ye and teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost or else in this There are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one For though in the one and th' other mention be made of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and consequently of three Persons because the Father is a Person the Son a Person and the holy Ghost a Person yet we cannot infer that these three Persons have but one nature or substance Numericè for although some infer it from that word in the Name which is in the singular number yet that is not convincing since I may say such a thing is commanded in the Name of the King and his Chancelor and yet though that word be in the singular Number we can't infer that the King and his Chancelor have but one nature Numericè Neither can the Trinity be inferred from these words of St. John and these three are one because by that Unity we may very well understand a Unity of Will Agreement and Spirit and not of Nature or Substance so that when 't is said there are three that bear Record the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one It is the same thing as to say these three are one in Will do agree one with another what one Will 's the other willeth also And this is confirmed by the words of St. John wherein Jesus Christ prayeth his Father that we may be one as he is one with his Father that is that we may do what he will have us to do as he doth what his Father will have him to do Every body may see clearly that we are not nor can be one in nature Numericè with Jesus Christ it being contrary to Reason therefore we cannot infer by a clear and necessary Consequence that the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost have but one nature or substance Numerice therefore the Trinity is neither found in the holy Scriptures distinctly nor can be deduced from them by evident and necessary Consequences First I answer thus I must confess with all learned men that the Mystery of the Trinity is above humane Reason that it can't be comprehended in this World by any Creature whatsoever We may sooner reckon the Sands of the Sea the Leaves of Trees than understand that glorious Mystery for how can we apprehend one and the same thing to be one and yet many How can we apprehend that one and the same Essence may be begotten and yet unbegotten that one and the same thing was from all Eternity and yet was truly and properly begotten This is above humane Reason Therefore the Angel in a form of a little Boy that brought a Spoonful of Water from the Sea and poured it in a little hole did answer Austin who was meditating upon the Mystery of the Trinity he asking him what was his intention that his design was to put all the Water of the Sea in that little hole But Austin replying that that was impossible the Sea being so vast and the hole so little the Child answered that he should do that sooner than he could comprehend the Mystery of the most holy Trinity Deum esse Trinitatem credimus potius quàm videmus That is we rather believe than see that God
if the Son be Consubstantial with the Father it follows that he is really and properly true God but he cannot be properly and really true God ergo he is not Consubstantial with his Father The Minor is proved out of the holy Scriptures There is none other God but one The Lord of Israel is that true God for there is none else besides him The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is that only true God This is Life eternal that they might know thee O Father the only true God For though there be that are called Gods whether in Heaven or in Earth as there be Lords many and Gods many but to us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him For There is one God and one Mediator between God and Men the Man Christ Jesus But if according to what St. Paul saith though there be many that are called Gods and Lords nevertheless there is but one true God and one true Lord and if according to what Jesus Christ saith his Father be that only true God it follows that Christ or the Son of God is not really and properly true God and consequently that he is not Consubstantial with his Father Probatur 2o. If Jesus Christ were really and properly true God his Resurrection should be ascribed unto him as the true and principal Author but it is not ascribed to him as the true and principal Author but to his Father as we read in several places of the holy Scriptures God the Father who raised him from the dead God having raised up his Son Jesus c. Therefore he is not really and properly true God Probatur 3o. If the Son were really and properly true God he should have the knowledg of all things but he hath not the knowledg of all things since he doth not know the day of Judgment therefore c. The Minor is proved thus But of that day and hour saith Christ knows no man no not the Angels of Heaven but my Father only Mark that that word only is exclusive for if the Father only knows the day and hour of Judgment it follows that the Son doth not know it therefore having not the knowledg of all things he is not really and properly true God since to the true God nothing can be unknown Probatur 4o. Either the Son is of himself or by an other he is not of himself because he hath a Father therefore he is by another if by another he cannot be really and properly true God for he that is by an other is not independent but the true God is independent Probatur 5o. Christ or the Son is Mediator between God and men but if the Son was really and properly true God and Consubstantial with his Father he should be Mediator between men and himself which is absurd because no body is Mediator between himself and another Probatur 6o. The Son is begotten even according to divine Nature But that which is begotten was not always that which was not always is not eternal that which is not eternal is not really and properly true God therefore the Son is not really and properly true God and consequently he is not Consubstantial with his Father To the first Objection which contains these words of John This is Life eternal c. I answer that by the onl● true God is mean● God a se and in that sence the Father is the only true God because he only is God à se he only is the Origine of the Godhead But the Son is God of God and the Image of the invisible Father And to the words of St. Paul Though there be that are called Gods c. I say that as nothing can hinder the Father to be Lord though it be said There is but one Lord Jesus Christ so nothing can hinder Jesus Christ to be true God though it be written There is but one God the Father To the Second I answer that as a non esse ad non posse the Consequence is not good so because the Son did not raise up himself from the dead it doth not follow that he could not and the contrary appears by his own words I lay down my Life that I might take it again no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my self I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again To the Third I say that the Son of God according to his humane Nature knew not the day and hour of Judgment as he knew not Lazarus's Sepulchre when he asked his Sisters where they had laid him And as he knew not what the two Disciples were talking of by the way when he said unto them What manner of Communications are these that ye have one to another as ye walk and are sad And as he knew not whether Peter loved him more than the rest of his Disciples when he said unto him the third time Lovest thou me But as he was God he knew all things for In him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and as saith Isaiah The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. And as it appears by these words of Peter Lord thou knowest all things Secondly I say because Christ emptied himself and took upon him the form of a Servant therefore for a little time he laid down his knowledge that he might be less than the Angels and that in all things he might be like unto us sin only excepted and that he were born like other Children who got their knowledge by degrees as it is written in Luke Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men Or according to Austin he is said ignorant of the day of Judgment because he doth not make them know it that is he knew it not so that he would manifest it to his Disciples But he was to declare it in a convenient time of which time to come speaking as if it were past he said Henceforth I call you not Servants for the Servant knoweth not what his Lord doth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made them known into you Which things he had not yet declared but because he was to manifest them certainly he spake as if he had done it already for he tells them I have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now amongst which is understood the day of Judgment and therefore he hid it from them and according to that kind of expression a man is said to be ignorant of that which he keeps from another To the Fourth I say though the Son be of the
Father and as the Council of Nice saith he be God of God nevertheless he is not dependent because he is begotten from the Father necessarily To the Fifth I answer that Christ who is the Son of God and God of God according to the Council of Nice is Mediator between God the Father and men and so he being a Person really distinct from the Father we cannot say that he is Mediator between men and himself To the Sixth I say it is true that which was in tempore was not always but the Son is begotten ab aeterno because he is begotten necessarily and therefore he was always Therefore I say that though by the aforementioned Texts of the holy Scriptures and Arguments deduced from them it seems that the Father only is really and properly true God yet since we read in the holy Writings that the Son is called God the true God the eternal Life God blessed over all the Almighty equal to the Father and that all the essential Attributes of the Godhead are ascribed unto him we infer that he is really and properly true God and consequently Consubstantial with his Father You may further urge against this that the Son may be called God true God Almighty the Eternal Life the Creator and have all the other essential properties of the Godhead and yet not be really and properly true God because all these divine Attributes are ascribed unto him dependently and as a second and instrumental Cause as it appears by several Texts of the holy Scripture as for Example By whom he spoke unto us in these last days by whom also he made the Worlds Heb. 1. 2. And he was a man approved by God by Miracles Wonders and Signs which God did by him Act. 2. 22. God created all things by Jesus Christ Eph. 3. 9. And as it is related by several Fathers Deus cum mundi creationem meditaretur verbum suum protulit quo administro in rerum molitione uteretur But the essential Attributes of the Godhead are in God independently and as in the first Cause therefore since they are found in the Son dependently and as in an instrumental Cause it follows that he is not really and properly true God and consequently that he is not Consubstantial with his Father I answer That though this instance appear to be good and convincing yet it is of no value since the Council of Nice which is read upon every Sabbath and written by so many learned and godly Persons hath declared in that very time when such Questions had almost infected all the World that the Son was God of God very God of very God being of one substance with the Father and that by him all things were made You may urge again if because the Council of Nice hath declared that the Son is God of God very God of very God and of one substance with the Father it is a powerful motive to be convinced of it why do ye not believe in the Invocation of Saints Purgatory Transubstantiation c. seeing the Council of Trent which was also composed of several learned and pious Persons did declare it so I answer That though we should suppose that the Council of Trent was composed of several learned and godly Persons which is in Question since some amongst them have declared that it was a Popes Cabal it doth not follow that we are bound to believe in the Invocation of Saints Purgatory and Transubstantiation c. because it is ordained so by that Council for they command points of Faith which can neither be found distinctly in nor deduced from the holy Scriptures by clear and necessary Consequences as I have made it appear in a little Treatise intituled the Church of Rome evidently proved Heretick But it is not so in the Council of Nice because they would have us to believe an Article of Faith which though it be not in the holy Scripture in distinct and express words yet it is deduced from it by evident and necessary Consequences as ye have already seen and shall be made more evident in the following Arguments But for the better understanding of it we must suppose one thing which is true viz. That Jesus Christ or the Son of God had a real Being before he was born of the blessed Virgin Mary as it appears by his own words when speaking to his Disciples he saith What and if you shall see the Son of man ascending up where he was before The bread of God is he which cometh down from Heaven I came down from Heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me I came forth from the Father and am come into the World again I leave the World and go to the Father The real existence of the Son of God before he was born of the blessed Virgin Mary is again proved clearly by this Argument Whosoever was before John the Baptist and before Abraham was some space of time before Christ was man or begotten of the Virgin Mary But Jesus Christ or the Son of God was really existent before John the Baptist and before Abraham as it appeareth by these Testimonies of the Scripture This is he of whom I speak he that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me Verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am And by these words of St. Paul By whom also he made the Worlds This being supposed and true I argue thus The Being which Christ had before he was conceived by the Virgin Mary was not any created but the divine Essence by which he was always truly and properly God For he who was subsisting in the form of God and thought himself to be equal with God in which thought he could not be deceived nor injurious to God must of necessity be truly and essentially God because there can be no equality between the divine Essence which is infinite and any other whatsoever which is finite but so was Christ as we may see by these words Being in the form of God he thought it not robbery to be equal with God but emptied himself and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of man Out of which words naturally result three Propositions fully demonstrating my Assertion First That Christ was in the form of a Servant as soon as he was made man Secondly That he was in the form of God before he was in the form of a Servant Thirdly That he was in the form of God that is did as truly and really subsist in the divine Nature as he was in the form of a Servant or in the nature of a man For he was so in the form of God as thereby to be equal with God But no other form beside the essential which is the divine Nature it self could infer an equality with God There can be but one Infinite Eternal and Independent Being and there can be no
personal Action and this Action is attributed to the Spirit of God as it appears by these words of St. Paul Because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the Will of God But to make Intercession is an Act which cannot be attributed to God the Father for it would follow that the Father should make Intercession to himself which is absurd because he that maketh Intercession is supposed to be distinct from him to whom he maketh Intercession Moreover To come unto men as being sent unto them is a personal Action but the Comforter or the Holy Ghost did come being sent as it is seen by these words of St. John When the Comforter is come whom I will send you from the Father and if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you ergo the Holy Ghost cannot be ascribed in this place to God the Father since God the Father sendeth but is never sent And to speak and hear are personal Actions and both together attributed to the Holy Ghost in such a manner as they cannot be attributed to God the Father as it appears by those words of John When the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that he shall speak Now to speak and not of himself cannot be attributed to God the Father since he doth all things of himself And to speak what he heareth cannot be also attributed to God the Father who can receive no Instruction from another Seeing then the Holy Ghost speaketh and not of himself and speaketh what he heareth it followeth evidently that he is not God the Father neither a divine Quality which cannot be said properly to speak and hear but that he is a Person distinct from the Father Now that the Holy Ghost as a Person really distinct from the Father is truly and properly God appears by these words of St. Peter for when Peter said Ananias Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Ghost He repeateth the same Question in reference to the same Offence Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart Thou hast not lied unto men but unto God He means there the true God as it appears by these words Thou hast not lied unto men but unto God For when he saith Thou hast not lied unto men but unto God it is as if he should say thou hast not lied unto Creatures since men are Creatures but thou hast lied unto him who is no Creature and consequently unto him who is true God And if the Holy Ghost could be taken sometimes for a Creature this Proposition of St. Peter To lie to the Holy Ghost is to lie unto God would not always be true therefore St. Peter speaking without distinction and without a limited sence 't is to prove that this word Holy Ghost is never taken in the holy Scripture but for the true God Moreover to whom the divine Attributes do belong as certainly as they belong unto God the Father he is truly and properly God because these are divine Attributes which are properties of the Divine Nature and none can be indued with to whom the Nature of God doth not belong But the divine Attributes as Omniscience the Sanctification of Souls and the like do belong as certainly unto the Holy Ghost as they do unto God the Father therefore it followeth that the Holy Ghost is truly and properly God and consequently that he proceedeth from the Father and the Son as it is declared in the Symbole of Nice Obj. The Church of England doth neither believe nor practice all that is contained in these words viz. Abstain from meats offered to Idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication therefore she is not the holy Catholick Church since the holy Catholick Church is that that believes and practises the whole Christian Doctrine as I have made it appear already Answ This Commandment was in the time of the Primitive Church but was abolished by the Apostles Because the Jews would not eat things strangled nor Blood the Apostles enjoyned that the Gentiles embracing the Christian Religion ought in Charity to Conform herein to the Jews and not give Offence where the thing was it self indifferent Wherefore St. Paul saith If meat make my brother to offend I will eat no flesh while the World standeth lest I make my brother to offend But now this Commandment is past and abolish'd by the Apostles and therefore it is not true that the Church of England doth believe and practise any thing contrary to the holy Scripture For the-better understanding of this Truth we must know that in these words enjoyned to the Gentiles embracing the Christian Religion to wit Abstain from pollution of Idols and from Fornication and from things strangled and from blood there is something bad in it self and something bad by Accident something bad for a time only something belonging to the Moral Law and something belonging to the Ceremonial The thing bad in it self for ever and belonging to the Moral Law is to abstain from Idolatry and from Fornication and the thing bad by accident for a time only and belonging to the Ceremonial Law is to abstain from things strangled and from Blood Now it is certain that to abstain from Idolatry and Fornication is a part of the Moral Law seeing it is written Thou shalt have no other Gods but me and thou shalt not commit Adultery It is also true that these things are bad of themselves and for ever because they were forbidden in time past are now unlawful and shall be for time to come which appears by these words of St. Paul to the Corinthians Neither Fornicators nor Adulterers shall inherit the Kingdom of God 'T is likewise certain that to Abstain from things strangled and from Blood belongs to the Ceremonial Law it is also without doubt that it was abolished as it is seen in these words of St. Paul Whatsoever is sold in the Shambles that eat asking no question for Conscience sake for the Earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof if any of them that believe not bid you to a Feast and ye be disposed to go whatsoever is set before you eat asking no question for Conscience sake And by these to Timothy where it is said that Every Creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving and forbidding to abstain from meats is a doctrine of Devils And by these to the Romans I know and am perswaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of it self but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean to him it is unclean And that ye may not say that these words of St. Paul were written before those of the Council held at Hierusalem or of the 15th of the Acts the
contrary is to be seen in the eighth Chapter wherein it appears that after these things Paul came to Corinth and continued there a year and six months teaching the Word of God amongst the People of that City to whom he did write two Epistles some years after From whence it is evident that this Commandment to abstain from Meats and things strangled and from Blood is now abolished I must confess that if any Person would keep himself wholsom and have a mild and benign Temper he ought to abstain from both for seeing that Axiome is received amongst Physitians ex his constamus ex quibus nutrimur and since experience teacheth that those who feed upon Blood are commonly cruel and bloody and those that feed upon Meats strangled are neither so healthful nor live so long as those that abstain from them it ought to be sufficient to perswade us to abstain from both However in eating Blood and Meats strangled there is no sin And to make it appear we must know the Ceremonial Law changeth as the shadow of our Body when the Sun shines upon it differently and so may be considered in three different times First when God did establish it by Moses unto the death of our Lord Jesus Christ Who blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross as it is written in the 2d to the Colossians Secondly From the death of our Lord Jesus Christ unto the destruction of the Synagogue and perfect manifestation of the Gospel Thirdly From the manifestation of the Gospel unto the end of the World In the first time that Commandment To abstain from things strangled and from Blood ought to be kept and the Transgressors were cast out of the Synagogue and separated from the People of Israel In the Second they were bound to keep it for Conscience sake and that they might not offend the Jews But in the Third after the Gospel was manifested that Commandment was abolished as I have made it appear already and therefore when the Church of England eat things strangled and Blood it is not true that they believe and practise any thing now forbidden in the holy Scripture Object The Church of England believes and puts it in practise that we ought to baptize young Children before they can use their own Reason and give account of their Faith but that Doctrine is not agreeable to the holy Scripture there being mention made only of the Baptism of adult Persons I mean of them that can be instructed and are able of Faith and Repentance as it appears by these Texts Teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins if ye believe ye may be baptized Therefore the Church of England is not the holy Catholick Church since she believeth and practiseth an Article of Faith which is not agreeable to the holy Scripture Answ First I grant that the Baptism of young Children is not Necessary necessitate medii as the Church of Rome believes teaching that they cannot possibly be saved unless they receive the Water of Baptism because the Grace of God doth not always depend upon Elements which are not in our power at every time And the Baptism that saves us saith St. Peter Is not that that puts away the filth of the Flesh but the Answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Therefore that which shuts the Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven against us is not a meer and innocent privation of Baptism but the Contempt and Prophanation of it and a bad Conscience which will not forsake sin Secondly I say That the Baptism of young Children is necessary necessitate praecepti that is to say as much as it is possible to obey the Commandment of Jesus Christ and though this Precept be not found in the holy Scripture in distinct and express words yet it may be inferred from thence by clear and necessary Consequences My first Proof concerning the Baptism of young Children is from the Covenant of Grace wherein God makes appear the eternal Riches of his Mercies and Compassions in so great a measure that he receives no body in that holy Covenant without receiving their Children likewise as it is seen in these words which God spake to Abraham saying I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy Seed after thee in their Generations for an everlasting Covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy Seed after thee And by those of the Acts wherein St. Peter speaks thus unto the Jews Be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins for the promise is unto you and to your Children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call From which words I infer these two Arguments First All that are partakers of the Covenant of Grace ought to be Partakers of the Seal of that Covenant and of that Sacrament which is the Mystical sign of our entring into that Covenant now not only the Faithful are Partakers of the Covenant of Grace but 〈◊〉 Children also as 〈◊〉 by the aforementio●●● Texts both of Genes●s and Acts therefore not only the Faithful but their Children also ought to be partakers of the Seal of that Covenant and consequently of Baptism which is the Mystical Sign of our entring into that Covenant Secondly Unto whom the Promise is made they ought to be baptized as it appears by the words of St. Peter Act. 2. 39. But the Promise is made unto the Children as well as unto their Parents therefore Children ought to be baptized Which is confirmed by these words of St. Matthew Go teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost now young Children are of the number of Nations therefore unto them belongs Baptism therefore they ought to be baptized You may further urge Immediately before that Text in the Acts Be baptized every one of you c. it is read Repent And in that of St. Matthew we read Teach all Nations and so Repentance and Doctrine are presupposed before Baptism but young Children who cannot use their Reason neither are capable of one or the other therefore it follows they ought not to be baptized Answ We ought to teach them that are able to be taught and baptize them that are able to be baptized Repentance and Doctrine are necessary in adult Persons but not in young Children Otherwise it should follow that the new Law which is a Law of Grace should be less favourable than the old which is a Law of Rigor and that Jesus Christ were come to lessen the favours of God and not to increase them seeing in the old Law young