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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20262 A briefe & necessary instruction verye needefull to bee knowen of all housholders, whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their families in such points of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstood, but also requisite to be learned by hart of all suche as shall bee admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; More, John, d. 1592. 1572 (1572) STC 6679; ESTC S114092 20,602 56

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no ende Hee sent hys owne sonne in the similitude of synfull flesh to be a redeemer and to condemne synne in the flesh So that this is the Sauiour sent into the world euen Iesus Christ the righ teous in whom the fulnes of the Godhead doth dwell bodely that when there was no saluation in al creatures GOD myght bee in Christ and reconcile the world vn to him selfe Question If Christ through the power and vertue of his Godhead did fulfill all righteousnes and satisfie for our sinne why then was he also made man lyke vnto vs Aunswer As it was necessary that Christ should be God or els he could not haue bene so perfect righteous as the lawe of God required nor yet haue borne the heauye burden of syn So it was also necessary that he should be mā or els he had bene ryghteous onely to hym selfe and we through him had not ben sauc tified For it could not be that we should haue bene partakers of his grace if he had not ben partaker of our nature nor we could not haue bene free from the wrath of God and rigour of hys lawe except our nature in him had felt his fathers anger he perfect man for vs had bene accursed for God had so appointed that the soule that had sinned it should die and he is not like vnto man that he should repent but the woord that he had spoken he would surelye accomplishe And therfore that God myght be righteous in hys iudgement Christe was mā like vnto vs and so in our flesh offered him selfe vnto death as if he should haue sayd vnto hys father Execute O God thy iudgements against man loe beholde me a perfect man I will beare thē And thus was our sauiour Christ perfect God that he might be stronger then Sathan and take synne away and perfect man that wee might haue part of his redemption who in all thinges was lyke vnto vs synne onely excepted Question Sithe Christ God and man hath thus payde the punishment of our sinnes are we now all discharged before God Aunswer No not euery one shall be saued by Christ but they alone that doo beleue in a true fayth take hold of his mercies Question Rehearse the Articles of this fayth Aunswer I beleue in God the father c. Question Why makest thou mention of God the Father God the Sonne God the holy Ghost seing there is but one God Aunswer As the scripture teacheth vs most plainly that ther is but one God so likewyse it teacheth me that the sa●● diuine substance is distinguished into three persons into the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghost Whych three persons are one God eternall infinite most perfect in it selfe And when God shall geue vs such eyes as shall be able to see the glorious Maiesty of his Godhead then we shall haue also such heauenlye wysedome as shall easely perceiue the distinction of the persōs In the meane while we wyll beleue the truth of hys eternall woord and hate and detest all contrary heresies Question God graunt vnto vs al this sobrietie but tel me now what is the effect of the Articles of thy fayth Aunswer First I beleue that God the Father the maker of all thinges for his sonne Christes sake is my Father and therfore loueth me Secondly that God the Sonne was made mā for me hath wrought for me what so euer was needefull to saluation Thirdlye I beleue that God the holy Gost dwelleth in my hart as the seale of myne election and perswadeth me that Christes benefites are all myne worketh in mee that I dye vnto synne and lyue vnto righteousnes Question What is it that thou callest the Catholike Church Aunswer The catholicke Churche is the whole company of the faythfull which haue ben here to fore or are now or shall be to the latter ende euen the whole fellowshyp of the elect of God I beleue the God know eth them all that he hath and wyll take them all into his glory Question What callest thou the cōmunion of saints Aunswer The cōmunion of Saintes is the society that we haue all with God through Christ Iesu the employing of all Gods benefits both spiritual temporal to the mutual help and comfort one of an other according to the measure offaith that we haue receiued Thus I beleue the Saints of God wil do and while they are in this life lyue one to another Question What is it to beleue the forgeuenes of syn Aunswer To beleue that the punishment of our synnes is fully payd by Iesus Christ and therefore freely forgeuen vnto all that beleue in him Question What beleuest thou of the resurrection of the bodie Aunswer I do beleue that after thys lyfe ended my soule shal go to God that gaue it that my body shal rest in the graue till the apointed tyme then I shal see God in my flesh I my selfe shal see him myne owne eyés shall looke vpon hym euen in this body made glorious and with out al corruption like vnto the body of Christ. Question What is it thou sayest of life euerlasting Aunswer I beleue that when God shal raise againe this body ioyne agayne in one my body soule that then my body shal be without al corruptiō no more subiect to any chaūge but that Death it selfe our last enemye shal be taken away swallowed vp in victory I shall lyue so that I shal neuer dye God strengthen vs by his spirit in the inner man that we may be able to comprehēd with al his Saints what is the lēgth the breadth the height the depth that we may know the loue of Christ and be filled with al fulnes of God. Question The Lord increase this faith in vs But tell me haue we this faith in our owne power to beleue if our selues wyll Aunswer No but faith is the gift of God euen as our saluation likewyse is of our selues there is not one of vs that cā so much as name the Lord Iesus but it is wrought in vs by the holy Ghost through the preaching of the woord confirmed and made strong by the same Spirite through the vse of the woorde and Sacramentes Question How many Sacramentes are there Aunswer Two Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Question What strength of fayth haue we through our Baptisme Aunswer Baptisme is a seale and token by whych God wyll haue me assured that my syns are forgeuen me and that my lyfe is acceptable in hys sight That like as the water washeth away the filthines of our bodies so our soules throughe the bloud of Christ are made cleane frō the corruption of syn And as after our outward washing the bodye is more comely so after our Baptisme the spirit of God woorketh in vs that syn is
¶ A briefe necessary Instruction Uerye needefull to bee knowen of all Housholders Whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their Families in such points of Christian Religion as is most méete Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstood but also requisite to be learned by hart of all suche as shall bee admitted vnto the Lordes Supper 1572. ¶ To the Christian Reader IT shall not be necessary for me most louing brethren to shewe anye causes for mine own excuse why I haue attempted the setting forth of this little Catechisme as though I had rashly aduentured aboue that was méete to set forth any thing to be so common by my priuate aduise Or as though I had presumed aboue mine abilitye to become so general a teacher hauing my self so meane vnderstandyng For in these daies in which there is so great licentiousnes of printyng bookes as in déede it maketh vs all the worse who can blame it that hath any taste or sauer of goodnes be it neuer so simple if it had no other fruite yet this is great and plentyfull that in reading it we shoulde keepe our eyes from much godles and childish vanitie that hath now blotted so many papers We sée it all and we mourne for griefe so many as in spirite and truth do loue the lord What multitude of bookes full of all synne and abomination haue nowe filled the world No thing so childish nothing so vaine nothing so wanton nothyng so ydle whych is not both boldly printed and plausibly taken So that herein we haue fulfilled the wickednes of our forefathers ouertaken them in theyr syns They had their spiritual enchauntmentes in which they were bewytched Beuis of Hampton Guy of Warwike Arthur of the round table Huon of Burdeaux Oliuer of the Castle the foure sonnes of Amond and a great many other of such childish follye And yet more vanitie then these the witles deuices of Gargantua Howleglas Esop Robyn Hoode Adam Bel Frier Rushe the Fooles of Gotham and a thousand such other And yet of all the residue the most dronken imaginations with which they so defiled their Festiual and high holydaies their Legendawry theyr Saintes lyues their tales of Robyn Good-fellow and of manye other Spirites which Satan had made Hell had printed and were warranted vnto sale vnder the Popes priuiledge to kindle in mens hartes the sparkes of superstition that at last it might flame out into the fire of Purgatorie These were in the former daies the subtile sleightes of Satan to occupye Christian wyts in Heathen fansies And we as men that can not learne wisedom by anye examples to kéepe our selues from harme but as though the wickednes of our forefathers were not yet full we wyll make vp their measure and set vp Shrines to the woord of God and the wrytinges of all hys Saintes which our forefathers had cast out of all honor that their own dreames and illusions might be had in price To thys purpose I trow we haue multiplied for our selues so many new delightes that we might iustefy the idolatrous superstitiō of the elder world To this purpose we haue printed vs many bawdy songes I am lothe to vse such a lothsome woord saue that it is not fyt inough for so vile endeuours to this purpose we haue gotten our Songes Sonets our Pallaces of pleasure our vnchaste Fables and Tragedies and such lyke Sorceries moe then any man may recken Yea some haue ben so impudent as new borne Moabites which wallow in their own vomit and haue not bene ashamed to entitle their bookes The Court of Venus The Castle of Loue and manye such other as shamelesse as these O that there were among vs some zealous Ephesians that bookes of so great vanity might be burned vp The spirite of God wrought in them so mightely that they contemned the price of so great iniquitie in one Citie and at one fire they brought together the bookes valued to twoo thousand markes and burnt them al at once O happy light cleare as the Sun beames if we might sée the lyke in London that the chiefe streete might be sanctified with so holy sacrifice The place it selfe doth craue it and holdeth vp a gorgeous Idoll a fyt stake for so good a fire O Lord thou art able to woorke what thou wylt let vs sée this day that Iacob may reioyce and Israel may be glad So recompence thine enemies as they haue recompenced thée Of old they burnt the wrytings of thy Prophets and in their ages following they departed not from the synnes of their fathers but gaue the holy labours of thy Saintes vnto ashes nowe let vs sée the iust recompence of anger and make our good Rulers the instruments to execute thy iudgementes We haue now long inough played with our own fansies Lord rayse vp agayne thy word into honour that our eyes may be occupied in holy readinges And you deare Brethren that are yet in battail to fight against Satan pray and cease not that God alone maye be exalted in our daies that Satan may be troden vnder foote and that the woord of God the strong weapen of our strife may be geuen into the handes of all that their lyfe may be in safetie And be perswaded of this that there is no one thyng more enemy to the woord of God then these vaine and synfull imaginations of our owne vnbridled wits which haue now filled so many volumes And therefore I trust I can deserue no blame to aduenture the setting out of this short enstruction sithe my desire is only to aduance Gods glory and edefie hys poore Church that is yet so couered in darke ignorance when so many haue found leaue to spread abroad their labours that haue no other pleasure then offyn and wyckednes Now for that that I haue taken vpon mee to set forth vnto many this enstruction beare with me I beseche you and praye vnto God that we may all together hold the humblenes of mynde that was in Christ Iesu that we be not wise in our own conceits nor thincke of our selues aboue the which is conuenient but acknowledging the blindnes of our hart and the ignorance in which we are borne we may say with the most happy Apostle we haue nothing that we haue not receiued And of many other I do willyngly professe it I am the least but by the grace of God I am that I am and I trust hys grace is not in vayne in me But this that I here present vnto the Church of God I haue not done it alone but another faithfull labourer in the woorke of the Lord and a good brother in Christ Iesu whom God hath endued with great knowledge and blessed with much vnderstanding he hath taken the greatest paine and the greatest fruit must grow of his labours So that I haue not aduentured of my selfe but haue onely bene an helper of an other mans labour And the cause that hath mooued vs both is suche as
dead in our mortall bodies and we be rysen vp into newnes of lyfe And in whom so euer Baptisme hath not this woorke he may wel haue the name but in dede he is no Christian. Question What strengthening of our fayth doo we finde in the vse of the Lordes Supper Aunswer The Supper of the Lorde doth strengthen my fayth that I should not doubt but as surely as I receiue the bread and wyne into my body to become of perfect substance with my flesh so Christ hath giuen him selfe wholy to become mine nourisheth my soule to euerlasting lyfe his death and passion is my delyuerance from syn his ryghteousnes is my iustification euen so surelye confirmed vnto me as if I my selfe had perfourmed in myne own body that most holy obedience vnto his father which he alone fulfilled Thus I receaue the Sacraments as signes and seales of the righteousnes that is by faith Question Sithe that this is then the doctrine of saluation that when we were dead through syn God of his great mercy sent his sōne to be made mā and dye for our syns and to fulfil all righteousnes that he myght bring againe lyfe into the worlde and so geue that life vnto euery one whosoeuer should receiue the holy Ghost to beleue that so we might be saued by fayth who before were condemned by our workes Wherto then now serueth our well doing or what auaileth it to do good works ▪ Aunswer True it is our good woorkes deserue nothing at Gods hand for in his sight our good workes are not good but all our ryghteousnes is like a defiled cloth And were they neuer so many yet by them God receiueth nothyng at our handes and all our well doyng extendeth not vnto him therfore if we wyll aske any thing by workes we must aske of them of whō we haue deserued it at the hands of God we can aske nothing And therfore as touching merite we wil let our workes alone But we haue greater causes of well doyng which ought more to enforce vs then eyther lyfe or death Wee must doo well first to shew our thankfull hartes to our Sauiour Christ and to testefie our loue towardes hym wyth keeping of his commaundementes Againe we ought to do wel that our example may call out brethren vnto righteousnes that they also may become with vs of the houshold of faith But the greatest cause of all other is that in our wel doing we set forth the glory of God and hys holy name is praysed in our good workes Thys ought to be so precious in our eyes that ten thousand hels and heauēs should not so much mooue vs This is the excellencie of vertue that God in it is gloryfied thys is the great horrour and confusion of synne that God in it is dishonoured Question Because that prayer is the especiall meanes which God wyl haue vs vse to encrease in faith tel me what belongeth to true prayer Aunswer It is requisite in true praier fyrst that we pray onely to God Secondly that we be inwardlye touched with the nede of the thing we aske Thirdlye that we grounde our prayer vppon Gods promyse Fourthly that we continue though straight we obtaine not Lastly that we aske not what we wyll but suche thinges as we are sure God hath commaunded vs to aske lyke as we haue example in the Lordes prayer Question Rehearse the Lordes prayer Aunswer Our father which art in heauē c Question What desirest thou in this praier Aunswer I desire of my heauenly Father that his holy name may be glorified among vs both in his excellent works in our liues That he onely may be had in honour all other set asyde Secondly I desire that his kingdome may florish that is that his holy spirit may beare rule within vs to all heauenly delights and that his woord may haue the preeminence to be our onely law of righteousnes which we may all obey Thirdly that we may willing ly resigne our selues to him wythout all murmuring whatsoeuer he shal do Fourthly that he wyll minister of his great ritches althings necessarye for our vocation Fiftly that our consciences maye be quiet and we haue hope that our synnes ar pardoned and blotted out of memory euen as we pardon all whosoeuer haue offended vs Lastlye that God would strengthē vs with his holye spirite and encrease our faith that we maye ouercome the world and quench the firye dartes of Satan and so at the last be partakers of his glory Question Tell me now briefly the effect of all that thou hast confessed Aunswer By the ten commaundements I see my synne and howe I haue deserued the wrath of God euerlasting damnation From which because I coulde not be delyuered by mine own strength the holy Ghost bi the preaching of the Gospel hath wrought in me fayth in Christ my Redeemer by which I am assured that he hath borne the punishment of my syns made me heyre wyth him of euerlasting life And of this that I should neuer doubt he hath geuē me two Sacraments as outward signes and tokens to be seene and felt of me that as surely as I see my selfe made partaker of them outwardlye so the holye Ghost inwardlye enstructing me I shoulde not doubt but inwardly to be partaker of Christ him selfe with al his benefites that in hym and through hym I shall haue lyfe euerlastyng And thus beyng regenerate into this liuely hope by the holy Gost my waies should be directed by the same spirit to walke in holynes righteousnes al the daies of my lyfe FINIS Act. 19. 29. a Iere. 36. 23 b An. dom 290. sub Dioclesianus et anno 1559 sub Paulo 4. 3. Pet. 4. 13 Col. 3. 16. Heb. 6. 1. Esa. 11. 19 Esa. 44. 2 Deut. 1. 15 Exo. 18. 21 Nu. 27. 21 Iere. 9. 1. Mat. 5. 13. Mat. 5. 14 Mat. 6. 22 Mat. 9. 38 Mat. 22. 3 Ma. 23. 34. Ma. 25. 16 Lu. 24. 48 1. Cor. 4. 1 Mathew 24. 45. Ro. 15. 16. 1. Cor. 3. 5 1. Cor. 3. 9 Ac. 20. 28 Ro. 10. 14 Psal. 19. 5. ● Tim. 32 Iere. 2. 8. Mich. 2. ●● Zech. ii 13 2. Chroni 15. 3. ● Cor. 4. 2 Pro. 27. 23 Ro. 12. 7. Ac. 20. 28 Ezec. 3. 18 33. 8. Heb. 13. 17 Psal. 132. 2 Apo. 19. 2 a Pro. 16. 4. Esay 6. 3. a Rom. 3. 7. b Rom. 3. 7. c Ro. 20. 4. a Iohn 3. 4. b Rom. 6. 23 Exod. 20. 1 a Deut. 6. 4. b Deut. 6. 13 c Deu. 10. 20 d Deut. 8. 19 e Deut. 13. 1. f Deu 18. ●5 g Deu. 12. 32 a Deut. 4. 15. Act. 17. 29. b Leui. 26. 1. c Ioh. 4. 23. d Deu. 12. 32 a Leui. 19. 12 b Eccles. 5 1. c Deu 28. 58 d Iere. 4. 2. e Deut. 6. 13. f Ierem. 5. 7 g Exo. 23. 13 Psal. 16. 4. h Deu. 28. 58 a Act. 20. 7. b 1. Cori. 14. 18. c Num. 29. 7 a Leuit. 19. 3 b Exo. 22. 28 c 1. The. 5. 12 d Leui. 19. 32 a Iohn 3. 15. b Leui. 15. 17. c Deut. 21. 1. d Mat. 5. 44. a Leui. 18. 22 b Deut. 22. 12 c Deut. 22. 21 a 1. The. 4. 6 b Leui. 19. 11. c Deu. 24. 14 d Exo. 22. 21. e Deu. 10. 17 f Leui. 19. 35. g Pro. 27. 27. a Leui. 19. 16 b Mat. 18. 25. Leuit. 5. 1. a Ro. 7. 7. b 1. Cor. 15. 50. c Ro. 8. 6. a Ro. 6. 23. b Apo. 20. 6. 21. 8. c Mat 25. 41 Mark. 9. 44. a 2. Cor. 1. 3 b Eph. 3. 10. 1. Ioh. 3. 2 c Rom. 2. 2 a Ap. 18. 12. b Luc. 17. 10 c Col. 2. 23. d Psa. 49. 8 a Rom. 3. ●5 b Ac. 26. 18 c Gal. 3. 13. 2. Co. 5. 21 Col. 1. 29 Eph. 3. 18 a Heb. 2. 9 b Rom. 1. 4 c Psa. 49. 7 Psa 59. 1● Ps. 107. 13 d Ez. 14. 14 e Gen. 36. f Iude. 6. g Ioh. 8. 44 h 2. Pet. 2. 4 i Ephe. 2. 4 k Rom. 8. 3. l Colo. 2. 9. m Cor. 5. 19 a Iob. 4. 18 ▪ 25. 5. b Heb. 2. ●● c Heb. 2. 14 Gal. 3. 13 d Eze. 18. 4 e 1. Sam. 1● 29. f Heb 9. 14 g Heb. 4. 15 a Deut. 4. 32 Ephe. 4. 6. b Mat. 28. 19 1. Iohn 5. 7. c Deut. 4. 12. Act. 17. 25. a Ephe. 3. 15. b 1. Ioh. 4. 9. c 1. Tim. 2. 5. d Gala. 4. 6. e 2. Cor. 1. 22 Ephe. 1. 14 f Collo 2. 11. a Heb. 11. 39. a 1. Iohn 1. 3. b Psal ▪ 132. ● a Eccle. 12. 7. b Iob. 19. 25. c Phil. 3. 21. a Cor 15. 54 b Eph. 3. 17 a Ephe. 2. 8. b 1. Cor. 12. 3 c Iohn 6. 6● d Galat. 3. 2. Rom. 8. 7. e Rom. 4. 11. a Act. 22. 17. b i. Pet. 3. 21. c Rom. 6. 4. a 1. Co. 10. 16 b Rom. 4. 25 c 2. Cor. 5. 21 a Esay 64. 6. b Iob. 35. 7. c Psal ●6 2. d Collo 3. 15. e 1 Iohn 5. 2. f 1. Pet. 2. 12. g Mat. 5. 16. a Psa. 50. 13. b Iaco. 4. 3. c 2. Cori. 1. 20. d Luk. 18. 2.