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A19634 The guide vnto true blessednesse. Or, A body of the doctrine of the Scriptures, directing man to the sauing knowledge of God. Collected by Sam. Crooke Crook, Samuel, 1575-1649. 1613 (1613) STC 6066; ESTC S117175 109,968 342

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appointed food let it teach vs resolutely to shake of all impediments carefullie to redeeme all occasions and gladlie to embrace all opportunities of doing good Finally vnto all these good purposes worke in vs by thy holie word spirit a dailie encrease of liuing and sauing faith O Lord it is thine onely vnspeakeable gift without whom it is no more possible to beleeue that which thou promisest then to performe whatsoeuer thy law requireth Thou therefore O Father for Christ Iesus sake by the powerfull operation of thy Spirit worke and encrease in vs this mother grace Teach vs so to lay hold on Christ and lodge him in our hearts that we may not onely applie and assure vnto our selues all the promises of life and mercie but also cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit and grow vp vnto full holinesse in the feare of thy Maiestie And now Lord for outward things wee submit our selues to thy wise and fatherlie prouidence onely beseeching thee to giue vs this day what thou knowest needefull and behoofefull vnto vs for the day Lord feede vs with food conuenient for vs giue vs such a portion of health maintenance credit and all outward comforts as may make vs thankefull and seruiceable vnto thee And aboue all giue vs grace to employ and improue all thy blessings as thy talents to the furtherance of the worke thou hast giuen vs to doe Lord giue vs euerie day but especially on thy Sabbath dayes more then a naturall and common vse of thy good creatures Let vs in all things tast and see how sweet and gracious a God thou art Let thy good blessings be not as a wall to stop our sight that we may not looke beyond them but as a glasse through which wee may the better discerne thy loue and faithfulnesse towards vs concerning heauenly things Let vs serue thee with an vpright heart in the duties and businesses of this day bringing the generall profession of religion into particular practise according to our seuerall callings Lord let vs neuer bee a burden vnto humane societie nor a blemish vnto the profession of Christianitie by idlenesse or inordinate liuing Make our labours and endeauours fruitfull and beneficiall not onely vnto our selues that wee may eat thereof and reioice before thee but also vnto all others whom they concerne that they may praise thee with vs and for vs. Blesse thy whole Church O Lord and build it vp more and more in perfect beautie Take pittie on those thine elect that walke yet in darkenesse and cause the light of thy Gospell of grace to shine vnto them Confirme thy gracious worke in those who haue receiued the first fruits of thy spirit Comfort such as mourne for sinne Fulfill the desires of all that trulie long and sigh after thee Support and cure the infirmities of all that are humbled vnder thine hand and that haue seene affliction in the rod of thy visitation Preserue the good land wherein woe liue make vs more thankefull for all thy rich blessings and our manifold mightie deliuerances Saue thine Annointed seruant our Soueraigne Lord King Iames with our gracious Queene Anne and the Royall progenie Assist with thy spirit and grace all that are in authoritie sanctifie all those whom thou emploiest in the worke of the ministerie Remember in speciall mercie those whom thou hast knit vnto vs in the bands of consanguinitie affinitie neighbourhood or Christian amitie Finallie vnto all thine and ours vouchsafe Peace and mercy through Iesus Christ thy deere Sonne our alone Redeemer and Sauiour To whom with thee O Father and thy holie Spirit one God and King euerlasting be rendred all honor seruice and thankesgiuing for euermore Amen A short Prayer for the Euening O Almightie God King of Glory Father of Eternitie who dwelling on high abasest thy selfe to behold things in heauen in earth being the first the last giuest beginning ending to all times affaires wherein thy creatures are employed we acknowledg with humble thākfull hearts the riches of thy bountie afforded vs thine vnworthie seruants as well this day now past as in the whole course of our liues Thou O Lord hast made vs and that fearfully and wonderfully thou hast been our hope from our mothers brests Thou hast lengthened the daies of our life vnto this houre therein hast shewed vs many mercies Thou hast freed our bodies from diseases dangers our names from reproch our substance from spoile our liberty from violent and vniust restraint Thou hast strengthened vs vnto labour satisfied vs with thy good creatures cheared our hearts with the fellowship and loue of thy people our fellow seruants and blessed our endeauors with successe through thy good prouidence Thou hast heard our prayers accomplished our desires turned away our feares mitigated our troubles and put an end from time to time to all our afflictions Thus hast thou shewed thy selfe to be the God that delightest in the prosperitie of thy seruants But O Lord how can we worthilie magnifie thy mercy towards vs in Iesus Christ In whom thou hast from all eternitie appointed an heauenly Kingdome vnto vs By whose word thou hast called vs by whose blood thou hast redeemed vs by whose Spirit thou hast sanctified and sealed vs vnto the day of redemption In whom we haue this liberty to call thee Abba Father In whom and with whom all earthly blessings are giuen vnto vs not onely for our bodily comfort but also as pledges of our heauenly inheritance Oh how deare therefore are thy thoughts of mercie vnto vs O Lord how great is the summe of them Blessed Father enlarge our hearts to comprehend thy loue and encline them to loue thee who hast so loued vs. But let vs mourne and be ashamed that wee haue returned nothing vnto thy maiestie but hatred for thy good will Let it strike our hearts that wee haue abused thy bodily blessings vnto couetousnesse or intemperance thy patience vnto presumption the grace of thy Gospell vnto licenciousnesse in sinning Let vs abhorre our selues that wee haue prophaned thy sabbaths despised thy word quenched thy spirit vnhallowed thy name many waies defiled the holy profession we haue taken vpon vs. Let vs repent in dust and ashes for our wilfull blindnesse of minde hardnesse of heart remorselessenesse of conscience whereby wee haue resisted the worke of thy grace in vs. Thou O Lord wouldest haue purged vs and we would not be purged thou wouldest haue cured vs but wee would not be cured Th●se and all other our sinnes O Lord let vs recount before thee with true sorrow and astonishment of heart But doe not thou O Father straightly marke iniquities nor deale with vs as we haue deserued Truth Lord vnto vs belongeth nothing but confusion and condemnation but vnto thee compassio● and forgiuenesse though wee haue grieuously rebelled against thee Thou hast in thy word proclaimed thy selfe vnto vs to be The Lord mercifull gracious slow to anger
coessentiall and coequall to wit the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Q. What is the Father A. The first person in the Trinitie c Ioh. 5.26 hauing foundation of personall subsistence from none other Q. What is the Sonne A. The second person d Ioh. 5.26 hauing foundation of personall subsistence from the Father e Psal 2.7 Pro. 8.22 c of whom he is eternally begotten Q. What is the holy Ghost A The third person hauing foundation of personall subsistence from the Father and the Sonne f Ioh. 14.26 15.26 from both whom he eternally proceedeth Q How may the distinction of these persons he conceiued A. 1 In relation and order of subsistence betwixt themselues as hath beene shewed 2 In order and manner of working in the creatures wherein 1 The a Ioh. 5.17 19 original of the action is ascribed to the Father 2 The b Ioh. 1.3 Heb. 1.2 wisedome and manner of working to the Sonne 3 The c Gen. 1.2 1. Cor. 12.11 efficacie of operation to the holy Ghost In a word God the Father in the Sonne by the holy Ghost worketh all things SECT III. Of the doctrine of the Scriptures touching the workes of God and first touching his eternall decree Q. VVHat are wee taught in Scripture concerning the workes of God A. That God d Psal 135.6 Eph. 1.11 as from eternitie he decreed so in time and euerlastingly hee accomplisheth all things vnto the full execution of that his decree Q. How may we take a view of the workes of God A. 1 Generally in all his creatures 2 Specially in the chiefe of his creatures Viz. Angels and Men. Q. What is the decree of God concerning all creatures A. It is his eternall and vnchangeable counsell and purpose a Prou 6.4 Rom. 11.36 fore-ordaining all things vnto his own glory Q. What is the decree of God touching Angels and men A. It is his free appointment b 1. Thes 5.9 fore-ordaining them to a certaine and euerlasting estate for his owne glory Q. What is that euerlasting estate A. It is two fold according to the c Ibid. parts of this his decree which are 1. Election that is d 1. Tim. 5.21 appointment of some Angels and men vnto e Rom. 9.23 euerlasting glorie and blessednesse for the a Ephes 1.6 praise of his goodnes 2 Reprobation that is b Mat. 25.41 Rom 9.21 2. Tim. 2.20 appointment of some Angels and men vnto euerlasting dishonour for the glorie of his iustice SECT IIII. Of the execution of Gods decree and first of Creation Q. HOw doth God execute this his decree A. By 2. actions viz. Creation and Prouidence Q. What is Creation A. The c Gen. 1. Heb. 11.3 making of all things of nothing very good in the first sixe daies of the world Q. How did God create Angels A. He made them all at the first d Col. 1.16 very good and glorious spirits yet e Iob 4.18 mutable Q. When did God create man A. In the f Gen. 1.25 sixt last day of creation Q. How and whereof did God make man A. 1 Hee formed his a Gen. 2.7 bodie of the dust of the earth 2 He b Ibid. breathed in his face the breath of life so making him a liuing soule Q. How many of mankinde did God create at the first A. 1 Onely c Gen ● 7 one man Adam 2 Out of him and for him d Oc. 2.5 ●● Mal. 2.15 one woman Eue so made he them Male and Female SECT V. Of Prouidence sustaining disposing and employing all creatures especially Angels Q. THus farre of Creation what is Prouidence A. The continual care which God exerciseth vpon his creatures once made e Psal 119.91 for the sustaining and disposing of them Q. How doth God sustaine all creatures A. He vpholdeth them all in their being a Heb. 1.3 by his mighty word and that Partly by the continuation of particulars either for the whole time of this world as b 2. Pet. 3.4 heauen and heauenly bodies earth and other elements c. or for the time of life allotted as all c Psal 36.6 104.27 c liuing creatures Partly by propagation of kinde wherby d Gen. 7.3 8.21 22 creatures euen of shortest continuance doo successiuely abide vnto the end of the world Q. How are Angels vpheld in their being A. They are all sustained by the power of God so that they shall e Luk. 20.36 neuer dye or returne to nothing Q. How are men vpheld A. Two waies and first as all other bodily creatures partly by maintenance of f Act 17.28 Psal 36.6 1 Tim. 4 10 euery mans life here on earth for the time allotted by God himselfe partly by g Gen. 1.28 Eccl. 1.4 propagation of kinde vnto the end of the world through the blessing of procreation Q. How secondly A. As Angels after a sort God so prouiding that when the a Eccl. 12.7 bodie of man returneth to the earth from whence it was taken yet the soule perisheth not but returneth to God that gaue it yea that the b Iob. 19 26 27. same body also and euery part thereof is preserued in the graue and shall bee ioyned entire to the soule at the last day so to continue for euer as shall be shewed Q. How doth God dispose of his creatures A. He guideth and employeth them to those seuerall ends and vses whereby they may best c Psal 119 91 serue vnto his glorie and the good of themselues and of their follow creatures d Psal 8. especially of man Q. How doth God dispose of Angels A. Two wayes the first respecting their euerlasting condition the second their emploiment Q. How did God dispose of Angels in regard of their euerlasting condition A. Diuersly according to the parts of his fore-mentioned decree for first he suffered the Reprobate Angels a 2. Pet. 2 4 voluntarily and maliciously without any temptation to fall into that impardonable sinne of b Jude 6. Apostasio and so into damnation irrecouerably who are called Diuels reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder darknesse vnto the Iudgement of the great day Q. How did God dispose of elect Angels A. He confirmed them in their well-being that they might c Mat. 18.10 neuer fall by sinne from their first blessed estate which are called d 2. Cor. 11.19 Angels of light e Iob 1.6 sonnes of God f Luk. 2.13 heauenly souldiours c. Q. How doth God employ Angels A. He vseth them all g Iob. 1.6 both good and euill Angels as his seruants and ministers for the accomplishment of his will and worke Q. How are good Angels employed A. 1. To be as a h Heb. 1.14 Psal 34.7 ●1 11 guard and garrison vnto the Elect of mankinde for their comfort and protection 2. To i 2. Kin. 19.35 resist and punish the
Cor. 3.9 these of the new Testament haue great preeminence SECT XV. Of Baptisme Q. VVHat is Baptisme A. The former Sacrament of the new Testament by the a Eph 5.26 washing of water representing the powerfull b 1 Cor 6.11 Heb. 10.22 washing of the bloud and spirit of Christ and so sealing our a John 3.5 Tit. 3.5 new birth and entrance into the Couenant of grace Q. How was this Sacrament ordained and brought into the Church in the place of Circumcision A. At the b Iohn 1.33 commandement of God by the ministery first of c Matth. 3.1 Iohn therefore called the Baptist after sanctified and confirmed by our Sauiour Christ himselfe being d Matt. 3.13 baptized by Iohn and giuing e Mat. 28.18 commission to his Apostles and Ministers to continue the same in his Church vnto the end Q. What are the necessary and essentiall parts of this Sacrament A. Two viz. 1. The outward element of f Iohn 1.31 water together with the actiō of g Eph. 5.26 Act. 8.36 c. 2.41 washing that is dipping or sprinkling the party baptized h Mat. 28.19 In the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost 2. The spiritual thing signified viz. the i Heb. ● 14 bloud k 1. Cor 6.11 spirit of Christ washing away both the l Act. 2.38 guilt and m Eze. 36.25 filthinesse of sinne Q. Doth this spiritual washing alwaies accompany the outward action A. No for howsoeuer God for his part doe euer a Ezek. 24.13 offer it at the present vnto all yet doe the b 1. Pet. 1.2 Elect onely effectually partake the spirituall benefit and that c Gal. 3.27 then first when by the spirit and faith they are vnited vnto Christ from which time baptisme once receiued remaineth a d Zech. 13.1 fountain alwaies open for sinne and for vncleannesse Q. How farre forth doth Baptisme cleanse the elect from sinne A. From e 1. Cor. 6.9.10 11. 1. John 1.7 Psal 51 7. all sins as well actuall as originall as wel committed after Baptisme as before and that f Esay 1.18 perfectly in respect of the guilt although g Ioh. 13.10 Psal 51.2 imperfectly by degrees in respect of the pollution and power of sinne Q. Who are to be admitted to this Sacrament A. Whosoeuer are outwardly comprehended in the Couenant whether th y be 1. of riper yeares h Acts 8.37 cōuerted to the profession of the faith or 2. i 1 Cor. 7.14 children borne of Christian parents SECT XVI Of the Lords Supper Q. VVHat is the Lords Supper A It is the other Sacrament of the new Testament wherein God by the signes of bread and wine signifieth sealeth and exhibiteth to euery faithfull receiuer the body and bloud of Christ for his spirituall nourishment and growth in Christ so confirmeth him in the Couenant of Grace Q. How was this Sacrament instituted in stead of the Passeouer A. Our Lord Iesus Christ a 1. Cor. 11.23 in the night that he was betraied b Matth. 26.26 c. immediatly after hee had eaten the Passeouer with his Disciples did both himselfe with them celebrate this holy Sacrament and withall c 1. Cor. 11.24 25 26. giue charge for continuance of the same in the Church vntill his second comming in which regard it is called the d 1. Cor. 11.20 Lords Supper Q. What are the essentiall parts of this Sacrament A. As of all other Sacraments two to wit 1. The outward signes viz. the a Mat. 26.26 27. elemēts of bread wine together with the actions of blessing distributing taking communicating according to our Sauiours first institution 2. The spiritual b Ibid. things signified viz. the body bloud of Christ sanctified and c Ioh. 6.50 51 giuen vs by God and by faith receiued of vs for the nourishing and preseruing of our soules and bodies vnto eternall life Q. Is Christs body and bloud together with the outward elements receiued of all Communicants A. No for howsoeuer they be d Mat. 26.26 offred by God to all yet are they receiued by such alone as haue the hand of faith to lay hold on Christ As for those that come without faith they receiue e 1. Cor. 11.27 onely the outward elements and that vnto f Vers 29. condemnation Q. Who are to be partakers of this Sacrament A. All baptized who are of yeeres sound iudgement to discerne the Lords body ought to repaire to this Sacrament but those onely come worthily who professing the true faith haue duly a 1. Cor. 11.28 examined prepared thēselues Q. How ought euery Christian comming to this Sacramēt to examin prepare himselfe that he may come worthily A. By due search triall of himself whether he haue in him the conditions by God required in worthy Communicants viz. b 2. Cor. 13.5 1. Tim. 1.15 Faith groūded vpō knowledge both of Gods will in generall this holy Sacrament in particular c Heb. 10.22 Iames 48. Repentāce of sins past attēded with true d Zech. 12.10 l●ue of God of his e 1. Cor. 16.14 brethren Q. How ought euery Christian thus prepared to demeane himselfe in receiuing and after A. 1. In the present actiō with reuerēce intention thanksgiuing f 1. Cor. 11.26 cōmemorating the Lords death for the cōfort refreshing of his soul g Rom. 12.1 ofring vp himselfe soule body as a sacrifice of thanks in which regard it is called the Eucharist 2. Afterward cōtinually indeuoring to finde an h Col. 2.6 7. increase of his faith in Christ loue to God all his saints power to subdue sinne and practise obedience with all other * 2. Pet. 3.18 sauing and sanctifying graces SECT XVII Of the inward meanes of reuealing the Couenant of Grace viz. the Spirit and Faith Q. VVHat are the inward meanes whereby God reuealeth his Couenant of Grace A. They are 2. Viz. 1. The Spirit 2. Faith Q. What is here meant by the Spirit A. A speciall effect of the Spirit of Christ before-mentioned dwelling in our hearts testifying on Gods part his free loue and gracious purpose touching our saluation in a Psal 35.3 particular bearing b Rom. 8.16 witnesse with our spirits that we are in Christ his Children and hee our Father withall guiding vs to the c Psal 16.7 Ioh. 14.26 knowledge of the whole will of God reuealed in his word called therefore the d Ephes 1.17 spirit of wisedome or Reuelation Q. Doth the Spirit alwaies witnesse the loue of God vnto vs A. The witnesse of the spirit is a Rom. 5.5 Ephes 2.13.14 continuall yet it is b Psal 51.10 ver 7.8 not alwaies with like feeling and comfort apprehended because neither are our hearts alwaies alike purged humbled and enlarged to receiue it nor the
freed from all mixture of corruption doe in their kind perfectly obey God whom therfore we desire to imitate in the maner though wee know we cannot equall them in measure and degree of obedience Q. What doe wee then aske of God in this Petition A. Three things viz. 1. That all wils of wicked d Zech. 3.2 Angels and e Psal 140.8 men as contrary to the will of God may bee disappointed 2. That in vs f Psal 119.18 ignorance of the reueiled will of God g 1. Sam. 15.22 23. rebellion disobedience murmuring c. being remooued all pretences and dispensations or powers presuming to dispence with the wil of God disclaimed and our hearts by grace a Psal 119.32 set at large strengthened and b Vers 36. directed wee may both know and obey the will of our heauenly Father and Lord. 3 That for the manner of performance we may after the heauenly patterne aforementioned c Psal 110.3 willingly without constraint or repugnancy d Psal 119 60. speedilte without delay e Deut 5.28 29. sincerelie without hypocrisie f Psal 119.6 fully without reseruation g Vers 112. constantly without intermission beleeue the promises of mercie and obey the precepts of holinesse SECT XLIII Of the fourth Petition Q. THus farre of the three first petitions for things concerning God To come to the three latter concerning our selues What are we generally to note in them A. The order dependance they haue 1. From the former three concerning God for we are then allowed and a Luc. 17.7 c. not til then to seeke good things for our selues when wee haue first minded sought those things that concerne the glory of God because vnto b 1. Tim. 4.8 godlinesse only the promises of this life and that which is to come are entailed 2. Betweene themselues wherein is to be obserued First that we haue but one petition for outward things as lesse to be esteemed but for spirituall things two as about c Mat 6.33 which our care is to bee doubled Secondly that yet the first place is giuen to outward things not as chiefest but as d Gen. 28.20.21 helps to enable vs to spirituall duties and as steppes e Act. 17.27 28. whereby our weak faith may the better ascend to lay claime hold on spirituall graces Thirdly that according to the order obserued in the Creed called the Apostles we are taught to depend On the prouidence of God the Father our Creator for outward blessings On the mercy of Christ our Sauiour for the remission of our sinnes On the powerfull assistance of the holy Spirit our sanctifier for the resisting and subduing of al temptations vnto euill Lastly that in all these petitions vnder one thing expressed other things are figuratiuely included as shall appeare Q. To proceed in order What are the words of the fourth petition A. a Mat 6.11 Luke 11.3 Giue vs this day our dailie bread Q. What is the meaning of these words A. First by bread we must vnderstand b Pro. 27.27 31.14 all outward things seruing for our necessitie and sober delight as foode physicke sleepe raiment house c. together with the meanes thereof as peace seasonable weather and such like Secondly by daily bread or bread instātly necessary or such as is to be added to our substance we vnderstand such prouision and such a proportion thereof as may best a Pro. 30.8 agree with our nature charge and calling Thirdly by our bread we vnderstand b 2. Thes 3.12 such as commeth to vs by the blessing of God on our lawfull labours so that neither God nor man can iustly implead vs for it Fourthly when wee say giue we professe our selues c Luk. 17.10 Gen. 32.10 vnable by any seruice or labour to merit our bread much lesse our saluation at the hands of God but that our right vnto the creatures beeing forfeited in Adam wee haue nothing to plead but onely Gods deed of gift made vnto vs in Christ the second Adam and d Heb. 1.2 heire of all things e Rom. 8.32 in whom and with whom all things are conueyed to vs. Fiftly when we say giue vs wee professe our selues petitioners for all men especially the houshold of faith that for the most part euery one may haue sufficient and where want is a 2. Cor. 8.14 others may bee enabled to supply it out of their abundance Lastly when we say this day or for the day we professe the b Math. 6.34 moderation of our care and desire of earthly things with our purpose euery day by labour and prayer to seeke these blessings at the hands of God Q. What doe we then begge of God in this Petition A. Two things Viz. First bread c Iam. 4.3 Num. 11.4 5 6. not quailes or delicates not riches and superfluitie but a proportion of maintenance credit libertie c. d Pro. 30 8 1. Tim 6.8 conuenient for vs and that with condition e Jam. 4.15 2 Sam 7.27 if God shall see good which is a caution proper to this Petition for outward things Secondly faith and grace as well in f Phil. 4.12 want as in abundance to depend on the prouidence of God for outward things to bee g Heb. 13.5 contented with and thankefull for the portion which it shall please the Lord to a Psal 16.6 measure out vnto vs as his gift not enuying such to whom hee giueth more to b Ephes 4.28 labour with our hands the thing that is goo● that wee may eate our owne bread to adde vnto our labor c 1. Tim. 4.4 5 prayer and thanksgiuing as whereby on our part all Gods blessings are assured and sanctified vnto vs Finally to d Phil. 4.6 Psal 37.5 containe our selues within the care for the meanes leauing euents vnto Gods only disposition SECT XLIIII Of the fift Petition Q. VVHat are the words of the fift Petition A. e Mat. 6.12 Luk. 11.4 And forgiue vs our debts as euen we forgiue our debtors where besides the petition is a reason added for confirmation thereof Q. What is the meaning of the words A. First by debts we must vnderstand sinnes as Saint Luke expoundeth the metaphor and that not in themselues as breaches of the Law of God for who would say that wee owe and are to pay sinne vnto God but with respect to the punishment and satisfaction due to Gods iustice for the offence of sinnes For our debt properly being a Rom. 8.12 13.8 Gal. 5.3 obedience whereto we were bound vnder penaltie of all the curses of the Law especially eternall death we all in Adam forfeited that bond whereby the b Luc. 13.4 Mat. 18.24 c. Rom. 6.23 penaltie became our debt and is daily encreased in vs all by sinning Secondly by forgiuenesse we vnderstand such remission as may agree with Gods iustice which will
our soueraigne with our gracious Queen Anne Prince Charles the Count Palatine with the Lady Elizabeth adorne them with all Princelie graces answerable to their high estate but especiallie with such spirituall graces as may make them Kings and Priests to thee and thy sonne for euer Impart of the same spirit of grace and gouernement to all the honorable of his Maiesties priuie Counsell to the Nobilitie and Magistracie of the Land Blesse thy seruants the Ministers of thy word and sacraments and giue them sufficiencie fidelitie and successe in thy businesse Take knowledge of our priuate friends our kinsfolkes our charges and whosoeuer may claime interest in this duty at our hands Finally to them and vs and all that call on the name of Iesus Christ both our Lord and theirs grant whatsoeuer we haue or ought to haue asked and that for the only mediations sake of the same thy sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee O Father and the holy Ghost one God be praise and dominion for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for the Euening O Lord God by whose gracious prouidence the night succeedeth the day and the day the night we acknowledge that if wee had no other glasse to see thee in nor booke wherein to reade of thee but that of thy creatures wee could not without shamefull vnthankefulnesse bee ignorant of thee for as much as day vnto day vttereth thy goodnesse and night vnto night teacheth knowledge But whereas thou art further pleased to reueile thy selfe vnto vs in the booke of thy Scriptures and in the glasse of thy Sonne Iesus Christ if now we should not know thee or not acknowledge thee how desperate were our blindnesse how damnable were our vnthankefulnesse wherefore wee entreat thee to accept from vs in the name of Christ humble thankes for the manifold witnesses pledges of thy loue towards vs. Thou O Lord hast made vs not wee our selues yea thou hast made vs men and women not beasts perfect in shape no● monsters sensible and of vnderstanding not fooles Thou didst preserue vs in the wo●be nourish vs when wee hanged vpon the brests prouide vs meanes of education fit vs for some honest employment wherein now by thy goodnesse wee are exercised and doe therein finde thine assistance and blessing Thou hast brought vs forth in a fruitfull land in times of peace and prosperity so ●hat we haue our share in the common blessings of a most happy gouernment Besides thou hast in priuate compassed euery one of vs with particular mercies tending to the comfort of life And euen this day past hast beene our guide our Father and our friend and now bringest vs before thee with matter of praise and not of mourning so that we may adde the day past vnto the number of the daies of our wellbeing And as if thou thoughtest all this too little for vs thou hast from all eternity set thine heart vpon vs and appointed vs to saluation by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ reueiled thy couenant of grace vnto vs by thy Gospell confirmed to vs in particular the promises of mercy by the outward seales of thy sacraments and by the inward seale of thy spirit changed our vile and cursed nature and made vs in some measure partakers of thy diuine nature sealed vs vp by the Holy Ghost vnto the day of redemption In a word it is thou O Lord that hast giuen vs light light of nature light of grace and light of glory For all which mercies wee doe now and alwaies magnifie thy glorious grace beseeching thee to stirre vs vp vnto a greater measure of thankefulnesse and obedience that as there is euerie day in the booke of thine account much goeing out towards vs from thee so thou maist finde somewhat from vs comming in vnto thee And now O Lord being answered in our prayers of the Morning and of the former time of our life we are emboldened to come againe vnto thee who therefore doest heare the praier that to thee all flesh may come Wee beseech thee therefore be not weary of our importunity be not ashamed of our pouertie but as the sense thereof leadeth vs vnto thee so let the pitty and commiseration of the same encline thy mercifull heart towards vs. O Lord we cannot come into thy sight but we bring with vs great matter occasiō either of wrath or of mercy from thee Our naturall corruption which as the leprosie of Adam cleaueth to vs all his posteritie filling vs euen from our conception with the seedes of all euill so that wee brought with vs a world of sinne into this thy world Our actuall transgressions which in imitation of Adams sinne we haue eueryone of vs committed our thoughts our words our works by which the eies of thy glorie haue beene daily prouoked Finally the heinous circumstances whereby our sinnes haue beene made out of measure sinfull as the abuse of thy patience quenching of thy spirit despising of thy Gospell vnthankefulnesse for thy mercies vnfaithfulnesse in thy couenant These O Lord and many moe are the mischiefs with which our natures are blemished our liues pestered our consciences burdened thy heauie wrath most iustly procured Yet because thou hast giuen thy Sonne Iesus Christ a meanes of propitiation in whom thou reconcilest the world to thy selfe wee haue boldenesse through him to entreat thee of grace and pardon Lord let his death and sufferings satisfie thy iustice for all our sinnes and procure vs fauour and forgiuenesse from thee that so mercy may reioice ouer iudgement in our behalfe as both meet together in thee Let thy Christ O Lord be our Iesus to saue vs from our sinnes and deliuer vs from the wrath to come Enrich vs with the treasure of his merits that may both ransome vs out of the hand of our deadly enemie and purchase vs an euerlasting estate in the kingdome of thy glory Let it not greeue thee O Lord thus to make vs more then gainers at thine hand seeing at the hand of him our suretie thou art sure to bee no looser And whereas thou hast not onely promised so to deale with vs but commanded vs to beleeue that promise of thine O Lord in desire to obey thy commandement and to seale vnto thy truth we professe that wee doe beleeue yet priuie to the weakenesse of our faith wee pray thee helpe our vnbeliefe Speak peace O Lord vnto our consciences replenish vs with the comforts of thy spirit multiplie in vs the euidences of our saluation Shed thy loue abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost set vs as a seale vpō thine hand and set thy seale O Lord vpon vs not onelie that seale of Election whereby thou knowest vs to bee thine owne but also the seale of Sanctification whereby we may know our selues to be thine O Lord if we see nothing in our selues but what wee haue of our selues or of the world we cannot say wee belong to any but to Satan
wearied thee with mine iniquities I ought to haue beene controuled and kept in order by thee but such hath been my boldnesse in sinning that I haue checked thee and put to silence thy good grace that rebuked sinne in mee I ought to haue liued as vnder couenant with thee but wretch that I am I haue in many particulars broken my vow falsified my faith violated the euerlasting couenant Finally what cōmandement of thine is there O Lord that I haue not transgressed What grace that I haue not abused what curse that I haue not deserued Thou hast graciously disposed mee and led mee into some good actions but euen in the best I haue halted and stumbled through infidelitie selfeloue and manifold infirmities so that if thou challenge that which is thine owne nothing remaineth to mine account euen in my best seruices but the imperfection of them Thus sinning perfectly I haue deserued thine absolute curse but by mine imperfect obedience I can claime no portion of reward no release of punishment at thine hand And now O Lord if thou straightly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand But there is mercie with thee that thou maist be feared O Lord there is glorie with thee but that is not to be approached there is wisedome with thee but that is not to be comprehended there is iustice with thee but that is not to bee endured but there is mercy with thee yea mercie reioicing ouer iudgement and for that thou art for euer to bee reuerenced and adored That linke of mercie being laid hold on draweth all the golden chaine of thy glorious attributes and reconcileth thy fearefull maiestie vnto poore sinners That linke of mercie O Father of mercies I am bold in the name of Christ and by the hand of faith to lay hold vpon yet feeling the weakenesse and palsie of mine hand I beseech thee strengthen my vnbeliefe And what assurance I cannot haue from my saith weakely embracing thee let me haue it from thy selfe embraced by me yea rather embracing mee who art mighty to saue Thou didst enable thy seruant Iacob to lay hold on thee and not to lot thee goe till thou hadst blessed him Lord giue me the same strength the same courage the same successe Nay let mee not let thee goe for any blessing For what blessing doe I seeke of thee but that thou abide with me by the presence of thy fauor For that blessing teach mee to wrestle with thee my God with the wrestling of God Thou hast promised thou wilt be found of them that seeke thee not and seekest them that goe astray from thee so haue I found thee or rather was found of thee when I was thine enemie the seruant of sin the souldiour of Satan Thou foūdest me by thy word reuealing the way of Saluation vnto me thou foundest me by thy spirit winning my heart vnto the obedience of faith yea it pleased thee to enter into couenant with thy seruant neuer to suffer that spirit and word of thine to depart from mee but to establish thy feare in mine heart that I should not depart from thee Giue me leaue to put thee in remembrance of that promise of thine wherein thou hast caused mee to put my trust and by vertue thereof to claime the continuance of thy fauour and loue Oh let it neuer be said that thou forsakest the workes of thine owne hands or that thou repentest of shewing mercie whose glorie it is to repent onely of the euill Shew thy selfe to bee Iehouah that changest not that thy gifts and callings are without repentance and that thou louest with an euerlasting and victorious loue that ouercommeth all impediments Truth it is O Lord that I deserue thou shouldest be wearie of me and from henceforth pursue me with thine hatred seeing I haue walked so vnworthy of thy loue But though my sins doe testifie against me yet deale thou with me according to thy Name Let thine owne gracious and constant nature moue thee Let thine owne promise and the word of thy Couenant binde thee Let the beginnings of thine owne workemanship and lineaments of thine image preuaile with thee to continue thy mercie truth towards me vnto the end Let it suffice that I know mine iniquities and do not thou take knowledge of them Let it suffice that I set them in order before my selfe by serious examination and before thy Maiestie by vnfained and heartie confession and doe not thou enter into that heauie Iudgement with mee as to set them in order before mee to reprooue me for them Let it suffice that I now look vp by thy spirit of grace vpon my Sauiour whom I haue pierced with my sinnes and doe not O Lord doe not gather my soule among those that shall at the last day behold him to their confusion and waile before him for euer Yea Lord therefore thou shewest mee my sinnes that thou mightest shew mee thy mercie in the pardon of them therefore thou teachest mee to reproue my selfe that I might beleeue in thee who iustifiest the vngodly therefore thou causest the wound of my conscience to bleed and smart that I might looke to thee in Christ in whom thou healest the broken hearted and bindest vp all their sores Thou O Christ art annointed of God the Father to be the author of this soueraigne cure Thou art the Sunne of righteousnes that sheddest the beames of health and saluation into the hearts of thy people Thou hast taken my flesh vpon thee that beeing the kinsman thou mightest bee fit to recouer my patrimonie lost in Adam and to raise vp liuing seede vnto my dead nature O spread the skirt of thy garment ouer me and shrowde my soule from the wrath of GOD my iudge Let the sweet perfume of thine vnualuable sacrifice take away the odious sauour of mine iniquities Let the cry of thy precious blood speaking good things in the eares of God the Father drowne the loud cry of my grieuous transgressions Let thy glorious face and countenance appearing before God for me turne away his eyes from my sinfull deformities Let thy death be my ransome and propitiation to deliuer me from the wrath to come and thine obedience the price to purchase for me the kingdome of glorie Thine it is O Sauiour by a double right The one of nature as thou are the euerlasting Sonne coequall with the Father by which thou claimest for thy selfe the glorie thou haddest from the beginning The other of purchase by thy voluntarie submission and obedience to that Law of which thou wert the Lord and maker which it pleaseth thee by the Couenant of grace to dispence to all beleeuing repentant sinners Herein herein O Christ grant that with all Saints I may haue my share and may enioy that which thou in my behalfe hast so fully payed for Let the assurance of this thy mercie giue rest vnto my conscience from the terrors of death and hell Let the expectation of this thy glorie sustaine my
soule whiles I flutter about like the Doue of Noah finding no rest in this world ouer-flowed with wickednesse till it shall please thee to stretch forth thine hand out of the Arke of heauen and take me to thy glorious rest Finally O my Lord being come vnto thy kingdome remember me thy seruant with the fauour of thy people and visit mee with thy saluation Let me see the felicitie of thy chosen and reioyce with the ioy of thy people and glory with thine inheritance Let mee in this life behold thy face in righteousnes and when I shall awake in the resurrection of the iust let mee bee satisfied with thine image To thee O Christ with the Father and the Holy Ghost one God and King euerlasting be all glorie dominion mercie and saluation ascribed for euer Amen A priuate Prayer for the grace of Sanctification O Lord God Father of lights author and giuer of euery perfect gift the holy one of Israel and the sanctifier thereof before whom the Seraphims hide their faces and in whose sight the heauens are not pure When I compare my filthinesse and pollution with thine absolute puritie I cannot without feare and astonishment without shame and confusion approch into thy presence that am a vile sinner of polluted lips and of vncircumcised heart But when I consider thy great mercy and goodnesse that doest open vnto sinners not onely a way into thy fauourable presence by the vaile of the flesh of Iesus Christ but also thy gracious hand to bestow the gift of holinesse vpon all those that finding lacke of it in themselues doe seeke it of thee I am encouraged to come before thee compassed as I am with miseries and infirmities that I may returne from thee compassed and cloathed with thy glorious graces O Lord if I let thee see my sinnes and defilements thou maiest proceed in iudgement against mee for them if I hide them from thee how can I look to bee cured and cleansed of them Nay I cannot hide them from thee O Lord but labouring to conceale them I shall make them more apparent Onely shew me this fauour not to behold them as a Iudge to bee auenged of them but as the onely soueraigne Physitian of my soule to cure and heale them And so good Lord let me not spare to open vnto thee the sicknes and sores of my corrupt heart and life Yea rather doe thou O Lord for the beginning of thy gracious worke shew me in the glasse of thy word my pollution by sinne that I may seeke after the lauer of thy grace to bee washed and made cleane Light vp O Lord in my heart the lampe of thy word and grace that of thee who onely searchest the heart I may learne to search know my wicked heart by the light of thy word I may bee able to worke vnder groūd vnto the bottome of the mine of sin that lurketh in my nature Let mee count all my sins as Traitors vnto thy glory my safetie search the house of my heart for them but especially for my speciall sin as for the chiefest Rebell Yea grant mee so to search my self that I may auoid preuent thy dreadfull search so to iudge my selfe that I may auoide thy iudgemēt so to cōdemn my self that I may auoid thy sentence so to hate and abhorre my selfe that I may auoide thy wrath so to be auēged of my self that I may auoide thy punishment Let sinne O Lord be as bitter to me in the attempting as in the repenting at least wise more bitter in the repenting then euer it was sweet in the committing that either heedfull preuention may keepe me from bitter repentance or the bitter reares of repentance may exempt mee from that most bitter account in the day of thy iudgement Teach me to bring into discredit with mine heart all iniquitie and all appearances thereof Grant me strength to ouercome my sinfull lusts at least let me alwaies striue against them that I may be assured I am a member of thy Church militant And whensoeuer I cease to striue let me not boast of victorie or reioice of ease but be ashamed of my foyle flight Grant that vnto faith in thee I may alwaies ioyne feare not onely of Satan with whom I am in conflict but also of the frailtie and trecherie of mine owne heart and of the slipperie paths of this sinfull world Bring downe by the batterie of thy spirit the hils of my high and proud thoughts streighten my crooked and distorted affections make plaine and smooth the rough waies of my rebellious and stonie heart that thou maist walke at ease in the middes of me and that I may see thy saluation O God Let me looke on the pleasures and profits of this life not onely as thy liberall allowances to me but also as Satans baites to inueigle me that moderately vsing them I may bee thankefull to thee for them and auoiding the excesse and abuse of them I may bee free from the snares of the Diuell Yea doe thou so weane me from the loue of the world and the things thereof that Satan may bee to seeke of baites to allure mee to sinne Let me account my selfe a stranger on earth and therefore abstaine from fleshly lusts that fight against the soule Let me not value the pleasures of sinne at so high a rate as for them to make shipwracke of a good conscience before thee or of a good report among men Let mee by light esteeming of outward things shew that I take no thought for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof and by the deniall of my selfe approue that I liue by faith putting on the Lord Iesus Christ Teach me not to set my heart on vncertaine riches which the more I desire to haue and loue when I haue them the more they will vex mee when I am to part with them but let mee vse them as things that must shortly leaue mee or I them and thy word onely as that which shall abide with me for euer Teach me with Iacob to account my selfe lesse then the least of thy mercies that by humilitie I may bee fitted for greater graces In all things giue mee grace to take heed of offending thy Maiestie and as I would not thou shouldest breake the brused reede or quench the smoaking flax in mee so graunt that I may not dare to quench the sparke of thy spirit and grace in my heart As I would thou shouldest giue mee rest from the terrors of thy wrath so grant that I may giue thy spirit rest from the prouocations of my sinnes On the other side good Lord grant mee that knowledge of religion that may beget conscience that conscience that may preserue religion binding me not by guilt to the punishment of sinne but by grace to the obedience of righteousnesse setting mee at libertie not from the band of dutifull loue but from the yoake of seruile feare Enlighten mine eies that I may discerne of
thy will and guide my feete in thy waies that I fall not by the deceiueablenesse of sinne and so become a slander to thy Gospell Little is the good that is in me O Lord and that not of my selfe it is thy gift yet grant that it may be sound and sincere not as the morning dew that wasteth at the first heate bu● as the morning light that shineth more and more vnto the perfect day Let mee measure my selfe not by that others iudge mee or I feele my selfe to bee but by that I desire and labour to be that I may neither iustifie my selfe louing sinne though I commit it not nor condemne my selfe longing after grace though I cannot finde that I haue attained to it Let my reioicing be not that I haue deluded the world with a fained shew of holinesse and integritie but that in simplicitie and godly purenesse I haue had my conuersation among men as in thy sight Renew my youth O LORD as the Eagle not to the seruice of sinne but of thy name Let it bee my meate and drinke to doe thy will and let my hunger after it bee so great that it may breake through all the stone walles of impediments and discouragements thereto Yea the more I am discouraged and withdrawne from dutie by the practises of Satan and the weakenesse of my flesh the more let mee striue thereto and abound therein that Satan finding himselfe a looser may bee forced to giue ouer his assaults Let mee bee so farre from wearinesse in thy seruice in the time of prosperitie as I would thou shouldest bee from neglecting mee in the houre of necessitie Let thy loue toward mee O Father winne mee to the loue of thee and let my loue to thee constraine mee euen with deniall of my selfe to serue thee Teach mee to looke for all good things from thee by the meanes of IESVS CHRIST and in him to offer vp my daily sacrifices vnto thee Disperse in mee the clouds of sinne that my heart as in a cleare day may alwaies behold thee Let all worldly ioyes bee swallowed vp in mee with the ioy of thy holy Spirit and before all peace let mee preferre the peace of a good conscience Let mee reioyce in thee without lightnesse and mourne for mine owne and others sinnes without discouragement Powre vppon mee thy Spirit of grace and supplication that I may call vpon thee with sighes that cannot bee expressed that cannot bee denied that with this key I may open the treasurie of thy goodnesse and enrich my selfe Make mee a meete guest to sit downe at the marriage feast of the Lambe and graunt that I may bee carefull not to bee found without the wedding garment of faith working by loue Let mee keepe a diligent account of what I receiue from thee and remembring that there shall bee a day of reckoning graunt mee so to gouerne my selfe in the employing of thy talents that both thou maist receiue of me thine owne with aduantage and I beeing found faithfull in little may bee made ruler ouer much Let mee account this terme of life a seede time and let mee not doubt to cast my bread vpon the waters seeing at the end of dayes I shall finde it againe Let me not esteeme my selfe the poorer for bestowing vpon thy needie seruants but let mee thinke that as the corne which is sowen remaineth not in the ground but returneth with encrease to the sower so what I giue in thy name shall not remaine with the receiuer but returne vnto mee with aduantage Make mee willing to bestow and to bee bestowed for the good of thy Saints and withall humble to ascribe both the gift and the willingnesse to giue to thy grace onely Graunt good Lord that beeing a pilgrim vpon earth I may haue my conuersation in heauen and professing my selfe to bee a citizen of that Ierusalem which is from aboue I may desire not onely to enioy the priuiledges but also to speake the language and to bee gouerned by the lawes of that Citie Make mee wise O Lord to vnderstand and consider my latter end Let my whole life bee a preparation to death and the meditation of death the rule of my life O Lord guide my heart to the loue of thy Maiestie and the waiting for of thy Sonne Vnto mine old age and gray head O God forsake mee mee not and let thy feare keepe mee from forsaking thee Let mee bee among those that are planted in thine house and flourish in thy Courts Let mee bring forth more fruit in mine age Let my later dayes bee my best daies and my workes more at the last then at the first Finally enable mee in this pilgrimage of my life so to walke from strength to strength that at the length I may appeare before thee with the Congregation of the first borne in that kingdome of glorie which thou hast prepared for all that loue the appearance of thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ To whom with thee O Father and thy Spirit bee all honour and obedience in the Church hence forth and for euer Amen FINIS A BRIEFE DIRECTION TO TRVE HAPPINESSE ABRIDGED OVT OF the larger Treatise for the more conuenient vse of priuate Families and instruction of the yonger sort By SAM CROOKE PROV 22.6 Traine vp or Catechise a Child in the way he should goe and when he is old he will not depart from it LONDON Printed by John Pindley for Nathaniel Butler and are to be sold at his shop neere S. Austins gate at the signe of the Pyed Bull. 1613. A BRIEFE DIRECTION TO TRVE HAPPINESSE SECT I. Of the Scripture Question HOw may a man attaine true blessednesse Ans Onely by a Job 22.21 22. acquaintance and fellowship with God as hee offereth himselfe to bee kn●wne of vs in his b Joh. 6.68 word Q. What meane you by the word of God A. The holy c 2. Tim. 3.25 16. Scriptures of the old and new Testament giuen by inspiration of God SECT II. Of God Q. HOw doe the Scriptures propound God to be knowne of vs A. Partly in himselfe partly in his workes Q. What doe the Scriptures teach vs touching God himselfe A. Foure things and first that a Heb. 11. ● there is a God Q. What is the second thing A. That God is a b Ioh. 4.24 spirit most simple eternall infinite constant and absolute Q. What is the third thing A. That there is onely c 1. Cor. 8.6 me God and no more Q. What is the fourth thing A. That in this one Godhead are d Mat. 28.19 1. Joh. 5.7 three distinct persons the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost SECT III. Of Gods decree Q. VVHat are the workes of God A. They are a Ephes 1.11 1. His decree and 2. The execution thereof Q. How may wee take a view of these workes of God A. Generally in all creatures specially in Angels and men Q. What did God decree concerning all creatures A.
That b Ro. 11.3 6. Pro. 16 4. all things should serue vnto his glorie Q. What did God decree touching Angels and men A. c 1. Tim. 5. ●1 Mat 25.41 1. Thes 5.9 Ro. 9.22 23 That they should remaine for euer some in honour others in dishonour for his glorie SECT IIII. Of Creation Q. HOw doth God execute his decree A. By two Actions to wit Creation and Prouidence Q. What is Creation A. The a Gen. 1. whol● making of all things of nothing very good in the first sixe dayes of the world Q. How did God create Angels A. He b Col. 1.16 made them all at the first very good and glorious spirits yet c Job 4.18 mutable Q. How did God create man A. He d Gen. 29 made him a liuing soule framing his bodie of the dust of the earth and breathing in his face the breath of life SECT V. Of Prouidence Q. VVHat is prouidence A. The continuall * Ps 213.6 care that God hath of all his creatures for the sustaining and disposing of them as they may best a Psal 119.91 serue for his glorie Q. How doth God sustaine Angels A. They are all vpheld by the power of God so that they shall b Luk. 20.36 neuer llye nor returne to nothing Q. How doth God sustaine men A. He preserueth mankinde in generall by the blessing of c Gen. 1.28 procreation and particular men and women both for the d Psal 36.6 time of this life and for e Mat. 25.46 euer in the world to come Q. How doth God dispose of Angels A. Hee suffered f 2. Pet. 2.4 some to fall by sinne into damnation without recouerie called Diuels the rest hee g Mat. 28.20 conf●rmeth in their first blessed estate called Angels of light both which hee h ●ob 1.6 employeth for the accomplishing of his will SECT VI. Of the state of Innocencie Q. HOw doth GOD dispose of man A. As of that creature in a Psa 8.3 c whom aboue the rest hee intendeth to set forth his glorie wherefore the Scriptures doe plentifully declare the dealing of GOD with man both in this world and for euer hereafter Q. How doe the Scriptures set forth the dealing of God with man in this world A. In a threefold estate to wit of Innocencie of Corruption and misery and of Redemption all which make way vnto that euerlasting estate of honour or dishonour fore-appointed vnto all men Q. What is the state of Innocencie A. The holy and happy condition of mankinde created in the b Gen 1.27 image of God and placed by him in c Gen. 2.8 Paradise with abilitie to attaine to blessednesse by the Couenant of workes Q. What is the Couenant of workes A. The a Ge. 2.16 17 substance of the Law written in the hearts of our first parents promising blessednesse if they should obey and threatning death if they should transgresse SECT VII Of the Fall Q. VVHat is the state of corruption and miserie A. The fearefull condition of sinne and death wherein to God suffered all mankinde in Adam to b Ge. 3.1 c fall through the temptation of Satan by breaking the Couenant of workes SECT VIII Of Sinne. Q. VVHat is Sinne A. c 1. Ioh. 3.9 A sweruing from the Law of God making the sinner * Gen. 4.7 g●●●tie of the curse of the Law and it 〈◊〉 either originall or actuall Q. Wherein doth originall sinne consist A. In vtter b Rom. 7.18 enmitie of our whole nature vnto all that is good and c Rom. 7.14 prouenesse vnto all euill Q. What is Actuall sinne A. Euery d Rom. 5.14 particular breach of the Law of God SECT IX Of Death Q. VVHat is Death A. It is the separation e Gen. 3.19 either of the soule from the body f 2. Thes 1. ● or of soule and body from God with all euils that attend on the one or the other Q. How doth God employ men in this state of Corruption A. Two waies and first by the g Joh. 1.9 light of nature and h Esay 44.28 common graces restraining many from grosse sinnes and guiding some vnto actions profitable for humane societie and for the outward seruice of God Q. How secondly A. By ouer-ruling mens euill and sinfull actions so that thereby they a Act. 4.27 28. bring to passe nothing but what God hath determined for his owne glorie Q. Doth God leaue all mankinde in this state of sinne and death A. No but onely the reprobate whom hee b Act. 14.16 suffereth to runne on in sinne and so vnto damnation deseruedly SECT X. Of Redemption by the Couenant of grace Q. WHat is the state of Redemption A. The c Ro. 3.23.24 recouerie of the Elect out of the state of sinne and death by the new Couenant of grace Q. What is the Couenant of grace A. Gods a Gal. 3.21 22 second contract with mankinde after the fall for the restoring of him vnto his fauour and happinesse by the meanes of a Mediator Q. What are wee to consider in the Couenant of Grace A. Two things whereof the first is the foundation of it to wit the Mediator SECT XI Of Christ the Mediator Q. VVHo is the Mediator betweene God and man A. Onely b 1. Tim. 1.5 Iesus Christ God and man Q. How is he God A. In that hee is the c 1. Ioh. 5.20 second person in Trinitie to wit the eternall Sonne of the Father Q. How is hee man A. By d Ioh. 1.14 taking our flesh into his person beeing miraculously e Luk. 1.35 conceiued by the holy Ghost and borne of the blessed Virgin Mary Q. How is he the mediator between God and man A. By becoming our Prophet Priest and King Q. How is he our Prophet A. By a Joh. 17.26 reuealing vnto vs the will of God Q. How is he our Priest A. By b Eph. 2 1● 2. Cor. 5.28 appeasing and reconciling God vnto vs through his death and obedience Q. How is he our King A. By c Esa 9.7 gouerning all things for the saluation of his Elect and d Psal 45.5 destruction of his enemies SECT XII Of the mysticall vnion Q. VVHat is the second thing to be considered in the Couenant of Grace A. The application thereof to the elect giuing them a Heb. 3.24 part in Christ and in all his benefits Q. What part haue the elect in Christ A. They haue first vnion with Christ and secondly thereby Communion Q. How are the elect vnited vnto Christ A. They are b Eph. 5.30 knit vnto Christ the head as members of his mysticall bodie by the spirit of Christ and by faith Q. What is the spirit of Christ A. The power of the holy Ghost c Rom. 8.9 Gal. 5.25 abiding and working in all those that are Christs as the soule of spirituall life Q.
What is faith A. The first effect of the spirit of Christ d Eph. ● 16 17. disposing vs to cleaue to him and the instrument whereby all graces are begun and increased in vs. SECT XIII Of the Gospell Q. VVHat is our communion with Christ A. The participation of the benefits flowing from his seueral offices Q. What benefite receiue wee from the Propheticall office of Christ A. The a Math. 11.27 reuelation of the Couenant of grace whereby we are made b 2. Tim. 3.15 wise vnto saluation Q. What meanes doth God vse for the reuealing of this couenant A. The meanes are of two sorts Viz. outward and inward Q. What are the outward meanes A. The word and the Sacraments Q. What meane you by the word A. The c Eph. 1.13 Gospell preached which ●ontaineth and publisheth the promises of saluation by Christ SECT XIIII Of Sacraments Q. VVHat are Sacraments A. a Rom. 4.11 Seales annexed by God to the word of his Grace b Gal. 3.27 assuring our part in Christ and c Rom. 6.4 binding vs vnto him in obedience Q. What Sacraments are there of the Couenant of Grace A. They be of two sorts Viz some of the old Testament before Christ others of the new vnder Christ Q. What were those Sacraments of the old Testament A. Two Viz d Gen. 17.10 Circumcision for entrance into the Couenant and the e Exod. 22.3 c. Passeouer for continuance and confirmation therein Q. How many Sacraments are there of the new Testament A. Two likewise Viz Baptisme for entrance and the Lords Supper fo● confirmation in the same Couenant SECT XV. Of Baptisme Q. VVHat is Baptisme A. The seale of our a Tit. 3.5 new birth and entrance into the Couenant of Grace Q. What are the parts of this Sacrament A. They are two namely first the b Eph 5. ●6 element of water with the action of dipping or sprinkling the partie baptised c Math. 28.19 In the Name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Q. What is the other part A. The d Heb. 9.14 blood and e 1. Cor. 6 2● Spirit of Christ washing away both the f Act. 2.38 guilt and g Ezek. 36.25 Rom. ● 2.3 c. filthinesse of our sinnes Q. Who are to be baptised A. Whosoeuer belong to the Couenant whether h Act. 8.37 of riper yeares con●erted to the faith or i 1. Cor. 7.14 children of Christian parents SECT XVI Of the Lords Supper Q. VVHat is the Lords supper A. The seale of our a Eph. 4.26 spirituall nourishment and grouth in the bodie of Christ Q. What are the parts of this Sacrament A. Two Viz First the b Mat. 26.26 27. elements of bread and wine distributed and receiued according to Christs institution Q. What is the other part A. The * Mat. 26.26 27 28. bodie and blood of Christ giuen by God and receiued of vs by faith for the d Joh. 6.54 nourishing of our soules in spirituall life Q. Who are to receiue this Sacrament A. Such as professing the true faith of Christ haue duely e 1. Cor. 1.28 prepared themselues Q. How ought wee to prepare o●● selues A. By examining and stirring vp in our selues three notable graces Q. What is the first A. Knowledge of the will of God especially touching the matter of the Sacrament a 1. Cor. 11.29 that wee be able to discerne the Lords body Q. Which is these second A. b 2. Cor. 13.5 1. Tim. 1.15 Faith to apply the promises of saluation vnto our selues in particular Q. Which is the third A. c Zech. 12.10 Jam. 4. ● Repentance of our sinnes past with true d 1. Cor. 16.14 loue of God and of our Brethren Q. How ought wee to receiue this Sacrament A. In a reuerent and thankefull e 1. Cor. 11.24 25 26. remembrance of the loue of Christ who gaue himselfe for vs with desire to f 2. Pet. 3.18 grow in faith and all holy graces SECT XVII Of the spirit and faith Q. WHat are the inward means whereby God reuealeth his Couenant of Grace A. They are 2. Viz the spirit faith Q. What is here meant by the spirit A. A speciall effect of the Spirit of Christ a Rom. 8.16 bearing witnes with our spirits that we are in Christ the children of God Q. What is here meant by faith A. That speciall act of faith whereby wee b 1. Joh. 5.10 Joh. 3.33 giue credit vnto the report of the word and spirit of Christ touching our saluation in particular SECT XVIII Of Vocation Q. VVHat is the māner of reuealing the Couenāt of Grace A. It is our c Rom. 8.30 Vocation and Calling● when God by the meanes aforesaid inuiteth men to come vnto him in Christ for saluation Q. Are there not different kinds of Calling A. Yes for a Math. 22.14 many are called outwardly who are not chosen but the Elect are b Psal 65.4 effectually perswaded to ●lea●e vnto Christ SECT XIX Of the Church Q. To whom doth God reueale his Couenant of Grace A. c Joh. 14.22 Not to the world but to his Church called out of the world Q. What meane you by the Church A. The d Eph. 5.32 1. Cor. 1.9 whole number of Gods Elect effectually called into fellowship with Christ Q. Where is this Church of God A. Part already e Reuel 7.14 c. triumphant in heauen part as yet f Reuel 12.11 militant on earth in the seruice and warfare of the Lord Iesus Q. Who are mēbers of the Church militāt A. As many as are liuing g Eph. 1.22 23. members of the mysticall bodie of Christ Q. How may we know them A. Not by the inward graces a 2. Tim. 2.19 onely knowne to God whereby they are inuisible to vs but by the markes of visible profession Q. What are the true markes of visible profession A. The outward meanes appointed by God for the calling and gathering of his Saints viz. b Mat. 28.19 20. the word preached and Sacraments duely administred Q. Are we to ioyne with all Churches that haue these markes A. c Phil. 1.18 Cant. 1.5 Yea neither must wee separate from any farther then they separate from Christ Q. What distinction is there of the particular members of a Church A. Though all be the sheepe and familie of Christ yet d 1 Cor. 12 2● Luk. 12.42 some are set-ouer the rest to feede them with the foode of life as the Ministers and e Ps 78.71 72 others to rule and order them outwardly as the Magistrates SECT XX. Of Iustification Q. VVHat benefite receiue we from the Priestly office of Christ A. Our a Rom. 8.30 Iustification before God through his b Phil. 3.9 righteousnes imputed vnto vs and apprehended by vs. Q. What righteousnesse of Christ is imputed to vs A. c