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A18264 The image of nature and grace conteynyng the whole course, and condition of mans estate written by Richard Caundishe. Seene and allowed. Cavendish, Richard, d. 1601? 1571 (1571) STC 4880; ESTC S107922 109,646 288

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THE IMAGE OF NATVRE AND GRACE conteynyng the whole course and condition of mans estate written by Richard Caundishe ¶ Sub laudibus naturae latent inimici gratia The enemies of Grace do lurke vnder the prayse of Nature AVGVSTINE ¶ Seene and allowed AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate ¶ Cum gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis ❧ To all that throughe simplicitie of conscience and lacke of true knowledge embrace the doctrine of the Papistes Richard Caundishe wisheth the spirite of true vnderstandyng SEyng the dignitie excellency of euerye knowledge standeth in the woorthynes of the subiect or matter whereof it entreateth therfore is this know ledge worthy all reuerēce which betwen your vnfrendly abusers and vs your vncredited frends is so diuerslie handled with contrary iudgemente because the subiect or matter thereof is our iustification reconciliation into the fauour of God agayn But alas thoughe the knowledge be sure and can not be changed seyng there can be but one truth yet to the searche of the same our wayes doe so differre that the one beyng settled the other is subdued Whereof briefly to examine the principall passages can not be vnworthy of diligent trauell The matter is weighty for therein consisteth the glorye of God and saluatiō of our selues Enquire of your teachers from whence they would haue you to seeke for the truth if they say frō them selues you are not so simple to thinke them sufficiēt to direct your fayth you will looke at theyr handes for some further authorities if they say from the fathers yet try or you trust thē for feare they deceyue you The fathers are many theyr reasons are diuers they felt theyr infirmities their writynges do smell of it wherfore vpon theyr opinions onely to repose the iudgement of the truth it can not bee possible to great is the diuersitie of theyr seuerall assertions though great were theyr giftes and they worthy reuerence yet ech felt hys lacke whiche sometymes appeared in dissentyng from hym selfe by latter reuokynges of former opinions by earnest reprouynges of other their fellowes Hierome writyng vpon this place of the 23. of Mathew where Christ charged the Scribes and Pharisies with that innocent bloud that was shed from Abell vnto Zacharye the sonne of Barachye affirmeth that some of the Fathers dyd thinke it was Zacharye the father of Iohn Baptist Touching the credite of whose opinion hee thus writeth Hoc quia ex sacris literis authoritatem nō habet eadem facilitate refellitur qua probatur Seyng this sayth hee hath no authoritie oute of the Scriptures it maye as easely be denyed as affirmed Here by it appeareth what authoritie this father hym selfe attributed to the fathers where they bryng any thing not warranted by the Scriptures of God touchyng the authority of the fathers thus writeth Augustine Noli ergo frater cōtra diuina tam multa tam clara tam indubitata testimonia colligere velle calumnias ex Episcoporum scriptis siue nostrorum siue Hilarij primò quia hoc genus literarum ab authoritate canonis distinguendum est Nō enim fic leguntur tanquam ita ex eis testimonium proferatur vt contrà sentire non liceat sic vbi fortè aliter senserint quàm veritas postulat c. Broother seeke not agaynst so many so clere and so assured testimonies of the scriptures to gather wrāglyng matters out of the Bishops writynges whether it bee out of myne or out of Hilaries first because this kind of writyngs is to be deuided from the authoritie of the Canon for they are not so read as thogh itwer not lawful to thinke cōtrary to the testimonies gathered out of them where they happe to meane otherwise thē the truth requireth Thus you see within what limites or boundes the good fathers enclosed the authoritie of theyr owne writynges submittyng them selues alwayes to the iudgement of the Scriptures Agayne the same Augustine disputyng with Hierome aboute Paules reprouyng of Peter mentioned in the seconde to the Galathians doth appeale from the authoritie of the fathers which Hierome alledged vnto the Scriptures Thus you see the fathers condēned all doctrine not confirmed by the Scriptures And I dare boldly affirme it that your teachers them selues on whom ye repose you if they be well awaked will not so aduaunce the fathers that in them alone you should repose the directiō of your fayth if that be theyr meanyng they do but decayue you deale nothyng playnely The fathers dissented howe should they then direct you some held open errours whiche they must nedes cōdemne will they haue you beleue with Origene that onely the father knoweth hym selfe and that the sonne knoweth not the father neither the holy ghost the sonne neither the angels the holy ghost with whiche errour they well know that Origene is charged wil they haue you with that good father beleu that al men shal be saued and leaue no subiect matter for the triumph of Gods iustice They dare not so teache you will they haue you with Irenaeus Victorius Papias Lactantius Methodius and many other of the excellent learned fathers subscribe to the heresie of the Millinaries I know they will deny it Will they haue you with Augustin diffinitiuely iudge all infātes dying without baptisme to be dāned that the Sacrament should be ministred to infantes They wil neuer alow both Wil they haue you with Cyprian new christen all such heretickes as were baptised out of the Churche if afterwardes they be conuerted They do not so teach you Will they haue you with Hierome condemne all seconde mariages for whoredom What soeuer they thincke they dare not affirm it Wil they haue you with Denice at the buriall of the dead to annoynt the corses with oyle Them selues do not vse it Wil they haue you to follow the example of Benet who commaunded the Sacrament to be put into the mouthe of a dead Nunne They will not confesse it And to conclude because the Fathers many times say true they abuse theyr names to lead you to error Your leaders themselues in substaunce of truth dissent from the Fathers and lead you to mischiefe with some of theyr errors You see howe the greatest had faultes full of dainger which must nedes make you feare to hange your faythe vppon them That grounde is to sclender for so weighty a cause you see howe they erred yee ought to be carefull seing therby you haue cause to knowe they were but men If you tell this to your leaders and require at theyr handes a moe certayne ground to builde on your fayth they will sende you to the Councelles for they can not erre the pope is theyr warrante because they affirme it they would haue you beleue it but be not to hastie to wage them with credite Take these for exāples that Councels may erre The Councell of Aremine consented to the heresie of the Arrians The secōd Councell of Ephesus did leane
et in lege possit deleri hoc decreuit vt solam fidem poneret per quam onmium peccata aboleret vt quia nulla spes per legem omnibus hominibus erat dei misericordia saluarentur Because sin began to be increased by the craft of the aduersary that man through the restraint mought bee found more giltie God of hys mercifull goodnes alwayes carefull for man that that which without law was transgressed might in the lawe be blotted out decreed this Namely to appoint fayth onely to be the meane whereby he would extinguish the sinne of all men that seing no hope was left to any man in the lawe they might by the mercy of God be saued Agayne the same Ambrose In Christo Iesu data est gratia quia hoc constitutum est vt qui credit in Christum saluus sit sine opere sola fide gratîs accipiens remissionem peccatorum In Christ Iesu is grace geuen forasmuch as this with God is decreed that who so beleueth in Christ is saued by fayth only without worke receauing freely forgeuenes of sinnes Agayne Hillarius vpon the 8. of Mathew hath these wordes Sola fides iustisicat onely fayth doth iustifie Notwithstandyng these authorities of Scriptures and fathers yet do the aduersaries kéepe styll theyr brasen faces and stoutly sweare it stare it out that none but heretickes and schismatickes affirme that onely faith iustifieth Truely gentle reader if thou béest not setled in error thou cāst not but see their wicked and shameles facing in crying out that we corrupt the scriptures and that none of the fathers gathered out any such sense or meanyng of them concerning which matter thou hast heard diuers of them tell theyr owne tales Now it is here principally to be noted that wher mans iustification is a free remission of sinnes and imputation of righteousnes vnto hym through fayth in Christ it may be that because the phrase of the Scriptures of these aucthorityes attribute the same so many tymes to fayth that therefore some myght gather thereby that fayth is the efficiēt cause of mans iustification which is not so for the efficient cause is onely God euē as sinful mā destitute of Gods grace is the materiall cause and as the declaratiō of Gods iustice righteousnesse in performaunce of hys free promyse to the encrease of the glory of hys grace is the finall cause And forasmuch as vnto this worke two instrumentes were requisite the one to be vsed by God whiche was Chryst of whom hée made the sacrifice and offeryng the other to be vsed by man whiche is fayth Therefore that fayth beyng as I saide the instrument whiche taketh holde of the promyse hath relation vnto the obiecte of fayth Namely vnto Chryst and the promyse and so hath the title of iustification imputed vnto it for so sayth the Scripture Abraham beleeued God and God imputed that to him for righteousnesse Whyche Paule dyuers tymes rehearseth to shewe that fayth is not the efficient cause of iustificatyon but the obiecte of fayth Namelye Chryst and the promyse And that fayth receyueth the tytle thereof onelye by imputation and not by proprietie of nature Namely because it is that wherewith man taketh holde of Christ and the promise whiche I thought worthy the notyng Thus hauyng shewed the nature of the newe couenaunt touchyng mans iustification and that fayth is the onely meane required in man to the attaynement thereof it followeth Cap. 9. ¶ To know the certayne tokens of that fayth wherunto iustification is imputed and the difference betwene the workes of the faythfull the works required in the law FAyth beyng the gift of God as Paule to the Phillippians affirmeth for vnto you sayth he it is geuen not onelye to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for hym fayth I say beyng the gyft of God is accompanyed wyth newnesse of lyfe which possesseth suche beautyes of Gods grace as forthwyth kyndle the soule or mynde wyth desire of true obedyence vnto God by ingraftyng hym both into the similitude of the death of Christ whereby he dyeth vnto sinne and also into the similitude of hys resurrection whereby hée ryseth vnto a newe lyfe beyng sure that the olde man of synne is crucified that henceforth hée shoulde no more be seruaunt to sinne So that now she trayneth hys affection towardes the thynges aboue from the thynges on the earth in that hée is dead to synne his life béeing hydden in Chryst wyth God whereby hée laboureth to mortifye the affectiōs of the earthly members as hauing put of the olde man with hys workes and put on the new whiche is renued in knowledge after the Image of God shapen vnto righteousnesse and true holines laboring not to greue the spirite of God by whom he is sealed vnto the daye of redemption but knowing himselfe the temple of the holy ghost laboreth to clense and purifie the same Whiche desire is not now kindled in hym as in respecte of merite but as proper and peculiar vnto the faith which through grace hath takē the possession of the mind wherby he is trāsformed into the similitude of Chryst so that where before he yelded himselfe seruant vnto all the workes of the fleshe now contrarywise he laboureth to pursue all the woorkes proper vnto the spirite Beyng certayne that the grace of God whyche bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth hym that hée shoulde denye vngodlinesse and worldly lust● and that he should liue soberly righteously and godly in this present lyfe Séeyng Chryst gaue him selfe for him to redéeme him from all vnrighteousnesse to purge hym peculiar vnto him selfe feruently geuen to good workes that so he might walke worthy of the Lorde in all thinges that please being fruitfull in all good woorkes and increasing to the knowledge of God because hée is hys workemanshyp created in Chryst Iesus vnto good woorkes whiche God ordayned that he shoulde walke in them Now forasmuch as these be the proprieties or fruites belongyng to regeneration whyche entreth wyth true fayth Therefore presentlye where soeuer she taketh place shée maketh her selfe knowne by these effectes and forthwith vpon her arriuall begynneth fight with the olde man of sinne and déedes of the same And whereas before whilèst the strong armed man namely the deuill kept the pallace that is possessed the soule or mynde all thinges were in peace that is man slumbred in security féelyng no fight in conscience Now so soone as a stronger commeth in place namelye the holy ghost furnishyng the minde with true faith whereupon newnes of lyfe and true godlinesse atténde Then foorthwyth entreth man into the christian fight for presently all the forenamed graces are encountred by the deuyll and the corruptyon of hys sinfull and rebellious nature according to these sayinges Hostis noster adhuc in hac vita nos positos quanto magis nos sibi rebellare
by workes is declared to bée righteous it concludeth euen as in the aunswere to theyr former aucthorities that all the world may acknowledge the performaunce of Gods mercyful promise in Christ towardes the electe Who by their workes are euidently declared to bée righteous And besides that it reserueth the whole glorye of that worke to GOD alone forasmuch as workes doe onely declare and witnes mans righteousnesse and challenge to bee no cause of the same Thus vnto God is his prerogatiue reserued vnblemished Namely all the glorie Nowe touching man in that they declare the certaine possession of the righteousnesse of fayth they witnesse in him the estate of a moste quiete and ioyfull conscience and that hée is through faith assured of the fauour of God in Christ Nowe it is apparant what righteousnes of the Scripture attributeth to faith and what to workes Namely that by faith man apprehendeth Christ in the promise by whome he is made righteous and by workes or frutes of the righteousnes of faith mā is declared and knowne to bee righteous and hath his conscience therby reposed in the sure possession of Gods fauour in Christ Thus hauyng shewed what iustification the Scriptures attribute vnto workes I thincke it also conuenient to shew what fayth it is which Iames disableth to iustification His wordes be these what auayleth it my brethren though a man say he hath fayth whē he hath no deedes can faith saue him Here euen at the first it is euident that S. Iames in this place inueyeth not agaynst faith in dede but against the bare name or title of fayth in such certayne licentious Iewes Christened as onely by the same séemed to challenge iustification For he sayeth not thoughe a man haue fayth without deedes But he saith though a man say he hath faith Whereby it is euident that hee onely enueyeth agaynst the name or title of faith which by them was applyed vnto them selues vnworthely and therefore in vayne And doubting that some men myght applye hys wordes agaynst fayth in déede hee maketh hys entrye warely not against fayth but agynste a vayne name or title of fayth in saying Thoughe a man saye hee hath fayth and not thoughe a man haue fayth whiche he might think sufficyent warnyng to all men that hée ment not to inueigh agaynst true fayth and therefore hée goeth forward labouryng agaynst that their vayne opinion vnder the same name or title which they attributed vnto it callyng it fayth as they dyd thynkyng that his former warnyng in the beginnyng in saying thoughe a man sayeth hee hath fayth and not though he haue fayth in deede had béene a suffycient warnyng that he ment not true fayth but onely a vaine opinion termed of them by the name of fayth and that now hée myght at hys owne libertie wythout suspicion of enueyghing against true fayth beat down that wycked opinion vnder the same name or title by whyche they termed it namely vnder the name of fayth and thereupon hée addeth can fayth saue hym meaning onely such fayth as they make their challenge by or as hée at his entrance enueighed against that is the bare name or tytle of fayth and that thys was hys meanyng it is playne by that whyche followeth in that he goeth about to open their errour as it were by comparison in shewyng how farre their vayne opinion whiche they called fayth dyffered from true fayth in déede in saying If a brother or sister be naked or destytute of dayly foode and one of you saye vnto hym depart in peace warme your selues and fill your bellies notwythstandyng ye geeue not them those thynges whyche are needefull to the body what helpeth it euen so fayth if it haue no deedes is dead in it selfe as though hée had saide vnto them Brethren what do you thynk of fayth do ye thynke that onely the bare name or title thereof is sufficient to iustification or doe ye thynke that true fayth can see the necessitie of their néedy brother or sister vnrelieued no no deceaue not your selues for loue charity and all good woorkes can no more be absent from fayth in déede then heate from fire and that faith which lacketh those fruites is no more fayth then a dead man is a man but is in déede dead and no fayth at all but onely a bare name or title of faith with the vaine cloke wherof ye beguyle your selues Do ye thinke thys vayne braggyng of fayth amongest your selues can iustifie you or doe ye thinke that because ye beléeue God is that ye therfore shal be saued nay brethren be not so vainely caryed away yf that might serue the tourne the deuils woulde be saued aswell as you for they haue that fayth common with you for they both beléeue that God is and tremble at him But shall I by example paint vnto you your vanitie whereby you may see that your bragging title of faith which hath no fruites nor workes to 〈◊〉 the same is but dead and no faith in deede Then compare it with the true fayth which in oure father Abraham was manifest whom the apparaunt fruites or woorkes of ryghteousnesse thereof euidently declared to bée a righteous man Hys fayth lay not lurkyng in him in idle name without fruite or woorkes no no his fayth had lyfe which by the fruite was made manifest in offeryng hys sonne Isaac beyng certayne that the death or sacrifice of hys sonne could nothing at all hinder the promyse of God but that notwithstanding God both coulde woulde performe his promise and worde Thus was hys faythe witnessed by hys woorkes And the perfectnes thereof made apparant so that the truth of the Scripture which sayde Abraham beleeued God and that was imputed to hym for ryghteousnesse was by hys woorkes made so euydent that hée was indued wyth the name of ryghteous and was called the frend of god Whereby it is euydent vnto you that by déedes as the fruites of the righteousnesse of his faith his righteousnesse was declared and hée knowen for a ryghteous man and not by the idle name of fayth onelye without workes which as I sayde before is dead and no faythe at all And likewyse Kahab the harlotte in lodginge the messengers of Gods people was declared to bée ryghteous Wherefore to conclude laye away your vayne bragges of your idle and bare name of fayth for as the bodye that wanteth spirite is dead so assuredly thys whiche you terme fayth hauyng no workes to witnes the same vnto you is dead and no fayth at all but a vaine or lyght opinion Thus to hym that with a single eye consydereth both the end of S. Iames hys purpose and also throughly the order of hys woordes it appeareth playnly that hée enueigheth not against fayth in déede but against a lose and licentious opinion which those Iewes vnto whom he writte had couered vnder the name or title of fayth Now touching their argument groūded vpon the .xix.
to the heresie of the Eutychians And the Calcedon councell woulde haue geuen to Leo Byshop of Rome the name of vniuersall byshop if the good father being absente had not vtterly refused it But thys your blinde guides do hold for sound doctrine But no former Coūcel would euer so iudge it The Councell where Cyprian was chiefe did consent to the rebaptising of hereticks And did not the Councell of Constaunce breake the institution of the sacrament of the bloud of Christ in withholding the cup from the laitie which no Councell before woulde haue allowed Thus in the Councels you see open error and that they alwaies teach not a constant truthe But Salomon affirmeth that a true mouth is euer constante but you see the councell not so and therefore by these wordes of Salomon subiect to vntruth wherby it appeareth that they containe not the fountaine of truth wherupon to gather the direction of your fayth and what authoritie the fathers them selues attributed to the Councels may easely be iudged by these wordes of Augustine against Maximine an Arrian byshop Thus he writeth Sed nunc nec ego Nicenum nec tu debes Ariminense tāquam praeiudicaturus proferre concilium nec ego huius authoritate nec tu illius detineris scripturarum au thoritatibus non quorumcunque propriis sed vtrisque communibus testibus res cū re causa cū causa ratio cum ratione concertet But nowe neyther may I alledge the councel of Nice nor you the councell of Arrimine to others preiudice neyther stande I bound to the authoritie of thys nor you to the authoritie of that but by the authoritye of the Scriptures which are witnesses proper to neither of vs but common to vs bothe let matter bee compared with matter cause with cause and reason with reason Thus you may see your leaders abuse you theyr stuffe is but feeble they flie from the rocke and builde vpon sande theyr groundes bee vnconstant ye ought to forsake thē theyr hope is still doubtfull their faythe is vncertaine their sute without comfort Refuse them for the better and geue eare to him that cryeth I am the way the truth and the life Know you who spake it He that neuer told lye he in whose mouth was no guile he that liueth in truth in equitie and righteousnes he at whose anger the mountaines shall melt euen the Lorde Iesus Christ him selfe he it is that speaketh it vnto you If he wished not your saluation he would not teach you the way In that he sayth he is the way haue ye not warning enough that there is no other way besides him Why then do ye stray into pathes of perdition returne heare him his word is a light vnto the feet of the righteous Thy word saith Dauid is a light to my feete Thē folow the light that ye may bee sure to see whether ye goe at the presence thereof al darknes doth vanish desire you to be blessed I know you desire it Then put on the badge whereby to be knowne put on the delight which they that be blessed are furnished withal His delight saith Dauid is in the law of the Lord and in his law will he exercise him selfe both day and night The scriptures be that light that whosoeuer foloweth can not walke in darkenes whereby not onely the fathers and Councelles but the whole worlde shal also be iudged as Christ him selfe witnesseth The worde sayth he which I speake shal iudge in the last day The maiesty whereof the fathers had in due reuerence as partly ye haue heard in that they acknowledged the same onely iudge of all councelles and writinges And touching farther confirmation hereof thus writeth Hierome Omne quod loquimur debemus affirmare de scripturis sanctis Whatsoeuer we affirme we must proue it by the holy scriptures And agayne Chrisostome speaking of these wordes of Abraham in the parable of the ritch glotton that If they would not beleue Moses and the prophetes neyther would they beleue him that should come from the dead Writeth thus Haec autē Christus ipse inducit in parabola loquentem Abraham declarans se velle plus fidei habendam esse scripturis quā si mortui reuiuiscant Paulus verò porrò cum Paulum dico ipsum Christum dico hic enim erat qui eius mentem agebat etiam Angelis è caelo descendentibus praeponit scripturas idque valdè congruenter Siquidem Angeli quàmlibet magni tamen serui sunt ministri Coeterum omnes scripturae non à seruis sed abvniuersorum domino Deo venerunt ad nos Christ him selfe in the parable bringeth in Abrahā to speake this to declare that he would haue more credite to be geuen to the scriptures then vnto the dead if they should reuiue agayne And Paule when I name Paule I name Christe for hee it was that directed hys mynde Paule I say preferreth the Scriptures before the Angels though they should discend from heauen and that very aptly for although they be mighty yet be they seruantes and ministers but al the scriptures came vnto vs not from seruantes but from the Lord and God of all thinges And agayne Augustine Titubat fides si diuinarum scripturarum vacillat authoritas If the authoritie of the holy scriptures wauer then doth fayth stumble Agayne Augustine in his 157. Epistle hath this sense Sine Scripturarum authoritate nihil desiniendum Nothing is to be affirmed without authoritie of the Scriptures Thus you see the good and holy fathers in the Primative Church gaue the whole preheminence and iudgementes of all truth vnto the holy Scriptures Wherefore in forsaking your blind and vnfrendly teachers and following the example and counsel of these reuerend fathers apply your selues to the study thereof and ye shall soone finde out infallible rules to be wray the treachery of your guilfull deceauers this is one of the easiest and it can neuer faile it is gathered out of Paul to the Romanes as a sure touchstone to discerne truth frō errour his wordes bee these But nowe is the righteousnes of God declared without the law hauing witnes of the lawe and the Prophets By which wordes this rule is plainly gathered that the righteousnes of God hath alwaies the witnes of the lawe and the Prophets what soeuer is truth the lawe and the Prophets that is to say the Scriptures will euer acknowledge and what soeuer doctrine they geue not witnes vnto is falsehoode and errour Now if your blind teachers would make you beleue that the search of the scriptures belongeth not vnto you Christ him selfe doth teach you the contrary And whether it be more right to follow him or thē iudge your selues Search the Scriptures sayth he for those are they that beare witnes of me Ye see how Christ him selfe doth followe the rule he claimeth witnes of the law and the Prophets he geueth the Scriptures for the discerner of truth And in an other place