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A18103 The originall of idolatries: or, The birth of heresies a true, sincere, and exact description of all such sacred signes, sacrifices, and sacraments as haue been instituted and ordained of God since Adam; with the true source and liuely anatomy of the sacrifice of the Masse. First faithfully gathered out of sundry Greeke and Latine authors, as also out of diuers learned fathers; by that famous and learned Isaac Casaubon, and by him published in French, for the good of Gods Church: and now translated into English for the benefit of this monarchy; by Abraham Darcie. Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614, attributed name. 1624 (1624) STC 4747; ESTC S107577 78,965 150

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so as without any respect made of the race Leuiticall the sacrificers were constituted by the Consuls and Deputies of Rome at their pleasure and whereas before they were permanent during life they now became Annuall When the Royall Scepter was alienated from the Progenie of Judea their Kingdome wholly subuerted as before was prophecied the incomprehensible power of God was reuealed by his Sonne begotten before all ages who humbled himselfe to take vpon him humane flesh in the wombe of the Virgin to redeeme his people and to restore them to grace and fauour with God CHAP. V. The Ceremoniall Law accomplished by Iesus Christ NOw as in Adam through his preuarication and sinne and in abusing the Sacred signes committed to his guard and custodie as the whole masse of humane flesh was tainted with the leauen of sinne so by the second Adam Iesus Christ wee were againe by grace purged from all our offences To our first and generall Father Adam was giuen the Sacred signe for an exercise of obedience and other sacred signes to his successors Sacrifices and Sacraments instituted by God the Tree of Life the Fruits of the knowledge of Good and Ill the Rainbowe Circumcision the vnspotted Lambe the vnleauened bread the Cloude the Pillar of Fire the Red sea diuided Heauenly Manna Water out of the Rocke the Oblations Holocausts of beasts for sacrifice the Arke of Couenant the Brazen Serpent the Temple edified in the holy Citie All which sacred signes Sacrifices and Sacraments were figures of that which was accomplished in Iesus Christ For first hee was the true Tree of Life planted in the middest of the Paradise of God in and by whom wee that were bastard slips haue been engraffed to obtaine eternall life Hee committed to our keeping the Fruits of the Tree of Wisedome by his holy Gospel commanding vs to preserue it entirely without adulterating or corrupting the same without adding or dimishing there-from vpon pain of eternall death Hee was as the Rain-bow extended all ouer the Aire to assure vs of the League and Couenant contracted between God and vs that we should no more be drowned in the deluge of sinne He was circumcised that the Law in him might be accomplished that so the prepuce of our hearts might be circumcised and to make vs cast off our old corrupted skinne in Adam Hee was like the flaming Bush incarnate in the wombe of the Virgin conceiued by the Holy Ghost without the seed of Man the sacred Virgin like the Bush remaining notwithstanding entire and not consumed He was sacrificed like the iust Innocent Lambe and his Blood shed to preserue vs from the Tyranny of satan and to open vnto vs a passage whereby we may enter into the Land of Promise the Heauenly Kingdome Hee is that true vnleauened Bread which came downe from Heauen incorrupt and vnspotted of whom we must eate for our spirituall nourishment that we may celebrate the Feast of that miraculous passage from Pharaoh in the Land of true Liberty Hee was the Cloud the firie Pillar the diuided Red Sea which conducted and deliuered vs out of the hands of our enemies out of whose opened Side came Water and Bloud for our Saluation He was the heauenly Manna sent from Heauen to feed vs for euer and the true Rocke out of which issued Water to quench their thirst for euer which beleeue in him It was He that onely offered vp the sauing Sacrifice for the expiation of our sinnes both Priest and Sacrifice both the Offerer and the Oblation remaining an Eternall High-Priest at the Right Hand of God his Father beeing entred into the Holy and Heauenly Sanctuarie not built with mens hands but by the Hand of God He was the true Arke of Alliance and Couenant by which God reuealed and manifested his Oracles and in him he did reside to accomplish his diuine and incomprehensible Mysteries He was like to the Brazen Serpent fastened to the Crosse to giue health vnto the sicke which returne to him and contemplate on him by Faith He was the true Temple of God wherein the Holy Ghost dwels one God in Trinity in and by whom God is onely adored He was the true and sacred Oblation of whom the reall water purgatorie was made for the purgation of euery blemish Himselfe with his owne Ashes that is with his immolated Body besprinkled and wet with water issuing out of his Side all People and Nations that beleeue in him CHAP. VI. Of Sacraments ordained by Iesus Christ himselfe THe Law Ceremoniall beeing by this meanes accomplished not in Figures but really executed by the Incarnation Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Sauiour our Mediator our Eternall Priest and Propitiator the infinite goodnesse of God was yet further reuealed by the new Couenant new Alliance and new comming of the Sonne of God Incarnate For by his New Testament ratified and confirmed in the death of the Testator He hath constituted vs as heires and coheires to God in his heauenly Kingdome For assurance of this celestiall succession purchased for vs by grace after the Consummation of the Law Ceremoniall and the same abolished as we haue formerly declared through that perfect Sacrifice of the Priest Eternall there were left vnto vs two sacred Signes or Sacraments wherein God bestowed greater fauour and more speciall grace then he had done before his Incarnation For hee hath freed vs from the seruile Law of Circumcision from the difference of meates and diuers Sacrifices ordained in the first Church of the Israelites And by easing vs of this waighty burthen Hee further conferred vpon vs a greater comfort in constituting for a memoriall and remembrance of our regeneration and eternall life two holy Sacraments vnder two sacred signes which are the water of Baptisme and the Bread and Wine in the Communion of his Body Now that his Grace might be extended to all Nations God thought good to make choice of the most familiar and ordinary Signes and Symboles For Circumcision was a speciall marke for Abraham and his Posterity to which Circumcision other Nations were not accustomed though Herodotus a Grecian borne in an History he wrote of the Aegyptian manners specifies their manner and custome of beeing circumcised but especially the Priests and we may easily coniecture that he had heard of it at the time when the Iewes dwelt in Aegypt for the space of 430 yeeres and obserued Circumcision Moreouer Circumcision was appointed onely for the Males and not for Females there was a limited time appointed for Circumcision which was within eight dayes after the Natiuity and the cutting of the fore-skin was with griefe and paine But the Grace of God by his Incarnation and plenary Sacrifice hauing abolished the rigor of the Law Ceremoniall as well for difference of meates as of daies He
reuerenced and honoured by such sacred signes as they ordaine I will onely propound vnto you two which is to say waxe and mettals of one the Princes seale is composed with which grants pardons and remissions are sealed charters and priuiledges by the Prince conferred He that falsifies this seale is he not punisht as in case of high treason euen as if hee had outraged the person of the Prince Does not this seale represent his owne person euen as if himselfe were present Neuerthelesse the seale though it bee called the seale of the Prince is not transubstantiated but still remaines waxe but otherwise hauing receiued the sacred character of the Prince being then no more called waxe but the Princes seale Also the mettals of gold or siluer coyned with the Princes stampe doe serue for mony although they are no more called gold nor siluer but hauing once exchanged their names at the Princes wil they are either crownes Angels or Pistols or else shillings groats or penies or other such like names they are yet notwithstanding mettals of the very substance as they were before there is but that difference that they haue the Princes impression vpon them by and in which hee is represented really so that whosoeuer clips or falsifies that money is sorely punisht by death as a fellon and a Traitor his Prince for it is in a manner as bad and as if he had offended and conspired against the Princes owne person by farre greater reason the bread and the wine consecrated and ordained to bee Sacraments of the pretious body and blood of Christ Iesus represents them really and not by picture Wherefore whosoeuer receiues it vnworthily commits a haynous crime against the supreame and Diuine Maiesty of him to his eternall damnation but t is not to conclude a transubstantiation by a most abhominable coniuration or witchcraft But if you Massalians or Masse-Priests Nicholaits and transubstantiators be not sufficiently satisfied with Iesus Christ his Apostles interpretations as likewise with those similitudes and familiar comparisons to reduce and bring you to the sincere way and certaine forme ordained of God for to celebrate his holy Sacraments in abolishing your Pompilian and Missafique Idolatries eiecting from you your abhominable witchcraft of transubstantiation At the least will ye not beleeue at all the interpretations of the anci●et authors of the Church hearken but to the sayings of St. Augustin against Adamantine that notable hereticke Euen as the blood saith hee in many parts and places of the holy Scripture is said to be the water the Stone also to bee Christ euen so the bread is said to be his body which three places must be vnderstood and interpreted to bee sacred signes and figures then when this very author said Christ Iesus vttered these words Hoc est corpus meum this is my body in presenting and breaking bread to his Disciples hee gaue them the signe of his body for otherwise it should seeme to bee a thing both inhumane and vnlawfull to deuoure the pretious flesh and blood of Iesus Christ if there were not the figure of the bread and wine for to keepe in memory his flesh and blood the body of Christ hauing beene sacrificed to God his Father for our life and eternal nourishment Againe the same author vseth this interpretation The Sacrament visible is the new Testament that is to say the sacred signe of the inuisible sacrifice the like interpretations are described by Tertullian against that hereticke Marcion Christus acceptum panem corpus suum fecit dicendo hoc est corpus meum id est figura corporis mei Wherefore then O Missalians haue you not followed the authority of these holy Doctors of the Church which would not blasphem against God by the magick of transubstantiation but haue freely and vertuously acknowledged the Sacrament to be a visible signe or sacred figure signifying by faith spirit that which is inuisible wherefore do you prepare the mouth and the belly for to deuoure the body and blood of Christ corporally really and carnally why offer you not your selues by true liuely faith for to eate worthily Christ Iesus Why haue you not vnderstood the manducation of the body of Christ by the notable distinction of that learned Doctor S. Ierome saying the flesh of Christ Iesus is to be vnderstood carnally when it is spoken of the shedding his blood and crucifying of his body for our saluation but spiritually when it is said that his flesh is the true meat for vs to eate For another proofe I will alledge that learned Prelate Gelase Bishop of Rome the which disputing against the Heretickes Eutichines and Nestorians doth affirme the bread wine consecrated and made Sacraments are neuerthelesse in substance bread and wine but to be signes of the body and blood of Christ Iesus by the mystery of the Sacrament And if ye desire larger testimonies Saint Ambrosius vpon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians hath explicated and made manifest that the eating of the bread and the drinking of the wine doth signifie the flesh and the blood of Christ Iesus offered for vs. Origen likewise in his Homilies teacheth the Sacraments to be figures which we ought to examine really and not carnally because saith he that those words Hoc est corpus meum not vnderstood spiritually kils the soule when he writes to eate the flesh of Christ Wherefore S. Chrysostome admonished the people to honour that holy Sacrament in offring himselfe his soule to God for the which Christ Iesus was crucified that by that holy Sacament of bread wine is signified to vs the similitude of the body and blood of Iesus Christ For resolution we must follow and be ruled according to the instruction and interpretation of our holy Sauiour Christ Iesus and his Apostles to honor and reuerence his holy Sacraments instituted of him by exterior signes to lift vp our hearts and raise our spirits and minds to heauen for to comprehend that which by those signes is represented to vs and not to esteeme hold account them as vaine pictures or apparitions but endeuour to receiue them worthily by liuely faith and vertue of the holy Ghost to the end to be fed and nourished with celestiall bread to the saluation of our soules thereby to attaine life eternall Let vs then be assured in Christ Iesus as members of his body that we may be reduced and brought all into one vnity for to communicate and eate the same bread and drink the same wine compounded of many graines vnited together to the end that wee may say with the holy Apostle All wee faithfull are the body of Christ Iesus saued and redeemed by his holy body crucified and pretious blood shed for vs and so remaining permanent in faith in Christ Iesus in eating his body and drinking his blood to beleeue firmely to haue beene crucified and
risen from the dead ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God his Father vntill that he returnes as he is ascended with his humanity and neuerthelesse his Almighty power and Diuinity to be distributed to vs and diffused in earth and in all places especially in his holy Sacraments which he hath left vs for a pledge and exteriour approbation of our faith for memory and recordation of the death and passion of our Sauiour Iesus Christ FINIS To my Noble and most learned Author on his worthy Name I N the Circumference of all Natures frame S O honor'd is learn'd Casaubon thy name A S so much need my encomiasticke lines A S a small Taper when that Phaebus shines C Leare at noone day C An this so litterate Age afford a brest A Closet where such profound wit doth rest S Vch abstruce Learning these he did combine A Peerlesse Graecian and vnmatcht Diuine V Nder the wounds of his Polemicke pen B Led the Idolatrous Whore Rarest of men O Ver all Nations flies thy far-spred Name N O angle but resounds thy datelesse fame The admirer of his works ABRAHAM DARCIE Prou 7. 2 3. Sacrifices before the written Law Psal 50 Genes 4. Hebr. 11. Genes 6. 7 5. Apoc. 13. The Rainbow Genes 9. Circumcision in the yeere of the world 2048. Genes 17. Exodus 12. Exodus 12. The Cloud The Pillar of fire Exod. 13. The diuision of the Arabick red sea in the yeere of the world 2403. 1. Cor. 10. Titus 3. Heauenly Manna Exod. 16. 1. Cor. 10. Iohn 6. Diuers sacrifices ordained by God in the yeere of the world 2455. Holocausts Diuision of sacrifices extracted out of Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Beasts appointed for sacrifice Daies appointed for sacrifices Exod. 23. See the books of Philo the Iew and of Iosephus Holocaust Philo the Iew in his Treatise of Beasts appointed for sacrifice Ioseph lib. 3 c. 20. De Antiq. Iudaic. Leu. 9. 2 3 4. Sacrifice for health Sacrifices for sinne Sacrifices for sinne out of ignorance Sacrifices for the High Priests sinne for the Princes for the Magistrate and for particular men Leu. 3. 4 5 6. Sacrifice for a polluted man Sacrifice for a deliuered woman Leuit. 12. Sacrifice for the Leprous Leuit. 14. Sacrifice for manstruall polution Leauen and Honey forbidden in all sacrifices Sacrifice for a woman suspected of Adulterie Numb 5. Sacrifice of Nazareans Numb 6. Philo the Iew in his Treatise abouenamed Exod. 20. Arke of Couenant Exod. 25. 26 27 28. Ephod Water of Purification consecrated Numb 15. Exod. 38. Brazen Serpent Numb 27. Iohn 3. 7. Corruption began first in Adam Corruption of the sacrifices by Aaron Exod. 32. Deut. 9. Corruption of sacrifices by Nadab and Abihu Leuit. 10. Numb 11. Iosh 7. Iud. 6. 3. 6. 8 9. Iud. 10. Judg. 50. Inhumane sacrifice of Iephta Iudg. 17. Idolatry by the golden Ephod 1. Sam. 2. Ophni and Phinees corrupters of sacrifices 1. Sam. 2. 1. Sam. 4. 1. Sam. 5. 6. Arke of sacred Couenant Against the corruption of sacred signes 2. Sams 6. Osias 2 Chron. 26. Saul 1. Sam. 13. Ioseph lib. ● cap. 4. de Antiq. ludae 1. Kings 11. Ieroboam 1. Kings 12. 1. Kings 14. 1. Kings 16. Achab. 1. Kings 16. Ioseph lib. 8. cap. 10. Ochosias 2. Kings 1. Ioseph li. 9. cap. 1. Purgatory fire 2. Kings 16. In the booke Alcoran Asoar 29. lib. 46. and Asoar 5. Ignem gehennae non nisi numero dierum praeterminato Animas sentire docet Alcoranliber ad diem Veritatis omnes accedere operum suorum mercedem accepturos Asoar 5. The cause of corruption in Sacraments Apo● 13. Deut. 10. 50. Ierem. 4. Esay 7. Psal 41. Esay 66. Ierem. 6. Amos 5. Psal ● 2. Sam. 15. 4. Esdras 7. 4. Kings 15. 24. Ioseph lib. 13. ca. 16. de Ant. Iud. Ioseph lib. de Antiq. Iud. Ioseph lib. 15. cap. 3. Ioseph li. 8. cap. 8. Entros 1. cap. 12. Genes 49. Comparison between Adam and Iesus Christ Iesus Christ the Tree of Life Apoc. 2. Rom. 12. The Rain-bow Circumcision Galat. 4. The flaming Bush Pascall Lambe Iohn 1. Heb. 13. The bread of Life 1. Cor. 5. The Cloud the Pillar of Fire The Red Sea 1. Cor. 10. Job 19. Heauenly Manna The flowing Rocke Liuing Water 1. Cor. 10. Sacrifice Heb. 1. 8 9 10. Heb. 9. Arke of Couenant Brazen Serpent Ioh. 3. Temple of God Ioh. 2. Holocaust and water Purgatorie Joh. 15. Heb. 9. Rom. 8. St. Augustine lib. 3. de doct Christ cap. 9. Sacraments of the New Testament Distribution of the Sacraments to all Conuerts Herod lib. 2. Gen. 17. Numb 19. Tit. 3. Gal. 3. Corruptions of the holy Sacraments Sacrament of Baptisme corrupted Theod. in the booke of the fables of Heretikes Ca●sine ca●posiquam de conerat distinct 4. Epheta Per. Satyr 2. Galat. 3. ●phes 4. 1. Corinth 15. Epiphan lib. 1. tom 3. haeres 38. Epipha lib. 1. tom 3. haeres 42. and lib. 2. tom 1. haeres 49. Exod. 4. Sacrament of the Supper corrupted 1. Corinth 11. Hist. Eccle. Hist tripart it lib. 9. cap. 37. lib. 11. cap. 5. Euseb lib. 5. cap. 24. Hist tripart lib. 9 cap. 39. 39. Euseb lib. 5. cap. 24. Hist Tripar Chap 38. Col. 2. Galat. 4. Heb. 7. Hist. Tripar lib. 9. cap. 38. Euseb lib. 5. cap. 23 In the yeere of Christ 114. Tlatina Sabelli Euseb lib. 3. cap. 27. lib. 8. cap. 14. Cel. li. 39. cap. 21. Iustin in Apolo 2. Inno lib. 4. cap. 5. de officio Disial August lib. de Haereti cap. 26. 64. Epiphan lib. 2. tom 5. haeret 49. Matth. 29. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. 1. Corint 11. 1. Cor. 11 The Romane Emperors and their Priests Titiuill lib. 1. deca 1. Fenestell lib. de Magist Rom. Euseb in his bookes of the Eccl. Hist Anno Dom. 34. 68. Anno Dom. 94. 112. 183. 167. 202. 238. 254. 257. 276. 292. Pontifex Maximus In a booke intituled A discourse of the ancient Religion of the Romanes by William de Choue Bayly of Dolphinois Catalogue of the Caesars at the end of Nicephorus Historie Anno Dom. 410. In the Canons collected by Clement Bishop of Rome 21. 22. 62. 95. Anno Dom. 93. Alexander the first Bishop of Rome in the yeere of our Lord 110. Sixtus Bishop of Rome in the yeere of our Lord 127. Syluester Bishop of Rome Higinus Bishop of Rome the yeere 140. Fabian Bishop of Rome in the yeare 240. Pius Bishop of Rome in the yeare 144. Z●pherin Bishop of Rome in the yeare 200. Calixtus Bishop of Rome in the yeare 280. Eutiches Bishop of Rome in the yeare 262. Red roabes of Cardinals Siluest Bishop of Rome in the yeare 314. Cronic of Iohn Baptista Ignatius Hist●tripartit lib. 3. cap. 12. Paul Aenul lib. 1. In the yeare 412. In the yeare 434. Blon lib. 2. D●cad 2. Procop. lib. 3. Of the wars of the Vuandales in the yeare 486. In the yeare 550. 554. Paul Acmil
constituted for the Purification of a woman suspected of Adulterie there was neither Incense nor Oyle as in other Sacrifices but it was offered with water mingled with the dust or ashes gathered vp from the floore of the Temple There was also another Sacrifice celebrated for those that had made some great Vow called Nazareans when the time of their Deuotion was expired wherein they were appointed to offer three Victimes a Lambe of a yeere old a Sheepe and a Ramme the one that is the Lambe to serue for a Holocaust the other of a female Sheepe for Saluation and the third oblation for Health Furthermore his haires that made the oblation were to be cast into the fire to be burned together with the Holocaust I was willing particularly to discourse of the diuersitie of sacrifices that hereby I might make knowne the great goodnesse and bounty of our God who in the Law of sacrifices publisht by Moses meant to curbe and reyne in the rude people of Israel as it were with a Bridle who could not forget the Aegyptian Idolatries wherein they had beene nourished and bred for foure hundred and thirty yeeres vnder the tyranny of the Pharaohs But what rigorous Lawes soeuer enacted what Ceremonies or Sacrifices soeuer he did ordaine them this people euer made a relapse into their Idolatry abusing the Law of God and corrupting the holy Sacraments and sacrifices as hereafter shall be expressed But if any man desire to know more at large the multitude and varietie of sacrifices let him reade the bookes of Philo the Iew ● and of Iosephus in his Antiquities of the Iewes according as Moses hath expressely written in the bookes of Leuiticus and Numbers There was another signe and Sacrament instituted of God by the Arke of Couenant described in Exodus being a sacred signe and dedicated to receiue celestiall diuine Oracles to the end to induce the people to a remembrance feare and obedience of God To accompany and honour the Arke of Couenant many other externall signes were constituted by God as the ornaments and consecrations of the Priests especially that ornament called the Ephod both which and the Sacrifices the Israelites abused and prophaned with their Idolatries Another sacred signe there was of cleansing water or Water of expiation instituted by God for Moses and Aaron the High Priest This cleansing or purifying Water was consecrated with ashes taken vp by an vnpolluted man of the oblation offered in the Holocaust that is to say of the whole Red Cow without spot not hauing euer bin exposed to labour The Fire for the burnt-offering was ordained to be of Cedar-wood Hysop and of Purple-Crymosine Polluted men were sprinkled ouer with this Water for an expiation and purgation of their corporall blemishes At the entry of the Tabernacle or Temple there was a kinde of Lauer like a Font of Brasse forged at first of seeing Glasses of the Israelitish Women In this Lauer or Holy-water Font was put this Water of Purification where with the Priests besprinkled themselues before they celebrated their sacrifices to the end they might be purified and obtaine grace and remission of sinnes After the death of the High Priest Aaron the Israelitish people ingratefull towards God for the benefit he sent them murmuring when they were wearie of the heauenly Manna which hee gaue them bountifully for their sustentation they were punished with the stingings of venemous Serpents But God being mercifull gaue them a sacred signe to bee preserued and restored to health that is to say the signe of the Brazen Serpent erected vp on high which was a Figure of Iesus Christ crucified This in briefe is the greatest part of the Signes Sacrifices and Sacraments instituted by God in the first Church of the Israelites being figures of the true and perfect sacrifice accomplished and immolated by Iesus Christ the true Messias the Eternall Priest who sits at the right hand of God his Father CHAP. III. Of Corruptions NOW wee must succinctly produce how Man by his owne fault falling into obliuion and disobedience against GOD his Creator abused herein diuine fauour and grace and corrupted the sacred signes sacrifices Sacraments by him ordain'd and instituted For else what perswaded our first Father and his Wife Eue to hide themselues when they heard and were set in the way of God but that they had abused his sacred signes and violated the Law of those Fruits prohibited and forbidden them This holy signe which our first Parents so alienated and abused was the originall of other Vices and corruptions hereafter described wherein two men are falne hauing a rellish of the corrupt masse in Adam Omitting the particular corruptions of signes sacrifices and Sacraments before the Law written by Moses we will begin in setting downe briefely the most notable errors committed by the greatest Sacrificers Kings and Priests with others that had the gouernment and charge of the people When Moses remained in Mount Sinai to receiue the Commandements from God his brother Aaron the High Priest caused a golden Calfe to be framed of the earings deliuered vnto him by the people of Israel hee built an Altar offered Incense and celebrated Sacrifice causing the common people to adore this Image Was not this an abusing of the sacrifices ordained by God and a corrupting of their true vse procuring the same to be ador'd which before was it selfe offered and immolated according as the custome was His sonnes also Nadab and Abihu were they not consum'd with fire because they adulterated the true vse of sacrifices and tooke vnconsecrated wood by corrupting the instituted Law The people of Israel ingratefull for the benefit receiued in being deliuered from Pharaohs captiuitie did they not murmure against the holy Sacrament of celestiall Manna when they contemned and despised this Bread of Life crying out for flesh to eate Achan the sonne of Charmes did not hee violate the Law of sacred signes when hee committed sacriledge by detaining the spoiles of Iericho which were vowed and consecrated for sacrifices to God If any man more curious desires to see the abuses and corruptions continued by the same people let him reade the Histories of the Iudges of Israel and he shall perceiue that in all ages men haue neuer been content with the true adoration instituted by God but in stead of externall signes constituted by God to drawe the people to his feare and obedience they haue forged and brought in their owne inuentions and in stead of reuerencing the Altars and the Arke of Couenant in the name of the lonely one God which were externall sacred signes the Israelites mis-led by the Idolatries of their neighbours the Syrians Sidonians Moabites Ammonites and Palestines erected Altars to strange gods to Baal and Astaroth Iephta Iudge and Conductor of the Israelites did not he corrupt the Law of Sacrifices when he offered vp his owne
left vnto vs by his New Testament and new Alliance the sacred signe of Water common to all both Male and Female without any distinstion of dayes and the Infant by the Sacrament of Baptisme feeling no paine as it did by the Circumcision of the fore-skinne This Signe of Water intimating vnto vs the purgation and expiation of our sinnes through the Bloud of Iesus Christ was common not onely among the Iewes who vsed ordinarily Water purgatorie and of expiation but the Gentiles also and all other Nations were accustomed to a Lotion and purgation of cleansing and purgatorie Water as we may perceiue in reading Ancient Histories Wherefore to the end that Gods Grace in Iesus Christ might generally bee spred oner all the Earth to all Nations Regions and Prouinces both to the circumcised and vncircumcised to the Iewes and to the Gentiles God made election of the most common signe of Water the more freely to expose himselfe vnto Man and to win him to His feere and obedience By which Signe he hath instituted his holy Sacrament of Baptisme for an assured note and marke of our regeneration and purification sacramentally conferred by the power of the Holy Ghost In which Sacrament God doth warrant vs his helpe and assistance so ingrafted and regenerate in Iesus Christ to be made and renewed the members of his members and to receiue vs as clothed anew and reincorporated by and through him The like reasons may be produced for the other holy Sacrament instituted by God in his New Testament which is that of Bread and Wine Which Signes Symboles and externall Elements all Nations were accustomed to vse in their Sacrifices Oblations and Ceremonies belonging to their Religions both Circumcised and vncircumcised both Iewes and Gentiles As also the two specificall Refections for the nourishment and sustentation of men are comprehended vnder these signes of Bread and Wine Our good God therefore for these reasons desiring to draw all Nations to himselfe to nourish and minister vnto them most necessarie prouisions He instituted the Communion of the Body and Bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ vnder the symboles sacred signes and Sacraments of Bread and Wine And looke how we are assured by the outward marke and Character of Water in Baptisme to bee regenerate and incorporated into the Body and Blood of Iesus Christ represented in this Sacrament of consecrated Water by the power of the Holy Ghost so are wee nourished by the Communion of his Body and Bloud really presented to vs in the consecrated Bread and Wine for our spirituall foode liuing and eternall by the vertue and power of the Holy Ghost Wherein God hath shewed vs this speciall fauour to discharge vs of all bloudie Sacrifices ordained in the first Church of the Israelites who were charged with sundry and diuers Sacrifices celebrated with the bloud of many earthly beasts shed according to the diuersitie of sinnes and offences and of persons that had offended All which Sacrifices were consummated and abolished by shedding of the bloud of that iust and Innocent Lambe IESVS CHRIST who by his perfect Sacrifice hath absolutely abolished all other Sacrifices reseruing to himselfe the dignity of High and eternall Priest placed at the right hand of God the Father But so much hee hath fauoured vs that in stead of abolished sacrifices hee hath instituted two holy Sacraments heretofore mentioned for an infallible assurance of our Regeneration Purgation Adoption and of our nourishment and eternall life bestowed vpon vs by the Blood of our Sauiour Iesus Christ CHAP. VII Of the Corruption of the Sacrament of Baptisme AS the Israelites being too grosse and carnall relyed too much on externall signes hauing corrupted the true vse of Sacrifices and Sacraments appointed for them by God so such like abuses yea farre greater corruptions haue happened in the two holy Sacraments left vnto vs by the New Testament of Iesus Christ For in the Sacrament of Baptisme which succeeded in the place of Circumcision man conceiued of a foule and wicked masse could not bee contented with the holy Institution from GOD but quickly depraued and defiled the vse of the holy Sacrament of Baptisme by Coniurations Exorcismes mixtures of Salt and Oyle waxe Candles Extreme Vnctiōs Breathings Babies or Puppets with a thousand Cruzadoes in the forehead in the eyes on the backe on the stomacke on the shoulders and at the mouth and all to driue away Deuils For the Messalian Heretikes Authors of Exorcismes of Cruzadoes affirmed that euery borne Infant was borne with his peculiar Daemon or Deuill which cannot bee driuen away but by Coniurations and Exorcismes By this meanes the holy Sacrament of Baptisme came to bee corrupted euen to the adding and annexing of Syriacke words of Driuell and Purgatory-Spittle What greater corruption can bee imagined then such abominable inuentions as if the bloud of Christ Iesus were not sufficient for our Regeneration and purgation and that God of himselfe were not powerfull enough to engraft and regenerate vs by the sacred signe of Water representing the Bloud of Iesus Christ but that there must bee exorcised Spittle and Driuell Oyle Salt Puppet-Images Creames Torches Waxe-Candles Milke or Honie inuented and deuised by other Heretikes Some also there bee more subtill Magicians Pithagoreans instructed in the Messalian Heresie haue added to all this the pronouncing of the Deuils name twenty times to exorcise and coniure him as ●e that associates the male Infant when hee comes to be baptized and thirty times they vtter it at the baptizing of a Daughter Was there euer so detestable a corruption in the Sacrament of Circumcision Wherefore O you Messalians haue you foysted in Oyles into the holy Sacrament of Baptisme imitating herein the Heresie of Marcus and Marcosus who commanded that Infants to be baptized should bee anointed The sacred signe of Water instituted by the hand of God was it not sufficient to signifie the precious blood of Iesus Christ for our regeneration and purification without intruding of Fattes Oiles spittle and other mixtures inuented by the corrupters of Sacraments The Body and Bloud of Iesus Christ wherewith wee are clothed anew by the sacred Water of Baptisme was it not powerfull enough and efficacious to preserue vs from all tempests without borrowing of your Exorcismes and Vnctions And yet for a further corruption and abuse Women were permitted to baptize conformable to the errour of the Marcionists Quintilians Cataphrigians Montanists Pepuzians Priscilians and Artotirites Were Women euer admitted by the Law of God to minister the holy Sacraments or Sacrifices instituted in the first Church of the Israelites or in the New Testament of Iesus Christ In the Historie of Moses it is reported that his wife Sephora excited with feminine furie tooke the stone or knife wherewith shee circumcised her sonne But it is not written that shee or any other like her were euer permitted to administer the holy Sacraments Out of these corruptions in
yeares after the death of the said Constantine the great to wit that they would not receiue the Law of Iesus Christ but rather obserue their ancient Pompilian Law to auoid the ruine of their Common-wealth through a change and alteration of Religion Wherefore it must needes bee inferred that the Law of GOD was not receiued nor approued at Rome by the Senate and Senators Now we must come to the subsequent times After the decease of Theodosius the Romane Westerne Empire began so much to decline that in a short space it was cleane extirpated by the Vandales and Alands who were the first that sacked Rome in part burned it and carryed away the Emperour Theodosius owne daughter whom they married to Atolphus King of the Gothes Not long after succeeded the Hunnes and then Attila King of the Gothes which vsurped Italie About this time the Occidentall Romane Empire was stript of all Germany Dacia Sarmatia and all other tributarie Prouinces euen to Dannbius Spaine also Aquitane Gascoyne Burgundie and all the Gaules reuolted from the Romane Tyrannie Then came the Astrogothes with their Kings Valamir and Theodemir Theodoric with other Barbarians and Infidels as likewise the Visigothes all vsurpers successiuely in Italie After this raigned Totilas who entred sackt and burnt Rome and all Sicilia At last the Lombardes came to raigne conducted by their King Alb●im who vsurped ouer all Italie These barberous Idolatrous and Infidell Nations were as Gods scourges ordained to punish the Romaine Idolaters committed by them who had receiued the knowledge of the holy Gospell and yet ranne astray from the true adoration and worship of God violated and corrupted the holy Sacraments by their humane inuentions and fictions in like manner to punish the obstinacie and infidelity of the Emperours and Senators of Rome who first by their Officers and Lieuetenants Deputies had caused Iesus Christ and his holy Apostles to bee crucified daily persecuted the Christians and euer opposed the Law Euangelicall to maintaine their Pompilian Religion We may therefore resolue and conclude that for the space of foure hundred yeares the Romane Church of Emperours and Senators were alwaies opposites and enemies to the Law of Iesus Christ Afterwards when the VVesterne Empire was extinguished for three hundred yeares or thereabouts that Rome and all Italie was rulde and gouerned by Kings Princes and Dukes that were Infidels and Idolaters which was by the Vuandales by the Gothes by the Hunnes Ostrogothes Visigothes and Lumbards for the space of seauen hundred yeares or thereabouts after the Iucarnation of Iesus Christ there was no Emperours Kings nor Princes at Rome that would embrace the Law of Iesus Christ The which I desired briefly to produce to the end the Reader might not thinke it strange though I here set downe how the sacrifice of the Masse tooke originall from the auncient Ethnicke Religion Instituted by Numa more then seauen hundred yeares before the Incarnation of Iesus Christ and that since also the same sacrifice hath beene continued by the Romane Idolaters hardened and inuerated in their Pompilian Religion which they would neuer abandon nor giue ouer CHAP. XI The first greatnesse of Popes prouing Antichrists and bringing in the sacrifice of the Masse NOw to the end nothing might be concealed out of the Romane histories to obscure the clearenesse and sun-shine of truth during the Tyranny and vsurpation of the aboue mentioned Nations there was erected in Italie a petty Exarcate at Rauenna which stood for an hundred eighty three yeares till it was supprest by a Pope who was inuested in the same encroacht vpon St. Peters Chaire by a Donation or Dismission wrought by Pepyn in the yeare 758. in requitall of the Tyrannie vsed by Zacharias a Greeke Romane Pope who depriu'd the true heires of the Crowne of France which were Chilperio or Childeric whom hee shut vp in a Monasterie to conferre the Kingdome vpon the said Pepyn sonne to Charles Martell the Bastard This Donation of Pepyns bestowed on the great Romane Pontife was the first Originall of the exaltation and eminencie of the Romane Popes who to this day remaine the Exarcate of Rauenna since about eight hundred yeares with many Townes along the coast of the Adriatick assign'd ouer to them by Pepyn against the expresse prohibitions of Constantine then raigning Emperour of the East in Greece While this pettie Exarcate continued at Rauenna a long time before Pepyns Donation the Bishop of the place seeing that there were no more Experors at Rome tyranniz'd and gouern'd by barbarous and miscreant Nations began to lift vp his hornes so as hee would be preferred before the Bishop of Rome and stile himselfe head of the Church both he and his successours Bishops of Rauenna while the Exarcate lasted This was the first petty Antichrist that assum'd a Tyrannie in the Church pursuing the terrestriall Tyrannie of his Exarcate After him rose another great Antichrist in Constantinople named Iohn Bishop of the place who perceiuing the Occidentall Empire of Rome cleane extinguished and that of Constantinople risen to a great heigth he grew also affected to worldly Tyrannie and conformable therevnto erected one Spirituall in the Church of Iesus Christ By a Councell held for the purpose hee denounced himselfe to be Oecumenicall Bishop which signifies generall and head of all the Church But presently after the great Romane Pontifes tooke so good a course herein that by treason the Emperor Mauricius was cruelly slaine in Constantinople himselfe his wife and family by that wicked Phocas who for recompence of this abominable Murther committed by the notice and intelligence of their Church of Rome alwayes contrary to Iesus Christ caused Boniface the third of that name to be declar'd head and Generall of the Church of God vsurping the Authority of the great and eternall Sacrificing high Priest the onely Spouse and head of his Church Iesus Christ Who could better resemble Antichrist then he that assumes a Tyrannie in the Church of God a Poligamie in the Church the Spouse of Iesus Christ ascribing to himselfe that power which Iesus Christ reseru'd for himselfe to reside perpetually with his Church by the power and vertue of the holy Ghost for the conduct and gouernement of the same May not he rightly be term'd Antichrist that labours directly to oppose the holy Gospell of Iesus Christ who forbad his Apostles when hee sent them to Preach the Word that they should not constitute a Monarchie in the Church as the Princes Kings and Tyrants of the earth are wont to doe That none of them should presume to bee called head or greater then the rest but that they should all be humbled as brethren being assured that they had one onely Head and one heauenly Father who would dwell and continue with them for euer to conduct and inspire them in his holy will Is not he truly an Antichrist
the Missalian treasure all amercements and confiscations adiudged within the demeans of the Romane Pontife with other ordinances reuiued by new Romane Popes which haue descended from one to another To this purpose reade in the Romane Stories that during the reigne of the Emperour Valentinian the second of this name there hapned a dangerous sedition at Rome betweene the Christian and idolatrous Priests which stroue who should amasse or heape vp together most wealth in the Church by grants testamentary legacies oblations and other inuentions so as the Heathen and Infidell idolaters who retained yet a Temple to themselues called at this day the Church of Saint Peter ad Vincula fought with the Christians at Rome who would haue dedicated it to their deuotion After the Offertory Titlemans Alcoran sets downe how the Masse-priest should bee silent for a time to figure the flight of Christ or his Disciples feare to confesse him before the Iewes Then this being performed the Priest sings aloud per omnia secula seculorum because after Christ had hidden himselfe he publikely came forth in Lazarus house Then he sings Sanctus sanctus sanctus to allude to the Iewes song when Christ entred into Ierusalem When this Musicke ends the Priest must murmur in secret and betweene his teeth counterfeiting sorrow without any turne-abouts but then he must expresse a kind of mute mummery by the making of many reiterated croysadoes as shall hereafter be mentioned CHAP. XVII Of the round Host with the Consecration of the same NExt to the Offertory we must come to the ninth part of the Masse the most rich and most pleasing for the Missalians This is the Host or victime which comprehends the end of all this Missall Sacrifice In the dayes of Numa the Magician the Romanes were not yet accustomed to kill and immolate with the blood of beasts but men were appointed to eate and communicate within the Temple after the end of the Missall Sacrifice small round loaues consecrated to the honour of the gods in whose name the sacrifice was celebrated These little round hosts of fine meale were eaten by the Priest by the assistants standing vpright and not sitting The flower whereof they were made was called Mola and from thence came this word immolare There were diuers hosts that is to say little round loaues dedicated to diuers gods as there were likewise sundry Missall Sacrifices With the said round hosts they also offered wine the Altars seruing for Tables While the Priests the assistants in the sacrifice eate and communicated together of the said little round loaues consecrated to the honor of their gods hymnes and thanksgiuings were sung and some vsed the sound of the Organs and Cymbals Before the swallowing of this round host printed with imagery the Missalian Doctors ordained the Priest to vtter certaine exorcismes and coniurations with many signes of the crosse First hee must make three crosses vpon this round host to figure the trinall tradition of Christ that is to say by the Father by himselfe Christ and by the holy Ghost in pronouncing these words Haec dona haec munera haec sancta sacrificia illibata Some other Doctors Alcoranists and Missalians interpret the third crossing for Iudas treason who deliuered his Master into the hands of the Iewes Besides the aboue mentioned three Croisadoes fiue other follow to intimate the fiue dayes space from the day of Palmes to the day of the Passion or otherwise to represent the fiue wounds of Christ two in the hands two in the feet and one in the right side Of which fiue Croysadoes the three first must be made ouer the Chalice and the round host to figure the deliuery of Christ to the Priests Scribes and Pharisies or to signifie the price of Christs sale that is to say three times ten which import the thirty pence The two other crossi●gs are made distinctly on which is the fourth ouer the host and the other ouer the Chalice distinctly to manifest vnto vs the two persons of Christ and Iudas when this is done the Masse-Priest continuing in his fooleries and monckeries stretcheth out his armes to delineate Christ spred vpon the Crosse then he lifts the round host printed with imagery on high that it may be adored Afterwards he returnes to make three crosses one ouer the host another ouer the Chalice and a third ouer himselfe to play herein the part of three estates or conditions of those that are in Heauen in Purgatory and in the earth Then he thumps vpon his brest to play the penitent theefe that was hanged vpon the Crosse This thumping of his stomacke must bee performed with the three last fingers of his hand because the thumbe and the next finger are reserued to consecrate and transubstantiate the round host Moreouer he must beat his brest three times to figure a triple offence of the heart of the mouth and of reall act exalting his voice to represent the Theefe or the Centurion which confessed God in the Passion Sixe other Croisadoes are afterwards reiterated three ouer the cou●red Chalice to commemorate the three houres that Christ hung aliue vpon the Crosse and three other crosses are made ouer the open Chalice and the round host being once more eleuated to decypher the three houres that Christ hung dead vpon the Crosse Then does he adde two other crosses after the Masse-monger hath kist his Chalice to describe the mystery of blood and water issuing out of Christs sides Besides all the aboue mentioned mute mummeries the Priest must lift the vaile ouer the Chalice and release it from the Plataine to represent the rent vaile in the midst at Christs death This being done the round host is laid vpon the Chalice and couched in the corporall to figure the burial of Christ When the Masse priest hath plaia the part of the hang'd theefe of the traitor Iudas of Christ of the Publicanes hee afterwards comoediates the Centurion singing the Pater Noster But Durandus Alcoran by the seuen petitions in the Pater Noster expresseth the seuen teares of the Virgin Mary the seuen vertues or the seuen mortall sinnes When this song is ended the Priest remaines silent for a while to represent the silence and repose of Christ in the graue Another apery or monckery is plaid by the Masse-priest with the round host which he layes vpon the Pix to decypher the vnion of his diuinity with his humanity but when hee plaies the secret mystery the host is hidden out of sight CHAP. XVIII Of diuers parts and sundry Ceremonies belonging to the Masse WHen the sacrifice was ended the little round hosts eaten Numa appointed these words to be sung I licet or Ite Missa est which is to say go you are permitted the assembly is dismist to repaire home to their houses Are not these all the parts of the Missall sacrifice most of which were ordained by Numa the Magician aboue 700 years before