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A16109 Deuout psalmes and colletes gathered and set in suche order, as may be vsed for dayly meditacions. 1547 (1547) STC 2999; ESTC S107833 27,239 122

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them the continuall dewe of thy blessing Graunt this o lorde for the honour of our aduocate mediatour Iesu Christ Amen WE beseche the O Lorde to shewe vpon vs thyne exceding great mercye whiche no tonge can worthely expresse and that it may please the to delyuer vs from all oure synnes and also from the paynes that we haue for them deserued Graunte this O lord through our mediatour and aduocate Iesu Christ Amen GRaunt we beseche the O almighty God that we in our trouble put our whole confidence vpon thy mercy that we agaynst all aduersitie be defended vnder thy protection Graunte this O lorde God for our mediatour and aduocate Iesu Christes sake Amen ALmighty God whiche hast geuen vs grace at thys tyme with one accord to make our commune supplicacions vnto the and doest promyse that whē two or .iii. be gathered in thy name thou wilt graunt their requestes fulfil now O lorde the desires and peticions of thy seruauntes as may be best expedient for them grauntyng vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy truthe and in the worlde to come lyfe euerlastyng Amen The prayer of our Lord. OVr father whiche arte in heauen halowed be thy name Thy kyngdome come Thy wil be done in yearth as it is in heauen Geue vs this day our daily bread And forgeue vs our trespaces as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And let vs not be led into temptacion But delyuer vs from euill Amen ¶ The Crede or .xii. articles of the Christen fayth I Beleue in God the father almyghty maker of heauen and yearth And in Iesu Christ hys only sonne our Lorde Whyche was conceyued of the holye gost borne of the virgin Mry Suffered vnder Ponce Pylate was crucified dead buryed and descended in to hell And the thirde day he rose agayne from death He ascended into heauen and sytteth on the righte hande of god the father almightie From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I Beleue in the holye goste The holy Catholycke churche The Communion of saynctes the forgeuenes of synnes The resurreccion of the body And the life euerlastyng Amen ¶ The .x. commaundementes of almighty God THou shalte haue none other goddes in my syghte Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage neyther any similitude that is in Heauē aboue eyther in the earth beneth or in the waters vnder the earthe Thou shalte not worshippe them neyther serue them for I the Lord thy god am a gelouse God vysitte the synne of the fathers vpon the childrē vnto the thyrd fourth generacion of theym that hate me and shewe mercy vnto thousandes in them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy god in vayne Remember the Sabboth daye that thou sanctifie it Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes maye be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy god geueth the. Thou shalte not kyll Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Thou shalte not steale Thou shalt not beare false wytnesse agaynste thy neyghboure Thou shalte not couet thy neyghboures house neyther shalt thou couet thy neyghbours wife or hys manne seruaunte or hys mayde or his Oxe or his asse or what soeuer thy neyghbour hath The places of baptysme Go ye therefore Math. xxviii and teache all nacions baptisynge them in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy gooste Teaching them to obserue al thinges whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you Go ye in to al the world preach the gospel to all creatures Marke xv he that beleueth is baptised shal be saued But he that beleueth not shal be dampned Knowe ye not that al we which are baptysed into Iesu Christ Roma vi are baptised to dye with hym For ye are al children of god because ye beleue in Christ Iesu Gal. iii. For all ye that are baptysed haue put on Christ For the supper of the lord Math. xxvi When they were eatynge Iesus toke breade and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to the dysciples sayde Take eate this is my body And he toke the cuppe and thanked and gaue it them saying Drinke ye all of this for this is my bloude whiche is of the newe testamente that is shed for many for the remission of synnes Marke xiiii And as they did eate Iesus toke breade and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue to them and sayd Take eate thys is my bodie And he toke the cup and whē he had geuen thankes he toke it to them and they all dranke of it and he sayde vnto them Thys is my bloud of the newe testament whiche is shed for many And he toke breade and when he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue vnto them saying Luke xxii Thys is my body whiche is geuen for you This do in the remembraunce of me Lykewise also when he had supped he toke the cuppe saying This cup is the newe testament in my bloud whiche is shed for you That which I delyuered vnto you I receyued of the lorde i. Cor. xi For the Lord Iesu the same night in whiche he was betrayed toke breade and when he had geuen thankes he brake it and sayde Take ye and eate this is my bodye whiche is broken for you This do ye in the remembraunce of me After the same maner also he toke the cup when supper was doen saying this cup is the newe Testament in my bloud Thys dooe as oft as ye drinke it in remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe the Lordes deathe tyll he come Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of thys breade or drynke of the cuppe of the Lord vnworthelye shal be gyltie of the body and blood of the Lorde But let a man examin hymselfe and so let hym eate of the bread drinke of the cup. For he that eateth and drinketh vnworthely eateth drinketh hys owne dānacion because he maketh no difference of the Lordes body For this cause many are weake sicke amonge you manye slepe For yf we had iudged ourselues ▪ we shoulde not haue ben iudged Finis ¶ Imprinted at London in Flete strete at the signe of the Sunne ouer agaynste the Conduyte by Edwarde Whit-churche the .v. daye of Nouember in the yeare of oure Lord. 1547. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
Deuout psalmes and colletes gathered and set in suche order as may be vsed for dayly meditacions Anno ¶ An exhortacion to prayer EMonges all other exercises good Christian reader that god hath prepared for vs that we may exercise oure selues in there is none better none more excellent then is true prayer cumming from a cleane hert and an vnfeyned conscience For in the day of temtacion when the olde serpent by his subtyl suggestions shal go about our helth to subuert we shal easely by prayer as a present remedy all hys malicyouse sondry dartes extynguishe Also in the day of external affliccion which oftentimes chaunseth for our sinnes wickednes by prayer we shall eyther obteyne helpe that it may be mitigated or elles all together taken away Fyrst of all this is to be noted that we must make our prayers and commen peticions vnto god and to hym onely For he is the geuer of euery good and perfecte gifte It is one chefe operacion and working belonging vnto his diuinitie to graūt vnto vs suche thinges as we doe aske and craue of hym They therfore that dooe aske of other besydes hym somuche as is in them dooe rob god of his power and diuinitie It is written in the epistle of saynt Iames If any of you want wisdom let him aske of him that geueth it that is of god And god also by hys prophet Dauid exhorteth vs to make our prayers vnto him his wordes be these Cal vpon me in the day of tribulacion and I will delyuer the. Accordyng to thys saynt Paule sayeth How shall they call vppon him in whom they beleue not Therfore we cannot call on hym for help but in whome we dooe beleue we cannot beleue that oure peticions shal be graunted excepte we be steyed vpon some promise made vnto vs in the scripture The promyse in scripture as concernyng our peticions to be graunted is made by the father only that in the name of Christ wherfore vnto him only oure prayers is to be directed Furthermore this is to be noted in prayer that we must pray with our hartes and mindes not onely with our lippes our toung For yf we do we may well be compared vnto the Iewes vnto whō our sauiour Christ sayde o ye hipocrites Esaie the prophet hath prophecied well of you saying This peopell draweth nere vnto me with there mouth they honour me with the lyppes but theyr heart is far from me Let vs call to our remēbraunce the example of Anna mother of Samuel whiche prayed vehemently vnto god and her peticion was heard graunted yet she spake not one word with her toung But powred furth the whole sorow anguyshe of her mynde afore god And god sayde vnto Moises wherfore doest thou crye vnto me whē Moyses spake nothing with his toung but with his hart Therfore in our praiers let vs lift vp our heartes vnto God earnestly desyring those thinges that we haue most nede of separating our mindes frō all cares and desyres of the worlde the fleshe On the mundaye The fyrst psalme Beatus vir qui non abiit BLessed is that man that hath not walked in the counsayl of the vngodly nor stande in the way of sinners and hath not sit in the seate of the scorneful But his delyte is in the lawe of the Lord and in his lawe wyl he exercise him selfe day and night And he shal be like a tree plāted by the water syde that wyl bryng furth his fruit in due season His leafe also shal not wither loke whatsoeuer he doeth it shal prosper As for the vngodly it is not so with them but they are like the chaffe which the wynd scattereth away frō the face of the yearth Therfore the vngodly shal not be able to stād in the iudgement neither the synners in the cōgregacion of the righteous But the lord knoweth the way of the righteous and the way of the vngodly shal perishe The second Verba mea auribus Psal v. POnder my wordes o Lord cōsidre my meditacion O herken thou vnto the voyce of my callyng my kyng and my God for vnto the wyll I make my praier My voyce shalt thou heare by tymes o Lord early in the mornyng wyl I direct my praier vnto the and wyll loke vp For thou art the God that hath no pleasure in wickednes neither shal any euil dwel with the. Suche as be folishe shall not stand in thy sight for thou hatest al them that worke vanitie Thou shalt destroye them that speake lesyng the Lord wyll abhorre both the bloudthyrsty and deceitful man But as for me I wyl come into thy house euen vpon the multitude of thy mercy in thy feare wyll I worship towarde thy holy temple Leade me o Lord in thy rightwysenes because of myne enemies make thy way playne before my face For there is no faythfulnes in his mouth theyr inwarde partes are very wickednes Their throte is an open sepulchre thei flatter with theyr tong Destroy thou them O God let them perishe thorowe their owne ymaginacions cast them out in the multitude of theyr vngodlynesse for they haue rebelled against the. And let all them that put theyr trust in the reioyce thei shal euer be geuyng of thankes because thou defendest thē thei that loue thy name shal be ioyful in the. For thou Lorde wylte geue thy blissyng vnto the righteous and with thy fauourable kyndnesse wylt thou defende him as with a shilde ¶ The third Domine ne Psal vi O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignacion neither chasten me in thy displeasure Haue mercy vpon me O lord for I am weake O lord heale me for my bones are vexed My soule also is sore troubled but lord how long wilte thou punishe me Turne the O lord and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remembreth the and who wyll geue the thankes in the pit I am weary of my gronyng euery night washe I my bed and water my couche with my teares My beautie is gone for very trouble worne away because of all myne enemies Away fro me all ye that worke vanitie for the lorde hath hearde the voyce of my wepyng The lord hath heard my peticion the lord wyl receiue my praier All myne enemies shal be confounded sore vexed they shal be turned backe and putte to shame sodenly ¶ The fourth Domine dominus noster psal viii O Lorde oure gouernour how excellent is thi name in all the world thou that hast set thy glory aboue the heauens Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklinges hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest styll the enemye and the auenger For I wyl cōsidre thy heauens euen the workes of thy fyngers the Moone the starres whiche thou hast ordayned What is manne that thou art myndefull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest him Thou madest him lower then the
Aungels to croune him with glory and worship Thou makest him to haue dominion of the workes of thy handes thou hast put all thynges in subiection vnder his feete Al shepe and oxen yea and the beastes of the felde The foules of the ayre the fyshe of the sea and whatsoeuer walketh thorowe the pathes of the seas O lord oure gouernour howe excellent is thy name in all the worlde Let vs pray ALmighty God the father of mercy and God of all comforte the whiche onely forgeuest synne forgeue vnto vs our synnes good lorde forgeue vnto vs our sinnes that by the multitude of thy mercy thei may be couered and not imputed vnto vs and by the operacion of the holy ghost we may haue power and strēgth hereafter to resist synne by oure sauiour lord Iesu Christ Amē ¶ The Letany The lordes praier The twelue articles of our beliefe The ten commaundementes The places cōcernyng Baptisme The places cōcernyng the supper of the lord Let vs pray O Almighty God and mercyful Lord whiche geuest c. On the tuysday The fyrst Saluum me fac psal xii HElpe me lord for ther is not one godly man lefte For the faythfull are minished frō among the children of men They talke of vanitie euerye one with his neighbour they do but flatter with theyr lippes dissemble in theyr double heart The Lord shall rote out all deceiptful lippes and the tong that speaketh proude thynges Whiche haue sayd with oure tongue wyll we preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is lord ouer vs Now for the comfortlesse troubles sake of the neady because of the depe sighyng of the poore I wyl vp sayth the lord wyll helpe euery one from him that swelleth against him and wyl set them at rest The wordes of the Lorde are pure wordes euen as the syluer whiche from yearth is tried and purified seuen tymes in the fyre Thou shalt kepe them O lord thou shalte preserue him frō this generacion for euer The vngodly walke on euery side when they are exalted the childrē of men are put to rebuke The second Dixit insipiens psal xiiii THe fole hath sayd in his heart there is no God They are corrupt and become abhominable in their doynges there is not one that doth good no not one The lord loked doune frō heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand seke after God But they are al gone out of the way they are al together become abhominable there is none that doth good no not one Their throte is an open sepulchre with their tonges thei haue disceiued the poyson of aspes is vnder their lippes Their mouth is ful of cursyng bitternes theyr feete are swifte to shed bloud Destruction and vnhappynes is in their waies and the way of peace haue they not knowē there is no feare of God before their eyes Haue they no knowledge that they al are suche workers of mischief eatyng vp my people as it were bread cal not vpon the lord There were they brought in great feare euen where no feare was for God is in the generaciō of the righteous As for you ye haue made a mocke at the coūsell of the poore because he putteth his trust in the lord Who shal geue saluacion vnto Israel out of Syon When the lord turneth the captiuitie of his people then shal Iacob reioyce Israel shal be glad The third Domine quis habitabit psal xv LOrde who shall dwel in thy tabernacle who shall rest vpon thy holy hyl Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupt life and doeth the thyng whiche is right and speaketh the truth from his heart He that hath vsed no disceipte in his tong nor done euil to his neighboure and hath not slaundred his neighbours He that setteth not by him self but is lowly in his owne eyes maketh muche of thē that feare the Lord. He that sweareth vnto his neighbour and disapointeth him not though it were to his owne hynderaunce He that hath not geuē his money vpō vsury nor taken reward against the innocent Who so doeth these thynges shal neuer fal The fowerth Deus deus meus psal xxii MY God my God loke vpō me why hast thou forsaken me and art so farre fro my helth and frō the wordes of my complaint O my God I crie in the day tyme but thou hearest not in the night season also I take no rest And thou continuest holye O thou worship of Israel Our father 's hoped in the they trusted in the and thou diddest deliuer them They called vpon the and wer helped they put theyr trust in the and were not confounded But as for me I am a worme and no mā a very scorne of men and the outcast of the people All they that see me laugh me to scorne they shote out theyr lippes and shake their head saiyng He trusted in God that he would deliuer him let him deliuer him if he wyl haue him But thou arte he that toke me out of my mothers wombe thou wast my hope when I hāged yet vpon my mothers breastes I haue bene left vnto the euer syns I was borne thou arte my God euen frō my mothers wōbe O go not fro me for trouble is harde at hand and there is none to helpe me Many oxen are come about me fatte bulles of Basan close me in on euery syde They gape vpon me with their mouthes as it were a rampyng and roryng Lyon I am poured out like water all my bones are out of ioynte my heart also in the middest of my bodye is euen like meltyng waxe My strength is dryed vp lyke a potsherde and my tong cleueth to my gummes and thou shalte bryng me into the dust of death For many dogges are come about me and the counsayle of the wicked lay siege against me They pearsed my handes and my feete I may tel al my bones they stande staryng and lokyng vpon me They parte my garmentes among them and cast lottes vpō my vesture But be not thou farre from me O lord thou art my succour hast the to helpe me Deliuer my soule from the swearde my dearelyng from the power of the dogge Saue me frō the lyons mouth thou hast heard me also from among the hornes of the vnicornes I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren in the middest of the congregacion wyll I prayse the. O prayse the lorde ye that feare him magnifye him all ye of the seede of Iacob and feare him all ye seede of Israel For he hath not dispysed nor abhorred the lowe estate of the poore he hath not hyd his face frō him but when he called vnto him he heard him My praise is of the in the great congregacion my vowes wyll I perfourme in the sight of them that feare him The poore shal eate be satisfied they that seke after the lorde shal prayse him your heart shall liue for euer All the endes
seruauntes thy worke theyr children thy glorie And the glorious maiestie of the lorde our god be vpon vs prosper thou the worke of our handes vpon vs o prosper thou our handy worke The second Venite exultemus psal xcv O Come let vs synge vnto the Lorde let vs hertely reioyce in the strength of oure saluacion let vs come before his presence with thankes geuing and shewe our selfe glad in him with psalmes For the Lorde is a great kinge aboue all goddes In his hand are all the corners of the earth and the strength of the hylles is hys also The sea is hys and he made it and his handes prepared the drye lande O come let vs worshyppe and falle downe before the Lorde our maker For he is the Lorde our God and we are the people of hys pasture and the shepe of his handes To day if ye wil heare his voyce harden not your hartes as in the prouocacion and as in the daye of tentacion in the wildernes when youre fathers tempted me proued me sawe my workes Fourtie yeares long was I greued with the generacion sayde it is a people that do erre in theyr hertes for they haue not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrath that they shoulde not enter into my rest ¶ The third Iubilate deo psal C. O Be ioyfull in the Lorde all ye landes serue the Lorde with gladnesse come before hys presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lorde he is God It is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are hys people the shepe of his pasture O go youre waye into his gates with thankesgeuing and into his courtes wyth prayse be thankeful vnto hym and speake good of hys name For the Lord is gracious hys mercy is euerlastyng his truthe endureth from generacion to generacion The fowerth Benedic anima mea psal ciii PRayse the lorde O my soule al that is within me prayse hys holy name Prayse the Lorde O my soule and forget not all hys benefytes Whiche forgeueth al thy sinne and healeth all thyne infyrmyties Whyche saueth thy lyfe from destrucciō and crowneth the with mercye and louynge kyndnesse Whiche satisfyeth thy mouth with good thynges makyng the yonge and lustye as an Aegle The lorde executeth ryghteousnesse and iudgement for all them that are oppressed with wronge He shewed his wayes vnto Moses hys workes vnto the chyldren of Israel The lorde is full of compassion and mercy long suffring and of great goodnes He wil not alway be chiding neyther kepeth he his anger for euer He hath not dealt wyth vs after our synnes nor rewarded vs accordyng to our wickednesses For loke howe hye the heauen is in comparison of the earth so greate is hys mercy also towarde them that feare him Loke howe wyde also the East is from the west so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pytieth hys owne children euen so is the lorde merciful vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust The dayes of man are but as grasse for he florisheth as a floure of the fielde For as sone as the winde goth ouer it it is gone and the place therof shall knowe it no more But the mercifull goodnesse of the lorde endureth for euer and euer vpō them that feare hym and hys ryghteousnes vpon childres children Euen vpon suche as kepe hys couenaunt and thinke vpon hys commaundementes to do them The lorde hath prepared hys seate in heauen and his kyngdom ruleth ouer all O prayse the lorde ye Angels of hys ye that excell in strength ye that fulfill hys commaundement and herken vnto the voyce of hys wordes O prayse the Lord al ye his hostes ye seruauntes of hys that do hys pleasure O speake good of the lorde all ye workes of hys in all places of hys dominyon prayse thou the lorde O my soule Let vs pray O Almyghtie mercifull lorde whiche geuest vnto thy elect people the holy gooste as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kyngdom Graunte vnto vs o lorde this holy spirite that he may beare witnes with our spirite that we be thy children and heyres of thy kyngdom and that by the operacion of this spirite we may kyl all carnall lustes vnlawfull pleasures concupiscence euell affeccions contrary vnto thy wil by our sauioure and lorde Iesu Christ Amen The Letany O God the father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father of heauen haue mercye vpon vs myserable synners O God the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs myserable sinners O God the holy gost procedyng from the father the sonne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the holy gost procedyng from the father and the sonne haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie three persons and one God haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie thre persons and one God haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners Holy virgin Mary mother of God our sauiour Iesu Christ Pray for vs. All holy Angels and Archangelles and all holy orders of blessed spirites Pray for vs. All holy Patriarkes Prophetes Apostles and Martyrs Confessours and Virgins and all the blessed company of heauē Pray for vs. Remembre not Lorde oure offences nor the offences of oure forefathers neyther take thou vengeaunce of our sinnes spare vs good Lorde spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thy moste precious bloude and be not angrye with vs for euer Spare vs good lorde From all euel and mischiefe from synne from the craftes assautes of the deuyl frō thy wrath and from euerlasting damnacion Good lorde deliuer vs. From blindnesse of heart from pryde vayneglory and hipocrisy from enuy hatred and malyce and all vncharitablenesse Good lorde deliuer vs. From fornicacion and all deadly synne and from all the deceiptes of the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll Good lorde delyuer vs. From lightening and tempest from plage pestilence and famine from battayle and murder from sodeyne death Good lorde delyuer vs. From all sedicion and pryuye conspiracy from the tyranny of the byshop of Rome and all hys detestable enormities frō all false doctrine and heresy from al hardnes of heart and contempt of thy worde and commaundement Good lorde delyuer vs. By the mistery of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy Natiuitie circumcision by thy baptisme fastyng and temptacion Good lorde delyuer vs By thyne agony and bluddy sweat by thy crosse and passion by thy precious death and buryall by thy glorious resurrection and ascencion by the cummyng of the holy gost Good lorde delyuer vs. In al tyme of our tribulacion to all tyme of our welth in the houre of death in the day of iudgement Good lorde delyuer vs. We synners do beseche the to heare
vs O lorde God and that it maye please the to rule and gouerne thy holy churche vniuersall in the ryght way We beseche the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to kepe Edward the sixt thy seruaunt our kyng and gouernour We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to rule his heart in thy fayth feare and loue that he maye euer haue affiaunce in the and euer seke thy honor and glory We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to be his defender keper geuing him the victory ouer all his enemies We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to kepe the noble Quene Katherine dowagier in thy feare and loue geuing her increace of all godlynesse honor and children We beseche the to heare vs Good lorde That it may please the to preserue the lady Maries grace the lady Elizabethes grace and the Lorde Protectors grace We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to illuminate all byshopes pastours and mynisters of the Churche with true knowledge and vnderstandyng of thy worde and that both by their preaching and lyuyng they may set it furthe and shewe it accordyngly We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to endue the lordes of the counsayl and al the nobilitie with grace wisdom and vnderstandyng We beseche the to heare vs Good lorde That it may please the to blesse and kepe the magistrates geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntayne truthe We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to blesse and kepe all thy people We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue to all nacions vnitie peace and concorde We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue vs an hearte to loue and dreade the and diligently to lyue after thy commaundemente We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue all thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy worde and receyue it with pure affeccion and to bring furth the fruites of the spirite We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to bring into the way of truthe all suche as haue erred and are deceyued We beseche the to heare vs good lord That it maye please the to strengthen suche as do stande and comfort and helpe the weake hearted and to rayse vp them that fall and finally to beate downe Satan vnder our feete We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to succour helpe and comfort all that be in daunger necessitie and trybulacion We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to preserue all that trauayle by lande or by water all women labourynge of childe all sicke persons yong children and to shew thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to defend and prouide for the fatherles children and widowes all that be desolate and oppressed We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to haue mercy vpon all men We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to forgeue our enemies persecutours and sclaunderous to turne their heartes We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue to our vse the kindely fruites of the yearth so as in due tyme we may enioy them and to preserue them We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue to vs true repentaunce to forgeue vs al our synnes negligences and ignoraunces to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite to amende oure lyues accordyng to thy holy worde We beseche the to heare vs good lorde Sonne of God we beseche the to heare vs. Sonne of god we beseche the to heare vs. O lambe of God that takest away the synnes of the worlde Graunte vs thy peace O lambe of God that takest away the synnes of the worlde Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our father which art in heauen With the residue of the pater noster And suffre vs not to be led in to temptacion But delyuer vs from euyll Amen ¶ The versicle O lorde deale not with vs after our synnes ¶ The answere ¶ Neyther rewarde vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father the dispysest not the sighing of a cōtrite hearte nor the desyre of suche as be sorowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before that in all oure troubles and aduersities when soeuer they oppresse vs. And graciously heare vs that those euils whiche the crafte and subteltie of the Deuyll or manne worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnes they may be dispersed that we thy seruauntes being hurte by no persecucions may euermore geue thankes vnto the in thy holy Churche thorough Iesu Christ our lorde O lorde arise helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue hearde with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou dyddest in their dayes in the olde tyme before them O lord arise helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy honour Glory to the father the sonne to the holy gost as it hath bene from the beginning is and shal be euer world without ende Amen From our enemyes defende vs O Christ Graciously loke vpon our affliccions Pitifully beholde the dolour of our heart Mercyfully forgeue the synnes of thy people Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both nowe and euer vouchesaufe to heare vs Christ Graciously heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Lorde Christ ¶ The versicle O lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. ¶ The answere As we do put our trust in the. ¶ Let vs pray WE humbly beseche the O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy names sake turne from vs all those euylles that we moost ryghteously haue deserued Graunt this O lorde God for our mediatour and aduocate Iesu Christes sake Amen O God whose nature and propertie is euer to haue mercy and to forgeue receyue oure humble peticion and though we be tied and bound with the chayne of our synnes yet let the pityfulnes of thy great mercy leuse vs for the honour of Iesus Christes sake our mediatour aduocate Amen ALmyghty and euerliuyng God whiche onely workest greate meruayles sende downe vpon oure byshoppes and curates and all congregacions committed to their charge the healthfull spirit of thy grace and that they may truly please the poure vpon