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A13919 A goodly treatise of faith, hope, and charite necessary for all Christe[n] me[n] to know and to exercyse themselues therein tra[n]slated into englyshe; Profitelic en troostelic boexken. English. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1537 (1537) STC 24219.5; ESTC S107348 56,528 168

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A goodly treatise of faith hope and charite necessary for all Christē mē to know and to exercyse thēselues therin trāslated into englyshe Prynted in South warke For Iames Nicolson Anno M. D. xxxvii 1537. The translatoure THer are many now a dayes that vse greate disputacions and reasonynge of fayth thinking to haue faith whā they can reason muche of it They know that by fayth only a man is iustifyed or made ryghteous but yet they knowe not the grounde pyth of faith wherby a man is made righteous Yee true fayth can better be felt inwardly than it can be expressed with wordes It is plāted in at the eare by hearynge of the worde of God it is groūded and roted in mans harte by the operacyon of the spirite workynge in the same worde and finally seynge it can not be hyd it bresteth out in doynge of charitable dedes the which the faythfull knoweth to be acceptable vnto God And by thys workynge or endeuoure to please God he conceaueth an hope to optayne euerlastynge lyfe wherin he shall rest in ioy with God not of dewtye as one that were hyred therto but only of Gods bounteous goodnesse and mercye The dyuels also haue an hystoricall fayth of Christe and beleue al to be true y t is spoken of hym thorow out all the scrypture for they can not improue nor denye the treuth of it But seynge they conceaue not suche an opinion of God as namely that God is theyr redimer that by hym and by none other be he neuer so holy they be saued that in hym only they oughte to reioyce to truste and to be conforted therfore is not theyr ●ayth auaylable or an occasyon vnto saluacyon but rather as sayeth saynte Iames a cause to feare and tremble It is not ynough to be baptysed and to know by harte all y t articles of oure faith although euery one that wyl be called a Christian is bounde to beleue to know the● but he must also expresse them in hys lyuynge Yf I be leue God to be a father and a creator or maker of heauen and earth and al that is therin of nought and yet do not seke all ayde conforte and goodnesse at hym how can I haue a true fayth or beleue in hym howe can I saye truely I beleue in God the father almyghtye c. Herken how God complayneth by hys prophet Micue 1. Shulde not a sonne honoure hys father sayeth he and a seruaunte hys mayster Yf I be now a father where ●● myne honoure Yf I be the ZORDE where I am feared sayeth the ZORDE of hoostes As though he wolde saye who declareth hys fayth that he hath to me who soueth me as a son hys ather not for ony respect or regarde of auauntage that he can optayne by it but of the inwarde and naturall mocyon of loue that he hath to my goodnesse Or who feareth me as a seruaunt that dredeth punyshment for transgressynge of his lordes commaundemente For as sayeth Dauid They are all gone out of the waye they are all become vnprofytable ther is none that doth good no not one By thys is it euydēt what small fayth is founde in the world now a dayes and how lyttell declaracyō of the same specialy of those that can and do moost reason dispute of it Thys I saye and that in verbo domini that I wolde of god they vttered lesse wordes of fayth hope and charyte but declared them more by outward dedes of y e same To speake diuinite maketh not a diuine but to lyue diuinite Yf wyshyng myghte do good I wolde hartelye wyshe euery one that can speake muche of diuinite the same mynd that saynt Augustine was in whā he sayde The vnlearned stonde vp and take in y e kingdome of heauen and we synke to hell with all out learnynge Yf we dyd take once hartye grace to vs and busyed oure selues to lyue the Gospel than shuld not we need to be asked a counte of our fayth than shulde we go on progresse from vertue to vertue than shuld out lyghte lyghten the weakelynges lest they do offende at Christe the heade corner stone But alas for pytye the greate punyshmentes wherewith God doth and wyll punysh vs comme vpon vs because ther is no faithful nesse ther is no mercye ther is no knowlege of god in the londe but swe●tynge lyeng manslaughter thefte and aduoutrye haue the ouer hand and one bloudshed dyng so oweth another c. Dse 4. Loke thorowe the whole flock of them that wyl be seyers of god that is y ● cytesyns of Ierusalē Seke thorow hyr stretes also yf ye cā fynd one man y t doth equal right or y t laboureth to be saythfull and I shall spare hym sayeth the LORD For though they can say The LORD lyueth yet to they swear to deceaue Where as thou o LORD lokest only vpō saith treuth Christ himself hath prophecyed these peryllous tymes of oures sayenge Whā the son of mā cōmeth suppose ye y ● he shal fynd faith vpō earth As though he wold say no. Yee where faith is not there is an vnbermēt of wyckednesses as sayeth Esay 59. There is equite gone asyde ● rightcousnesse stōdeth afarte of Treuth is falledown in y ● strete the thynge y ● is playn open may not be shewed Yee y ● treuth is layed in preson he y ● refrayneth hymselfe frō euell must be spoyled Is it not a pyteous case to heare y e prophetes thus complayne vpō oure wyckednesse yee Christe hymselfe What do we thynke that shal become of vs after thys vapoure rather thā lyfe What and yf one man had gotten al the worlde shulde it profyte oughte vnto hys soule after hys departynge hēce seing he is come naked into this worlde must depart naked out of it agayn Why do mē set so lytie by faith regard 〈◊〉 or charite as a thing lyttel worth where as ● Paul not ●stondinge dot cal loue the greatest of the thre theological vertues That thou mayest therfor good te●der crercyse theselfe in these thre holy vertues as namelye faythe hope charite or loue I haue trāslated to thy behofe this lyttel treatyse treatinge of the same whose brefenesse I trust shal draw thy mind to y e reading of it For by manifest scriytures the which be here sufficientlye brought forth thou mayest perceaue y ● power of fayth whereby man is saued y ● which causeth mā to cōceaue an hope of y ● lyfe euer lasting And thus of inward ioy gladnesse he breaketh forth vnto dedes of charyte wherby he declareth his in warde gyft of fayth So y ● finally he cā not chuse but hope to come vnto lyfe eternal y ● which greūt vs he y t created redimed vs. Amē The treatise of fayth ¶ The fyrste chapter treateth of the Fayth in Christe and what is a true Fayth FAyth is described playn ly vnto vs in the epistle to the Hebrewes after
this maner Fayth is a sure confidence of thynges which are hoped for and a certainte of thinges which are not sene Herby we mayese which is the true fayth namely that we abyde loke to optayne mercy of the LORDE where as we fynde nought in vs y t is worthy of Gods mercy nor se the good that God hath promysed vs but onely trust in hym because he is mercyfull Wherfore receauynge the worde that wytnesseth vnto vs and beareth record of his goodnes we haue a sure hope in God by faith that he shall shewe his goodnesse tendernesse toward vs by his boūte ous mercy But hereto is requyted of vs that we reste w t our whole harte vpon this promyse of mercy reioycynge in sprete therin and by fayth rendre vs in loue and thankfulnesse to God Thus haue we a sure testymony that we are come to a good fayth for we can fynde none other fundament wheron the synfull soule may test saue onely yf we can hope that God wyll be a mercyfull father thorowe the death of IESV CHRISTE This is it that Paul sayeth No mā can laye another fundament saue that which is layed already that is CHRIST IESV Suche fayth causeth a man to walke confidently to be sure mynded to Gods goodnesse wherin he can reioyce so farre as he can beleue to optayne so much as God hath declared and promysed by his worde Now because he beleueth the same therfore is his spirite endued with godly ioye by the sprete of God whiche dyd appeare and teache hym the same by fayth Wherfore sayeth Paul Ye haue not receaued the sprete of bondage to feare ony more but ye haue receaued the sprete of adopciō whereby we crye Abba deare father The same sprete certifieth our sprete that we are the chyldren of God Whan a man feleth this by fayth and his harte reioyceth therin then hath he rest and quyetnesse in his consciēce hauynge no respecte to his owne workes or deseruynges but onely to CHRISTE which hath set hym atone with the father throughe his bytter passyon and death Thus geueth he onely CHRIST the glorye of his redēpcyon beholdeth hence forth no creatures more It is sufficient to hym to knowe God in his goodnesse beleuynge that mercy goodnesse shalbe shewed vnto hym of God reioyceth in that he hath a mercyfull father in heauen in all thynges he cōceaueth a good opinion of God his goodnesse Suche fayth causeth hym to rest to be cōtent with all that the LORDES wyl is to do w t hym Whether it be deth hell synne or deuell none can make hym abashed For as longe as a mā clyueth to Gods worde beleuyng y t God hath ouercome all euel thorow his loue to warde mankynde thē is he at rest and peace in all y t can betyde or chaūce vnto hym beyng certified that seynge God loueth hym he sheweth mercy kyndnesse in all that he doth vnto hym and all man kynde Whether it be thā anguyshe painfulnesse or ony daūger that can happen vnto man other in body or soule y t cōmeth al to his auayl Onely yf he cā beleue be persuaded in himselfe y t God loueth him For one frēde forbeareth much of another y ● which natural loue causeth Wherfore yf naturall loue can forbeare wrōge of a frende how muche more ought we to forbeare y ● good that is sent vs of God to our saluacyon Seynge fayth is a gyfte geuē of God it is necessarye we turne oure selues lowly vnto the LORDE desyrynge hym humbly to prepare oure hartes and make them wyllynge to accepte his worde with ioye As muche as we loue Gods worde so muche shal we be conforted made glad in sprete by fayth in all that y e worde hath promysed vs. Seynge God is hyd in his worde yee is the worde it selfe therfore yf we receaue the worde then by fayth and with ioye we shall receaue so much as God hath sayd and promysed by his worde CHRIST which is the blessed worde of the father geueth hym self with his goodnesse in to al faythfull hartes and maketh hym selfe with all his goodnesse cōmune takynge vs to his grace yee with all the wyckednesse that is in vs. Whan we haue synned than wyll God haue vs to admonysshe hym of his promyse yf we than praye with a faythfull harte he shall remembre all that he hath promysed and shal haue mercy vpon vs to fulfyll hys promyse and worde Thys knewe Dauid what tyme he sayde The worde of the LORDE is treue and al his workes are faithful Upon thys trusted the same Dauid whan he had synned he put god in mynde of his wordes sayenge Agaynst the onely haue I synned done euell in thy syghte that thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayenges and shuldeste ouercome whan thou arte iudged As though he wolde saye LORDE I haue trespassed I praye the remembre thy word that thou haste promysed vnto the synners which turne agayne from theyr synnes namely that thou wilt receaue a sorowfull sprete vnto thy mercy Wherfor thou oughtest to receaue me vnto thy grace that thou myghteste be founde ryghteous Shewenge suche mercye vnto the synner accordynge to thy promyse than shalt thou discomfyte thyne enemyes wyth the treuth which wyl iudge and estyme the as one that doth not accordynge to hys worde Whan Dauid nowe knewe inwardlye that he had optayned mercy of the LORDE than dyd he prayse and thanke God in al his wordes and dedes sayenge The LORDE is gracious and mercyfull longe sufferynge and of greate goodnesse The LORDE is louynge vnto euery man and hys mercye is ouer all hys workes The LORDE is ryghteous in all hys wayes and holy in all hys workes The LORDE is nye vnto all them that call vpon hym Yee all such as cal vpon him faythfully And euen thus is it wyth vs We can prayse and thanke God so earnestlye and reioyce so greatlye in hys goodnesse as we can beleue that mercye and kyndnesse can be shewed by hym Though the lawe dyd vtterlye dāne vs hel wold swalow vs vp though all syn and other enmyes wolde ouerrunne vs yet muste we abyde sure vpon God and se what CHRISTE hath deserued and geuen vs by hys bytter passyon and what he hath promysed thā shal faith worke hyr worke Yf we haue receaued the worde in fayth through the holy goost than shal we optayne mercye and lyfe in the myddes of death and of synne Wythout hope dyd holde vp oure head and the promyses sonke in oure hartes we muste nedes be drowned in despayre Hope sayth My sonne despyse not the selfe in thy syknesse but praye vnto the LORDE and he shal make the whole The synfull man beholdyng God and knowyng him by hys worde that is that he is mercyfull not wyllynge the death of a synner he lyfteth vp hys heade w t a lusty corage sayenge I shall not dye
but lyue and shewe forth the workes of the LORDE The LORDE chastenynge hath chastened me and not delyuered me vnto deathe Open vnto me the gates of ryghtwysnesse and whan I am entred than shall I confesse the LORDE That is the gate of the LORDE and the ryghtwyse shall entre in thorow it All thys fayth and confydēce had de Dauid for he was sure fyxed vppon Gods promyses Whan his sinnes wolde oppresse hym than turned he vnto the LORDE and hys worde the whiche whan he trusted vnto he reioyced in the LORDE All this caused the worde that was beleued Yf he had ben weake in the faith he wolde haue thought continually that he muste be damned Wherfore he sayde Wythout the LORDE had holpen a lyttell whyle my soule shulde haue dwelled and abyden in hell Dauid sought none other comforte saue onely that he wolde fulfyll that vnto hym which he had promised him and beleuyng this he was conforted sayenge Thynke vpon thy seruaunt as concernynge y e worde wherin thou causedest me to put my trust that conforted me in my lowlynesse ye thy worde hath relyued me Herby may we discerne the true fayth namely that a man is fixed groūded vpon God and his word that is to saye that he shall and wyl geue so much as his promyse is y t y e synfull soule can be conforted therin or els is it not possible to knowe God in his goodnesse Yf God be not knowē in his goodnesse by his worde how shulde ony man reioyce in his goodnesse or conceaue ony hope to come to his mercy What tyme as the chyldren of Israel had synned greueously agaynste God murmurynge agaynste hym and so prouokynge hym to anger and after that worshippynge the golden calfe so y t he wolde haue destroyed the whole multitude of them Moses lyke a true and faythfull seruaūt of God seing that God was angry and beynge wyllynge to apeace his wrath agayne he knewe no nearer nor feater waye to reconcyle the people agayne vnto God than to offre a faythfull harte wherwith he dyd knowlege God to be mercyful kind and longesufferynge shewyng mercy in thousandes Moses was surely fixed vpon this grounde that is that the LORDE was mercyfull But seynge his mercy was turned in to wrath by reason of the multytude and greatnesse of the synnes he perceaued that it was not possible vnto mā to fynde grace by God Wherfore he beganne to admonyshe hym of his kynde and fatherly loue to remembre all that which he had promysed vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob Thus was the LORDE pacyfied so that he dyd not the euell that he hadde spoken agaynste the people This hadde Dauid sene in spre● that is that God in his wrath shulde remembre his conuenaunt sayenge My conuenaunt wyll I not breake nor disanull the thynge that is gone out of my lyppes Dauid wytnesseth of faythful Moses which brake and turned the wrath of God whan he admonysshed hym of his promyse The LORDE sayd he wolde haue destroyed the people hadde not his chosen and electe Moses stonde for them agaynst the mysdedes Whan the synnes be accomplysshed and the synner knoweth not whether to turne hym than is ther no counsell better then to submytte hym selfe before God praynge that he maye take his Godly worde to harte and to knowe therby what mercy and forgeuenesse God wyll shewe vnto the that trust in hym knowlege him by his fatherly loue The LORDE requyreth nought of vs for oure synnes but an heuy and contrite sprete a wyllynge harte to leaue synnynge and an hūgry soule to fulfyll the wyll of God More ouer whan we be moost forsaken and whan oure synnes and the iudgement of God do moost greuously oppresse vs then is it tyme for vs to knowe whiche be the true fayth whan we ought to haue our syght and mynde moost surest fixed vpon God Unto the synner is God mercyful wherfore sayeth Paul This is a true sayenge and by all meanes worthy to be receaued that CHRIST IESV came in to the worlde to saue synners of whom I am chefe Notwithstandynge for this cause optained I mercy y t IESVS CHRIST might pryncypally shewe in me all longe pacyence to the ensample of all thē whiche shulde beleue in hym vnto eternall lyfe Furthermore sayeth Paul Where abūdaūce of syn was there was yet more plenteousnesse of grace Nowe where true fayth cōmeth there shall it not be enquyred what ther is deserued or what a mā is worthy to haue or howe impossible it is for a man to come vnto the mercye of God For ther is nothyng in man that is worthye of mercyfulnesse and fayth beholdeth God onely and that whiche he hath promysed with hys worde and that the LORDE is mercyful and wyl shew mercy vnto all them that seke hym in the treuth Thys causeth the synner to conceaue an hope to optayne mercye by oure LORDE though to hymselfe it seme impossible Thys maye we se by Abrahā which beyng olde hūdreth yeares and Sara his wyfe foure score and ten herde that they shulde haue a sōne in theyr olde age Which thynge whan he herde it it semed vnto hym impossyble as it myght also to ony man for ther was no hope of ony frute But seing it was God that promysed it and that Abraham gaue fayth vnto the worde therfore dyd he hope contrarye to hope and beleued agaynst nature and thys fayth is rekened hym for ryghtwysnesse Not because of of hys workes nor because of the circumcisyon or vncyrcumcysyon but seynge he beleued he dyd geue God the glory and optayned mercye Thys is not onely written to know howe Abraham became ryghteous by hys faith but also for our instruccyon yf we beleue CHRIST dyed for oure synnes and is rysen agayn for oure iustyfycacyon Thys thyng earnestly beleued shal also saue vs for fayth consydereth onely howe much God maye and wyll geue of hys goodnesse Wherfore let vs that be faythful rest onely vpon CHRISTE IESV that hath saued vs although oure mysdedes be many and greate Let vs trust and leane harde to Gods worde it is ynough that God hath promysed it Thys doynge we be sure and may reioyce that we be come to the trewe fayth Thys fayth had Abraham He was promysed that thorowe hys sonne Isaac hys sede shulde so encrease as the starres of the skye After thys dyd God commaunde hym to offre the same sonne and to staye hym Abraham beynge stayed in God and his promise was redy to accomply she Gods wyll Thus is Abraham become ryghteous by the dede that is Abraham by thys worke hath testifyed and declared hys fayth to be good trewe before God thus be hys workes coūted ryghteous before God thorowe fayth As wytnesseth Saynt Iames Thys all is spoken now to knowe a trewe and good fayth namely Not onely to beleue God to be a mercyfull and good father but also to beleue that God
thorow loue in the syght of all men To this exhorteth vs CHRIST sayenge Let your lyght so shyne before men that they maye se youre good workes and gloryfy your father which is in heauē s Peter also exorteth vs to lede an holy lyfe amōg y e heythē Loue doth declare herselfe by fayth workyng wonderously to the ryghteousnesse and saluacyon of all such men as knowlege God in his loue ready alwaye to rendre hym loue and thankes agayne Paul what tyme he hadde a tayste of this loue and felte the power of the same he gaue vnto thys holye loue the glorye of all the good that is acceptable before God in mā saynge Thoughe I spake with tunges of men and angels and yet had not loue I were euen as soundyngebrasse or as a tynklyng cimbal And though I bestowed al my goodes tofede the poore though I gaue my body euē that I burned yet haue not loue it profyteth me nothynge Loue is pacyent and curteous loue enuyeth not loue doth not frowardly is not pufte vp dealeth not dishonestly seketh not hyr own is not prouoked vnto anger thynketh not euell reioyceth not ouer iniquite but reioyceth ouer the trueth beareth al thynges beleueth all thynges hopeth all thynges suffereth all thynges Thus much suffyseth to be spoken of the loue that God hath towarde vs how man is ioyned vnto God by loue For true loue muste worke by fayth in such as god hath elect chose therto it causeth man to optayne al thynges lawful wherfore we shall treate farther wherein we oughte to declare and vtter oure loue agayne Seynge that we haue here sufficientlye shewed that god loueth vs and that the same loue worketh alwaye therfore shall man examyne hymselfe and searche hys entrayles whether he be come to a true loue by faythe Faythe muste declare it selfe thorowe loue and mortyfycacyon of the fleshe S. Ihon exhorteth vs earnestlye to a renewynge of our sin ful lyfe after that we haue receaued the worde of the LORDE with ioye beinge assured by faith that we may optayne mercye thorowe IESV CHRISTE sayeng God is light and in hym is no darknesse at all Yf we saye that we haue felowshyppe wyth hym and yet walke in darknesse we lye and do not the treuthe But yf we walke in lyghte euen as he is lyghte than haue we felowshyppe together and the bloude of IESVS CHRIST hys sonne clenseth vs from all synne CHRIST also sayeth I am the lyghte of the worlde he that foloweth me shal not walke in darknesse but shall haue the lyghte of lyfe And agayne The lyght is a lytle whyle with you walke whyle ye haue the lyghte that the darknesse fall not vpon you He that walketh I darknesse woteth not whether he goeth Beleue ye on the light whyle ye haue it that ye maye be the chylderen of lyghte It foloweth I am come a lyghte in to the worlde y e whosoeuer beleueth on me shulde not abyde in darknesse By all these aforesayde sayenges are we taught that God hath geuen hymselfe alyghte in oure hartes yf we haue learned to knowe hym in hys loue by hys worde The worde is y ● lyght and foode of the soule whereby the loue of God is clearlye set forth vnto vs. That we therfore be founde trutefull and thankefull before the LORDE it is hys wyll to leade yee to dryue vs wyth hys lyghte to lyghten vs and to teache vs al that whereby oure synfull soule maye be conforted and reioyce in God oure louer Whan Dauid knewe thys lyghte he was gladde thereof and sange Howe precious is thy mercye O God that the chylderen of men maye put theyr truste vnder the shadowe of thy wynges They shall be satysfyed wyth the plenteousnesse of thy house and thou shalte geue them drinke of the ryuer of thy pleasures For by the is the well of lyfe and in thy lyghte shall we selygthe Whan we haue nowe receaued CHRISTE so rychelye and ioyfully by hys worde than shall also the Godly worde onely be our light guyde and mayster so that we shall herken diligentlye what God hath commaunded admonyshed and taughte vs in hys worde Noman feleth inwarde ioye or comforte of the Gospell wythout he be sure that it hath wroughte euidentlye in hym the mortyfycacyon and subduynge of hys owne synfulnesse and y e loue towarde hys neghboure Whan it hath wroughte thus in man than perceaueth he fyrste the incomparable loue and fauoure the which god doth declare by hys worde Moreouer whan he hath tryed the same w t the renewynge of hys lyfe than is he sure that God hath wroughte a passynge greate worke of mercye in hym Thys knewe Dauid whan he sayde I wyll herken what the LORDE God wyl saye for he shal speake peace vnto hys people Now is it euidente and playne that God doth sende his worde and lyghte in oure hartes that we thorowe the lyghte in hys worde shuld knowlege all oure saluacyon and redempcyon reioycynge in hym only Yf man do not yet fyxe hys syghte only vpon God and hys loue but seketh comforte ether of mens inuencyons or ony creatures not reioycynge in God onely than is it to be doubted lest such one be not foūded a ryghte on God onely Paull sayeth But we wayte in the spirite of hope to be made righteous by faith The faythfull lyueth alway in ioye for the iuste lyueth by fayth Scripture wytnesseth euery where y t God doth call vs and sayeth I am I only am he that putte awaye synne wythoute me ther is no saueoure In y ● tyme of trouble and in the strayghtnesse of synfulnesse than doth god be holde vs mooste of all yf so be we seke hym wyth oure whole hartes The soule can reioyce in nothynge y t is wythout God Therfore seynge God loueth vs he exhorteth vs to putte oure confidence in hym onely sayenge Yf ye fyxe youre syght vpō an other than shall ye remayne confortlesse and ye shall serue straunge goddes daye and nyghte that wyll shewe you lyttell fauoure But my people shall dwell in the ynnes of peace in my tabernacle and pleasure where ther is ynoughe in them all For thys cause shall man trye hymselfe whether he be mortifyed in hys owne synfulnesse and carnal desyres For Paull sayeth They that are CHRISTES haue crucifyed theyr fleshe with the lustes and desires He shall also searche howe he oughte to behaue hymself in loue toward god doynge it that he is sure to be acceptable vnto God that the father may be glorifyed thereby the whiche wyl worke wonderously thorow his loue in all them in whome he hath powred hys worde so louynglye Of this maye the auncyent father Symeon be an ensample the whiche seynge the lytle babe reioiced in sprete The two disciples also herde CHRIST and they learned to know him with ioyfull and mery hartes Now shal we procede and shewe that al
and hold hym by hys God How could a man haue ony hope or truste in hys hart seynge he is not stedfastlye perswaded that mercy can be optayned for the whiche he maye hope seynge y e hope lōgyngefor cōmeth by fayth Because now that man doth not beleue therfore can he also not hope ony such good as is promysed hī by faith nother cā he loue dewly the geuer of y e good y t hath promised hym so much of it this may we perceaue by y e childrē of Israel y e LORD promised to geue Abrahā al y e lōd of Canaā afterward whā he wold haue sent Moses vnto Pharao to deliuer the same people he promised vnto Moses to geue thē y e lond y t flowed with milke hony Now y t god was mynded thus to do y t did he shew euidētly in deliueryng y t people frō Pharaos hādes leadyng thē straūgly thorow the reede see and fedinge them with heauenlye bread But howe happened it For whan they had ony lettynge by the way by reason of theyr mysbelefe and vnthankfulnesse and had forgotten the benefytes shewed vnto them of God than fell they to murmurynge and deceuerynge frō God and hys worde Agayne what tyme as the spyes had searched out● the londe of promyse and came and shewed all thynges vnto the chylderen of Israell howe they had sene greate giauntes in comparison of whom they were but greshoppers and that the indwellers of the lond were stronge and myghty men and that theyr cyties were hygh walled The chylderen of Israell hearynge thys were sore astonnyed murmured agaynste God Moses Aaron sayenge that they wolde turne back agayne in to Egypte All thys murmurynge came of mysbelefe For yf they had stād stedfastly to his worde and bydden sure by hys promyses they shulde haue answered sayde We shall ouercoeme that nacyon ryght well and take the londe in possessyon though they were thousand tymes stronger For the LORDE hath promysed and geuē it vs. But seynge they fel frō gods word hys promyses leanynge to theyr owne polyce and strength therfore semed it vnto them vnpossible Neuerthelesse it was possible wyth God and thorowe God as hys worde dyd assure them Seynge than y t God made suche a promyse vnto them and that they decyuered from hys behestynges therfore had they no hope to take in the londe of promyse Wherfor they were vnworthye of it and haue not entred in to the rest which God promysed them For thys cause cōmeth Paull and warneth vs of thys wycked vnbelefe sayenge Let vs feare therfore leste ony of vs forsakynge y ● promyse of entrynge in to his rest shulde seme to come behynde for it is declared vnto vs as well as vnto them But the worde of preachynge helped not them whan they y t herde it beleued it not By these reasons is it declared vnto vs euydently howe hurtefull mysbelefe is vnto vs. We cā do God no more wrong nor bring more losse vnto oure soule than in y t we geue no more credēce to his wordes which not withstōding is faith full vnto vs in all hys promyses Thys also complayned CHRIST to y e Iewes sayenge The father which sente me beareth wytnesse hymselfe of me Ye haue nother herd his voyce norsene hys shape at ony tyme You haue not hys worde abydynge in you for ye beleue hym not whom he hath sente I am come in my fathers name and ye receaue me not Yf another come in hys own name hym shall ye receaue How can ye beleue which receaue prayse one of an other and seke not the prayse which is of God onely Yf ye beleued Moses ye shulde beleue me also For he hath written of me But yf ye beleue not hys wrytynges how shall ye beleue my wordes ye wyll not come vnto me that ye myghte haue lyfe He y t beleueth not God hath made hym a lyar because he hath not beleued the recorde that God hath testyfyed of hys sonne And this is the recorde euen that God hath geuen vs euerlastyng lyfe And thys lyfe is in hys sonne He that hath the sonne of God hath lyfe Hereby is it euydent that yf we couet to be conforted in God thā shal we seke it in his word and take recorde of the same howe we maye come to hys mercye So muche fayth as we geue to his wordes so muche shall oure knowlege be also of hys goodnesse and so muche shall we be comforted of hym Howe can we be fully comforted seynge we do so sore wauet stonde not stedfaste in hys worde whiche hys goodnesse doth declare vnto vs For all that doth conforte vs commeth of God The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thynges in hys handes Whoso beleueth in the sonne hath lyfe euerlastynge But he that beleueth not in the sonne shall not se lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth vpon hym Thys doth scrypture specifye vnto vs that we shulde knowe the cause and occasyon of all euel that is mysbelefe and it is the cause y t we know not God nor haue ony loue toward hym Nowe whan the loue of God is banyshed than doth man lyghtelye fall to all maner of wyckednesse Therfore sayde CHRISTE Whan the holy goost commeth he shall rebuke the worlde of synne of ryghteousnesse and of iudgemente Of synne because they beleued not on me Of ryghteousnesse because I go to the father Wo be vnto them that are lowse or harte whiche put not theyr trust in God and therfore shall they not be defended of hym Againe They that fear the LORDE wyll not mystrust his worde they that loue hym wyll kepe his cōmaūdementes Thus maye we se how y t whan man knoweth not what God hath cōmaunded hym nor standeth stedfastly vpon God thorow fayth how then I saye he falleth vnto extreme vnkindnesse without ony dredyng of God Mysbelefe therfore is the cause and occasion of al synnes wherof man shalbe iudged For yf y e fyrst man had bydden fast by Gods worde he shulde not haue fallen to synnynge Therfore sayd CHRIST The workes y t I do in my fathers name they bear wytnesse of me but ye beleue not because ye are not of my shepe Baruch also sayeth But how happeneth it Israell that thou art in thyn enemyes lande thou art waxen olde in a straūge contry and defyled with y t dead Why art thou become lyke vnto them y t go downe to theyr graues Euen because thou hast forsaken the well of wysedome Truely yf thou haddest walked in the waye of God thou shuldest haue remayned styll safe in thyne owne lande Euen this same complaineth the LORDE also by Ieremy the prophete sayenge What vnfaythfulnesse founde youre fathers in me y t they wente away so farre fro me fallynge to lyghtnesse and beynge so vayne They thought not in theyr hartes Where haue we left the LORDE that brought vs out of the lande
haue a good opinion of God namely y t god of his boūteous goodnes hath geuē hi rest hartes ease so y e he must reioyce euē frō his whole hart How cā he be sory yf whan he loketh vpon God he is fully persuaded y t God loueth hym And this is the t●ken wherby he knoweth it y t is whā he feleth his harte to be drawen in loue towarde God For he is sure of a great and in estimable treasur that he can rest in the loue of God beleuynge God to be a mercyfull father vnto hym by reason of his tender loue And sure he is that God shal geue hym so pleteous goodnesse as he hath promysed hym by his louynge worde Yf God fynde loue in man seynge he hymselfe is loue then fyndeth he godlynesse in hym wherfore he loueth hymselfe in man and as lōge as a man continueth in this loue so longe can not God hate hym nor seperate hymselfe from mā For God is knytte and ioyned with man by hymselfe and can not forsake hymselfe so longe as he perceaueth hymselfe in man Now seynge mā is become godly thorowe loue yf God the father wolde of his ryghteousnesse cōdene hym then must the godlynesse be cōdempned also Wherfore because God is the glorye therfore of necessite must thys damned man lyue w t God in glorye thorowe his loue By loue haue we felowshippe with god and all that is in hym lykewyse also hath he felowship with vs hydynge our synnes with hym selfe not sufferynge that suche a vessell wherin he resteth hym selfe thorow loue be brought to confusyon By loue vse we God to our pleasure with all his gyftes and al that is in God for loue wylleth none otherwyse then God wyll Man hath it not of him selfe yf he do ony good accordynge to the wyll of God but seynge he hath the loue of God the same is constrayned by the sprete of God to do nothyng saue it that pleaseth God whom he endeuoureth euer to please thorow loue And as God alwaye delyteth in hym selfe in all that he doeth euen so wyll he also haue a pleasure in all that whiche is done in mā thorow loue God of his loue hath made all thynges good wherfore all muste be good y t man doth of loue Loue is pure and cleane and can seke none other rest or peace saue onely in hym whiche hymselfe is rest peace which hath fylled his harte with ioye so louyngly Loue is satisfied with God only sekynge nothynge but God For he hath soughte God onely thorowe loue that he myghte enioye hym in trueth No man can vse due loue in God without he be sure fyrst by fayth inwardly how wel God doth loue vs reioycyng in the same loue and put tynge all his saluacyō therin Thus doynge he shall passe by all creatures estymynge them as donge coūtynge CHRIST onely his ioye glorye hartes desyre He now that vttereth y e loue for true loue cānot be ydle he vttereth it y t which God the louer of loue wyl haue y e louyng mā to do Paul sayth Owe nothing to ony man but to loue one another for he y e loueth another hath fulfylled the lawe And agayn The chefe sūme of y e cōmaundementes is loue of a pure harte and of a good conscience of fayth vnfayned That is Yf we desyre ony goodnesse inwardly we shall praye humbly that we maye haue loue for onely loue is a wytnesse that we haue fayth in CHRIST Loue is a power wherby all oure workes are acceptable vnto God and sufficiently tryed Wherfore sayeth Paul In CHRISTIESV nother is circumcision ony thynge worth nor vncircumcysion but fayth whiche by loue is myghty in operacyon And y t we shuld knowe y e better y e power of loue so yeld oure selues to y e same therfore doth Paul shewe ful featly what worthy dede of loue CHRIST hath wrought in vs y t we shulde the better knowlege our saluacyon to be optayned by loue and so folowynge and conterfaytynge CHRISTES loue sayenge Therfore doth God set forth his loue towarde vs in that CHRIST dyed for vs whā we were yet synners muche more then shall we be saued from wrath by hym seynge we are nowe made ryghteous thorow his bloude Yf we now desyre to folow CHRIST to fulfyl his lawe cōmaūdemētes gospell thē is ther no nearer way thē to folow him in loue Paul doth exhorte vs to y e same very hartely sayenge Be ye folowers therfore of God as deare chyldren walke in loue euē as CHRIST loued vs gaue hymselfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of swete sauour vnto God The cause now why man is so colde in loue toward God so sore deuyded frō the same so that he hath nother pleasure nor sauour in God is because he hath not fully yelded his harte to God to be taught of hym y e so he myght knowe how well God doth loue hym Of this maketh god none preuy saue onely suche as seke hym with all theyr harte and be alwaye hongerynge to knowe God in his goodnesse The vnfayth fulnesse lytle perceueraunce that men haue of God doth cause thē to abyde in synfulnes and to hange vpō creatures They can not rest duely vpō God nor his benefites by reason of theyr small vnderstandynge in godly matters for y e benefytes of God do not synke in theyr entrayles Yf man could entre euen to the grounde of the benefites of God and beholde the wonderfull glorious workes of God then shulde he no doute geue sentēce verdite that vnto such a god and suche a LORDE onely is due all prayse honour and glory Therfore oughte man to yelde al his wytte wyl and wysedome to Gods maiesty estemyng in hymself nothynge saue synne and foly with out God dyd steare oure hartes inwardlye with his loue so that we shulde perceaue nor desyre noughte with all our harte and mynde saue onely CHRIST our louer With out this wysedome is it al folyshnes that is in man For without God ther is nothyng to seke nor to fynde wherin man maye reioyce by ony meane It is God onely that can satisfye mans harte and brynge hym to loue Paul was ioyfull in God a ryghte what tyme he was come to this knowlege sayenge For I shewed not forth my selfe amonge you that I knewe ony thinge saue only IESVS CHRIST euen y e same y t was crucyfyed Oh let vs humbly beseke the LORDE that we maye knowe hym by his loue and reioyce ouer all the good y e he hath wetesafe so louynglye to declare vnto vs by his worde For as we knowe God by his worde in his loue so shal our harte agayne be kyndled in loue towarde God and shall not passe this bande For fayth consysteth in this namely that we can beleue all mercy saluacyon and health to come frely by only loue and y t we agayne vtter the same fayth