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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13397 A catechisme or institution of the christen religion. Newely set forthe by Richard Tauerner Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1539 (1539) STC 23709; ESTC S105103 28,747 144

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agayne vnto y e Lordes waye Nowe Chryste because he is not the ministre of synne dothe washe away our synnes and decke vs wyth hys ryghtwysnes to the intent we shulde not stayne thys hys grace wyth new fylthynes agayne but ones chosen to be gods sonnes shulde consecrate and direct al our lyfe from hensforth to the glory of our father Thys worke of repentaūce hāgeth on our newe byrth whych new byrth standeth vpon two partes the sleynge of our flesh I meane of thys corruption naturally spronge in vs and a spirituall quyckenynge wherby y e nature of mans is restored to her clennes wherfore vpō thys meditation we muste laboure employ our selues al oure lyue lōge that we ones deed to sinne and to our selues maye lyue to Christe to his ryghtuousnes And wheras this new byrth cā neuer be perfect so longe as we lyue in the pryson of thys mortall body it muste nedes be that this same mynd and study of repentaūce ought styl to continue in vs euen vnto death Howe ryghtwysnesse of good workes and of faythe maye stande togither GOod workes that come of suche a purenes of conscience doubtles be stronge and allowed before god For sythe god seeth his owne ryghtuousnesse in them he can not but allowe them yet must we take hede least we beare oure self so hault in the vayne affiaūce and trust of our good workes that we forget not how we be iustifyed by the fayth in Christ alonely For there is no righteousnes of workes afore God except it answereth to his rightousnes so y t who so goeth about to be iustifyed by his owne workes it is not ynoughe for hym to brynge out one good dede or two but he must shewe forth a perfecte obedience of the lawe whyche thyng is farre awey yea frome those that seme moost of all to haue profyted gone forwarde afore other in the Lordes law Besyde thys although y ● ryghtuousnes of god coulde be content and pleased with one good dede only and no mo yet shulde not god fynde so muche as one good dede in all hys sayntes y t worthely euē of the self workes deseruynge he myghte prayse and commende as rightwyse For this is y e very trouth seme it neuer so great a meruel that no worke we do is perfect on euery syde but is blemyshed w t some wart eyther in one parte or other Wherfore syth we be synners foyled with many remnauntes of vyces we muste nedes be iustified an other waye thā by our selfe Now certeinly we haue alwaye greate nede of Christe that by hys perfectnes oure vnperfectnesse maye be couered by hys purenes oure vnclennes maye be washed by his obediēce our iniquitie maie be blotted out fynally y t for his rightousnesse we maie befreely taken as rightuouse w tout any respect of our workes whyche in no wyse can be of suche valoure to stande in the iudgemēt of God Thys notwythstandynge so longe as these our spottes whyche other wayes myght blemyshe stayne oure workꝭ before God be thus hyd and kepte close the Lorde consydereth in them nothynge but hyghe purenesse and holynesse where vpon he vouchesaueth to gyue them hyghe tytles of prayses for he calleth and also estemeth them euen ryghtousnesses yea and promyseth vnto thē large rewardes So maye we then shortly conclude that oure felowshyp wyth Christe is of such strength force that for it we be not onely freely reputed ryghtuous but also our workes be reckened vs for iustice and ryghtuousnesse and be aboundantly recompensed wyth an euerlastyng rewarde The Symbole of fayth or Christen Crede WE tolde you heretofore what profyte we take by our fayth in Christ nowe shall ye heare what our faith ought to beholde in Christ what to conceyue of him to the stablyshment and confermynge of it Certaynely thys is declared in the Simbole or Christē Crede as howe Christe is made vnto vs by his father our wysdome raunsome lyfe ryghtwysnes and holynes Nowe it maketh no greate matter who was the maker of this Symboll or by what personꝭ this abrydgeniēt of faith was set forthe whiche in it hath no humane doctrine but is gathered of most certain recordes of scripture And because no man shulde muse why we knowledge our selues to beleue in the father the sonne the holy ghoste we woli some what speake hereof afore we entre into the Crede When we name the father the sonne and the holy holy ghost we make vs nat thre goddes but in most symple and pure vnite of God aswel the scripture as the very experiēce of godlynes shewe vs God the father hys sonne and the spirite so y t our vnderstanding cā not conceyue the father but it must also cōpryse aswell the sonne in whome shyneth y e fathers lyuely ymage the spirite in whom his power and might is opened In one God therfore let vs fyxe the hole thought of our mynd and yet in the mean season cōsider y ● father w t y e sōne and his holy gost I beleue in one God the father almyghty maker of heauen and earth By these wordꝭ we be taught to beleue not nakedly that there is a God but also to know that he is our God and to trust that we be of the nōber of those whom he promyseth to be their God whome also he taketh for his owne people Thys God is called almighty wherby is meaned that by his prouidence he disposeth al thinges and at his pleasure gouerneth through his power and myght ordereth them when we cal him maker of heauen and earthe we muste therwith vnderstande y t he cōtinually nourisheth susteyneth and quyckeneth whatsoeuer ones he made And in Iesus Christ hys onely sonne our Lorde WHere aboue we sayd that Christ is he euerlastyng butte of our fayth thys is easy to se for as●●ch as all y e partes of our he● be here represented in hym 〈◊〉 call hym Iesus which 〈◊〉 was gyuen hym from heauen because he was sent to saue hys people frome theyr synnes And therfore the scripture sayth y t there is none other name gyuen vnto men wherby they myght be saued This additiō or surname christ betokeneth y t he was ānoynted and throughly endowed wyth all the graces of the holy ghost whiche in scripture be rehersed vnder the name of oyle because wythout thē through drought and barennesse we wyther and dekaye Throughe this annoin tynge of the father ●as he first made kyng subdu●●● vnto him selfe all power in heauen and in earth that in hym we mought also be kynges hauyng power ouer the deuyll synne deathe hell So thē was he cōsecrated prest that through his sacrifice he myght pacifye the father bryng vs in fauour agayn with hym to y e intēt that in him we also myght be preestes offryng vnto the father prayers thankes our selues and all ours by thys same Christe our mediatour and reconcyler Furthermore he is called y ● son of God
mercy promysed vs by hys gospell for thus shall we well defyne what belefe is yf we ernestly behold● y ● nature of gods promysses whyche belefe so hangeth vpon the promesse hys propre foundatiō that yf ye take the promesse awaye it forthwyth fayleth goeth to nought Wherfore so longe as the Lorde offerethe vs hys mercy by hys promesse in the gospell yf we faythfully trust thervnto we be counted in faith to receyue hys word And thus doth the Apostle defyne fayth where he saith fayth is the grounde of thynges that be trusted vpon and the proufe of thīges not sene He meaneth that fayth is none other thing but a certayne sure possession of all suche thinges as be promised vs by God an euidence of thinges that as yet do not appeare I meane of the lyfe euerlastyng wherof we cōceyue an hope and an expectation vpon the trust we haue in the goodnes of god so lyberally offered vs in his gospell And for as moche as al gods promyses are stronge in Christe and after a maner performed and made good in him it foloweth vndoubtydly that Christ hym selfe is the euerlasting Butte and marke of oure fayth in whome it may beholde all the ryches of gods depe mercye Fayth is the gifte of God IF we well ponder and weye with our selues how blynd thꝭ oure wit is and howe farre vnhable to attayne vnto Gods heuenly secrecies with what doubte and mystrust oure hert laboureth within vs then shall we well perceyue howe farre faith surmounteth and passeth all oure naturall power howe also it is a singuler and excellēt gyfte of God For sythe that no man as Paul reasoneth is of secret counsell wyth mans wyll but only the spirite of mā whyche is in man howe maye it be that man can haue any certayne knowledge of gods counsell And for as moche as Gods open trouth is very weake amōges vs in those thinges that here we se before our eyes how shuld it be strong and sure where god only promyseth those thinges that neuer were sene by eye nor yet cōceyued in mās wytte Now it is euident and playne that fayth is a lyghtenynge of y e holy ghost wherby our wyttes be lyghtened and our hertes established strengthened with a sure staye of consciēce being throughly persuaded in our selues that God of hys promyse is so true faythfull and iuste that he can not but performe what so euer he hath bounde him self to by hys holy worde and promesse And for thys cause fayth is called y ● pledge or ernest because it setteth oure conscience at the staye of gods trouth It is also named a seale wherwith our hartes be sealed marked agaynst the daye of the Lorde for the Lorde himselfe is he that beareth wytnesse to oure spirite y t God is our father and we his dere beloued sonnes In christ we he made rightuouse by Fayth FOr as moche as it is euident and playne y t Christe is the euerlastyng Butte and marke of fayth we can none other wyse fele what profites benefytes we take by fayth thē onely by lokynge and hauynge a directe eye towardes him for vnto this purpose was Christe gyuen vs of the father that in hym we myght obteyne euerlastynge lyfe as he hym selfe sayth thys is the euerlastynge lyfe euen to knowe one god the father and whom he hath sent Iesus Christe Also he saith he that beleueth in me shall not dye for euer that yf he dye he shall lyue But how maye thys com to passe forsoth thus we that be vncleane by reason of synne muste be pourged and clensed in hym for no vncleane thinge shal entre into the kyngdome of God Christe therfore maketh vs parteners and as ioyntpatentes wyth hym so y t though of oure selues we be synners yet for Christes rightwysnes we be accepted for righteouse at the iugement seate of god And thus spoyled of our own rightousnes we be cladde and endewed with Christes righteousnesse So where as by workes we be vnrighteouse by fayth in Christ we be made ryghteouse I saye we be iustifyed by fayth not that we haue any rightousnes within vs of our selues but that Christes ryghtuousnes is counted for our rightuousnes and our wickednes is nothing at al layde to our charge so that wyth one worde we may call thys rightousnes forgyuenes of synnes The Apostle clerely declareth thys whyles oftentymes he setteth the rightuousnes of workes wyth the rightuousnes of fayth and sheweth howe y ● one ouerwhelmeth and turneth the other vpsyde downe Nowe by what fashion Christe hath dedeserued vs thys ryghtousnes and in what partes it is conteyned ye shall se in the symbole of faith where euery Article seuerally by it selfe shalbe orderly rehersed whervpon is founded the hole belefe of a christen mā By Fayth we be halowed and as it were seasoned to the obedience of the law LYke as Christ through his rightwysnes is a meane for vs vnto God y e father that he beyng as it were our suretie we be takē reputed for ryghtwyse so by the partakynge of his holy spirite he haloweth vs to all purenes and innocency For vpon him rested the spirite of the Lorde aboue al measure I meane the spirite of wysedome and vnderstandynge of coūsel strēgth knowlege feare of the Lorde so that of hys plently fulnes we all receyue and drinke vp largely grace for grace They therfore be deceyued that boaste theyr Fayth in Christe where they be vtterlye voyde destitute of the halowynge of hys spirite For scripture teacheth that Christe is not onely made our ryghtwysnes but our halowyng also for by the selfe same couenaunt y t the Lorde maketh wyth vs in Christ he promyseth both to pardon our wyckednes and also to wryte hys law in our hertes Therfore the kepynge of the law is no worke of our hability but of a spiritual power wherby our hertes be pourged frome their corruption made softe in the obedience of ryghtuousnes Now then the vse of the lawe to Christen men is a farre other thinge from that it shuld be without fayth for whē ones God graueth in our hertes a loue of hys ryghtousnes then the outwarde doctryne of the lawe whyche before dyd nothynge but accuse vs aswell of weakenes as of trangression is nowe becomme a lyghte to our feete that we shoulde not straye from the strayght waye it is nowe our wysedō wherby we be enformed and styred to al honestie it is our nurtonre whiche woll not suffre vs to renne to moche at large in our selfe wyll and luste Of repentaūce and new byrth HErevpon it is easy to vnderstāde why repentaūce is alwaye ioyned wyth faythe in Christe why also the Lorde affirmeth that no mā can entre into the kyngdom of heauen except he be borne a newe for repentaūce betokeneth a retournynge wherby we byd the frowardenesse of thys world farewell and repare
not as other faythfull men be by election onely and fauoure but that he is the verye true natural sonne therfore is he named y e only because he myght be knowen frome the rest He is also oure Lord not onely by hys godheade whyche he had euermore the selfe same wyth the father but also in that selfe fleshe wherin he was exh●●ited vnto us For there is but one God of whom be al thinges as Paule sayth and one Lorde Iesus Chryst through whom be all togither Which was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the virgine Marye HEre we lerne by what maner y ● sōne of God became our Iesus that is our sauiour and our Christ that is to saye the annointed kynge to defende vs and preeste to brynge vs in fauoure with the father for he put vpō him our fleshe to thys intente that he nowe made the sonne of man shoulde make vs the sonnes of God wyth hym takyng vpō hym oure pouertie to aduaunce vs vnto hys rychesse bearynge our weakenes to strengthen vs by his power receyuynge our mortalitie to gyue vs his immortalitie commynge downe vpon the erth to exalt vs vnto heauē Borne he was of the virgine Mary euen because he might be knowē the very sonne of Abrahā and Dauid whyche was promysed in the lawe and Prophetes a very mā like vnto vs in euery point onely synne excepted he was tempted wyth our infirmityes to thintent he myght lerne to haue compassion and beare w t vs. Thys same Iesus was cōceyued in the wōbe of y ● virgine by a wonderfull vnspeakable power of y ● holy goste to thintēt he myght be borne not defyled with any fleshy corruption but be sanctified in most hyghe and perfecte purenesse Suffered vnder Ponce Pylate was crucyfyed dead buryed and descēded vnto hell IN these wordꝭ we be taught after what sort Iesus paied our raunsome for thys was cause why he was borne a mortal mā For verely where as god was ꝓuoked to wrath through the disobedience of man Iesus through his obedience put it awaye shewynge him obediēt to hys father euen vnto deathe And so ī his deth he offred him selfe a sacrifyce to the father wherby hys ryghtwysnes myght ones ●or euer be appeased wherby y ● faithful mought be halowed for euermore wherby also the euerlastynge satisfactiō mought be fully wrough and fynyshed He shed hys holy bloud for the pryce of our raunsome to thintent both the fury of God whyche was kyndled agaynst vs myght be qwenched and also our wyckednes purged There is no parte of hys deth that lacketh a misterye He suffred vnder Ponce Pilate that is to wyt he was condemned by sentence of a iudge for a felon and euyldoer for this purpose y t we throughe hym thus condemned myght be quyte at the barre of the hygh iudge he was crucified that in the crosse whych by Gods lawe was cursed he shuld susteyne our curse whyche curse oure synnes dyd deserue he dyed that throughe hys deth he myghte ouercome deathe that gaped vpō vs and henge ouer our heddes and y ● he myght swalowe vp y t same death whyche elles had not he bene shuld haue swalowed vs vp He was buryed to thyntēt we hys felowes by the vertue of hys deathe shulde be buryed to synne enfraunchyshed from the dominion of the deuyll and of deathe And where we saye he wente downe into hell it is meāt he was extremely hādled of God that he felte the horryble sharpenesse of gods iudgement in that he dyd put hym self betwene vs Gods wrath and on our behalfe satisfied the rygoure and sharpe iudgement of God so dyd he paye suffer the due paynes not for his own iniquite for he hadde none in hym but for our wyckednes Not that y ● father was at any tyme angry agaynst hym for howe coulde he be angrye with hys most deare sonne in whom is all hys delyte and pleasure or howe coulde he be pacyfyed wyth hys prayer wyth whome he were displeased but in this sense we say he bare the weight of goddes rygorousnes because beynge thus strycken and as it were scourged by the hande of God he felte all the tokens and sygnes wherwythe god in hys fume is wonte to punysshe synners in so moche that when the Passion waxed stronge ouer hym he was constreyned streyned to crye my God my God why hast y u forsaken me And the thyrde daye he rose agayne frome death he ascended into heauen and sytteth on the ryght hande of God the father almyghty frome thence he shall come to iudge the quycke and the deed OF Christes rysynge agayn we maye gather a sure trust of victorye that we shall ouercome death for lyke as he coulde not be holden downe by al y ● panges of death but mightely dyd brast forth beyonde all deathes power so dyd he represse and quenche all hys stinges and that in suche wyse as he is nat hable to styng vs now any more at leaste waye to our destruction So then his rising agayne is fyrst a ryght certayn trueth and euen the grounde of our rysyng to come and also of this our presente quickenyng wherby we be raysed vp vnto a newnesse of lyfe By his ascēsion or mounting vp vnto heauen he opened vs the way vnto the kyngedome of heauen whiche in Adam was agaynste all men shut for he ascended in to heauē in our fleshe as it were in our name to the intente that euen nowe in hym by hope we may possesse heauen and after a maner syt euen amonges the heauēly sprites And assuredly he is not there w tout our hygh profyte for accordyng to the office of his euerlastyng presthod he wēt into the sāctuary of god not made of mans hande and there he laboureth as a continual attourney and mediatour for vs afore the father where we saye he sytteth on the ryght hande of god the father it meaneth that he is crouned proclaymed kynge iudge Lorde ouer al thinges y t by his power he myght cōserue and gouerne vs that his kyngdome and glory maye be our strength power and boaste against hel It signifieth also that he hath receyued to dispose at his pleasure al the maye be made perfyte and fylled that is to wytte that his iudgement moughte be manifested in whiche daye he alone shall be sette vp on hyghe and shall be all togyther in all men gatherynge and receyuyng his faythfull into glorye when satans kingdom shal be brought to confusyon vtterly throwe doune The thyrde Thy wyll be done in earthe as it is in heauen IN this petition we desyre of god that as he is wonte in heauen so in erth he wovouchsaue to order and dispose all thinges as his gracious pleasure shalbe to bring euery thyng to passe as shall lyke his wisdom best to vse al creatures at his own pleasure and to