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A08830 The benefite that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucifyed. Translated out of French into English, by A.G. 1573; Dal beneficio di Christo. English Benedetto, da Mantova, fl. 1534-1541.; Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606, attributed name.; Paleario, Aonio, 1503-1570, attributed name. 1573 (1573) STC 19114; ESTC S120980 53,945 119

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word which promiseth forgiuenesse of all sinnes peace to all them which accept the grace of the Gospel Uerely I say that he which vppon theis promises of God perswadeth not himselfe assuredly that god is a mercifull and louing father vnto him nor with stedfast cōfidence loketh to receyue the inheritance of the heauenly kyngdome at his hand is not faythful in dede maketh himself vtterly vnworthie of gods grace In respect whereof sainct Paule sayeth that we be the temple of God so farforthe as we firmely mainteine the confidence and glory of our hope vnto the ende And in another place he exhorteth vs that we shuld not giue ouer our trust which hath great rewarde of recompence And therfore my brethren let vs giue our whole indeuer to do the will of God as it becommeth good children and beware that we sinne not as néere as we can And although we fall oftentimes into sinne through our own frayeltie yet let vs not by and by surmise that we be vessels of wrath or that wée bee vtterly forsaken of the holy Ghoste for wee haue our Aduocate Iesus Christ before God the father and he is the attonement maker for our sinnes Let vs bethinke vs of the opinion of Saint Austin who fayeth that none of the Saincts is rightuouse and without sinne and yit notwithstanding that he ceasseth not to be rightuous and holy so farforth as he retaine his holynesse with affection And therefore if wee haue afflictions and tribulations let vs not think that God sends them bicause he is our enemie but bicause he is our most louing father The Lord sayeth Salomon chastiseth him whom hee loueth and scourgeth euery child of his whom he receyueth Wherfore if we haue receiued the grace of the Gospel whereby man is receiued of GOD for his childe wee muste not doubt of Gods grace and good will towards vs. And when wee perceyue our selues to delight in GODS woord and to haue a desire to followe the life of Iesus Christe wee must stedfastly beleeue that wee bee the children of GOD and the temple of the holy Ghost For those things cannot be done by the power of mans wisedome but are the gifts of the holy Ghost who dwelleth in vs by faith and is as it were a seale of authoritie which sealeth vp Gods promises in our hartes the certeinty wherof is printed aforehand in our mindes and is giuen vs as a pledge to stablish and confirme the same As soone as you beleeue sayth the Apostle Sainct Paule yee be sealed by the holy Spirit of promise who is the earnestpenny of our inheritance Behold howe he sheweth vs heereby that the hartes of the faithfull are marked with the holy Ghost as it were with a seal● in respect wherof he calleth the holy ghost the spirit of promis for so much as he confirmeth the promis of the Gospell the which as I haue oftentimes told you is a happy tydings that promiseth forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting life to all suche as beleeue that all their misdooinges are blotted out in Iesus Christ. All we that beléeue in IESUS Christ sayeth Sainct Paule are becomme the children of GOD and bicause we bée his children hée hathe sent the Spirit of his Sonne into our hart which cryeth Father father And to the Romanes those sayeth he that are guided by the spirit of GOD are the children of God for ye haue not receyued again the spirit of bondage in feare but the Spirite of adoption whereby wee crie father father For certeinly the sam● spirit beareth our spirit record that wée bée the children of god Now then if we be children wée bée also heires And we must marke well that in these twoo places the Apostle Saint Paule speaketh plainly not of any speciall reuelation but of a certeine recorde which the holy Ghost doth commonly yéelde to all such as receyue the grace of the Gospell Then if the holy Ghoste assure vs that we be Gods children and heires why should we doubt of our predestination The same man sayeth in the same Epistle whom hée hath predestinated them hathe hee also called and whō he hath called them hath he also made rightuouse whom he hath made rightuouse thē also hath he glorified What shal we thē say to al these things if god be on our side who can be against vs And therefore if I plainly perceiue that God hath called me by giuing me fayth and the fruiets of faith that is to wit Peace of conscience mortification of the flesh and quickening of the spirit whether it be in whole or in parte why should I doubt that I am not predestinated And moreouer we saye with Sainct Paule that all true christians that is to wit all such as beléeue the Gospell receyue not the spirit of this world but the spirit that commeth from god by the inspiration wher of they discerne the things that God hath giuen them What maruell then is it if wée know that god hath certeinly giuen vs euerlasting life But there are some which saye that no man ought to presume so farre as to boast himselfe to haue the spirit of god They speake in such wyse as if the christiā should glory of the hauing of it for his owne desertes not by the onely mere mercie of God and as though it were a presumptuousnesse to professe him selfe a christian or as though a man could be a Christian without the hauing of Christes spirit or as though we could without flat hipocrisie say that Iesus Christ is our Lord or call God our Father if the holy ghost moued not our hartes tungs to vtter so swéete wordes And yit notwithstanding euen they that count vs presumptuouse for saying that God hath giuen vs his holy spirit with faith forbid vs not to say euery day Our Father but rather commaund vs But I would haue them too tell me how it is possible to separate faith the holy gost asunder séeing that faith is the peculiar work of the holy ghost If it be presumption to beléeue that the holy ghost is in vs why doth sainct Paule bid the Corinthians try them selues whither they haue faith or no affirming them to be reprobats if they know not that Iesus Christ is in them But in very déede it is a great blindnesse to accuse the christians of presumptuousnesse for taking vppon them to glorie of the presence of the holy ghost without which glorying there cannot be any Christianitie at all But Iesus Christe who cannot lye sayeth that his spirit is vnknowen to the worlde that they only do know him within whome he dwelleth Then let them begin to become good christians and put away their Iewish minds imbrace the grace of the holy gospell in good earnest and then shall they know that the good and true christians both haue the holy Ghost and also acknowledge themselues to haue him But
vnto vs not only allureth vs to giue our selues one to another but also by making himself common to vs all maketh vs also to be all one selfsame thing in him In respect wherof wée ought to couet and procure that in all of vs there may be but one mind one harte one tung accorded and vnited togither in thoughtes words and déeds And we must mark well that as oft as we receyue this holy and worthy Sacrament we bind our selues to al the deuties of charitie as not to offende any of our brethren nor to leaue anything vndon that may be profitable and helpfull in their necessitie But if there come any to this heauenly table of the Lord that are diuided at variance with their brethrē the same must assure themselues that they eate vnworthely and are gilty of the bodie and bloud of the Lorde and that they eate and drinke their own damnation for that there wanted nothing on their behalf but that the body of Iesus christ was rent and plucked in péeces again whilest they by hatred are deuided frō their brethren that is to wit from the members of Iesus Christ and haue not any parte with him and yit neuertheles in receiuing this holy communion pretended to beléeue that their whole saluation consisteth in the participation and vnion with Iesus Christ. Then let vs go my brethrē to the receiuing of this heauenly bread to celebrate the remembrance of our Lordes passion and to strengthen and fortifie the beléefe and assurance of the forgiuenes of our sinnes with the remembrance thereof and to quicken vp our myndes and tungs to prayse and exalt the infinite goodnes of our God and finally to cherish brotherly loue and to witnes the same one to another by the streyght vnion which all of vs haue in the bodie of our lord Iesus christ Besydes prayer thé remembring of Baptim and the often resorting to the most holy communion ther is one other verie good remedy against distrust and fearfulnes which is no lesse fréende to christian charitie namely the remembrance of our predestination and election to eternall lyfe grounded vppon the word of God which is the sword of the holie Ghoste wherwith we may beate backe our enemies Reioyce yée in this sayeth the Lorde that your names are written in heauen There is no greater ioy in this life nor any thing that more comforteth the christian that is afficted tempted or falne into anie sinne than the rememberance of predestination and the assuring of our selues that we be of y nomber whose names are written in the booke of lyfe and which are chosen to be fashioned like vnto the image of Iesus Christ. O how vnspeakable is the comfort of him that hath this fayth museth cōtinually in his hart vppon this exceding swéete predestination whereby he knoweth that although he fall often yit notwithstanding god his father who hath foreordeined him to euerlasting life holdeth him vp and reacheth out his hand vnto him continually And he sayeth continually in himselfe if god haue chozen me and predestinated me to the glorie of his children who can hinder me If God be with vs sayeth sainct Paule who can be ageinst vs Nay rather to the ende that the predestination may be accomplished in vs he hath sent his déere beloued sonne who is a most sure earnest penny and pledge vnto vs that we which haue receyued the grace of the Gospell are gods Children chozen to eternall lyfe This holie predestination maynteyneth the trew Christian in a continuall spirituall ioye increaceth in him the indeuer of good works inflameth him with the loue of god maketh him enemie to the world to sinne Who is so fearce hardharted which knowing y god of his mercy hath made him his child frō euerlasting will not by and by bée inflamed to loue GOD Who is of so vyle and ba●e courage that hée will not estéeme all the pleasures all the honours and all the riches of the world as filthy myre whē he knowes y god hath made him a citizen of heauē yea theis are thei y worship god rightly in spirit truth receyuing all things as wel in prosperitie as in aduersitie at the hand of God their Father and euermore praysing and thāking him for all as their good father who is rightuouse and holy in all his workes These being inflamed with the loue of God and armed with the knowledge of their predestination feare neither death nor sin nor the Diuill nor hell neyther knowe they what the wrath of god is for they sée none other thing in god but loue fatherly kindnesse towards them And if they fall into any troubles they accept them as tokens of gods fauour trying out with S. Paule who is it that shall separate vs from Gods loue shall tribulations shall anguish shall persecution or hunger or nakednesse or perill or sword as it is written for thy sake are we killed all the day long and counted as shéepe appointed to the slaughter But in all these things we get the vpper hand thorough him that hath loued vs Wherefore it is not for nought that sainct Iohn sayeth how the true christians know right well that they must be saued and glorified and that by reason of the same affiance they make themselues holy as Iesus Christ is holy And when Saint Paule exhorteth his Disciples to a good and holy life he is wont to put them in remembrance of their election and predestination as of a thing of very great force to stirre vp the mynds of the true Christians to the louing of God and to the performance of good works And for the same cause our good lord Iesus christ speaketh openly of this holy predestination as one that knew of howe great importance the knowledge thereof is to the edifying of his elect But perchaunce thou wilt say to me I know wel that they whose names are written in heauen haue cause to liue in continuall ioy and to glorifie GOD but in word and deed but I know not whither I am of that number or no and therefore I liue in continuall feare specially bycause I knowe my selfe to bée an excéedinge weake and frayle sinner from the violence wherof I am not able to defend my self but that I am ouercome of it daily And furthermore for asmuch as I se my self cōtineually afflicted and troubled with dyuerse temptations methinks I do as it were behold with myne eyes the wrath of God squorging me Too answere to theis dowtes of thyne I say my ryght dere brother that thou must assure thy selfe that al theis are but temptations of the deuill who by all meanes séeketh to rob vs of that faith and confidence that springeth of faythe and assurethe vs of Gods good will towardes vs He laboreth to strip our sowle out of this preciouse garmēt for he knoweth that none is a trew Christian except he beleue Gods
own profite But he that knoweth himselfe to bée become ryghtuouse by the merites rightuousenesse of Christ which he maketh his owne by fayth laboreth happily and doeth good works alonly for the loue and glorie of Christ and not for loue of himselfe nor to make himselfe rightuouse And theruppon it commeth that y true christian that is to wit he that accounteth himself rightuouse by reason of Christes rightuousenesse asketh not whither good works be cōmaunded or not but being wholly moued prouoked with a certeine violence of Godly loue he offereth himselfe willingly to do all the workes that are holy and christianlyke and neuer ceaseth to do well He therefore which féeleth not the meruelous 〈◊〉 by his fayth which we haue heretofore ●eclared that the inspired faith worketh in the hart of the christian Let him assure himself that he hath not the christian faith and let him pray earnestly vnto God to giue it hym saying Lord help myne vnbeléef And whē he herereth it said y only faith maketh men rightuonse let him not deceiue himself say what nede I to wery my self in doing good works faith is inough to send me to Paradyse to such a one I answere y only fayth sendeth vs to Paradise but yit let him take good hede for y diuels do also beleue tr●ble as saieth sainct Iames. O miserable man wilte thou go with them to Paradise By this false conclusion t●ou maiest know my brother in what an errour thou art for thou wéenest to haue the fayth that maketh men rightuouse and thou haste it not Thou sayest thou art ryche and hast no nede of any thing and thou séest not how thou art pore wretched blynd and naked I counsell thée to bwy gold of GOD that is throughly fired with fyre that is to say trew faith set on fyre with good works to the intent thou mayest become riche and to clothe thy self with white ramēt that is to wit with Christes innocencie to the end that the shame of thy nakednesse which is the greate filthinesse of thy sinnes be not séene to the whole world Then is the iustifying fayth as it were a flame of fyre which cannot but cast forth brightnes And lyke as the flame burneth the wood without the help of the light and yit the flame cannot be with out the light so is it assuredly trew y fayth alone consumeth burneth away sinne with out the helpe of works and yit that the same fayth cannot be without good works Wherfore like as if we sée a flame of fyre that giueth no light we knowe biandby y it is but vayne and painted euen so when we sée not some light of good works in a man it is a tokē y he hath not y true inspired fayth which god giueth to his chozen to iustifie and glorifie them withall And hold it for certeyne that Saincte Iames ment so when hée sayd shewe me thy fayth by thy works and I wil shewe thée my fayth by my workes For his mening was y he which is plundged in ambitionsenes and worldly pleasures beleueth not though he say he beleue forasmuch as he sheweth not in himself the effects of faith Also we may likē this holy faith to the godhead which is in Iesus Christ who being very man but withoute sin dyd wonderfull thinges healing the sicke giuing sight to the blind walking vppon the water and raising vp the dead vnto lifte agein yit theis maruelouse workes were not the cause that hée was god For before he did anie of those things he was God and the lawfull and onlibegotten sonne of God and he neded not to work those miracles to make himself god bi them but forasmuch as he was god therfore he did thē And so the miracles that Christ wrought made him not to be god but shewed openly that he was god In likewise trewe faith is as it were a godhead in the sowle of a christian which doeth wonderouse works and is neuer weary of well doing and yit those works are not y cause y a christiā is a christian y is to wit that he is rightuouse good holy and acceptable vnto God neither néedeth he to worke all those good workes to become such a one But forasmuch as he is a Christian by fayth like as Iesus Christ being a man was also God by his Godhead he doeth all those good workes which make not the christian to be rightuouse and good but shewe him to be good rightuouse holie So then like as Christes Godhead was y cause that he wrought miracls euen so faith working through loue is y cause of y good works that a chzisten mā doeth And like as a man may say of Iesus Christ y he hath done this miracle or that and that those miracles besides y they glorified God were also a great honor vnto Iesus Christ as he was mā who for his obedience euen vnto death was recompenced at gods hand in his resurrection and had gyuen vnto him all power but in heauen and earth which he had not afore as in respect of his manhod but deserued it by the vnion which is betwixt the word of God and the manhod of Christ So doth faith in a christian which faith by reason of the vnion that it hath with y soule attributeth y thing to the one which is proper to y other whervppon it commeth that y holy scripture promiseth the christian euerlasting life for hys good works bicause good works are y frutes and testimonies of liuely fayth procede of it as light procedeth from a flame of fyre according as I haue sayd heretofore And by this holy faith which imbraseth Iesus christ it commeth to passe that our sowle is ioyned with Christ and is so vnited and knit to him that whatsoeuer Christ hath merited deserued the same is imputed vnto the soule as though it had merited deserued it And therfore S. Austin sayth that God crowneth his owne giftes in vs. Of thys vnion of the soule with Iesus Christ Christ himself beareth good record wher he prayeth to his Father for his Apostles and for suche as should beleue in him by their preaching I pray not sayeth he for thē only but also for all those that shall beleue in me through their word to the end they may be al one thing that like as thou my Father arte in me I in thée so they also may be one in vs that the world may beleue that thou hast sent mée and that I haue giuen thē the glorie which thou haste giuen mée so as they should be one selfsame thing like as thou and I are one Wherby it appereth euidently that if we beleue y word of the Apostles who preached that Iesus Christ died for our sinnes and rose agein for our iustification we become all one thyng with him and forasmuch as he is all one with Go● we also become all one with
ours and so is he in very déed if we beleue so and hold our selues assured that by the same heauenly garmēt we be receiued into fauor before god For it is most certain that he as a most déere father hath giuen vs his sonne meaning that al his rightuousnes all that euer he is can or hath done shold be in our power inrisdictiō in such wise as it should be lawful for vs to make our boast of thē as if we had done purchaced des●rued them by our own strength And whosoeuer beleueth this shal find that his beléef is good and tru as we haue shewed heretofore Thē must the christian haue a stedfast faith beleef that all the goods all the graces all the riches of Iesus christ are his for sith y God hath giuen vs Iesus christ himself how shold it be possible that he hath not giuen vs all things with him Now if this be true as tru it is in déed the christiā may rightly say I am y child of god Iesus christ is my brother I am Lord of heauē earth of hell and of death of the law in so much as the law cānot accuse me nor lay any curse vpō me bicause the righteousnes of god is becom myn And this faith is it alone y maketh a man to be called a christian which clotheth him with Iesus christ as we haue said afore And boldly may this be called a great mistery whervnder are cōteined maruelous things and things not herd of cōcerning the great God which cannot enter into mans hart except god do first softē it with his holy grace as he hath promised to do by his holy prophet saying I will giue you a new hart and I will put a new mynde into you and I wyll take away the stony hart out of your bodie and I will giue you a hart of fleshe Now then he that beleueth not after the sayde maner that Iesus Christe with all the goods that he possesseth is his cannot call himself a trew christian nor euer haue a quiet and ioyfull conscience nor a good and feruent corage to doo good but shall easly faint in doing of good works yea and moreouer he shall neuer be able to do works that are truly good This only beléef and trust that we haue in the merits of Iesus Christ maketh men trew christians stowt cherful merrie louers of God readie to doo good workes possessers of gods kingdome and of god himselfe and his right derebeloued children in whome the holie Ghoste dooth truly dwell What hart is so cowardly cold and vyle which considering the inestimable greatnes of the gift that god hath bestowed vppon him in giuing him his owne so welbeloued sonne with all his perfectnes is not inflamed with an exceding carnest desyre to become like vnto him in good workes specially seing that the Father hath giuen him vnto vs for an example whereon we must continewally looke framing our lyfe after such a sort as it maye be a trew counterpaine of the lyfe of Iesus Christe forasmuch as Christe as sayeth Sainct Peter hathe fuffered for vs leauing vs an insample to the ende that we shoulde folowe his footesteppes Out of this consideracion iss●weth another kind of clothing of a manes selfe with Christ which we may terme An example clothinge for so much as the christian must frame his whole lyfe after the example of Christ fashyoning himself like vnto him in all his dedes words and thowghtes leauing his former wicked lyfe and decking himself with the new lyfe that is to wit with the lyfe of Christe By reason wherof sainct Paule sayeth Let vs cast away the works of darknesse and put on the a●mour of lyght not in feasting nor in drunkennesse nor in chambering and wantonnesse nor in stryfe but put vpon you the Lorde Iesus Christ and make no preparation for the flesh nor for the lustes therof Héeruppon the trew Christian being in loue with Iesus Christ sayeth in himself Sith that Iesus Christe not hauing anye néede of me hathe redemed me with his own blud and is become poore to inrich me I wil likewise giue my g●●ds y●● my very lyfe for the loue welfare of my neighbour And like as I am clothed with Iesus christ for the loue he hath borne to me so will I haue my neighbor in Christ to cloth himself with me with my goods likewise for the loue that I beare him for christes sake He y doth not so is no true christian for he cānot say that he loueth Iesus christ if he loue not the mēbers brothers of him and if we loue not our neighbour for whose sake christ hath shed his blud we cannot truely say that we loue Iesus christ who being equall with God was obedient to his father euen to y death of the crosse hath loued redéemed vs giuing himselfe vnto vs with all that euer he hath After the same maner we being rich hauing abundance of good things at Christes hand must also be obedient vnto god to offer giue our works al that we haue yea and euen our selues to our neighbours and brethren in Iesus Christ seruing them helping them at their néed and being to thē as another christ And like as Iesus Christ was lowly and gentle and far from all debate and stryfe so must wée set our whole mynde vpon lowelinesse méeknesse eschewing all stryfe and impatiēce as wel which consist in words and reasoning as in déeds And as in Iesus Christe hath indured al the persecutions and spytes of the world for the glorie of God so must wée with all patientnesse chéerfully beare the persecutions and reproches that are doone by false christians too all suche as will liue faythfully in Iesus Christe who gaue his life for his enemyes and prayed for them vppon the crosse and so must we also pray always for our enemies and willingly spend our lyfe for their welfare And this is too folowe Christs steppes according as sainct Peter sayeth For when we knowe Iesus Christ with all his riches to be our owne good which thing is to bée clothed with Christ and to become pure and cleane without spot there remayneth nothing more for vs to do but to glorifye God by folowing the lyfe of Iesus Christe and to do to our brethren as Christe hathe doone to vs and specially for somuch as we bée warranted by his word that whatsoeuer we do to his brethren and ours he accepteth it as a benefyte done to himself And dowtlesse seing that the trewe christians are the members of Christ we cannot do eyther good or euill too the trew Christians but wée d●● it likewyse vnto Christ in so much that he reioyceth or suffereth in his members Th●reTherefore like as Iesus Christ is our clothing by faith so also must we through loue become the clothing of our brethren haue as good care
some one may say to mée that the christian can not by any means know that he is in gods fauour without some speciall reuelation and so consequently that he cannot knowe whither he be predestinated or no. And hée may specially alledge these woordes of Salomon A man knoweth not whither he be worthy of hatred or of loue and also these wordes of the Apostle Sainct Paule to the Corinthians I féele not my selfe gilty of any thing and yit féele I not my selfe iustifyed for all that It séemeth to be sufficiently declared by the textes of holy Scripture that the saide opinion is false and now remaineth onely to be shewed briefely that these two textes whereuppon the same opinion is chiefly grounded ought not to be taken in that sence As touchinge Salomons sentence although it bée scarse well and faythefully translated in the common translation yit is there not any man so dul who in reading Salomons whole discourse may not playnely perceyue by saying so he ment that if any man will take vppon him to iudge by the casualties ▪ that happen in this lyfe who is loued or hated of GOD he laboreth in vayne considering that the selfesame chaunces which light vppon the rightuouse light also vppon the vnrightuouse vppon him that Sacri●●zeth as wel as vpon him that sacrifizeth not as soone vpō the good mā as vpō y sinner Wher of it may be gathered y god doth not always shew his loue towards those whō he indueth with outward prosperities contrariewyse that he sheweth not his displeasure towards those whom hee punisheth Then my right deere brethren in Christ Iesus our Lorde doe you thinke it reason to conclude that a man cannot be sure of Gods fauour bycause the same surenesse cannot bee perceyued by the sundrie chaunces that happen euery day in theis transitory temporal things A litle afore Salomō saith y a man can not discerne any difference betwene y soule of a mā the life of a beast for it is seene that both mā beast die after one maner Shal we then conclude by this outward accident y the persua●iō which we haue conceiued of the immortality of the soule is groūded but only vppon coniecture No surely and it were a great follye to stande vppon a thing so notablye knowen And as for Saincte Paules words I say that for asmuch as he was sp●aking of the administration of the gospell hée ment that his hart misgiues him not of any misdealing therin and yit for all that that he is not sure he hath done his whole duetie to the full and therein obteyned the prayse of rightuousenes to Godward as if hée had done all that pertained and was conuenient to be done by a faithfull Steward and therfore in speaking of his office like a iust and discrete persone he durst not iustifie himself nor auow that he had discharged his deutie to the vttermost and satisfyed his lords wil but ●eferred all things to the only iudgemēt of his lord And verely who soeuer readeth these words of the Apostle Sainct Paule and considereth the wordes going afore them with some iudgement and likewise the woordes that folowe will not doubt but this is the true sence of them I know well that some men in expounding these words of the Apostle sainct Paule say that although he knewe himself to be without sin yit he knewe not whether he were rightuouse to Godward or no accordinge as Dauid affirmeth that no man can perfectly knowe his owne sinnes But these mē perceiue not that Saint Paule groundeth not rightuousenes vppon woorks but vpon faith and that hée vtterly refuseth his own rightuousenesse to imbrace only the rightuousnes which God hath giuen vs thorough our Lord Iesus Christ. Also they consider not that he was most certein to bée accepted for rightuous in maynteining the soundnesse and purenesse of the christē faith and that he knewe well howe the crowne of that righteousnes was layd vp for him in heauen and also that hee was fully assured that no creature in heauen earth nor hell was able to separate him from the loue of God and that he longed to dye bicause hée knew for a truth y after his death he should be with Iesus Christe All which thinges should be false if he had not bin well assured that he was rightuouse I meane by faith not by works Therfore my déerbeloued brethren let vs cease to speake that thing of the Apostle Sainct Paule which he neuer once thought of himself but féersly fought agaynst it continually in answering such as measured rightuousenes by woorks not by faith in our Lord Iesus Christ. But besides these two auctorities of Salomon and sainct Paul a man might alledge some other places of holy scripture which wheras they warne and incorage men to feare God séeme to be contrarie to the assurance of this our predestination And if I would declare them all particularly I should be ouer long But I say generally that y feare of punishment was proper to the old Testamēt and childly loue to the new Testament according as S. Paule witnesseth when he sayeth to the Romanes ye haue not receyued the spirit of bondage to feare but ye haue receiued y spirit of adoptiō wherby we ●rye father father And likewise vnto Timothie he sayeth y god hath not giuē vs y spirit of fearfulnes but rather of power and loue which spirit Iesus Christ hath giuen vs according to the promis made by the mouth of the holy Prophets and brought to passe that we being deliuered out of our enemyes handes may serue him without feare before his holy presence in all holinesse and rightuousenesse all the dayes of our life By theis many other places of the holy Scripture a man may plainly gather that y peynfull and slauish fearfulnesse agreeth not with a Christian and this is alredie confirmed by this that such maner of fearfulnesse is vtterly contrarie to the spirituall cherefulnes and ioy which is peculiar to the christian as the Apostle Sainct Paule sheweth openly to the Romanes saying that the kingdome of God is rightuousenesse peace ioy in the holy ghost that is to say y euery man which entereth into the kingdome of the grace of the gospel is become rightuouse through fayth and afterward addeth peace of conscience which consequently bréedeth such a spiritual and holy rest gladnesse in respect wherof the same Sainct Paule doth oftentimes incorage the christians to liue merily And sainct Peter sayeth that all they which beleeue in Iesus Christ do continually reioyce with an vnspeakable and gloriouse ioy notwithstanding that they be afflicted with diuerse temptations And therfore whē the holy scripture threateneth and frayeth the christians they must vnderstand that it speaketh to such as are so licenciouse that forsomuche as they kepe not the thankfulnesse and honestie that belong to GODS children they must
God by the meane of Iesus Christ. O wonderfull glorie of the christian to whom it is graunted through fayth to possesse the vnspeakable benefites which the Angels long to beholde By this present discourse a man may playnly perceiue the difference that is betwixt vs and them that defend y iustification by fayth and work●s togither Herein we agrée with them that we stablish works affirming that the fayth which iustifieth cannot be without good works and that those which are become rightuouse are they that doo the good workes that may rightly be called good workes But we differ from thē in this that we say that faith maketh men rightuouse withoute the helpe of workes And the reason is redy namely bycawse that by fayth wée putte on Christ and make hys holyness and rightuousenesse to bée ours And seyng the cace so standeth that Christes rightuousenesse is gyuen vs by faith Wée cannot be so thanklesse blynde and vnhappye as not to beleue that he is of suffycient abilitie to make vs acceptable and ryghtuouse before god Lette vs saye with the Apostle if the blud of Oxen and Gotes and the asshes of a Cow sprincled clenzeth the vncleane as touching y clenzing of y flesh how much more shal the blud of Iesus Christ who by the euerlasting spirit offered himselfe vndefiled vnto God clenze our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God I prey thée now thou good deuout christian consider well which of theis two opinions is the trewest holyest and worthiest to be preached Ours which aduaunceth the benefyte of Iesus Christ pulleth down the pride of man which would exalt his owne works ageinst Christes glorie or the other which by affirming that fayth of it self iusti●ieth not defaceth the glorie and benefyte of Iesus Christ and puffeth vp the pryde of man who cannot abyde to be iustified fréely by our Lorde Iesus Christ without some merit of his owne But saye they it is a gret quickning vp to good works to say that a mā maketh himself rightuouse before good by means of them I answer that we also confesse that good workes are acceptable to god that he of his mere grace and frée liberalitie recompenseth them in Paradise But we say moreouer that no workes are good sauing those y as S. Austin saieth are done by thē that are become rightuouse through fayth bicause that if the trée be not good it cannot yeld good frute And furthermore we saye that such as are become ryghtuouse through faythe forasmuch as they knowe themselues to be ryghtuouse through Gods rightuousnesse purchased by Christe make no bargayning with GOD for their workes as though they would bwy their maner of iustification suche as it is with them but being inflamed with the loue 〈◊〉 GOD and desirouse to glorifie Iesus christ who hath made them rightuouse by giuing them his merites and riches they bestow 〈◊〉 their whole study and labor to doe gods wil fighting manfully against the loue of thēselues and against the world and the Diuell And when they fall throughe frayltie of the flesh thei recouer themselues by and by and are so much the more desirous to doe good so much the more in loue with their God considering that he layeth not their sinn●● to their charge bicause they be ingraffed 〈◊〉 Iesus Christe who hath made full 〈◊〉 for all his members vppon the tree of his crosse and maketh continuall interce●●● for them to the eternal Father who for the loue of his onely begotten sonne beholdeth them alwayes with a gentle countenance gouerning and defending them as his most deare children and in the end giuing them the h●ritage of the world making them like fashioned to the glorious Image of christ These louing motions are the spurs that prick forward y true christiās to do good works who considering y they are become the childrē of god through faith made partakers of his diuine nature are sturred vp by the holy ghost dwelling in thē to liue as it becōmeth y children of so great a lord and are greatly ashamed y they maintein not the beauty of their heauēli noblesse therfore they imploy their whole indeuer to the folowing of their first-born brother Iesus christ liuing in gret low lines méeknesse in al things séeking y glory of God giuing their liues for their brethren dooing good to their enemies glorying in y sufferance of reproches in the crosse of our Lord Iesus christ saying with Zacharie We be deliuered out of the hand of our enimies to serue god without feare in holines and rightuousenesse all the dayes of our life They say with Sainct Paule The grace of the Lord is appeared to abolishe all wickednesse and all worldly desires in vs to the end we should liue a sobre holy and honest lyfe in this world wayting for the blissed hope and for the gloriouse appearing of the great God and Sauiour There such other like thoughtes desires and affections are wrought by inspired fayth in the soules of them that are become right●●use And as for him that either wholly or partly féeleth not these godly affections and operations in his hart but is gyuen ouer to the fleshe and the world let him assure himselfe that hée hath not yit the iustifying faith nor is the member of Christ bicause hée hath not Christes spirit and consequently is none of his and he that is none of Christs is no christian Then let mans wisdome cease henceforth to fight agaynst the rightuousenesse of the most holy faith and let vs giue all the glorie of our iustification to the merits of IESUS Christ with whom we bée clothed thorough faith The fyfth Chapter In what wyse the Christian is clothed with Iesus Christ. ALthough that by the things aforesayd a man may easely and plainly inough perceiue howe a Christian maye cloth himselfe with Iesus Christe yit neuerthelesse I mynde to speake a little of it assuring myselfe that vntoo the good and faythefull Christian it can séeme nether grenouse nor troublesome to speake thereof although the thing were repeted a thousand times Therfore I say that the Christian knoweth that Iesus Christ togither with al his righteousnesse holinesse and innocencie is his owne through faith And like as when a man purposeth to present himselfe before some great Lord or Prince he laboreth to aray himself in some fayre and costly apparell euen so when the christian is decked and arayed with the innocencie of Christ with all his perfection he presenteth himself boldely before God the Lord of all assuring him selfe that through christes merits he is in as good cace as if he had purchaced all that which Iesus Christ hath purchaced and deserued And truely faith maketh euery of vs to possesse Christ and all that is his as we possesse our own garment And therefore to be clothed with Iesus christ is nothing else but to beleue for a certaintie that Christe is wholly