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A06886 A declaration of thee power of Gods worde concerning the holy supper of the Lord, confutynge all lyers and fals teachers, whych mayntayne theyr maskynge mass inuented agaynst the woorde of God, and the Kynges Maiesties most godly proceadynge compyled anno d[omi]ni M.D.XLVIII Mardeley, John. 1548 (1548) STC 17317; ESTC S104366 26,391 72

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so earnestly of these thynges that he calleth heauē and ●arth to wyt nesse wyth hym that be ●yd premo nyshe and declare to vs before of these Antichristes that shuld come Declarynge therby what care and sorowe he taketh for vs and how sore he lamenteth that we shulde be thus seduced and disceaued by soche blasphemous Antichrystes as these be whych wold appoynte vs another Gospell of theyr own braynes to feade vs wyth dreges of theyr inuented Sacramentes and lowsye Ceremonyes whyche they patched vnto thee worde of worde of God as necessarye vnto our saluaciō hauing not the scrip ●ures for the stablyshement of the same and it wold then compel the people of God as well to receyue theym wyth asmoche reuerēce as those sacramēte● other ordina● ces instytuted by the word of god These blyndes guydes the Prop●et Esaye threateneth the euerlastynge nyght of infydelyte or vn belefe and vnto them also that be leue eyther any new reuelatyons or els any apparicions of dead sp● rites wythoute the worde of God the wordes be these shall the people seke counsell of theyr God or shall they aske counsel of the dead for the liuing shal thei not rather loke and searche thee lawe of thee Lorde and take the testymony of god vnto counsell for yf they tell you not sayth he accordynge vnto thys worde They shal haue no mornyng lyght Oh mercyful lord what sore and greuous saying is thys yea it is a threatenyug vnto them that vnderstād what thys voyce is and what darkenes thys signifyeth thys mornynge lyghte sayth Esay is Christ the lyght o● the world as he sayth hym self byd dynge vs walke in the lyght whyle ye haue it that no darknes com passe you thye lyght the prince of all darkenes stale fyrst from mankynde thoro we infydelytie robbed vs of thee true knowledge of God and brought vs into aldarkenes of errours and supersticiō by these lyenge prophetes whyche wolde bryng v● to infydelitye by theyr darke doct●yne of vnwrytē veryt●es but it so pleased the sonne of righteousnes to restore thys lyght vnto the world agayne and hys commynge was vnto vs thee bryght mornynge whych the prophet speaketh of in this place But alas it is no maruel that we haue so longe walked in thys darknes for we haue bene taught by Balā● prophet a new christ and haue for sakē the word of God and sought thys lyght in the deuylles doctryne and mens tradicions hauynge oure confydence in fantasys that wee haue beleued dead spyrytes made newe articles of our faythe as that ther is a purgatorye after thys ●y●● out of the whych soules may be redemed thorow y ● sacrifyce of y ● masse whych y ● antychriste of Ro●● hys lying shauelinges make to be a sacry●yce for y ● quyck the dead ●●trarye to y ● instituciō ordayna●ce of christ Hauīg not one word of y ● scripture ●or the stablishment of these theyr dreames A●d ●●t the● cōti●ue in y ● ministraciō o●●●asse dayly agaynst y ● kynges mai●●●●e● most● godly procead●●g●s ●y ●cca●yon whereof the people commyt Idolatrye alas it is to be ●●●●●ied to ●e y ● sturdynes of these Babilonical papistes whyche wyl not gyu● place to y ● truth but shal styl cōtinue in theyr maskyng contrary to the worde of god o most execrable antichristes which take vpō you to offer vp a sygne for a sauyour whych is made by the handes of a wycked man and bringe m● to worship bread wyne in stede of the eternall God whych ar to fals god● as they are vsed by your lyftīg vp wher fynd you in the word of god y ● ye ought so to do but only by your Romysh fathers apoyntmēt Christe neuer cōmaūded his word to be preched vnto bread wy●e whych are but two dead thinges but to soch people as had fayth to beleue folow y ● same he bad y t faythful beleuers of this holy supper to take eate this bred not to knele to it to worship it as god For S. Augu the old doctors calleth it a sacramēt a mystery mistical meat whi che is not eatē w t to the bely but w t eares fayth as touching ho nour worship to be done to it it is playn y dolatry This most odiouse veneraciō was added by your pope not w t out the ꝑpetual ●urse of god as appereth in Deut. xii Apo. xxii For in your popes masse nether is y ● lordes death set out to be vnderstand or preached nor yet his body bloud frutfully theri● receaued nether ar y ● hearers ther of ●swaded to cōtinual thākes geuing nor yet christianli exorted to a mutual loue cōcord but the deuoutest y t cometh to y ● masse of you rs one ha●eth another one dis●ay neth another one troubleth another one robbeth another besides y ● abhominable suꝑsticious ydo latries which ar dayly therin cōmitted this your abominable ma sse bi so mani pestelēt popes dūsed which were peruerters and stin●kinge Sodomites not regardinge the sayinge of the holy Apostle S. S. Paul but peruertyng the scrip tures for y ● mayntenaūce of theyr belies and for lucre sake whyche sayd Ro. xv I dare not speake of any of those thynges y ● christ hath not wroughte by me O shamelesse beastes thē how dare ye be so bold as contraay to gods holy worde inuent and make the vytuperable masse wherin is the gloriouse sup per of the Lorde whych was hys owne instytucyon most blasphemously blemysshed and broughte cleane out of remembraunce in y ● christen church wherfore a remēbraunce of christes death to his cō gregacion was that heauenly sup per fyrst ordeyned and a vnyuersall thankes geuynge for the most frutefull benefyte of the same In that holy and sacred supper ar the mutuall members of Christes mistical body ther gathered together and knyt perfeyghtly together to theyr headde wyth the ioyntes of fayth and synowes of loue where as it is truelye mynistred But in your popysshe masse theyr is no soche godly order dyd not Iesus christ in the institucion of thys sa cramēt all bread symply saye vnto hys apostles take eate he sayde not behold and worshyp dyd euer any of the Apostles prouoke anye mā to soch worshippīg as these Idolaters do Marke how far these tals ꝓphetes of Baal swerue frō the doctrine of S. paul as abhomi nable scorners theues which pra ctyse nothyng els but the vtter de structyon of soules inuenters of tumulte sedicid amōges the peo ple. Brethrē sayth he I besech you marke thē that make diuision and geue occasiōs of euyl contrary to the doctryne that ye haue learned and aduoyd thē for they that are soch serue not y ● lord Iesus Christ but theyr own bellyes wyth swe te prechinges flatterīg wordes deceyue the hartes of the innocen tes what may be more plainly spo
for yf nothynge were takē here fyguratyuely thā shuld here be no place for the wor kyng of fayth because y ● nothinge shuldbe spiritualli done but what soeuer it be we shuld take it after a fleashely intellectyon and what fayth is by the sentence of S. paul is an argumente of thynges that appere not that is not of these sub sta●nces which ar sene but of tho se whych are not sene yet shall we here take nothynge accordyng to faythe for what so euer it be wee maye see and diserne it after oure corporall sences and what I pray you can be more foolyshe to take bread for fleshe call wyne blood and a mysterye we cannot call it wher no hyd or secret thyng is she shed ▪ here is to be vnderstande in thys holy supper of the lorde that it representeth to vs an inuisyble grace and therfore it is not alone thyng that is sene and that is beleued for these thynges that bee sene doo onelye feade the corruptyble bodye beynge corruptyble thē selues But these thynges why chear not sene do fead the immortall soules they beynge immortall them selues Oure fathers in the deserte by a spyrytuall meat and a spyrytuall ▪ drynke dyd eate Chri stes bodye and drynke hys blood as thee Apostle dothe wytnesse oure fathers saythe he haue eaten the same spyrytuall meate dron ken the same spyrytuall dryncke as ye wold say So could he in the deserte turne the manna and the the water of the roke into his fleshe and bloud Notwythstandyng hys fleshe was hāged on the crosse for vs longe after and hys blood shed and here you shall consydere what is ment by these wordes spo ken ▪ by christ except you shall eate the fleashe of the sonne of mā and drike his blood you shal not haue lyfe in you he sayd not y t his fleshe whych hāged on the crosse shuld be cute in pecys and eaten of hys Apostles nor that hys blood whych he shed for the redemption of thee world shuld be geuen his disciples to drincke for it were a wycked thynge yf hys fleshe shuld be eaten and hys blood dronken as the capharnetes and infidelles toke it beynge offended wyth hys sayinges therfore he sayd to hys dysciples yf you shall see the sonne of man ascendyng thyther where as he was before c. as thoughe he shulde saye You maye not thynke my fleshe to be eaten of you corpo rally neyther my fleshe to be deuy ded into peces for asmoch as after my resurrection ye shal se me vysyhly ascend into heauē wyth the fulnes of my hole body and blood Then ye shall perceaue my fleashe is not to be eaten of these that beleue as the infidels thynke But that the bread and the wyne chaūged by a mysterye into my body blood is to be receaued of y ● fayth full for he saythe consequentelye The spirite is he that quickeneth the fleshe profyteth nothing after any soche sorte as the vnfaythfull vnderstande but otherwyse it geueth lyfe as the faythefull take it by a my sterye So in thys mystery of the body and blood of christ her is spirituall operacion whych ge ueth lyfe wythout the whych ope racion the mysteries be vnprofytable for wel may thei fead the bo dy but the soule they cannot here the papistes saye that those thynges be done in veritie but not in a mysterye wherin they repuge agaynst the wrytynges of the holy fathers S. augustin sayth Except ye eat sayth our sauyour the flesh of the sonne of mā and drinke his blood ye shal haue no lyfe in you he seameth sayth he to commaūd a wycked thynge Therfore it is a fygure commaunding vs to be cōmunicators of hys passion this is profytable to prynt in our memories that hys fleshe was woūded and crucifyed for our sakes S. au gustyn doth thus affyrme the mysterye of the body blood of christ to be a fygure for it is no poynte of religion sayth he but rather in● quitie to take hys fleashe and hys blood carnally as they dyd whych vnderstode not Christes woordes spiritually but carnally and wēt backe therfore and departed from hi. Now here is playnly se● forth vnto you that thys holy sacramēt of the bodye and blood of christes is a mystery certifieng thy weake cōsciēce that as that sacramentall bread is brokē ●o was christes bo dy brokē for your synnes yf ye be faythful abyding in christ he in you but yf you be wicked vnfay thful ye do not eate hys fleshe nor drynke his blood although ye eat the sacramēt of so great a thynge These be bedes wordes vpō the. i. epistle to the Corinth the. x. chap. Now where as these dasyng drea mers lowsy locustes doth teach that the presentes of christes natu ral body is holy cōtayned in y e sacramēt that is easyer sayd thē pro ued For this sayth S. aug to Hie to his body wherin he rose muste be in one place but his truth is di spersed in al places also writing vnto Dardamū doth proue that y ● natural body of christ must neades be in one place onely also y t his soule can be but in one place at ones further saythe yf we shulde graunt christ to be in al places as touching his manhode we shulde take awaye the truthe of his body for he playnly affyrmethe as touching his godhode he is in euerye place as touching hys manhode he is in heauē as this doctryne of christ doth playnly proue spokēto his disciples sayig yet a lytle whi le I am with you thē I depart to him y t sent far he sayd agayne it is expediēt for you that I depart for except y t I depart that cōforter shal not come vnto you And yet he sayth further forsake y ● world goo to my father more fully to touche thys matter he also sayth poore mē ye shal euer haue w t you but me you shall not euer haue here it appereth as touching hys godhead he forsoke not the world whē he ascended vnto hys father and therfor it must neades folowe that as touching hys fleshe and manhede he fors●ke the world as al the old doctours and faythfull fathers de fyne that christ ment not that hys natural fleshe shuld be present in the sacramēt to be eaten with our teth and therfore whoso beleueth hys body naturall to be theyr is begyled and is robbed of the true beleue therin wyth theyr craftye cōueyaunces vnwryttē truthes by whyche they brynge the people into bondage and captyue theyr consciences in blyndnesse to the vtter destruction of soule body Teachyng them a straung doctryne contrary vnto the gospel But euery plant that my heaueuly father hath not planted shalbe plucked vp by the rootes sayth christ and now accordynge to my fyrste parte and preposicion of thys mat ter I saye y ● ther is sufficiēt scrip tures wrytten for
our saluacion aud for the probatiō therof I wil lay this sentence of the old church confyrmed of christ agaynste these blasphemouse teachers of these vnsauerye sacryfyces of Baal and Bel of theyr holy fathers of rome inuented contrarye vnto the censer word of god which is wrytten in the ▪ xii of Ihon. The word whi che I haue spoken shall iudge thē in the last daye sayth christ Now thē these enuyous Edomites whi che teache the people a new found doctryne made of theyr own bray nes as thys is to cause the people to beleue that the natural body of christ is in the sacramēt or to make it an oblacion propiciotorie or expietorie and to be worshypped this teachyng is not found in the scripture of god but in theyr own ymagynacions and priuate inter pretacion for the mayntenaunce of theyr owne bellyes S. Peter sayth that the scripture is not expounded after the appetyte of any pryuat persone but euē as it was geuen by the spyryte of god not by manes wyll so must it be declared by the same spyryte full well knew the Apostle S. Paule when he sayd to the Thessaloniās The mystery of iniquitie euē now begynneth to worke and also prophesyed what shulde folowe after hys tyme saying Take ye hede to your selues and to all the flocke ouer whych the holy ghost hathe put you ouersears to fead the congregation of God whych be purchased wyth hys owne blood for I know thys well that after my departynge shall entre in greuouse wolues among you whych shal not spare thee flocke and euen of your selues shall aryse men speakynge peruerse thynges to draw disciples after them and therfore watche c. What more euident to kē can be geuen of you set forth by Paule ar ye not rauening wolues what els doo you but spoyle and robbe the people of God whē ye teache and instruct them contrarye to the verytie of the gospel to folowe your lying sygnes and beggerly ceremonies as S. Paul calleth them to reherse thē it shal not nead but touchynge thys holy mysterye of Christes bodye and blood which ye haue so sore deformed blemyshed spotted by your straunsubstanciatyon and other abuses to the destructyon of the people fyrst institucion of christ I muste of verye sorowfulnes of harte approue you by thee scripture to bee verye theues murtherers and deceauers and where I haue already declared and approned by the worde of god and thee olde wryters whose sayingee I haue in maner but gleyned wyth ruthe the mohabite as the history maketh mencyon what that most holy blessed sacrament of the bo dye blood of our lord is it is to be beleued but as a mystery fyfygure representynge to the eyes of our faythe the death and passion of christ crucifyed for our synnes and rose agayne for our iustification as verely as that bread is broken emonge● vs so vetriye was christes body broken for our synnes as verely as we receaue that sacramentall bread into our bellye thorow eating it so verely do we receaue y ● frute of his death meretes into our soules by beleuyng in him so that the body of christ in thys sacrament is not corporal but spiritual and the blood of chri ste is not ther corporal but spiritual So that nothynge is to be ta ken in this holy mystery but spiri tually Here is the bodye of christ but not corporally here is y ● blood of christ but not corporally These be the ▪ woordes of Barthram a learned Priest wrytten Lvii. yea res here to fore so nowe thys is proued sufficient to stablysshe the faythe of all men I truste in thys poynt And as to the worshipping therof or to be a sacrifice as they saye You shall haue the scriptures to confute that doctryne sufficientlye fyrste the supper of thee Lorde ought to be done after thee ordinaunces of christ as appereth the fyrst Epystle to the Corinthi the. xi chap. And vpon those wordes to it is a memorial of y ● death of Christe whych brought saluaci on and not a sacrifyce but a remē braunce of the sacrifyce that was once offered vp vpō the crosse for therin is a promyse made as appe reth in the. C. and. it Psal. Christ shalbe our bishop for euermore or dayned of the father and thys pro mes is performed for christ hathe entered once into the holye place by an oblacion makynge perfecte for euermore so that we nead not to haue hym offered vp for vs agayne the whyche dyeth nomore We know that the oblaciō whych Moyses made was for synnes as appereth in the leuitical law whē the oblation dyd sanctifye thee blood dyd wasshe Thē yf this one sacrifice in the whych christe dyd offere vp hym selfe dyd satisfy for the synnes of the whole world accordinge to the seyenge of Esaye He dyd bear our synnes he was torne for oure wyckednesse As S. Ihon sayth he is our satisfaction and so forth so that all oblations whych ar besydes thys is but vay ne as to rear an new oblatiō and to set lytle by y ● fyrst to make god a lyar and to denye Christ whych bought vs after the wordes of S. Peter For yf the synnes be released and forgeuē in the sacrifyce of the masse it foloweth that that on ly sacrifyce of the crosse dyd not sa tisfye for all synnes is not that to deny the lorde whych dyd rede me vs not wyth corruptible thin ges as with gold and syluer but wyth hys owne precyouse blood so that thys holy sacrifice whych is Iesus christe the verye lambe and most holy Enocēt wythout spotte The whych alone taketh away the synnes of the world hath offered for vs to God the father hym selfe hath geuen his lyfe and shed hys blood for our redemption ▪ Makynge an ende and consumation of all outward and vysyble sacryfyces and S. Paul to the Hebreus wryteth it is cōuenable to haue a byshop holy innocente seperate frome synners hygher then the skyes and in the. ix chap ter of y ● same Epystle is sayd thus christ y ● bishop of goodnes came in presence by a greater and a perfyter tabernacle not made wyth hā des not by the blood of gotes or of calues but by hys owne precyouse bloode is ones entered into the sanctuarye hath founde eter nall redemption here is playne euydent that for our saluation redemption we haue no neade of any other sacrifyce or dayly offeringe for them selues and for vs Except we wyll haue them our re demers and to renounce the obia ciō of Iesu christ and yet further it is sayd in the same chapter Ie sus is not entered into the sanctu arye made with handes but chefe ly in heauē to thende that now he may appere for vs before the face of hys father not by ●au●e that he offered not
hym self oftē tymes and after he ●ayth he shulde haue suffered oftē ●y●he the begynning of the worlde Thys ●exte dothe clearly expresse that Iesus christ offereth not hym self many tymes or that he shulde dye many tymes for Iesus christe to dye and to be offered vnto hys father is al one Nowe shall he neuer dye more wherby he shal neuer be sacrifyced and in sacryfyce he wyl neuer offer hym self more thā it foloweth that no man can offre and sacryfy ce hym agayne for yf he offre not hym selfe ●howe maye other offre him for certaynly sythe the death death of christ all vysyble sacrifyces is ceased and the state of sacri fyces is appered wherfore they a● vayne seductors begylers lyars may be knowen to be fooles vnwytty vnhappy voyd of brayne Now ●or a more ampie probacion pounder well the. x ▪ chapter of the same Epystle whych maketh mencion thorowly of thys sacry●yce of Iesus christ the whyche hathe made an ende of all vysyble sacryfyces so that none doth abyde for synne Behold I come lord god to thende that I may do thy wyll by the whych wyll we be sanctyfyed by the oblacyons made by Iesus Christe for by one oblatiō he hath made the sanctifyed y t is the faith full perfyte for euer eternally for after he sayth I shal haue no more mynd of theyr sinnes and of theyr iniquities and where there is remyssion of thē ther is no more oblation for synne But S. Paul declareth vnto vs what sacrifice we shuld offer let vs folow hys deuyne councell I praye you my bre thren by the mercy of god that ye offre youre bodyes in a lyuely sacryfyce holylye and pleasaunte to god c. To offer thys sacryfyce We be all ordeyned of God Kynges and priestes wythoute any soche disguysed shauen shorne ce remonies for we be to vyle vnworthi to offer vnto god ani new sacryfice for synne for asmoche as christ hath offered vp hym selfe to hys father for vs as touchyng to worshyp the sacramēt In the who le scriptures nother by any wrytyng of the old holy fathers doc tores as S. Augustyne Ambrose Hierome Cypriane Chrisostome Fulgēcius and soch other neuer taught men to worshippe it for yf these holy fathers had taken these textes before resyted carnally as they toke it spirituallye then in theyr workes they wold haue tau ght mē to worshypped it but they neuer taught mē to worshyp thys sacramēt bycause they toke it spiritually and therfore to worshyp it it is dampnable Idolatrye for god wyl gyue hys honour to non other for thys holy supper of the lord is takyng for a plege of euer lastyng lyfe whych the faythefull desyre moste humblye to receyue wyth a manyfest perticipation euen that thynge whyche we touche in the Image of the sacrament whiche is the pledge and the Image of another thynge that is to say they represent another thing but not thēselues yea they whyche is shewed vnto the beleuers y ● death of christ inui●ybly for a perpetual remembraunce of hys passion for christ sayth in the gospel Do this in my remembraunce and S. paul expoundeth it thus So ofte as ye eate of thys bread and drynke of thys wyne you shall shew y ● death of the lord tyll he come Thus we be taught both of Iesus Christe and S. Paul That the bread and the wyne is set furthe to our eyes for a fygure or a memorye of the lordes deathe That as often as we shal receyue thys holy supper of the lorde it may put vs in remē braūce in this tyme present what Christ hathe done for vs in tymes paste that we maye be made mynd full of hys paynefull death passion whyche he suffered for vs that we may be made also worthy partakers of that godly communion by the whych we are delyue red frō death and knowinge that after thys lyfe we shall come to y ● vysyon or Christe where we shall haue no neade of any soch instrumentes to put vs in remembraun ce any more by any ext●r●●ll sygne what cor●st ●●the ●o●● for ●s for we lokyng of hym face to face shal not be a●moni●●ed by any out warde or iemporall thyng●s out onely to be fully certy●yed by the contemplacion of the truth it self and to geue glory● and prayse to the auctour of our helth ▪ for euer Now it is to be noted that y ● faith full receaueth not the thynge loked vpon wyth our carnall eyes in the mystery of thys sacrament but that whych is beleued for the meate is spyrytuall and the d●ynke is spirituall and fead●th y e sou le spiritually and y ● g●ueth euerla stynge lyfe to the beleuers secretl●e as ●●●e ●a●youre saythe hym sel●e ●●e spyryte is he that quycke neth The ●●easshe profyteth nothynge proffeteth nothyng Here breuely haue I declared vnto you y e true vnderstanding of the most blessed sacrament of the bodye blood of christ both by the mynd of christe hym selfe S. Paul the euāgelistes and the olde fathers and holy doc tors as here is recyted and yf any wyll diligētly read the scriptures they shall fynde and clearly percea ue that for the space of L. ix yeares al the doctors to affyrme this sacrament to be a mysterye neuer knew of thys transubstanciation of the bread and wyne as the se deuelish dreamers dothe teache therfore beleue them not for they are blynd leaders of the blynde so that the leader the folower shal fal bothe into the pyt And as it is mencyoned in the. i. of Sapience what a terrible sentence they shal geue agaynst thē selues in the latter daye of iudgement in horrible fear shal they confesse openly befo re the hyghe iudge Iesu Christ to whom is generall power bothe in heauen and earthe that all hathe bene dampnable follyshenes that they haue gone aboute that they haue erred from the truth haue bene wilfully ignoraunt and that they haue tyred thē selues in thee waye of wyckednes destruction and so forthe Thus these vngodly teachers of theyr own dreames shal why she the great mountayns to ouer whelme thē in that dreadfull daye therfore heare what S. Paul sayth Thoughe we our selues or an angel from heauē preache any other Gospell vnto you then that wee haue preached vnto you hold him accursed Now hath paule preached vnto you as ye haue harde and we sayth he y t is all those whych hath preached the same gospel But these lordly lubbers as glorious glottones haue preached vnto you and do The Gospell of theyr father the Antichrist of Rome that is a great tab bel of ceremonies as rynging syn ging knelyng kyssyng mocking mowing lyenge and sellinge the holy sacramentes as it is wryttē none may sel or bye but he haue y ● marke of the beast ▪ these be the lycherouse locustes of Egypte thee vpholders of Sodome Gomor The popes owne cattell● tokened