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father_n believe_v faith_n holy_a 10,213 4 5.4982 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06880 The booke of marchauntes very profitable to all folkes to knowe of what wares they ought to be ware of, for the begilyng of them. Newly perused and augmented by the first authoure well practised in suche doynges. Reade and profite.; Livre des marchans. English Marcourt, Antoine de, d. ca. 1560.; Farel, Guillaume, 1489-1565, attributed name. 1547 (1547) STC 17313.7; ESTC S117723 19,535 96

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lye of God but also by the authoryte of the decres and auncient cannos as pestilent people by whō the churche of God is robbed wasted and desolated y ● reformation of the church letted and the saluation of y ● people withdrawen O Lord God what a boke might be made of this mater if tym woulde suffer it but I remit it al to the Iugemēt of those persones whiche loue and dread the almighty lord What do you noble and vertuous Princes Lordes and Ladyes why haue ye no regarde ouer these marchants and notwythstandynge that by theyr pride they wyll not be visyred of you yet will thei or not ye haue authoritie ouer thē And to you and none other it belongeth to castyse to correct and represte the great excesse of suche theues Do it than to thende that it be not uerified of you that is voken in Esaye Suche princes are infidels companiōs of theues but rather that in y ● presence of the liuinge God of whom ye bere the name whiche hath giuen you the poure of the sworde for to vse it to hys honor defendynge innocentes punishing al male factors be ye foūd faithfull and veritable Consentynge to all godnes resystynge euylle wythe all your power for hys good wyll for by hym ye are commited ther to he alone may exalt you or put you down in this present lyfe and the life to come and herof ye maye be sure if ye seke his honor he wil honor you Yf ye exalt hym he wyll exalt you By hys wisdome kynges do reygne and Lordes do ordein ordinaunces of Iustice And the mysprision of the dyuine wyll wisdome is cause of al euyls ouer Kinges Princes Lordes coūtres and nations Which may be sen in Dauid Solomō Ezechi Achab Manasses and other And let no man take feare in forthering the honore of God as the simple Sedechie dyd Fearynge more the prynces of Iuda of Ierusalē thē y ● only God Not beleueyng y ● good coūsel of Ieremi The which Sedechie neuertheles afterwarde foūde tru that which the prophete had tolde him And was put fro the goodes y ● wer ordened for him For it is not in y ● power of men to put Kynges fro their crowes but it belongeth to y ● only god which trās ferreth kingdomes as it pleaseth hym The which if he be with you who cā be againste you Oh God if ye were as prompt and redy to procure the honor of God as these auaricyous marchāts are apt and diligent about theyr busines that nothing escape thē O Lorde howe euery thinge should be well It is no nede to speak of ther study and diligence for euery body seth it They haue a. C. eyes euer open to watch as the cat for the mous Argus sawe neuer clerer before and behynde nomore dyd Ianus wyth hys dowble face If the belles rynge in any place as thei say for an obit than oure gentyl gallants trudge apace but our Lord knoweth what a drage there is of them Yf the mayster or the dame of a hous be seke so that they be any thing riche for of the poore they pas not and that they haue any token of death oure marchants togo thether a pace a pace to put in theyr myndes to remember theyr shoppes theyr byldyng theyr church their brethen and for to haue some aniuersari foundacion or other testamentary gift Do what ye wyl out of the hous ye get them not tyll they haue some praye or elles they will saye that he or she be Lutherien heretykes God knoweth what wily wrinches what subtyll fallaces they do commit fro day to day Thinke who will on the houshold on the famuly on of the chyldren rent or detts al is one to them so they may haue theyr askynge they care not If any bridales be thyder rene oure marchants to fare well and to blysse y ● bride bed If any woman lye in childbed thei togo to say gospels ano to be at the syttyng vp and chirching To be short be it at lyfe or death our marchāts be euer practisyng some bribles they neuer make an end And the better to dyspose the matter after theyr sorte not one of them will mary because they maye the better vse theyr byt cheri at their ease to passe the tyme and to lyue wythout thought For to conclude it is to be noted that amonge so greate a felowshyppe of marchants there be two sorts yet none of them both do liue in purenes of chastite of the whiche some of them gouerne them selfe in course rude tyranie the other in fayre hypocrysy The fyrst be thei that opēly constraine the people to by theyr wares and there is no remedy but passe that wyae or els to be flayne and murdred of them or at the least excōmunicate in their sinagog The other that could not come to vsurpe the power to commaunde can by an other meane that is to wite in the apparence of pouertie bering walets all vpō their shulders full simply faining a lowting caūtenance selling them sellfe as the Essians Saducians or Pharisians dyd Sōtyme they would giue their owne habite to the pore pretendyng some holynes the which afterwarde was paied a. C. times dowble Thus can they worke subtylly in they marketes and fayres Than is there anothor sorte of fyne bestial frires lowtes lowting theyr heades bi the waye bearing great beades lyke father Robert of Islyngton Marchants of theyr owne workes and merytes as if they hade some in store to sell againe And openly thei haue made to beleue that all the benefactoures of theyr orders haue won heauen bi the merites of these holy beaupers quentchyng the fayth therby and putting the holy name of Iesus Christe in darcknes blasphemeynge openly the grace and mercy of the Lorde God the whyche is not wone by worke or merite or elles grace should not bee grace howebe i● by such dreamyng lyes and fayninge these arrogant supersticious fat trewāts haue sed theyr myserable bealyes wyth the labour of the simple people I maye say miserable west inoughe for there was neuer so manye vngracious sortes of people vpon the earth They do disfigure and fatten them selues they extermine theyr faces as hypocrits They torment punishe them sefes for to appere to the worlde suche as they bee not Truly thei tak great paynes to go to the Deuill And often tymes whan they se a yong child comē of a good stocke and riche kinred they wylle so entyce hym asmuche as they may to catch hym in limetwyges snare to make him lyke vnto them To such folkes Iesus Christe gyueth his curse when he saieth wo vnto you hypocrits that compas both sea lande to make one your nouice and whan he is made he shalbe dowble wors than you This is their ioy and consolacion to drawe any to their estate Wherby it is very veryt able that the delyte of a
wycked persone is to haue thē that be lyke vnto him This is true that I say And it is not sayd of a desire or affection to missay any person but to the ende that the sheepe of Iesus Christe may kepe and delyuere them selfe from such deceiuers that out warde seme to bee symple sheepe and in warde be very rauēing wolues And by the healpe of their great and verye shepeherd Iesu they may be preserued that of thē al other that are in darcknes errour bee entierly verified y ● which S. Pet. saith you haue ben as lost shepe but nowe ye be retorned to the pastor bishope of your soules And we must not in this point stay at y ● great nōber at y ● multitud or at their riches pouer For it is much better to here Miche alone thā the. iiii C. fals prophets Helie alone than all the sacryficers of Baal The good and simple Simon and the aūcient wydow Anne thā al the Pharisiens sacrifiers Scribes docters whyche hade made a dene of murtherers of the house of God Of whose successors I pray oure Lorde ryght soone to giue knowledge to al princes and Lordes men lerned and of authoriti y ● they maye make suche prouidens and remedy that the vengeaunce of God do not fall on the poore peopel and on all y ● erth For thei commit so mani detestable wyles and gyles that it is not possible to thinke it wytnes y ● fals fayned spirite that seth xx yeres was gylefully and maliciously mente by the gray fryeres of Euereus in y ● conuent of Normandy And of late tyme suche another by the gray fryeres of Orliance To the greate sclander not only of the realme but also of all other Christen nations Thys was in Fraunce I pray you was there no suche folysh fayned triflyng deceite in England I report me to thē that haue seen and herd of them as of rodes and other geugaus whyche mockage is true euident and comēly knowen of al mē of euerye degre whyche as nowe to speak of ani more I wil leaue of abiding to se y ● there shalbe done such iustice that it shall be example to all the worlde For if any partyculer persone be punished for a folysh or lytell fawt that he doeth how moche more ought suche hypocrites for to be punished extreamely the which vnder the syght of holynesse abuse the poore people in suche wise to the great blasphemi of god diffamatiō of theyr neyghbour All the world than may bee sure that if the Lordes of Iustyce cause not punishmēt as is apperteyneynge for it that y ● Lorde God wil take so terrible reuengeaunc that al the worlde shall tremble for the hyd●ousnes of it Lykewyse of the wyles of these croscrepers whych faynyng multytude of prayers with multytude of pardoned prayers and beades thynke the soner to begyle the people kneling euer in one place daly and lycking of pyllers kyssing of y ● images fete to seme more holy and amōge thēselfe very detratores of God And yet they feare to displease one the other for feare of accusemēt O dissimbling folishnes and foule hypocrysy There be mani other thynges whych as now I reporte me y ● I coulde ●ay of a trueth if I woulde but I wyll absteyne me fearyng to offend the weake Nowe after that I haue spoken of these will foxes and cautelous Marchants wyth whom is comprehended here mites and recluses It shalbe good to speake of a great flocke of Chap womē asmuche or wylyer than the marchants whiche be of them selues named Mōkesses Abbesses Prioresses Chanonesses systers of al colors recluses many such other sortes of vermyne but I reserue this mater the whiche truly be not very cleane tyli some other tyme. For thys present season i● I haue sayd il or lytell I put it all to the iudgment of more wyse and fayethful louers of verite to whom humbly I require to encreas amplify and set forth that whyche I haue willed to pas bryefly fearing to anoy y ● readers by mi rude speache It hath suffysed me for to shew somewhat of y ● euil that hurteth vs so sore oneli for to giue occasiō to people of good desier here after to deuise som what more finally trusteyng by the boūtie of the father of mercy of some goood delyneraūce the whiche of his grace delyuer vs all fro y ● darkenes of errour fro deceiful lyuing fro Idolatrie and infidelite Wherin wee be myserably fallen in asmoche as we haue lest his pure and holy worde folowynge oure owne opinions and folyshe fantasies for Satā y ● tēptor enimie of our salnacion by cautyle transfigurynge hym into an angell of lyght vnder shadow and colour of veryte alwaye cam agaynste y ● wyll of God lyke as among other thinges it is certayn that y ● body of Moyses the which God dyd bury and vnto thys day neuer mādyd fynde hys sepulchre allthoughe that the deuill hath inforced hym to reueyle and shewe it but y e angell of God resysted him alwaye callinge for healp to the Lord. For truly thys fals serpent woulde haue abused deceiued vs w t the body bones and relykes of the sayd holy prophete teching to reyse some hous of deuotion some faire pilgrimag and a pleasant and new maner to serue God other thā that whiche he hath cōmaunded The whyche thynge the prophets could not haue condempned afterwarde nor reproued it oneles they should haue ben accused of infidelite and malyse seynge the holynes and great excellencie of y ● same whereby God had done so many admirables For the folysh men wythout Iugement beholdynge the workes of saints onely do forget him that bi them doeth such workes In good soth vnder such apparence and colour of goodnes the deuill should greatly triumphe in that place as he hath done syth and dayly entend eth to do in mani places as it appeared here in thys land and doeth yet in some other countrees with other in finite abusions Alas what an horror hath spred throughe the vniuersall worlde by that meanes The marchants haue scraped wel pilled wel heaped wel and loked well throught that hole And where is any spirit that euer could recite or tong declare al the viage al the wild and newe pylgrymages that by lytell and lytel haue ben inuēted There be as many maner of saynts as of people and beastes As. S. Loye for horses S. Anthony for swine S. Loup for shepe S. Iohn for lames S Hubbert for dogges One for gotes an other for kien S fereioll for gees and so forth of y ● remenaunt And for people there is great plentie For there is no mēbre vpon man nor any disease reygnynge vpō him but it hath a perticuler phisitiō S. Iob that neuer thought on it healeth y ● great pockes saynct Appolin the tethe Howbeit that I haue meruayled of tentyms that these good workemē