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A06491 The chiefe and pryncypall articles of the Christen faythe to holde againste the Pope, and al papistes, and the gates of hell, with other thre very profitable and necessary bokes the names or tyttels, whereof are conteyne in the leafe next followynge. Made by Doctor Marten Luther. To the reader. In thys boke shal you fynde Christian reader the ryght probation of the righte olde catholyke Churche, and of the newe false Churche, whereby eyther of them is to be knowen. Reade and iudge.; Selections. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Lynne, Walter. 1548 (1548) STC 16964; ESTC S108922 81,794 252

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synne as s Paul saith Rom. vi i. Co. xv The reward of synne is death And agayn synne is deathes styng Ose xiij So saith also Dauid Psal li. Psal li. Beholde I was shapen in wickednes in synne hath my mother cōceyued me Be saith not My mother hath conceyued me with synnes but I I I am shapen in wickednes and my mother hath conceyned me in sinne That is I am growē of sinful seede in my mothers wōbe as may be gathered of the Ebrewe texte Furthermore I do reiecte and condemne also as mere deuelysh sectes errours al orders rewels cloysters mynsters and al what soeuer of men besydes and without the scripture is inuented and instituted stablysshed with vowes plightynges notwithstondyng that many great Saynctes haue lyued therein and as the electes of God at thys tyme thereby haue bē seduced and yet at the last by the faith in Iesu Christ were delyuered escaped For seyng such orders inpusters sectes to that intent haue lyued and are kepte that by suche wayes workes men wil and maye be saued and escape from synne and death So is it an open abhominable blaspemy and denyeng of the onely helpe and grace of ●ure onely Sauyour and Mediatour Iesus Christe Act. iiij For there is none other name geuen vnto vs whereby we maye be saued but onely thys whiche is called Iesus Christe And it is impossyble that there shoulde be more Sauyours wayes or meanes to be saued than through the onely righteousnes whiche is oure sauyour Iesus Christe whiche is geuen vs freely and setforth of God as oure onelye mercy seate Rom. iij. Rom. iij It were wel good yf Cloysters or inpysters were kepte and mainteyned to thys yntent that yonge people therein myght be taught the worde of God the Scripture and Godly nourtoure whereby myght be educated brought vp and prepared men of learnynge and discretion apte for Bysshoppes Curates and all maner of mynisters of the churche and also mē of learnynge and discretion for the gouernaunce of the publyke weale and honest discrete learned women whiche afterwarde myght knowe howe to kepe house Christenly and to brynge vp childrē But to seke there a waye of saluation that is a deuelyshe doctryne and a fayth diabolical .i. Timot. iiij i. tim iiij Holy orders of God instituted But the holy orders and ryghte Mynsters of God instituted are these three Priesthode matrimony and tēporall power Church ministers Al suche as are found in the cure or ministration of the word be in a holy ryght good ordre and state acceptable vnto God as they that preache minister the Sacramentes they that procure and further the cōmon boxe clarkes boyes or seruauntes that serue suche persons c. All these be pure holye workes before God Father mother In lyke maner whosoeuer is a Father and mother and ruleth hys own house honestly and bryngeth vp chyldren in Goddes seruyce Thys is also mere holynes and a holy worke and a holy order Childrē Familie Item where as the chyldren or familye be obedyent to theyr parentes or rulers is also mere holynes and whosoeuer is founde therein is a lyuynge sayncte vpon earth In lyke maner also Prynces or superiours Iudges Offycers Chauncelers Scrybes seruauntes maydēs and al they that do serue such moreouer al such as mekely obey is al mere holynes and a holy lyfe before God Superiours Subiectes Because that these three states or orders are comprehended and establyshed in Gods worde for whatsoeuer is grounded vpon Goddes worde must nedes be holy for Goddes worde is holy and sanctifyeth althynges that be of it or in it Christiā Charite Besydes these thre estates or Orders is nowe the commune order of Christian Charitie and loue wherein mē do not onely serue the thre orders but also euery nedy person in general in al maner of benefytes as to refresshe the hungry and the thursty c. to forg●ue vnto the enemyes Matth. xxv To praye for all men vpon earthe suffre al maner of wronge vpon earth Beholde these are called good workes euery one And yet is none of these Orders a waye to saluation But the onely way remayneth aboue all these namely the sayth in Iesus Christ To be holy to be saued For there is great difference betwene to be holy and to be saued We are saued onely throughe Christ But we be holy bothe through suche fayth and also by suche godly estates and orders The vngodly maye also haue many holy thynges and yet are they not saued thereby for oure God will haue suche workes of vs to hys prayse and glorye and all they that so are saued in the faythe of Christe doo suche workes and kepe suche Orders The estate of wydowes and virgyns And whatsoeuer hath ben sayde of the state of matrimony the same muste also be vnderstande of the estate of Wydowes and virgins for they belonge also to the house and to the house kepynge Yf nowe these orders and godly estates do not worke saluation what shoulde than the deuelysh mynsters and cloysters doo which are come vp bare naked without Goddes worde and besydes that striue and rage furiously against the onely waye of fayth Holy Ghoost Thyrdely I beleue in the holye Goost which with the father and the sonne is very God and from the Father and the sonne euerlastingly procedeth But a seueral person in a Godly substaunce and nature Through the which as a lyuely euerlastynge Godly gyfte grace are al faythful people garnysshed with fayth and other spiritual gyftes raysed vp frō death delyuered from synne and made ioyful and confortable bolde and sure in conscience For thys is oure reioysing yf we do feele the witnes of thys spirite in oure hartes that God wyll be oure father forgeue oure synnes and hathe geuen to vs euerlastynge lyfe freely And that al through the merites of Christe whiche by hys death hath purchased for vs suche a spirite and that we oure selues through oure workes can deserue nothyng but is geuen to al them that heare the worde of God and embrace it These are the three Persons and one God whiche hath geuen hym self whole and all vnto vs with al that he is and hath Father The father geueth hym selfe vnto vs with heauen and earth and all creatures that they must serue and be profitable vnto vs. Howe be it this gyfte was darkened through the fall of Adam and become vnprofitable Sonne Therfore dyd afterwarde the sonne also geue hym selfe vnto vs al hys workes death wysedome and ryghteousnes and reconcyled vs to the father whereby we are quickened agayne and iustifyed and also maye knowe and haue agayne the Father with hys gyftes And because that thys grace could profite no man yf the were kept so close and hydden that she coulde not come vnto vs. Holy Ghoost Therfore cometh the holy Ghooste and geueth hym selfe also whole
oure Churches and doctrines are condemned There do we boaste and thanke God whiche gratiousely hath kept vs that we are not founde with you in such damnable obedience For there standeth God which forbiddeth vs saynge Eeue vnto Cesare that which is Cesares and geue vnto God that which is goddes Psal .cxv. he hath geuen the heauen vnto the Lorde But the earthe vnto the Chyldren of men heauē or the kyngdom of heauē goeth not to loue of the Emperour And god can not be themperours lo●e mā But themperour ought and must be called goddes lonemā And as Sprach sayth also God hath ordeyned to the laudes Dominions But in Israel is he Lord hym selfe God will alone hym selfe rule in the church Suche rule did he neuer geue frō hym or oute of his hād as the lx Psal witnesseth God speaketh in his holynes Therfore must ye Papistes fyghte oute this Article of Obedience with God hym selfe and not with vs and make vs certeyn and sure before that we as ye do maye geue vnto themperour that which is Goddes Or elles we will not do it But take youre sklaundrynge lyenge for great ioye where with ye beare vs witnes and knowledge that we take not frō God that which is his and geue it to themperour and so ye helpe vs with youre pestiferous lyes to boaste this trueth that we lyue not in youre accursed obedience For God hath cōmaūded thēperour ye all his augels and creatures that they shall teache none other worde in his kyngdome that is in his church as S. Paul Gal. i. shuteth a terrible thonderbolt sayinge yf an Angell frō heauen teache you any other thinge thē that ye haue receyued hold hym accursed Galat. i Nowe haue we aboue recyted retteyn of the innumerable newelties of other doctrine that is as S. Paull dothe here cal it Anathema accursing damnation malediction wherewith youre Popysshe newe whore and deuills church is filled Therfore can not the Emperour nor any other creatur compell vs to suche accursed obedience yea he ought to kepe hym selfe with vs from it yf he will not with S. Paules thunderbolt be accursed and strykē into the pitte of hell God hath committed vnto themperour ynough more than he is able to execute namely the kyngedome of the earthe that is body and Goodes ther hath his office an ende Yf he aboue that layeth hande on the kyngdome of God then dothe he robbe God of his owne whiche is called Sacrelegium Sacrilege or Goddes thefte Or as S. Paul Phil ij doth name it Phil. ij Rapinā diuinitatis Yf a mā be lyke vnto God whiche he can not be the same must he intēde to robbe it For it can not be geuen vnto hym here to is an onely heyr alone he hath not robbed it nor willed to robbe it as the deuill in heauen and Adā did in Paradys But it is geuen vnto hym frō the father euerlastingly and borne vnto hym by nature They that now do entice the good Emperour Charlles to this or do such thinge vnder his Seall be euen as holy Creatures as the Serpent in Paradys The Emperour shoulde continue vnder God And attende to the office vnto hym appoynted as wel as all Creatures For God will here that is in the churche speake alone and suffer none other Lyke that I may declare it playnely as a maryed man or a brydegrome may wil distribute many maner of offices in his house he maye call the one seruaunte Emperoure and the other kynge and committe vnto them al his goodes to this his landes to the other his vynearde Cattell fysshes raymēt money and Goodes But in the Chāber or in the Brydes bedde maye no seruaūt be found whether he be called Emperour or kynge For that is death sayeth Salo. Prouer. vi for that perteyneth onely to the brydegrom And here ought the bryde to hear nor know none other worde but onely her Brydegromes As Iohn the Baptist sayeth he that hath the bryde the same is the Brydegrome Iohn iij Euen so can wil God suffer none other besydes hym in the church There should nothinge but he hym selfe or his worde be hearde or elles shoulde she be a whore and not his Bryde By this may men will vnderstande what ye Popysshe asshes make whan ye calle vs Stirrers of Sedition because we doo not obeye with you the Emperours commaundementes Namely this doo ye make ye knowledge that we leaue the spouse of Christe immaculate to her Lorde Christe and also his bedde vndefiled 〈…〉 trewe obedient Iosephes Gene. xxxix and minister besydes in oure appointed Offices Contrary wyse that ye as the burnynge whoremongers and aduoutrers that is damnable robbers of God or heuenly Sedicioners do breake into the Lordes Bryde chamber will make of his spouse a harlott But he stryketh you with blyndnes euen as the Sodomites that ye can not fynd the dore and permitteth you therfore to fynd whores and Aduoutrers lyke vnto your selues Whiche obeye vnto you and goo to the deuill with you And Sūma as is aforesayd Fyght it oute before with God that we may heare and learne somwhat elles in the Churche contrary to Goddes worde Item that youre aboue reherserd new percels be Goddes worde And that ye are the holy Churche Then shall ye haue righte and we shall gladly be obedient what doth it preuayle I praye you That ye crye the Consequente so loude and lette the Antecedente alone For the stry●… is not aboute the Consequente as ye madde foules do crye But aboute the Antecedent Ponatur Ecclesia cer to et obedientia sequetur necessario E contra Non posita Ecclesia Nulla sequitur obedientia Ex natura relatiuorum Yf there be elles yet a sparkle of logyke with in you This be at this time sayde of the Churche agaynste the sclaunderous mouthe of the Papistes ❧ The thre Symboles or Confessions of the Fayth of Christe vsed in the Churche vnifourmely The Symbole of the Apostles THe fyrst Symbolum or Confessiō of the Apostles is truely the prettyest which briefly and rightly comprehendeth the Articles of oure Faythe very goodly and is also easy to learne for the children and the symple and soundeth thus I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earthe And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne oure Lorde whyche was conceyued by the holy Ghoste borne of the virgyn Mary Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucifyed dead buried And descended into hell And the thyrde daye he rose agayn from death he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the righte hande of God the father almyghtie From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade I beleue in the holy Ghoost The holy Catholyke Churche The communion of saynctes The forgeuenes of synnes The resurrection of the body And the lyfe euerlastinge Amen Symbolum Athanasij THe secōd Symbolum of Athanasius is longer settethoute more rychely and plenteously the one Article because of the Arriās namely that Iesus
Christe is the onely Sonne of God and oure Lorde In whome we beleue euen with the same Fayth wherewith we beleue in the Father as the texte sayeth in the fyrst Symbole I beleue in God c. And in Iesu c. For yf he were not very God then muste he not with lyke Faythe lyke vnto the Father be honoured This disputeth and dryueth S. Athanasius in his Symbole And it is a very defence of the fyrst Symbole Who so euer wil be saued before al thynges it is necessarye that he haue the Catholyke fayth Whiche faythe but yf euery man will kepe whole and inuiolate withoute doubte he shall eternally perysshe This truely is the righte Catholyke Faythe that we worshippe one God in trinite and the trinite in vnitie Neyther confondinge the persons neyther seperatinge the substaunce The person of the Father is one The persone of the Sonne another The persone of the holy Ghooste another But of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoost ther is one diuinite equall glorye coeternall maiestie Suche as is the Father suche is the Sonne suche is the holy Ghoost The Father is vncreate the sonne vncreate the holy Ghost is vncreate The Father is immeasurable the Sonne immeasurable the holy Ghoost immeasurable The Father is euerlasting the Sonne euerlasting the holy Ghoost euerlastinge And not withstāding there be not thre euerlasting but one euerlasting Euen as there be not thre vncreate nor thre vnmeasurable but one vncreat and one vnmeasurable In lyke maner is the Father almightie the Sonne almightie and the holy Ghoost almightie And yet be they not thre almighties but one God almightie So the Father is God the Sonne is God the holy Ghoost is God And yet be there not thre Goddes but one God So the Father is the Lord the Sonne the Lord the holy ghoost the Lorde And yet be they not three Lordes but one Lorde For as we be compelled by the christian veritie to cōfesse separately euery one person to be God and Lorde So are we prohibite by the Catholyke relygyon of Christes faythe to saye that there be three Goddes or three Lordes The father is made of none neyther crated nor gotten The sonne is from the father alone neyther made nor created but gotten The holy Ghost is from the father and the sonne neyther made created nor gotten but procedynge And so is there but one father not three fathers one sonne not three sonnes one holy Ghoost not three holy ghoostes And in thys trinite there is none before or after another nothyng more or lesse But al the three persōs be coeterne and coequal to them selfe So that by all wayes as nowe it hath ben aboue sayde the trinite in vnite and the vnite in trinite maye be worshypped He therfore that wyll be saued let hym vnderstande thus of the trinite But it is necessary vnto euerlasting helth that euery Christian beleue also faythfully the incarnation of oure Lorde Iesu Christe It is therfore the ryght fayth that we beleue and confesse that our Lorde Iesus Christe the sonne of GOD is God and man He is God by the substaunce of the father gotten before al worldes and he is man by the substaunce of the mother borne in the world Perfect God perfecte man beyng of a soule reasonable and of flesshe humayne Equal to the father by hys Godheade lesse then the father by hys māheade Whiche though he be God man yet is there not twayne but one Christe Truely he is one not by the turnyng of hys Godheade into manhead but by assumptynge of hys manheade into Godheade Yea he is one not by cōfusyō or mixture of substaūce but by vnite of persō For as the reasonable soule and the flesshely body is or maketh one man So God and man is one Christe Vvhiche suffred death for oure saluation descended to hel and rose from death the thyrde daye Vvhiche ascended to heauens sitteth on the ryght hande of God the Father almightye From thence shal he come to iudge the quicke and the deade At whose commynge al men must ryse with theyr owne bodyes And shal geue accompte of theyr owne propre dedes And they that haue done wel shall go into euerlasting lyfe thei that haue done euyl into euerlastynge fyre This is the catholike fayth which excepte euery mā faythfully stedfastly do beleue he can not be saued ☞ Symbolum Ambrosij and Augustini THe thyrde Symbole should be S. Augustyns and Ambroses and after S. Augustyns baptisme haue ben songe whether that be so or not there is no daunger in it whether a man beleue it or not It is neuertheles a propre symbole or confessyon whosoeuer be the mayster or authour made after the maner of a songe not onely to knoweledge oure faythe but also therin to prayse and to thanke God And soundeth thus We prayse the O God We knowledge the to be the Lorde All the earth dothe worshippe the the father euerlastynge To the al Angels crye a loude the heauen and al powers therin To the Cherubyn and Seraphyn continually do crye Holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth Heauen and earthe are full of the maiestye of thy glorye The gloryous companye of the Apostles prayse the. The goodly felowshyp of the Prophetes prayse the. The noble army of martyrs prayse the. The holy Churche throughoute all the worlde dothe knoweledge the. The father of an infinite maiestie Thy honourable true and onelye sonne Also the holy Ghoost the conforter Thou arte the Kynge of glorye o Christe Thou arte the euerlastyng sonne of the father Vvhen thou tokest vpon the to delyuer man Thou dyddest not abhorre the virgyns wombe Vvhen thou haddest ouercome the sharpenes of death Thou diddest opē the kyngdome of heauē to al beleuers Thou sittest on the right hande of God in the glorye of the father Vve beleue that thou shalt come to be oure iudge Vve therfore pray the to helpe thy seruauntes whome thou haste redemed with thy precyous bloude Make them to be nombred with thy saynctes in glory euerlastynge O Lord saue thy people and blesse thyne heritage Gouerne them and lifte them vp for euer Daye by daye we magnifye the. And we worshyp thy name euer worlde withoute ende Vouchesafe O Lorde to kepe vs thys daye without synne O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs. O Lorde let thy mercy lyght vpon vs as oure trust is in the. O Lorde in thy haue I trusted let me neuer be confounded ❧ The Symbole of Nyce I Beleue in one God the Father almightye maker of heauen earth of all thynges visyble and inuisyble ¶ And in one onely Lorde Iesu Christ Gods onely sonne which was gotten of the father before al worldes God of God light of lyght very true God of the very true God gottē not made equall with the father by the whiche al thynges be made Vvhiche for vs mankynde and for oure saluation came doune from heauen And was incarnate by the holye Ghoost
confesse with thy mouthe wherefore thou hast nothing to reioyce of before God but that thou arte nothinge at all and that he is thy maker and creatour and can tourne the to nothinge euery momente Of this light knoweth the imagination of man nothinge at all Many highe learned men haue sought and searched what heauen and earth Man and creature might be but they haue not founde it But here sayth oure belefe that God made all thinges of nought Here is the pleasaunt garden of the soule to walke in in the workes of God howe be it it is to longe to writte of it at this tyme. Secondarely ought we here to geue thankes that we through the goodnes of God are made of nought and are dayly preserued of nought suche a goodly creation whiche hath body and soule discretion and the fyne wittes c. and ordeyned Lordes and rulers ouer the earth fysshes foules cattel Hither belongeth the i.ij and .iij. chapiter of Gene. Thirdely ought we to confesse to lamente our vnbeleue and vnthankefulnes that we haue not regarded beleued remēbred nor knowledgede thesame worse then the vnreasonable cattell c. Fourthely to praye for a true and sure faith that we maye from hence-furth earnestly beleue take the true God for our Creatour accordinge to the sayenge of this Article The seconde Article of the redemption And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our Lord. c. Here shyneth agayne as greate a lighte and teacheth vs Howe we are redemed through Christ the Sonne of God from death wherein we are fallē after our creation through the synne of Adam and must eternally perysshe And here is it tyme lyke as in the fyrst Article thou must also counte thy self for one amonge the creatures of God and doubte nothinge therein Euen so muste thou counte thy selfe also for oure amonge them that are redemed and doubte nothinge at all And set by euery worde the fyrste worde oure as Iesus Christe oure Lorde euen so lyke wyse oure suffered Oure dead oure rysen that he be all hole oures And that thon arte also vnder the same oure euen as the worde it selfe doth geue it Secondarely we ought hartely to geue thankes for this great grace and be glad of this redemption Thirdely bitterly to Lamente and to confesse oure shamefull vnbeleue doubtefulnes concerninge this grace Oh what a heape shalte thou fynde here for to remembre howe muche Idolatrye thou haste vsed contrary to this with so many seruynges of saynctes and innumerable workes of thyne owne whiche haue ben quite and cleane against this redemption Fourthely muste thou praye that God wil kepe the by the true and syncere faith in Christ thy Lord frō hence furth vnto the ende The thyrde Article of the Sanctification I beleue in the holy Ghoost c. This is the thyrde greate lighte whiche teacheth vs. Where this Creatour and redemer in earthe externally is to be founde and to be taken and where al thinges shall become at the last whereof there were muche to say And briefly this is the summe Whersoeuer the holy Catholyke Churche is there is founde God the Creatour God the redemer and God the holy Ghoost that is to saye whiche dayly sanctified through forgeuenes of synnes c. And the Churche is whersoeuer Goddes worde is truely preached and knowledged of this faythe Here haste thou agayne many thinges to remembre of all that the holy Ghoost doeth dayly exercyse in the churche c. Therfore geue here thankes that thou arte also come and called into this Church Confesse and Lamente thyne vnbeleue and vnthankefulnes that thou hast not regarded all this And praye for a righte sure faythe whiche maye continue and abyde vntill thou comest where as all thing shall continue for euer that is after the resurrection of the deade in the lyfe euerlastinge AMEN A prayer agaynste the Pope the Turkes the Mortall enemies of Christ and of his Churche HEuēly Father ful well haue we deserued to be corrected of the. But correcte vs Lorde thy selfe accordinge to thy mercy and not after thy fury It is better for vs to geue oure selues into the correctiō of thy handes than in the handes of men or of the enemy as Dauid prayed also For great is thy mercy We haue synned agaynste the and haue transgressed thy commaundementes But thou God almightie Father knowest that we haue not synned agaynst the deuill Pope or Turkes And that they also haue no authorite nor power vs to correcte Howe be it thou canst and mayest vse them as thy fearful scourge agaynst vs which agaynst the haue offended and deserued all myschief Yea deare God heuenly father we haue done no synne against thē wherfore they might lawfully punyssh vs. But muche rather would they that we with thē most abhominably shoulde synne against the. For they regard it not yf we to the were disobedient blasphemed the vsed al maner of Idolatry as they do went aboute with false doctryne false fayth and with lyes and committed agaynst the aduoutry vnclenlynes murther thefte robbery Sorcery and al maner of enyl But this is our trespasse against them that we preache beleue knowledge the God the father to be the onely true God and thy welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and the holy ghoost to be one onely God yea thys is the synne that we committe agaynst them but yf we shoulde denye the then shoulde the deuil world pope and turcke fulwel leaue vs in rest accordynge to the saynge of thy deare Sonne yf ye were of the worlde the worlde woulde loue her owne c. Here shewe thy mercy O merciful father ouer vs and earnest iudge ouer oure enemyes for they are more thyne enemyes then oures Because that when they persecute and stryke vs then do they persecute and stryke thy for the world which we preache beleue and knowledge is not oures but thyne and the work of thy holy ghost in vs. The deuil wil not suffre such thynges but in steade of the he wyl be our god in stede of thy word he wil stablis she lyes in vs. The Turke wil set hys Machometh in the rowme of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ For he speaketh euyl of hym and sayth That he is no ryght God and that hys Machomet is hyer and better then he Yf it be synne that we holde knoweledge and boaste the father and the Sonne and the holy Ghoost for the true onely God Then arte thou the synner thy selfe whiche workest thys in vs and commaundest vs to do it Therfore do they hate stryke and correcte thy selfe whē they for such matters do hate stryke or punysshe vs. Wherfore awake O Lorde God sanctifye thy name whome they blaspheme strengthen thy kingdom whiche they distourbe in vs let thy wyl be done whiche they will quenche in vs and suffer not thy self so to be troaden vnder fete for our synnes sake of them that do not correcte our synnes in vs but woulde quenche in vs thy holy worde name and worke to thintent that thou shouldest be no God haue no people to preache beleue and knoweledge the. Vouchesafe o Lorde gracyously to heare this oure petitiō and do accordynge to oure beleue and truste By the deare Sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche lyneth and raygneth with the and the holye Ghooste worlde without ende AMEN FINIS ☞ Seke peace and ensue it Psal xxxiij i. Pet. iiij ❧ Imprinted for Gwalter Lynne dwellyng vpon Somers kaye by Byllinges gate In the yeare of oure Lorde God M.D.Xlviij ❧ Cum Gratia et Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
wyl stande vntyll my death God willyng And knowe nothyng therein to alter nor to geue backe But yf any mā will geue backe any thyng let hym do it vpō hys own conscience Hallowynge of churches Christenyng of billes Last of all is yet the Popes Iouglinge bagge behynde of foolyshe and chyldysshe Articles as of hallowynge Churches Christonynge of billes Baptisynge of aulter stones and biddynge of Gosshippes therevnto that gaue somewhat thereto c. Which Baptisynge is a slaunder and mocke of the holy Baptisme so that it ought not to be suffered After that of halowyng of lyghtes candels palmes Lakes wafers spyces and worthes c whiche neuertheles can neyther be called halowed nor yet be hallowed but is a mere mocke and deceyte And of suche iugglynge castes an innumerable sorte whiche we committe vnto theyr God and to themselues to worshyppe vntyl they waxe wery Vve wyl not be entangled therewith ¶ The confessyon or knoweledgynge of the faythe of Doctor Marten Luther FOr as moche as I se that sectes errours from day to day do more and more increase and that Satā doth not ceasse from hys fury and Tyrannye To thintent that not from hencefurthe durynge my lyfe or after my deceasse any myght come take holde of me falsely interpretate my writtynges for to stablysshe theyr errours thereby euen as the Sacramentaryes and Anabaptistes began to do So wyll I by thys writtynge before God and all the worlde knoweledge my fayth from pece to pece whereby I intende to abyde and perseuere vntyll my death and therein whiche God vouchesafe to graunte me to departe out of thys world and to come before the iudgement seate of oure Lorde Iesus Christe And yf any man after my deceasse shoulde saye yf Luther were a lyue nowe he woulde teache and take this or that article otherwyse for he hath not scanded examyned it sufficiently c. To thys I answer nowe as then and than as nowe That I by the grace of God haue moost diligently and moost earnestly remembred and poūdered al these Articles and haue examyned searched and often retracted them agayne and agayne throughout the scripture and wil so surely stedfastely fighte for them as I haue all ready foughten for the Sacramente of the aulter I am not now dronken nor vnaduised I knowe right well what I saye And also feele ryghtwel what charge it is vnto me agaynst the commynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ to the last iudgement Therfore let no mā make a geste or a trifelynge matter of it For it is earnest vnto me For I knowe Satan by Gods grace a greate parte Seyng he can peruerte and tangle the worde of God and scripture what woulde he not do with myne or with other mennes wordes I First I beleue with herte the hygh Article of the godly maiestye That Father Sonne Holy Ghooste three seuerall persons is one ryghte onely naturall true God maker of heauen and earthe in all thynges contrary to the Arrianes Macedoniens Sabellines and suche lyke heresyes Gene. i. accordyng as all that hath bē holden and kepte hitherto bothe in the Romysshe Churche and in all the worlde by the Christen Churches Second person in God II Secondarely I beleue and knowe that the Scripture teacheth vs that the seconde Person in God namely the Sonne is onely become very man of the holy Ghoost conceyued withoute the helpe of man and borne of the pure blessed virgyn Mary as of a ryghte naturall mother accordyng as al the same S. Luke doth clearly describe Luc. i. and as the Prophetes haue declared So that not the Father or the holy Ghoost dyd become man as certeyn heretykes haue taught Also that God the Sonne hath not onely taken vpon hym the body withoute a Soule as certeyn heretykes haue taught But also the Soul that is a whole perfecte manhode And the ryght seede or Chylde promysed to Abraham and Dauid and is borne a naturall sonne of Mary In euery condition and shape a ryght man euen as I am my selfe and al other excepte that he was borne without synne onely of the virgyn by the holy Ghoost And that thesame man is verye God as an euerlastynge inseparable person become of God and man so that Mary the blessed virgyn is a very right mother not onely of the man Christe Nestorianes as the Nestorians teache but of the sonne of God as saynt Lucas sayth Luc. i That holy one whiche shall be borne in thy shal be called the Sonne of God That is my Lorde and the Lorde of all men Iesus Christe the onely ryght natural sonne of God Mary very God and man The sonne of God suffered for vs. Also I beleue that the same sonne of God and Mary oure Lorde Iesus Christe suffered for vs wretched synners was crucifyed dead and buried Vvhereby he dyd delyuer vs from synne death and euerlastyng wrathe of God through hys innocent bloude and that he rose agayne the thyrde daye from death and ascended into heauen and sitteth on the ryghthand of God the Father almightye a Lord aboue all Lordes Kynge ouer al Kynges and aboue al creatures in heauē earth and vnder the earth ouer death and lyfe ouer synne and ryghteousnes Al men borne in synne For I knowledge and can testifie by the scripture that al mē cam of one man Adam and of thesame thorough the byrthe brynge with them and inherite the fal trespas synne whiche thesame Adam in Paradys Gen. iij throughe the deuyls wickednes dyd perpetrate and so with hym are borne in synne lyue and dye and must be condemned to euerlastynge death Yf not Iesus Christe were come to succour vs and as an innocent lambe had taken vpon hym al oure transgressyons and synnes satisfyed for vs by hys passyon and yet dayly standeth and maketh intercessyon for vs as a true mercyfull mediatour Sauiour and onely priest and Bysshop of oure soules Esa liij Rom. ij Gal. iij. i. Tim. ij Heb vij ix Io xvij i. Ioh ij Hereby do I reiecte and condemne as for a mere errour all such doctrine as commendeth our free wyl as that whih stryueth cleane against such helpe and grace of oure sauyour Iesus Christe For seynge without Christe death and synne be oure Lordes the deuyl oure God and Prince there can be no strength nor power no witte nor vnderstandyng whereby we be able to prepare oure selues or to thinke towardes the righteousnes and lyfe But must he blynded and captyue at the deuyls and synnes owne commaundement to do to thinke whatsoeuer pleaseth him and is contrary to God and hys commaundementes Newe olde Pelagians In lyke maner do I also condemne bothe new old Pelagianes Original synne that wil not graunte the originall synne to be synne but that it should be a lacke or impedimēt But for as much as death goeth ouer al men must nedes the original synne be no ●mal faulte but an excedyng great
handes full So that in the meane seasō thei should forgette all children playes and foolyshnes of long gownes greate crownes broade gyrdels Bysshoppes and Cardinalles hattes or staues and suche other iugglynges When fyrst we hadde executed the Commaundementes and ordinaunce of God bothe in the spiritual and temporal estates thē shoulde we fynde tyme ynough to refourme meates garmentes cronnes and c●pes But when thei deuoure suche camelles and in stede hereof wil see a moote let the beame alone and iudge the chippe than myght we also well forbeare the counsayll Therfore haue I set but fewe Articles For as muche as we besydes that haue of God so many commaundementes to do in the churche in the superiorite within the housse that we can neuer be able to perfourme them Vvho then or what doth it auayll to make besydes them many decrees and Statutes in the counsayl Specially seyng these chiefe poyntes commaunded of God are not regarded nor obserued Euen as though he should set by oure iuglynge tromperies because we treade hys earnest commaundementes vnder oure fete But oure synnes suppresse vs and suffre not God to be mercyfull vnto vs neyther do we also repente but will moreouer maynteyne and vpholde all abhomination O Lorde Iesu Christe kepe thou Counsayll thy selfe and delyuer thy people by thy gloryous commynge It is done with the Pope and hys adherētes They wyll none of the Therfore helpe thou vs poore and miserable whiche sygh vnto the and seke the with earnest accordyng to the grace whiche thou haste geuen vs through the holye Ghoste which lyueth and reygneth with the and thy father praysed for euer and euer AMEN The fyrste parte is of the hygh Article of the Godly Maiestye as i THat Father Sonne and holy goost in one godly essence and nature three sondry Persones is one onely God whiche created heauen and earth ij That the father of none the Sonne of the father is borne the holy goost from the father and the sonne procedynge iij That not the father nor the Holye Ghoost but the Sonne is become man iiij That the Sonne so is become man that he was conceyued by the holye Ghoost withoute the helpe of man and borne of the pure holy virgin Mary After that suffred dyed was buryed Descēded into hel rose again from the deade Ascended into heauen sittynge on the ryght hande of God shall come to iudge the quicke the deade c. As the Symbole of the Apostles Item of S. Athanasius and the common Cathechismus for Children do teache These Articles are in no controuersie nor variaunce for as moche as of bothe parties we knowledge and confesse the same wherfor it is nedeles to entreate further there of at this time ❧ The seconde parte is of those Articles that concerne the office worke of Iesu Christe or oure redemption Here is the fyrst and Chiefe Article THat Iesus Christe oure God and Lorde suffered death for oure synnes and rose agayne for oure Iustification Roma iiij And that he onely is the lambe of God which beareth the synnes of the worlde Iohan .i. And that God hath layde all oure synnes vpon hym Isaie liij Item They are all Synners and are iustifyed frelye withoute deseruing by his grace through the redēption of Iesu Christe in his blonde c. Roma iij. For as muche nowe as this must be beleued and otherwyse can not be obteyned or comprehended by no worke lawe nor deseruinge So is it cleare euident and sure that onely suche faith maketh vs righteous As Roman .iij. S. Paull sayth We suppose that a man is iustifyed by faith withoute the dedes of the lawe Item That he onely be counted iuste and a iustifyer of hym that beleueth on Iesus From these Articles may noman shrynke nor geue backe any thinge yea though heauen and earthe shoulde fall and what soeuer will not abyde for there is none other Name geuen vnto men were in we maye be saned sayeth S. Peter Acto iiij And by his strypes we are healed Isaie liij And vpon this Article standeth all whatsoeuer we teache and lyue agaynst the Pope deuill and worlde Wherfore we must be very sure thereof doubte nothinge Or elles all is lost and the Pope and the deuill must obteyne the victory and right against vs. The ●… Article Masse in the Papacye That the masse in the Papacye is the greatest and mooste horrible Abhomination as that whiche directely and vyolently stryueth against this Chiefe Article And yet aboue and before all other Papisticall Idolatries hath ben moost hyest and fayrest For it is supposed That suche an offer or worke of the Masse done also by a leaude Person doth delyuer man from synne bothe here in this lyfe and yonder in Purgatorie Vvhich onely belongeth to the lambe of God as is aboue saide From this Article also may no man swarne or geue backe For the fyrst Article wil not suffer it And yf there were any Papistes of descretion any where men might common with them measurably and reasone with them after a gentle fasshion Namely wherfore they didde sticke so fast to the Masse Seynge it is nothinge but mannes inuention not commaunded of God And inuentions of man may we lette fall As Christe sayeth matthei .xv. In vayne do they worshippe me with preceptes of men Secondarely is it a thinge not necessary which withoute synne or feare may well be lefte Thirdely maye the Sacrament be had after a godlier and better waye yea onely after a Godlyer fasshson after Christes institution Vvhat is it then that for an inuented and on necessarye thinge which otherwyse may be had well and muche godlyer men wyl compelle the worlde to miserye and necessitie Let it be openly preached vnto the people howe that the masse as a thynge inuented by man may withoute synne be omitted and that noman is damned because he doth not regarde it But maye wel withoute masse and by a bolde meane be saued Vvhat wyl ye laye yf the masse as then do not fall by her selfe not onely among the folysshe people but also amonge all ryghteous godly discrete God fearynge hertes Moche more yf they heare that it is a daungerous thynge withoute Goddes worde and wyll imagyned and inuented Fourthely Seynge suche innumerable and ineffable abuses in all the worlde by byenge and sellinge of the masse are rysen ought men by reason to let her go and euen to resiste onely suche abuses althoughe she hadde in her selfe some good and commodious thynge Howe muche more oughte men to let her go for to auoyde suche abuses for euermore seynge that she is hole vnnecessary vnprofitable and daungerous and that men maye haue all thynges more necessarye profitabler and surer withoute the masse Fyftely for as muche nowe as the masse is or can be none other as the Canon and al Bokes saye but a worke of menne also of a leawde person whereby one wyll reconcyle hym self and other with hym to God obteyne and deserue grace and remissiō of
of the vyrgyn Mary And became man crucifyed also for vs vnder Pōce Pilate suffred and buryed And rose agayne the thyrde day accordyng to the scriptures and ascēded into heauen and sitteth on the ryght hande of the father and shal come agayn with glorye to iudge the quicke and the deade whose kyngdome shall be endeles And in the Lorde the holy ghoost which quickeneth which proce deth frō the father the sonne whiche with the father and the Sonne together is worshypped and together is glorifyed which hath spoken through the Prophetes And one holye Catholyke and Apostolyke Churche I knoweledge one baptisme to the remission of synnes and I abyde the resurrection of the dead and the lyfe of the world to come AMEN ❧ A singular and fruteful maner of prayeng vsed by the famous clarke Doctour Marten Luther and compple●… at the desyre and instaunce of a special frende of hys vpon the Lordes prayer the tenne commaundementes and the xij Articles of the Christen fayth no lesse necessary then profitable FYrst whan I fele that through straung dedes or thoughtes I am be come colde and vnlusty to prayer euen as the fleshe and the deuyl are alwaies ready to lette and hynder prayer I take my boke of Psalmes get me into my chābre or yf the day time so requyre into the churche to the congregation and begynne mouthely by my selfe to saye the Tenne commaundementes the Crede and after as the tyme doth serue me certayne sayenges of Christe Paule or Psalmes euen as the chyldren do Therfore is it good that the prayer be vsed for the fyrste worke in the mornynge and for the last in the euenynge And that a man beware with all diligence of these false deceyuable thoughtes whiche saye Tarye a littel within thys houre wyl I pray I must do thys or that before for by suche cogitations and thoughtes commeth a man from prayer vpon workes whiche do holde and compasse hym in such wyse that nothynge is done in prayer that daye And albeit that some workes may be fall whiche be as good as prayer or better specyally whan necessitye doth requyre them as there goeth a Prouerbe vnder the name of Saynte Ierome Euery worke of the faythful is a prayer And another Prouerbe he that laboureth or worketh truely prayeth double Whiche must be spoken out of thys ground That a faithful man in hys labour doth feare and honour God and thynketh on his cōmaundementes so that he wyll do wronge to no man nor steale nor circumuent or deceyue any man And suche cogitations make doubteles of hys worke a prayer and besydes that a sacrifyce of prayse To the contrary wherof it muste also be true that the worke of an infidel is a mere cursyng and he that worketh vnfaythfully curseth double for the cogitacyons and thoughtes of hys harte are suche that he despyseth God and thynketh to transgresse hys commaundemētes to do hys neighboure wrong to steale and to deceyue suche cogitatiōs what are they elles but mere cursynges agaynst God man by the whiche hys worke labour becōmeth also a double curse whereby he curseth hym self suche men do also remayne at the last beggers and of no reputation Of thys continual prayer doth Christ speake vndoubtedly Luc. xi Luce. xi that we oughte to praye withoute ceasyng for we must be ware of synne and wrong withoute ceasyng whiche can not be done yf we do not feare God and haue his commaundemētes before oure eyes as the first Psalme saith Blessed is that man which thinketh on the lawe of god nyght day Psal i. Howe be it we must also beware that we do not vse oure selues from the ryght prayer and prescribe vnto our selues at the laste necessary workes which notwithstandynge are not to the purpose are therby at the last made slouthful and vnlusty cold and yrkesome or lothsome to prayer for the deuil is not slouthful nor vnlusty or ydel aboute vs Also our flesshe is yet to quicke and iocunde inclyned and proued to synne and agaynst the spirite of prayer Iob .i. i. Pet. v Nowe whan the harte is warmed thorough such speakyng of the mouth is come to it self Then knele doune or stande with thy handes folden and thyne eyes erected into heauen and saye or thynke in the shortest maner that thou canst Oh God oure heauēly father I am an vnworthy pore synner Lu. xviij not worthy to lyft vp myne eyes or handes towardes the or to praye notwithstandyng forasmuch as thou hast cōmaunded vs al to praye also hast promysed to heare vs and besydes that hast taught vs thy self bothe wordes and maner through thy dearly beloued sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe I come vpon thys thy commaundement to be obedyent vnto the trustyng to thy gracyous promyse in the name of my Lord Iesus Christ I praye with all thy holy Christians in earth as he hath taught me Mat vij Luc. xi Ioh. xiiij xv xvi Mat. vi Luc. xi Our father whiche arte in heauen c. Hole oute from worde to worde The fyrst Peticyon After that repete one pece or as much as thou wilte namely the fyrste peticyō Halowed be thy name and saye Oh Lorde God mercyfull Father vouchesafe I beseche the to sanctifye thy name bothe in oure selues and in al the worlde destroye and put doune al abhominacyon Idolatrye and heresye of the Turke of the Pope and of al false doctryne and erronyous spirites whiche falsely beare thy name and so shamefully abuse it and so abhominably blaspheme it saynge and boastyng that it is thy word and the churches cōmaundement notwithstandynge that it is the lye and deceyt of the deuyll whereby they seduce so many poore soules in all the worlde vnder thy name and besydes that also kyl shede innocent bloude persecute thynkyng thereby to do the a hygh seruyce O Lorde God here conuerte and lette Conuerte them that yet shall be conuerted that they with vs and we with them maye sanctifye and prayse thy name bothe with pure and true doctryne and also with a good holye lyfe and conuersation And resiste or let them that wyll not be conuerted that they maye cease to abuse blaspheme and dyshonour thy holye name and to seduce the poore people Amen The seconde Peticyon Thy kyngedome come sayenge Oh Lord God mercyful father thou seest that not onely the wisedome and discretion of the worlde blasphemeth thy name and geueth thyne honoure to the lye and to the deuyl But also al theyr power myght rychesse and honoure which thou hast geuen them vpon earth to rule in the worlde and to serue the with thesame is set and stryueth agaynst thy kyngdome they are great mighty and many thicke fatte and full and plage hynder and destroye the small heape of thy kyngdome Those that be weake despysed and feawe wyl they not suffre vpon earthe and thynke neuertheles thereby to do thy a hyghe Goddes seruice O Lorde God father almightye
here conuerte resiste Conuerte them that yet shall be chyldren and membres of thy kyngdome that they with vs and we with them maye serue the in thy kyngdome in true fayth and perfecte loue and maye come oute of thys kyngdome into euerlastyng kyngedome And resiste them that wyll not suffre theyr power and myght to be tourned away from the destructiō of thy kyngedome that they beynge deposed from theyr seate and beyng humbled maye ceasse Amen The thyrde peticion Thy wyl be done in earth as it is in heauen sayenge Oh Lorde GOD father almighty thou knowest that the worlde yf she can not brynge thy name to noughte ● destroy thy kyngedome imagineth wickednes night daye vsyng many crafty Imaginations and dyuers subtill deuices counsaylynge and whysperynge together they consorte and strengthen them selues threatenynge and cursynge beinge full of all euill will agaynste thy name worde kyngedome and Children howe they maye destroye the same Therfore oh Lorde God and Father conuerte and withstande Conuerte those that shall yet know thy good wil that they with vs and we with them maye be obediēt vnto thy will and vpon the same willingly paciently and gladly suffre all euill crosse and aduersitie and maye herein knowe proue and vnderstande thy bountifull gracious and perfect will And withstande them that will not desiste and ceasse from their furye and ragynge hatynge threatenynge and euill will to do mischiefe And dissipate and confounde their counsayll their wicked imaginations and deuices that they fall vpon their owne heades as the. vij Psalme syngeth Psal vij Amen The fourth Peticion Geue vs this daye oure dayly breade and saye Oh Lorde God Father euerlastinge graunte vs also thy blessynge in this temporall bodely lyfe geue vs gratiously thy peace defend vs frō warre and enemitie Geue vnto our souetain Lord the Kyng Protector prosperitie and healthe agaynste his enemies geue them wysedome and vnderstanding that the maye gouerne his terrestriall kyngedome quietly and healthfully Geue to al kynges Princes and Lordes good counsayll and will to entretayne their laude and subiectes in tranquillite and good iustice specially help and further oure souereigne Lord the Kyng vnder whose protection and defence thou doest preserue vs that he beynge preserued from all euill false from false tonges and vntru subiectes maye rule godly and bleffully Geue to all subiectes grace truely and faithfully to serue and to obeye Geue vnto all estates citezens and husbandemen that they maye be good deale louingly and faithfully one with another Geue gracious wether and frutes of the felde I commende also vnto the house farme wyfe childe helpe that I may will rule them and Godly educate an brynge them vp Withstande and hynder the destroyer all wicked Angelles that do hurte and hynderaunce herein Amen The fyfte peticion Forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs and saye Psalm cxliij O Lorde God Father almightie enter not into iudgement with vs for in thy syghte is no man lyuinge righteous Oh counte it not vnto vs for synne that we alas are so vnthankefull for thyne inestimable benefites ghoostly and bodely and that we do dayly stumble and synne many tymes more than we knowe and can perceyue Psalm xviij Psal xviij But regarde not good Lorde howe good or wicked we are But haue respecte to thyne inestimable mercy geuen vs frely in Christ thy dearely beloued sonne Forgeue also al oure enemyes and al them that do vs displeasure or wronge euen as we also forgeue them withall our hartes For they do thereby vnto them selues the greatest displeasure in that they offende the in vs. And we haue no pleasure in their destruction But woulde rather se them saued with vs Amen And whosoeuer feleth hym selfe here that he is not redy and willynge to forgeue maye call for grace that he may be willing to forgeue But this belongeth to the Sermon The syxth petition And leade vs not into temptation and saye O good Lorde God Father almightie kepe vs wakyng●… and lusty feruēt and diligent in thy worde and seruice that we do not waxe ydell slouthfull vnlusty as though we had nowe all thinges that the rompinge deuill do not begyle and ouertake vs and spoyl vs agayne of thy moost holy worde or stirre vp discorde and Sectes amonge vs or leade vs otherwyse into synne shame both spiritually and corporally but geue vs trough thy Spirite wisedome power that we maye valiauntely withstande hym and gette the vpper hande of hym Amen The seuenth peticion But delyuer vs from euill and saye O Lord God Father almightie This miserable lyfe is so full of Calamities and wretchednes so full of periculositie vnstablenes so full of infidelitie and iniquitie as S. Paule sayeth The dayes are euill Phil. i. Gal. ij vi that we should by reason be wery of this lyfe and desyrous of death But thou O Father knowest our weakenes Therfore helpe vs to go safe thorough such manyfolde euilles and iniquities and whan the tyme cometh geue vs a gracious houre and a blessed departinge out of this valley of wretchednes that we do not feare death nor be faynt harted but maye commende oure soules into thy handes with a sure and stedfaste faythe Amen Last of all marke that thou must alwayes make the Amē strong doubt nothinge But that God is thyne vndoutedly with all his graces and saye yea to thy prayer And thynke that thou doest not knele and stande there alone But the vniuersall Christianite or all righteous Christians with the thou among them in an vniforme prayer whiche God can not despise And go not frō thy prayer before that thou hast sayde or thought This prayer is hearde in the syght of God This do I knowe surely and vndoubtedly That is Amen Also thou shalt knowe that I will not haue all these wordes spoken in the prayer For thereof shoulde at the last growe babbling and a vayne mōbelinge beynge reade out of the boke after the letters euen as oure Ladyes Psalter hath ben among the laye people and the prayers of Priestes and Monkes But I will thereby haue the harte stirred and instructed what cogitations or thoughtes it oughte to vse in the Lordes prayer But suche thoughtes or cogitations can the harte whan it is through warme and lusty to praye expresse well ynough with farre other wordes yea also with fewer or more wordes For I my selfe also will not be bounde to suche wordes and sillables but speake the wordes to daye thus to morowe otherwyse accordinge as I am warme and lusty howe be it as uere as I can I abyde by the same sence and meanynge It commeth also often to passe that I come in one pointe or peticion into so plenteous digressions and thoughtes that I leaue all the other syxe And also when suche riche and plentyfull cogitation come we ought to let the other prayers alone and to geue place to suche cognitations
not hold hym gyltelesse that taketh his name in vayne Fyrst I do learne that I must kepe the name of God Glorious Holy and cleane that I shall not sweare curse or lye thereby that I shall not be proude sekynge myne owne honour name but that I shall humbly worship adore prayse and boast hys name And let all this be myne honour and reioysinge that he is my God and that I am his poore creature and vnworthy seruaunte Secondarely I do thanke hym of his glorious gyft that he hath reueled and geuen me his name that I may boast of his name and be called a seruaunt or Creature of God c. That his name is my refuge as a sure hold as Salomon sayeth to the which the Righteous doth flye and is saued and defended Thyrdely I do cōfesse knoweledge myne abhominable greuous synnes which I haue committed against this cōmaūdemēt frō my youth wher as I haue not onely left worshipping boastinge and honouringe of his name but also haue ben vnthākeful for suche giftes haue abused the same to al maner of vngraciousnes with swearing lyeng deceyuing c. Wherfore I am sory and desyre grace and mercy c. Fourthly I do praye for helpe and strength that I may from hence furth learne thys commaundement and kepe my selfe from suche shamefull vnthankefulnes abuse synnes agaynst hys holy name but that I maye be founde thākeful and in the true feare and honour of hys name And as I haue sayde before in the Pater noster so do I admonysshe agayne that in case the holy Ghooste shoulde come amonge suche thoughtes begynne to preache in thy harte with rychely illumyned cogitations Then geue hym the honour let these cogitacyons go whiche thou hast takē in hande be styl and heare hym that can do it better than thou And whatsoeuer he preacheth the same marke and note it then shalt thou se marueylous thynges as Dauid sayth in the lawes of God The thyrde commaundemēt Remember the Sabboth daye that thou sanctifye it Herein do I learne fyrste that the Sabboth is iustituted not for to go ydell nor for carnal pleasures but that he shoulde of vs be sanctifyed but through oure workes and doynges is he not sanctifyed for our worhes are not holy but through the word of GOD whiche onely is 〈◊〉 hole pure and holy sanctifyeth all whatsoeuer is accompanyed with it whether it be tyme place person worke rest c. For throughe the worde are oure workes also made holy as Paul saith i. thi iiij i. Thi. iiij That also al creatures are sanctifyed through the worde and prayer Therfore do I knowledge herein that at the furthest vpon the holy daye I ought to heare and to remembre the worde of God and after that to thanke hym in the same worde and lande hym for al hys benefytes and to pray for my selfe and al the world whosoeuer doeth thus vse hym selfe vpon the holy day doeth sauctifye the Sabboth daye he that doeth it not doeth worse than they that laboure or worke vpon it Secondarely I do geue thankes in thys commaundement for this greate fayre bene fyte and grace of God that he hath geuē vs his word preaching and commaunded vs specially to vse it vpon the Sabboth daye which treasure no mans harte is able sufficiently to remembre for hys worde is the onelye lyghte in the darkenes of thys lyfe and the worde of lyfe of conforte and of al saluation And wheresoeuer thys swete and holesome worde is not there is nothynge but fearfull and horryble darkenes errour corruption death all euyll and the Deuyls owne Tyrannye as we see dayely before oure owne eyes Thyrdely I do confesse and knoweledge my greuous synnes and my shameful vnthankefulnes that I haue so lewdely spent the holye dayes in my tyme and so contemptuousely despysed hys holy worde and haue ben so stouthful vnlusty lothsome to heare thesame I omitte that I should haue desyred it mooste hartely or that euer I shoulde haue geuen hym thankes for it so haue suffered my deare Lorde and God to preache vnto me in vayn not regardyng this noble treasure but treadynge it vnder my fete which he hath suffered of me with mere godly pacience and bountyfulnes and hath not therfore ceassed frō preachyng vnto me stilfurth and from callynge me to the saluacyon of my soul with al fatherly and Godly loue and faythfulnes wherfore I am sory and crye for mercy and forgeuenes Fourthly I do praye for my selfe and for al the worlde that our heauēly father vouchesafe to kepe vs by his holy worde and not to take thesame from vs because of oure synnes vnthankefulnes and slouthfulnes That he wyll preserue vs from all sectysshe and erronyous spirites and false doetrynes and sende vs faythfull true labourers in hys haruest that is true and good curates preachers Geue vs grace also that we maye humbly heare receyue and honour the wordes of them as his owne worde and besydes that maye hartely thanke laube hym for it The fourth commaundement Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother Fyrst do I learne here to knowe God my creatour howe wonderfully he hath shapen me with body and soule and geuen me lyfe through my pareutes and hath geuen them the mynd that they as the fruyie of theyr body haue serued me with all theyr power brought me into the worlde educated me tēded me gouerned me brought me vp with great diligence care daunger labour and trauayle and hath preserued me hys creation vnto this houre in body and soule from innumerable daungers and necessities and hath also oftentymes delyuered me from them as though he created me a newe euery houre For the deuyll woulde not haue vs lyue the space of one moment Secondarely I do thanke our ryche and bountyful creatour for me self and for al the worlde that in thys cōmaundement he hath instituted and preserued the increase multiplication and entretaynement of mankynd that is house and Towne beynge or oeconomyam and Politiam for withoute these two beynges or regimentes the worlde were not able to continue one yere seyng withoure worldely gouernaunce there can be no peace where no peace is there can be no house holde where no housholde is there can neyther chyldren be broughte furthe nor educated And the estate of fatherhode and motherhode shoulde altogether ceasse But therfore is thys cōmaundement ordeyned which kepeth and entretayneth bothe housekepyng and Townekepynge and commaundeth the chyldren and the subiectes obedience It doth also loke to it that it be done or yf it be not done it leaueth not the transgressours vnpunysshed If thys were not the children through theyr disobediēce would haue destroyed and made waste the housekepynge long a goo and the subiectes through theyr sediciou in lyke maner the Towneshyp or Townekepyng for so much as the numbre of them doth farre excede the numbre of parentes rulers Therfor is this benefite also inexplicable
Thyrdely I do confesse knoweledge myne execrable disobedience synne that I cōtrary to thys cōmaundement of my God haue not honoured nor obeyed my parentes that I haue oftentymes angred troubled them haue taken theyr fatherly correction vnpacientely murmured and grudged agaynst them despised theyr true exhortacions admonicions and haue rather followed wicked persons and euyl companye notwithstandyng that God hymselfe curseth suche disobedyent chyldren Exo. xx and denyeth them longe lyfe euen as we se very manye that therfore do perysshe before they attayne to mannes state for whosoeuer wyll not obeye hys father and hys mother must obeye the hangeman or elles otherwyse lost hys lyfe wickedly through Goddes indignation c. For al these thynges am I sory and I praye for grace and mercy Fourthely I do praye for my selfe and for all the world that God wyll geue hys grace poure out hys blessyng plenteously bothe ouer the houskepynge and ouer the Townekeping that we from hencefurth maye waxe good kepe our Parentes in honour be obedyent to the rulers withstande the deuyl and followe not hys entysynge to disobedience and discorde so helpe with the dede to amēde house and lande and to entretayne the peace to the laude and prayse of God and to the vtilite and profite of oure selues and that we maye knoweledge these hys benefytes and thanke hym for them Here ought also supplicatiō to be made for oure parentes and magistrates that God wyl geue them vnderstandynge and wysedome peaceably and godly to defende and to gouerne vs That he wyl preserue them from Tyrannye furye and vntragyousnes that they may seke the honour of Goddes worde and not persecute it nor do any man wronge for suche greate gyftes muste be obtayned by prayer as Saynt Paule teacheth or elles is the deuyll the hyest Abbot in the courte and it goeth euyl and wyldely to worke And whan thou arte also father mother than is it here tyme that thou forgette not thy selfe nor thy chyldren and familye but that thou praye earnestly that our mercyful father whiche hath set the in the honour of hys name and offyce and wyl haue the also called father and honoured wil geue the grace and blessynge godly and christenly to rule and to educate thy wyfe chyldren and familye geue the wysedome and power well to brynge them vp and geue them a good harte and wyll to followe and to obeye thy doctryne For the gyftes of God are bothe chyldren and the good profe of them bothe the well chaunsynge and the continuynge of them in goodnes elles shoulde a house be none other but a hogges stye yea a scoolehouse of vnthriftes as we maye se by the vngodly rude people The fyfthe commaundement Thou shalt not kylle Here do I learne fyrste that God requyreth of me that I shoulde loue my neyghboure so that I shoulde not hurte hym in hys body neyther with wordes nor with dedes nor reuenge me selfe vpon him or endamage hym through anger impacience enuye hatred or any malyce but should knowe that I am bounde to help and to counsayll hym in al the necessities of hys body for he hath commaunded me by thys commaundement to kepe my neyghbours body and contrarywyse commaunded my neyghboure to kepe my body And as Syrach sayeth he hath committed vnto euery one of vs hys neyghbour Secondely I do here thanke the vnspeakeable loue care and faythfulnes towardes me that he hath ordeyned suche a great stronge defence and wael about my body Psalm xxxiiij that al men are bounde to fauoure and to defende me and contrarywyse I also towardes al mē in like maner he doth also straightely commaunde it to be done and if it be not done he hath commaunded the swearde to be vsed for the punysshement of them that do it not Ro. xiij elles yf this hys commaundement and ordinaunce were not the deuil would make suche a murther amonge men that noman shoulde be one houre in sanegarde of hys lyfe euen as we se it come to passe whan GOD is displeased and punyssheth the disobedyent and vnthankeful worlde Thyrdely I do here Confesse and lamente myne and the worldes iniquitie that we are not onely so vnthankefull for these hys fatherly loue and care for vs but also that whiche is to shamefull we knowe not these commaundementes and doctryne neyther wyl learne them but despyse them as though they pertayned not to vs or as though we had no thynge to do with them beynge also carelesse and makynge no conscience of it that we do so despyse forsake yet also persecute and hynder our neyghboure contrary to thys commaundemente or also kyl hym in oure hartes followynge oure anger fearsnes and al iniquitye as though we dyd well in it Truely here is it tyme to lament and to wepe ouer vs wicked personnes and blynde wylde vngracyous people which treade pusshe scratche rente byte and eate oure selues one amonge another as the vnreasonable and feare beastes not fearynge thys earnest commaundement of GOD. c. Fourthely do I pray that our mercyfull father wil teache vs to knowe thys hys holy commaundement and helpe that we may also guyde oure selues to lyue thereafter Saue vs all together from the murtherer whiche is mayster of all murther and destruction and geue hys plenteous grace that the people and we with them one with another maye be frendelye meke and gentyll and that one maye hartely forgeue another and that the one do Christenly and brotherlye beare the others faute and burthen and so lyue in true peace and vnite as this commaundement teacheth and requyreth The sixte commaundement Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Here do I learne agayne what god requyreth of me and what he wil haue of me namely that I should lyue chastely honestly and measurably bothe in thoughte worde and dede leaue euery mās wyfe doughter and mayde vndefyled but help delyuer defende and do al whatsoeuer partayneth to the preseruation of theyr honour and honestie Also helpe to stoppe the vngracyous monthes that do cut awaye or steale theyr honour or honestye For al this I am bounde to do and God requyreth of me that I shal not onely leaue my neyghbours wyfe and hys vndefyled but also shal be bounde to helpe to kepe and to saue hys honour and honestye euen as I woulde that my neyghbour shoulde do to me in lyke case and vse thys commaundemēt towardes me and myne Secondarely I do thanke the heauenly father for this his grace benefyte that with this commaundement he taketh in hys tuition protection defence my husbande sonne seruaunt wyfe daughter mayde cōmaundeth so earnestly and strayghtly that they shal not be defyled for he geueth me safe conduyt He doth also execute it and leaueth it not vnpunysshed although he shoulde do it hym selfe noman escapeth hym he muste eyther paye it here or elles at the laste receyue hys rewarde for suche pleasures in hell fyre For he wyl haue chastite and wyll not
suffre adulterye euen as we se dayly in al impenitent and ryotous people that at the last they are ouertakē by the wrath of GOD and shamefully destroyed or elles it were not possyble to any man to kepe hys wyfe chyld or familie one houre in honestye and clenlynes for the vncleane spirite for they woulde vse mere dogges feastes and bestyal a cōuersacion euen as it commeth to passe whan God in his displeasure withdraweth hys hande and letteth all thynges go at large Thyrdely I do confesse and knowledge my synnes and the synnes of al the worlde whiche I haue done agaynst thys commaundement all the dayes of my lyfe whether it be in thoughte worde and dede and haue not onely ben vnthankeful for thys hys goodly doctryne gyfte but also haue murmured and grudged against god that he cōmaunded this clenlines and chastite and hath not left all maner of vnclenlynes and vngraciousenes at libertie and vnpunysshed haue also despysed and condemned wedlock c. Euen as the synnes of thys commaundemēt are of al other the rudest and moost knowen which are not hydden nor couered Wherfore I am sory c. Fourthely I do praye for my selfe and for al the world that God wil geue vs grace to kepe thys commaundement with luste and loue that not onely we maye lyue chastely oure selues but also helpe and counsayl other therto Euen so do I procede with the other commaundementes yf I haue tyme and space or yf I amlusty for as I haue sayde I wyl haue nomā bound to these my wordes or thoughtes but onely haue shewed myne exāple whiche may followe whosoeuer wil or amende it whosoeuer can take afore hym at one tyme all the cōmaundemētes or as many as he wil for the soule whan she desyreth a thinge be it good or bad yf it be earnest vnto her can thynke more in the twynkelinge of an eye than the tonge is able to speake in tenne houres and the penne to write in tenne dayes suche a swyfte subtill and mightie thinge is the soule or spirite therefore can she soone execute the tenne commaundementes throughout all the foure partes whan she wil and is earnestly disposed The seuenth Commaundement Thou shalt not steale Fyrste do I learne here that I shall not take my neighbours goodes nor haue them against his wil neither preuely nor apearily that I shall not be vntrue nor false in occupyenge seruinge or labouringe whereby I might gette my goodes theuysshely but shall lyue earne my lyuinge in the sweate of my browes and eate myne owne bread with al trueth Gen. iij Itē that I should helpe that my neyghbours goodes through the aboue named poynctes be not taken awaye from hym I do learne also that God by this cōmaundement doth assure and defende me my goodes of Fatherly care greate earnest for so muche as he commaundeth that nothinge shal be stolen from me And yf it be not obeyed he hath ordeyned a punysshement for it and hath committed the gallowes corde to maister Iohn or yf he can not than doth he punysshe hym selfe that at the last they must become beggers Accordinge to the common prouerbe he that loueth to steale in his youth goeth a begginge in his age Item wrongfully gotten goodes do not prospere And euill gotten euill spent Secondarely I do thanke his truthe and goodnes that he hath geuen to me and to all the worlde suche a good doctrine and therwith also protection and defence For yf he did not defende noman were able to kepe one peny or a morsell of breade in his house Thirdely I do cōfesse al my synnes and vnthākefulnes how soeuer I haue done any man wronge or falsehode all the dayes of my lyfe c. Fourthely I do praye that he will geue grace that I and all the worlde maye learne and remembre this his cōmaundement also take amendement therof that there may be lesse stealing robbinge spoylinge falsehode wrōg and briefely that through the later day to which ende the prayers of all sayntes and Creatures are directed Rom. viij an ende may be made of al. Amē The eyght cōmaundement Thou shalt beare no false witnes agaynste thy neighbour This teache vs Fyrst to be true one to another and to eschue all maner of lyes and schlaunders gladly to speak and to heare the beste of other And hereby is a wall and defence ordeyned for oure good name and innocēcye agaynste the euill mouthes and false tonges which also God suffereth not vnpunysshed as hath ben sayd of other Commaundementes Therefore ought we to thanke hym bothe for the doctrine for the defence whiche he geueth is so graciously by this commaundement Thirdely ought we to confesse to desire mercy that we haue so vnthākefully and synfully spent all the dayes of our lyfe with lyenge with false and euill tonges agaynste our neighbour Whome notwithstanding we owe delyueraunce and preseruation of all his honour innocēcye euen as we would be done to oure selues Fourthly we pray for helpe to kepe this cōmaundement from hencefurth and for a holsome tonge c. The nynth and tenth commaundementes Thou shalt not desyre thy neyghbours house nor his wyfe c. This teacheth vs fyrste howe that we by no coloure of right or Iustice shall put our neighbour besydes his goodes or whatsoeuer is his but helpe that he maye kepe it euen as we oure selues woulde that other men shoulde do to vs. And it is also a defence against the spiteful inuentions and prankes of the wittye men of the world which neuertheles at the laste haue also theire punysshement Secondarely ought we to geue thākes for it Thirdly to cōfesse our synnes with sorowe and repentaunce Fourthly to pray for helpe strēgth that we maye waxe good kepe these commaundementes of God Whosoeuer nowe hath tyme superfluous or elles is Lusty maye do in lyke maner with the Crede or beleue and make a fourefolde garlande therof But the Crede hath thre greate Principall partes or Articles according to the thre personnes of the Godly Maiestie euen as they are deuyded before and also in the Catechismus The fyrst Article of the Creation I beleue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth Here shyneth fyrst a great lighte in thy harte Yf thou wilte haue it And teacheth the with fewe wordes that whiche can not be expressed with all tonges nor written with many bokes Namely what thou arte whence thou comest and whence heauen and earth do come For thou arte the creatiō makynge Creature and handy worke of God That is of thy selfe and in thy selfe arte thou nothing canst nothing knowest nothinge and arte able to do nothinge For what wast thou a thousande yeres a gone Vvhat was heauē and earth sixe thousande yere agone Euen so hole nothing as the thing is nothinge whiche neuer shall be made But whatsoeuer thou arte knoweste canst or mayest the same is the creatiō of God euen as thou doest here