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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05093 A treatise of the excellencie of a christian man, and how he may be knowen. Written in French by Master Peter de la Place, one of the Kings counsel, and chiefe president of his court of aides in Paris. Whereunto is adioyned a briefe description of the life and death of the said authour, to the end that euerie one may knowe what he was. Translated into English by L. Tomson; Traité de l'excellence de l'homme chrestien et manière de cognoistre. English La Place, Pierre de, 1520-1572.; Tomson, Laurence, 1539-1608.; Farnace, Pierre de. aut 1576 (1576) STC 15231; ESTC S106746 64,194 137

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glorie of GOD I speake it that I can easelier enter into it then come forth so great comfort I receiue of the doctrine which is the chiefest part of the ioye of my saluation Were it not that I had good assurance and feeling of these markes whiche hee setteth downe and are in deede the true markes of our saluation both in vs and to vs that we are saued I should despayre rather then hope and bende my selfe wholly against God then euer bee subiect or submit my selfe to god And therefore so oft as euer I enter into consideration of the wicked doctrines whiche the reprobate and condemned Church of Antichrist giueth out and teacheth I finde none so detestable as this poynt that laboureth to take away from vs all perswasion of Gods loue towarde vs and of our moste sure and certaine redemption by the blood of Christ They call it a presumptuous doctrine a desperate doctrine a doctrine that leadeth man to all kinde of dissolutenes an enemie to godlynes of lyfe and deuotion a furtherer of all sensualitie all lust all wickednes and rebellion agaynst god Though we are taught by the Scripture that none can beleeue but such as are appointed to saluation and none can receyue Christ and beleeue in his name but they which haue this prerogatiue giuen them to be sonnes of God though the Apostle say Knowe ye not that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you and agayne The Temple of God is holy which Temple you are though Christ him selfe saye Reioyce that your names are written in the booke of lyfe and Of those whom my Father hath giuen me I will not leese one yet cease they not agaynst so manifest trueths of the Spirit of God witnes of the Sonne of God yea and euident speaches of God him selfe to disgorge their blasphemies tending to the subuersion of soules because they enuie at other mens saluation not passing as seemeth by their doctrine for their owne though I iudge them not Is it a presumption for a Christian man to say as Christ hath commaunded vs and taught vs to say Our Father which art in heauen Or may I say Our father in doubt whether he be so or no No man can call God his Father but in fayth and fayth is nothing but an vndoubted perswasion that we are beloued of God in Christ beloued as children because he gaue his Sonne for vs because he the righteous dyed for me the vnrighteous whereby as he became a sinner by setting him selfe in my place so doo I become righteous in that that God setteth me in his place And because our condition and state is such with God Iesus Christ our Sauiour willed vs in praying to pray thus Our Father For if this grounde go not before we are lyers in so praying Nay we blaspheme him in so praying for he will not be called Father of the reprobate no more then he will accept the sacrifice of the wicked whereof he sayeth by his Prophet that it is an abomination to him for our prayers are sacrifices and if they be the prayers of his children then are they sweete smelling sacrifices but if they be the prayers of the wicked and reprobate then are they an abomination to the lord Do we not euery one of vs in the Confession of our fayth say I beleeue in God the Father what do we lye when we say so Or must we doubt whē we say so Wel this is the doctrine of the enemies of God the Papistes who say it is presumption for any man to say that he is saued Then I say it is presumption for any man to saye that he is the childe of God then is it presumption for any man to saye that God is our Father then is it presumption for any man to say that he is a Christian then is it presumption for any man to say in a good and true faith I beleeue in god And so by this meanes shal the whole Catholike Church be condemned for charging vs to say so then is Christ a lier and a master of heresies in teaching vs to pray so then do we all wickedly to call and professe our selues Christians with such confidence as we doo And seeing their profession and doctrine is so that no man can assuredly saye that God is his Father let them set it downe in flattermes as they meane it and let the style of the confession of fayth and the Lords prayer go as their doctrine is after this sorte I doubt in God the Father almightie I doubt in Iesus Christ I doubt in the holy Ghost and If thou which art in heauen be our Father halowed be thy name and so forth What a diuelish doctrine is this yet it is the doctrine of the church of Rome what a desperate doctrine is it and yet it is the doctrine that we must confesse to be true or els we be heretikes we must be burned wee must be condemned Christians I say must be condemned because they say they are Christians for it is nothing els we say we say we are the children of God that is an heresie say they and yet they will graunt vs to be Christians A strange kinde of Christian that hath not the Spirit of Christ and if we haue the Spirit of Christ are we not Children The Apostle teacheth vs all this why then what is it els to say we are Christians then to saye we are the children of God and is there any chylde of God that is not faued Paul sayeth if sonnes then heires heires of the kingdome yea felowe heires with Christ So then it is no more presumption to say I am saued then to say I am the the childe of God neyther any more presumption to saye I am the childe of God then to saye I am a Christian Oh but say they this doctrine maketh men desperate for if they stand vpon those termes once that they are saued they will care no more for good workes they will abandon them selues to all kinde of sinne In deede they say as they feele for if thei felt what it were to haue this persuasion groūd they would knowe that as they are freed frō sinne so are they to liue in righteousnes The true Christian and chylde of GOD is more fearefull to sinne because he loueth God and is beloued of God then all the wicked haue for feare of punishment He knoweth and is perswaded that as he is dead with Christ so must he rise againe with Christ in newnes of life to liue after the Spirit not after the fleshe and that God hath prepared his wayes to walke in which are good workes If the liues of all men were looked into it would easely appeare where were the greatest abundance of sinne whether in the true Christian who is a witnes of the trueth of this doctrine or in the enemie of trueth which can not abyde this doctrine And why can he not abyde this doctrine because he can not abyde to
all creatures are susteined and haue their mouing by a generall strength and vertue which is common to all liuing creatures neither that spirit whereby we haue diuers and sundrie giftes bestowed seuerally vpon eche of vs but the spirit of adoption and sanctification which the Lorde giueth to none but to the Christian man when he receiueth him into the number of his children and separateth him from all other and sundreth him from the world to bring him to the hope of the euerlasting inheritance This Spirit is for this cause called the Spirit of sanctificatiō whereby the image of God is imprinted in a Christian and serueth him for an earnest pēny of his saluation and in deede putteth him in possession and a certaine enioying of his adoption whiche is giuen him by a speciall grace of God to bring that to passe by a secret working which he determined in his secret counsel to bring to passe in him by his mightie hand shewing him selfe to be a most gracious and louing father by his testimony a greater then which and more certaine we can not desire because the light and knoweledge which he giueth is accompanied with such a persuasion and certaintie of spirit and with so stedfast and assured trust of heart in his goodnes that it maketh our vnderstanding surmount all thinges clenseth lifteth vp our hearts to heauen and causeth vs to feele a spirituall tast of heauenly riches And to be short causeth a new birth in him and transformeth him for this light which is in a Christiā mans soule differeth very much frō all other light of knowledge and from that kinde of faith which procedeth from the persuasion of man For it is impossible for mās wit to giue man such vnderstāding of knowledge and faith as this is which is wrought in him by the mightie working of the spirit of God and is this in summe that the Gospel which hath no appearance of witte nor strēgth is notwithstāding a wisdom so high that it surmounteth the heauens is the mightie power of God to saluation to euery one the beleueth to bring him to the kingdom of heauen for in deede what can there be more strange more foolish more simple or more offensiue to reason then to heare a man say that God is made become a mortall man that life was subiect to death righteousnes couered with a shew of sinne blessing subiect to curse that by this meanes men might be ransomed from death made partakers of blessed immortalitie to the end they might obtein life that iustice might raigne sinne being once abolished and last of al to the end that death it self malediction might be swalowed vp and therfore that we haue to enter into glorie by ignominie into felicitie by myseries and into life by death And moreouer that this light is farre different from all other light of knowledge faith which proceadeth from the persuasion of man it is nedelesse to alleage any other example thē the example of that faith which is in the most part of them that beare the name of Christians yet haue nothing but the bare title and beleue in Iesus Christ because they haue bene so learned taught frō father to sonne are so persuaded because they see other men that liue with them beleue so thē especially whom they take to be the holiest the wisest the most religious persuade them selues that their heades can not erre So that if they had chanced to haue bene borne in any other countrie or religion they would as easely haue bene persuaded to it as to that which now they holde and are persuaded is true seeing their knowledge is gotten by reason and discourse of man not giuen of God and from aboue but cold fleshly weake and very changeable which hath no other end but a peculiar respect of his owne and nothing lesse then to be touched with the glorie of god Neither doe they receiue Iesus Christe for such an one as he is offred of God the father in the Gospel by a liuely faith proper to the elect but while they professe his name they spoile him of his glorie vertue and dignitie to transferre it to creatures and mens inuentions in steade of the Creator And therefore it foloweth that this man which we speake of cā not be discerned from other by any iudgement of mans sense reason but by a spiritual iudgement by comparing spiritual things with spirituall things for the Christian people are but a smal flock contemptible scattred here one there one in the thickest of a number that are falsely called the people of God and Christians separate from the cōmō order of mē set apart as a treasure that God reserueth for himself hiddē withdrawē from the sight knowledge of mē as a few graines of corne vnder a great deale of chaf in a floore so that it is not y reputatiō nobilitie greatnes wisdō deuotiō or other apperance that man estemeth be it neuer so glorious which we haue to respect as S. Paul willeth the Corinth to consider that there are but a few called amongst them a few wise a few noble a fewe mightie of authoritie after the flesh neither haue we to respect the title or outward profession ne yet the outward signe of Baptisme as it is written All they that are of Israel are not Israelites nor all they Abrahams children which are borne of Abraham although they haue all one selfe same marke of Circumcision but it is the marke of the Spirit of God which we must haue regard vnto seeing that all signes and appearances because they are onely without are vnprofitable without the holy working of the inward wherein truely consisteth the witnesse whereby a Christian man may know him self And the first effect of this inward vertue of God is that which the Scripture calleth Adoption which is not common to all the world as Iesus Christ giueth vs to vnderstād saying That he prayeth not the father for the world but for them whom the father hath giuen him as it is said in an other place That the praise of y adoption is not of men but of God according to his good pleasure and grace giuē in Christ before the foundations of the world were layde So that euen as it is said that Christ dwelleth in vs by the spirit of God euen so doth man know and is knowen to be a Christian by the felowship of the same spirit as by that marke wherewith the heauenly father sealeth and marketh the heart of his elect in assurance of their adoptiō wherby he knoweth thē whō he hath quickened frō heauen by his most secret vertue which no sense of man is able to perceiue being in it self very high of great maiestie in outward appearāce vile beggerly wherby euery Christian mā hath such a conformitie with Christ that as the world did not know him so neither is he knowen to
Predestination and Calling but this that predestination is a preparatine of that whereof the calling is the effect and the accomplishment and yet my meaning is not that this generation is made by the vertue of one simple worde vttered by the voyce of man which soundeth onely in the eares which God vseth as his meanes and instrument to call all men indifferently to him for many are called sayeth Christ but fewe are chosen and it were to set a mortall man to much on cockhorse to saye that his voyce giuen him from aboue Nowe as touching the way that our heauenly father taketh in framing a Christian man this it is he first determined in him self to make the world and all things to his glorie and men especially to shewe to one sorte of them which are predestinate to saluation his mercie and to the other sorte his iustice And to this effect he appoynted for an onely and sole Mediatour Iesus Christ his onely begotten Sonne of one selfe same substance with him selfe euen God euerlasting to the ende that by him being made man the two natures vnited and ioyned togither in one in him all corruption of mankinde might be purged and all righteousnes fully accomplished in him for all as one able ynough to susteyne the iudgement of God and woorthie ynough to appease his wrath by the offering vp of himselfe the iust dying for the vniust and to sanctifie all his elect abolishing theyr sinne in them by the communication of his death and quickening them by his resurrection To be short he determined with him selfe to giue them his sonne and in him what soeuer is requisite for their saluation as also to giue them to him and so to make them Christians by ingraffing them into Christ which euerlasting purpose and decree he resolued also to reueile vnto them when they should not thinke of it causing him selfe to be founde as the Prophete sayeth of them which inquired not after him at that time that they walke after the course and fashion of this worlde euen as Satan woulde haue them and proceedeth in it after this sort First to awake them out of the dead stepe of sinne wherinto they are fallen he pricketh them with the sharpenes of his Lawe and laying a nomber of examples of his Iustice before them driueth them into a feare not minding to beate them downe into desperation but to make them turne their faces towardes the Mediatour in whome they may finde some place of refuge And to this end he layeth before them in cōclusion his grace and fatherly goodnes by the preaching of his Gospel He teacheth them he maketh them apt to receyue instruction assureth them of their election summoneth them to his heauenly inheritance stretcheth out his hande vnto them to bring them thyther yea and draweth them vnto him fashioneth thē new eares lighteneth their eyes changeth theyr stonie heart into a fleshy heart openeth their vnderstanding reneweth their senses disposeth and maketh them fit to sauour and taste his worde which he soweth and causeth it to budde and bring foorth fruit in them maketh them fit for his election To be short when he hath once formed Christ in them he decketh and enricheth them with many gyftes and graces and whereas they were farre of from him he maketh them drawe neare to him of strangers he maketh them housebirds of wolues sheepe flocking togyther vnder the great pastour of soules of natural fleshly earthly and deuelish mē he maketh them heauenly spiritual angellike and diuine and by this meanes translateth them from the kingdome of darkenes into the kingdome of light transporteth them from death to life and bringeth them into his own housholde To be short hauing thus ingraffed them into the body of his Sonne he ioyneth and allieth him selfe to them he maketh him selfe one with them maketh them his children and heyres partakers of his immortalitie and glorie and all this he worketh by the inward vertue of his holy Ghost with an other maner of efficacie then by restoring the reliques of free will as some popish mates vse to speake seeing that all the remainder that man hath of this free will serueth to nothing els but to sinne willingly to flie from God to hate him and to haue no wil to heare him nor beleeue in him nor acknowledge any of his blessings and that more is to think vpon nothing but vpon sinne and not to haue so much as one good thought Which wonderfull order S. Bernard considering cryeth out and sayeth Beholde an high and marueilous counsell which hath bene published to vs God knoweth thē that are his and what he knewe he hath shewed to men he receyueth none to the knowledge of this mysterie and hidden thing but suche as he hath predestined And addeth moreouer The mercie of God from euerlasting to euerlasting on them that feare him from euerlasting because of his predestination to euerlasting because of the blessednes which they looke for the one hath no beginning the other hath no end S. Augustin also saith in lyke sort Is not this a kinde of schole far from the sense of the fleshe wherein the Father is the scholemaster that teacheth vs to come to him and the Sonne of God is the worde whereby he teacheth and whiche entreth by the eare euen to the heart where is also the Spirit of the Father and the Sonne who teacheth also iointly with them and not a part for the workes of the Trinitie are inseparable so that if we see nombers come to the Sonne it is by him that maketh many to beleue in Christ But where whē euery man hath heard bene taught by the Father we see it not because this grace is hidden secret heauenly wrought by the renewing of the holy Ghost powred out plentifully vpon thē And truely it is a marueylous generatiō which maketh man a new creature not that he receyueth an other soule or an other body in substance but in qualitie by repayring the Image of God in him by an inward renewing of the whole nature that was corrupted yea it is a worke which setteth out vnto vs no lesse vertue and power of God then that whereby Iesus Christ was raysed from the dead and placed at the right hand of God his Father To be short it is done by the word as by the ordinarie instrument whiche maketh vs partakers of Christ and frameth the Christian man so that vnlesse the doore of our hearing be opened by the preaching of the Gospell the worde can not enter into the heart and the preaching is wrought by the voyce of man assisted by the inward vertue of the holy Ghost which man must be sent by a special grace of God to declare vnto vs that this special grace is according to his electiō which is according to his euerlasting counsell determined according to the good pleasure of his will which onely is iust and reasonable And so consequently both the calling