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father_n believe_v faith_n holy_a 10,213 4 5.4982 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03126 Here begynneth a lytell cronycle translated [and] imprinted at the cost [and] charges of Rycharde Pynson. by the co[m]maundement of the ryght high and mighty prince, Edwarde duke of Buckingham, yerle of Gloucestre, Staffarde, and of Northamton.; La fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient. English. Hayton, Frère, ca. 1235-ca. 1314. 1520 (1520) STC 13256; ESTC S109747 76,736 96

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may be delyuerd out of thennemys handes that is the begynnynge of our fayth Nor we haue nat remembred in times passed of suche conuenyent tyme as we haue nowe as god by his pyte and mercy shewed vs in dyuers maners For first god almighty full of mercy hath gyuen vs pastoure and right holy father right christē and full of vertue which syth that he was sette in the holy apostolyque sete both night day thought and desyred how he might socour the holy lande forto haue it out of the ennemys of the holy faythes hādes which blamed the name of crist and the holy sepulcre of our lorde And bycause that they may truely beleue that god hath torned his mercyfull eyen to beholde the holyland And hath gyuen him vpon the erth his redemer it is the father apostell In the which dayes by the mercy of god the holy land of Hierusalē that hath ben long tyme kept vnder the seruage of our ennemys by our synnes shal be delyuered and brought to the fyrst fraūches to the fyrst power of the christēmen ¶ Why thy go into the holy lande NOw is the tyme conuenyent and acceptable in the which god hath shewed vs clerly that the holy lande shal be delyuerd out of the ennemys power for by the grace of god the kynges the princes of christen landes be now in good state in peace betwene them and haue no more warr nor debate as they were wont to haue in the olde tyme. Wherfore it is lyke that god almyghtie wyll delyuer the holy lande yet all christenmen of dyuers landes and of dyuers realmes by fayth and deuocyon be apparelled to toke the crosse and to passe ouer the see into the holy land Helpe and to put theyr body goodes for the honour reuerēce of our lorde Ihū Crist valyauntly with a good wyll ¶ How the ennemis of the christē fayth was mynisshed put down NOw it is conuenient tyme and acceptable by that which god shewed to the christen people that the power of the christē faithes ennemys is dimynisshed Also by the tartaras warre by the whiche they were ouercome and loste mē without nombre in batayle Also for this sowdā that raigned those dayes in Egypt that was a man of no goodnesse nothyng worth Moreouer all the sarasyns prynces be deed that were wōt to gyue helpe to the sowdan by the power of the tartas And one was lefte alone that was named sowdan de Meredyn the which is tourned lately to the tartas subiectiō And therfore at this tyme without any daunger or payne the holy lande myght be recouered and the realm of Egipt and of Syrie cōquered And also with all the power of the ennemys might be the more easly brought downe nowe than in tymes passed ¶ How Carbanda kyng of the tartas profered hymselfe and his power to go to the holy lande yEt is cōuenyent tyme that which god shewed to the christēmen bycause that the tartas hath proffered thē selfe to gyue helpe to the christenmen agaynst the sarasyns And for this reason Carbanda kyng of the tartas sende his messangers profferinge to putte all his power to vndo the ennemys of the christēland And so in this tyme the holy land myght be recouered by the helpe of the tartas and the realme of Egypt conquered lyghtly without peryll or daunger And so it were nede that the christēmen shuld set vpon the holy lande without any taryenge for in the taryenge is great daunger For fere of Carbanda that is nowe frende shulde fayle and an other might cōe that shulde vse the mahometz wayes that shulde agre with the sarasyns And so it myght tourne to great dāmage and paryll of the christen lande and of the holy lande ouer the see ¶ Before your reuerence holi father I say and confesse that I am nat of sufficyent scyence to gyue counsell without great doyng as the maker of the passage ouer the see to the holy lande But bycause that I haue yet the payne of the inobediente soone I wyll obey to the cōmaundement of your holynesse against the which no good christēmen ought to go than requyring first ꝑdon of any thyng that I shuld say more or lesse I shall say myne aduysement after my lytell knowlege all as the wysemen counsell ¶ Of the aduersytes prosperiteys of the ennemys TO the hounour of our lorde Ihesu Christe I trust to accōplyshe my faute I say to the entent that the holy lande may be cōquered with leest payne trouble It is conuenyent that the cristenmen shall entre into the lande and that thei shuld set vpon their ennemys in the sayd tyme that their ennemys shal be troubled of some fortune for if the christēmen wold do this enterprise at that tyme that theyr ennemys shuld be in prosperytie they coude nat fulfyll theyr enterprise without great daūger and payne we shall deuyse truely which is the prosperytie whiche is the aduersytie The aduersyte of ennemys is this Whan the sarasyns haue a sowdan and a lord wyse and valyaunt and such that he may without any fere of his rebellynge holde and kepe his lordshippe The other prosperytie of the ēnemys may be whan thei haue ben longe in peace without any warr of the tartas or other mē And yet whan they haue great haboundaūce of corne other goodꝭ in the realme of Syrie and yet whan the wayes be sure by the see and by the lande open And such thynges that the ennemys haue ned may be brought to thē wtout any cōtradit out of straūge coūtreis yet whan the sarasyns be in peace with Nubiens with the Bednins of Egipt desert so thei moue no warr nor quetell yet whan the truqueniens bednȳs that dwelled in the realme of Egypt Syrie obedyent to the sowdan of Egypt bycause of the aboue sayd thyngeꝭ and prosperites the ennemys power shuld ryse so moch that it shuld be impossible to ouercome them ¶ The names of the .ix. sowdās that were slayne poysoned ¶ By the contrary aduersytes it myght come to the ennemys in dyuers maners It is whan the ennemys do ryse and kyll theyr sowdan or lorde as they haue done in tymes past do often tymes For syth the kynred of the Cucumans beganne to haue the lordshippe in Egypt .ix. haue ben ordayned sodans and lordes vpon them And of these .ix. sowdās that haue ben in Egypt they haue ben slayne by swerde it is to knowe Turquenien Chocas Lachyn and .ii. other that were poysoned that was Bēdocdac and Elsy The two other Melecuaser and Gynboga were putte in exyle And this Melecuaser that is nowe sowdan was ons putte out of his office lordship his lyfe in variaunce tarienge to an yll ende ¶ Prouision agaynst the sowdan of Egypt ITem the ennemyes myght cōe to aduersyte It is whā the flude of Nyll riseth nat so moch that they may water the grounde