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A02883 The seconde parte of the Domesticall or housholde sermons for a godly housholder, to his childre[n] and familie: compyled by the godly learned man Christopher Hegendorffine, doctor most necessarye for all faythefull housholders: now first translated out of laten in to English by Henry Reginalde.; Domestycal or householde sermons. Part 2 Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540.; Reginald, Henry, fl. 1548-1549. 1549 (1549) STC 13022; ESTC S113439 23,987 67

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that the holy ghost is god as heauen all thyng whiche is in heauen was made by hym Psalme Cxxxviii Whyther shall I god from the spirite And whyther shal I flie frō thy face It is in no creatures power for to be in all places or to fulfyll all the world but that pertayneth only to God the creator Furthermore that the holie ghost is very god these places may satisfy you for this tyme of the Godhed of y ● holy gost Now I come to the belief in y ● whiche we say I beleue in the holy gost with the whiche woordes I saye that I professe to beleue not onely that the holy ghoste is god with true god y ● father and very god the sonne and for to come forth of them bothe but also maketh in me that thyng that his name doth sygnifye truely that he doth sanctifye me with what meanes that is done y ● nexte sentences of the belefe do declare But truely to beleue in the holy ghoste is to beleue that our hartes are led by hym are styrred by him are moued to beleue the ghospell of Iesu Christ and that by hym we are broughte to the knowledge of the father and Christ and by hym ●e folow Christ our lord and our defender from all kynde of bondage For no man ●●● beleue at any time eyther the gospel or can by any meanes beleue christ to be his lord onles it be geuē him by y ● holye gost Therfore y ● congregatiō s●●geth in a song Now we beseche the holy ghost y ● first he wil geue vs a true faithe that he wil kepe vs before we come to an end whē we cōehome out of this life full of misery Lordhaue mercy on vs where y● here deere childrē y ● right faith both in y ● gospel to be asked of the holy ghost and Christ Corint .xij. No man can say Lord Iesus but by the holy gost To be short the holy ghost is the same spirite by whō our heauenly father bothe woorketh all thyng in vs and doth quicken thē in vs. And here the congregation doth syngagayne of the holy ghost Withoute the holy ghoste there is nothyng in manne and nothyng is without synne Wherefore welbeloued chyldren when eyther ye wil heare the word of god or doo any thing pray ye to Christ y ● he would send vnto you y ● holy ghost y ● whatsoeuer ye shal here or do y ● ye may both heare it ● do it luckely and happily And first we must desire christ y ● the holy gost may not leaue vs so long as ●e be in this worlde ▪ but at all tymes he maye be chiefly present with vs that he may defend us from the manyfold snares of the deuell preserue our hertes that they beyng alway intente and beeholdyng onely Iesus Christ our sauiour may not bee troubled with any thing contrarye to his commaundement So be it The thirtenth domesticall sermon to their chyldren of Christes Churche IN the last sermon welbeloued childrē ye haue herd that to beleue in the holye ghost is nothyng els then to beleue that the holy gost is very god with verye God the father and very god the sonne and that he doth make us verily holye euen as his holye name doeth signifie and nowe ye shall heare how by the holy gost we ar made holy and what thynges appertayn vnto him from the first beginning of y ● world and what appertaineth to hym euen to the end of the world This foloweth in the belefe I beleue the holy churche the communion of samtes Here ye oughte to bee admony shed wherefore we saye here I beleue the holy church and not in the holy churche Saint Cyprian doth make aunswere here for this cause it is done that the creator ought to be separated from the creatures and holy thinges may be separated from humayne thynges Furthermore whē we professe that we do beleue holy churche we shew and set forth the holynes of the church whiche can not be set forth before our corporall eyes for those thynges which we beleue are not seene with our eyes and so is the holynesse of the churche hydden for god hath wrapped his churche with many kyndes of infirmities with sinne with errours and with a thousande maner of crosses he doeth oppresse it that it seemeth to be nothyng lesse then holye Therfore whosoeuer doeth not obserue and marke the maner of god bilig●tly seeth or beholdeth y ● errours sinnes and daily falles in those mē which be born again w t the water of regeneration haue both y ● word of god do kepe it in faith cannot but greatly be offēded thinke that those are not to be taken of the holy churche But here perchaunce thou wilt saye But what is the Churche Heare welbeloued children this word Ecelesia is Greke word and in ●aten it signifieth Societatem or Concionem or Coetuns populi in Englishe it signifieth a felowshyp an asse●●ble or a congregatyon of people And this is this holy churche called a certayne feloweshyppe of holye ●●enne uppon yearthe warrynge vnder Chryste by the holy ghost ●o beholde the offyce of the holy ghoste congregat●d in one fayth mynde and vnderstandyng and mdewed with manye gyftes Briefly the holy church is al those whiche beleue in Christ this thing signifieth these wordes I beleue the cōmuniō of samtes Whiche wordes as the holy fathers testifie with one voyce the holy churche is expoūded to be a communiō or a felowship or congregatiō of saintes And this is the th●g y ● ● August writeth in a sermon of al saintes Our holy mother y ● faithful churche being sured in all the world taught chafflictions of Christ in the hed Iesu Christ c. But here perchaūce also you thinke with your selues Behold how is it y ● holy church of christ which as I haue said a little before sōtime falleth hedlong into sinne I make answere The holy church is by faith ●● Iesu Christ whilest truly it doth beleue that by Christes bloud it is washed clene frō all sinne .i. Iohn n. chap. And y ● holy church of Christ is those that do abstain from the sinnes of the flesh and do exercise thēselfs with spiritual exercises Furthermore it is not so holy that vtterly it lacketh al euill desires may be oppressed with no wicked opinions For y ● church of god must confesse her sinne therfore she praieth y ● her sinnes may be forgeuē Wherfore she beeleueth to haue remission of her synnes So that now we perceiue that saintes do sinne do ●alle and are disceiued but unawares for they wil not willyngely forsweare Iesu Christ ▪ and renounce his gospell wherfore they do optayne the remission of their sinnes and if they do at any tyme erre from the doctrine of Christ so that neglygentely they be oute of the waye there is made ready for them forgeuenesse for why sōtyme and specially
hym shoulde be made the sonnes of adoption of the heuenly father and the heyres of god the coinherytours of Iesus Christe too the Romayns y e .viij. Chapter which is soo greate a well sprynge of eloquence that as it is euermore worthe worthy it can not be expownded god the father shewynge to vs and towardes vs hys mercy in Christ Iesu what tong is able to declare or expres y e commodites whiche Christ Iesu the sonne of god and of Mary the vyrgyn hath brought vnto vs by his holynatiuite But what shuld we do When god for y ● his vnspeakeable goodnes doth desyre nothingels but that we should be thankefull vnto him and gyue dayly thankes both vnto god the father and vnto our Christ euen vnto hym for that that for oure saakes he dydde vouchesafe hys onely Sonne the cause of our helth to be borne of the virgin Mary to this end that he obeying the will of his father did not refuse to take our fleshe on him and to make vs free from the curse of the lawe from synne from the tyrany of the deuyl Let vs therfore gyue thankes vnto god the holy ghoste for that he did make by his holy power both the body and soule of Christe in the wombe of the holy Vyrgyn that CHRIST beynge verye man should get vs our saluatiō shulde bryng vs to euerlastinge lyfe prayse be vnto god the father and his sonne Iesus Christe and to the holye gost now euermore so be it The fyfte Sermon domestical vnto their Children of the passyon of Christ IT foloweth as ve knowe welbeloued chyldrē in our belief which suffered vnder pontius Pylate y t is I beleue in Iesus Christe bothe the sonne of god of the Virgin which suffered vnder Pontius Pylat for as there may be no doubt of the natiuitie of christ therfore is it added into the belief borne of mary the Vyrgyn where the name of the Virgyn is plainelye expressed euen also as I myght vse the wordes of saincte Cypriane least the passione of Christ shoulde wauer as a vaine and phātasticall thinge the tyme where in christ did suffer verely whē Poncius Pylate was lieutenante of the Romain Impire it is expressed very wel What is it to beleue that christ suffered vnder pontius pilate this thinge is meante in it that he shoulde make a mendes for my synnes and therfore to go vnto so vyle a death for Peter in his first Epistle the second chapiter saith Christ did beare in his body our synnes vpon the crosse where by we beinge dead to sinne should lyue vnto iustice with whose strypes wee are made hole addeth vnto this thynge y e saying of Esaye In the .liij. Chapter Truelye he did beare our infirmities and he did suffer our paines It is trulye by cause I wold expound y e thyng more at large The passion of Christ after y e mind of sainct Augustine is two waies to be taken first as an holy sacrament thē as an example as a sacrament trewly for that it signifieth kylleth synne in vs. As an example that we should frely and ●…lilyngely heare all maner of euyls w t a good herte whiche be sente to vs by Christ perswadynge with our selues y t all thoose afflyctions in the passyon of Christ are made acceptable in the syght of god that also if nede shall require we offer our selues to Christ euē as a sacrifice willyngly for oure neyghboures euen as Christe did offer him selfe a sacrifyce for vs to god the father as a smelle of a good and swete sauer Ephesyans the v. chapter For whi Christ dyd suffer for vs leauynge to vs an example that we shoulde folow his foote steppes and here Christ sayth Mathew the .x Chapter Who so euer doch not take his cros and folowe me is not worthy of me Iesus Christe graunte that we maye take his passion with a trewe faythe and we being once entred into his fote stepes may come thyther where he is come syttynge on the ryghte hande of god almighty To whom be prayse glory worlde w t oute ende Soo be it The sixte domesty call Sec mon to their children of the crosse of Christ ▪ WE haue not as yet expoūded well beloued Chyldren all those thyn ges by y e which Christ was made our lorde for now we must intreate of this thinge which we do professe in our belief I beleue in Iesus Christe whiche was crucified which without doubt I do protesse that I do beleue that Christ the sonne both of god and the Virgyn was my priest in the very crosse and y ● he hath offered a liuely sacrifice to god ●uen hym self for my sinnes And y ● there is none other satisfaction for my sinnes which god the father doth receyue but onely this one oblation of Christ vpon the crosse which offeryng was once of fered in the crosse But euen so that all which beleue truely in Christ he dooeth helpe thē alway make thē clene frō al their sins y ● remēbraunce of which oblation Christ hath left in hys supper vnto vs for Cristes words be these ●u .xxij. This is my body whiche shall be betrayed for you do this in my remembraunce And Paul y ● ●ieste Epistle to the Corinthiās the xi Chap. setteth fourth y ● Christe after the same maner dyd take the eup and sayde this eup is the newe testamet in my bloude do ye thys so often as ye shall drynke of it in the remembraunce of me Sainct Chrisostome in his commentaries vpon the Epistles of Saynte Paul to y ● Hebrews sayth That thyng that we do it is done in his remēbrance the which is done c. Furthermore for the oblation made done vpon the crosse for our syns Paul dothe testifye in many places for to the Ephesy ans the .v. Chapiter he sayeth Christ deliuered hym selfe for vs an offeryng sacrifice to god in a swete sauour of a swete smell Where Paul welbe loued children withe fewe wordes doth declare y ● the sacrifices of y ● old testament were figurs of y ● sacrifice of Christ made on the crosse to the Hebrues the .ix. Chapter Christ was once offered for vs for to take awaie the synnes of manye men And vnto y ● Hebrues the .x. Chapter Here truely Christe once beyng offered a sacrifice for our synnes doth sy● at the ryght hande of god for with one oblation he made perfecte for euer all those whiche be sainctified To the Collossians the ij Chapter He forgyuyng vs al our synnes hath put out the hand writinge that was against vs conteined in the law writen and that hath he takē oute of the waye and hath fastined it to hys crosse and hathe spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openly hath tryumphed ouer them in his own person w t which words Paul writeth y ● christ did triumph on y e crosse For euen in lyke case as those
whiche make a triumph beare about w t thē the thynge which betokeneth the victorye do shew vnto the people y ● rememberaunce of their victory so Paul sayth y t Christe as a triumphe on the crosse dyd shewe vnto his cruell enemyes y ● weare ouercome that is to say he hath driuen awaye the deuyl death sinne and hath set fourth openly a token of his victorye where by it may be open to all natyons by the onlye victorye gotten by Christe in the Crosse of synne deth the deuil not onlye vnto hym selfe but vnto al vs whiche shall put our hole confidence to be saued ye do vnderstand I trust now welbeloued children what it is to beleue that Christ was crucyfyed synce then y ● Christ hath declared vnto vs by his cros suche greate benefites and that only of his free goodnes and mercy let vs therfore be thankefull vnto hym and let vs crucyfie our flesshe that we may say ●● Paul with our affectes and our concupiscences y ● is let vs bridle the wantōnes of our flesh and our euill affections wich the spirite of god And let vs not do rudely those thinges which y e flesh procureth vs to do the which al myghtye Christ graunte vs to whome with god the father and the holy goste be prayse honour glory world w t out end so be it The seuenth Sermon Domesticall to their children of the death and the buriyng of Christe IT is not vnknowen vnto you as I thinke welbeloued children that we shal dye al once Hebrues 9. chapter For when euen vnto one all we were giltie with sinne death began to rule all men after these saiynges 1. Corint 13. Chap. The pricke of death is sinne and lest death myght swalow you vp Christ maketh for your purpose for why he dyed for this cause y t he mighte satisfie for oure s●nnes and breake the strēgth of death for the which we should dye and death woulde swalowe vs vp Seeyng that therefore there is made satisfaccion for our sinnes by Christ death can no more deuour men for why the death of Christ is our death the satisfaccion of Christ for our sinnes is our satisfaccion Therefore we say in our belefe I beleue in Iesus Christe sonne bothe of god and of the virgin dead and buryed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I confesse that I beleue christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 died for me and I also with him and The tenth sermon domestical vnto their chyldren of the Ascention of Christ THis day as ye know well beloued chyldren we shall intreate of thascention of Iesu Christ vnto the heauens in y e which there remayne goodlye testimonies ●oth oute of the Prophetes the Euaungelistes the wrytyngs of the Apostles For Daiud saith Psalm xv He doth ascend on hygh he hath led captiuitie captiue he hath giuen giftes to men whiche place of the Psalme Paul dothe open Ephesians the .iiij. Chapter and in the fortye and syxte Psalme Dauid sayth Godde hath ascended in gladnesse and the Lorde in the voyce of the trompet The fourtenth Psalme whyche hathe ascended vpon Cherubyn and hath taken hys flyght vpon the feathers of the wynd The hundreth nynth Psalme The lorde saide to my Lorde syt on my ryght hand Furthermore Mark xvi and Luk .i. Chap. in thactes doth make mention playnely in euery place of the story of the ascention of Christ and Peter in his first Epistle y e .iij. Chap. Saith of Christe which is on the ryght hande of god syttynge in heauen And Paul to the Ephe .v. Chap. After the efficacye and strength of his power whiche hee did exercyse in Christ when he shoulde be raysed up from the dead and to cause hym to syt on his right hand in heauen ye do here how goodly the testimonies of holy scripture be brought in of the ascencion of Christ But euery man maye easily say I beleue in Iesus Christe the sonne both of God and of the Virgyn whiche hath ascended vp to the heauēs and sitteth on the right hand of god the father almightie So doth not euery mā knowe the meaning of these wordes or vnderstande them or beleue them It is nothyng els to beleue that christe hathe ascended vp to the heauens and to sytte on the right hand of God the father almightie then that therefore Christe dyd lyft vp hymself from our syghte that he myght haue to doe with all men to rule in all men to be preached of al men and that he might be in all men and that he myght heare the prayers of all men and helpe our cause and defend vs against al euils and to pray for vs and to take the office of an intercessour for vs and an aduocate Romains the eyght chapter and the first epistle of S. Iohn the .ij. Chap. Furthermore we muste not thinke that Christ is farre frō vs but we must thinke clene otherwise Whē that he did walke here in earth he was farre from vs now truely after that he hath ascended vp into the heauens and there shall sit on the ryght hand of god the father almightie that is to saye that he shoulde haue lyke power glory and honour like kingdom w t god the father he is nere vs although our reason cannot compasse it it maketh no matter for it is an article of our faith we must haue a faythe of those thynges which our reason can haue no vnderstādyng of wherfore we must make our reson captine in the obedience of our faith Who wyl not now welbeloued childrē reioyce and be gladde when he heareth that Christe for our sakes hath ascended vp into the heauens that it shoulde prospere vs in all our thyuges both bodye soule Who wyll feare now any of hys enemies whē he doth heare y ● christ sitteth i● heauē at y e right hand of god the father and gouerneth euery mans hert that men cannot do any thynge but as he wyll and shal permyt Furthermore if at any tyme we are sodenly taken wyth any of our enemies or when we do come in peryls we ought constantly to beleue y ● is done by the wyl of oure sauiour Christ Iesus Christ rule vs alway and giue vs that grace y ● we may suffer our selues to be ruled of hym So be yt ❧ The eleuenth domesticall sermon to their Chyldren of the latter iudgemente HEtherto welbeloued Chyldren ye haue heard how Christe was made our lord and sauyour that is to saye made satis●action for our synnes hath vendicated and worme vs freely from death the deuyll and hell and hathe deserued for vs remyssion of oure synnes and lyfe euerlastyng Now the● doth remayne as ye maye heare howe christ now at the last shal shew him selfe openly in his latter iudgement vnto al y ● world veryly to be a mercyfull lord of y ● godly that is a delyuerer of them lord of al thyng to the wicked a sharp iudge Therfor it folow●th in y ● belief I beleue in Iesu christ
y ● son both of god of y ● vyrgin which frō thence y ● is to say frō the right hand of god y ● father shall come to iudge both y e quicke the dead With the which words I p●ofesse this thing y ● I beleue y ● Christ at length whē he shal see his time wyl come in his glory all his holy Anngels w t him shall litte on the seate of his glory ▪ Matthew xxij Chapter And he shall come also not as in his firste commyng for to preache vnto men the gospell of grace or to saue the worlde but to iudge both the quicke and the dead And how that shalbe both Christ and his apostles declare Matth .xxvi. chapter Christ saith when the sōne of man shall come where now he speaketh of his second commyng in his glory and al his aungels with hym thē shal he sitte vpon the seate of his glorye and there shalbe gathered together beefore him al nasions he shal separate thē c. Ye knowe this place Marke .xiij. chap. Christ saith then they shall see the sonne of man come in the cloudes with greate power and glory Luke .xxi. cha .i. Thess .iiij. chapter We that shalbe leafte in the commyng of the lord shall not preuente those whiche haue slept for thesame lord with that exhortacion and in the voice of the Arch aungell and the trump of God shall descend from heauen fyrste those that be dead in Christ shall ryse then we whiche shall liue whiche shalbe left shal be taken with them in the cloudes in the metyng of the lord in the ayer so shall we be with the Lord alway .ij. epystle of Peter .iij. chapter The dayes of y ● Lorde shall come as a thefe in the nighte with the whiche the heauens shall vanishe away as a storme the elementes beeynge hotte shalbe dissolued and the earth also and al those thinges that are therin shal be burnt vp c. Behold ye here welbeloued children how Christ shall vse his last iudgement Furthermore of signes which shalbe as tokens of the commyng of Christ reade vnto your self the Euangelistes and the second epistle to the Thessalonyans the second chapter the seuenth boke of Lactantius of the institution of holy thynges For it is to long to rehearse here all nor there is no small numbre of testimonies whiche do appere in euery place in the prophetes of this second comyng of Christ Dauid sayth .xcvi. psalme Th● shal the tongue of woodes reioyce from the face of the Lord for because he shall come to iudge the earth Esay the secōd chapter And he shall iudge the nations and he shall reproue many people Esai .lxvi. Psalm Behold the lord shall come in fier and his chariot shal be as a boysterouse wind These few testimonies of the Prophetes welbeloued chyldren I haue recited here that ye myght know the s●cond commyng of christ euen before or as wel as the first cōming of Christ by the holy ghost which was spoken by y ● Prophetes and also pre●aticy●ated or prophecied Now seyng y ● it is most trew welbeloued children that christ shal come at length to iudgement it doth belong vnto vs first both w t our life behaueour to haue in remēbrance christ which shal come to iudge for thys is a goodly saying of S. Augst the xlix Psalm which saith Whē euer● mā doth waie in his hert seeth what place fayth taketh here if we do beleue y ● iudgemēt for to come brethren we shall l●ue wel now is y ● time of mercie y ● time of iudgement shalbe And Paul .ij. Cor .v. Chap. saith Wherfore let vs stryne with oure selues if we be present at home or with out makyng our iourney that we maye please hym for al we must shew our self before y ● iudgement seat of god christ that euery man may beare those things which haue ben done by his body Furthermore if we truely beleue y ● last iudgment of Christ we shal make our hertes glad that in that tyme all we the which haue cast our confidence surelye in hym both shall receiue the crowne of our iustice .ij. Tim .iiij. Chap. And we shal liue also with our head Christ for euermore .i. Tessa .iiij. Chap. What oughte to bee more desyred of vs then wherebye wee may loke vpon the face of Christ which is the immaculate Image of God the first begotten of all creatures by whom all thinge was made which is in heauē and which is in yearth Colloss .i. Chap. Our lord Iesus Christe graunte that in lyke case as here in earth we be one so y ● we may so leade our lyfe w t hym euen togyther for euermore Let euer this latter iudgemente welbeloued Children be alway before your eies ¶ I shall maruell if ye shal not haue a great accompt or good eye to youre lyuynge So be it The twelfth Domesticall sermon to their chyldren of God the holy ghost SEeyng that I haue taken vpon me welbeloued children to expound the belief I haue told to you christians without any controuersy or doubt that we shoulde beleue with a ●yngle eye that there is but one god and yet three persons whiche haue the selfe same diuine substaunce and as I shall vse the wordes of the olde auncyente d●uynes or consubstanciall whiche is god the father god the sonne and god the holy ghost We haue spoken hytherto very muche of god the father god the sōne And now the course of our talke dooeth requyre that we should intreate now of god the holy gost The holy gost also to be god the holy scripture doeth playnly proue But lest I should be tedious vnto you with the multytude of Scryptures I wyll bryng forth onely some places of scrypture by the whiche ye shall knowe the deitie of the holy ghoste and that ye may both defend your conscience frō the assaultes of the deuill Mathew the laste chap. Christe sayeth vnto his discyples whom he wylled to god through all the world Go and teache all nations and baptise them in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost ●o● here Christ doth attribute the godhead vnto the holy ghost for when I must beleue in the holye ghoste then I make hym a god for I must beleue and put my trust in no man but in God This argumente dooeth Razianzene the fifth ●oke of his holy writing vse whose words be these But yf the holy gost be a creature how do we beleue in hym or be confirmed in him and it is not al one thyng to beleue in any thyng and to beleue of any thing for that thyng is attributed to the godhead the other thyng to euery creature And this argument S. Cyprian dooeth touche in his expositiō of the belefe Dauid .xxxij. psalme saieth The heauēs wer made with y ● word of god and with the spiryt of his mouth all their powers and here is also opened a testimony
the laste chap and here referre Christes saiynges Iohn .xvii. chap. This is the lyfe euerlastyng that they may know the to be the only very god and him which thou hast sent Iesu Christ Beholde he saieth that the lyfe euerlasting is the knowledge of the father and Christs And this eternall lyfe shall apperrayne to sa 〈…〉 tho●● that be godly the wicked synners truely shall liue alway but to this purpose that they shal alway continue and remain in euerlastyng paynes Wherefore Dauid saith Psal .xxxi. The death of synners is cursed as he might say although in this lyfe god doth not punish alway sinners yet for all that aster this lyfe they shall be punished of god greuously And therfore loke here vpon the saiyng of Christ Matt .xxv. chap. And these shall go that ●o to say the vngodly into euerlastynge punishmēt but those that be godly to euerlastyng lyfe for this euerlastyng life and eternall ioye as Esai saith in y ● .xxxv. chap. is deuided and geuen to vs of god for Iesu Christes sake Roma 5. So that grace shold reigne by righteousnes to euerlasting life by Iesu Christ Ro .vi. ch The life euerlastyng is the gyfte of god by Christ Iesu our lord And truely this lyfe euerlastyng is not deuided to all mē by Christ but only to those which beleue in Christe that is whiche do beleue that Christ by his deathe his resurrection by his as 〈…〉 to the h 〈…〉 hath deserued for 〈…〉 ●ife euerlastyng Iohn iii 〈…〉 beleueth 〈…〉 sonne 〈…〉 lyfe euerlastyng and he that beleueth not in the sonne shal not see life but y ● wrath of god doth remain vpon him Iohn .vi. ch This is his wyll whiche sent me that euery one whiche seeth the sonne and beleueth in hym hath euerlastyng life and I shall rayse hym in the latter daye and in the same chap. Verily verily I say vnto you he that beleueth in me hath euerlastyng life marke this word hath This euerlastyng life gotten for vs by Chryst shall cause that as I truste weibeloued children when Christe shall call vs from hence we shall willyngly departe seeing that ye perfitely know Iames .iiii. chap That ye shall vanishe awaye out of this transitory world not muche vnlike vnto a smoke whiche doth appere for a lyttle time so both vanish awai so for to go to euerlasting life In the which we shal see Christ face to face whom here we do perceiue as a figure in a glas as I might vse the wordes of S. Paul that is to say only euen with faith in wordes .i. Cor .xiii. chapter The grace of our lord Iesu Christ the loue of god the partaking of the holy gost be with al you So be it The seuententh domesticall or houshold sermon vnto their chyldren of Baptisme OF late in a certayn sermon welbeloued childrē I haue said that in the Churche of Christe there is remission of sinnes whiche is cōmunicated to you by the sacramentes and that ye may the more liuelye vnderstand it I will speake a fewe wordes of the sacramentes and chiefly of those whyche Christe hath instituted that is to saye of Baptisme and the supper of the Lorde and in this present sermon we will begin to speake of baptisme and an other time yf god wyll send vnto me his grace I shall speake of the supper of the lord and least this word sacrament should troble you marke that this word sacrament is for the most part diffined of diuines that it is a vysible fourme of the inuysyble grace of Christ as for an exaumple Baptisme of the whiche we speake is a Sacramente for in that is a visible fourme for as I shall vse the woordes of S. Augustine whiche he writeth to Marcellin●● ▪ in his fyrst epistle In baptisme the eyes ●● see the puttynges into the wa●●r or the touchynges of the water but the ea●es heare the promyse of grace Whosoeuer shal beleue and shalbe baptysed shalbe saued With these sensyble thynges God geueth vs his inuisyble grace and redemption which is in christ Iesu And these fewe wordes be spoken of the definition of a sacrament and now I come to baptisme of the whiche euery christen man ought to knowe thre thynges First what is baptisme afterward wherfore babtism is instituted thē who be made partakers of baptisme That I may god vnto the fyrste baptisme is nothyng els but water put vnto the word and commaundemente of God and by that word sanctified or that I wil brieflyer define it Baptisme is the water of god not that this water of the owne nature is better then other water but that vnto this water both the word of God and the commaundement also is put vnto it But here some mā might say what maner of woord is that And what maner of commaundemente of god is that where with baptisme is made Hea●●●● the word of god is that that Christ saith Marke the last chap. Whosoe●er shal be leue and shalbe baptised he shalbe saued whosoeuer shal not beleue shalbe dā●ed This is the cōmaundement of god that Christ saith Matt .xxviii. chapter Go ye therfore baptisyng them in the name of the father and of the sōne and of the holy gost Wherfore be these Anabaptistes men of our tyme so fra●●●e whiche ●ehemently ●●ye ▪ how can the water helpe our soules Here ▪ welbeloued chyldren baptisme is not only the water whyche we washe our handes with but it is the water mixe with the word the commaundement ▪ and the institutiō of Christ whiche yf thou dost take away frō baptisme tho●●ast left it naked without any god●● apparell But at this present I purpose not with my self to concend with y ● Anabaptist ye know what baptisme is therfore heare now wherfore it was instituted of Christ that is how y ● it doth profit vs wherfore it was ordeyned y ● wordes of Christe teache playnelye Who●oeuer shall beleue and shall bee baptysed ▪ shall be saued Of the whiche woorde you may ●●iden●●●e percey●e the m●●nyng And the fr 〈…〉 and ende of baptisme is that we should bee saued To be sa●ed is to be take● awaye from synne the deuyll and 〈…〉 h and ●o be brought into the kyngdome of Christe and to haue euerlastyng lyfe with Christe And here ye heare agayne welbeloued chyldren howe muche we oughte to sette by baptisme as a thyng that bryngeth vnto vs an ●nspekeable treasure Of the whiche chyng i● maye be playnlye perceyued of vs that baptisme is not ●leane water as the babling Anabaptistes ●la●ber ▪ for by pure water as I th●●●● we can not bryng the deuyll or ●de●h ●nd●e the yoke nor obtayne remission of synnes nor get the grace of God and wh●● Christe and the holy ghoste ▪ with all his gyftes ▪ Furthermore who bee those that ●●● made partakers of this so g 〈…〉 a treasure Heare nowe ▪ Christe sheweth this thyng with fe●e woordes in the 〈…〉 Chapter of S. 〈…〉 the ●●ange 〈…〉
✚ The Seconde parte of the Domesticall or housholde Sermons for a godly housholder to his childrē and familie Compyled by the godly learned man Christopher Hegendorffine doctor most necessarye for all faythefull housholders now first translated out of laten in to English by Henry Reiginalde Anuo M. D. xlix Deut .vi. These wordes which I cōmaunde the this day shal bee in thy herte and thou shalt shewe them vnto thy children and shalte talke of theym when thou arte at home in thy house and as thou walkeste by the waye c. The first and second sermon of the belief be prynted in the first parte ✚ The third Sermon domesticall vnto their children of the conception of Christe TO the first sentence of our belief well beloued childr●… this clause is wont to bean nexed I beleue in Iesus Christ our lord Anbic can not be declared what strength is in this worde our lorde for heere we witnes y t we doo beleue that Iesus Christe hathe brought and delyuered vs from the captiuitie of synne death hell and the deuil vndernethe his domynion And nowe doth rule all these enemyes and that we through Christ be higher then these enemyes for Christ hath gotten vnto vs. and not vnto him selfe a tryumphaunte victorie of suche tyranycall enemyes By what meanes Christe hath brought vs vnderneth his power the sequell folowynge sentences of our belief doo more playnely testifye And fyrste it foloweth which was conceyued by y e holy ghost that is I beleue Iesus Christe our lorde to be conceyued in the womb of the holye Virgyn Mary but not cōceiued by the meane of the seede of mā but of the holy ghost which in y e womb of the Vyrgyn Mary dyd make the ve ry body of Chryste And that is it that Damel saith the seconde Chapter that Chryste is the stone cut oute with oute handes that is as some men thynke withoute the seede of man to be conceyued in the wombe of the Vyrgin Marye And the Aungell Gabriel luke the fyrst chapter the Vyrgyn demaundyng how she should conceyue a sonne seyng that she neuer knewe man he answered The holy ghoste shall come vpon the the power of the highest shall ouer shadowe the. For this cause Christ wold be conceiued by the holy ghost that our vnpure conception gylty of dampnatiō for in synne we are conceyued the I. psalme should be purged by hym lest for the syn of our conception we shulde be caste into eternall death he therefore whiche doth beleue that Christe was cōceyued by the holy ghoste in the womb of the virgyn his mother for hys cause may trewly get and vendicate vnto him selfe purely the conception of Christe euē in lyke case as al other thyngs whiche Christe didde for Christe is all ours and all thynges which Christ dyd they be to be accompted in the self same place as if we had done them our selues the which thynges when we haue certifyed oure selues in wee can neuer be trow beled in anye other thynge anye more Christe Iesus whiche is oure lord hath alwaye rule in vs and euen the same which was conceyued by the holy ghoste clense throughly our vnpure conceptyon and gyue vs his grace to beleue that vndoubtedly it is all made cleane bye him So be it The fourth sermon domesticall to their chyldren of Christes byrthe A Few dayes a go welbeloued children ye haue hearde that the churche of Christe doth beleue y t he is y e son of god y t euerlastyng god w t the eternall god the father in lyke power as the father Row when Christe the sonne of god also is very man it foloweth in the belief I beleue in Iesus Christe which was borne of Mary the Virgyn And here is great occasion gyuen vnto me to speake largely of the byrthe of Chryste But when y t he is dyligentely written of by one of the Euangelystes and fyrst of Sainct luke .ij. Chapter Thyther will I sende you And at this tyme we will fyrste intreate what it is to beleue Christ to be borne of Mary the Virgin It is to declare brieflye nothynge else then to beleue that Christe is the sonne of God takyng very humaine flesh of the Virgin he was borne trew man and y t euen of the holy Virgin whose flower of chastitie was not taken awaye no chaunged neither before the byrthe neither in the byrthe neyther after y e byrth And for this cause I do beleue that this thynge was done that he should cleane pourge as well my vnpure natiuitie as al other mens and that he shouldbe that promised seede vnto Abrahā our father in the which as well I as all other men be blessed that is that we should folow the remyssion of oure synnes and an eternall lyfe and that we shoulde be deliuered from the power of the denyll And fyrste we muste heere marke y t euery man must ve●dycate and chalenge vnto hym the natiuitie of Chryst and y t Chryste was borne of the Virgyn Mary for his cause and he muste make hys soule to beleue that his natiuytie is truely pourged and made clene by Christes natyuitte and for to folowe the eternall saluation And that this was no hyndrance vnto him for this syngeth dayly the church onles our lyttell sonne Christ had byne born vnto vs we should haue perysued for euermore for this cause for that we were conceyued in synne and bor●● i● synne And as Paul to the Ephesians y ● ij chap. saith We are borne y e childrē of wrathe that is wee of oure owne strength do performe this one thyng for the which thinge god is angry with vs and doth condempne vs. Christ therfore is borne that we beyng the chyldren of wrathe shoulde be made well beloued chyldren of god by hys holy natyuytie and that he shoulde wasshe awaye the fylthynes of oure synnes of our vnpure natiuytie throughe hys holy natiuytie Paul to the Galathyaus y e iiij Cha. de clareth briefly wherfor crist was borne when he sayethe But when the fulnes of tyme was come God sent his sonne made of a womā that those which were gyltie vnder the law he shoulde redeme that we should be taken for hys sonnes by adoption Saynt Paul meaneth here in hys saying when the tyme was fulfil led that Christe shoulde be sente here in to this worlde god the father not being requested nor prouoked through our de seruynges but through his vnspeakeable mercy towardes man kynde sente not aunge● nor Prophete but his son not that the sonne shoulde here loke after his own cōmodities profites but y t he shoulde vendycate and chalenge vs from condemnation of the lawe which could not make amendes for our owne selues by our owne deseruynges for y e which he dyd abundantly make am●nds for vs and he beyng the trew lambe of God should take awaye oure synnes Ihon the fyrste Chapter y t so by Christ the onely naturall sonne of god we the whiche shoulde beleue in
partly for that in fewe of vs there is true faith that there shalbe a resurrection of y ● dead for if this faithe were strong in vs truly it could not be but y ● we shuld willingly dye but that this sentence of y ● resurrection which shalbe of the dead may bee made to you more familyer and y ● it once well vnderstand myght make you the willynglyer to departe this presente lyfe we shall speake a fewe wordes at this present time of it We saye therfore in our belief I beleue the resurrection o● the flesh where by this flesh vnderstand you this our body as you myghte saye I beleue that this my very body shall at lengthe ryse agayne or I beeleue the resurrection of this bodye Wherefore exercise your mynde to beleue this that our body which now here we see shalbe raised again but the condition qualitie ●hanged as I may vse the wordes of S. Cyprian For why this our bydy y ● shal rise shalbe incorruptible and immortall not only the iuste as S. Cyprian saieth but the sinners also The iuste truely for because they shal euer tarry with christ and y ● sinners without any remedy shal euer tarry in euerlasting payn .i. Corint .xv. chap. For this corruptible body must put on incorruption and this mortall bodye must put on immortalitie Iob xix chapter I know that my redemer liueth and in the latter daye I shall ryse from the earth and againe I shalbe couered with my skynne and in my fleshe I shall see God whom euen I my selfe shall see and myne eyes shall loke vpon Furthermore of the resurrection y ● shall be of the dead there be many goodly testimonies in holy scripture Ezech .xxxv. chap. saith Behold I shal open your sepulchres and shal bring you out of your sepulchres Daniel .xii. cha And many of those whiche slepe shall come out of the dust of the earth some to euerlasting life some to their rebuke that they maye alway see Christ saith Iohn .i. The houre shall come in the whiche all that be in y ● graues shall heare his voyce and those which haue done good shal go to the resurrectiō of life and those that haue done cuyll to the resurrection of condēnation Matt .xxii. Christ saith also of the resurrection of the dead haue ye not red that it hath bene said vnto you of god which saith I am the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Iacob God is not the god of the dead but of y ● liuyng And vnto those apply y ● saiyng of Paul .i. Corint .xv .i. Thessa .iiii. and Philip .iij. Chapter In the whiche places there be goodlye testimonyes of the resurrection y ● shalbe of the dead But here perchaūce ye would saye and how and after what sort shall the resurrection of the dead be To these words doth Paul make vs answere and say .i. Corint .xv. chap .i. Thess .iiii. chap. We tell you verily this thyng as the word of the Lorde that we which liue and shalbe least to the commyng of the lord shall not preuente and come before those whiche doo slepe For y ● same lord with a commaundemēt the voyce of the Archaungell and the trumpette of god should descend from heauen those that be dead in Christ shal rise first then we which do liue which shalbe left shalbe taken together with them in y ● cloudes in the ayre to the meatyng of y ● lord and so shal we be alway with the Lorde these be the wordes of S. Paul when he addeth at the latter ende so shall we be alwai with the lord ▪ he declareth how much ioye remaineth to those which die in Christ that at length thei shall ryse to euerlastyng life Furthermore he declareth what we shall doo after that we are relieued we shall come out of y ● earth to immortalitie euerlasting life or we being yet aliue shalbe changed to immortalitie with y ● which thoughtes if our hert shal sōtimes be occupied we shal easily etolerate beare this death whiche maie be a meane vnto vs to an immortalitie euerlastyng lyfe The cause y ● we do ryse christ through his holy resurrectiō hath beserued for us y ● no man should think y ● it cōmeth of his own workes Of y ● whiche Paul doth speake .i. Cor .xv. Chap. in other places of his epistles of y ● which I haue made mētiō a litle before now 〈…〉 shall 〈…〉 in a 〈…〉 y●e ●or 〈…〉 gloriouse 〈…〉 chap. Whi●● 〈…〉 scarce half holy and 〈…〉 y ●●●y ●ost do●h daily 〈…〉 his protection doth 〈…〉 stes churche the ●org 〈…〉 s vntyll suche tyme as we 〈…〉 o an o●her lyfe in the whiche 〈…〉 made 〈…〉 an● and holye and ●h●● we shal●● deliuered frō sinne deat● and from a● euils in our body whiche shalbe immortall and incorrupryble God that is our mercifull father gra●●●e that we may see one another ●oyfully and gladly in that day and that w● may perpetually remayn with our head Christ to whō be prayse 〈…〉 the holy 〈…〉 The sixtenth Sermon Domesticall to their children of the life euerlastyng THere both remayn nowe the last article of our belief as ye knowe wel beloued chyldren of y ● which although we did sum what sprake in the last sermon yet for all that we will common wich a few wordes of it at this present tyme. I therfore in the belief saye I befour the life euerlastyng with y ● which wordes I confesse that I beleue that after that I shall ryse from deathe to lyfe that I shall neuer dye but that I shall haue euerlastyng lyfe with Christe our head whiche is declared openlye in the holy scriptures Daniel .xii. chap. sayeth And many of those whiche slepe shall amake from out of the doust of the earth some to life euerlastynge some to theyr rebuke or punishment that they myght alway see Oseas .xiii. chap. I shall delyuer them out of the handes of death and shall redeme them from death Ezechiel xxxiii Chapter I liue saith the Lorde I wyll not the death of a synner but that he should be conuerted and line .i. Thess iiii chap sayeth that we shall be alwaye with the lord from the resurrection and death therfore we shall liue perpetually with hym But here some men woulde say But what shall this eternall life be Esai .lxvi. chapter sayeth In this place where he maketh mention of the last resurrection of the dead then shalbe a Saboth day of a saboth day and a moneth of a moneth c That is to say then shal it perpetually be holy day and saynctes shal perpetually worship the lord that is they shall knowe the Lord and shal lyue without any spot of synne and shall dye no more And the same thyng doth Iob be are witnesse of sayeth in the sixte●ch cha I know that my redemer liueth c Whiche place I brought out in
when he sayeth who so euer shall beele●● and shall be baptised shall be saue● where ye heare that we are made apt by faith that we should vse that diuine water for our own necessitie that is that we may folowe a● length that thyng which is by that ●olso●e water whiche is mixed with the word and commaundement of God promised to vs and let not this be scrupulous with your conscience that the priest or mynister of the congregatiō doth geue into vs baptisme by y ● which we get suche vnspekeable gyftes for the pastour is the mynister of God and it is so with the when thou art baptysed of a minister as if thou shouldest be baptised of god hymself And this is the thyng y ● Christ speaketh of ▪ Matt. the last Chap ▪ Baptisyng them in the name of y ● father the sonne the holy ghost as he mighte say ●hose that are baptysed be not baptysed in the name of the minyster of the churche whiche doth minyster the baptisme but in the name of go● the father ●he sonne ▪ and the holy ghoste that is to 〈…〉 ●hen men be baptysed of you they ●● perswaded in th●●● myndes to beleue ●●●●●e so as though god shuld baptyse them and say with his own mouth Behold I baptise thee in my name and I forgeue the all thy sinnes and I receiue the into my fauour and I wil be thy defender alwayes but in the steade of an a●gmenter I wil adde alway this thing Baptisme in his owne signification and figure is taken for repentaunce which is the third sacrament as some mē affirme for repentance is to mortifie the old mā and to leade a newe lyfe Wherfore who soeuer is penitent and sory for those euyl actes that he doth in his lyfe tyme is alway occupyed in baptysme which doth not onely set foorth a newe lyfe but also doth worke beginneth alway to work yea and also is alway styrred to worke Therfore baptisme doeth indure euen so long as we haue any breath in our body For why although any man doth styde from it by synne yet for all that we may come to it agayn and mortifye the old● man that is to say wrath lecherie co●e●ousnes pryde vngodlynesse and other vices whiche we haue taken of the nati●itie of Adam Christ Iesu the author of baptysme geue vnto vs all that we may ●e made partakers of the fruites of baptisme and that we may continue in hym so long as we here liue So be it ❧ The .xviii. Domesticall or ho●sholde sermon to their chyldren of the supper of the Lorde GOd accustometh for y ● most part welbe loued chyldren to adde vnto his holy promises certain signes y ● the● should alway be the more redie in our remembrance shoulde admonish vs of his holy promise for in like case whā god had promised Noe. Gene .ix. ch That he would no more after this subuert and drowne the vniuersal world with water He addeth vnto his promes an heauenly signe namely a raine bow In like case Gene .xvi. When God had promised Abraham his blessyng whiche should remain to al nations by his sede he did adde vnto it the signe of circūcisiō the signe of the righteousnes of faith as Paul saith Rom .iiii. chap. In the new● testament Christ the sonne of God dy● adde vnto his promise of remissiō of synnes and life euerlastyng signes baptism and the supper of the lord Of the which supper we purpose at this time by gods grace to speake a fewe words And fyrst marke the sacrament of the bodye the bloud of our Lord is called by many names For Paul .i. Corint .xi. chap. calleth it the supper of the Lorde whiche supper we do represent whē we haue takē that sacrament whiche Christe euen at y ● present tyme goyng to his death for vs did begyn with his disciples in the euening It is called the sacrament of thākes geuyng because it is instituted by this name to be a sacramēt as Chriso ▪ saith Let vs geue thankes vnto Christe for his ineffable benefites whiche he hath bestowed vpon vs by his moost bitter passyon It is called a communion for that the supper of the Lorde was woonte ●o bee solemnysed in and amonge the congregation of Chrysten people they beeyng once gathered together Therefore learne what is the supper of the lord and then wherfore it was instituted of Christ and what profites we do receiue by it and last who oughte to bee admitted vnto this supper The supper of the lord is when Christ said vnto his disciples take and eate this is my bodie whiche is geuen for you this is my blud whiche is shed for you in the remyssion of sinnes To the whiche wordes Christ addeth breade and wine with the which the faithful receyue his very bodye and his very bloud spiritually which .ii. sygnes be as seales that the words of christ be agreable vnto the trewth Wherfore was this sacramente instituted for two causes welbeloued chyldren firste that we should not doubte that there is geuē to vs truely whiche the gospel doth promise vs that is the remission of synnes and lyfe enerlastynge for Iesu Chrystes sake then that we shoulde declare our fayth before the world for before god it is sufficient for vs to beleue the ghospel ▪ but for because God suffereth vs here to lyue for this cause that we should be profitable to all men and the faythe that is hydden in our hartes we shoulde shewe outwardly before men He hath instituted to vs baptisine and the supper of the lord by the whiche figurs ▪ y ● world doth know that we are Christians But here ye myght say perchaunce Is not Baptisme sufficient for vs Wherfore should we receyue the supper of the lord ▪ seyng that we myght by baptisme be admonished of the remission of our sinnes and the lyfe euerlastyng by Christ and thus declare our profession But here ye welbeloued chyldren by baptisme truely we are reuiued and regenerated firste as ye haue heard in the sermon before Sence we can not here put of the olde skynne and for the moast part are throwen into dyuerse stormes of temptations Christe hath left here vnto vs in spirite and faith to receiue his body and his bloud with the whiche we maye make strong oure faith against so many assaultes of temptations and so by thē to be strengthened more and more I thinke ye loke for now that I should shewe to you what commodities or frutes we do receiue by y ● sacrament of the body and blude of Christ and for because I will be shorte this sacrament ledeth vs to two commodities one is for that it maketh vs brethrē ●●●●oheyrs of Iesu Christ so that of hym ● vs together there is one house an other cōmoditie is that we are roupled among our sehies with mutual loue and charytie by this sacrament and we are cōpelled one to loue an other whiche .ii. fruites of this sacrament