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A01570 The ground of Christianitie composed in maner of a dialogue between Paule and Titus, contayning all the principall poyntes of our saluation in Christ. Gee, Alexander. 1584 (1584) STC 11697; ESTC S103007 79,776 112

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payd in Christ yet seeing there can no vnrighteousnesse dwell vvith God how canst thou stand before Gods iudgement seat as righteous seeing thou haste no righteousnesse but such as is stayned vvith so many sinnes TI. I stand as iust and righteous before the throne of God not clothed with mine ovvne righteousnesse vvhich I haue vvrought in mine ovvne perperson but with the f 1 Cor 1 30. 2. Corin. 5. 27. righteousnesse of Iesus Christ vvhich righteousnesse beeing taken hold vpon by a g Abac. 2. ● rom 3. 28. ios 3. 18. gal 2. 16. 3 11. eph 2. 8. true and liuely fayth is made mine Thus am I iust in the sight of God not in respecte of mine ovvne vvorkes vvhich I haue vvrought but taking holde vpon Christes workes to be mine by fayth PA. Doth not this make men runne into all sinne and vvickednesse TI. No for this true fayth as soone as it is wrought The summe of our fayth One God in distinct persons in vs through the holy a Ioh. 3. 3. 5 eph 4. 20 21. 8. col 3. 9 10. rom 6. 6. 12. 12. ghost doth frame our harts anew and causeth vs to b Rom 7. 23. detest hate loth and abhorre sinne in all men but specially in our selues make vs to haue our whole c Rom 5. 11. delight and ioye in those thinges which be agreeable to Gods will and causeth vs also to d Rom. ● 11. 12. mat 7. 17. ioh 15. 5. expresse the same in our life and conuersation or el●e it is no true fayth but a e Iam. 2 17. deade fayth PA. Rehearse the ●umme of this fayth TI. I beleeue in God the father almighty c. PA. VVhy m●kest thou mention of God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost seeing there is but one God TI. As the scripture teacheth vs most plainely that there is but one God so likewise it teacheth vs that in this dinine essence three persons do subsist being in deede distinct in their seuerall properties the father f Ma●h 3. 16. 28. 19. 1. ioh 5. 7. the sonne and the holy Ghoste which three persons are one God g Act. 17. 22. deut 4. 12. 1. cori 12. 11. eternall infinite most perfect in it selfe And when God shall giue vs such eies as shall be able to see the glorious maiestye of his Godhead then we shall haue also such heauenly wisedome as shall easily perceiue the distinction of the persons In the meane while vve vvill beleeue the truth of his eterna●l worde and hate and detest all contraty heresies PA. God grant vnto vs all this sobrietie But tell me now what beleeuest thou concerning God the Father TI. Firste I beleeue that God the Father through Christ into h Io● 1. 12. rom 8. 1. 11. galac 3. 26. whose body I am grafted by fayth is not onely a i Rom. 8 25. 16 2 Corin. 6. 18. father of other faithfull but euen my father and therefore loueth k Rom. 5. 8. 9. ●s● 54. 6. 7. 8. me Secondly that he Christ God and man Christ our Lord and Sauiour is almighty that is that he hath all a Esa 45 5 6. 7. 12 46 10. 11. power in his hande guiding and ruling all things so that nothing can be done in b Amos. 3. 6. psa 139. 7. 8. 9. 10. heauen earth nor hell without his prouidence PA. VVhat beleeuest thou concerning God the Sonne TI. I beleue that Iesus Christ is one God c Rom. 9. 5. 1. ●●h 10. 11. in sub stance vvith the Father and the holy Ghoste took d Rom. 1. 3. math 1. 20. flesh of the virgine and is become perfect man as I am in all things sinne onely excepted e Heb. 2. 14. 15 and in my nature hath wrought for me whatsoeuer is needeful for my saluation PA. VVhat meaneth the name Iesus TI. Iesus is as much to say a f Math. 1. 21. Sauiour because he hath saued his people from their sinnes PA. VVhy is he called Christ TI. Because he was ordayned of the Father and was annointed of the holy g Eph 4. 7. ioh 3. 34. luk 4. 18. Ghost the highest prophet and Doctor vvhich hath opened vnto vs the secrete counsell and all the vvill of his Father concerning our redemption and deliueraunce and the h Heb. 9. 26. 28. 7. 25. highest priest who with one sacrifice offering of his body and no mo hath appeased Gods vvrath bought vs againe and continually maketh intercession for vs to his Father and a king vvhich gouerneth vs by his worde and his spirite and defendeth and keepeth the saluation vvhich vve haue gotten by him PA. In vvhat respect sayest thou that hee is our Lord. TI. Not onely because we are his creatures but chiefly because he buying i 1 Cori. 6. 20. againe our bodies and souls from sinne not k 1. Pet. 1. 18. 19. Act. 20. 28. Apo. 5. 9. with gold nor siluer but with Christ is our Lord. Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate Crucified dead and buried his precious bloud and also deliuering them from the captiuity and tyranny of the diuell to set them in full spirituall liberty and to leade and gouerne them as a spirituall king and to make them partakers vvith him of his heauenly kingdom hath a Mala. 1. 6. claymed vs for his ovvne proper Seruaunts and peculier people vvhich he hath vvoon to him selfe and can by right belong to none other Lord or master PA. VVhat meanest thou when thou sayest He suffered vnder Ponce Pilate TI. Because the maner of death which men doe suffer by the sentence of the Iudge and vnder the title of Iustice is more b Deut. 21. 23. philip 2. 8. gal 2. 13. shamefull slaundrous and terrible then if a man shoulde dye naturally in his bed therefore Christe tooke on him our person to shevv him selfe before an c Psal 2. 2. act 4. 27. 28. earthly Iudge and to be condemned by the d Math. 27. 26. iohn 19. 1. 13. 19. mouth of Pilate he beeing then Iudge that thereby vve might be cleared before the iudgement seat of God PA. VVhat meanest thou vvhen thou sayest Christ vvas crucified dead and buried TI. I meane that he payde the whole and full satisfaction for our sinnes which he tooke vpon him he vvas bound to vnbinde vs condemned to e Esa 53 12. Rom. 1. 8. 1. Pet. 2. 24. deliuer vs he suffred great and infinite shame to deliuer vs from all confusion hee vvas nayled f Colos 2. 14. luk 23. 33. on the Crosse to fasten thereon our sinnes he dyed and sustained the cursse and malediction which was g Gal. 3. 13. 14. due to vs to appease the vvrath of God for euer by his onely oblation once made he was h Math. 27. 57. 58. mark 15. 43. luk 23. 52. ioh 19. 40. buried to approue and verifie his death and to
thy vvhole Church in guiding it into all trueth and defending The manner and order how we should pray it from the rage of enemyes that all may know that thou O Lorde doest reigne in all ages to the behoofe of thy Church and terrour of thine enemies Exercise O Lorde thy kingdome seuerally in euery one of vs thy children beating downe and a Rom 6. 6. rom ● 10 11. killing in vs our olde Adam vvith all sinnefull delights and wroldly cares and renue in vs dayly our spirituall inward man to righteousnes and innocency of life that all our delight and ioy may be in those thinges 3. Petiti●n vvhich are acceptable in thy sight Graunt moste deare Father that we may all willingly b Luk. 22. 4● tit 2. 12. 1. pet 4. 2. resigne our selues vnto thee without al murmuring whatsoeuer thou shalt doe and that vnto the very death we refuse not to followe thy diuine vvill in all thinges Vouchsafe we beseech thee Oh gratious God to 4. Petition giue minister to vs of thy great ritches al things c Psal 145. 15. 154. 27. necessary for this pore and miserable life that vve may the more freely serue thee both in that greate calling of Christianity wherevnto thou hast called all of vs and also in those seueral and particular callings wherein thou hast placed euery one of vs that vve may d Gen. 3. 19. eph 4. 18. 5 Petition 1. 〈◊〉 e● 2● 10. walke so good Lord both in the one and in the other that thy holy name may be glorified in both And for asmuch as the whole course of our lyfe is almost nothing else but a continual breaking of thy holy lawes and commaundementes whereby we iustly deserue thy seuere iudgements and dreadfull punishmentes we heartely pray thee O thou king of holynes to behold thy litle one which was borne for vs and giuen to vs that gaue him selfe to death and made his prayers for offendours Looke vpon the grieuous sufferings of the Redeemer and forgiue the sinnes of vs that are redeemed Voucesafe The manner and order how we shonld pray good Father to take and accepte the paynefull death bitter passion and precious bloudss●●ing of thy vvelbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord● for a iust recompence and ful satisfaction of al our 〈◊〉 that our a 1. Ioh. 2. 12. 1. ioh 5. 19. 20. eph 2. 12. rom 8. 15. 38. 19. consciences may bee quiet and we haue hope that our sinnes be pardoned and clean blotted out of memory euen as we pardon all b Math. 5. 23. 24. rom 12. 19 who●oeuer haue offended vs. c 6. Petition Lastly seing the enemies that we haue to vvrastle vvith be many fold that we haue not to striue vvith fleshe and bloud but against the d Ephe. 6. 12. diuels themselues and therefore considering their strength and our weaknesse their craft and our simplicitie their vvarchfulnes our sluggisnnes their long experience and our rawnes their preparation and our nakednesse and that vve haue not only nothing to helpe vs but also doe carry about vs our ovvne concupiscence ready to betraye vs into the hands of our enemies vve e Rom. 16. 20. 2. tim 4. 17. 18. eph 6. 10. 11. 1 Cor. 10. 13. 2. pet 29. humbly beseech thee O holy father to graunt that vve be not vtterly led into temptation the reby to be lost but in all perils of temptation and in the middest of the stormye tempests of tribulation let vs thy children perceiue and feele thy fatherly succour ready to helpe vs and speedely to furnishe vs from aboue giuing vs the strength of thy holy spirit in the inner man and reaching vnto vs the f Ephe. 6. 13. complet harnesse of thy grace vvhere with vve beeing armed on both sides maye bee prepared at all assaies agaynste all assaultes of our enemyes Oh heauenly Father bring vs not further into the battell vvith our spirituall enemies then vve by thy ayde shall bee able to vvithstande and ouercome Strengthen vs vvith thy holy Spirite and increase our fayth that vve maye ouercome The conclusion A briefe summe of all that is sayde the vvorld and quench the fierie darts of satan and so at the last be partakers of thy glory and for euer haue the fruition of celestiall delectations accompanied vvith Angelles and blessed Saintes through the helpe benigmty and grace of thy only sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ to a Tim. 1. 17. apoc .. 11. 5. 12. 13. 1. chron 29. 10. 11. vvhome and to thee our father and the holy ghoste one God of most glorious maiestie bee all honour praise and glory now and euermore Amen PA. And vvhy is this added for thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen TI. Not onely to kindle b 1. Pet. 5. 11. apoc 17. 12. in our hearts to desire the glory of God but also to teach vs that this praier is grounded vppon none other then God onely and that we shoulde not thinke the kingdome of God to bee vveake and voyde of force and might Also that he onely is to bee honored praised and glorified and that his power is infinite perpetuall euerlasting And in this word c Deut. 27. 15. 1. chro 16. 36. nehem 8. 7. psal 106. 47. Amen is expressed the ●eruent desire to obteine those things which vve aske of God and our hope is confirmed that those thinges vvhich we aske are graunted vnto vs by vvhich our consciences are pacified and so vve ende our prayers PA. Tell me now briefly the effect of all that thou hast confessed TI. By the tenne commaundementes I see my sinne and hovv I haue deserued the vvrath of God and euerlasting damnation from vvhich because I coulde not bee deliuered by mine ovvne strength the holy ghost by the preaching of the Gospel hath vvrought in me fayth in Christe my Redeemer A Godly Prayer by vvhich I am assured that hee hath borne the punishment of my sinnes and made me heire with him of euerlasting life And of this that I shoulde neuer doubt he hath giuen me two Sacraments as outvvarde signes and tokens to be seene and felt of me that as surely as I see my selfe made partaker of them outvvardly so the holy ghost invvardly instructing me I shoulde not doubt but invvardly to be partaker of Christ him selfe with al his benefites that in him and through him I shall haue life euerlasting And thus beeing regenerate by the holye Ghost my vvayes shoulde be directed by the same spirite to vvalke in righteousnesse and holinesse all the dayes of my life FINIS A Prayer contayning the effect of that which goeth before ALmighty God most mercifull Father I see in thy blessed lawes and commaundementes the greatnes of my sinne and the dreadfull punishment due for the same yea a 1. King 8. 46. 2. chron 6 36. eccle 7. 21. 1. iohn 1. 7. I
must haue made satisfaction vnto God abyding punishment for all VVhat it is to giue glory to God mankinde God gaue his ovvne Sonne who taking manhood vpon him hath in the same satisfied the righteousnes of God and therefore is the pra●se of righteousnes vvorthily attributed to God for the birth of Christ our Lord. a Fortitude of God Gen. 3. 15. nehem 9 30. esai 28. 2. 49. 26. iere 50. 34. His puissance is commēded in that hee hath through Christe ouercome the Serpent and his seede yea and rooted out his kingdome so farre foorth as petteyneth vnto all them that take holde by faith vppon this Iesus that is borne b Mercy of God Psal 145. 8. ionas 4. 2. esai 55. 7. His mercifulnes shineth in this that by his sonne and for his sonnes sake he taketh againe into fauour mankinde forlorne and oppressed by the tyranny of the diu●l and ouerwhelmed with exceeding great miseries calamities death hel and damnation This mercifulnes of God exceedeth all the workes of God which both the good Angels and elect men shall set out euerlastinglye yea and the very diuels shall acknowledge though ag●inst their willes His truth is made manifest in this that bearing Gods trueth Psal 100. 4. 117. 2. 119. ●0 in minde his promises of olde time he performeth that which he had promised long agoe for at such time as our first parents fell into sin he promised them the c Gen. 3. 15. galat. 4. 4. seede of the woman which shoulde tread downe the heade of the serpent and this promise he fulfilleth now in giu●ng vs his son For these vertues therefore glory is to be giuen to God and God glori●ied that especially by those that feele his benefits This glory is then rightly yeelded vnto him First assoone as we acknowledge this vvonderful benefit of God Secondly vvhen vve imbrace his Sonne by fayth Thirdly when vve prayse God vvith minde vvith voyce vvith conf●ssion and vvith behauiour and fourthly vvhen vve allure as many ●s vve can to the A Generall Fayth The meaning of the word Symboll knovvledge of him PA. VVhat is the meaning of the vvorde Symboll TI. A Symboll by interpretation is a badge marke vvatchvvord a Ioh. 13. 35. tokē or ensigne of acknovvledging vvhereby the Souldiours of one side are knovvn from the enemies It signifieth also the part that is gathered of euery man in any thing as when euery man giueth his shotte This conf●ssion of sayth is called by this name for these tvvo causes First because it containeth as chosen and gathered together into a summe the chief points of the doctrine set forth by the Apostles vvhome Iesus Christ hath giuen and sent as vniuersall Doctours of the vvorld Secondly for that this doctrine is the true marke vvherby euery man that voucheth the same yeeldeth a certaine testimony that he is a member of the Christian Church as the men of vvarre declare by the ensigne vvhich they beare vvhat prince they belong vnto and serue PA. VVhat difference is there betvvene general and true faith TI. Generall Fayth Iam. 2. 19. The generall fayth is that vvhich crediteth the vvord of God that is vvhich beleeueth al those thinges to be true that are contained in the Scriptures concerning God his incomprehensiblenes povver righteousnes vvisdome mercy tovvards the faythfull and godly most earnest seuerity tovvard the vnbeleeuing and vngodly and likevvise al other True Fayth 1. Tim. 5. thinges taught in the Scriptures But the true faith goeth further as I shall shevv by by for thus farre not onely vngodly men but also the very diuels do b Iam. 2. 19. beleeue and therefore neither are they in deede Of true Fayth faythfull nor are so called But the true fayth as it nothing doubteth that al things taught in the vvord of God are most certainely true so doth it also imbrace the a Gen. 15. 6. rom 4. 3. 23. heb 11. 11. promises made concerning the mercy of God the father and the forgiuenesse of sinnes to the faithfull through Iesus Christ vvhich promises are properly called the Gospell vvhich fayth vvhosoeuer haue they doe not onely feare God as the most mighty Lorde of all and the most righteous iudge vvhich the most part of the vngodly and the diuels thēselues doe but also they loue him as their most bountif●ll and mercifull father vvhom as they trauell in all things to please as becommeth obedient children vvith godly indeuours works which are called the fruites of faith so haue they b Eph. 3. 12. a good and sure hope of obteining pardon through Christe vvhen as men they svvarue from his vvill for they knovve that Christ vvhom they trust vppon appeasing the vvrath of his father their sinnes shall c Rom 4 8. psalm 32 1. neuer bee impured any more vnto them then if the same had neuer been committed and though them selues haue not satisfied the lavv and their du y tovvardes God and men yet beleeue they that Christ vvith his most full obseruing of the lavv hath abundauntly satisfied God for them and are persvvaded that by this his righteousnesse and obseruing of the lavv of God themselues are accounted in the number state of the d Rom 8 16. heb 10. 22. 23. 1 Ioh 4. 13. 19. righteous and that they are beloued of God euen as if thēselues had fulfilled the lavv And this e Rom. 3 22 4. 9. gal 2. 16. eph 2. 8. is the iustification vvhich the holy Scriptures declare that vve obtaine by faith These thinges can not be in the diuels or in vvicked men for though they feare or rather vvith horror do dread Additions Fayth defined Adam and Christ opposed God as moste mightye and righteous for that they knovv he vvill take vengeance of their vngodlines yet can they neither haue any trust in his goodnesse and mercy tovvardes them nor any recourse to his grace nor enter into any endeuour to obey his will Therefore their faith although they doubt not of the truth of the vvorde of God is a Iam. 2. 26. called a deade fayth for that like a drye and deade stocke it neuer bringeth foorth any fruites of Godly life that is of loue to God and charity towardes men PA. VVhat is true fayth TI. There is but b Ephe. 4. 5. one fayth or confidence in God which fayth is the c Math. 13 11. 16 17. mark 9 23. 24. luke 17. 5. iohn 1. 13. 6. 44. 65. acts 16. 14. 22. 14. rom 12. 3. 1 cor 2. 5. eph 2. 8. 6. 23. philip ● 29. colloss 2. 12. 2. thes 1 3. 3. 2. hebr 12 2. 2. pet 1. 3. 1. iohn 5. 20. gift of God euen as our saluation likewise is This faith is not the onely bare notice or acknowledge of God and the historye of the Gospel but the assured consent and vndoubted beliefe of the heart to and in the
stead shew the a 1. Cor. 11. 26 fruite of our Lords passion to all that heare the gospel Againe when the benefite of the Lordes passion is thus offered as it vvere by the hande of God it must be receiued by faith as it vver● a certaine hand of man the vvhich faith the b Rom. 10. 17. ep●e 1. 18. 19. 1. cor 12. 5. 9. 11. ioh 17. 20. rom 14 17. 1. t●m 3 15. 1 cor 1. 21. holy ghost worketh in men that heare the Gospell and obey c Gen. 17. 11. exod 12. 3. 4. rom 4 11. Furthermore it is sealed vp vvith eyther Sacrament of Baptisme and of the Lordes Supper and the strength and vse therof is painted out as it were in tables Therefore vvhen thou rehersest the article of thy belee●e concerning the passion of the Lord persuade thy selfe firmely beleeue most assuredly that the sonne of God suffered death for thee vvhich thing if thou doe thou art partaker of the Lordes death in so much that all the vvhole obedience of Christe is thy acquitall from d 1. Cor 1. 30. sinne and rhy righteousnesse But there is a double obedience to bee marked in Christe his obedience of the Crosse e Gala. 3. 13. and his obedience of the Lavve vvhich vvas his perfecte fulfilling of the same Like as his obedience to the Crosse is our cleansing from sinne ● f Eph. 2. 15. colos 2. 14. so his obedience of the law is imputed to vs for our righteousnes The fifth is that vvhen we be thus made partakers of the Lords passion through faith it vvill come to our remembrance Additions Christes passion and resurrection what is the lot of the Godly in this life for like as Christ hath suffered so will hee haue the rest of the godly to a Rom. 8. 28. 1. thes 1 6 1 pet 4 13 phil 1 29. 1 pet 1 11. 2. 21. 2 tim 2 11. hebru 6 8. suffer that they may be conformable to the image of the sonne of God For therfore do we suffer with him that we may be glorified together with him Rom. 8. The sixt is that wee shall call to minde what thing Christ is who hath redeemed vs with his own bloud require th at our hands for now sith wee are redeemed by him vve must obey him VVhat willeth he First that we should renounce his enemy the diuel b Iohn 8 11. rom 6 4 12. heb 12 1. 1. pe 4 2. 1. ioh 1 6. Secondly that vve shoulde fly sinne that we offende not God againe wittinglye and willingly with our sinnes Thirdly that wee giue our selues to holinesse and Godlynesse and that vvee serue him in true feare c Luk. 1 75 Ieuit. 11 44 esa 52 11 rom 6. 4. ephes 1. 4 phil 1 10 2. 15. col 1 22 1. thes 4 3 1. pet 1. 15. 1. ●ohn 3. 3. all the dayes of our life vvhich thing if wee doe wee shall obtaine the end of our faith that is the euerlasting saluation of our soules which God the father grant vnto vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen PA. Shevve me thy iudgement of the resurrection of Christ TI. VVhiles that wee are yet in this mortall life wee must to the vttermost of oure povver expresse this ●ayth and beleefe that we haue in the d Act. 1. 2. 10 40. 1. cor 15 5 6 resurrection of Christ and of our rising again through him in our conuersation and liuing walking still a newe life which in this world is to rise againe with Christ as S. Paule testifieth saying VVe e Act. 2 38 col 2. 12. rom 6. 3. gal 3. 27 are ●uried with him by baptism for to dye that likewise as Christe was raised from death by the glory of his father euē so wee shoulde also walke in a new life For if wee be gra●t in death like vnto him euen so must we be in the resurrection These words shall the e●sio● bee vnderstanded if we● will consider and marke that Additions Of Christ es resurrection the vvhole life of our Sauiour Christ ought to serue vs in steede of an example or paterne vvhereby vve should make our selues conformable vnto him spiritually in those things that haue been truly and really or in very deede fulfilled in his body and can in no vvise be fulfilled in ours as for an exāple our sauiour Christ hath ben conceiued by the holy ghost born of the virgin Mary he hath been crucified and put to death he did rise againe the third day ascēded into heauen Al those things can not be performed not fulfilled in our bodyes as they vvere in his But let vs endeuour our selues that our spirit or invvard man may be fashioned made conformable vnto him in these things a Psal 51. 6 gen 6 5 8. 11. heb 15. 16 roman 3. 4. Our bodies are conceiued and borne in sinne not by the holy Ghost nor in the vvomb of a virgin as our sauiour Christ was but they are conceiued by the carnal copulation of man and vvoman and of corruptible seede That vve may therfore be conformable vnto him in this point let vs come vnto his true Church and beleeue his gospell vvhen vve be in the true church of Christ vvhich is both our mother a chast virgin vve shall be b 1. Pet. 1 23 conceiued begotten in it by the incorruptible seede of the vvorde of God our heauenly father and by the vertue of his holy spirite shal be borne againe the children of God made nevv creatures vve shal put off the olde man put on the nevv bearing the image of the nevv Adam vvhich is Iesus christ as we haue c 1. Cor. 1. 5 born the image of the old Adam and of the man of sin After that we be thus conceiued by the holy ghoste borne of a virgin which is the true church spouse of our sauiour Christ the residue of our life must also be conformable Additions A mortifiyng of the flesh vnto the life of our Sauiour Christ as o●● spiritual conception birth is VVe be not crucified and put to death as he was but we doe learne of him to beare the a Math. 11 29 crosse with him and to be crucified vnto the vvorld that the vvorld may be crucified vnto vs as S. Paule vvryteth of him selfe But to be b Galat. ● 5. 24. 6. 14. crucified and dead vnto the vvorld is to be crucified and deade vnto sinne and to bee crucified and dead vnto sinne is to forsake sinne and to be no more a seruaunt vnto it then the dead be wont to serue the liuing For as the deade hath no more to doe vvith the liuing but are seperated from them so they be dead vnto the world that hath forsaken it to serue the liuing God c Rom. 6. 6. 13. 14. ●2 and that vvill not fashion them selnes after it nor walke after
God was offered vnto them and they haue reiected it through their ingratitude and vnbeleefe as though it had neuer beene offered vnto them yet in the meane time it is not altogether in vayne for it serueth to declare better the peruersity of men and to make them more inexcusable at the Iudgemente of God and to set forth the better his great iustice in their iust condemnation It then foloweth by that which hath beene sayd that those which are not called but onely by this outwarde calling are not also iustified nor consequently glorified PA. How hath God alwaies accustomed to vtter his will to men TI. By his c Psal 119. 10● deut 4. 2. 5. 32 18. 5. 28. 14. 30. 12. 13. 14 15. 19. math 7. 2● 12. 50. 25 3. 2. cor 3. 6. 14 gal 3. 15. 17. vvorde and by some outvvard signe● for looke what the vvord putteth into mens ears to be conueied vnto the minde the same thing doth the signe set before the eyes to be seene to the intent that by them as it vvere with vvindovves a certein light might be conueyned in vnto the soul so as the vvorde and the signe might bee a double warrant audible visible the end drift of vvhich is all one Hovvbeit so as the interpretation of the signe is to bee fetched alvvaies out of the vvor●● alone How the sacrament is to be vnderstanded PA. VVhat meanest thou by this vvorde Sacrament TI. They be sacraments so called a Math. 3. 11 20. 26. 27 28. Mar. 16. 16 ioh 3. 5 Act. 2. 38. 8. 36. 37. 38. 1. Cor. 10. 16 11. 24 Gal. 3 26. 27 because there is in them seene one thing and vnderstanded another thing that vvhich is seene hath a bodilye kinde and shape that vvhich is vnderstanded hath a spirituall fruite And Christ is the b 1. Cor. 10. 2 3. 4. Rom. 4. 11 matter or if thou wilt the substance of all Sacraments forasmuch as in him they haue all their perfectnesse and do promise nothing without him yet in treating of sacramēts you must obserue a distinction for a sacrament not only signifieth that the figure and truth are there conteined but that they do not so hang togeather but that they may be serued and that in the very conioyning the thing mus●e alvvaye be discerned from the signe that vve giue not to the one that vvhich belongeth to the other The Sacramentes are common to al but the c Gen. 17. 23. Heb. 12. 16 Math. 26. 25 Act 8. 13 grace is not common vvhich is the povver of the sacramentes as in Baptisme the vvashing of regeneration is common to all but the grace it selfe vvhereby the members of Christe are regenerate is not common to all Let this remaine certaine that there is no other d Rom 4. 12. 1. Co 10 2 3 4 Rom 2 19. 1. Cor 2 11 10 5. 11 27 29. 1. Pet 3 21. Act. 15 89 office of the sacraments then of the vvord of God vvhich is to offer ●et forth Christ vnto vs and in him the treasures of the heauenly grace but they auayle or profite nothing but being receiued by e Ioh 11. 26 15. 5. 1. Cor. 10. 1 Ephe 3 17. faith euen as vvine or oyle or any other liquor though you povvre it on largely yet it vvill runne beside and perishe vnlesse the Vesselles mouth be open to receiue it and the vessell though it be vvet round about on the out side shall neuerthelesse remaine emptie and voyde vvithin Beside this vve must bevvare least vve shuld How the sacrament is to be vnderstanded thinke that there is some secrete povver knit and fastened to the a Hag 2 13 13 Math 3 11. 1. Cor 10 1 Ephe. 5 26 1. pet 3. 21. sacraments that they may of them selues giue vs the graces of the holy ghoste like as vvine is giuen in a cup vvhereas onely this office is appointed to them by God to testifie and stablish to vs the good vvil of God tovvards vs and do profite no further vnlesse the holy Ghost ioyn him selfe to them vvhich may open to our minds hearts make vs partakers of this testimony vvherin also do clearely appeare diuers and seuerall graces for the Sacraments are that thing to vs of God vvhich to man are messengers of ioyfull things or earnests in stablishing of bargins vvhich do not of themselues giue any b In the former places quoted grace but do tel and shew vs and as they be earnests and tokens doe ratifie vnto vs those thinges that are giuen vs by the liberality of God c Muse common places in the tit of Sacraments Attic 6 8 9 To this effect speketh Musculus As the sacramēts be signes of grace so do they signify grace as they be the seales of the iustice of Fayth so they do seal and confirme it and they do confirm vs not as the very ensealing spirite him selfe doth but as ensealing signes As they be figures and formes so in the outvvarde similitude they doe figure and represent the things signified as they be the first principles so do they first instruct in the principles as they bee remembrances so do they renue the benefits of the heauenly grace in the mindes of the faythfull for d Beza Confe cap. 4. Artic. 44 46. God him self vvith the most present povver of his Spirit is present vvith his owne institution least the ministration vvhich he hath ordeined of the sacraments shoulde be fruitlesse and vayne And therefore he truely perfourmeth in deed vvhatsoeuer he promiseth figureth in signes neyther do the sign● Of the nature of Baptism● want their effect that the authour of them may bee proued true faithful Here also it is to be noted that God inwardly vvorketh that which the minister figureth and testifieth by outvvard doing least that bee drawn to a mortall man which God claymeth to him selfe alone The same thing doth Augustine wisely touch How saith he doth both Moses sanctify and God not Moses for God but Moses vvith visible sacramentes by his ministery but God vvith inuisible grace by his holy spirite where also is the vvhole fruite of visible sacraments for vvithout this sanctification of inuisible grace vvhat doe those visible sacraments profite PA. VVhat meaneth Christe vvhen hee sayth Baptizing them into the name or in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holye Ghost TI. He doth not simply commaunde them to baptize such as do beleeue but to consigne them in a Math. 28. 19 mark 16. 15. baptism into the name that is to say into the possession right religion and grace of the father and of the sonne and of the holy spirit to be the people of God the partakers of his couenaunt and grace b Exod. 3. 14. psal 22. 22. Iohn 17. 6. math 7. 22 28. 19. iohn 1. 12. act 3 6. phil 2. 9. And if
to such as doe beleeue vvhich beleeuers are discerned from others by not walking after the fleshe but after the spirite to those I saye death is no dammage but aduauntage no dreadful thing but rather f Iob 6 8 9 desirable and of all messengers most mery whilest hee is looked vppon vvith the eyes of sayth in the Gospell PA. VVhat beleeuest thou of God the holye Ghost Of the holy Ghost TI. I do beleeue him to be the Lorde and giue● of life a Ioh 14 16 26. 16. 7. 15. rom 8. 9. 11. acts 5. 3. 4. 1. cor 12 5. 6. 3. 16. to proceede from the father and the sonne and to be of one substance vvith them beeing true b Esai 6. 7. 9. math 28. 18. actes 18. 25. 1 corin 3. 16. 6. 19. 2. cor 6. 16. 1. iohn 5. 7. God vvithout beginning and vvithout ending by vvhom the father vvorketh all things in the sonne by vvhom he doth create moue maintaine viu●fie and quicken all creatures by vvhome he doth call and dravv vnto him his elect and chosen renueth them into a new life iustifieth c Rom 1. 4 15. 16. 2. thes 2. 13. tit 3 5. ● pet 1. 2. sanctifieth them enricheth them vvith many and sundry d ● Cori. 12. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 2 10. giftes and also strengthneth them till they come to their perfect saluation vvho dwelling in vs doth vvith his light illuminate our mindes that vve may learne knovv perfectly vvhat treasure of Gods bounteous mercifulnesse vve doe possesse and enioy in Christe so that vvee maye by good right call him the e Ioh. 14. 17. 26. 16. 13 20. 22. 23 1. cor 2. 10. 11 13. 15. ephe ● 17. rom 8. 5. 9. keye vvherwith all the ritches of the heauenly kingdome is opened vnto vs the eye vvherwith vve see and beholde them And for this cause he is called sometimes the f 1. Cor. 1. 21. 5. 5. Galat. 4. 6. ●p● 1. 13 14. 4. 30. earnest pony and seale because he doth seale vp in our mindes and consciences the certitude or certainetie of Gods promises sometimes the g Math. 10. 20. mark 13. 11. luk 12 12. i●h● ●4 26. actes 24 17. actes 6. 10. 1. corin 2. 12. 12. 47. 1 iohn 2. 27. master and teacher of trueth the authour of lighte the VVell and Fountayne of vvisedome knovvledge and vnderstanding This is he that doth purge and cleanse vs from all filthinesse and ouer sprinkleth vs vvith his sanctitude and holinesse that vve may bee made the vvorthye Temples of almightye God This is he that vvith his effectuall h Esai 44. 3. Iohn 3. 5. Heb 10. 22. vvatering doth make vs fruitefull vnto rightcousnesse for to bring foorth aboundauntlye the fruites of our fayth that our heauenly Father Of the holy Ghost may be glorified through our good works conuersation and outvvard liuing for the which cause he is many times called a Math. 3. 1● iohn 4 10. 7. 38. titus 3. 5. 1 iohn 5. 8. water The same is hee that consumeth and burneth avvay the inordinate lustes and concupiscences of our flesh kindling our hearts with the diuine loue of God of heauenly things vvherefore he is called by good right fire The same spirite also is called b 1. Iohn ● 27. 2 cor 1. 21. oyle or vnction by reason that his working moll●fieth the hardnes of our hearts maketh vs receiue the print of that image Iesus Christ by vvhom onely vve are sanctified Finally this is he that by his inspiration doth make vs wholy to liue c Iohn 6 6● galat. 5. 16. rom 8 9. vnto God so that we be no more led by our ovvne ●enlualitie but follow onely his motion and guiding Therefore is it sayde of Bernard very vvell vvhat good doth the spirite or holye Ghost in vs●●e doth warne moue and teach he doth warne our remembraunce he doth moue our vvilles and d Iohn 14. 26. 1. Iohn 2. 27. teach our reason Therefore if there be any goodnes in vs it is the fruite of his grace and vertue but all our giftes vvithout him are meere darknes of the mind and vvicked peruersnes of the heart PA. Hovve vnderstandest thou the eyght of the Romaines and 15. verse vvhere he speaketh of the spirite of bondage and spirit of feare TI. One and the selfe same spirite of God bringeth foorth tvvo effectes the first is called the spirite of bondage or feare which engendreth in vs feare sorrow Heb. 12. 18. for first by the law and threatnings it maketh afrayd those men that are to be iustified and breaketh and vexeth them with scourges and stripes of the conscience that vtterly dispairing Satisfaction made by Christ Christ beareth our sinnes of them selues they maye flye vnto Christe vnto vvhome vvhen they are come and that they embrace him by fayth they are not onely iustified but also are freely and of their own accord stirred vp to iust vpright and holy workes The other is the spirite of grace and adoption which is giuen vs by the preaching of the Gospell the first belongeth vnto a Rom. 8 15 seruauntes the seconde vnto sonnes Gal. 4. Rom. 8. 18. 2. Tim. ● 7. Heb. 10. 29. Yet doth it not hereof follow that all Prophetes and Patriarkes vvere seruauntes or there vvere no Sonnes before the reuealing of the gospell but it compareth the giftes of the one vvith the other abasing the giftes of the Lavve in respect of the giftes giuen vnder the Gospell PA. Is it then sufficient that Christ is dead that he hath yeelded to God his father on such an obedience yea I say is it sufficient for the sualuatiō of man that the sonne of God vvas made man to bear the iudgement the wrath and cursse of God in their ovvne nature and their ovvne flesh TI. If that vvere ynough all should be saued indifferently as well the Reprobates as the elect and the vnbele●uers as the faythfull PA. VVhat is more requyred then TI. That the same satisfaction which Iesus Christ hath made to God his father may be cōmunicated aplied to vs that beleeue for the vnbeleuers haue nothing common vvith Iesus Christe but that they are men of the same humaine nature but the b Ioh 3 16 15 19 13 1 1. ioh 2 2 4 14 faithfull haue this more vvhich is the principall that all that they haue is common to Christe vvith them Participation betweene good and 〈◊〉 and that vvhich Iesus Christe hath is common to them also PA. VVhat is it that Iesus Christ may take of thē for asmuch as they be all none other then pore and sinfull men TI. He taketh vppon him their a Ioh 2 2 3 5 rom 4 25. 1 pet 2. 24 gal 1 ● 1 tim 1 15 heb 9 26 28 10. 12. 14 18 luke 24 47. sinnes and the paine vvhich is due to them
vve doe expounde into the name that is to say into the Faith and confession of his name or into his possession povver iurisdiction or into the strength and povver or into the couenant grace of the father and the sonne and the holye spirite it is no matter for al this is true and agreeth vvith the nature of baptisme PA. Tell me must vve be nourished vvith spiritual meate and nouriture into eternal life and that by a spirituall manner agreeable to the spiritual birth Of regeneration life into the vvhich wee are regenerate by Baptisme TI. VVe are not regenerate in baptisme by anye corporall or materiall seede of the body and of the bloud of Iesus Christ nor by any naturall maner as vve are naturally begotten by our fathers and mothers a Rom. 6. 3. 1. pet 1. 18. 19. but that regeneration and newe byrth is vvrought by a seed incorruptible spirituall and diuine by the which we are begottē into the church by the vertue of the holy b Luk. 12. 12. iohn 3. 9. 8. 1. 33. 6. 63. 14. 17. 26. 1 cor 1● 4. 6. ghost by vvhom vve are regenerate into a nevv life PA. It is not also sayde that Iesus Christe doth giue his body his bloud in c Rom. 9. 3. 1. cor 12. 1● 13. ephes 4. 15. 16. 5. 30. gal 3. 27. baptisme as he doth in the supper Likevvise the vvater is not called therein the body and the bloud of Iesus Christe as Iesus Christ doth in the Supper call the breade and vvine by the name of them TI. Albeit that the vvater be not there called in baptisme by that name doest thou not thinke for all that that the body and bloud of Iesus Christ bee there distributed and d Mark 1. 4. iohn 3. 5. act ● 38. tit 3. 5. communicated vnto thee in the same as vvell as the Supper PA. I doe so vnderstand it TI. Thou vvilt then ordayne a baptisme vvithout Iesus Christ PA. VVherefore TI. Because thou canst not haue Iesus Christ except thou haue him vvholly and very God and very man and that thou haue true communion vvith his body and with his bloud not onely in the Supper but also in baptisme PA. Shew me the cause thereof TI. It is because that the baptisme doeth no Of Regeneration lesse send vs to the death and passion and to the body and bloud of Iesus Christ then doth the supper forasmuch as that is proper to all a Act 2 38 Rom. 6 34 1 Cor 10. 16 11 24 Gal 3. 27 1 pet 2 2● sacraments PA. Thou speakest as though baptisme and the supper were one very sacramente and that there were no difference betweene them TI. Not so for albeit we do as well participate of the bloud of Iesus Christ in baptisme as in the supper yet notwithstanding there is difference in the participating and in the manner ther●of in respect of the benefites of Iesus Christe which are signified and communicated vnto vs as wel in the one of the sacraments as in the other PA. Declare vnto me more easily that which thou now speakest of TI. Although the body of Iesus Christe bee not giuen vnto vs in baptisme as for spiritual foode as it is in the supper that notwithstanding it is there giuen vnto vs in very deede as b 1. Cor 6 15 12 27 Ephe 4 ●5 5 30. a garment of innocency iustice and holinesse to couer all our sinnes before God And therefore S. Paule say th that all those which are c Gal 3 27. Rom 6 3 4. 1. Pet 3 21 baptized haue put on them Iesus Christ PA. And of the bloud what sayest thou TI. Albeit that it be not giuen to vs in baptism as for drink as it is in the supper yet notwithstanding it is there giuen vnto vs for a spirituall washing of our soules and consciences whereby Iesus Christ doth d Act ●22 16 Ephe 5 26 Tit. 3 5 6. 1 Pet. 3 21 purify clense his Church in this lauer of regeneration to the end he may make it pure and cleane without spot or wrinckle and a holy glorious church PA. I did neuer yet so well vnderstande these Of the Lords Supper pointes TI. Hovve doest thou then novve vnderstande them PA. That euen as a garment or a cloake do serue to couer the body euen so doe the innocencie iustice and holinesse of Iesus Christ serue vs to couer our sinnes at the iudgement of God to the end that there appeare no one spot of them in his sight PA. And touching the bloud of Iesus Christ what thinkest thou TI. I thinke that the a Math 26 28. Ephe r 7 5 25 Gol 1 14 20 Tit 3 5 6 Apoc 1 5. bloud of Iesus Christe is called the washing of soules of consciences not as though they must be washed and dipped in the bloud of Iesus Christ as one would vvash and dip a body that he would wash and make cleane or some other such like thing but that the holy b Ioh. 3 5. Rom 8 15 16. Heb 9 14 10 22 goost speaketh so to giue vs to vnderstande that vvhich thou hast sayde to vvit vvhat the vvater of baptisme signifieth concerning the vvashing and purification of our soules and consciences in the bloud of Iesus Christ PA. VVhat is the Lords supper TI. The Lordes supper is the gathering together of the faithfull of Christ and the publike ministery of the new Testament in vvhich the Sacrament of the Lordes bodye and bloud is giuen and receiued according vnto the institution c Math 16 26 Luk 22 19 1 Cor. 11 24 26. of our Sauiour Christe by the misticall breaking of breade and the blessing of the Cuppe in the Communion of the church from his table and therewith the memory of the onely Sacrifice vvhich vvas d Heb 5. 6 7 26 9 11. 12 10 9 10. Rom 5 8. 6 10. 1. Cor 15 3 2 Cor 5 14. 1. Pet. 9. 18. ● once perfourmed for our saluation vpon the Altar of the Crosse The meaning of these wordes Hoc est corpus meum is celebrated vvith thankes giuing and the exercise a Math. 22. 39. rom 1. 3. of Christian loue PA. Hovv expoundest thou these vvordes Hoc est corpus meum TI. There can not be a more conuenient exposition then vvhen the Sacramentall vvordes bee Sacramentally expounded the proper properly the spirituall spiritually and the b 2. Corin. 2. 6. ioh 6. 56. 57. 7. 4. 56. rom 8. 11. 12. 12. 1. misticall mistically For the Sacramentall vvordes require none other meaning or interpretation then euen as they bee spoken but the maner of the thing vvhich is declared vttered in them is not propet but Sacramen tall for the which I doe say that c 1. Ioh. 2. 29. 3. 10 Sacramentes are Sacramentally to bee expounded as for example d Gen. 17. 10
a Cyp. of the Lordes supper Agust vpon Iohn treatise 25 Origen in Math cap. 15. hart by invvard drinking hee is receiued but by the Sacramentall signification he is holden of all men The Sactamentall sort of eating Christes body is iterated as often as the Lords supper is celebrated which is not iterated often times to this end that we shold iterate the eating and receiuing of the Lords body in very deede like as we doe with corporall meate vvhich doth perish after it is eaten but to thintent that in celebrating the remembrance of the Lords death according vnto his institution we may feede our fayth in him and offer a sacrafice of praise vnto our Redeemer For as the breade of life once truely eaten receiued vvasteth not after it is eaten and receiued so it doth not require to haue the iteration of eating and receiuing for it sticketh by them feeding them into euerlasting life vvhiche are once made partakers thereof Hereof I doe admonish men because of the ignorant that they doe not referre the iterating of this eating receiuing to the very heauenly meat it selfe but vnto the sacrament thereof The b Ioh 6 35. 51 54. 55. 1 corin 11 28 29. 1 cor 6. 15. 12. 27. ephes 4 15. 16. 5. 30. continual and vncessing sort of eating Christs body is not sacramentall but spiritual and that onelye haue povver and efficacy to feede vnto euerlasting life vvhereunto vvee must apply those thinges that be vvritten in the sixt Chapter of Iohn This is obtained by fayth onely by which we incorporate into Christe and being once incorporate doe liue in a continuall fruition thereof by the grace of the redemption purchased by his flesh and bloud c 1. Cor. 1. 30. ephe 1. 7. mat 2. 28. 1. tim 2. 6 luk 10. 45 heb 9. 12. 15. 1. pet 1. 18. 19 20. To eate and drinke the flesh and bloude of Christe in this sort is to be continually refreshed continuallye to enioye this Heauenly foode for as Of the Lords Supper Augustine sayth This grace is not consumed with bitings This manner of a Iohn 6. 40. 41. 47. 48. 51. 53. 54. 58. eating is to inioy the euerlasting life purchased by Christs death not onely in faith but in very deede The spirituall eating which I do acknowledge to be in the Lords supper doth derogate nothing of that which I haue said of the coutinuall and vnceassing fruition of the body and bloud of Christ for that spirituall eating is nothing else if it be well considered but a certain putting in b ●uk ●2 19. 1. cor 11. 24. 26 remembrance of this whereby and by the efficacie of calling to remembraunce the grace of Christ once receiued is reuiued againe in the hearts of the faythfull communicantes by the faythe in Christes worde which is set fotth in the supper And this kinde of chewing the cudd vvhich is vsed in the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud by faith is not vnfitly called the spirituall eating forasmuch as by it the heauenly meate is called vp again into the mouth of the hart to be ruminated and doth so by the sweetenesse thereof most pleasantly ref●esh our spirite and the meate is also by this order made more sauory and effectuall PA. Tell me what it is to be spiritually present TI. To be c Ioh. 6. 40. 6● spiritually present is to bee in a spirituall sort that is in such sort as appertaineth to spirites VVherefore vvhen vve say that Christ is spiritually present in the supper we doe not mean of the inuisible presence of his body which the papists do appoint vnder the formes of bread but of that way that he is present by the working of his spirite fe●ding and refreshing their minds which doe receiue vvith sincere and true fayth that vvhich he gaue at his last supper The trueth of the sacrament deliuered Of the Lords Supper by Christ is not in the a Ioh 6. 54. 55 56. 63. corporal presence of his body in the bread but in the trueth of the word and the efficacy of his inuisible grace Our whole saluation doth stand in this point that the b Math 20. 24. rom 4. 25. gal ● 20. eph 5. 2. 1 tim 2. 6. tit 2 14 heb 1. 3. ● 27 9 14 26 28 10 3 5 ● 7 10 12. 14. body of the only begotten sonne is giuen for vs to God the father vnto death to be c Math. 20 28. gal 3 13 4 5. 1 tim 2 6. tit 2 14. 1 pet 〈◊〉 19. apoc 5. 9 an offering of propit●ation or mercy and the ransome of our redemption And therfore vve beleeue that Ch●istes death is auailable to the redemption of the worlde to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and for our reconcilement vvith God the father Moreouer vvee beleeue that our onelye succour and refuge is to flye to the mercy of our father by Iesus Christ and assuredly to perswade our myndes that he is the obteiner of forgiuenesse for our sinnes and that by d Math. 20 28 titus 2. 14. 1 peter 1. 19 ●poc ● 9. his bloud all our spottes of sinne be washed cleane that he hath pacified and set at one all things by the bloud of his crosse that hee by the same one onely sacrifice vvhich hee once offred vpon the crosse hath brought to effect and ●ulfilled all things and that ●or that cause he said when he gaue vp the ghost e Iohn 19 30. It is finished as though hee vvould signify that the price and ransome vvas novv full paid for the sinne of all mankind Lastly vve agree in this vnity in the Lord that that redemption once made in verity for the saluation of man continueth in full effect for euer and worketh vvithout ceassing vnto the end of the vvorld that the sacrifice f Heb. 5 6 7 26 9 11. 12. ●4 10 9. 10. once offered cannot be consumed that the Lordes death and passion is as effectuall the vertue of that bloud once shed as fresh at this day for the washing avvay of our sinns as it vvas euen the same day that it flovved out of the blessed side of our sauiour Of the Lordes Supper PA. VVhat couenances or similitudes be there in the Lordes supper TI. Ther must be three similitudes in this sacrament a similitude of nourishing of vnitie and of conuersion The similitude of a Ioh. 6. 35. 53 54 55. nourishing is this that as the bread and vvine do nourish our bodies and comfort our outvvarde man so the body and bloud of Christ be the meat and food of our soules and do comfort the invvard man Secondly the similitude of vnitie is this that as this loafe of vvhich vve eate vvas made of many cornes of vvheat by the liquor of water knoden into dovve and yet is but one loafe and as the vvine vvas made of the iuyce of diuers grapes yet is
the Lord and so is the name changed In honour as vvhen the bread and wine which before vvere receiued not vvith honour are now receiued vvith honour and reuerence not that vve honourthe bread and vvine but the thinges represented by them as in a kinges Letters and seale vve honour the king and not the seale Operation in the sacraments of the sacraments Of three manner of presence is to be considered The operation of the vvorde in the sacrament is this to change not the ● substance b 1 Cor 10. 16 17. 1 cor 11. 24 26 27. 28. of the sacrament but that the substance thereof remayning may be made the body of Christe that is sacrament of the body of Christe And this Operation can not come but by the holye Ghoste vvhereof Augustine lib. 3 cap. 4. de Trinitate sayth Pa●●non sanctificatur in Sacramentum tam mag●um ●si operante inui●●●●liter spiritu Dei The operation of the b Math 3. 11. ioh 3 5 15 3. rom ● 9 10 1 cor 10 1 2 5 ephe 5 25 26. 2 pet 3. 21. sacraments is thought of the Papistes to giue grace vvhich in very deede giue not grace of their ovvne vvorke but onely serue as instruments and meanes of that grace and life vvhich commeth from God So Peter calleth it Verb●● vit● The vvorde of life And S Paule calleth the gospel of Christ the power of God to saluation not that they of them selues giue life and saluation but that they are certaine meanes and instruments of that life and saluation vvhich commeth to vs from God To the spirituall presence and manducation of Christe principally belongeth the sixt Chapter of Iohn albeit tvvo sorts of breade are there specified bodily or sacramentall breade and spirituall bread Bodilye or sacramentall breade of the olde Testament signifieth Christe to come c Num. 11 6 ●6 24. psalm 106 14. exod 17. 6. ● cor 10 3 4. as Manna the Rocke Bodily or Sacramentall breade of the nevv Testament signifieth Christ beeing already come as the holye Euchariste Augustine in the Psalme 77. Idem in m●ster●● c●bu●●llo●u● noster significatione idem sed ●on spe●●e Spirituall vvhich is Christ him selfe borne for vs and giuen for the life of the vvorlde Iohn 6. My flesh is meat in deed c. How we should prepare our selues to the Lords supper How a man ought to prepare himselfe t●re ceiue these mysteries They which eyther come not to the Lords table 1 Contempt vpon a Math. 7. 6. h●b 6. 6. 2 VVithout fayth contempt therof either although that they do come to it yet they be not of the body of Christ eyther come not worthilye to it as they oughte to come to the communion of the Heauenlye meate vvith their heart and that a faythfull and hungrye heart b Ioh. 6. 35. act 4. 10 12. rom 4. 24. 2● 5. 8. 14. 9 ephe 1. 13. 2. cor 1. 22 3 VVithout knowledge examination greedily desiring the grace of redemption heauenly food purchased by Christs death bloud shedding albeit they doe eate and drinke it sacramentally yet for all that they neither eat nor drink the body and bloud of Christ in deed yea and to be yet more plaine vvhosoeuer doth receiue these externall sacramentall signes the bread and cup of the Lorde vvithout the true c 1. Cor. 11. 28 2. cor 13. 5. meaning and vnderstanding of them as the Corinthians did so turne the mistical supper of the Lord vnto a prophane supper not making a difference of the Lordes body they doe not truely eate and drinke it yea and though a man doe vnderstand all the pointes there of exactly as they be taught by the wordes of Christe yet beleeueth them not to be true for lack of the historicall d Mat 7. 23. prou 10. 24. math 27 4. 5. iam 2. 1● 1. iohn 4. 18. ●aith he vnderstandeth vvhat Christ himselfe reporteth of his body and bloud and in vvhat sence he gaue the bread and wine to his disciples hovv he did institute this outvvard action vnto the remēbrance of him thus farre forth his vnderstanding is good but for lacke of faith he doth not beleeue that these things bee true which are appointed vnto vs to be kept in solemne memory that is he doth not beleeue that Christes death is auaylable to the redemption How we should prepare our selues to the Lords supper of the worlde to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and for our reconcilement vvith God the father Item though a man hath this historial faith 4 Application yet for all that doth not a Eph. 3 17. 18 19. math 26. appropriate vnto himself for the grace of this redemption but only vnto some certain saints iust persons and therefore can not say with the Apostle which loued me and gaue himself for me Item though a man do beleeue that Christe died for him and yet doth not much regard 5 Thanksgiuing the benefite therof nor is not moued by the remēbrance thereof vnto b Math. 26. 26 30. mark 14. 22. 26. luk ●2 19. 1. cor 11. 24 thanksgiuing neither is it to be wondered at hovve that shoulde come to passe seeing vve finde by daily experience that it is no straunge matter in the nature of man to make light of good turns and to giue small thanks to the giuer of them though vve knovv that the benefits be neuer so great and proceeding from neuer so kind an hearte vvhosoeuer is of this disposition doth not taste of the meat of euerlasting life the Lords body and bloud although that he amongest the rest doe participate of the bread and cup of the Lorde And ● VVithout charitie vve haue the like iudgment of them also vvhich are not endued vvith the spirite of c Math. 5. 23. 2● 22 39. luke 10. 27. iohn 13. 33. 34. 35. rom 13 ●nto the ende 2. cor 2. 6. 1. brotherly loue vvhich by their mischieuous life to declare themselues to be none of the members of Christs body PA. May vve call vpon Angels or saints TI. VVe may not call vpon Angels or holy men departed out of this life 1 For that were to giue to them an infinitenesse to be present euery where or to giue them being absent an vnderstanding of our secret meanings that is as much as a certaine godhead and therwith all partly to conuay to them 2. confidence trust that ought to be set wholly in Accesse for men to God by Christ ● psal 1. 18 ●5 4 2 118. ● 9. God alone and so to slide wholly into idolatry But forasmuch as God calleth vs to himselfe alone and doth also with adding an oth promise that hee will both heare and helpe vs to fly to the help of others vvere an euident token of distrust and infidelity And as touching the holy men that are departed out or this life vvhat
vvhich are not regenerate And this is the difference betvveene Gods children vvhich are regenerate and elect before all times in Christ the vvicked castavvayes that the electly not still d 1. Ioh. 3. 8 9. continually in their sin as do the vvicked but at the length doe returne againe by reason of Gods seede vvhich in them lyeth hidde as a sparkle of fire in the ashes as vve may see in Peter Dauid Paule Mary Magdalene and other for these I meane Gods children God hath made all things in Christ Iesu to vvhom he hath giuen this dignity that they should be his inheritance spouses This our inhe●itour Christe Iesus e Esai 7 14. mal 3 1. math 1 23. luke 1 16. acts 20 28. rom 9 5. phi 2. 6. collos 1. 15. 19 2 9. titus 2. 13. 1 iohn 5. 20. apo● 21. 7. God vvith God light of light coeternall and consubstantiall vvith the father and vvith the holy Ghoste to the ende that he might become our husband because the husbande and the vvy●e must be one body flesh hath taken A comparison betweene the olde man and the new our nature vppon him communicating with it and by it in his owne person to vs all his children his diuine maiesty a 1 Cor. 6 17 2 Peter 1. 4. ephe 5 30. as Peter sayth and so is become flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones substantially as we are become flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones spiritually all that vve haue perteining to him yea euen our sinnes as al that euer he hath perteineth to vs euen his vvhole glory so that if Satan should summon vs to answere for our debts or sins In that the vvife is no sutable person but the husband we may vvell bid him enter his action against our husband Christ and he vvill make him a sufficient ansvvere For this end I meane that we might be coupled and married thus to Christ b Psal 45. 11 ●e●● 2 19 a cor 11 2 ●ph●s 5 32 apoc 19 7 21. 2. 9. and so be certaine of saluation and at godly peace with God in our consciences God hath giuē vs his holy word which hath tvvo parts a● novv the children of God doe consist of two men one part of Gods vvorde beeing proper to the old man and the other part of Gods worde beeing proper to the new man The part properly pertaining to the olde man is the law The part properly pertaining to the nevv man is the gospell The c Rom. 3 20 5 ●0 7. 7 gal 3. 19. 1 tim 1 9 law is a doctrine which commandeth and forbiddeth requiring doing and auoiding vnder it therefore are contained al precepts threatnings promises vppon condition of our doing and auoiding d 2 Cor. 4 6 ● tim 1. 10 ephes 6 15 acts 13 26 28. 28 rom 1 16. The gospel is a doctrine which alwayes offereth and giueth requiring on our behalfe not as of vvorthinesse or as a cause but as a certificat vnto vs and therefore vnder it are contained all the free sweet promises of God as I am the Lorde thy God In those that be of yeeres of e Acts 5. 20 phil 2 15 math 25 19 mar 16 15 16 discretion it requireth faith not as a cause but a● a certificate or instrumēt A comp●rison betweene the old man and the new vvhereby vvee our selues maye bee certaine of our good husband Christ and of his glory and therfore vvhen the conscience feeleth it selfe disquieted for feare of Gods iudgement against sinne she may in no vvise look vpō the doctrin pertaining to the old mā but vpō the doctrin only that perteineth to the new mā in it not loking for that which it requireth that is faith because we neuer beleue as we should but onely on it which it offereth and giueth that is on Gods grace eternall mercy peace in Christ So shal she be in quiet when she looketh for it altogether out of her selfe in Gods mercy in Christe Iesu a Iohn 13 23 in whose lappe if she lay her head with Saint Iohn then is she happy and shall finde quietnesse in deede vvhen shee feeleth her selfe quiet then in Gods name let her looke on the lavve and vppon such thinges as it requireth thereby to bridle and keepe downe the old Adam and by little and little to mortifie the lust of sinne vntill in the end she be holy like as her Husbande is for as the VVife will keepe her bed only for her husband although in other thinges she is contented to haue fellowshippe with others as to speake sit eate drinke goe So our Consciences vvhich are Christes wiues must needes keepe the b Cantic 1 15 3. 7. bed that is Gods sweete promises alonely for our selues and our husband there to meet together to embrace and laugh together and to be ioyfull together if sinne the ●awe the dinell or any other thing would creepe into the bed and lye there then complain to thy Husband Christe and forthwith thou shalt see him play c Numb 25 8 psal 106. 30. Phinees parte Thus my dearely beloued I haue ginen you in fewe words a 〈◊〉 of all the diuinity which a Christian Notes vpon Gods election conscience cannot vvant PA. Because Gods election and predestination are the greatest misteries of our saluation and although ioyfull to the godly yet fearfull to the vvicked ● vvoulde at the last haue thee shevve mee thy knovvledge in them TI. Predestination is as vvell to the reprobate as to the elect Election only pertaineth to them that be saued predestination in that it respecteth the reprobate is called Reprobation in that it respecteth the saued is called election and is thus defined Predestination is the eternal a Gen. 27. 20. ephe 1. 11. prouer 20. 24. iere 10 23. math 10. 29. gen 45. 8. decreement of God purposed before in himselfe vvhat shall befall of all men b Ephe. 1. 5. 6. rom 9. 23. 2 thes 2 13. 1. pet 1. 2. either to saluation c Exod. 9. 16. prou 16 4. rom 9 22. or damnation Election is the d Deut. 4 37. 7 78. psalm 44 3. iohn 15 16. acts 13 48 rom 5 6 9 11 12 13 14 15 16. c. free mercy and grace of God in his ovvne vvill through fayth in Christ his sonne chusing and preferring to life such as pleaseth him In this definition of election first goeth before the mercye and grace of God as the causes thereof vvherby are excluded al works of the law and merites of deseruing vvhether they goe before faith or come after So vvas e Gen. 25. 21. mal 4 2 rom 11. Iacob chosen and Esau refused before either of them began to vvorke Secondlye in that this mercy and grace of God in this definition is said to be free vvhereby is to be noted the proceeding and vvorking of God not to be bound to