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A11890 An arrovv against idolatrie Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of hosts. By H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1624 (1624) STC 222; ESTC S115945 56,377 128

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spare not to say I o 2 Chron. ●3 8 haue made you these golden calues for Gods and think that I giue the honour to them that is due to the eternall and blessed God himselfe because forsooth I said p 1 King 12.28 Behold thy Gods ô Israel But were I so minded I should be indeed more brutish then a calfe my selfe What should I deny the Creator of the world the God of all our fathers the wonders wrought for us in Aegypt and other places and turn to these images which are made with mens hands and think them very Gods Far be such a grosse conceit from every true Israelite Nay if I should haue attempted any such thing would you not haue stoned me And as for my speech in calling them Gods who is there so simple that knows it not to be figuratiue and very familiar to every mans ears I am not the first that thus hath spoken our fathers before me used often such phrases When the Angel of God appeared unto Abraham he called the place q Gen. 22.14 Jehovah-jireh that is The Lord seeth Jaakob built an Altar and called the place r Gen. 35.7 The God of Bethel Moses himselfe made an Altar in the desert named it s Exod. 17 15. Jehovah Nissi that is The Lord my banner Yet none of us I trow doe think that they esteemed these places or altars to be properly Gods The Ark is called t 1 Sam 4.21 the glorie of Jsrael u Ps. 78.61 the strength of God the x Ps. 24.7 King of glorie and what can be said more the y 1 Sam. 6.20 holy Lord God The Lamb is called z Exod. 12.11 the Lords Passeover and many such like Sacramentall speeches haue we and our ancestors been accustomed unto What if I should call the pascall Lamb our Messiah because it is a type of him or the Manna which our fathers did eat and water which they drank out of the rock the body and bloud of our Messiah should I for this be suspected of Idolatry My enemies mought be ashamed thus to cavil and calumniate my honest actions who haue made these visible signes for to serv the true God by and to be but as testimonies of his presence here 15 And that this is lawfull the Law it selfe will shew which intendeth not the prohibition of all images but the abuse of them as idols for so it is written a Ex. 20.5 Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serv them whereby God explaneth his mind which is that we should make no graven images for to worship them but to worship God by them where is that forbidden Nay the contrary is evident for haue wee not worshipped God in Ierusalem and other places by images What are the b Ex. 25.18 c. golden winged Cherubims upon the Ark but images by which both we and our fathers haue honoured God And if any object that those were made by Moses at Gods command but none else may be made by any other let him look into Solomons Temple builded but the other day and there he shall find c 1 King 6 23 c. two new Cherubims of great and high stature whose wings reach from one end of the holy place to another and besides these all the d vers 29. walls of the Temple are full of such figures Perhaps some will say it is tolerable to haue the shape of Cherubims as being figures of e Gen. 3.24 Angels but any other forms especially of beasts is utterly unlawfull Well however the Law forbiddeth to make the likenes of f Exo. 20.4 things in heaven as of things in earth and so the Angels may no more be pourtrahed then beasts or birds yet to take away scruple I refer you to Solomons g 1 King 7.25 twelv oxen or bulls of brasse wh●ch bear up that molten sea which standeth at the dore of the Temple for the Priests to wash in also to h 1 King 7.29 the Lions Bulls and Cherubims wrought upon the ten brazen bases of the cauldrons wherin the work of the burnt offerings i 2 Chron. 4.6 is washed and cleansed every day If Solomon in his Temple might make bulls of brasse is it a sin for me to make such of gold Tush these are but the cavils of these Puritan Priests and Levites that of a stomack and refractary minde will not be conformable to my ceremonies whom therefore I mean k 2 Chron. 13.9 to driue out of my country that they trouble my people no more 16 Yet will I doe my best to satisfie them ere they goe in whatsoever they can say against me To proceed therfore to the time another circumstance which they object for want of more weighty matter they think it much that I haue pro●oged the feast of Tabernacles untill the k 1 King ● 32 15 day of the 8 moneth because it is appointed by Moses to be kept l ●ev 23.39 the 15 day of the 7 moneth Herein they still doe but strain out a gnat for so the thing it selfe be observed what skilleth it for the change of the moneth The feasts were made for men not men for the feasts and if we keep them in any meet and commodious time it pleaseth God well enough which I will further shew by the Law it selfe When our fathers came out of Aegypt they kept by Gods commandment the Paschal feast upon m Ex. 12.6 the 14 day of the first moneth and this was enacted to be an ordinance n vers 24. for ever After it fell out when a Passeover o Num. 9. ● 5. was kept in the wildernesse that certain men p vers 6.7 defiled by a dead man could not keep it by reason of their uncleannesse and came unto Moses to know what they should doe He could not tell q vers 8. till hee had asked the Lord. Then God spake and said r vers 10 c. If any of you or your posterity be unclean or in a journey let him keep the Pascha in the 14 day of the second moneth Behold here how God explaineth his own law shewing that hee respecteth not the moneth as though there were any holinesse in it but if the feast were kept though a moneth after upon just occasion it should be acceptable Forasmuch then as we haue so pregnant an example of occasionall changing the time without any sin me thinks these men are too too precise that condemn me who upon just occasion and advice with others haue deferred this feast a moneth longer then ordinary 17 It may be these men make question of my authority and think me not the lawfull supreme Governour under God of the Church or that my primacy beares me not out to alter ceremonies or circumstances in religion but this I can sufficiently clear For I haue my kingly office from God the King of kings s 1
renoumed the chiefe and supereminent place in the land They boast in Ierusalem how their Temple standeth upon mount d 2 Chr. 3.1 Morijah where Abraham our father e Gen. 22.2 c. offered his son Isaak a type of the Messiah for a sacrifice to God we also can glory how Jaakob our Patriarch saw in this our place a f Gen. 28.12 ladder that reached from earth to heaven by which the Angels of God went up and down a type also doubtlesse of our Messiah to come by whom as by a ladder we shall get up to heaven whom g Psal. 97.7 all the Angels of God shall worship when he commeth and shall be seen to ascend and descend upon him Here God appeared to our father Jaakob h Gen. 28.13.14 promising him the land and heyres to possesse it He then acknowledged how i vers 16.17 c. the Lord was in this reverend place that it was no other but the house of God the very gate of heaven therupon gaue it a new name Bethel Gods house wheras at first it was k vers 19. called Luz yea Jaakob vowed that at his safe returne the stone which here he had set up for a pillar l vers 22. should be Gods house And this his devotion was approved of God who expresly commanded him m Gen. 35 1 c. to dwell in Bethel and make him an Altar here which hee performing God graciously accepted appeared again with new promises in this place whereupon the name was againe confirmed to be Gods house or n vers 13 14.15 Bethel Thus having so venerable antiquity on our side can any man doubt but it is more safe to worship here at Bethel a place sanctified of old and so long continuing then at Sion of late so fouly polluted by Solomons grosse idolatry 10 And me thinks the remembrance of that late impiety should keep men from doting so on that place for it is much to be feared Rehoboam will set up ere long his fathers religion who followed strange Gods seeing hee walketh already in his evill way of oppressing the people and o 1 King could not be brought to ease them at all of any taxe or burthen wherwith his father loded them As hee followeth his father in sinning against the people so is hee like to doe in sinning against God For loe the hie places which Solomon builded for Ashteroth and Chemosh and Milcom the idols of the Heathen p 2 King 23.13 are left standing still even before Ierusalem and on the right hand of the mount of corruption and are like there to cont●nue Which wherfore is it but for a snare to the people that they may fall again to the former sin 11 I now being King doe hold it my duty to keep al my subjects from such danger of idolatry and to look that the true God be served in my Kingdom lest men either grow prophane or turn unto vanities For to goe to Ierusalem it may proue perilous sure it is q 1 King 12.28 overmuch for the people that dwell a far off and seemeth to me altogether unreasonable For may and ought not every Prince and people to serue God in their own countrey Was there any before me that mought not doe it and am I more in bondage then all Besides who knoweth not the grudge that Rehoboam hath against us whom of late r 2 Chr. 1 1 4. he would haue warred with if God had not stayed him Why hee counteth me and my people s 2 Chro● 13.6 rebels and if he can get me within his dominion he will surely cut off my head and the heads of many moe And doth God who t Hos. 6 desireth mercy rather then sacrifice require of men thus for to runn upon the swords ●oint and indanger their liues without cause and onely for a circumstance of place I am not so weak of judgement as to think it neither will I be so unwise as to hearken to these Levites who kindle the fire of contention among my subjects and teach that we all must goe up to Ierusalem or else we may offer no sacrifice to God Beleev them that list I haue otherwise learned the truth of the Law and trust we shall so serue the Lord at home as will please him well enough 12 For the worship that here we perform unto God is for the substance the same that himselfe commanded by Moses Wee serue the same God a 1 King 2.28 that brought us up out of the land of Aegipt and this is b Exod. 20. ● 3 the first and the great commandment on which all other do depend the keeping wherof c Psal. 81.8 ● 10 hath the promise of reward Wee offer the sacrifices of beeues and sheep wee burn incense pay first fruits and tithes of all we possesse we observ all the ordinances that our fathers haue kept since the world began and God hath confirmed in his written law for ever Wee hold the main article of our Messiah to come and of redempt●on from our sinnes by him by which faith our ancestors haue pleased God and unto this he leadeth us in his Law In this faith offer we according to the Law d Lev. 20 bullocks for attonement and forgiuenesse of our sins a shadow unto us of our Messiah who shall be led as an oxe to the slaughter and purge our iniquity by his own bloud In testimony of this true catholick faith I haue made these bullocks e 2 King 12.28 of gold similitudes of the greatest sacrifices as representations of that our true sacrifice the promised Saviour whom we expect 13 If here it be said wee doe against God in making these golden figures because he forbiddeth f Exod. 2 graven images to be made the answer is easie Gods meaning is not to forbid all images simply but onely idols that haue divine worship done unto them Such as was that Calfe which our fathers g Exod. 3● made in the wildernesse for they h Psal. 10 19. worshipped the molten image it self not God by the image but made them i Ex. 32.3 Gods of gold which was against the expresse k Ex. 20.2 words of the Law yea they were so grosse as they turned him l Ps. 106 ●● their glory into the similitude of a bullock that eateth grasse and m vers 2 forgat God their Saviour which had done great things in Aegipt for them But God forbid and farr be it from us good people that wee should thus doe Wee worship not the images of our bullocks here any more then we worshipped the images of the Cherubims and other resemblances in Solomons Temple but we worship God and him onely doe we serue even n 1 King 12.28 the God that brought us out of Aegypt not any other 14 Yet some are so hardly prejudiced against me as they
3 When Abram would provide a wife for his son of the best that he could find for the Canaanites he b Gen. 24.3 c. abhorred hee sent to his kindred of Nahors house who yet was not free from this leven of idolatrie neither c Gen. 31.53.19 he nor his posteritie Into Iaakobs house did this canker creep and his retinue also were polluted with d Gen. 35.2 strange Gods which Iaakob did his best for to doe away 4. But when he came with his family into Aegipt a land full of Idols having prepared his house as a pure virgin for the Lord after his decease the Aegyptians infected his children with idolatrie even in her youth e Eze. 23.8 laid they with this virgin Israel bruised the breasts of her virginity and powred their whordoms upon her Then was God wroth with idolatrous Aegypt and lifted up his hand to bring his people from among them and to execute judgment f Num. 33.4 both upon their Gods and upon their first born that ministred unto them and unto Israel hee sayd Eze. 20.6.7 Defile not your selvs with the idols of Aegipt I am the Lord your God but g Vers. 8. Israel would not hear nor leav her abominations or idols which she had loved Yet God h Vers. 9. respecting his own name brought them out of Aegypt into the wildernesse where i Ver. 10.11 hee gaue them his statutes and declared his judgements unto them k Exod. 20 severely and often charging them to keep themselvs from idolatrie 5 In those daies notwithstanding they made them l Ex. 32.31 Gods of gold and m Vers. 8. worshipped the work of their own hands even a molten calf and stayed not there but were given over unto further evil even to serue the n Act. 7.42.43 Amos 5. host of heaven as it is written in the book of the Prophets O house of Israel haue yee offred to me slain beasts and sacrifices fortie yeares in the wildernes nay ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan the figures which ye made to worship them Also they joyned themselvs to o Num. 25 2.3 Psa. 106.28 Baal-peor and did eat the sacrifices of the dead such was the great fall of the people whom God had chosen from among all peoples of the earth for to be his they p Lev. 17.7 sacrificed to divils after whom they went a whoring as Moses told them 6 When notwithstanding all this God brought them in mercy to Canaan q Ezek. 20.15 a land flowing with milk and honey and most pleasant of all Countries and cast out the Heathens before their faces and r Deut. 24.25.26 warned them to beware of their idols yet there also they did s Iudg. 2.11 12 13 19 3.7 c. wickedly served Baalim and forsook the Lord God of their fathers and followed the gods of the peoples round about them serving their idols and t Psal. 106.37 38. sacrificing their sonnes and their daughters unto divils and shedding the innocent bloud of their children whom they offred unto the idols of Canaan And thus they did from age to age whiles the Iudges ruled them till God u Psal. 78.59.60 was wroth and greatly abhorred Israel and forsook the habitation of Shilo the tabernacle where hee dwelt among men and delivered his power the Ark of the covenant into captivity and his beautie into the enemies hand 7 Yet after this again in Samuels daies x 1 Sam. 7 3 4. they were defiled with their idols and in the daies of the Kings they increased wrath Solomon himselfe the wisestman on earth a 1 King 11.5 fell into this folly of serving idols even the abomination of the Heathens although God had b vers 9.10 appeared unto him twice and given him a charge concerning this thing And Rehoboam his son though for his fathers sinne c ver 11.12 he lost the most part of his Kingdom yet gaue himself to idolatry he forsook d 2 Chron. 12.1 the Law of the Lord and all Israel with him Then Iudah e 1 King 14.22 wrought wickednes in the sight of the Lord and provoked him more with their sinns which they cōmitted then all that which their fathers had done for they f vers 23. built them high Places and statues or pillars and g 1 Chron. 14.3 strange altars and groues on every high hill and under every green tree And Rehoboam made h 1 King 15.12 Gillullim filthy idols and i 2 Chron. 14 5. Chammanim idols or images of the Sun and Maacah his wife made k 1 King 15.13 Miphletseth an idol of terrour in a groue And Abijam his sonne l 1 King 15.2.3 walked in all his fathers sinnes neither was his heart perfect with the Lord his God although m 2 Chron. 13.8.9 he despised Ierobams calues and boasted that n Vers. 10.12 God was with him 8 Idolatry being thus fastned upon Iudah could hardly ever be weeded out again for though Asa the next King did his best o 1 King 15.11 c. 2 Chron. 14 3 c. 15.8 with an upright heart to abolish all the idols that his fathers had brought in yet p 1 King 15.14 were the high places not taken away but remained till Iehoshaphat his son was King who took away many both q 2 Chron. 17.6 groues high places howbeit not all for r 2 Chron. 20.33 the people had not yet prepared their harts unto the God of their fathers but s 1 King 22.43 offered still and burnt incense in the high places And when Iehoshaphat was dead his wicked son Ioram t 2 King 8 16.18 walked in the waies of the most idolatrous Kings of Israel even of Ahabs house whose daughter he maried and he u 2 Chron. 21.11 made high places in the mountains of Iudah and caused and compelled Ierusalem and Iudah to commit fornication that is idolatry And Ahaziah his son continued x 2 Chron. 22.2 3 4. his wicked way counselled also thereto by his ungracious mother Athaliah who after her sonnes death broke up the house of God and y 2 Chron. 24.7 all the things that were dedicated for the house of the Lord were bestowed upon Baalim Thus Baal was honoured of the people of God a 2 King 11.18 had a house and altars and images and a Priest to minister unto him 9 The Lord abhorring this great impiety sent this wicked King and his mother both soon unto hell and set Ioash b 2 Chron. 24.1 his yong sonne upon his throne who had for his Tutor and Patron the good high Priest Iehojadah by whose advice the people c 2 Chron. 23.17 destroyed Baal and his house and Gods d Vers. 18. true worship was restored albeit not brought as yet to the
primitiue sincerity for the e 2 King 12 3. people offered still and burnt incense in the high places untaken away But so soon as this f 2 Chron. 24.15 aged father the Priest was dead the Princes of Iudah g vers 17. fawning on the King turned him away to the former superstition and again they h vers 18. left the house of the Lord God of their fathers and served groues and greivous idols and the high Preists son the Kings cosin who prophesied against their sins they i ver 20.21 stoned him to death by the unthankful Kings cōmandment in the court of the Lords house even between k Mat. 23 35. the temple and the altar 10 When Ioash was taken away l 2 Chron. 24.25 by a bloudy death Amaziah his son succeeded m 2 King 14.3 like his father did uprightly in the eyes of the Lord n 2 Chron. 25.2 but not with a perfect heart for idolatry still continued in Iudah and o 2 King 14 4. the people burnt incense in the high places And the King himselfe to add unto all his fathers sinnes brought the Gods of the Aedomites p 2 Chron. 25.14 and set them up to be his Gods and worshipped them and burned incense unto them which turned to his ruin But Vzziah his son sought God and did uprightly yet q 2 Chron. 26.3 4 5. according to all that his father Amaziah did for the r 2 King 15 4. high places stood still for offerings and incense and Iothan his son s vers 32.34.35 trode the very same steps But Achaz son of Iotham marred all again and made it worse then before for t 2 Kin. 16 1.2 3 c. he walked in the way of the Kings of Israel yea and made his son to passe through the fire after the abominations of the Heathen and made an altar in the Lords house u ver 10 c. like to the idolatrous altar which he saw in Damascus and x ver 17. brake down the work in the temple of God and made y 2 Chron. 28.2 3. molten images for Baalim yea being afflicted for his sins he trespassed z ver 22.23 the more against the the Lord sacrificing to the Gods of Damascus which had plagued him “ vers 24. breaking the vessels and shutting up the dores of the Lords house making altars in every corner of Ierusalem and high places “ vers 25. in every citie of Iudah to burn incense unto other Gods And thus Ierusalem a Ezek. 23.11 Aholibah marred her selfe with inordinate loue and with her fornications more then her idolatrous sister Aholah or Samaria for Iudah b 2 Chron. 29.6.7 forsook the Lord turned their faces from his tabernacle shut the dores of his house quenched his lamps and neither burnt incense nor offered burnt offerings in the sanctuarie unto the God of Israel but sacrificed c Deut. 32.17 to Divils new Gods whom they knew not nor their fathers and burnt incense to d 2 King 18.4 Nehushtan the serpent of brasse 11 Then God raised them up the good King Ezekias who e 2 Chron. 29.1.2 c. did uprightly in the sight of the Lord according to all that David his father had done He opened the dores of the house of the Lord brought in the Priests and Levites 〈◊〉 16 c. clensed the Temple altar and instruments of Gods service sacrificed unto God g vers 21.25.29 for their sinnes restored the true worship sought the conversion h 2 Chron. 30.1 c. of all Israel i 2 Chron. 30.1 c. caused them to break the images cut down the groues break down the high places and altars through all his Dominions and k 2 King 18.4 brake in peeces the brazen serpent that Moses had made and Israel polluted Thus dealt hee l 2 Chron 31.20.21 well and uprightly and truely before the Lord his God even with all his heart and departed not from him But when he was laid down in peace Manasses his son repeated all the former evils and added more unto them if ought mought be For m 2 Chron 33.3 c. he went back and built the high places which his father had broke down and set up altars for Baalim and made groues and worshipped all the host of heaven and served them and built altars to them in the Lords house made strange Gods and caused his sonnes to passe through the fire and gaue himselfe to witchcraft and charming and sorcerie and used them that had familiar spirits and n 2 King 21.16 shed innocent bloud exceeding much till he filled Ierusalem from corner to corner and made Iudah and Ierusalem to erre to o 2 Chron 33.9 doe worse then the heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before them The p Ier. 7.17 18. children gathered wood and the fathers kindled the fire and the women kneaded the dough to make cakes to the Queen of heaven and to power out drink offerings unto other Gods that they mought provoke the Lord to anger they vers 30. set their abominations in the house wherupon his name was called to pollute it they Ier. 19.5 builded the hie places of Baal to burn their sonnes with fire for burnt offrings unto Baal and unto Ier. 32.35 Molech By which abominations they so provoked the Lord as hee forbad his Prophets Ier. 11.14 14.11 to pray any more to doe the people good for they Ier. 17.4 had kindled a fire in his anger which should burn for ever 12 And although Manasses rewed all before his death 2 Chro 33 ●1 12 c. and repented heartily when he lay fettered in Babel and being restored to his Kingdom vers 15.16 took away the strange Gods and altars and images that he had made and restored in Iudah Gods true religion saue onely that vers 17. the people sacrificed in the high places yet Amon his son would not be warned by his fathers evils but turned again from God made 2 Chro. 34 ● 4. 2 King 23 ●4 idols and images and altars of Baalim high places and groues and sacrificed 2 Chron. ●3 22 to all the images which his father had made and served them humbled not himselfe as his father Manasses had done wherefore he was soon rooted out of the land of the living and laid in dust 13 l 2 Chr. 3● Iosias his son abolished all these former idolatries monuments of them did uprightly in the sight of God as David had done and m vers 19 27. trembled at his law judgments but the people n Ier. 25.3 4 c. would not hear the words of the Prophets calling them from their idolatry they sought not the Lord many of them but o Zeph. 1.5 worshiped the host of heaven on the house tops remaining
and it “ 1 King 13.34 turned to sin unto his house even to root it out and destroy it from the face of the earth 5 Against this innovation there were some that presently rose up refusing to follow the religion of the King especially the Priests and Levites according to the charge they had ‘,’ Deut. 33 10. to teach Jankob Gods judgements and Israel his law “ 2 Chron. 11.13 resisted the superstition and put the people in mind of their duty which Jeroboam perceiving ‘ vers 14. put them from their office and ,‘, 2 Chron. 13. ● droue them out of his realm Some also there were of ” 2 Chron. 11.16 all the Tribes of Israel that hearkning to the wholesome doctrine of their Ministers and following their good example left their own Country and resorted to Ierusalem so strengthning the kingdom of Iudah Thus was there a controversie among the people about these the Kings ceremonies some counting them novelties and profane superstition others and they the many esteeming them laudable and well-fitting their State But the men of Iudah reproched them for this as having a 2 Chron. 13.11 forsaken God and made b vers 8. them golden calues for Gods and done many like abominations The Lord also used other means to draw the King and people to repentance by the admonition c 1 Kin. 13 1.2 c. of a Prophet confirmed by miracle by striking dead Ieroboams arm and healing it again and by d 1 King 14. taking away his beloved son Abijah These things though they could not but trouble both King and people yet could they not prevail to bring them to repentance for Ieroboam had many things to say for himselfe and much could he colour his new coynd religion answering the objections that were made against them by th●s or the like apologie 6 I See my course ô men of Israel to be much suspected if not wholly misliked of many some thinking my ceremonies to savour too rankly of Heathen superstition some charging me plainly with flat apostasie and forsaking of God But how far off I am from all such impiety how ever it please men to mistake my meaning and pervert my actions I hope to manifest unto all indifferent persons Chiefly sith that I haue neither spoken nor done against any article of the ancient faith nor changed any fundamentall ordinance of religion given us by Moses but worship with reverence the God of my fathers and loue him as I am taught e Deut. 6 4.5 30.20 with all my heart and with all my soul cleaving unto him alone who is my life and the length of my daies Other Gods of the nations I utterly abhor with all their impure rites and services and if any shall now or hereafter decline to such abomination I trust we shall shew f 2 Kin. 10 16.28.29 the zeal that we haue for the Lord our God against all their impiety The alteration that I haue made is in matters of circumstance things meerly ceremoniall whereof there is no expresse certain or permanent law given us of God and which are variable as time place and person giue occasion and such as good Kings haue changed before me and haue been blamelesse 7 And first for the place where God is to be worshipped which many now would haue at Ierusalem onely I finde the practise of our Patriarch Abraham and the fathers following to be far otherwise They sacrificed to God as occasion was offered in every place they came in g Gen. 12.7.8 Shechem and in this h Gen. 35.7 Bethel in the plain i Gen. 13.18 of Mamre and in k Gen. 26.25 Beersheba so this superstition of tying God to one place was not hatched in their daies After this when our fathers came out of Aegypt they l Exo. 24.5 offered sacrifices in the wildernesse and being come into this land in how sundry places of it haue they served God At m 1 Sam. 1 3 c. Shilo the Tabernacle Ark was many daies and all Israel sacrificed there Again at n 1 Sam. 7.1.2 Kirjath-jearim the Ark had abiding twenty years and there men sought the Lord and after that in o 1 Sam. 21 1.6 c. other places many But when David was King he removed the Ark p 2 Sam. 6 13 c. to Ierusalem and the Tabernacle which Moses had made he left in a high place q 1 Chron. 21.29 at Gibeon and thus were there two places of publick worship at one time and Salomon sacrificed r 1 King 3.4.15 in them both And shall we now grow so superstitious as to binde God to any one place Nay this all is the Lords land and his eyes are in every part of the same and it is not so materiall where we doe worship as whom we worship and with what affection for our God is neer in all times and places to all that call upon him in truth 8 But it will be said that Ierusalem is the place which God hath chosen promising unto Solomon s 1 King 9.3 to put his name in the Temple there for ever and that his eyes and heart should be there perpetually I answer the promise and covenant was conditionall if Gods t vers 4. statutes and judgments were observed for if they should turn away and u vers 6. serue other Gods God said x vers 7.8 he would cast out of his sight that house which hee had hallowed for his name and it should be an astonishment a hissing to all that passe thereby And see we not how Solomon forfeited his bond His wiues y 1 King 11.4 turned his heart after other Gods hee followed z vers 5. Ashteroth and Milcom Chemosh and Molech and other abominations of the Gentiles and “ vers 7. built them high places for which his wickednesse God was angry and hath rent his Kingdom from his son and given it to me Look to Gods place which was in Shilo a 1 Sam. 4. Psal. 78.60 c. where he set his name at the beginning and see what he did to it for the iniquity of Israel even b Ier. 7.12 14. so will the Lord doe to that house in Ierusalem wherupon his name is called wherin also they trust Example see in the rent of the Kingdom for at the same time when promise was made to dwell in that house for ever God promised c 1 King 9.3.1 also to stablish that throne of Solomons for ever howbeit already the throne is thrown down and most of the Realm committed to me As is the one doubtlesse so is the other no sanctity remaineth in the place so polluted with idolatry the holinesse is gone 9 And now that this Bethel where I build a house to our God is the place which he hath chosen to dwell therin we may boldly say for it is most
her p vers 19. and returned not again neither took hold of the waies of life but q Pro. 5.23 dying without instruction and going astray through his great folly when r 2 Chron. 13.20 the Lord plagued him and he was dead Nadab his son was soon s 1 King 15 25.27 kild in conspiracy and after him t vers 29. all Ieroboams house the remnant whereof u 1 King 14.10 was swept away as doung till all was gone the x vers 11. dogs eating him that dyed in the citie and the fowls of the aier him that dyed in the field for the Lord had said it CHAP. V. Of the Idolatry of these times far exceeding Ieroboams IT is the manner of men to bee more equall and indifferent judges of other times then of their own the sins sinners that are past and gone we readily blame but though the like or worse be in our daies we haue not either skill to discern or courage to condemn them We can easily say as did the Pharisees a Math. 23 ●0 If we had been in the daies of our fathers wee would not haue been partners with them in the bloud of the Prophets and yet upon every occcasion we also are ready to fulfil b vers 32. ●4 35 the mesure of our fathers walking in their sinnes resisting blaspheming persecuting all that speak against us for so doing Example hereof see in the Christian Church after the idolatry and overthrow of Israel for so far haue we been frō taking heed by their evils as we haue added unto all their sins and it was but a little which they then did in respect of the huge masse of abominations that hath since been heaped up even c Rev. 18.4 unto heaven 2 And first the frame and constitution of the Church hath quite been changed from the pattern given of God confirfirmed by Christs bloud and erected by his Apostles in all Nations For loe the man of sin hath joyned together many Parishes into one Diocese and many Diocecess into a Provincional and many Provincionall into one Nationall and many national into one Oecumenical or Catholike Church of which he himselfe will be the most holy Father the Bridegroom Lord Pastor Rector and Rock Of which Catholike society so combined we finde no record in the holy Apostles Writ where every Congregation of the Saints is d See Epistles to th● Churches i● Rome Corinth Ephesus and th● rest shewed in every Citie to be compleat in it selfe a Church and e 1 Cor. 1● 27. body of Christ furnished with his f 1 Cor. 5. ● power and g Math. 1● 20. presence every one under the guidance of h Act. 2● 17.28 Phil. ● 1 Act. 14.2 many Bishops and not all under the government of one joyned altogether i 1 Pet. 5. in brotherhood through k Eph. 4. ● Ioh. 17.21 faith loue and obedience of the spirit but not in one visible catholike Church with a visible Head or Vicar Lord Papa Patriarch or Archpastor but onely Christ himselfe l Rev. 2 3 chap. walking among them overseeing their waies and works and approving or reprooving them 3 This pseudocatholike Church or false Ecclesiasticall Monarchy is an idol or beast bred in the bottomlesse pit surpassing all the abominations that ever stood up in the land of the living and had for the parent of it the Dragon or Divill m Rev. 1 ● that old Serpent who used his most utmost skil cuning craft to beget and bring forth this his foulest child It had also of the gravest and learnedst Divines in their ages to nourse it with the milk of humane superstition and the Princes of the earth to endow and adorn it with the riches and jewels of all worldly glory that when this Iezebel shewed her selfe on the stage of the world shee made all men astonied at her majestie enamoured the Nations with her beauty bewitched them with her sorceries and made them drunken with the wine of her fornications The forrest of Rome was the high place where this n 1 King ● 13 Miphletseth or idol of horrour should haue her seat for there grew many fair trees whose shadow o Hos. 4.13 was good to burn incense under and there before time had other beasts been hatched and honoured whose p Rev. 13. ● image in this place must haue reverence still 4 And here the mysterie of iniquitie wrought contrary to Ieroboams prevailed more and continued longer For he in policie to settle his Kingdom schismed or rent the Church in twain which God had conjoyned in one King 12. but Abaddon the king and patron of this our idol will haue his false Church resemble q Bellar. d● Rom. Pont. lib. 1 cap. 7 the politie of Israel in monarchicall unity to allure and gather all people hereunto But as Ieroboams counsell was divelish to divide without God so is Romes doctrine Satanean to conjoyn without Christ. The Church then was confined r Psal. 76. within one little land whose assembly was annuall s Psal. 122 132. in the earthly Ierusalem where the high Priest remained to reconcile them to God but now the Church Catholick is dispread t Math. 2● 19. over all Ierusalem our mother u Gal. 4.26 is aboue and Christ our high Priest is x Heb. 8.1.2 9.24 in the very heaven there interceding for us unto God And for any one Citie to be as Ierusalem the place of resort for all Saints on earth or for any Arch-priest or Vicar of Christ to be his vicegerent and rule in his sted hee never appointed neither entred it into his heart but it is the excrements of the Popes wit whereby in policy he would maintain the pomp and magnificence of his Diana and in her his own pontificality 5 And that this Ladie might be made of y Ezek. 27 4. perfect beauty her friends haue devised to paint her face with this vermilion that the goddesse the z B●llar de Eccl. mi●i● l. 3 c. 14. CHRCH absolutely cannot erre either in things absolutely necessary or in other things which she proposeth to be beleeved or done of us whether they be found expresly in Scriptures or not Hereupon she trusting a Ezek 16 15. in her own beauty takes a pride and power to b Bellar. de Rom. Pont. l. 4. c. 16. make Lawes Ecclesiasticall to binde and constrain mens consciences charging and obliging us to c Rhe. Test. 1 Tim. 3 sect 9. beleev and trust her in all things So this Idol of indignation being crept into d Esa. 33.22 Iam. 4.12 Gods throne to be Iudg and Law-giver surmounteth far Ieroboams dumb calues which had mouthes and spake not for this image can speak because she e Rev. 13.15 hath a spirit and exacteth worship of the inhabitants of the earth that all should f Conc. Trident Sess. 22.
Witchcrafts 17 For by these and innumerable moe inchantments of Idolatrie which the day would not be enough to recken up this Circe the Ladie of the pseudocatholicks hath intoxicate the earth that the inhabitants p Rev. 17.2 are drunken with the wine of her fornication doting upon her reverend clergie her devout service her sacred ceremonies her hallowed Churches her Saints reliques and other like amatory potions wherin Christianism Iudaism and Paganism are tempered and mixt together in the golden Babylonish cup of her abominations 18 Hence is it that the reliques of this Romish idolatry are so fast retained among some which yet Rev. 17. ●6 hate the whore and eat her flesh and burn her with fire Of her haue they received their Diocesan Provinciall and Nationall Churches Of her haue they learned to make portesses or Leitourgies reading and singing their prayers upon a book with organs and melodie Of her institution haue they their solemn festivities of Christs Angels and Saints daies with their fasting Eves Of her hand haue they taken their Archbishops Lordbishops Suffragans Arch-deacons Parsons Vicars and a great many moe of her royall retinue From her haue they had their Churches Chappels Minsters baptized bells hallowed fonts and holy Churchyards though some of those high places are of more antiquity as having been built and dedicated to the Heathen Divils Finally from her haue been received lands livings tithes offrings garments signes gestures ceremonies courts canons customs and many moe abominations wherewith haue been inriched the r Rev. 18.15 merchants of the whore and all that sail s vers 19 with ships in her sea Thus with all the evils before mentioned and others moe then can be told which are very Gillulim the loathsome idols and execrements of the Queen of Sodom and the filthinesse of her fornication hath shee dishonoured and blasphemed the God of heaven and all that therin dwell with them she defileth the consciences of men with them she delighteth and solaces her selfe in fleshly ease and pleasure till in t Rev. 18.8 19. one houre she and all her riches pleasures wares merchandise shall perish and that be again fulfilled which was said by the Prophet Ezek. 23.43 Now shal she and her fornications come to an end CHAP. VI. A Conclusion Dehortary from this sin THE wares of idolatry being so common and universally spread by the merchants of the whore and conveighed into all nations it commeth to passe that many are interessed in this Mart buy and sell partake and communicate with these evils not being aware of the danger they come into hereby To warn them therefore of the mischiefe ere they fall into it or to help them out if they be fallen haue I penned this Treatise and add to the things fore written these few advertisements 2 This sin is direct against the Majesty of God whose honour is to be regarded aboue our own liues aboue the peace or tranquility of nations The sin provoketh the anger of God as adultery provoketh the rage of a man injured in his private bed As he a Pro. 6.34 will not spare in the day of vengeance and can not bear the sight of any ransom so the Lord is a b Ex. 20 5 gealous God and visiteth the sin of the fathers upon the children even to the third and fourth generation of those that hate him 3 Idolaters as they are shut c Rev. 22.14.15 out of the citie of the Lord the Church of Christ the heavenly Ierusalem so haue they further this doom against them they d 1 Cor. 6. ● 10 shall not inherit the kingdom of God The cōmunicating with idols depriveth men of cōmunion with God for there is e 2 Cor. ● 14.16 no fellowship of righteousnes with unrightousnes no agreement betwixt the Temple of God and idols The partakers therfore in this evill though perhaps not authors inventors nor open maintainers of the same shall come unto shame and confusion before God for f Isa. 44.1 all that are of the fellowship thereof shall be confounded 4 Folly is a blot and shame unto men which they fayn would shun but wisedom is mans honour and g Eccl. 8. ● maketh his face to shine Of all foolishnesse idolatry is the greatest depriving men of sound judgement in the best heavenly things and possessing their minds with habituall vanity Therefore is this vice resembled by a h Pro. 9.1 foolish woman ignorant knowing nothing yet troublesome and talkatiue i Pro. 7.1 lowd in her babling of a smooth and k Pro. 2.1 flattering tongue and her mouth more soft then oil yet cruel also and malicious l Pro. 6 2● 9.18 hunting for the precious life of a man bringing him to beggery death and hell But true religion or the fear of the Lord is resembled by m Prov. 8 1.4.6 wisedom which uttereth her voice to the children of men speaketh of excellent things the words 〈◊〉 8.9 ●1 of her mouth are all righteous plain her instructions better then fine gold and all her pleasures are not to be compared unto her Blessed ●ers 33.35 is the man that heareth her watching daily at her gates and giving attendance at the posts of her dores for he that findeth her findeth life and shall obtain favour of the Lord but he that sinneth against her hateth his own soule all that hate her loue death 5 To worship and serv the Divill is a thing horrible in religion and even in nature worthy of vengeance from the hand of God Though all manner sin pertaineth to the Divils service yet idolatry aboue all is counted and called the worship of Divils and so shall be punished The Heathens albeit they Rom. 1. ●0 21 had some knowledge of the true God and worshipped Act. 17. ●3 him ignorantly yet their worship is reckoned to Satan for 1 Cor. 10 ●0 the things which they sacrificed they sacrificed to Divils and not unto God Ieroboam made account he served the true God 1 King 2.28 even the God that had brought Israel out of Aegipt land notwithstanding the Lord hath thus testified of him that they were 2 Chron. ●1 15 Divils which he made when he made his calues for to worship God by And Israel before him made u Exod. 3● 1 c. a calfe for like use but Moses doth blame them as having offered unto x Lev. 17. ● Divils and gone a whoring after them and prophesyeth that their children y Deut. 32 17. would also run into like blot Antichristians would seem to bee worshippers of God yet the Holy Ghost chargeth them to z Rev. 9 2● worship the Divils when they think to serv God by idols Forasmuch then as all idols are Divils though fools count them Saints to partake with them is to forsake God and to bring our selues into satans damnation for the Spirit
Rev. 18.3 the aboundance of her pleasures wherby her merchants wexed rich u vers 9. the luxurious life and fornication of Kings with her x vers 14. the apples that her soule lusted after and all things that were fat and excellent y vers 22. the musick and melodie that there was heard and is signified further by z vers 9.15 16.19 the sorrow and lament which all her lovers make for her desolation Now when the Holy Ghost taketh the most pleasant delightfull things in the world and by them noteth out that counterfeit religion what would he but teach us and warn us hereby of the sweetnesse of this deceit which lulleth men in security having their wits bewitched with the whors inchanting song Prov. 9.16 17. Who so is simple let him come hither stollen waters are sweet and hid bread is pleasant 19. But if the intising words of others doe so far prevail with men that “ Pro. 7.22 they follow straightway as oxen that goe to to the slaughter and as fools to the stocks for correction till a dart strike through their liver what may wee think is the strength of a mans own heart when he ‘ Ps. 106.39 goeth a whoring with his own inventions how easily will it prevail against him Every man naturally pleaseth himselfe and liketh well of his own designes loving the fruit of his wit as the child of his body that when ‘,’ Isa. 59. he hath conceived mischief and brought forth an idol that is iniquity it groweth up with him and delighteth him and he Act. 7.41 rejoyceth in his own invention perswading himself that Iudg. 17.3 now the Lord will be good unto him seeing he hath found out a truth or right manner of worshipping God For this his devise specially if it be painted with some colour of holy scriptures he esteemeth as Act. 19. ●5 an image come down from Iupiter a doctrine from heaven it self And henceforward all the blessings that he injoyeth doe flow from this that d Ier. 44.17 he burneth incense to the Queen of heaven the idol that he hath made e Hos. 13.2 according to his own understanding wherefore he will loose his life rather then his religion which he defends with tooth nayl lest the f Act. 19.26 magnificence of his Diana should be destroyed he will g Ier· 28.11 preach and h Act. 17.18 dispute i Ier. 29.25 and write for the same against whomsoever and k 1 King 13 4. persecute if it bee in his power all that contradict it And whatsoever is said from the word of the Lord against it he l Ier· 44.16 will not hear being as hardly induced to think it no truth which his own wit hath discovered as were the Ephesians to think m Act. 19.26 them no Gods which were made with hands for his idoll invention hath bereft him of sound judgment a seduced hart hath deceived him that he cannot deliver his soul nor say Isa. 44.29 Is there not a lye in my right hand 20 So in his blind devotion he continueth blessing himselfe in his evill feighning that he is high in Gods favour and shall haue peace n Deut. 20.19 although he walk in the wrest and obstinacie of his own heart and that o Ier. 2 35· because he is guiltlesse surely Gods wrath shall turn from him For hee p vers 23. followeth no idols whatsoever men say but he q Ier. 5.2 swears the Lord liveth and will shew by his works the r 2 King 10.16 zeal that hee hath for the Lord against idolaters Hee bringeth s Amos 4.4.5 his sacrifices and his tithes offreth thanksgiving proclaimeth free offrings yea willing he is to please the Lord though it cost him t Mic. 6.7 thousands of rammes or ten thousand rivers of oil and to giue his first-born the fruit of his body for the sinne of his soule and though he burn incense to Baal u Ier. 7.9 10. yet will he come and stand before God in the house whereupon his name is called and say J am delivered he will x Mi● 3.22 lean upon the Lord and say Is not the Lord with me No evill can come upon me neither a Ier. 5.12 shall the plague come unto me neither shall I see sword nor famine 21 Finally the Lord to teach us how fast this sin cleaveth unto us saith by his Prophet of the idolatrie of Iudah his own professant people b Ier. 17.1 that it was written with a pen of iron and with the point of a Diamond graven upon the table of their heart shewing that the inmost affections are most deeply and continually inffected with this vice and addicted unto it from which no kind perswasion no earnest dehortation nor dreadfull threatning will turn them For when Ierusalem had given themselvs to this iniquity the Lord sent unto them c Ier. 35.15 all his servants the Prophets rising up early and sending them saying return now every man from his evill way and amend your works and goe not after other gods to serv them and yee shall dwell in the land which I haue given unto you and to your fathers d Ier. 44.4 5. oh doe not this abominable thing that I hate but they would not hear nor incline their ear to turn from their wickednesse and to burn no more incense unto other Gods And now are we come to the last demonstration how hardly this sinne is left when once men haue tasted the bitter sweetnesse of the same Which may be seen by the wilfull and stiffe persisting herein notwithstanding all judgments threatned all punishments inflicted therfore And hereof let Israel be our pattern 22 After that they had forsaken the Lord to follow their idols he to reclaim them from the iniquity denounced and brought upon them many heavie judgements King Ieroboam son of Nebat the author of sin to the people was e 1 King 1 1 c. rebuked by a Prophet heard the destruction of his religion threatned felt his own arm miraculously withered and recured saw the altar rent before his eyes yet could hee not perceiv the impietie of his trespasse He had again another f 1 King 1 1 c. Prophets reproof heard the horrible ruin of his house menaced that his posterity should be swept away as dung and eaten of dogs and fowls of the aier and by the death of his son Abijah was deterred if it mought haue been from proceeding in his idolatry but all this prevailed nothing He lost in one battell that he fought with Iudah 2 Chron. 3.17 fiue hundred thousand chosen men and some of his cities and yet had no heart to return unto the Lord till he was h vers 20. plagued of God and died And the yere after Nadab his son walking in his fathers sin i 1 Kin. 15 25 28.29 was murdered
and all Ieroboams house none left aliue destroyed according to the word of the Lord. 23 Baasha whose hands had executed Gods wrath on Ieroboams house yet had no grace to forsake his sinne no not though he were threatned for it by a Prophet k 1 King 16.1 4. to haue like vengeance brought upon his own posterity but continued in that Idolatrie to his dying day and Elah his son in the second year of his reign felt the reward of his fathers sins and of his own l 1 King 16.8 13. was kild by a conspiracie and all that family rooted out none left unto Baasha either of his kinsfolks or his friends Neither yet would Zimri who rooted out Bashaes house be warned himselfe but walked still in Ieroboams sin wherfore m 1 King reigning but seven daies God hastened wrath upon his head and he burned himselfe in his distresse 24 All this notwithstanding the people of Israel and Kings that succeeded left not Ieroboams sinns but added moe unto them and did worse then he And although wrath was encreased upon the Nation n 2 King 6 24.25 by sword and by famine that women o ver 28.29 did eat their own children for hunger and the Prophets did p 2 King 8.11.12 weep to think of the plagues before they came upon them yet could they not bee perswaded to leav their idolatrie The Lord gaue them cleannesse of teeth and scarseness of bread in all their cities q Amos 4.6 yet turned they not unto him Hee with-held rain from them and made them wander about to seek water to drink r Vers. 8. yet turned they not unto the Lord. He smote them with blasting and mel dew and kanker worms did consume their fruits s vers 9. yet turned they not unto the Lord. Pestilence he sent among them after the manner of Aegipt and killed their yong men with the sword t vers 10. yet turned they not unto the Lord. Hee overthrew them as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and they were as a firebrand pluckt out of the burning u vers 11 yet turned they not unto the Lord. And though the Lord a 2 King 17 13.14 c. testified unto them by all the Prophets and by all the Seers saying Turn from your evill waies and keep my commandements yet would they not hear but followed vanity and became vain in their idolatry till the land did spue them out as it had spued out the Heathens that dwelt before them they were b ver 23.24 spoyled by the Assirians and caried captives among the Heathens and Hethens came and dwelt in their sted 25 In like manner fared it with the Kingdom of Iudah many plagues did they feel for their idol service and many moe were threatned yet would they not turn from this iniquity Presently upon Rehoboams apostasie c 2 Chron. 12.1.2 c. they were set upon by the King of Aegypt their strong cities taken the treasures of the Lords house and of the Kings were lost and the men themselvs made d vers 8. servants to Shishak 27 The idolatrous Kings after augmented sin and wrath but could not be brought to amendment Jehoram lost e 2 Chron. 21.8 Aedom had his house and children robbed and carried away f ver 16.17 by the Philistims and Arabians and himself after two years sore sicknesse g vers 19. had his guts fall out and so died Amaziah was h 2 King 14.13.14 c. taken by the King of Israel the wall of Ierusalem was broken and the temple robbed Achaz was sold into the hands of i 2 Chron. 28.5 the Kings of Aram of Israel and six score thousand valiant men of Iudah were killed in one day k vers 6. because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers and two hundred thousand taken prisoners besides l vers 17.18.19 other miseries that came upon the Countrie But these and other plagues many which God laid upon them till m Isa. 1.5 6.7 the whole head was sick and the whole heart heavie from the sole of the foot unto the head there was nothing whole therin but wounds and swelling and putrified sores the land wasted the cities burnt with fire and the daughter Sion remained like a cottage in a vineyard yet the more they were smitten n vers 5. the more they fell away all labour was spent in vain upon them the o Jer. 6 2● 30. bellows were burnt the lead consumed in the fire the founder melted in vain they were called reprobate silver because the Lord had rejected thē For though he threatned p Ier. 9 1● to make Ierusalem a heap and a den of Dragons and to make the cities of Iudah wast without an inhabitant and sent unto them saying a Ier. 18.11 Behold I prepare a plague for you and purpose a thing against you turn you therefore every one from his evill way b vers 12. yet they said desperately surely we will walk after our own imaginations and do every man after the speculation of his wicked heart 27 Moreover when God had brought upon them the desolation threatned that c 2 Chr. 36 Ierusalem was broken up by the Babylonians the temple burned the people killed and the rest caried prisoners into Babel some poore men onely d 2 King ● 5.12 left to till the land yet that remnant afterward fled e Ier. 43.5 ● 7 into Aegypt both small and great and there committed idolatry again with f Jer. 44.8 the works of their hands burning incense unto other Gods in the land of Aegipt that they might bring destruction unto themselvs and be a curse and a reproach among all Nations of the earth 28 Behold in this mirrour whosoever thou art that readest the readines of all flesh to fall away from God the pleasure that men take in their own vain inven●●ons and the difficultie to draw them from following after Satan Behold the madnesse and blindnes and astonishment of heart wherewith they are stricken that be given to idolatry and how this gangrene did spread the whole body over in the Church of Israel whose historie is left written for example and warning to us who all are subject to fall into like sin are lyable to like plagues and of like obstinacy in evill For though God haue scourged Christendom with fire smoke and brimstone g Rev. ● 17 c. out of the horses mouthes and horsmen conducted by the Angels of destruction yet the remnant of men not killed by these plagues h vers 20. haue not repented of the works of their hands that they should not worship divils and idols of gold and silver and of brasse and of stone and of wood which neither can see neither hear nor goe men i Rev. 16.11 haue blasphemed the God of heaven for their paines and for their