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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47164 The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of Holy Scriptures ... : more particulary directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. : with a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England, to repent, &c. : and two letters to the preachers in Boston, and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. / by George Keith. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1691 (1691) Wing K191; ESTC R21261 124,580 240

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the ordinary way of Generation and that the menstruous Humour was held in Scripture to be such a filthy and unclean thing which is called The Fountain of her Blood Levit. 20.18 hath the same signification also the Circumcision of Children on the eighth day And it s said in Job 25.4 How can Man be justified with God or how can he be clean that is born of a Woman To wit in the ordinary way of Generation And here the natural state of Man is declared before his spiritual Regeneration in Christ Jesus And though that was said by Bildad one of Job's Friends yet it is confirmed by Job himself Chap. 14.4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one But this Seed or Principle of Sin and Corruption is not charged or imputed unto Men until they joyn and consent unto it and actually obey it as is clear from Rom. 5.13 For until the Law Sin was in the World but Sin is not imputed when there is no Law Now when is it that there is no Law but in the time of Infancy wherein Children are not capable of any Law or of doing Good or Evil any more than when in the Womb For until Children begin to have the use and exercise of their reasonable understanding so as to know the Right hand from the Left according to Jonah 4.11 they cannot be understood to be under the Law But to say that any Infants are eternally damned for that first Sin and without any actual Sin or Transgression of theirs committed in their own Body is expresly contrary to Scripture that saith The Soul that sinneth shall die and every one shall receive according to the Deeds done in the Body good or evil and he that soweth to the Flesh shall reap Corruption as he that soweth to the Spirit shall reap Incorruption and Life eternal And therefore none shall finally perish or be lost for that first Sin according to Scripture but for their actual Disobedience here in this World and their final Unbelief and Impenitency For as concerning the Judgment and Punishment of the first Sin it was immediately inflicted after the Fall to wit the Death of all in Adam But Christ the second Adam by his death for all that died in Adam doth give unto all his free Gift that cometh upon all unto Justification of Life and thus the Plaister is as broad as the Sore and the Medicine as universal as the Disease and it is not simply the Sin or Disease but the refusing and rejecting the Medicine and Physician that is the cause of any Mans final destruction And how or in what manner Adam's Children and Posterity were concerned in that first Sin whether only by Imputation as some say or by real Participation as others say the Wise in heart may easily judge Let it suffice at present to say that Adam's Children being his Branches and he their Root they do really partake with him both in the defilement and also in the promised Seed in order to their Restoration for when God said to Adam In the Day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die his Children and Posterity were included So when God said I will put enmity between thee to wit the Serpent and the Woman and between thy Seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy Head and thou shalt bruise his Heel Their Children and Posterity are equally included for Adam after his Fall being restored and made an holy Root as is generally acknowledged as Paul declareth If the Root be Holy so are the Branches and if the first Fruit be holy the Lump is also holy And as God promised unto Noah and to his Sons Gen. 9.8 And behold I establish my Covenant with you and with your Seed after you His Branches are holy with him to wit not actually but by having a Seed or Principle of Holiness put in them derived from Christ the second Adam who is that promised Seed whereby they are made capable of becoming Holy by improving the same and this is that federal Holyness which all the Children of Adam and Noah have that is all mankind which is more encreased or diminished but not totally abolished in any as the immediate Parents are found more or less actually holy for the more that any sin that noble Seed and Principle of Holiness both in them and in their Children is the more clouded and vailed every Sin that a Man committeth until it be purged and done away being a vail over that noble Seed And God renewed the promise to Abraham to make him the Father of all Nations and Families of the Earth and that in him they all should be blessed and in his Seed not that this should be fulfilled by his being their Father according to the Flesh or in the way of carnal Generation but through Christ who is the Seed of Abraham by whom the Blessing and Grace of God was to come upon all Rom. 4.16 17. and in this respect Abraham is called the Father of us all as it is written I have made thee a Father of many Nations before him whom he believed God quickening the Dead and calling the things which were not as though they were to wit the Dead in Adam are all in due time quickned by Christ the promised Seed of Abraham that they may all become the Children of Abraham through Faith in Christ Jesus for by virtue of Christ's Death and the Promise made to Adam Noah and Abraham these three general Fathers all Adam's Posterity are holy in a Scripture sense not actually but in capacity to become actually Holy through the holy Seed given unto them and put into them as they come to close and joyn with it in true Faith and Obedience And this doth well answer to Peter's Vision whereby all manner of four footed Beasts of the Earth and wild Beasts and creeping things and Fowls of the Air which God had cleansed all Nations of Adam are understood Acts 10.12 13 14 15. CHAP. VI. More particularly and largely concerning the way of Restoration by Jesus Christ his dying for all and giving unto all sufficiency of Grace and means of Salvation whereby they may be saved ACcording to the Testimony of the holy Scriptures Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all Men but especially of them that believe 1 Tim. 4.10 and he is called the Saviour of the World John 4.42 and the Saviour of the Body Ephes 5.23 and that he hath dyed for all Men is the express Testimony of the holy Scriptures in divers places 2 Cor. 5.14 15. For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one dyed for all then were all dead and that he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them 1 Tim. 2.4 5 6. God will have all Men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the Truth for there is one God and one Mediator between God and Men the Man
unto God that it might be made known and therefore as the grace or gift of Christ is in all Men so he who is the Fountain and Root of it from whom his grace cannot be separate is in all men to save them within a Day of Visitation or Salvation for Christ is in all men but Reprobates according to 2 Cor. 13.6 And none are Reprobates until Christ have left them and given them up to final Impenitency and hardness of Heart And for a proof of the second part see 1 Cor. 1.21 For after that in the Wisdom of God the World by Wisdom knew not God it pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that believe See further Verse 22 23 24 25. and Rom. 16.26 John 20.31 4. And because of this universal Grace and love of God to all Men and that Christ is freely given of the Father to be a Saviour unto all Men therefore Christ hath commanded that his Gospel should be preached unto all Nations without exception of any and did also prophecy and fore-tell that the Gospel of the Kingdom should be preached in all the World for a Witness unto all Nations before the end of the World and because he who cannot lie hath said it we are bound to believe it shall be fulfilled that so all mankind may be accountable to the Man Christ Jesus at the Day of Judgment either to be rewarded or punished by him as they shall be found having obeyed or disobeyed his glorious Gospel that hath been preached unto them both inwardly and outwardly unto many if not unto all but inwardly to be sure unto all 5. This divine Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Hearts of all men hath had its various Dispensations and Manifestations according to the several Ages of the world and the several States and Conditions of men in it both among Jews Gentiles and Christians and especially both in the Gentiles and in the body of the Jews and People of Israel excepting the Prophets and others peculiarly favoured of God the Principle it self was but little made known or revealed in respect of the great worth of it and the great Virtue Power and Glory that was in it God in his infinite Wisdom reserving the more full Discovery and Revelation of it to the time after Christ his coming in the Flesh and Death Resurrection and Ascension yet so much was discovered of it and so much good Fruit it brought forth in the true Lovers and Improvers of it as by means whereof they were accepted of God in that day through Christ Jesus 6. Whoever were perfectly justified and saved in any Place or Family of the World or Nation People or Faculty they were saved only and alone by the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth even the Man Christ Jesus who dyed for them rose again for there is no other Name given under Heaven whereby Men can be saved but by that Name to wit by the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was crucified and raised again Acts 4.10 11 12. But here some will readily object How could any of the Gentiles be justified or saved by the Man Christ Jesus and by virtue of his Death and Resurrection who never heard of him never had the Mystery of it revealed unto them consequently had not Faith in Christ crucified and risen again And upon this Head the Adversaries of Truth both Presbyterian Independent and Baptist Teachers have taken great occasion to cry out against the People called in scorn Quakers that their Religion is only Paganism and not Christianity because they say that Heathens or Pagans can be saved by their giving Obedience to the Light within them without having Christ crucified and raised again outwardly preached unto them But these Adversaries of Truth little consider what Hypocrites they discover themselves to be in this very Charge when they make that a Crime in others which they judge no Crime in themselves for they themselves hold That there are not only elect Infants dying in Infancy who are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit who worketh when where and how he pleaseth but other elect Persons regenerated and saved by Christ who are uncapable of being outwardly called by the Word citing Luke 18.15 16. John 3.3 5. John 3.8 John 5.8 see Cap. 10. Sect. 3. of the Westminster-Confession owned by the New-England Churches and printed by them at Boston And what they say of Infants and other elect Persons who are uncapable of being outwardly called by the Word that they are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit who worketh when where and how he pleaseth the same these called Quakers say concerning the honest and faithful Gentiles who were obedient to the Light of Christ in them and were not outwardly called by the Word or by outward Preaching yea and were uncapable of being outwardly called when living in such remote Places and Ages of the world where the outward Preaching never came within their reach For as a deaf Man is uncapable of hearing a mans Voice so is a man that hath his Hearing to wit the faculty or sense of Hearing uncapable of hearing the Voice of a man that is at a greater distance than his hearing can reach it And seeing they plainly confess that there are such elect Persons in the world not only Infants but these come to age who are Regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit who worketh when where and how he pleaseth as their Words are and the Words are true and a good use can be made of them against themselves who have confessed them then let them forever be ashamed to cry out any more against the honest People called Quakers for saying these honest Gentiles who have not heard of Christ outwardly preached unto them belonging to God's Election are saved by Christ and regenerated through the Spirit of Christ And if the Spirit work when where and how he pleaseth to wit both in Infants and persons at Age who are not outwardly called by the Word or uncapable of being so called then let them recal and condemn their false Doctrin that saith God hath committed his Counsel wholly to Writing and the former ways of God's revealing his Will unto his People are now ceased and there is no new Revelation As they have expresly and without any reserve or exception affirmed cap. 1. sect 1. and sect 6. For if God hath committed his Counsel wholly to Writing then nothing of his Counsel is extant where that Writing is not extant And if all divine Revelation be ceased then neither Infants nor other Persons who are uncapable of being outwardly called by the Word have any divine Revelation or inward Call by the Spirit Or if Infants and other Persons belonging to God's Election be inwardly called and renewed by the Spirit then God hath not committed his Counsel wholly to Writing nor are all the ways of God's revealing his Will to men ceased for by their own