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A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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I pray you of that which is written in the eightienth chapter of this booke where of purpose he hādleth that matet● historie of Christ at large There hee hath these wordes Consider ye beloued how that there is shewed vnto vs and geuē vs to vnderstand through the speaches of the Angel Gabriel which hee vsed with Marie that at the same time whē the holy Ghost came through the power of the most highest vpō the Virgin Mary procreated the true seed of promise the time of procreating of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh turned it selfe about to wit that the holy true seed of Abrahā should not frō thencefoorth be conceiued of the flesh but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the beliefe And that the same should euē so be borne out of the true faith of Abraham For the seed out of the faith of Abraham out of the pure Virgin Mary is the true seed of promise to the blessing of al generatiōs of the earth And thus from that time forth the Genealogie of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe ceassed with the beleeuers For the vpright children of the beliefe which had their discent out of the seede of the faith of Abraham and the pure Virgin Mary as also from the holy Ghost were knowen to be the true seede of Abraham because the same seede was the seede of the promise of God the Father was likewise in his mind according to the spirit the likenes of God his father also spirit and spirituall of the godly nature and being And according to the will of GOD wholly minded with God. You see that the woordes of the Angel vnto the Virgin Marie to perswade her touching the worke of the Lorde within her to witte that the holy Ghost shoulde come vppon her and the power of the moste high shoulde ouershadowe her are by this Authour wrong by way of Allegory vnto all the faithfull that shall come after Christ who are made by his doctrine to come out of the pure Virgin Mary to be the very true seed of promise ioyntly together for the blessing of all generations of the earth For the seed saith he out of the faith of Abraham and out of the pure Virgin Mary is the true seed of the pramise to the blessing of al generatiōs of the earth These be his owne wordes And immediatly after least that any shoulde thinke this was spoken of one onelie and therefore of Christ alone continuing the same matter he speaketh in the plural number and saieth The vpright children of the beliefe which had their discent out of the seede of the faith of Abraham and of the pure Virgin Mary as also from the holy Ghost were knowen to be the true seede of Abraham because the same seede was the seed of the promise of God the father Cā any thing bee added to this blasphemie to ioyne many to make vppe this seede of promise by whom shoulde come the blessing of all the generations of the earth When as the Apostle sayeth in the third to the Galathians which place is here alleaged by him That the promises were made to Abraham and his seede which was Christ and not to his seedes as speaking of manie If any man either for want of knowledge or through aboundance of good will woulde here gladly become a proctour for H.N. and affirme that he meant nothing lesse by this speach of blessing all generations of the earth then to declare the way and meanes of our saluation besides that the whole chapter is occupied about Christ and therefore about our saluation and that it is the phrase of speache which the holie Ghost vseth to expresse that matter by The places which are quoted in the margent out of Genesis and the Epistle to the Galathians directly dealing for that worke of our saluation doe leaue no colour for this excuse All the grounde that hee hath of this blasphemous doctrine is a blinde ignoraunt and altogether vnlearned descanting about the names of men wherein consisteth the deapth of all his diuinitie For when once hee hath with allegories as it were with hot irons seared the word taking away thereby the life and natural sence of the same then beginneth he to rattle the drie bones and to descant vpon bare names as best liketh himselfe without anie helpe at all giuen vnto his interpretation from the circumstances of the place matter that is inhande resting onely vpon a childish ridiculous deriuation of the words from the Hebrues For because as hee saieth in that chapter Galilie signifieth a turning either winding about He will haue this doctrine established therevpon that the procreating of the true seede turned it selfe about to witte that the holie and true seede of Abraham which according to his doctrine all he faithful are shoulde not from thencefoorth be conceaued of the flesh but of the holie Ghost What daunger lurketh vnder this doctrine Is it not proper onely to that one man Iesus Christ alone to be conceiued by the holy Ghost Howe then dare H.N. secretly insinuate that Christ had no other kinde of conception but that whereof all the faithfull are partakers together with him Now if hee meant no mischiefe herein what neede hath hee to set his turning about from Galilie to tell vs that the true seede of Abraham shoulde not from thencefoorth be conceiued of the fleshe For if he haue relation vnto regeneration Who is ignorant that the worke therof not onely since Christ but before his comming hath beene alwayes wrought through the holie Ghost and neuer performed by fleshe Marie after the like maner of interpretation signifieth with him a doctrice For that is his owne woorde in this Chapter wherevppon he gathereth that the true seede is brought foorth by the most highest in the beliefe that is by himselfe who onely in his owne iudgement teacheth purely and so consequently they all are borne of the pure Virgin Marie that are brought by his doctrine and instruction which onely he holdeth for pure to ioyne with him in his faith and religion Thus blasphemously doth he deale through grosse ignorance ioyned with intollerable arrogancie pride to ouerthrowe the grounde woorke of our saluation As for these woordes which in the ende of this his speache are spoken of all the faithful after Christ The same seed was the seed of the promise of God the Father was likewise in his minde according to the spirit the likenesse of God his Father also spirit and spiritual of the godly nature and beyng and according to the will of God wholly minded with God Whether they eueroch vppon Iesus Christ or attribute any other diuinitie and Godhed vnto Christ then they are perswaded the faithful after him be all pertakers of I leaue it to the consideration of the learned that feare God without any other speache thereof then that here all the
teacher and Prophet is likewise very great for who can make vs doubt or make any question of it howe wee should knowe the wil of God generally or his affection towards the beleuer perticularly when the sonne himselfe to whom as being neerest vnto him the wil of the father is wholy and altogeather made knowen hath opened the same in his Gospel Who dare nowe tell me that as one who hath no iudgement or discretion I am wholy to put ouer my selfe in matters of fayth to Councelles fathers and consent of nations when I am taught too beleeue that Christe Iesus is annointed Prophet and Teacher aswell inwardly to perswade by his spirite as outwardly to teache and set downe a true rule of righteousnesse according as it is written in Iohn But yee haue an ointement from him that is holy and know al things These things touching his name and office I haue vttered more at large because H.N. with one breath passeth from the creation of all thinges by Christ vnto the woorke of our redemption as if they had not onely both one workeman but also were both of them nothing els but one the same worke nay which more is as if the comming of Christ in the fleshe and his suffering had been onely to answeare a duety that was laid vpon him by some couenant from the creation which stoode him self vpō to answere for his own benefite whereas the Scripture laieth out at large the matter of our saluation as the most speciall and principall thing that it handleth A thing so seueral and sundred from the creation as that the sonne of God hath not onely nowe another matter in hande but also a newe name and another nature a diuerse office and a distinct condition H.N. notwithstāding al these good words is not of opinion that Iesus Christ is God for then here especially he woulde haue beene plaine and laide out the matter at large not onely for that necessarie occasion is offered him by the mention that is made of the onely sonne of God but also because our redemption which is the matter he hath in hand could not be accomplished by any that was but man onely For what iust satisfaction coulde a mortall man make for offences committed agaynst the high maiestie of GOD when offences growe to be greater or lesse as the partie offended is in place and dignitie higher or lower According as wee see that an euill woorde spoken against a Prince hath in iustice greater punishment then the same woorde ought to haue being spoken but against a priuate man Nowe when so great a person as the only begotten sonne of GOD and GOD him selfe hath humbled him selfe in our nature for vs and beene obedient euen vnto that most slaunderous death of the crosse for our cause no man can deny but that suche a sacrifice is able to weigh with all the sinnes of his seruauntes For that obedience hath estimation and desert from the person who did perfourme it Howe daungerously then dealeth this Familie as much as in them lieth to shake out faith beside the iniurie that they doe offer vnto his Maiestie when they deny the Godhead of Christ seeing no man is able to bring that price wherewith sinne may be sent away as answered in desert and our consciences rest vpon as in a sufficient discharge against the same Moreouer who not beeing the Almighty him selfe had beene able to preuayle against death and to breake through the iron barres and mightie chaines of the graue which yet is but the prison of the body onely and not that darkest dungeon and safest ward that Sathan hath where the soule is imprisoned when sinne ceaseth vpon the conscience Nowe the gates of both these prisons were to be opened and that so wide as infinite multitudes beside him selfe might safely passe thorowe them nay they were to bee broken vnto so small sheuers as it were impossiible euer after to make them of strength able to bee kept shut against the feeblest of his seruauntes But I knowe you are desirous out of H. N. his bookes to knowe what hee thinketh of Christe seeing I doe so constantly affirme that hee denieth him to bee GOD and haue before referred you for your further satisfaction touching his opinion heerein vnto this place and likewise what you may safely say by warraunt from his owne writings that he beleueth Christ to be By the doctrine of H.N. Christ is no one man but an estate and condition in men common to so many as haue receiued his doctrine that they are growen thereby to perfection nowe sinne no more Which estate hee calleth the true light or true beeing and perfection For proofe whereof I referre you vnto the xiii Chapter of his Euangelie or ioyfull message of the kingdome towarde the ende of second section there hee hath these wordes This same true light is the annointed with the holy ghost which annointed in Hebrue is named Messias in Greeke Christus Hee was also in times past called of certaine Rabbins amōg the Iewes the Lorde his Sabboth And they say that the same annointed is the seuenth day in the Paradize of God wherein God resteth from all his woorkes and is the perfectiō the which also is very true for this same Messias or annointed is the Sabboth day which the Lord hath commaunded to be alwaies had in remembrance that we when the same commeth might rest therein hallow or sanctifie the same wherin the law the seruice of the Priesthood of Aaron out of Leui and the elders testament doth ceasse hath accomplished his seruice For the same annointed which commeth at that time out of heauen with his annointing of the holy Ghost in the spirite and is the very like being of the godhead it self he is a Priest of the most highest higher and greater of dignitie then was Aaron because hee bideth euerlastingly and is a minister of the spiritual heauenly goodes This same true light which H. N. bringeth ye see he calleth it the annointed with the holy ghost Messias Christ the seuenth day the perfectiō to cloke his horrible heresie the better that it might not be espied hee speaketh of this his estate of perfection in the Masculine gender as if it were a man and saith as you haue hearde before he was also in times past called of certayne Rabbins among the Iewes the Lordes Sabboth and likewise he speaketh of this estate as yf it were a man when he sayth he is a Priest of the most highest higher greater of dignitie then was Aaron This horrible blasphemie is yet more plainely laide out in the viii ix x. sections of this same chapter wher he speaketh thus Oh alas how grosly haue then certaine wise of the world and Scripture learned ouerreached them herein which haue without diuersitie forsaken the lawe and the seruice of the elders Testament and of the Priestes office after the ordinance of Aaron and set backe the same
as a thing vnneedefull not once distincting vnto whom the seruice after the ordinaunce of Aaron is yet necessary nor yet with whom the same at the appoynted time ceaseth or leaueth of but haue al for the most parte cried Christ Christ and we are Christians and attributed to themselues much freedome ere euer the time of the appearing of Christ or the annointing of the holy Ghost was come to passe or fulfilled with them in the accomplishing of the olde Testament Oh that they yet nowe awaked and tooke heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gratious time and gaue eare vnto the same that they might vnderstande their safemaking and so then bee rightly and according to the trueth brought to the true beyng that is vnto Christ You heare that hee complayneth greately of the Scripture learned that they haue altogether and generally leaste the Leuiticall Priesshoode and seruice after the ordinaunce of Aaron forbidding it vnto all without exception when as the time of the appearing of Christ is not yet come to passe with many because they haue not taken heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gracious time and therefore hee wisheth in the tenth Section that they yet woulde nowe awake and take heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gratious time that so they might rightly and acording to the trueth bee brought to the true beyng that is as he saieth vnto Christ for these be his owne woordes in this place And so then be rightly and according to the truth brought vnto the true beeing that is vnto Christ So that nowe you see clerely by receiuing effectually this his doctrine men are made that true light whereof he spake before in this chapter when as he saide And this same true light is the annoynted with the holy Ghost which is named in Hebrue Messias and in Greeke Christus In the sixth Section hee declareth when men may be saide to come to this true being and perfection which he calleth Christ To witte when the law and seruices doe chaunge with the beleeuers out of the letter and seruiceable woorde into the reuealing of the holie spirite of Christ For then as hee sayeth in that Section The honourable Priest is come vnto them who teacheth not after the maner of Aaron by requiring them yet to obserue the will or righteousnes of the law but after the maner of Melchisedech bringing with him the blessing the accōplishing of the law the saluation of life the annointing of the holy Ghost these be his words Where now thē the law the seruices do in such wise change by the beleeuers of the annointed to witte out of the figures into the true beeing and out of the letter and seruiceable worde into the reuealing of the holy spirite of Christ there is also then by these same the Priest his office chaunged for Christ the honourable Priest cōmeth vnto them from the right hand of God the Father out of the heauenly beeyng which hath or vseth not his seruice after the maner or ordināce of Aaron which is yet a teaching and requiring to obserue the will or the righteousnesse of the lawe of the Lorde but after the maner or ordinance of Melchisedech with bringeth with him the blessing the accomplishing of the lawe or of the Lorde his will the saluation of life and the annointing of the holy Ghost to a pleadge of the godly inheritance to an euerlasting treasure or riches of God and reigneth in the righteousnes of the same See the miserie of this mischiefe hee will haue Christ to bee an estate in man which leaueth the written woorde which hee calleth the letter and hearkeneth wholly to the reuelation of the spirit which banisheth Aaron that is that estate which is carefull to doe the will and commaundementes of God and resteth resolued that they haue already accomplished the lawe and sinne no more And this is that true seede of promise whereof wee heard before out of the eightienth chapter of this booke which is not as he sayeth conceiued of the fleshe but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the beleefe this seede out of the faith of Abraham also of the pure virgin Marie is as he saith in that place the true seede of the promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth And this seede he calleth the vpright children of the beliefe Albeit I haue set downe the wordes before yet it shall not be amisse to recite the place againe worde for worde as it lieth there Consider ye beloued howe that there is shewed vnto vs and geuen vs to vnderstand through the speches of the Angel Gabriel which he vsed with Mary that at the same time when the holy Ghost came through the power of the most highest vpon the Virgin Marie and procreated the true seede of promise the time of the procreating of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe turned it selfe about to wit that the holy and true seede of Abraham should not from thenceforth be conceiued of the flesh but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the belief that the same should euē so be borne out of the true faith of Abrahā for the seed out of the faith of Abraham out of the pure virgin Mary is the true seed of promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth And thus from that time foorth the Genealogie of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe ceassed with the Beleeuers for the vpright children of the belief which had their discent out of the seed of the faith of Abraham and of the pure Virgin Mary as also frō the holie Ghost were knowē to be the true seede of Abraham because the same seede was the seede of the promise of God the Father was likewise in his minde according to the spirite the likenes of God his father also spirit spirituall of the godly nature being according to the will of God wholly minded with God. It appeareth likewise plainely in that his booke which is intituled The Prophesie of the spirit of loue chapter xv v. Section that this state of perfection which is there called the seconde birth is Christ Iesus the Lord and sauiour These be his woordes O ye holy ones of God thou louely communaltie of loue feare not but be nowe of good cheere vpon the earth against all your enimies For beholde your GOD commeth to be auenged on all your enimies for to lay them that they may bee troden downe vnder the feete of your Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ and euen so in your second birth out of the holy spirite of the loue of Iesus Christ to transporte or yeeld ouer the iudgement and dominion vpon the earth vnto you and your Sauiour Iesus Christ to the ende that yee with him and he with you and your sauiour Iesus Christ and with his
of Christ after the flesh The second borne as he affirmeth in the eleuenth Section holdeth himselfe in stilnesse and obteyneth through the prudence of the holy Ghost the blessing of the promises In the nienth Section he calleth it the Godhead the truth Gods true being it selfe the inheritaunce of all spirituall and heauenly goodes the true seede of the beliefe that becommeth borne in vs according to the spirite inheriteth the promises of God the Father And in the twelfth Section and last line thereof hee calleth it Christ these be his woordes The seconde birth which is not minded according to the fleshe but according to the spirite of the heauenly trueth obteineth the victorie beareth rule with God and bringeth foorth the name of Israel or Christ it selfe By this which hath bene saide it appeareth euidently that H.N. his Christ is that estate of man or men which liueth as it best liketh not beyng nowe any more vnder the gouernement of the written woorde which he calleth the seruiceable letter hauing let the rayne loose vnto reuelations so that nothing shall now be good but that he thinketh to be good neither shall any thing be euill of it selfe vnlesse he iudge it to be euill For he is now the rule himself to make by his reuelation what construction soeuer he will of the worde so it be not according to the letter and naturall sence of the same for that is with him the first borne which cannot inherite the promises It shall now be now be no great hard matter by the light wee haue had from these former places to finde out the poyson that lyeth vnder the sweete wordes with he geueth Christ in his confession For confessing Christ to bee the very like beeing of God his Father wee may soone perceiue what he meaneth when hee calleth the seconde birh wherof so many be partakers as shall inherit the promises Gods true being it selfe the very like being of the Godhed it self which are his owne words in the xiii chapter of his Gospel and fifth Section Confessing likewise that God the Father by Christ hath made and accomplished all his woorke what is this more then that he attributeth in the xiii Chapter of his Gospel and thirde Section to this estate of his illuminate Elders and perfect men who bee come to the seconde birth which he calleth in that place The Lorde his Sabboth the seuenth day in the Paradice of God wherein God rested from all his workes So that then they are saide to rest as hauing accomplished all their woorkes when this their estate of perfection wherevnto he giueth this name of Christ is come vnto them And in the like sence hee saith That Christ beareth all things with the word of his power and maketh the purging of our sinnes through him selfe For that estate vnderstandeth the worde after the spirit therefore hath it in that power whereby it beareth and doth all thinges and that estate likewise freeth them from all daunger of sinne in as much as it wholly purgeth and cleanseth them from the same This so wicked horrible monstrous construction and meaning vnder so greate good words doth plainly declare that H.N. and his family are children of that great Whoore described in the seuenteenth chapter of the Reuelation which giueth foorth all her abhomination out of a Golden Cuppe H.N. The third Article 14. We beleeue that the same sonne of GOD is conceiued of the holie Ghost through the power of the moste highest and borne of the holie Virgin Mary 15 We confesse that this same sonne of God which is conceiued of the holie Ghoste and borne of the holie Virgin Mary is the true and promised seede and borne to the blessing of all generations of the earth according to the promises Answeare In this Creede so ful of new straunge matters maruel not if H.N. adde some thing new and straunge in words We say in our common Creede as of a thing paste That Iesus Christ was conceiued of the holie Ghoste In H.N. his Creede ye heare wee are taught to say as of a thing present that he is conceiued of the holie Ghoste whereby hee putteth vs in remembraunce of this newe Christ which he hath brought into the world whom because he hath imagined to be nothing else but a perfection in the minde of so many as haue bene or shall bee inheritours of the promises he cannot say that his conception is altogither paste for so often as any are brought on to that estate which H.N. setteth forth in his doctrine so often in his opinion is Christ conceiued of the holy Ghost as appeareth in the eighteenth chapter of his Euangelie which place is already set downe before and alleaged by me And albeit enough hath beene spoken to him that will vnderstand for proofe that H.N. taketh Christe to bee but a course in life and conuersation which so many attaine vnto as shall auoyde the wrath of God or as himselfe speaketh a walking in the louely beeing yet I thinke it not amisse to adde vnto the former one testimonie more because this place we now haue in hand is occupyed aboute that matter In the twelfth Chapter of his first exhortation Section 22. and 34. these be his wordes If ye wil not that the wrath of GOD should come or fall vppon you so deale faithfully before GOD and his holines and walke with your spitite in the louely and vertuous beeing fasten your minde thereto and builde your righteousnesse theron for that is an eternall fast standding foundation wheron all GOD his Prophetes and holy ones haue builded and is Christe him selfe This walking with their spirit in the louely and vertuous beeing he calleth as you heare Christ himselfe and those who keepe this course of life and walk in the louely beeing how many so euer doth he speake of heere in the singular number as of one person and one seede when he saith This same sonne of GOD which is conceiued by the holy Ghoste and borne of the holy Virgin Mary is the true and promised seede borne to the blessing of all generatiōs of the earth As also he speaketh in his Euangelie or Gospel when he saith The vpright children of the beliefe which had their discent out of the seede of the faith of Abraham and of the pure virgin Mary as also from the holie Ghoste were knowen to bee the true seede of Abraham because the same seede was the seede of the promise of GOD the father and was likewise in his minde according to the spirit the likenes of God his father also spirite and spirituall of the godly nature and beeing and according to the will of God wholly minded with God. Nowe touching the humanitie of Christe hee is so farre from thinking that Christ is a person now did take fleshe of a Virgin called Mary that woondering at the madnesse of them who haue defended that he saith thus Euangely eighteen and
his is ascended into heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie father but with this cautiō that it is like as the scripture mencioneth therof that is as his owne head shall imagine the Scripture to speake when it is transformed from the true and naturall sence into allegories and mysteries of his owne making And therefore after his woonted manner louing to make his Commentarie darker then the Text which hee hath taken in hande to open and explane hee saith That his Iesus hath taken in the heauen raigneth ruleth essentiallie in the heauenlie being that is that beeing free from sin the knowledge of the worde after the letter he is now become altogether heauenly spiritual inspired with knowledge immediatly frō God himself For his Christ after the spirit is him selfe and all that his number who are by obedience vnto his doctrine growen to such perfection that now they sinne no more beeing replenished with the fulnesse of the holie spirit of Christ as himself speaketh And that he meaneth no other ascending into heauen ▪ neither any other taking in of the heauen is euidently proued out of his Euangelie chapter 26. and 10 Section Beholde when as now the law of Moses was in such wise as is said fulfilled or accomplished and had no longer seruice with the death of the sinne and with the beleuers of Christ which through the lawe were dead vnto the law but the spirit of Christ which made the diseassed beleeuers of Christ aliue againe in righteousnesse out of the death of Christ so had then also the Priesthoode in his Images figures and shadowes after the manner of Aaron no more ministration with the liuing in Iesu Christ neither yet gaue it any clerenes more with them because the heauenly clearnesse of Christ and his vpright beeing of loue wherein the disciples of Christ were comprehended excelled farre away all cleerenesse of the figuratiue seruices for that cause the priesthood of Aaron chaunged also with the Disciples of Christ and ceassed by them for with them there was a spirituall heauenly priesthood appeared in vpright righteosnesse and euen so was the same with his seruice established on Christ after the spirit the true light which is an high Prieste that bideth for euer at the right hand of God in the heauenlye beeing whose seruice of the spitituall heauenlie ministration commeth not to passe in the letter nor in the figures but in the verie true beeing Beholde euen so was Christ after the spirit in his office or seruice a minister of the very true and heauenly goods among his disciples and beleeuers and hath when hee had taken in the Heauen multiplied him selfe through his seede of the holie Ghost out of the heauenly beeing to the increasing of his generation the vpright seede of Abraham according to the promises and euen so became Christ fruitfull vpon earth in many thousandes of his Saintes all which he through his death made free or iustified frō the sinne made them aliue through his holy Ghost taking them vp from the earth and assembling them vnto him at the right hande of God his father in the heauenly beeing He affirmeth as you heare in the 10. Section that when the lawe of Moses was accomplished by the death of sinne and had resigned vnto the spirit of Christ which made the deceassed beleuers aliue again in righteousnes thē had the priesthood after the manner of Aaron no more ministration with these liuing neither gaue it any more clearnes vnto them this is his reason because the heauenly cleerenesse of Christ wherein the disciples of Christ were comprehended excelled farre away all cleerenesse of the figuratiue seruices The same reason hee rendreth in the next Section saying that the priesthood of Aaron ceassed with the disciples of Christ for that vnto them there had a spirituall heauenly priesthood appeared who was with his seruice established on Christ after the spirit which is an high Priest that bideth for euer at the right hand of God in the heauenly being In the 12. Section continuing his speach of those to whome nowe the heauenly Priesthood had appeared hee calleth them Christ after the spirite and affirmeth that when he had taken in the heauen he multiplyed himselfe thorowe his doctrine which he calleth his seede of the holie Ghost for beeing perfect they may publiquely teache and professe to the increasing of his generation the vpright seede of Abraham according to the promises and so became Christ fruitfull vppon the earth and assembled many vnto him at the right hand of God his father in the heauenly beeing This is the taking in of the the heauen or the ascending into Heauen of H.N. his Christ and the sitting at the right hand of God his father euen to become heauenly minded and inspired from aboue in all fulnesse with this knowledge and obedience which H.N. requireth in this his seruice of loue Heere is neither hope nor comfort for vs in any other man beside our selues neither is any consolation opened either from the ascencion of Christ either else for that he sitteth at the right hande of God his father only this is confessed that the number of his perfect ones are become inclosers and haue taken in the heauen so that there is no portion of heauen and other true happinesse to be hired or otherwise had vnlesse a man renounce the knowledge of the worde after the letter become voyde of all sinne and perfectly illuminated with thefull cleerenes of H.N. his doctrine The greatest comfort that I see a man who would willingly become a disciple can haue by H. N. his doctrine is that though his religion be very highe and mysticall yet his Heauen is very lowe euen heere vppon Earth among vs For this ascention of his Christe and sitting at the right hande of his father is performed in this life when the disciples become once comprehended of this his heauenly cleerenesse and of his vpright beeing of the loue When shall we once come to the bottom of this dungeon of darkenesse How hard is it when once a man hath giuen way to heresie to finde that stoppe which shall make him stay and recouer himselfe Howe great is the goodnesse of our God that hath armed vs with cleere and plaine doctrine out of his woorde against these and the like daungers and hath left vnto vs the knowledge of his Christ to our exceeding great comfort and consolation insomuch that euery article of our beliefe addeth something to the consolation of a christian For albeit our hope be great in that we heare of him who went downe into the graue in our sinnes that hee is risen againe and so acquite of that danger and iudgement which he lay vnder for the same yet is it much more when we vnderstand that the Lord hath not so left him and caste him of who was the whole dealer doer for vs but hath receiued him into heauen his owne
seate habitation Neither haue the arguments tokens of his loue here had their end but he hath set him on his right hand that is hath cōmitted the whole gouernment administratiō of his kingdome heervpon earth into his hands How can it goe harde with vs when our mediatour and he that hath had all these dealings for vs is become so great with our God as to bee made the head of his church to haue receiued the gouernmēt charge ouer his chosen May we not with the Apostle triumph say Who shal lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is Christ which is dead or rather which is risen again nay which is at the right hād of God making intercession for vs If his death brought vs from such danger what benefite wil this his life bring vnto vs and against how many and how great dangers shal it be able to defend vs If when we were enimyes we were reconciled vnto God by the death of his sonne much more beeing reconciled we shall be saued by his life For both the instrument hath now more power and strength to performe and the matter is the fitter to be wrought vpon Christ is not entred into the holie places that are made with hands which are similitudes of the true sanctuary but is entred into very heauen to appeare now in the sight of God for vs Seeing then we haue an high Priest whiche is ouer the house of GOD let vs draw neare him with a true heart in assuraunce of faith sprinkling in our heartes from an euil conscience and washed in our bodyes with pure water abhorring from our heartes this cursed and comfortlesse Christ which H.N. hath brought out not meaning to comforte feede but to pyne famish his familie withall We haue not onely comforte by our Christ touching his priesthood for that he appeareth nowe in the sight of our God for vs and that the sacrifice is continually before his eyes whereby we stand discharged against sinne and made acceptable and in good fauour and grace with our God neither yet for that he beeing ascended on high and leading captiuitie captiue doth giue giftes to his Church generallie and to the seuerall members therof particularly in gouerning them by his spirite and worde beeing forcible by the working thereof to promote his glory in them but also touching his kingdome because he is our Christ to whome is giuen all power both in heauen and earth and of whome it is written The Lorde saide vnto my Lorde sitte thou at my right hand vntil I make thine enemyes thy footestoole Be thou ruler in the middest of thine enemyes without whose licence and leaue euen in his humilitie lowest estate the deuils themselues durst not to deale no not against Hogges and swine And therefore beeing now exalted into such glory how dare they be bolde to attempt any thing against the least of his seruantes without speciall licence from himselfe The Familie can finde no such comforte in their counterfaite Christe who setteth and breedeth onely in their braine hatching his reuelations and coyning these such like mysteries ruling ouer no other enemyes neither beeing carefull to kepe of other aduersaries besides the true naturall meaning of the worde of god Thus as you haue hearde hath H.N. stopped the heads of all the wel springs of life taking from vs all the seuerall comfortes which by these Articles of our beliefe we are lawfully intituled vnto sending vs to dig pittes in our selues and there to seeke for this spring of life where by the worde of God wee are well assured it can neuer be founde H.N. The seuenth Article We beleeue that Iesus Christ shal come from thence namely from the right hand of God his father out of heauen to iudge the liuing and the dead Wee confesse that he wil euen so in his cōming shewforth his great power and maiestie and make manifest with him the glorious Lordlines of the many thousands of his holy ones in their garnishing possesse his inheritance with God his father and with al his saintes in triumph and perpetual ioy euerlastingly And iudge euē so with all his holy ones as a righteous Iudge the worlde and all nations generations and languages according to the trueth with righteousnesse Answeare This cōming of Christ to iudge the quicke the dead is by the doctrine of H.N. in this life yea it is euen now in this time whē H.N. and his doctrine are manifested and brought to light Now saith H.N. shal the glorious lordlynesse of the many thousand of his holie ones in their garnishing be made manifest now shal Christ possesse his inheritaunce in triumphe perpetuall ioy euerlastingly and iudge euen so all nations and languages according to the trueth with righteousnesse In his title I haue sufficiprooued that the day of iudgement is in this life if we wil beleeue his doctrine and that it is no other thing then the publishing of this his doctrine Yet because I woulde not haue any sent away vnsatisfied herein I will adde one or two testimonies vnto the former In his Euangelie cap. 34. thus he speaketh of that matter Behold and consider my beloued how wonderfully god worketh in his holie ones and how that now in this day or light of the loue the iudgement seate of Christ is reuealed and declared vnto vs out of heauen to a righteous iudgement vpon earth from the right hand of God how that on the same iudgement seate of Christ that the Scripture might be fulfilled there sitteth one nowe in truth in the habitation of Dauid which iudgeth vprightly thinketh vppon equitie and requireth righteousnesse Through him God will now in this day which he him selfe hath appointed or ordained thereunto iudge the compasse of the earth with righteousnes In which this same day or last time namely in the perfection of the woorkes of God and in his righteous iudgement the God of heauen hath now declared him selfe and his Christ togeather with al his Saints vnto vs his elect also made a dwelling with vs and brought euen so vnto vs out of his holy beeing the most holy of his true tabernacle with the fulnesse of his garishing and spirituall heauenly riches to an euerlasting fast standing Ierusalem and house for Gods dwelling according to the Scripture the which is the very true vndisturbable kingdome ful of all godly power ioy and of al heauēly beautifulnesse wherein the laude of the Lorde with fulnes of eternal life and louely sweetnesse is song from euerlasting to euerlasting and wherein al mindes of pure hartes doe dwell liue and walke with freedom and christian triumphe in al loue He professeth heere that the iudgement seat of Christ is now reuealed in this day of loue that God wil now in this same day through him whom hee hath appointed that is him selfe for this same place and authoritie out of the 17. of the Actes hee hath
it came It is altogeather curious and vnprofitable It were a more profitable question to discusse howe wee might haue it with least hurt seing we cannot be rid of it altogeather then to examine howe it is entred into vs And he that shal cast of the care how to rid him of the daunger of it holding a disputation howe hee fell into it is no lesse foolishe in my iudgement then yf a man thruste by another into a deepe and dangerous pit shoulde refuse to speake of his comming out enquiring only of them that came by who he was that did hurle him in And when hee is resolued therin wil haue it further debated while he is yet in the pit before once he thinketh of cōming out whether the man in their iudgments preuayled against him because his heart fainted or because his strength failed Nowe if the Lord be cleere not to be touched whē he doth harden the harts of the wicked punisheth sin with sinne which thing the scripture declareth and euery Christian confesseth because sinne hath been before in them to deserue the same Why shoulde the Lorde be blamed since that wee all being in Adam haue as was euen now prooued greeuously offended If he deale no otherwise with the soule of man then from the same ballance of equitie and iustice which wee haue approoued may returne with like equitie cleared and discharged As this doctrine of H. N. warranteth vs from any hurte by Adam his fall except wee shall be founde transgressours actually after his example against the will and commaundement of GOD so it setteth foorth in like maner Christe Iesus no otherwise to be an helper vnto vs then so farre foorth as wee shall by his example of doctrine and life be led into the like obedience And therfore as Adam in his opinion hath nothing speciall in the falling away of man from God so Christe yeeldeth no priuate and peculiar helpe to his saluation Al the wicked haue beene stumbling blockes and occasion of sinne vnto the rest and all that feared God in euery age haue brought the benefite of good instruction and example vnto those among whom they haue had their conuersation And therfore in his iudgement no one man standeth alone to holde out so muche as is the helpe of good doctrine and good lyfe towarde our iustification but all howe many so euer haue beene founde faithfull from the beginning are matched togeather and made fellowes at the prayse of that woorke That this is his doctrine touching the restoring of man it doth appeare out of this place For whē he hath affirmed that the promise for the ouerthrow of sinne doeth consist in setting enmitie betwene the Serpent and the woman and betweene the Serpents seede and the womans seed hee declareth that this promised enmitie began with Abell and after his death was established with Seth and that Seth became the right stocke or linage whereout the beleeuees and children of God namely all they that haue beene enimies vnto sinne were borne and brought foorth to the establishing of the promises of God the father These are his owne woordes Nowe for the maner how after Abel Seth became the stocke from whence sprang all the beleeuers that it was only by imitation and folowing of his example he declareth afterwarde in these woordes All they that walked not in the forme of Abel according to the maner and ordinance of Seth were not of the right stocke of Seth but they were foraine branches which turned them away therfrom and were neuer prudent nor vnderstanding in the godly wisedome but verie wel in their owne selfe knowledge and good thinking What dampnable doctrine lurketh vner these wordes Doe the beleeuers now or did they at that time spring out of Seth as out of their stocke or were all that haue beene enimies vnto sin brought foorth out of Abel and Seth and not out of Christ the root of the righteous Who as the Apostle saith is before al thinges in him al things consist And he is the head of the bodie of the Church hee is the beginning and the first borne of the dead that in all thinges hee might haue the preheminence for it hath pleased the Father that in him shoulde al fulnesse dwell Are the promises of God the father established indifferently in all those that haue ben enimies vnto sin are not al the promises nowe in Christ yea and Amen Doeth not the Apostle reason from the woordes of the couenant and promise and prooue plainely that Christe only was this promised seede and that hee hadde no fellowes ioyned with him because the couenant was not as he sayth deliuered in these fourme of woordes To thy seedes as speaking of many but thus And to thy seede as of one which is Christe Moreouer shall wee saye that righteousnesse was deriued from Seth by imitation vnto all those that walked in the same pathe of righteousnesse When the apostle saith that God was in Christ recōciling the world vnto himself not imputing their sinnes vnto them If we be reconciled vnto God by imputation then commeth not our righteosnesse by imitation If wee be iustified because our sinnes bee not laide to our charge then are wee not free therefore because in following the footesteps of the righteous we haue wrought our owne discharge And if this be not thought plaine enough to prooue that H. N. doeth acknowledge no other righteousnesse in man beside that which commeth by imitation neither any other helpe from the Lorde for our saluation then continuall lightes of good doctrine and good life shining out of his seruauntes at all times for the benefite of that age and time wherein they liued Toward the end of this Chapter you shall haue yet more playne confirmations thereof if possibly that may bee perfourmed For there he reckoneth vp by name the patternes examples of euery age and sayth Behold in suche sort hath this vpright seede in the light and righteousnes of his God had his procreation to righteousnes and life vpon the earth namely from Seth the seconde seede in the place of Abel till vnto Noah and Sem. From Noah and Sem vntill Abraham Isaac and Iacob Which Iacob whom GOD named Israell begot the twelue fathers of Israel out of the which GOD chose him Iuda From Iuda vntil Dauid the king of Israell and Iuda From Dauid the king vntill Zorababel in the captiuitie of Babylon From Zorababel vntill Ioseph which had a virgin to wife out of the same stocke of Dauid named Mary of whom Iesus Christ the consūmation of all the woorkes of GOD and the perfect light of the godly clearnesse was borne and brought foorth Nowe least any man might imagine that when this authour commeth to speake of Christ he dare not but giue out otherwise of him then that he should haue others ioyned with him in that woorke of our saluation Consider
resurrection and inherite euerlasting life Answere All the comfort that H. N. doeth assure his familie of by the resurrection of their Christ is that such as shall become obedient vnto his doctrine which thing he expresseth in these woordes such as indeuour themselues in the beliefe vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesus Christ to become implanted into Christ the gracious woorde of the Lord for Christ as you haue heard before signifieth somtimes nothing else with H. N. but this worde and doctrine which he hath brought into the worlde shall by this their slaying and burying of sinne in the flesh become renued in the spirite of their minde obteyne and inioy the resurrection or as he speaketh the making aliue from the deade and inherite the euerlasting life But wee haue not thus learned Christ so manie as haue beene taught out of the woorde of God the truth of him and the true fruite of his resurrection For as Christ Iesus died in our sinnes and went downe into the graue in our iniquities inasmuch as it was our sinnes and no offence of his owne that drewe him vnto death so his resurrection was the perfect absolution and clearing of the faithfull from al their transgressions For had one sinne of his seruants bene vnsatisfied for neither woulde death haue resigned hir right who had arested him as suretie for sinne neither would the righteous Lord by raising him from the dead bringing him out of the danger that he lay vnder for our sinnes haue giuen sentence on his side so iustified vs in him Which thing the apostle cōfirmeth triumphing ouer condēnation not onely because we haue discharged it by his death but also because we haue our Quietus est acquittance to shew for the same euen his resurrectiō Who shal lay any thing to the charge of god his chose It is God that iustifieth who shal cōdēne it is Christ that is dead yea or rather which is risē againe And likewise the same apostle in his epistle to the Corin. affirmeth plainly that if Christ be not risen from the dead we haue nothing to shewe for our discharge against sinne but do remaine yet vnder the danger thereof And in the Epistle to the Romanes he declareth also that wee are by his resurrection cleared from our sinnes and they nowe no longer imputed vnto vs And therefore when he had before declared that not only Abraham his faith was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse but also that ours shal be imputed vnto vs hee telleth vs more particularly how this commeth to passe to wit because Christe who was deliuered to death for our sinnes is risen againe for our iustification For as God the father in deliuering Christ vnto death did cast all our sinnes vpon him and condemned our sinnes in him so in raysing him frō the dead he iustified and absolued him vs in him inasmuch as but for vs neither sinne nor death could haue any thing to doe with him from all our sinnes and trāsgressions whatsoeuer Now if the Lorde had let him make an escape who was in holde for our sinnes inasmuch as he had once taken vpon hym to satisfie for the same or wrougt his deliuerance and set him at libertie before a ful sufficient satisfaction had bene made then coulde not himselfe haue bene cleared of iniurye offred vnto vs nor his Iustice haue bene vnspotted euen before vs which if once wee suffer to enter but into our thoughtes it maketh vs giltye of high treason against our god This doctrine therefore of H. N. who will haue our dying vnto synne not onelie to preuent but also to procure our rising vnto righteousnesse not mencioning any other benefite that wee haue from Christ his resurrectiō beside the example that is set before vs for our imitation and following after him in the same is at defiance and vtter enmitie with the trueth which is taught in the word of god For Christ his resurrection which H. N. maketh so small an accounpt of not onelie is our iustification from the giltinesse and daunger of sinne but also the head and wel spring of al that righteousnes holinesse and newenes of life that is to be founde ni the conuersation of his seruāts And therfore the Apostle in the 2. to the Ephe. doth fetch our rising vnto righteousnesse frō Christ his resurrection and ioyning them togither speaketh thus God which is rich in mercie euen when we were deade by sinnes hath quickened vs togither in Christ and hath raysed vs vp togither And accordingly to the Collosians draweth his exhortation vnto newnesse of life from the resurrection of Christ as from the fountaine from the which floweth the reformation of our life If ye thē be risen with Christ saith the Apostle seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affection on things that are aboue and not on thinges which are on the earth Which thing is also confirmed out of the Ephesians where we doe reade that the large and liberall distribution of his graces did followe his resurrection and ascention when that notable victorie and conquest ouer sinne death was fully accomplished The resurrection therfore of Christ according to the trueth of his worde is not onely our discharge against sinne but the fountaine and spring also of all that chaūge of life and conuersation which is to be seene in his seruants But according to this doctrine of H.N. it is neither our discharge against sinne nor yet the beginning of our good life therfore without mention either of iustification from sinne by it or viuification and quickening in the wayes of righteousnesse we are sent to make warre with our affections according to the rules of his doctrine that so wee may obteine the resurrection from the deade and the renewing of our spirit and minde So that we haue nothing in H.N. his Creed to be beleeued but many things in our conuersation to be practised nothing to leaue vnto that was once doone by him but al that we may trust to must proceede from our selfe Touching this poynt Whether our dying vnto sin doe both preuent and purchase the renewing of our minde it hath beene answeared in the article immediatly going before H. N. The sixt Article We beleeue that this same Iesus like as the Scripture mencioneth thereof is ascended into Heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie Father We confesse that he hath taken in the heauen and reigneth and ruleth essentially in the heauenly beeing with his father vntill that all his enemyes be layde vnder his fete and that he in like maner shall in euery behalfe take in the kingdome and all dominion and power and render it all ouer vnto his father that God may euen so be all in all according to the promises Answeare This confessor H. N. acknowledgeth and confesseth that this same Iesus of