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A29530 An answer to a book, entituled, Reason and authority, or, The motives of a late Protestant's reconciliation to the Catholick Church together with a brief account of Augustine the monk, and conversion of the English : in a letter to a friend. Bainbrigg, Thomas, 1636-1703. 1687 (1687) Wing B473; ESTC R12971 67,547 99

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do and has the same Creed and the same Sacraments that we have And so she must be a Church But yet she is corrupt and foully stained by the many additions that have been made to her Faith to her Sacraments to her Worship to her Government and to her primitive rule of Faith and all this in virtue of an usurped Authority and vainly pretended Infallibility All these things we charge upon Rome and we think the Charge high enough and if our Authour could have distinguished betwixt Errour and Schism he might have spared all his impertinent Queries concerning Separation from her self or Separation from the Catholick Church and where that Catholick Church is to be found for all this is but trifling in an over eager pursuit of Consequences from a possible sense of a word If Rome has thus erred she may be said to have left and gone from or be separated from that first holy Catholick and Apostolick Church without the making of an open Schism or Schismatical Separation For seeing particular Churches are called Catholick as the Catholick Church in Smyrna Euseb lib. 4. cap. 15. and the Catholick Church of Alexandria upon the accompt of their continuance in the true Faith with the rest of the Church of God or from their coherence with that Church which was properly and originally called so upon which accompt Clemens Alexandrinus Stro. 7. joins those two words together 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Ancient and Catholick Church So far then as any Church now in being shall depart from the Doctrine of that Ancient Catholick Church and profess great and many Errours and broach new Doctrines unknown to the Primitive Churches and lay mighty stresses upon them so as to make them necessary for Communion here and to Salvation hereafter Such a Church may be said to depart or separate it self from that ancient one holy Catholick and Apostolick Church And now our Authour may have that satisfaction which he says he must have and I agree with him that his Salvation is highly concerned in it He would know where that Catholick Church from which she Rome separated remained and where she may be found I am sorry he knows it not but he may easily be taught that she was and is in Heaven There are all the glorious Company of the Apostles the goodly fellowship of the Prophets the noble Army of Martyrs There are all the Servants and Saints of Jesus Christ who have lived and died in the true faith of him and thither all the faithfull Members of the true holy Catholick Church now living hope by the grace of Jesus Christ in the methods of the Gospel by keeping close to the Faith that was once delivered to the Saints in their due times to come and be received into that most happy and everlasting Communion This is my opinion and for once I will pray our Authour not to blame me for it I know he may bring against me Supreme lawfull Authority in the name of Pope John XXII who really designed and heartily indeavoured to make the contrary Doctrine to pass for an Article of Faith and if he had lived a little longer would have declared ex Cathedra that the Souls of the Saints do not come to bliss and happiness untill the general Resurrection I beseech him not to meddle with this but if he does I 'll promise to defend my Opinion from Scripture and Fathers and Councils and doubt not by my little Reason sufficiently to repell him and his Authority too But if he can think with me that the Members of the first Churches the holy Apostles and blessed Servants of our Lord are in bliss and happiness and is willing to find them and be with them He ought then to think again of the change of his Religion and of this accompt that he has given of the Motives to it for if he seriously reflects upon his own Salvation and is heartily concerned for it he will be ashamed and repent of all his rude and unseemly treatment of the Reverend Fathers of this Church It is not huffing and braving that speaks a religious Mind it is not saying In good faith Fathers my Salvation is concerned in it that speaks a pious and hearty sense of that great blessing of God He that with humility and reverence studies the mind and good pleasure of his Saviour cannot rant where he is ignorant despise his betters trample upon those whom he calls Reverend Fathers Such actions may be agreeable to a Man that has no sense of Salvation He that has thrown off one Religion and forgot to take up another He that can easily say and so good night to Christianity may doe this But a Convert to any Sect or Party of Christians or such as are willing to be reputed Christians should not doe it Because such actions speak a Man to be proud and ambitious and designing upon this World and something worse than I am willing to say I must stop onely in requital for some Texts of Scripture which p. 25. he advises us to consider I request him to reade these Rev. 2.5 Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and doe the first works Eph. 4.14 That we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of Doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive 2 Cor. 2.17 We are not as many which corrupt the word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the fight of God speak we in Christ Our Authour goes on p. 27. But I must not follow him in all his Impertinencies P. 27. I shall speak of Augustine the Monk afterwards And shall at present onely teach him one thing which he there says he does not understand And that he gives us in these words How you should rise a pure Church after you had been buried so many hundred years in a corrupt Church I do not easily understand Thus he says but yet certainly he may understand it for the same way that I advise him to take that he may become a good man was taken by our Predecessours and by virtue of that proceeding they ceased to be a corrupt Church and became a pure one and that was by remembring from whence they were fallen and by repentance and by reformation they saw the Errours which Rome had taught and proudly imposed they were sorry to have been so long abused they withdrew themselves from slavery and knockt off the chains and fetters that an unjust Power had laid upon them they studied and learnt their true Rites and Liberties their duties to God and to their Saviour and to their Prince and when they knew these they practised them And so they did their first works that which Christ and his Apostles taught and so became a pure Church This was then done but such an answer as this will not satisfy our Authour for he inquires in the next Paragraph by what Authority
Authority than our Authour This is a blunder and shews us that new Converts are not men of the greatest skill and that some of them have as little knowledge in Councils as they have in the Scriptures This man deserves a greater lash than I will give him for bringing in his Story with that pomp and appearance of skill telling us that this Council is owned by Protestants the time of its celebration the number of Bishops who were in it And now at last it appears that whatever we Protestants do yet the Pope himself will not allow what this man challenges in his behalf But perhaps his case is piteous For more may be required of new Converts than they are able to perform He that takes up a Religion by submitting to Authority without reason may easily be confounded when he seeks to give reasons for what he has done For once I will be kind and make the best Apology for our Authour I can and I think a good one and that is this He is not the first man of the Church of Rome who has quoted Councils to little purpose He follows great Examples and the chiefest among them For thus did Paschasinus one of the Pope's own Legats in this very Council at Chalcedon and that too in his opposition against this 28th Canon After he had declared it was the Pope's pleasure that nothing should be determin'd there concerning his Power or the Power of the other Patriarchs he alledged in behalf of the Pope's Supremacy that it was fixed beyond exception or doubt by the sixth Canon of the great Council at Nice wherein it was declared that Ecclesia Romana semper habuit primatum The Bishops wondered they should know nothing of this and thereupon required the Canon to be read Paschasinus produced his Copy and there those words were But the Fathers not satisfied called for others and more attested Copies and in them there was not the least word intimating any such thing Now this compare of the Copies made Paschasinus blush and the Fathers of that Council think what sort of men they had to deal with A Roman Catholick tells us this Passage in these words Primò refertur à Paschasino Leonis in Concilia Chalcedonensi Legato Act. 16. quod Ecclesia Romana semper habuit primatum At statim Chalcedonenses Patres eundem Canonem ex codice suo sine additione istâ retulerunt Quapropter consentiunt omnes eruditi verba haec non esse genuina sed assuta Thus too in the Council of Carthage Du Pin p. 325. Faustinus Legate of Zosimus challenged a right for the Pope to receive Appeals and that by right of a Canon of the Council of Nice The African Fathers found no such thing in their Copy brought thence by Caecilianus one of the Fathers of that Council Synodi Carth. Acta Edit à Beveregio p. 5●9 But because Faustinus insisted upon the skill knowledge or infallibility if you will of Pope Zosimus and had shewed that the Pope himself in his Commonitory directed to him and the other Legats did expresly assert that this was his right and that according to the determination of the Council of Nice the African Fathers resolved to send Messengers to the three great Seats Alexandria Antioch and Constantinople to get new Copies one from each of them attested under the hands of those Patriarchs Epist ad Coelestinum in fine Canonum Carthag à Bevereg Edit p 675. and compare them with their own and the Roman Copy At the return of the Messengers it manifestly appeared that their own Copy intirely agreed with every one of the others and that the Council of Nice had not given the least advantage to the Bishop of Rome in the case of Appeals Thus it seems that Councils are different things in Rome from what they are in other places A Pope or his Legate can reade that in them which no man else can The Popes seem extraordinarily wise in challenging a power to confirm Councils but they had as good let it alone For it will doe their business as well if they follow these Examples to take from them and add to them what they please Brietii Annales in An. 418. p. 402. Both these things I know are excused and some tell how Paschasinus was led into his mistake others say it was a mere oversight of Pope Zosimus in quoting the Nicene Council instead of the Sardican To avoid other difficulties some are willing to allow that a Pope may be deceived and that too when he is inlarging his Power over the Church Catholick with all art and subtilty Nor do I know what Article of Faith or Infidelity might not be established in the Church by such mistakes and oversights as these It 's well for succeeding Christians that the Fathers at Carthage and Chalcedon had eyes in their heads and did use them too without giving trust to Pope or Legate or Roman Copy For had they been as much mistaken or overseen as others there are enough at this day that would make advantage of it and declaim sufficiently against us pleading an oversight in the case But these Senses of men are evil things and most mischievous to the Interests of Rome These tempt men in spight of all their resolutions doe they what they can to misdoubt the Doctrine of Transubstantiation These shewed of old what was and what was not in the Council of Nice and are every day telling tales opening and disclosing some fine intrigue or other so that I cannot but wonder that Rome has not yet taken a full revenge of them For if they would oblige men to deny or at least misdoubt their Senses in every thing as well as one and require the Learned not to see what they do see in Councils and old Records as well as they require all not to see what they do see in the consecrated Elements then conversions would be easie and they might soon find an intire submission from all the World to all the Supremacy they can wish But to let that pass it is said in the defence of Zosimus that he was overseen and he easily might be For the Canon that he quoted was a true Canon made at Sardica and not at Nice and the Council of Sardica as to Faith intirely receiving and requiring all that which was concluded at Nice made onely Canons concerning Discipline and they were put into the same Book or upon the same Roll with those of Nice Which the Pope finding in the Title at the beginning might easily refer all that followed to it This is said But the Fathers at Carthage did not judge it an oversight but intrigue and design and to withstand it to the utmost made the 31st Canon which ordains most stoutly and resolutely that If any hereafter should appeal to a Foreign Power or Transmarine Judicatory he should never be received into Communion by any in Africa Upon which Canon Zonaras says 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the huffing
IMPRIMATUR Sept. 5. 1687. Jo. Battely AN ANSWER To a BOOK Entituled Reason and Authority OR THE MOTIVES OF A Late Protestant's Reconciliation TO THE Catholick Church TOGETHER With a brief Account of Augustine the Monk and Conversion of the English In a Letter to a Friend LONDON Printed by J. H. for Brabazon Aylmer at the Three Pigeons over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill 1687. AN ANSWER To a BOOK Entituled Reason Authority c. SIR I Have just now read over a late Book entituled Reason and Authority I read it with an excess of pleasure being surprized and amazed to find Reason so baffled and a monstrous Authority advanced against all reason Non-sense I perceive is in fashion and if I and You have as little sense and are as impertinent as others I may be a Writer and You a Reader I perceive by that Book P. 2 3. that a certain Man has left our Church without reason He was advised to take reason and make the best use of it in the choice of his Religion and the setling of his life and practice in order to salvation but he could find no reason to serve him P. 4 5. He narrowly escaped being an Atheist with reason and had almost denyed the Being of a God or at least his Providence with reason and something that looked like to a demonstration against the immortality of the Soul had so confounded him that he was up head and ears in the water all soused and plunged in the doubt and whether he is yet out of it we know not The Man goes on and considers the grounds of Religion the Jewish and the Christian and finds little reason to think that the five Books commonly ascribed to Moses P. 5. were ever written by him he finds so many mistakes and so many errours in the beginning of Genesis that he gives you to guess his meaning though he will not speak it to be that the Jewish Religion is little else than a forgery and that it has but small evidence of a Revelation from God Almighty Thus leaving the Jewish Religion the Man in all haste goes to the Christian P. 6. and considers the New Testament as the Book which all Christians in all Ages have owned to be the Records of the Christian Doctrine He does not say by whom they were written but at the reading of the first Chapter of St. Matthew he was hair'd out of his wits He met with such difficulties that his reason could not answer if he brought any with him to the reading of it for it is to be suspected that he used none because a little reason in such a case as this would at this time have lead him to have consulted his Authority For if he whom this Man calls God's Vicegerent and the great Elias that is supposed to solve all doubts can say no more to this difficulty than he himself could he might have kept his Reason still as bad as it was and have been content to be ignorant with Reason as well as under Authority But Dear Friend look about you now Thus far our Authour booted and spurr'd and whipping on has gone without reason just now reason comes in a most unlucky time I think for no other purpose but to fool the Man and set him to combate with an Adversary that will certainly be too strong for him for instead of fighting us he now attacks Christianity it self and does all the mischief he can to that Common Faith which he and we profess To this end he revives old Controversies and starts new ones and makes Schemes of Christian Doctrine and that to shew to the World that Christianity has as weak a Foundation as the Jewish Religion was declared before to have To this end I suppose he tells us the three next things 1. P. 7. That some of the Orthodox did not receive into the Canon of the Scripture some of the Books that are now in it P. 7. for near 200 years after the death of our Saviour 2. That every Christian is not able by reading of the Scripture to compose such a Creed as that of Athanasius 3. P. 7. That there are some obscure Doctrines hard to be understood amongst Christians and here he sets down the Trinity Consubstantiality Transubstantiation Predestination and Freewill every one of these are altogether impertinent to this Man's purpose they may be of some use to an Atheist and serve him that is resolv'd to give a secret wound to Christianity but they signify nothing to a Roman Catholick or to him that would plead for Authority to determine Controversies in Christianity in opposition to Reason For first All the Churches in the World are now agreed about the Books of the New Testament and when the Orthodox in ancient times concurr'd in the acceptance of the Books that are now in the Canon they came to this conclusion merely by the reason of the case without the least interposition of any Authority of Pope or Council the last Book doubted of was the Revelations and the reasons for receiving of that Euseb lib. 7. cap. 27. any man may reade in Eusebius lib. 7. cap. 27. as he sets them down in the words of Dionysius of Alexandria Now I cannot imagine to what purpose this Gentleman puts us in mind of this old Controversie if he has Authority for what he does it may be something for his own satisfaction I am sure he has no reason to offer in the case that can be allowed by any man else for the Church of Rome is as zealous to preserve every one of these Books in their esteem and reverence as Ours is I guess that possibly he may be tempted to shew his skill in Controversie and therefore he sets down with an appearance of accuracy that such Books were not received into the Canon by the Orthodox for near 200 years after the death of our Saviour But here the Man's skill fails him for it is certain that Irenaeus quotes the Revelations in several places Irenaeus lib. 4. cap. 37. as a Book of like Authority with the rest of the New Testament and he himself tells us that he wrote in the time of Eleutherius and Bellarmine sets him down as a Writer in the Year 180. after our Saviour's birth and that will lessen the time mentioned of 200. after his death by fifty This mistake is not worth the noting if it did not give us to see how ready some men are to lay aside not onely Reason but the Sacred Records of the Christian Faith not considering the true consequences of their own Action since it is most certain that if a full Authority be not allowed to the Books of the New Testament there can be no pretence to any either in Pope or Council or in any thing that is called Church But our Authour goes on to a second thing and proceeds with more than ordinary caution and seems as wise as