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A16704 Luthers life collected from the writinges of him selfe, and other learned Protestants, together with a further shorte discourse, touchinge Andreas Melanchton, Bucer, Ochine, Carolostadius, Suinglius, Caluine and Beza, the late pretended reformers of religion. Taken from the onely reporte of learned Protestants themselues. By Iohn Brerely priest and author of the Protestants apologie. Anderton, Lawrence.; Anderton, James, fl. 1624, attributed name. 1624 (1624) STC 3606; ESTC S106394 244,302 202

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Non personam sacit malam nisi incredulitas vt nihil iustificat nisi fides ita nihil peccat nisi incredulitas As nothinge iustifieth but faythe so nothinge sinneth but vnbeleeffe V. FIuethlie as concerninge good woorkes Luther taught that (i) Luther in his sermons Englished 15●8 pag. 147. ante med woorkes take theire goodnes of the woorker and that (k) Luther ibidem pag. 276. ante med no woorke is dissallowed of God vnlesse the author thereof be dissallowed before sayinge thereof further (l) Luther ibidem pag. 278. ante med such a one worketh nothinge but good woorkes neyther can yt be but good which he beinge good before shall doe so as by his doctrine good woorkes make not a man good nor euill woorkes make not a man wicked but all dependeth vpon the haueinge or want of faithe the (m) Luther to 1. Witemb fol. 67. a. circa med saithe Hanc fidem qui habet etiam si peccet non damnatur c. Hic est enim filius delicatus qui non potest offendere quicquid fecerit which saith he whoe so euer hath is gods delicate or wannton sonne whoe cannot offend whatsoeuer he doe He did proceed so farre against good workes that he and his dearest scholler (n) Dresserus in millenar sext● printed 1598. pag. 187. post med saithe Nicolaus Amsdorphius Witembergae primum cum ●uthero Philippo theologiae studia coluit postea episcopatui Mumburgico à Frederico electore praefectus est à Luthero inauguratus and see the same further affirmed by maister Cowper in his chronicle fol. 314. a. circa med by Osiander centur 16. pag. 338. initio and Luther tom 2. Witemb fol. 487. b. initio writeth speciallie to Amsdorphius tearminge him optime vir and Osiander iucentur 15. l. 14. c. 1. pag. 490. initio saithe Natus est hoc Anno Dom. Nicolaus Amsdorphius bonus sincerus theologus Amsdorphius who euer (*) the diuines of Wi●emb in theire preface set before the booke entituled Acta theologorum Witembergensium Patriarchae Constantinop printed Anno 1584. fol. 7. a. initio saith Inter Lutherum Brētium Amsdorphium Sarcerium c. summus semper fuit consensus summa animorum cōiunctio c. agreed with Luther in doctrine and of whome Luther saide (o) in Hospinian in concord discord printed 1607. fol. 120. b. fine yt is saide Is fecit mentionem Amsdorphij de quo Lutherus dixisset spiritus meus requiescit in Amsdorphio Wellerus nemo tantum hausit de spiritu Lutheri ac Amsdorphius see this also in Bale his examen recitationum Selnecer pag. 92. post med printed 1582. my spirite shal rest vpon Amsdorphius affirmed that (p) see Nicholaus Amsdorphius his booke entituled Quod bona opera sunt perniciosa ad salutem see also Osiander cent 16. l. 3. cap. 31. pag. 669. circa med reprehendinge Amsdorphius herein and see further hereof acta colloquij Aldeburgens printed 1570. pag. 120. sect 11. initio pag. 443. paulo post initium pag. 29● paulo ante med Where it is saide Scripsit Amsdorphius post eum vel per eum Flaccius non solum necessaria sed perniciosa esse opera ad salutem and see Luther alledged in prooffe of this opinion in act 15. colloqu Aldeburg pag. 205 post med fine and see Amsdorphius further reprehended herein by Iohn Bale in his examen recitationum Selneceri printed M. IC.XXCII pag. 92. prope finem the more boulde therefore was maister D. Willet to tearme our reporte hereof an impudent Slaunder in his Antilogiae printed 1603. pag. 19. post med good woorkes are not onlie not necessarie to saluation but allso hurtfull to yt and the same not in anie qualified sence (p) Amsdorphius piae memoriae so called in act colloqu Aldeburge pag. 206. circa med but so grosselie and intollerable that sondrie protestant writers who acknowledge Amsdorphius for (q) ibidem pag. 205. fine 206. initio yt is saide hereof Nos quidem ipsos Lutherum Amsdorphium inter se commitumus hanc propositionem non vsurpari a man otherwise of godlie memorie do yett in this professe to (r) Luther in serm de Moyse and see Luther tom 3. Witemb printed 1583. fol. 6. b. initio prope finem and fol. 7. a. initio he saithe In promulgatione decalogi Exod. 20. Cum inquit ego sum Dominus Deus tuus qui eduxi te c. ad nos reliquas gentes non pertinent quae hic dicuntur c. falso ergo phanatici lege Moysi nos onerant c. Luther was so reproueable herein that the diuines of the counte Palatine in their admonitio christiana de libro concordiae printed 1581. pag. 209. fine saye Non difficile est ex libris Lutheri proferre non pauca in quibus ballucinatio tam est manifesta c. and then pag. 211. initio they alledge emonge other this sayinge of Luther Sicut non curat ius Saxonicum sic nec ingeratur nobis Moyses nos in nouo testamento Moyses nec videre nec audire volumus c. at quomodo conueniunt haec cum toties repetius seuerissimis Dei praeceptis Exod. 20. numer 33. c. and Hospinian in his concordia discor printed 1607. fol. 225. a. circa med saithe of Luthers errors Similia multa ex Lutheri scriptis adduci possunt veluti quod scribit nos in nouo testamento Mosem nec videre nec audire volumus and Luther himselfe in colloqu mensal Germ. fol. 125. 135. yet further saythe Ad Iudaeos pertinet lex Moysis neque nos ligat deinceps cum quispiam Moysen tibi proponit cum suis praeceptis teque cogere vult vt ea obserues tum dic abi ad Iudaeos cum tuo Moyse c. Moysen cum sua lege non volo ego habere est enim Christi Domini hostis leaue both him and Luther to themselues Hereto might be further added Luthers knowne doctrine against the decalogue or tenne commandments as s not apertaininge in his opinion to christianes wherein he is censured as vnworthie by protestantes them selues VI. SIxtlie concerninge marriage and diuorce Luther teacheth sayinge (a) Luther serm de matrimonio si nolit vxor aut non possit veniat ancilla if the wife will not or by reason of infirmitie cannot come let the mayde come a sayinge so absurde that maister Whitaker thus recitinge the same and answeringe thereto that Luther hereby ment firste to diuorce from the wife and then after to marrye the maìde is yet enforced to (b) Whitaker contr Camp printed 1604. rat 8. recitinge these nexte foresaide obiected woordes pag. 112. fine dothe afterwards pag. 150 circa med nott denyinge any parte of the saide woordes say as in answere thereto Lutheri autem istam de hoc diuortij genere sententiam ego minime defendo to disclaime in defendinge Luther therein allso
graues iustae causae c. printed 1589. pag. 534. out of the 2. part of Luthers postil printed 1537. fol. 158. b. the word Trinitie is but an humane inuention and soundeth couldlie and concludeth that his (q) Luther in libro contra Iacobum Latomum tom 2. Witemb latine edit Anno. 1551. saithe Animae mea odit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 optime exegerunt Ariani ne vocem illam prophanam nouam regulis fidei statui licere I know Luthers later editions to be altred and corrupted herein of which like corruption see more heretofore in the preface to the reader in the margine after t. at * for which cause I prouoke to the first edition soule hateth the worde homousion XI AS concerninge God beinge the author of our sinne Luther teacheth thus dangerouslie sayinge (r) Luther in assertionibus damnatis per Leonem decimum art 36. saithe Quomodo potest sese ad bonum praeparare cum nec in potestate sit suas vias malas facere nam mala opera in impijs Deus operatur vt Prouerb 18. dicitur omnia propter seipsum operatus est Dominus etiam impium ad diem malum thus stand Luthers wordes to this daye in the more auncient edition of his workes at Witemb and also at Basil Anno 1521. and are soe recited by Roffensis in his answere thereto entituled Confutatio assertionis Lutheranae printed at Antwerp 1523. art 36. fol. 204. a. fine whereas in the later edition of Witemb tom 2. Anno 1562. fol. 112. à fine Luthers schollers as ashamed of his doctrine did after Luthers deathe quite against the sence and coherence of Luthers owne wordes in steade of operatur foiste in regit How can man prepare himselfe to good seinge yt is not so much as in his power to make his ways euil for God worketh the wicked woorke in the wicked c. And againe (s) Luther vbi sup art 36. saythe Nulli est in manu quippiam cogitare mali aut boni sed omnia vt Wicleui articulus Constantiae damnatus rectè docet de necessitate absoluta eueniunt quod poeta voluit quando dixit certa stant omnia lege this sayinge thus extant in Roffensis and the other more aunciente editions before mencioned are likewise corrupted and altred in the saide laste edition of Witemberge tom 2. fol. 112. b. fine it is not in mans power to thinke good or euill but all thinges as Wicliffes Article condemned at Constance dothe rightlie teache proceed from absolute necessitie c. yett more (1) Luther de seruo arbitrio cap. 32. saithe Christiani non libero arbitrio sed spiritu Dei aguntur Rom. 8. agi verè non agere sed rapi quemadmodum serra aut securis à Fabro agitur hic nequis dubitet Lutherum tam absurdè dicere verba eius recitat Diatribe quae sauè agnosco fateor enim articulum illum Wicleui omnia necessitate fieri esse false damnatum Constantiensi conciliabulo c. these wordes of Luther beinge extant in the editions of Luthers life time and soe apparantlye his knowne wordes that they are yett accordinglie verbatim extant in this verie treatise of Luthers de seruo arbitrio sett fourth by that prime Caluiniste Iacobus Kimedontins and printed but now latelie viz. Anno 1603. Neustadij in Palinata fol. 195. circa med are yet neuerthelesse moste shamefully altered since Luthers death in tom 2. Witemb of Anno 1562. fol. 455. a. post med and see Luthers like further doctrine in his foresaide booke published by Kimedoncius pag. 32. I doe confesse Wicliffes opinion of all thinges cominge to passe by absolute necessitie to haue bene falslye condemned in the conuenticle at Constance this doctrine takinge place all exhortations and lawes are in vaine and soe likewise threatninge of punishment and promise of reward soe often testified by the scriptures Hereto is also apertayninge Luthers strange affirminge that (*) Luther in libro de seruo arbitrio saithe Deus indignos coronat immerites damnat qu●modo hoc iustum sit incomprehensibile est modo videbimus antem cum illic venerimus see also those wordes of Luther thus cited and alledged by the learned caluiniste Mathias Martinius in his doctrine Christianae sūma capita c. printed 1603. pag. 288. post med God crowneth the vnworthie and damneth those that haue not deserued yt which foresayde opinion of Luther concerninge Gods beinge the author of sinne is made as yett more euident by the like answearable doctrine of Iohannes Brentius Luthers greate disciple whome maister Iewel tearmeth (2) Maister Iewel in his defence c. printed 1567. pag. 473. a graue and learned father and whoe saith Osiander was (3) Osiander centur 16. lib. 3. cap. 66. pag. 819. ante med saithe Ioannes Brentius Theologus eximius c. a. D. D. Luthero in magno honore habitus est proximus certè à Luthero inter fides praestantes Christi seruos numerandus an excellente diuine had in great honor by Luther and ranked nexte vnto him this man forbeared not to affirme that (4) Brentius vpon Amos. printed in 8. Hagonae 1530. in cap. 3. saythe Omnia à Deo potenti manu efficaci fiunt siue mala culpae siue mala poenae c. the euill wheither of faulte or of punishment is wroughte by the mightie workinge hande of God XII AS concerninge chastitie and single life Luther against the whole current of (*) Iouinian was by the auncient fathers condemned of error for his affirminge that mariage and virginitie were eiusdem meriti of equall merit confessed by Pantaleon in chronographi printed Anno 1568. pag. 32. col 1. circa med and by the centurie writers cent 5. cap. 4. col 518. fine and by maister Wotton in his defence of maister Parkins printed 1606. pag. 500. circa med Antiquitie maketh it simply inferior vnto marriage saying De (a) Luther to 5. Witemb print 1554. in 1. Cor. c. 7. fol. 107. b. post med saith de vsu vel abusu statuum in praesenti nihil disserimus caterum de conditione natura statuum in sese ac concludimus matrimonium esse velut aurum spiritualem vero statum vti stercus vsu vel abusu c. of the vse or abuse of those states of life at this present we will say nothinge but of theire condicion and nature in them selues and doe conclude that matrimonie is as goulde and the spirituall state of single life is as dunge (b) Luther de votis see this sayinge acknowledged and defended by maister Whitaker contra Camp printed 1604. rat 8. pag. 151. ante med Where he concludeth saying thereof Haec certè Lutheri propria non sunt ea enim omnes boni agnoscunt defendunt matrimonie is much more excellent then virginitie Christe and his apostles did diswade Christianes from virginitie concludinge further and sayinge (c) Luther tom 5. Witēb
allso horrible thinges are declared concerninge his lasciuiousnes his sondrie abhominable vices and soe domiticall lustes for which laste he was by the magistrate at Noyon vnder whome he then liued (g) Wheras Bolsecke in his foresayde booke reporteth that the cittie of Noyon in Picardie in which Caluine was borne and liued and from which saythe Bolsecke vpon his forsaide punishment of Brandinge fled did testifie this forsaide offence and punishment of Caluine vnto monsieur Bertelier Secretaire of the councell of Geneua vnder the hande of a publique and sworne notarie which testimonie saythe Bolsecke ya yett extant and hath bene seene to himselfe and many others now suche seeminge knowne circumstances wherin he was soe notablie discouerable and to be therupon discredited euen in the knowledge of the wholle cittie of Noyon a place not remote but in the verie same kingedome and allso in the like knowledge of diuers of Geneua I will not determine but referre to indifferente iudgement onelie I adde besides the foresaide testimonie of Schlusselburge whoe beinge as learned and no lesse enimie to the pope then Caluin reporttethe the same for true that wheras F. Campion in rat doth obiecte this againste Caluin as a matter knowne and publicke tearminge him therfore stigmaticus perfuga a branded fugitiue maister Whitaker in his answere therto printed 1604. pag. 50. initio not denyeth but saithe Si stigmaticus fuit Caluinus fuit etiam Paulus fuerunt alij c. And beinge tould by Dureus contra Whitakerum printed 1582. fol. 37. b. that he was prophane in soe comparinge Caluines brandes for wickednes with Pauls brandes for Christe maister Whitaker in respons contra Duraeum printed 1583. pag. 280. answeringe to that foresaide verie fol. 73. of Duraeus doth quite passe ouer in silence all that matter soe therby forbearinge all further mention or defence Branded on the shoulder with a hotte burninge Iron vnto which yett I see not anye sounde and cleare refutation c. thus fare Schlusselburge of Caluine whereto allso assenteth as yett further testifyinge Caluines filthie dispayringe deathe vpon the disease of lyce and wormes encreasinge in an vlcer aboute his priuye partes the protestante writer Iohannes Harennius whoe beinge himselfe an earnest Caluiniste and then continewinge student at Geneua affirmeth in his published (*) Ioannes Herennius a Caluinist preacher in libello de vita Caluini saith Caluinus in desperatione finiēs vitam obijt turpissimo fatidissimo morbo quem Deus rebellibus maledictis comminatus est prius excruciatus consumptus quod ego verissime attestari audeo qui funestum tragicum illius exitum his meis oculis praesens aspexi writtinge himselfe to haue bene present and eye witnesse thereof II. AS concerninge Caluines doctrine tendinge to libertie of life what more dangerouse herein then where he teacheth that (h) Caluin instit l. 3. c 23. §. 6. saythe Consilio nutuque suo ita ordinat vt inter homines nascantur ab vtero certa morti deuoti qui sua perditione ipsius nomen glorificent God doth ordaine by his counsell and decree that emonge men some be borne destined to certaine damnatiō from their mothers wombe whoe by theire destruction may glorifie God and that the decree of God in this behalfe is (i) maister D. Willet vpon the Romanes printed 1611. in cap. 9. pag. 442. post med saithe Bucer Caluine and Zanchius doe affirme that God by his absolute will hath reprobated reiected some without respecte vnto theire sinnes from which doctrine maister Willet there and pag. 443. circa med professeth to dissent absolute onely because yt soe pleaseth him (1) vt supra at h. without anye respect had to theire woorkes eyther good or euill In soe muche as he affirmeth that God did not onely foresee but also will and (*) Caluine instit lib. 3. cap. 23. §. 7. saithe Decretum quidem horribile fateor inficiari tamen nemo poterit quin praesciuerit Deus quem exitum habiturus esset homo antequam ipsum conderet ideo praesciuit quia decreto suo sic ordinarat c. nec enim absurdum videri debet quod dico Deum non modo primi hominis casum in eo posterorum ruinam praeuidisse sed arbitrio quoque suo sic dispensasse decree euen the verie sinne and falle of Adam that alsoe God doth will and (2) Caluin institut l. 3. c. 23. sect 6. fine saithe Cum non alia ratione qua futura sunt prauideat Deus nisi quia vt ita fierent decreuit frustra de praescientia lis mouetur vbi constat ordinatione potius nutu omnia euenire and l. 1. cap. 18. sect 3. He further saithe Satis aperte ostendi Deum vocari eorum omnium authorem qua isti censores volunt otiose tantum eius permissu contingere this admitted howe ys not God the author of sinne decree whatsoeuer he doth foresee which (3) Schafmanus a learned protestant writer in libro de peccatorum causis printed Francofurti 1597. pag. 27. paulo post med saithe of his brethren Scribunt Deum nihil prascire nisi quod ex decreto facturus sit c. whereto he saithe At ipsam actionum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seu peccatum praeuidet Deus ergo sequitur Deus ipsius peccati authorem esse And Hemingius thoughe a learned Caluiniste saythe as makinge the same inference hac sententia Deum authorem peccati statuit lib. de vniuersali gratia printed 1591. pag. 109. circa med extendeth yt selfe a lyke to make God the decreer and author not onelie of that which is materiall and positiue in the sinfull action which grant is proceedinge from God (4) Act. 17.28 in whome we liue and moue but also of the sinne and deformitie thereof of which in particuler Caluine professedlie (5) Caluine institut l. 2. c. 4. sect 2. saithe Omitto hic vniuersalem Dei motionem vnde creaturae omnes vt sustinentur ita efficaciam quid vis agendi ducunt de illa speciali act●one tantum l●quor quae in vnoquoque facinore apparet c. signifieth his meaninge to be concludinge that the (6) Caluine l. 1. instit cap. 18. sect 2 saith Dicitur Satan excacare infidelium mentes sed vnde hoc nisi quod à Deo ipso manat efficacia erroris very efficacie of error proceedeth from God him selfe whoe saythe he maketh (7) Caluine ibid. lib. 3. cap. 24. sect 13. saythe Vocem ad eos dirigit sed vt magis obsurdescant lumen accendit sed vt redduntur caeciores doctrinam profert s●d qua magis obstupescant remedium adhibet sed ne sanentur offer of saluation to the reprobate but with no intencion of theire haueinge yt A doctrine soe directlie crossinge all admonition to good life that the professors thereof (k) soe saythe maister Willet vpon the Romanes in c. 9. pag. 442. post med
and his then fayninge bothe him selfe and the mayde to be sicke of the plague whereby none shoulde dare to come to them whereupon he requested that they mighte be lodged in two chambers of Petrus Viretus in an outter gardine which obteyned he caused a barber surgion to lett the woman blood and to giue a stronge purgation after which she was deliuered of a deade childe which they buried in that gardine as the sayde barber after confessed to Bolsecke himselfe during which meane time Beza to couer the matter composed certaine spirituall songes of the great paynes he suffred by vehemencie of the plague and printed them at Geneua whereto are further added his printed seditiouse bookes for stirringe vpp of ciuill warres in Fraunce whereof one was entituled the Frenche furies an other Truethe an other the Watche an other the waking Bell with others Besides manie other like greeuouse imputations and the same deliuered as beinge soe particuler and publicke that the vntruth of them if anie were could not but become discouerable to all mens knowledge Although that all these were euen in Bezas life time published by Hierom Bolsecke and (a) With greate shew of confidence for yt is by him dedicated euen to the honorable magistrates councellors and other gouernors of Geneua for that saythe he they could best tell whether moste of those reportes were true or not and of suche as they knew not could beste learne and enquire And he professeth to haue written Bezas life purposelie in Bezas life time to th' end that Beza then liueinge mighte answere for him selfe with greate shewe of confidence by him dedicated to the gouernors of Geneua and not without earneste protestation of his truthe and fidelitie therein yet in regarde of my (b) see heretofore cap. 6. sect 1. prope initium former alledged reason concerninge Bolsecke and the other method whereto I haue restrayned my selfe I wil purposelie forbeare eyther to affirme make good or otherwise to disable Bolsecks foresaide reporte of them as contentinge my selfe with such onely other testimonie as ys deliuered by learned protestants them selues In which course ys not vnworthy of obseruation who much Beza differed from the apostolicke zeale and spirit in his vncharitable and profane disclayme in all care of (c) Beza in his wordes extant in Sarauiae defensio tract de diuersis ministrorum gradibus printed Londini M.D.XCIIII cap. 19. pag. 309. circa med saythe Neque vero nobis hic curiosè inquirendum puto num ad omnes gentes peruenerint Apostoli nec etiam magnopere nobis de legatione ad remotissimas aliquas gentes laborandum quum nobis domi in propinquo sit satis superque quod nos posteros exercent has igitur potius tam longinquas peregrinationet locustis illis c. Iesunomen ementientibus relinquamus c. conuertinge heathen nations to the faythe of Christe leaueinge that professedlie to the Iesuites a resolution in him soe vnchristiane that D. Sarauia a learned Caluiniste for such (d) Sarauia ibidem pag. 309. post med saithe thereof Responsionem huiusmodi à Domino Beza non expectabam nec à quoquam theologo cui euangelij praedicatio cordi sit vt esse debet c. adserere iudico impium ab omni christiana charitate alienum condemneth it In like manner concerninge Bezas licentiouse doctrine what more dissolute in this kinde then his assertion that (e) Beza de aeterna Dei praedestin extant in his tract theologic printed 372. §. 7. saithe Stat ergo cōclusio Deum ipsum prout ei libuit omnia futura ab aterno decernere ita quoque illa suo tempore sua ipsius efficacitate peragere sicut vult God decreeth all things to come and by his owne efficacye worketh them And as Suinglius teacheth that in respect hereof one (*) hereof see Suinglius h●retofore cap. 5. sect 2. in the margin at o. p. q. and the verie same wycked action which is euil in vs is yett good in God so likewise saith Beza (f) Beza de aeterna Dei praedest vb● supr pag. 73. § 19. saithe Quicquid agit Deus bonum est c. omnia autem ●fficit omnia igitur bona sunt quatenus à Deo efficiuntur discrimen illud boni mal●m instrutis duntaxat locum habet c and see the same also in Bez●s displaye of popish practi●es in English printed 1578. pag. 112. post med whatsoeuer God doth is good he dothe all thinges therfore all things are good as they be donne of him and the difference of good and euill hath place onely in the instruments Allso he further teacheth that God (g) soe saithe Beza in his Displaye c. pag. 202. paulo ante med exciteth the wicked will of one theefe to kill an other guideth his hand and weapon iustlie enforcinge the will of the theefe (h) soe saythe Beza ibidem pag. 116. fine That God styrred vpp the minde of Dauid to number the people that likewise God (i) soe saythe Beza ibidem pag. 17. paulo post med doth decree some to destruction (k) Beza ibidem pag. 31. fine createth to perdition and (l) Beza ibidem pag. 31. initio predestinateth to his hatred and destruction (m) see this confessed and disliked in Beza and others by maister D. Willet heretofore cap. 6. sect 2. at h. k. see this also in maister Bezas respons ad acta colloquij Montisbelgar c. printed 1589. part 2. pag. 233. initio circa med without any respect had to theire woorkes either good or euill in soe much that saithe he God (n) soe saithe Beza in respons ad act coll c. pag. 233. fine 234. 235. and see Andreas his reporte hereof in his epitom colloq Montisbelgat pag. 47. decreed euen the verie fall of Adam and (*) see this recited and reiected out of Bezas writinges by Grauwerus in his absurda absurd 22. c. cap. 5. fol. A. a. 2. and see in opusc printed 1570 pa. 4 7. initio predestinateth the reprobate not onlie vnto damnation but allso vnto sinne the cause therof hitherto concerninge the reprobate Nowe as touchinge his faithfull professors Beza teacheth that he (o) see this in Iacobus Andreas his epitome colloquij Montisbelgar printed 1583. pag. 44. 48. in●tio whoe dothe once trulie beleeue cannot afterwardes falle from the grace of God or lose his faithe by his adulterie or anie other like sinnes As for example that (p) Beza in respons ad acta colloq c part 2 pag. 73 fine 74. Dauid by his adulterie and murther did not soe much as for that time lose the holie ghoste and fall from his faithe in which respecte perhaps yt was that Beza as ys (*) see hereafter c. 7. sect 1. fine in the margin at y. hereafter alledged did foe lasciuiouslie paraphrase Dauids Penitential Psalme whereto Bezas fauorers doe subscribe