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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77952 The Principles of truth being a declaration of our faith, who are called Quakers, whereby all that wants peace with God may return into their first state, through the operation of the light and power of God in the great work of regeneration / written by E.B., J.C., W.D., H.S. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Crook, John, 1617-1699.; Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688.; Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. 1668 (1668) Wing B6019A; ESTC R42820 61,240 151

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feel and enjoy the thing it self which the words declare of and that which satisfieth the true thirsting-soul comes clearly from God to the refreshing of the inward parts of man and filling of the empty barren hungry spirit which cannot be satisfied without Gods in-dwellings and thus the Disciples were led along and at last in a foolish way to the great Professors they waited among them in Jerusalem and the Lord had regard unto them and sen● his own Spirit unto them and then they were filled with the Holy Ghost And the secret invisible hand of God whose Power was and is felt in my heart having out of the sight of flesh and blood in the hidden counsel of his secret Wil● led me by the vertue of the operation an● drawings thereof through those thing which thereby I come to leave behinde and to receive and feel that which no● goeth before and is my Leader in whos● Covenant of Life Eternal my soul is no● satisfied and so by good experience o● the Lords leadings and from an experimental knowledge sensible feeling an● present enjoyment of the incomes of th● Spirit of Truth and Life which filled the inward parts with the Holiness of i● self and giveth power to do the thing required before of God even from th● right and good understanding thereof i● this written That where it meets with the like condition in a weary Traveller i● may answer its own and be helpfull to th● weak and feeble that such may not giv● over pressing forwards nor faint in their long travel though many Mountains on which they did nourish themselves for a time will not yeeld them Bread now yet that they may with me and the rest of the Followers and Friends of Christ past and present always continue following the Spirit as it leads until the inward man be filled therewith and so power and strength from God come to be known and received in every particular For thus it is with Christs Followers now they are not satisfied until they are filled with that which they have heard of and their souls thirsted after and so it was with them then and they were filled with what they wanted before and then from that which they were filled with they spoke forth and so they did teach the Nations and brought People under the Power of God and baptized them into that and dipt them into the Name of the Father and brought them under that which saveth from Sin and plunged them into the holy Spirit and as they teach'd they did this baptizing as they did teach and plunging them as their doctrine went forth into that which washeth and purifieth the Conscience from the filth and guilt of Sin of which the outward Baptism wa● a figure of this which saveth and so their Doctrine was from an inward Life and proceeded from that which was invisible and so reached to that which wanted life in the Hearers and so brought up the Power of God over them and them under it and into it for the Word is Into and they were to bring people into the Name not Water and they were to bring or baptize them into the Name as they did teach Go ye and teach baptizing into Baptizing is in the Present Tense when they did teach and so here the spiritual and inward Baptism goes along with the Preaching of the Word of Life which is inward and brings man into an inward enjoyment of God being baptized into his Name which is a Strong Tower which preserveth from the power of the Devil and we all who are brought into this and are come in here are all by one Spirit baptized into one Body and so worship God in the Spirit having the heart sprinkled from an evil Conscience by the washing of Regeneration in the Ministration of the Gospel of Peace whereby there is a drawing nigh to God being brought into his Name and a free access to the Throne of ●hat Grace which saveth from and out of ●ll filthiness of flesh and spirit Humphrey Smith The Discovery of Mans return to his first Estate by the Operation of the Power of God in the great work of Regeneration ALL Men and Women behold and see in what estate you were created And God said Let us make Man in our Image God created Man in his own Image and in the Image of God created he him male and female created he them And the Lord took Man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress and keep it And the Lord God commanded the Man saying Of every Tree in the Garden thou mayst freely eat but of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for i● the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt sur● dye the death The Serpent was more subtile than 〈◊〉 beast of the field which the Lord God b● made he said unto the Woman Ye shall n●● surely dye for God doth know that in the d●● you eat thereof your eyes shall be opened a● ye shall be as God knowing good and evil And when the Woman saw the Tree w●● good for food and that it was pleasant un●● the eyes and a tree to be desired to make 〈◊〉 wise she took the fruit thereof and did ea● and gave also to her husband with her 〈◊〉 he did eat And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig-leaves together and made th●● Aprons And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his Wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the Trees of the Garden and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him Where art thou And he said I heard thy Voice in the Garden and was afraid and because I was naked I hid my self and he said Who told thee that thou wast naked hast thou eaten of the Tree wherof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat And the Man said The Woman whom thou gavest to be with me she gave me of the Tree and I did eat And the Lord God said unto the Woman What is this that thou hast done The Woman said The Serpent beguiled me and I did eat And the Lord God said unto the Serpent Because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all Cattel and above every Beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the dayes of thy life And I will put enmity betwixt thee and the Woman and betwixt thy seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel And the Lord God said Behold this Man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand take also of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken and he drove out
the Man and placed at the East of the Garden of Eden Cherubims and a flaming Sword which turned every way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life Every Man and Woman behold and see how you are fallen from the estate and condition you are created in yo● were created in the Image of God to delight alone in him but you are fallen in obeying the counsel of the Serpent and are driven out of the Presence of God into the Earth and there your minds are feeding upon the dust of the Earth created objects which will perish some delight in Father and Mother some in Wife and Children some in House and Lands some in Money and Gold some in Meats and Drinks some in Raiment what they shall put on some in Lusts and Pleasures in Wantonness in vain idle Communication foolish Jesting and Laughter which is madness and folly and some in Honour and Preferment in this World wherein their hearts are lifted up in Pride and Exaltation above others whom they have Power over not considering how you are driven out from the Presence of the Lord wherein you were placed in the beginning and some there are that feed upon the Letter of the Scripture which is death comprehending God and Christ in their wisdom from what the Saints of the most high God have spoken forth from the Life they enjoyed in Christ Jesus which was in them the hope of their glory and man in his serpentine wisdom steals the Saints words into his understanding and never knew the Life and Power thereof in himself and so speaks a divination of his own brain a riddle to his own heart and while he speaks to others himself i● a cast-away Every man and woman in particular deal justly with your hearts and see where your hearts are and what they delight in for in some of these created objects you delight in and feed upon if you cannot witness your change by the Eternal and Powerfull Word of Truth for into the Earth you are driven from the presence of God and these are the fruits which spring out of the Earth which are in your hearts Self-love Pride Covetousness Anger Revenge Hastiness Frowardness Backbiting Hard-heartedness Cruelty and Oppression Lust and Uncleanness Drunkenness Impaciency and Unbelief and you are fenced out from coming to the Tree of Life with Cherubims and the flaming Sword which turns every way to keep the Tree of Life So every one see what you can witness of your return agai● unto God from whence you are seperated by the disobedience and evil of your hearts and see what is the ground of the hope o● your callings and by what power you are acted in your obedience unto God whether by the power of the first Adam or by the power of the second for if thou upon the convincement of the evil of thy wayes dost not wait in the Light which is in thy conscience that convinceth thee of the evil of thy doings for Power from the Lord to guide thee forth of the evil which the Light discovers which would guide thee into the Kingdom of God but thou runnest out into the wisdom of the first Adam to seek the Kingdom of God in outward forms and observations according as thou comprehendest of the Saints practices and thou imitatest their practices in thy wisdom and though thou walk never so strictly in these outward forms thou art alive in the first Adam sewing fig-leaves together to cover thy nakedness a peice of new cloth in an old garment thou art putting new wine into old bottles and art building up a Tower to get up to God in thy Heathenish and Babylonish wisdom and confusion will come upon thee In the day when the Lord comes to ●ook for fruit thou wilt be found a fruit●ess Tree that cumbers the ground Cain with his offering up Sacrifice unto God in thy first nature Esau seeking the bir●h-right with tears who shall never find it and all the fruit that is raised in thee is from Hagar the Bond-woman and thou hast thy end for thy self in all that thou dost which is thy hire which thou expectest in the end life for thy labour and obedience and thou regardest not the glory of the Lord and his fear is not b●fore thine eyes Therefore every man and woman deal justly with your own hearts under what name or title soever thou art whether thou be a Teacher of others or a Professor of what thou comprehendest to be truth from the Testimony the Saints gave forth from the Life and Power of Christ that was in them and thou expectest Life in thy outward Forms and Observations and mindest not to be guided by the Light which is of Christ in thy own Conscience which Light guided the Saints that gave forth the Scriptures and while thou disobeyest that Light profess what thou wilt thou art in the fall first Adam is yet alive in thee Cain is not yet banished nor Esau reprobated nor the bond-woman and her son cast out which are all figures and types of the first nature which is yet alive in thee and thy will is thy guide and thy heart is in the Earth notwithstanding all thy profession and thou art a painted beast made drunk with the wine of the wrath of the Whore which is thy wisdom which comprehends that which thou never didst know manifest in it self and sits deckt a well-favoured Harlot above the Cross of Christ thou wilt be found a Thief and a Robber who comes not in by the door Jesus Christ but climes up some other way and thus far went the Scribes and Pharisees and the young man who had kept the Commandments from his youth but when he should have sold all for Christ he went away sorrowful And thus far went Paul when he persecuted Jesus Christ according to the Law he walked blameless and all thy strict walking to get life in observations according to the Letter is striving again to get to the Tree of Life by thy own power who are fenced out with Cherubims and a flaming Sword which turns every way to keep the Tree of Life And if thou never sawest thy self fenced out from the presence of God notwithstanding all thy righteousness in observations thou art not come so near God as to see the flaming Sword which is placed to meet thee in every way thou turnest to get life in thy own power and to cut thee down and kill thee that Christ may be thy life thou art alive in the first Adam and art in the death for Death reigns over all from Adam to Moses and Moses is until the Prophets and the Prophets till John and John until Christ and if thou canst not witness that thou art come to Moses profess what thou wilt thou hast not set thy face towards God nor one step in the strait and narrow way to Eternal Life but art going the broad way to destruction whatever thou be whether a Teacher of others or a Professor