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A27119 An arrow shot against Babylon out of Josephs bow which grew up from the stem of Jesse ... and this is a visitation and warning (once more) from God unto all such rulers, teachers, and people in England who are, or may be persecutors about religion and worship that they may yet flee out of Babylon ... the great whore (which hath set upon nations and reigned over the kings of the earth) that they may partake no longer of her sins ... and this may serve as a glass for all false Christendom to behold themselves ... / by William Bayly. Bayly, William, d. 1675. 1663 (1663) Wing B1518; ESTC R25910 22,002 29

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AN ARROVV SHOT AGAINST BABYLON OUT OF Josephs Bow Which grew up from the stem of Jesse the Root and Off-spring of David and was bent by the Archer of Israel which hath struck at Cains mark from Paradice into the Land of Nod and hath lighted in the skirts of the great Whore to the discovering the Mother or original of Harlots and all Abominations of the Earth tracing her in her footsteps with all her Companions and Merchants the Beast Dragon and false Prophet by the blood of the Prophets and Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth And also pursuing her from her birth or the Serpents hole out of which she came to her latter end which is the bottomless pit or Lake of Fire into which she must return And this is a Visitation and Warning once more from God unto all such Rulers Teachers and people in England who are or may be persecutors about Religion and VVorship that they may yet flee out of Babylon mystery Babylon the great VVhore which hath set upon Nations and reigned over the King of the earth that they may partake no longer of her sins lest they partake of her perpetual plagues which cometh swiftly upon her in one day With a few questions concerning the Devil and Cain and the Whore and the Dragon and the Beast and false Prophet whence they came and where they are and how they may be known and whither they must all go together in the end And this may serve as a Glass for all false Christendom to behold themselves and try their ways and see what Spirit and Church they are of and whose children they are if ye were Abrahams children ye would do the works of Abraham By WILLIAM BAYLY Put your selves in array against Babylon round about all ye that bend the Bow shoot at her spare no arrows for she hath sinned against the Lord Jer 50.14 For thy Merchants were the great men of the earth for by thy sorceries were all Nations deceived in her was found the blood of the Prophets of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth Rev. 18.23 24. LONDON Printed in the Year 1663. An Arrow shot against Babylon c. IN the beginning before transgression man was in Paradice the Garden of God made in his own image and likeness and was in unity and peace with him in the innocent meek tender holy upright life in which he was formed in which state he stood with God as a Child with a Father or as a Wife with a Husband without variance distance or enmity between them and God's blessings was upon them in this their innocent lowly obedient state till at length another spirit got an entrance by desiring or letting the desire go out after the eye to be more knowing and wise in the mysteries of the outward Creation and visible things c. which soon captivated the tender simple upright mind and beguiled it from its own proper life and being in which it was made a living soul for they did not only taste but eat and that brought the death over them as it is written Gen. 2.17 for they entred into a secret false joy of what they had attained to and a satisfaction they got in the sensual wisdom and knowledge of things and so grew conceited that they were as Gods knowing good and evil c. And so through this aspiring spirit or motion which began to spring up in their minds a secret strife or enmity began to arise between the innocent life and it for there was a contrariety between them but they eat of the Tree of Knowledge which beguil'd them from the Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradice of God This was Adam's fall going outward with his mind from the guidance rule and dominion of the innocent upright Life by which he was made a living soul feeding in the aspectings and viewings of the visible things the mysterie and secrets of which was hid from him in that Life from which he was departed and he only could retain but strong imaginations of them which pust him up so now he became a griever and an oppressor of God's good Spirit and it became a reprover and troubler of him by reason of his disobedience against it and departure from it and he was now afraid of God's voice having done that which was contrary to him and then to get peace he sewed fig-leaves to make themselves coverings but all would not do while the Tree of knowledge is fed upon which was good in its place but forbidden to feed upon because it beguiled from the Tree of Life being pleasant to the eye and desirable to make one wise c. and the World by Wisdom knows not God so by it they lost the knowledge and unity and peace of God and were driven into the Earth and shut out of the Paradice of God and became vailed in the enmity pride and pleasures of the Earthly or sensual part which followed that aspiring motion of the subtil Serpent or Adulterer that led out from God like the Harlot Solomon speaks of that was subtil of heart whom the young man followed as an Ox to the slaughter and as a fool to the correction of the Stocks and knew not that it was for his life and that her paths led to the Chambers of death and her steps take hold of Hell this is the thing Adam was very young and the Harlot subtil so was deceived for the one enticed and the other consented and followed not knowing it was for his life though God had said he should surely dye but this Tempter led out the mind from the sence of the good man of the House with her Bed of pleasures and delights and with enticing vvords she forced him but the end was bitter as Wormwood as hath been known by woful experience for here was the first carrying away captive into Babylon the Mysterie of which the outward vvas but a figure and the first draught of the Whores Cup of Fornication was novv drunk by vvhich the just innocent life suffered as one might say even in the Womb and in Cain and Abel the tvvo Seeds or Spirits were clearly manifest the one in pride fury enmity murther drinking his brothers blood and the other the sufferer by him in the patience vvhose blood had a voice that cryed unto God from the ground and yet it 's said of Babylon that in her is found the blood of the Martyrs and Prophets and of all the Saints that have been slain upon the Earth then Cain was in Babylon which is now called the Great Whore and the controversie between Cain and Abel was about Sacrifice and Worship this hath spread even the Spirit of Whoredoms Enmity and Wickedness over the World and Cains Mark hath been apparent among multitudes peoples tongues and languages killing and persecuting about Religion and Worship This is the great Whore which hath sate upon many Waters reigned over the
Prophet shall be cast into the Lake and be tormented day and night for ever and ever and the Lamb and the Saints shall rejoice over her with songs of triumph and Halelujahs for evermore Amen Rev. 19.2 3. So now you may read and see that the seed of evil-doers the birth of the flesh or spirit of Whoredoms did always persecute the birth that was born of the Spirit after Gods Image in all ages And here is now no new thing happened under the Sun but the same controversie as was between Cain and Abel though greater shall the Work be then ever in these last days But this is Cains and the Whores Mark in all ages and the Beasts that God and man takes notice of or knows them by Persecution about Religion Worship and Sacrifice c. as Christ said of the false prophets By their fruits ye shall know them Do men gather grapes of Thorns prickers or figs of thistles Read these things in the fear of the Lord God for they will add to the weight of the Milstone when Babylon sinks which day hastens as a Woman in travel and the wo must come upon all you who are found in Cains way and Balaams way and the Whores way as you may read Jude 11. ver But what will ye now do O ye sons and first-born of Adam in transgression God is raising a thousand Abels and Enoch is born again and Moses and Elias is come and the hearts of the children are turned towards their Father and the hearts of the Father toward the children and many are leaving the World and the Earth and travelling toward Paradice the garden of God again where Mount Sion is known and the King sitting upon his holy Hill Therefore let not the Heathen rage nor the people imagine a vain thing for it is so God is gathering his Seed from the four corners and quarters of the earth and his sheep from off all the barren Mountains where they have been scattered in the dark and cloudy day without a shepherd and he will feed them himself and the false shepherds shall no more make a prey upon them who have fed themselves and cloathed with the wool and eat the fat and pusht with shoulder and horns till they have scattered and not strengthened the diseased Read Ezek. 34. And who shall disannul his Decree or make void his promise and purpose The dry bones must be raised and become an exceeding great Army and Babylon must full and this is now doing with great noise and shaking Read Ezek. 37 7 8 9 10. And by the lightning the Earth with the power and glory of God Rev. 18.1 2. Which day is come and more and more approaching though you see it not who are in the night it comes like a thief upon you and will overtake you as a snare for so is the day of the Lord come upon all them that dwell in the Earth 1 Thess 5.2 3 4. Therefore in vain do you strive against God O ye Rulers and Teachers of the Earth who are in Cains way and Balaams way for his marvellous Work and Wonder must be brought to pass prosper and be perfected through the whole Earth in these last dayes It is not your Prisons Courts killings banishments or Inquisitions shall hinder or make void God's Eternal Decree which is established in the very Heavens Don't you remember how the grave could not hold him under whom your Fathers crucified and had from Prison to Judgment in the days past who is now again risen among us and is in the midst of us who gather together in his Name And this is the Word of the Lord unto you he is risen among us called Quakers and is come and coming in ten thousands of his Saints to convince the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds and hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him and to execute his Judgements upon them Read Jude throughout and this the whole Earth shall know in the day at hand for our God is risen to deliver his people and to lay low the haughtiness of the terrible ones and to scatter the proud in their imaginations and to make the Whore nake and desolate as a Widow without children and to exalt Truth and Righteousness Justice and true Judgement in the Earth that Judgment and mercy may meet together and Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other this is God doing this hath been wanting mercy and justice have not been found in the Judgement-seats but false judgement respect of persons injustice and oppression hath met together there pride rage cruelty vanity wantonness hypocrisie hath kissed each other there the poor hath been oppressed of his Neighbour and the rich hath had many friends this the evils under the sun hath prospered and spread like a bay-bay-tree and equity hath been the low tree and unrighteousness the high tree exalted over all the great Whore hath reigned with the Beast and false Prophet the true Woman hath been in sorrow the Lamb and the Saints in great tribulations in all ages but now she is coming up out of the Wilderness leaning upon her beloved and not her own understanding and the Lamb and the Saints must get the victory and all coverings and veils will God rent off from the face of all people and there shall be no place of darkness nor shadow of death wherein the worker of iniquity shall hide himself but death and hell must be naked and give up the slain that is in them the Dragon must be chained and the Beast Whore and false Prophet must be taken and cast alive into the Pit or Lake that burns for ever and ever This will be a woful day for you persecutors false worshippers idolaters whoremongers hypocrites unbelievers fearful and abominable Merchants of Babylon and all you Seamen of Babylon who hath strengthened her Mast and spread her Sayle and traded with her when she shall lie as a wrack in the midst of the Sea and sink like a Milstone and be found no more at all you that have gone so often aboard her in the boat of deceit and drank the Wine of her Fornications in the mysterious sealed Cabines of her VVhoredoms which she hath set cht from the Land of Witchcrafts and gathered from the Vine of Sodom and prest in the Fat of Confusion and held forth in the Cup of Hypocrisie howling and lamentation will come upon you fears and amazements will possess you when you behold the smoak of her torment Alas alas standing aloof off for fear will be your song vvhen you shall see this great City in one hour brought to nought No fig-leaves will hide in this day no sheeps clothing will cover the false Prophet but you must all appear in your own likeness and image before him that seeth in secret and be ript up and seen as you are before God Angels and Men no vizard of Profession shall excuse you from receiving a just recompence of reward according