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evil_n good_a life_n tree_n 2,346 5 8.7759 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13512 Taylors Vrania, or His heauenly muse With a briefe narration of the thirteene sieges, and sixe sackings of the famous cittie of Ierusalem. Their miseries of warre, plague, and famine, (during their last siege by Vespasian and his son Titus.) In heroicall verse compendiously described.; Urania Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1616 (1616) STC 23806; ESTC S118287 24,950 88

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Christ is dead and rizen I know no greater sinner then Iohn Taylor Of all his Death did Ransome out of Prizzen And therefore heere 's my Pride if it be Pride To know Christ and to know him Crucifide Thine in all humilitie Iohn Taylor TAYLORS VRANIA 1 ETernall God which in thine armes do'st Graspe All past all present and all future things And in ineuitable doome dost claspe The liues and deaths of all that dies and springs And at the doomefull day will once vnhaspe Th' acusing booke of Subiects and of Kings In whom though ending nor beginning be Let me ô Lord beginne and end in thee 2 All cogitations vaine from me remooue And clense my earthly and polluted heart Inspire me with thy blessings from aboue That to thy honour I with Artlesse Art May sing thy Iustice Mercy and thy Loue Possesse me with thy Grace in euery part That no profane word issue from my pen But to the Glorie of thy name Amen 3 I do beseech thee Gracious louing father Reiect me not in thy sharpe iudging Ire But in thy multitude of mercies Rather Recall me to thee Recolect me Nigher My wandring Soule into thy bosome Gather And with thy Grace my gracelesse heart Inspire Dictate vnto my minde what it may thinke Write with thy spirit what I may write with inke 4 Thou all things wast eu'n then when nothing was And then thou all things did'st of nothing make Of nothing All thou still hast brought to passe And all againe to nothing must betake When sea shall burne and land shall melt like brasse When hills shall tremble and the mountaines quake And when the world to Chaos turnes againe Then thou Almighty All shalt all remaine 5 And since this vniuersall massie ball This earth this aire this water and this fire Must to a ruine and a period fall And all againe to nothing must retire Be thou to me my onely All in All Whose loue and mercy neuer shall expire In thee I place my treasure and my trust Where Fellon cannot steale or canker rust 6 All things but only God at first began The vncreated God did all Create In him Alone is equall will and can Who hath no ending or commencing date To whose Eternitie all time 's a span Who was is shal be euer in one state All else to nothing howerly doth decline And onely standes vpon support diuine 7 Our high Creator our first Parents form'd And did inspire them with his heau'nly spirit Our Soules seducer Sathan them deform'd And from Gods fauour did them disinherit Our blest Redeemer them againe reform'd And ransom'd them by his vnbounded merit Thus were they form'd deform'd reform'd againe By God by Sathan and our Sauiours paine 8 Mans Generation did from God proceed A mortall Body and a Soule Eternall Degeneration was the Deuils deed With false delusions and with lies infernall Regeneration was our Sauiours meede Whose death did satisfie the wrath supernall Thus was man found and lost and lost was found By Grace with Glory euer to be crownd 9 Man was produc'de seduced and reduc'de By God by Sathan and by God agen From good to ill from ill he was excusd'e By merit of th' immortall man of men The vnpolluted bloud from him was sluc'de To saue vs from damnations dreadfull den Thus man was made and marde and better made By him who did sinne death and hell inuade 10 Let man consider then but what he is And contemplate on what he erst hath bin How first he was created heyre of blisse And how he fell to be the Childe of sinne How of himselfe he howerly doth amisse And how his best workes do no merit winne Except acceptance make them be esteem'd Through his obedience that our Soules redeem'd 11 Before thou wast remember thou wast nought And out of nought or nothing thou wast fram'de And how thy Body being made and wrought By God was with a liuing Soule inflam'de And how th' eternall Nomenclator taught Thee name all Creatures that were euer nam'de And made thee Stuard of the worlds whole treasure And plac'de thee in a paradice of pleasure 12 Then wast thou Viceroy to the King of heau'n And great Lieuetenant to the Lord of hosts The rule of all things vnto thee was giu'n At thy command all creatures seru'd like posts To come or go and at thy becke were driu'n Both neere and farre vnto the farthest coasts God all things made as seruants vnto thee Because thou only shouldst his seruant be 13 He gaue life vnto herbes to plants and trees For if they wanted life how could they grow A beast hath life and sence moues feeles and sees And in some sort doth good and euill know But man 's before all Creatures in degrees God life and sence and reason did bestow And least those blessings should be transitory He gaue him life sence reason grace and glory 14 Then let our meditations scope be most How at the first we were created good And how we wilfull Grace and goodnes lost And of the sonnes of God were Sathans broode Then thinke the price that our redemption cost Th' eternall sonne of Gods most precious bloud Remember this whilst life and sence remaine Else life and sence and reason are in vaine 15 Thou to requite thy God that all thee gaue Ingratefully against him didst rebell Whereby from Regall state thou turnedst slaue And heau'nly Iustice doomb'd thee downe to hell As thy rebellion from thy God thee draue So 'gainst thee all things to rebellion fell For when to heau'n thy due obedience ceast Thy disobedience taught each brutish beast 16 Now see thy miserable wretched state Thou and the earth is eake with thee accurst All worldly things which thee obaide of late In stiffe commotion now against thee burst And thou for euer droue from Eden gate To liue an exilde wretch and which is worst Thy soule Gods darling fell from her preferment To be the Deuils thrall in endlesse torment 17 But Mercies sea hath quenched Iustice fire And Heau'ns high heyre in pittie of mans case In person came and satisfide Gods ire And Gracelesse man new Repossest in Grace The sonne of God came downe to raise vs higher To make vs Glorious he himselfe made base To draw vs vp downe vnto earth he came And honor'd vs by putting on our shame 18 Who can conceiue the Glory he was in Aboue the heau'n of heau'ns in throan'd in blisse Who can conceiue the losse that he did winne To rectifie and answere our amisse Who can conceiue the Mountaines of our sinne That must be hid with such a sea as this No heart no tongue no pen of mortall wight These things can once conceiue or speake or write 19 Man may collect th' abundance of his vice And the deare loue his God to him did beare In thinking on th' inestimable price Was paide his sinne polluted soule to cleare To gaine him an immortall paradice And to Redeeme his foes to pay so