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B09558 A looking-glass for George Fox the Quaker, and other Quakers; wherein they may see themselves to be right devils. In answer to George Fox his book, called, Something in answer to Lodowick Muggletons book, which he calls The Quakers neck broken. Wherein is set forth the ignorance and blindness of the Quakers doctrine of Christ within them; and that they cannot, nor doth not know the true meaning of the Scriptures, neither have they the gift of interpretation of Scripture. As will appear in those several heads set down in the next page following. / Written by Lodowick Muggleton ... Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1667 (1667) Wing M3046; ESTC R10137 83,636 106

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Cain is his father this I know for a certain truth And to stop the mouth of that Objection which Quakers and all others do make in that Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord To this I say she was with childe by the Angel before but after Adam and she were put forth of the Garden that was from the presence of God then it is said Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and she said he had received a man from the Lord and yet that Cain was none of Adams begetting for we never read in Scripture that ever Adam begot Cain neither is Adam called Cains father but she was with childe by that Serpent Angel before Adam knew her but he was but a cloak to cover her sin as many adulterous women have been with childe by other men that were not their husbands yet their husbands have been a cloak to cover their shame and the childe hath been counted her husbands which was nothing so This many can experience if they would and that many of the Quakers too when they were Ranters if not since so that Cain was none of Adams begetting though he knew his wife Eve But some may say Why did not Moses tell us these things To that I say it was not made known to him nor to no other till now but to the Witnesses of the Spirit onely The condition of Eve was much like the condition of Mary the Virgin she was espoused to Joseph before she was with childe by the Holy Ghost but Joseph never knew her before nor after she was with childe by the Holy Ghost till that Childe Jesus was born therefore Jesus is called Emanuel that is God with us that is God was born of a Virgin Also Mary is said to conceive with childe by the Holy Ghost yet if Joseph had known Mary his espoused wife in the interim of her Conception by the Holy Ghost it is like that Mary would have said that she had received her Childe Jesus from Joseph her husband for she could not tell which got it if such a thing should have been but it was otherwise ordered with her than it was with Eve for Adam knew Eve as soon as the Angel had entered into her womb and then Adam knew his wife after they were put forth from the presence of God so that Eva did not know which she was with childe by the Serpent Angel or her husband Adam so that she might well say she had received a man from the Lord but if Eve had not enticed her husband to know her that was eating of the forbidden fruit she would have brought forth according to the time of life that very same devil Cain flesh blood and bone as she did if Adam had never known her in that time even as the Virgin Mary did the blessed Jesus the God and Savior of the Seed of Adam with flesh blood and bone So that the Reader may see clearly that Adam was not Cains father neither did he beget him for Cain was the devil became flesh and this is the Right devil and you Fox the Quaker are one of his sons begotten by him But to make it more clear that Adam was not Cains father He could not be Cains father and Christs father also Now we finde by the Scriptures that Christ doth own Adam to be his father and the Scriptures doth own Cain to be the Right Devil and the father of all other devils as I have shewed before and that Adam is called the Father of Christ read Luke the third to the last verse in the Genealogy Which was the son of Enos which was the son of Seth which was the son of Adam which was the son of God So that God was Adams Father as he was God and Adam was Christs Father as he was Man therefore calls himself The Son of Man What do you Quakers think the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil was and that Serpent that beguiled Eve Do you look upon it to be some Apple-tree and the Serpent to be an ugly Snake and so this Snake crept up the Tree and got an Apple in his mouth and the Woman took the Apple out of the Snakes mouth and so ate of it and gave her husband to eat and so brought themselves into this misery and all mankinde Do you teach your Hearers this What is it you teach that your Hearers are so ignorant of the knowledge of the true God and the right Devil and of the Scriptures This is the Faith that other religious men do believe concerning the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and of the Serpent but you Quakers carries it in an Allegory so that nothing can be made of it neither one way nor other But all Professors of the Scriptures do own that the Tree of Life was Christ and I suppose you Quakers do so too If you grant that the Tree of Life was Christ then this Tree of Life could speak Now if the Tree of Life did speak why should not the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil speak also If Christ the Tree of Life because he gave life to every thing in Creation so why pray not the Angel be called A Tree of Knowledge of good and evil or a Serpent which brought death and misery upon the whole Creation And we read that the Serpent spake wise words who said to the woman They should become as Gods knowing good and evil did ever any Snake we call Serpents speak such a language Surely no. I marvel people are so unwilling to believe that the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil should be an Angel and yet speak such God-like wisdom and hath brought such woful misery upon all the earth and very many men and women do eat of the same forbidden fruit now as Adam and Eve did then And as the Tree was pleasant to the eye and good to make one wise is it not so now with lustful men and women doth not their fancy to one another seem pleasant to the eye and acting together hath been pleasant to the taste this makes many to know good and evil by woful experience for this sweetness of sin is but for a season for I have known many in my days that have eaten of the forbidden fruit men and women both that have wasted their estates which was good and comfortable to them but now the want is evil to them they have spoiled their bodies with excess of lust they have made their good healthful bodies rotten with the Pox so that their good healthful bodies are become evil and loathsom to their friends and that which is worst of all the eating of this forbidden fruit they have lost the peace of Conscience which was very good and in stead thereof they have had an evil Conscience as King Saul Cain and Judas had alwayes tormenting of them with fear horror and the torments
of hell and thus men and women have known good and evil by eating of the forbidden fruit of lust This many Ranters were guilty of to my knowledge neither is your Quakers people free for I know of those that have fallen to the Quakers thinking to finde ease there but they will finde the Quakers Principle but a broken Reed These things concerning the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of good and evil are opened more at large in The Interpretation of the Eleventh of the Revelation so I shall conclude this point 2. I am to make good by Scripture that the Soul of man is mortal This is one of the easiest points that is to prove by Scripture and experience These are the words that George Fox doth ground the Immortality of the Soul upon as followeth Saith he For God breathed into man the breath of life through which he became a living Soul And then George Fox asketh Is this breath of life by which man became a living Soul mortal And saith Is this thy knowledge as if it were impossible for me to answer or to make good by Scripture CHAP. VI. ANSWER THis point hath been proved by Scripture in all our other Writings as aforesaid and that Book of the Mortality of the Soul the chief subject it treats upon is to prove the Soul mortal but all these things will do Fox no good nor convince him of his ignorance in this point Fox had hard luck that he could see none of these Writings for nothing might have better informed him in these things but the Book of The Quakers Neck broken onely that makes Fox so ignorant of all things for that Book doth but name the Heads of these things but in the other Writings aforesaid they are more largely expounded But to give a little further answer to this point here First I shall prove that breath of Life God breathed into Adam to be mortal and doth die Let the Reader minde I do acknowledge that Breath of Life God breathed into Adam which made him become a living Soul it was immortal when it came from God but it was breathed into an earthen vessel Adam being of the earth he was earthly and so capable to be overcome by temptation from a heavenly body viz. the Serpent Angel now Christ being the Lord from heaven therefore he was not capable to be overcome by the temptations of earthly bodies viz. the Serpent Angel his seed in mortality Minde also this Breath of Life which God breathed into Adam wherein he became a living Soul it was immortal so long as he stood in obedience to God and no death could have touched him but this I must tell the Reader Adam could have had no other heaven than this world he being made of this earth he should never have gone higher to the place where God is the holy Angels and all spiritual Bodies are there Adam should not have come But this I say Adam should have been freed from all sickness diseases and death and should have lived a Paradisical life of peace upon this earth for ever if he had kept that state he was created in I confess this was a state that I was always desirous to get into and I did endeavor much after it but could not attain unto it but when the Revelation of Faith did arise in me the Spirit of Faith which I call the Spirit of Christ or God shewed me what the state of Adam was in the state of innocency and the Paradisical heaven here upon this earth but when the Spirit shewed me the Form of God Angels and other Creatures in a Celestial state in the Celestial Heavens in all glory I thought then that this earthly Paradise though it had been for ever very inferior and below that which I am sure I shall possess But to the matter in hand I shall make it appear that Adams Soul did die though it was the breath of God made it live yet by disobeying the command of God this Life must die as in Gen. 2. and verse 17. For in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die Is not this plain that Adams Soul did die notwithstanding the breath of Life God breathed into him this became mortal and did die If you Fox shall say the soul departed from the body and the body died this is the opinion of most people but it is an ignorant dark opinion contrary to Sence Reason or Faith for if the Soul slip out of the body or depart from it that cannot be said to die but to part one from another for a season besides the body is a dead lump fit for no use without a soul Also the Scripture saith The soul that sins shall die The Scriptures doth not say the soul shall slip out of the body that sins but shall die it is that which sins that must die And did you Fox ever know a body commit sin without a soul if you did not methinks you might be convinced of your ignorance and teach the people no more that lie Where do you read in Scripture that ever any bodies were condemned to die We read in Scripture in many places of souls that shall die and souls that shall be cut off from the land of the living but never of bodies Again it is said that Christ poured out his soul unto death Will you Fox be so wicked to say that Christ did not die He poured out his soul unto death Death took Christs soul into it self that is death swallowed up his soul It is not said he gave his body for a Ransom for sin but he gave his soul a Ransom for sin How should any man be saved from eternal death if Christs soul did not die But I know the Quakers look for no benefit from the blood of Christ all their happiness it must come from the Law written in their hearts that they call the light of Christ in them for they know no other Christ neither within them nor without them For this I say they that cannot believe that their own souls shall die cannot believe that the soul of Christ did die and so they can receive no benefit by the death of Christ The Reader may see the innocence in the Quakers Writings Fox saith He doth believe in Christ that suffered rose again and ascended and yet Christs soul did not die according to the Quakers faith for if they do acknowledge that Christs soul did die they must needs acknowledge their own souls must the also And if Fox had believed the one he would have believed the other and never have put me to this trouble to answer that difficult point as Fox thinks to prove from Scripture that the soul of man is mortal if there were no Scripture at all experience would prove that every day we see it with our eyes Also I would ask Fox or any other where the soul of Lazarus was those four days his body was in the grave I believe Fox
Make this good by Scripture CHAP. V. ANSWER I Have proved these two things abundantly by Scripture in my other Writings in The Mortality of the Soul and The Divine Looking-Glass and in The Interpretation of the Eleventh of the Revelation and in The Interpretation of the whole Book of the Revelation these several Books written by us the Witnesses of the Spirit hath clearly opened those two points as much as any one thing whatsoever but I perceive this Fox hath seen none of our Books not as to read them but this book onely of the Quakers Neck broken which makes him so ignorant of the Scriptures and of what we have written also its proves my words true that the Quakers will not bestow a penny in any of my Writings but their own But because some may see this Answer to Fox that hath not seen the other books afore-mentioned I shall prove by the Scriptures again that the Right Devil became flesh and the Soul of man to be mortal First I shall prove the Devil became flesh Let the Reader minde the Interpretation of Scripture In the first Epistle of John chap. 3. verse 8. it is thus written He that committeth sin is of the Devil for the Devil sinneth from the beginning Mark these words The Devil sinneth from the beginning I think there is no man so wickedly ignorant to say that Adam was this Devil that sinned from the beginning for Adam was never called a Devil not throughout the Scriptures for Adam is called the Father of Christ and there is none will dare to say the Devil was the Father of Christ which I shall open more clear hereafter but then of necessity there must be some other Devil in the beginning which all men are ignorant of in these our days but this Commission of the Spirit onely Now this Devil that committeth sin from the beginning must needs be that Serpent that was called A Tree of knowledge of good and evil this I declare was the Devil now this Devil became flesh and after he became flesh then the devil committed sin and this was in the beginning of the world for the faith of the Scriptures goeth no further than the beginning of the Creation of Adam Now minde the twelfth verse that proves that Cain was the first devil in flesh John exhorting the Believers that they should love one another which Commandment was from the beginning not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother Here it is clear that Cain was none of Adams son for Adam was never counted a wicked one by any that writ Scripture so that Cains father was the devil that is he was that Serpent Angel that deceived Eve and Cain was the devil manifest in flesh and that act of murther which Cain did when he slew his brother Abel is that sin which the devil committed from the beginning for what the devil did before he became flesh was not counted by Moses the Prophets and Apostles to be sin for sin was not imputed to spiritual bodies but to natural bodies onely for spiritual bodies are either to receive the fruit of happiness or the punishment of what they do in the natural body of flesh Again that I may give the Reader a further proof of this minde the Scripture saith there are two Seeds the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent now God hath put emnity between these two Seeds now I would fain know of Fox from whence this Seed of the Serpent came If he shall say it came from Adam as most Quakers do they blaspheme against God that made Adam in his own image and likeness both spirit and body onely Adam was earthly and God was heavenly but Adam had but one Seed in his Creation but as men are generated they come to have two Seeds in them so that this Seed of the Serpent must needs be from the fallen Angel that deceived Eve who was called A Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and this Seed of the Serpent that should be at enmity with the Seed of the Woman it is the devil in flesh for God owns the Seed of the Woman to be his own Seed so that Cain was the devil became flesh blood and bone and that seed of Reason in Cain being now become mortal which was immortal before Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil it comes to commit sin from the beginning and to generate and bring forth millions of devils of his own seed and nature and so the enmity of the two Seeds continues from generation to generation to the worlds end For we read in Scripture that Cain is the Father of all wicked men and women and that wicked men and women are his children as the Reader may see in Matthew how the devil tempted Christ that devil that tempted Christ was a man yet called a Devil as you may see Deuteronomy the sixth and the sixteenth verse that the Jewes that tempted God are called Devils and when Christ answered the devil and said It is written thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God but him onely shalt thou serve so that rebellious men are called the Devil that tempt God And where was there ever given any Law to any other devil but to man to serve the Lord his God So that it may be clear to the Seed of Faith that man is a devil and that there is no other devil that can or doth tempt God but man Again it is clear that men are the children of the devil now they cannot be children of the devil except they be of his seed begotten of him and this is clear by Scripture as may be read John 8. verse 44. Christ saith to the Jews that were men who said they were Abrahams children and said they were Gods children but Christ saith these men were the devils children Ye are saith he of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do he was a murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a Liar and the father of it Now minde there never was no liar nor murderer but man and Cain being the first murderer and liar from the beginning for when Cain killed Abel and lied unto God and said Am I my brothers keeper this was the first murder and lie the devil Cain committed upon earth after the devil became flesh therefore called by the Spirit of Revelation of Faith A murderer and a liar from the beginning for then the devil in flesh began to murder and lie and so this sin hath run in the line of all his posterity from generation to generation so that the Reader may see that men are the children of the devil and that the devil their father was a man even Cain This is the true meaning of the Scriptures and from this Cain did Feorge Fox come and this
they are made one flesh by union and institution as aforesaid for when a man lieth with a harlot he makes himself a member of a harlot by that union and so the harlot is made one flesh with this man Now this man is none of her flesh nor she his not really so for some men do abhor it should be so yet by union with a harlot many times men come to be flesh of her flesh and so are become diseased with her disease even with the Pox so that these are become double flesh of one anothers flesh by that union they had with each other these things I have known by Ranters and others Now minde the distinction a childe that a man begets of his wife is more flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone than his wife is why because the childe is indeed flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone because children came out of the mans loyns as the twelve Patriarchs came forth of Jacobs loyns now these were really flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone naturally so and not by union as a man and his wife that were two are by union made one flesh So likewise the Scriptures speaks of two sorts of bodies as that in 1 Cor. 15.44 there is a natural body and a spiritual body a celestial body and a terrestrial body now these bodies cannot go one into another but mortal bodies may be made spiritual bodies and spiritual bodies may be made mortal bodies by the power of the Creator as it were by the Serpent Angel he was a spiritual body when he deceived Eve but when he was made mortal he was called Cursed Cain So the Lord from heaven was a spiritual body before he over-shadowed the Virgin Mary but afterwards this spirit al body was a pure mortal body and that mortal body was caned A Blessed Jesus This is the great Mystery to the world and this Jesus is that God that prepared a pure mortal body for himself that he might be capable to be put to death in this body to redeem the lost Seed of Adam And this is that body I say is not in the Quakers neither are the Quakers of Christs body by union nor flesh of his flesh nor bone of his bone not by union and those Believers were the Apostle writ unto for the Apostle was chosen of Christ without him and had a Commission to preach Christ to others and those that did believe his Commission were one in faith with him and so they by faith might know that Christ was in them except they were reprobates that is except they were unbelieving for if they had faith in the true Christ which he had taught them then Christ did dwell in their hearts by faith and they should know by faith in themselves that they were not reprobates and by the union they should have with Christ by faith they should become members of Christ yea they should be counted flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone This is the true meaning of the Scriptures But the Speakers of the Quakers have no Commission from Christ to preach as the Apostles had neither have the Believers of the Quakers any true faith in Christs person or body without them and so the Speakers and Hearers are both in the state of reprobation neither doth Christ dwell in their hearts by faith for true faith they have none but the faith of devils And that which they call the Light of Christ in them is nothing else but the Light of the Law written in their hearts for true faith in Christs person they have none so they call the Light of the Law in them the Light of Christ because the Law convinces them of sin Now this Law written in the Quakers hearts is the light of Christs Creation and this light of the Law that Christ hath written in the heart of man it is written in the heart of every devil and so in the heart of the Speakers of the Quakers and they teach their disciples to harken to the light within them and saith Christ is in them but this is no saving light neither is Christ within them neither are the Quakers members of Christs body nor bone of his bone nor flesh of his flesh for they have no faith in his person without them so that Fox his Cheat and Deceit is made manifest by the Scriptures being interpreted 11. Page 11. Fox is very angry with me for saying Reason is the Devil and yet saith he thou givest a reason for what thou doest and because I give a reason of my doings therefore saith he I am judged out of my own mouth to be the Devil Reason CHAP. XIII ANSWER HEre Fox the Quaker hath shewed himself an ignorant devil that cannot give a reason of the hope that is in him but for fear he should be counted a devil takes up other mens words and the Scriptures must give a reason for Fox how that he is no reprobate because the Scriptures saith to Believers in that time Know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be reprobates And be ready to render a reason of the hope within you But Fox himself hath no knowledge but that he is a reprobate but I perfectly know that Fox is a reprobate and I can give a reason why he should and will be damned to eternity though Fox can give no reason for it What would Fox have done if he had not had other mens words to prove Christ within and to give a reason of the hope they had in Christ for Fox hath no interest in the Scriptures But I shall open this point something more hereafter where he speaketh of Reason in the 19th page of his Pamphlet 12. Page 11. And Muggleton saith he rejoyceth in his Cursings and them that he doth Curse and Sentence shall never see any other God or Judge But saith Fox how now Muggleton art thou become God and Judge Must not all appear before the Judgement-seat of Christ to have their sentence and reward from him whether they have done good or evil CHAP. XIV ANSWER DO you Fox and the Speakers of the Quakers indeed believe that you shall appear before the Judgement-seat of Christ to receive the reward of deeds done in your bodies whether good or evil If you do I shall say this unto you that when you do appear before the Judgement-seat of Christ John Reeve and my self shall be there also and look what Sentence and Judgement we have given upon you and others here upon earth the same Sentence will Christ give when you appear before his Judgement-seat and look what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit you have committed in this natural body you now have you shall have the punishment of that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost that sent us punished in that spiritual dark body you shall have when Christ doth raise you again and then you shall know that you did appear before the Judgement-seat of Christ