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B03556 The mischiefes and danger of the sin of ignorance, or, Ignorance arraigned, with the causes, kinds, and cure thereof. As also, the excellency, profit, and benefit of heavenly knowledge. / By W. Geering, minister of the word at Lymington, in the county of Southampton. Gearing, William. 1659 (1659) Wing G436A; ESTC R177550 110,322 239

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knew God so far forth as a terrestrial creature could know his Creatour he perfectly knew so much of the will and mind of God as it concerned him to know and was necessary for him he had an inbred knowledge of God but now if our eyes be so blind in natural things what are they in super-natural Ephes 4.18 Ephes 5.8 the understanding of man is darkned through ignorance and blindnesse of the heart saith the Apostle natural men are said to be darknesse and to sit in darknesse not as if the natural faculty of light or seeing were quite extinct by the fall of Adam no there is some inward light still in the understanding of natural men therefore when the Scripture taxeth all people for being a grosse and dull people it is not for that they are altogether void of understanding for they are wise to do evil saith the Prophet Jeremy Jer. 4.22 Luc. 16.8 and our Saviour saith that the children of this world are wiser in their generation then the children of light they are eagle-eyed in the things of the world and in sinful matters still but to do good they have no knowlodge Man hath by a natural light still the knowledge of God so the Gentiles by the book of the creatures knew God Rom. 1.21 and they had a moral knowledge of God having some moral principles within engraven upon their hearts by which they understand both good and evill but they are deprived of an higher light a spiritual knowledge a divine light lumen fidei the light of faith 1 Joh. 2.8 a supernatural light this is called the true light by the Apostle so that natural or moral light is but a false or dimme light in comparison of that which directeth a man the way to true happinesse and this true light is called in Scripture the light of Christ Ephes 5.14 and the light of life John 8.12 Quest 2 What are the causes of ignorance Answ The first cause is the corruption of mans nature the understanding of man is corrupted and turned away from this light unto blindnesse darknesse errour ignorance unbelief and misbelief Eph. 4.18 the understanding of man is darkened being estranged from the life of God through the ignorance that is in him because of the blindnesse or hardnesse of his heart corruption and pravity hath blinded the eyes of his understanding so that he cannot by reason thereof savingly see the things of God 1 Cor. 2.14 the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit nor can he know them because that corruption on the faculty hath blinded the eye of his understanding turning it away from the chiefest good Acts 17. man doth now but grope and feel after God man is so stupified that though he hear never so often yet understandeth not in a saving way like the people that live near the river Nilus that are made deaf by the fall of the waters of that river for videndo non vident in seeing men do not see Rom. 1.23 intelligendo non intelligunt in understanding they do not understand as evill stomachs turn good nourishment into bad humours so evill men turn the truth of God into a lie The corruption of our natures hath deprived us of all those principles of saving truth that should be in the understanding The Lord looked down from heaven Psal 14.2 to see whether there were any that did understand and seeke God saith David There is no principle of light in a natural man that gives him a supernatural knowledge of God God who commanded light to shine out of darknesse 2 Cor. 46 hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God c. So that till the glorious Son of righteousnesse shine into our hearts the heart hath not one principle of of heavenly light there and is no better then a lump of darknesse Rom. 8.7 The wisdom of the flesh is enmity against God it is as it were at deadly feud with the wisdom of the Spirit for it will yeeld to or grant no more then it can see ground for in natural reason therefore must needs be starke blind in matters of faith An instance of this we have in Nicodenus a Ruler of the Jewes and no doubt a great Rabbi and well skilled in all humane ●earning yet cannot he understand the doctrine of regeneration and though our Saviour had told him of the necessity of it and ●llustrated it by an excellent similitude of the wind blowing where it listeth Joh. 3. and yet saith he how can these things be the reason was because he looked upon it through the thick spectacles of reason and wanted the pure and clear eye of faith Christ spake spiritually and he understood him carnally Another instance you have in the learned Athenians who in Pauls time were as great Scholars as any in the world yet when he preacheth to them the resurrection from the dead a doctrine crossing the principles of natural Philosophy which maintaineth for an Axiome and Maxime that à privatione ad habitum nullus est regressus a natural body resolved into it's first elements and matter whereof it was made Acts 17.32 cannot possibly resume the same and live again after death they therefore mock at him thinking him to teach impossibilities and to set abroach some strange Paradox Now as it was with Nicodemus and the Athenians in these two points so it is with all natural men be they never so learned in the mysteries of Religion that are above the reach of carnal reason the light shineth in darknesse and the darknesse comprehendeth it not John 1.5 A second cause of ignorance is the Devill helping forward the corruption of man plunging him every day further and further into sin and casting thick fogs and mists before his eyes If our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost 2 Cor. 4.3 4. in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them Two wayes is the corporal sight offended either by injection of exterior dust into it or by interiour humours stopping the optick nerves within So Satan either blindeth the eyes of natural men with the dust of worldly things which he casteth into them or by their own grosse and carnal affections he stoppeth the Conduits of their sight that they shall not have any true knowledge of God likewise Satan bestirreth himself and spareth no pains to blind the eyes of men by endeavouring to keep them from the means of knowledge or to increase in them the darknesse of ignorance and from thence he laboureth to lead them to the darknesse of sin from one sin and errour to another as from one dungeon to another till at last he bring them into his own den the dungeon of utter darknesse The
run not out into fury in all pious actions let zeal be your spur but let knowledge and wisdome be your guide 5. A man cannot truly worship God without knowledge we must know him before we can worship him how can we reverence him whom we do not know we know what we worship Acts 17.23 saith our Saviour but as for all ignorant persons like the Samaritans they worship they know not what and if they do him any outward service they ignorantly worship the true God like the Athenians that set up an Altar to the unknown God this makes many persons to come into Gods presence and carry themselves so irreverently as they do because they do not know him Such as our knowledge is such is our worship of God 3. Without knowledge a man cannot receive good 1. Without knowledge a man cannot receive Jesus Christ God first shineth into the heart with the light of knowledge before Jesus Christ can be received by the hand of faith though Jesus Christ when he was upon earth spake as never man spake his preaching being with power and authority and not like that of the Scribes yet multitudes of his hearers could not receive him till the eyes of their understanding were opened 2. Without knowledge a man cannot receive the Spirit of God John 14.17 our Saviour saith That the world cannot receive the Spirit of truth because it seeth him not neither knoweth him many men make a mock and scorn of the Spirit of God because they do not know him the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse to him neither can he know them 1 Cor. 2.14 because they are spiritually discerned A natural man may hear of spiritual things but cannot be in a capacity of receiving them till he come to understand ●nd to know them They are riddles to a natural man as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath ●ot seen nor ear heard nor hath it entred into ●he heart of man to conceive the things that God hath prepared for them that love him he speaks there of the things of the Gospel ●ut saith he God hath revealed them to us ●y his spirit and we have the mind of Christ vers ult A natural and ignorant man is ●ike a corrupt stomach where no meat will digest or nourish it doth him no good it turneth to no good nutriment so it is with an ignorant soul the spiritual things of God do him no good they digest not in his soul they nourish him not because he is full of darknesse corruption and ignorance 4. Without the knowledge of God we can ●ave no communion and fellowship with him God is light and the ignorant man is darknesse 2 Cor. 6.14 and what communion hath light with darknesse God is light and in him there is no darknesse and while thou art in the dark dungeon of ignorance thou canst not converse with the Father of Lights A natural man is a blind man he cannot see nor discern spiritual things God takes no delight in such blind fools If you delight your selves in ignorance and are unwilling to be taught as many children and servants are how can you have any communion with God that know him not It is true as a judicious Divine observeth Mr. Cotton on John there are many that desire knowledge and cannot attain it and of such saith he God will either accept their desires or give them knowledge but such as please themselves with their ignorance they have no communion with God but are sealed up unto damnation If a man walketh in darkness and saith he hath fellowship with God he is a liar A man can have no communion with God in the spirit nor in his ordinances no● in any thing as his without the knowledge of God for while he liveth in the darknesse of ignorance he is without God in the world 5. Col. 1.13 Without the knowledge of God men are still under the power of Satan the Prince o● darknesse They are said to be under the power o● darknesse i. e. of ignorance and they tha● are under the power of darknesse are under the power of this Black Prince the Devil himself is bound in everlasting chains under darknesse and he bindeth sinners with the chains of darknesse the darknesse o● ignorance and holds them under his power Acts 26.18 therefore when a sinner is converted unto God he is delivered from the power of Satan being turned from darknesse to light and being made a meet partaker of the inheritance of of the Saints in light he is delivered from the power of darknesse Most men while they are under Satans power they are held with this chain where ever an ignorant man goes he goes like a fettered prisoner with his Keeper at his back let him go to the Congregation to hear the word there Satan either stops his ears or blinds his eys or else choaks and steals away the good seed of the word out of his heart Those that are without the acknowledgment of the truth they are taken captive 2 Tim. 2.26 Eph. 6.12 or taken alive by him in his snare and wicked spirits are said to be the Rulers of the darknesse of this world Oh tremble then thou ignorant wretch to think to whom thou art in bondage 6. While thou art ignorant wanting the knowledge of God thou art in subjection to every base lust Paul speaking of the unregenerate State Tit. 3.3 1 Pet. 1.14 describeth it thus At that time we were foolish and disobedient serving divers lusts and pleasures Fashion not your selves saith Peter according to the former lusts in your ignorance An ignorant man knoweth not what is good and what is evil and often putteth good for evil Isai 5.20 Prov. 14.12 and evil for good putteth darknesse for light and light for darknesse now the will and affections do for the most part follow the understanding in things that are good I say for the most part because the will and affections are sometimes more depraved then the understanding and in evill things the will and affections do altogether follow the understanding now the understanding being darkned and putting evill for good and good for evill how can it be but a cause of divers lusts making the soule to serve divers lusts and pleasures Ambition Pride Passion Drunkennesse Revenge Every sin and lust will command them so long as they are without the true knowledge of God this is a miserable slavery to be led by their lusts if they had eyes to see it one lust hurries them one way and another hurries them another way where there is the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and vertue 2 Pet. 1.3 4. such have escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust there is no escaping the pollutions and defilements of sin and lust but by the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 7. Ignorance
as the Fable morali●eth doth more esteem of a barley corn then of a pretious pearl knowing the profit of the one not the rich value of the other So blind and ignorant people do lightly esteem of Gods glorious and wonderful works preferring the dirty commodities of this dung-hill world before the footsteps of Gods Majesty imprinted in his works thereby exceedingly dishonouring the Lord himself And let me adde hereunto that ignorance makes a man lightly to esteem of God himself and of his word An ignorant man is ready to passe by a King without any reverence done unto him and the Country Peasant we know doth trample many a wholesome herb under his feet which the skilfull Apothecary doth gather up and make good account of because he is ignorant of the vertues and medicinable uses thereof which the Apothecary knoweth knowledge is a necessary precedent to a reverent and high estimation of God and his word for to know the excellency of any thing is a good preparative to a due esteem thereof 10. Ignorance is an inlet into all errours It is a fruitfull mother of errour Praeteritae veniam dabit ignorautia culpae Ovid. Epist 19. An ignorant man is apt to be carried away 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with vain and empty words The Papists who would perswade the people they may be ignorant and a little or no knowledge is required of them give great occasion to us to suspect as if they meant to make a prey of them by seducing them with grosse errours for then saith Chrysostome thieves go to stealing when they have first pu● out the candle and in dark shops men use to utter their base and refuse wares It was ignorance of the doctrine of regeneration and of the Scriptures that made Nicodemus conceive that carnally that our Saviour spake spiritually Joh. 3.3 4. It was ignorance of the Scriptures that made the Sadduces make a mock and scoffe at the resurrection and afterwards to propound their question about a woman that had many Husbands Whose wif● she should be in the resurrection Matth. 22.23 our Saviour tells them that ignoranc● was the cause of this their errour ye erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God verse 29. An ignorant man is a prey for every impostour and deceiver as Sampson was for the Philistines when his eyes were out Psal 95.10 If the blind lead the blind both fall into the ditch together It is a people saith God that do erre in their hearts and the reason is given they have not known my wayes An ignorant man is the very map of change and like children tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine being not well grounded an ignorant man like a child is apt to be taken with every new fangle soon growing weary of every thing The most learned are subject to errour for at the best they know but in part and do frequently erre because not wholly sanctified knowledg then is most necessary that we may be able to try doctrines that are brought to us Prov. 28.11 and to discern the spirits whether they be of God or no the rich man is wise in his own conceit but the poor that hath understanding can try him saith Solomon Lastly An ignorant man is every moment liable to Gods wrath and vengeance They have not known my wayes saith the Lord therefore I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest Psal 95. ult Powre out thy wrath upon the Heathen Jer. 10.25 that have not known thee c. saith the Prophet Jeremy the like hath David Psalm 79.6 Put all those together and you may clearly see the danger of the sin of ignorance that we may be stirred up to labour after the true knowledg of God in Jesus Christ The case of ignorant men then is much to be pitied lamented for if their case be to be lamented who through corporall blindnesse run into innumerable mischiefs and at last fall into a deep gulf without hope of recovery much more are they to be pitied who through spirituall blindnesse plunge themselves into far greater evills for the present and at last fall into the pit of everlasting destruction without recovery Do you not pitty blind men when you see them go out of the way or stumble at every block or fall into every pit or ditch or be misled by every false guide or exposed to the injury of every vile and malicious person how much more then should we sadly lament the case of those who are ignorant lying under the punishment of spiritual blindnesse which is greater then bodily blindnesse beyond all comparison and much more desperate 2 The second thing by way of motive to this duty of getting knowledge is the great worth Prov. 4.7 Phil. 3.8 benefit and excellency of knowledge Get wisdom saith Solomon for wisdom is the principal thing we read of the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord. And here consider 1. Knowledg is the principal thing wherein the image of God consisteth Col. 3.10 the new man is said to be renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him it is not our substance that is Gods image but true knowledge knowledge makes a man like unto God this the Devill knew well enough when he tempted our first Parents to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evill Gen. 3.5 telling them that God knew that in the day they eat thereof their eyes should be opened and they should be as Gods knowing good and evill Ignorance makes a man like the bruit beasts that perish but knowledge is the renewing of the image of God upon the soule Pythagoras engraved in a stone with his own hand these words setting it before his Academy He that knoweth not in his measure what he ought to know scil in divine things is but a beast among men he that knoweth what is simply needfull and no more is a man among men but he that knoweth according to the helps vouchsafed him of God what may well be known and so far as to direct himself and others aright in the way to true happinesse Exod. 4. is a God among men Thus the Lord tells Moses he should be to his brother Aaron instead of God 2. Knowledge is a most enriching thing Col. 2.2 3. Vnicum bonum scientia unicum malum ignorantia we read of the riches of the full assurance of understanding and of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge this makes a man rich to God there is one that is dives sibi rich to himself there is another that is dives Deo rich unto God he that hath onely outward treasures is rich to himself but he that hath the treasures of wisdom and knowledge is rich in God God never chargeth us to be rich in worldly things but to be rich in knowledg Col. 1.6 to be filled with the knowledg of his will in
cluster or two of my slender vintage which I here offer to you not so much to feed your appetite as to quicken it but where power is wanting I humbly intreat that a sincere affection may make the supply and if by this tender of mine you may receive any little benefit I shall crave this recompense of you That you would be earnest with God in my behalfe to make me faithful and profitable in my function to the end of my dayes The value of Paper-presents is but small and the lesse to be esteemed of by how much this Age of ours hath made the number of Books to be the purgation of distempered braines I beg thi● favour of you To have thi● little piece of coine laid up i● your closets as an acknowledgement of a greater obligation and if after your many weighty and publique a●faires you shall sometimes loo● into this book I hope yo● may meet with some passage therein that may yield yo● some content and further ●our growth in the knowledge ●● our Lord and Saviour Jesus ●●rist And leaving this Ma●●al with you as a testimony 〈◊〉 that respect which your ●orships many wayes chal●●ge from me I remain Your Worships in all respective Services to be commanded W. G. TO THE READER THese are dayes that abound in the means of saving knowledge but few partake of it the most like brutes do altogether neglect it others seek after it but not as for Gold and many there be that preferre childish toyes and trifling knowledge before that wisdom that is from above A natural man is apt to affect things more or lesse according to the sense and understanding that he hath of them now a natural man cannot understand the things of the spirit therefore he cannot truly affect them the excellent knowledge of Christ the glorious priviledges of the Gospel are things transcending all created understanding the love of Christ is a love that passeth knowledge Ephs 3.19 saith the Apostle the Peace of God a peace that passeth all understanding Phil. 4.7 communion with God in the Spirit and joy in the Holy Ghost these are things that even the understanding of a spitual man cannot reach unto but a natural man is in darkenesse and altogether blinde towards them Faith is the evidence of things not seen it discovereth to a believing soul things invisible A carnal man wanteth faith therefore when the glorious excellencies of the Gospel are presented before him he wanteth an evidence to discover these things unto him visible things being presented are to be seen with bodily eyes but spiritual and invisible things cannot be seen by those that want the eye of Faith Joh. 9.39 For judgement I am come into the world saith our Saviour that they which see not may see and they that see may be made blind As to the humble soul he sets up a light within enabling it with Moses to see him that is invisible but on the contrary he leaves them in their natural blindnesse who are wise in their own conceits It is the complaint of Solomon Prov. 17.16 Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom seeing he hath no heart to it There is a rich price in hand much means of knowledge by Preaching Expounding Writing Catechising the things of God excellently and clearly set out to us but all this while this price is in the hand of a fool one who though worldly wise yet wanteth the light of the Spirit to direct him to true happinesse and to shew him the worth of Heavenly things and thereupon it followeth that he hath no heart to it A similitude taken from a Man that is going to a Town or City where there is some great Mart or Faire with money in his hand to buy Commodities but for want of judgement he passeth by the most advantagious Commodities being ignorant of the goodnesse and profitablenesse of them and throwes away his money upon toyes and trifles that are of no advantage to him So there is a price put into the hands of the sonnes of men to get Heavenly Wisdom but the carnal worldling remaines a starke foole he cannot see into the excellency of Heavenly things and thereupon hath no heart to them but passeth by them and embraceth a thing of nought instead of them God is to be sought above all and may be found of all that will seek after him and take any paines to know him but the greatest part of the World have not a minde to know him and therefore doe● not follow on to know him Hos 6.3 When man will not use those helpes that God hath left him to search after the saving knowledge of God God justly suffereth him to fall into divers opinions and grosse conceits which shut him up in the bottome of a stinking Dungeon where he findeth nothing but ignorance errour and irkesome uncertainties as filthy vermine creeping round about him where the darknesse of ignorance fills the minde the Prince of darkenesse fills the heart The Sepia or Cuttle-fish saith Tertullian Tertull. contr Marcion when he is in danger to be taken casteth about him a black inkie matter wherewith he darkneth the water that the Fishermen cannot see him So many people do seek to compasse themselves with the darke cloudes of ignorance to hide themselves and their wicked practises which would appeare to be very odious should they come to be viewed and surveyed by the light of the Word And for many others that are a little enlightned they professe wisdome but they practise folly and so their knowledge is no better than ignorance But he that hath had experience of the freenesse of Gods grace and the riches of his mercy that hath felt the lively workings of the Spirit of God upon his heart that man hath an experimentall knowledge of God and this is after a sort to eat of the Tree of Life the more acquaintance he hath with God the more he desireth and beggeth acquaintance with him though every hour he give him a fresh taste of his goodnesse yet he ever findeth a new and most pleasant sweetnesse in it the more knowledge a man hath of God the more he knoweth his own duty towards him and he that savingly knoweth God dareth not either neglect his duty or do it decitfully he that hath made proof of Gods goodnesse dareth not make triall of evil he knoweth if he should he should do it to his cost What man can reckon himself a Christian that is ignorant of God without the knowledge of God all that we do is but in a customary or uncertain way hereby we know whom we serve and the great advantages we shall reape by his Service and are sensible of our estate in Grace measuring Gods gracious presence with us or his absence and with-drawings from us and our own strength and weaknesse it is the earnest of our Heavenly Inheritance the first fruites of the Beatifick Vision