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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A61227 Surely every man walketh in a vain shew: surely they are disquieted in vain he heapeth up riches and knoweth not who shall gather them, Psal.39.6. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1700 (1700) Wing S5142; ESTC R221820 22,526 32

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are disquieted in vain He heapeth up Riches and knoweth not who shall gather them Ask now the Generations that were before thee in the World who are now actually gone off from the Stage of this Earth And doth not their Life here appear to be a vain shew and they seem to have been disquieted in vain As their condition is already so will ours be in a very short time for we shall also die and be with them and like unto them In one sence that is vain which hath an end and when that end is come it seems all one as if it had never been Exactly so is our Life here on Earth for when it is ended We bring our Years to an end as a tale that is told it doth so seem upon the review or looking back and so it will be at the end of things Now to improve the whole foregoing Discourse in wo or three Practical Uses and Inferences The First Shall be that we know our selves The fault and errour of the reasonable Creature is that he studies and is employed about things which are outward but he doth not come so home and near to himself as he should do He looks too much without but not within himself The Heathen did imagine that this saying Know thy self did descend from Heaven because of the excellency of it but chiefly because it is the Mind and Will of God our Creator that we should know our selves and the more we know of our selves the more we know of our own vanity It hath been said That all People will know themselves first or last But this is the Fault and errour of the most that they come to know themselves when it is too late Like the Foolish Virgins who whilst they went to buy the door was shut Mat. 25. 10. I have heard of one who was of a sinful Life and Conversation but in the time of his last Sickness did cry out Man is vanity But why did he not lay that to Heart in the midst of Life and Health when he was lusty and strong For Man even in his best state is altogether vanity But the thing is by such perceived at the end and not at the beginning Whereas if it were throughly understood at the beginning it would do good but it only enhanses the Misery and fad Resentment when it is reflected upon at the end for then it is Remediless We should look much within the Glass of our selves and when we know and apprehend concerning our selves we should consider much of it and remember it and not go away and straightway forgetting what manner of Men we are James 1. 24. And when we look within our selves and narrowly consider our selves we should give heed to what manner of thoughts do arise in our Minds If any thoughts of Pride should at any time start up check them again with this consideration and reasoning Wherefore is Dust and Ashes Proud If they be concerning thine own Consumption and Withering away Dying and Mortality there cherish them and consider more and more thereupon for so the holy Ghost wishes and advises us Mortal Men O that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end As we are always Dying so we should have the continued sense thereof As we are indeed vain so we should have a knowledge of this our Vanity Saith Job in his Expostulation to God Wilt thou altogether look upon what is vanity and pursue a Leaf that is driven to and fro Every puff of Wind doth move a Leaf and so Man is like a Reed shaken with the Wind of Sickness or sad Accident and he is liable to danger and hurt every Moment Each thought doth fluctuate and toss his Soul up and down If of good then this is apt to lift him up But if the thoughts be of Pain Vexation or Evil then this doth as much sink and cast him down The Lord knoweth the thoughts of Man that they are vanity Psal 94. 11. For so they are in the esteem of the Alwise God Even so there may be perceived in our selves also somewhat alike to this Knowledge of God For when we consider throughly upon what is called or supposed to be the greatest Wisdom of Nations or of what are reputed wise Men or even of our own best and greatest Wisdom It doth all seem and appear to us but as silly and foolish in the main or at the utmost it is truly vain For the best Wisdom Contrivance and Management here is conversant only about vain things As a Figure now differs from the thing Figured Vanity from Substance So all the Wisdom that is now differs from and comes short of what Wisdom will be in the future state of things as it shall then reside in Angels and Men. For the Creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him that subjected the same in Hope So that though the Creature by which is signified what is now Created is now made subject to vanity yet at this very same time wherein now it is under vanity yet it is in hope to be rendred and restored again into a substantial and glorious state The certain Truth whereof is confirmed by the words immediately following Because the Creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God And if the Creature shall be delivered from Bondage into Liberty from Corruption into Glory as the Spirit here saith expresly it shall then also the Creature which is now made subject to vanity shall at length be delivered into a substantial state and being For we know that the whole Creation groneth and travaileth in pain together until now That is by reason of the Vanity Corruption and Bondage which is at present upon it And not only they but our selves also which have the first fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the Adoption to wit the Redemption of our Body For we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a Man seeth why doth he yet hope for But if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it Rom. 8. 20. to Verse 24. 25. Now compare these two last Verses with Heb. 11. 1. Where the Object of Faith is mentioned by that Expression Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for This word Substance whereby the future things are expressed is in opposition and contradistinction to that vanity wherein all present things are And not only they but our selves also are made subject to this vanity For consider Man in his Frame and Constitution He is Dust made up of Vileness Weakness and Mortality walking up and down like a shadow a little dependent being a breathing clod of Clay a moving Sink of Flegm and Excrements a shapen lump of Brittle and frail Flesh Know thy self throughly and truly which the more thou dost the
alike Reasons as the Jews did reject and not receive the Words of Christ Herein we shall have boldness in the Day of Judgment which will be fear and shame and confusion of face to them in this matter Because as he was so are we in this present World Namely because that in my Preaching and Writing I have so learned from him my Lord and Example whose steps herein I follow I do also teach the way of God in truth neither care I for any Man for I regard not the person of Men Mat. 22. 16. For if I yet pleased Men I should not be the Servant of Christ Wherefore holy Brethren partakers of the heavenly Calling consider the Apostle and high Priest of our Profession Christ Jesus Who was faithful to him that appointed him as also Moses was faithful in all his house Heb. 3. 1 2. And so I do make it my sincere and actual endeavour to be faithful to that God who appointed me to the Ministry of his Word by his having enabled me and given me a knowledge thereof and by putting words into my Mouth and so I make it my endeavour to be faithful in all the Ministration thereof He that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully Jer. 23. 28. Moreover it is required in Stewards that a Man be found faithful 1 Cor. 4. 2. And because I have not shunned to declare unto the People of this my Generation and Country all the the counsel of God But in the things I have written unto them I have mentioned some Scriptures which other Preachers and Scribes have omitted Mat. 23. 23. Therefore they reject and receive not that part of the Word of God which hath been committed to my Ministration Speaking evil of me Who for this their falshood and Partiality Mal. 2. 9. Stubbornness and Rebellion shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead Thirdly Seeing that all things here on Earth are vain and Man the chief inhabitant thereof walketh in a vain shew How should this Knit and Unite our Hearts up unto God himself and also towards the future state of things for all there is Reality and Substance God himself is the most real and substantial being that can be for he created all things and now upholds them by the Word of his Power If any thing is real God himself is much more so and so likewise are all the things pertaining to his Kingdom in Heaven The Creature was made subject to vanity God made all things on this Earth so vain to the intent to draw off our Desires and Affections yet more from the things of this World to fix and set them on himself and the things above that in our earnest continued seeking after Earthly things they are Enemies to the Cross of Christ who mind Earthly things we may meet with this kind of Check and Reproof from our Creator O ye Sons of Men How long will ye turn my Glory into shame how long will ye love vanity and seek after leasing Selah Psal 4. 2. Importing that whilst the Sons of Men do love vanity and seek after leasing So long they turn the glory of God into shame In that hereby they do quite pervert the very design and order of things For whereas God designed his own Glory in making Man a reasonable Creature that is one capable to seek after himself and the things of the other and better World But by loving vanity and seeking after leasing Man doth degenerate himself And being made in Honour he abideth not When it would be for the Honour and Glory of God if he did pursue the right end but by not doing or intending that he doth properly turn the Glory of God into shame For it would be a shame if an alwise God should make reasonable Creatures for no better and higher an end than to love vanity and seek after leasing Whereas here the fault is in the Creatures themselves and in no wise in God who Created them In like manner every act of Sin doth turn the Glory of God into shame for the same Reason because it is a perverting of things from what he first made and designed them for he Created Man to serve God and do Good and not that he should Corrupt himself by committing Sin and Evil or by loving vanity and seeking after leasing Vanity is displeasing unto the Lord as Sin and Evil is For this is the Will of God even your Sanctification that not so much as Vain thoughts should lodge within ye Jer. 4. 14. And that People should not speak vanity Psal 12. 2. nor trust in vanity Isa 59. 4. Much less commit or do the same But as we are commanded Not to touch the unclean thing So we are to refrain from all vain things as much as it is possible to do in this vain World which passeth away According to the Exhortation which speaketh on this wise If ye then be risen in Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the Right hand of God Set your affection on things above not on things on the Earth For ye are Dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God When Christ who is our Life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in Glory Beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common Salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you and put you in mind of the vanity of all things of this World that People should not forsake God and depart from the Faith once delivered to the Saints nor go aside from the Truth out of Love to this present World but that ye should Love God more and the World not at all For if any Man loveth the World the love of the Father is not in him So Witnesseth and Exhorteth RICHARD STAFFORD a Scribe instructed in the Law of God and in the Gospel of Jesus Christ LONDON Printed in the Year 1700. And are to be Sold unto such who will receive the love of Truth that they might be Saved Advertisement THese are to give notice That I have several other Practical Sermons or Discourses of mine own Composing lying by me in Manuscript Which if they who have the Plenty or Competency of this World's Goods would According to their several Ability Acts 11. 29. Thus Consecrate some part of their gain and substance unto the Lord Micah 4. 13. So as to be ready to distribute and willing to Communicate towards the outward Labour and Charge of the Printing and Publishing of them it would be for the Glory of God in making known his Truth Isa 38. 19. And for the Edification and Benefit of his Church and People and consequently it would be a Good work in such Persons who shall be helpful and any ways assistant herein for which they would be rewarded by God in the Life that is to come And I say unto you Make to your selves Friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into Everlasting Habitations Luke 16. 9. Charge them that are rich in this World that they do Good that they be Rich in Good Works ready to Distribute willing to Communicate laying up in Store for themselves a good Foundation against tbe time to come that they may lay hold on Eternal Life 1 Tim. 6. 17. 18. 19. This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain Good Works these things are Good and Profitablsi unto Men Titus 3. 8.