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evil_n good_a know_v knowledge_n 3,077 5 7.3450 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A37477 [Patrikon dōron, or], A legacie to his sonnes digested into quadrins / by Henry Delaune. Delaune, Henry. 1651 (1651) Wing D887; ESTC R36087 25,686 101

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Noted q. 89 Equal Justice to be distributed without respects q. 90 A just Judgment given and but one side heard makes an unjust Judge q. 91 The Poore in Justice must be dispatched first q. 92 Not to infult upon any in distresse q. 93 No Man may be tearmed happy till his Death q. 94 Against Slanders and Tale-bearing q. 95 To deal with others as we would be dealt with q. 96 To speak well of all men but chiefly of the dead and absent q. 97 Solid content consists onely in the Minde q. 98 Saladine his insinuation of the worlds vanity q. 99 Our Love and Thoughts not to be fixed on this world but on Heaven q. 100 The instabilitie of this world and of all things in it q. 101 The Revolutions of Life and to provide for them q. 102 Adversitie is the triall of mens spirits q. 103 Fortune deceitfull and not to be trusted unto q. 104 T is wisdom to be warned by other mens harms q. 105 Actions not to be judged of by Events q. 106 Titles of Honour are to be gained by Merit not by Money q. 107 Vertue leads to Honour and Humilitie to Vertue q. 108 Humilitie opens the Gate to eternall Happiness q. 109 Honour is in him that giveth not in him that received it q. 110 The Definition of Honour q. 111 Against vain glorious boasting q. 112 Against Out side Men and Roarers q. 113 How to know a gallant Man q. 114 Worth must Cement our Affections to Men. q. 115 T is good to be Cautious still but not mistrustfull q. 116 Timely prevention is the best Medicine of Evils q. 117 Privacie in dangerous times most secure q. 118 T is no shame to learn even of the Meanest Man q. 119 Vertue in a fair and noble Subject pleaseth more q. 120 Fame which Vertue bestows is to be sought after q. 121 Knowledge of our self is the best Knowledge we can have q. 122 By how much a Man knows by so much more he hath Gods Image in him q. 123 A too early opinion of sufficiencie of Knowledge obstructs the increase q. 124 Knowledge by imparting it shines more bright q. 125 Some progresse in Vertue is to be daily made q. 126 T is in our power to make Reports of us either false or true q. 127 To end one work before we undertake another q. 128 Perseverance brings a work to perfection q. 129 To commit what we blame in others is no little fault q. 130 A Guest may with lesser shame be kept out then when admitted used ill q. 131 Praise and not Time is the best measure of Life q. 132 That which is Good must still be done Well q. 133 Against Wanton Dalliance q. 134 Emptines must not vant nor worth be a Cypher q. 135 Each Man to be weigh'd and to regulate our anger q. 136 T is not good to take alwayes Notice of what doth offend us q. 137 Against rashnesse in Belief of Reports and Tales q 138 Against Detractors q. 139 When we have erred 't is no shame to recant our Error q. 140 Against Men of double Tongues q. 141 Not to insult where we are in authority q. 142 Every one ought to confine himself within his own Bounds q. 143 All things have due set Limits of Lesse and More q. 144 Good Turnes may be marred in their Manner of doing q. 145 Good Men rise from their falls the Bad lie still q. 146 Men in Years must more mind their End then the World q. 147 A parallel between a sentenced Prisoner and a carking aged Man q. 148 Not to write much without good abilities q. 149 Not to procrastinate or precipitate but seasonable time to be taken for all things q. 150 T is wisdome not to search for what we would not find q. 151 Against Sacriledg q. 152 Against such as use Friends to gain their Ends and afterwards neglect them q. 153 Not to do Injury to Any For the Meanest may sometimes either help or hurt q. 154 A many headed multitude not to be confided in q. 155 N●t to presume upon hope of Successe in our undertakings q. 156 Not to vex when we cannot reform what is a misse q. 157 Silence in times of Danger brings safety q 158 Not to be fainthearted in Straights and Dangers q. 159 Not to contest with stranger then our selves Nor relie upon Friends afar off q. 160 Promises to the Dead must religiously be performed q. 161 To better our selves daily in Goodnes and Knowledg q. 162 How to use reading of Books and Study q. 163 Love of Vertue not fear of punishment must restrain from Ill. q. 164 Of Good and Bad Work and Word q. 165 Liberality captivates Observance q. 166 Ill oft proceeds by accident from Good q. 167 Look how to speak Words cannot be recalled q. 168 T is easier not to learn Ill then to depose the habit of it q. 169 Such is the praise as they are that give it q. 170 Corrections from Heaven must be humbly submitted to q. 171 Not to presume but Mend when Heaven shows mercy to us q. 172 Wants bring no shame from Gods hand but from our own Vices they do q. 173 T is better sometimes to want then to abound q. 174 Authority must be submitted unto q. 175 Things Indifferent when they give offence must be abstained from q. 176 T is not good nor prudenciall to struggle against Powers q. 177 Power overthrows most where it is most opposed q. 178 Princes and States cannot be talked of without some Inconvenience q. 179 Against Ficklenes Change of Friends and bad Resort q. 180 The benefit of conversing with ones Betters q. 181 In the lowest Condition still to prefer Fame before Fortune q. 182 It is no shame in necessity to do any thing that is honest q. 183 T is good to be at home with our selves q. 184 The definition of the Rich Man q. 185 Wisedome bewares where it hath smarted once q. 186 Against Vnderminers and Supplanters q. 187 Socrates his Counsell to his Schollars touching Vertue q. 188 Meat and Drink must only be used to sustain Nature not abused in wantonnes q. 189 Wit and Mirth must be so used as not to offend q. 190 Against such as speak or do what they afterwards deny q. 191 Discretion is the Salt that Seasons Words and Actions q. 192 To provide carefully for those whom we have taken into charge q. 193 No good Penniworth over to be had of bad wares q. 194 Christian fortitude is a strong Bulwark against Adversitie q. 295 The Shortnes of Life and the length of Arts require an Active Vertue q. 196 Time is to be taken hold of whilst it is present q. 197 Faith and trust not to be broken or defrauded q. 198 Pearls must not be thrown before Swine q. 199 Like to like makes the best Consortship q. 200 Mild words are most proper to allay Anger q. 201 Against Sycophants Dissemblers and Bawds q. 202 Self-conquest is the greatest victory q. 203 Against rashness in censure of Men. q. 204 The frowns and disfavours of the World oft turn to our Good q. 205 Actions take their qualities of good or bad from their Objects q. 206 Esteeme must still be a spur to Merit q. 207 To beware of Fraud under the mask of Friendship q. 208 Mischief from false Friends or Kindred hardly to be prevented q. 209 To value every thing with Discretion q. 210 To shun bad wayes and not wilfully run into Dangers q. 211 To assist a Friend but with due respect to our own Safetie q. 212 The best ground of Trust is Piety towards God q. 213 Fair shews and semblances must not always binde our belief q. 214 Of Justice Conscience Religion Gain and Self-ends q. 215 Contest with base persons is still disadvantagious q. 216 To bear the Worlds Traverses with Patience q. 217 Not to take things upon trust as the vulgar doth q. 218 Mediums rightly disposed work the End q. 219 Courage and Resolution wade through deep Designes q. 220 Weightie Resolves must be slow in growth and speedy in Execution q. 221 Gentle Admonitions are more prevalent then harsh Reproofs q. 222 Good Deeds are to be done whilest we are living q. 223 Persecution for a good Cause is not shamefull q. 214 Contempt of sound Advice brings many to ruine q. 215 He best knows how to spend that hath sweated in the purchase q. 216 A Man's Freedom if possibly not to be ingaged q. 227 Fidelitie c. in service recommended q. 228 The more a Man is wise the lesse he is presumptuous q. 229 Hospitalitie recommended with due Caution q. 230 The Beggar 's bush is ever near a lean Barn and a fat Kitchin q. 231 Families ought to be governed by Rule and Order q. 232 How Servants ought to be used q. 233 Servants are not to be much trusted with Secrets q. 234 Of the single State Marri●ge a Wife and Portion q. 235 Parents ought to educate their children vertuously q. 236 Parents must walk in these precepts they give their Children q. 237 Children must imitate what is good iu Parents and decline what is bad q. 238 All vertuous Actions are to he imbraced as solid Props q. 239 Every thing that is bad is to be avoided as destructive q. 240 Not to depend upon the shortnes and uncertainty of this life q. 241 To begin early our Journey towards Heaven q. 242 Against those who never think of Death till they be ready to die q. 243 To account each day our last and to be prepared for Death q. 244 Many have risen in perfect strength and gone to bed to their Graves q. 245 We come into Life at one Dore go out at Many q. 246 Life not to be doted on being full of Miseries q. 247 Death in its self hath nothing that is terrible q. 248 We ow a Death to Nature by the Law of sin q. 249 The Continuall Meditation of Death very usefull and necessary q. 250 So to live as not to shame to have lived Nor repine to Die q. 251 The blessings of the holy Trinity implored q. 252 Daily increase of Grace and eternall happines supplicated q. 253 FINIS