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A35959 Truths victory over error, or, An abridgement of the chief controversies in religion which since the apostles days to this time, have been, and are in agitation, between those of the Orthodox faith, and all adversaries whatsoever, a list of whose names are set down after the epistle to the reader : wherein, by going through all the chapters of The confession of faith, one by one, and propounding out of them, by way of question, all the controverted assertions, and answering by yes, or no, there is a clear confirmation of the truth, and an evident confutation of what tenets and opinions, are maintain'd by the adversaries : a treatise, most useful for all persons, who desire to be instructed in the true Protestant religion, who would shun in these last days, and perillous times, the infection of errors and heresies, and all dangerous tenets and opinions, contrary to the word of God. Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.; Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1684 (1684) Wing D1412; ESTC R3405 145,943 378

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which the kingdom of Satan is erected and by which it is upheld are Ignorance and Errour And the two great Pillars which support the Kingdom of Christ are Knowledge and Truth Therefore our blessed Saviour resolving to subvert the kingdom of Satan among the Gentiles tells the Apostle in his first Commission that he was about to send him to open their eyes namely their understanding by the Preaching and Knowledge of the Gospel and to turn them from darkness to light from natural blindness and worldly ignorance unto the right and true knowledge of GOD. This is the first step of our Manumission from that spiritual thraldom The Understanding is the Guide and Pilot of the whole man It is that faculty which sits at the helme of the Soul But as the most skilful Pilot may mistake his course in the dark so may the Understanding when it wants the light of Knowledge This is an accomplishment so desirable that the Devil knew not a more alluring bate to tempt our first Parents in Paradise Ye shall be as Gods sayes he knowing good and evil When the Lord had refer'd it to Solomons option what to choose he choose Wisdom and Knowledge When once the Devil understood that by the Preaching of the Gospel his kingdom was ruined he invents two new stratagems to overthrow Religion even in the infancy and beginning of it to wit Persecution and Heresie Open persecution began in Nero a very imp and graff of the Devil When this Hirricano and many others of that kind were past and when the Churches of Christ were once at rest he sends in a Deluge of Arianism which in a short time so prodigiously spread and over-ran the Christian World that it seemed to carry all before it an assault that did not strike at the uppermost boughs of Religion but at the Root and Beeing of Christianity But this second proved more sad than the first for where Persecution kills one thousand Heresie kills ten thousand The one is the Wild-Boar of the Forrest the other is the little Fox that eateth up the Grapes of the Lords Vineyard The one kills the bodies of Men and Women the other poisoneth the Souls of Christians In times of greater Light as these and former times have been reputed to be Satan comes not abroad usually to deceive with his gross forgeries and cloven foot for every one almost would discern his haltings but with more mystical yet strongdelusions and invincible chains of darkness wherewith he binds his captives the faster to the judgement of the great day And therefore the Watch word given in the bright and shining times of the Apostles was to try the Spirits and believe not every Spirit and take heed of Spirits who indeed were only fleshly and corrupt men yet called Spirits because they pretended to have much of the Spirit and their doctrine seemed only to advance the Spirit the fitest and fairest cobwebs to deceive and inveigle the world in these discerning times that possibly could be spun out of the poysonful bowels of corrupt and fleshly men for Heresie is a work of the flesh The times are now come wherein by the refined mystical divinity of the old Moncks all the ordinances of Christ in the New Testament are allegorized and spiritualized out of the world They reject the outward word because of an inward teaching They reject the outward Baptism because of the inward Baptism They reject the Lords Supper because of the spiritual bread from heaven the Lord Jesus They abolish the outward Sabbath because of a spiritual and inward Sabbath of rest in the bosome of Christ. This is very consistent with the observing the outward Sabbath But they wickedly sever and separat what GOD hath joyned together But as to what relates to the present Treatise I am not ignorant that many eminent and learned Divines far beyond whatever I could profess have beatten this path and travelled round the world of Polemick Divinity But their writings being so Voluminous and large that he who desires to have a full sight at one look of the chief controversies can no more have it than a man from the Peak of Teneriff can get a clear sight of the whole Globe of the Earth Which things though they be principally worth the knowing nevertheless for so much as their number and variety are an impediment to themselves and the multiplicity of matter makes the mind abruptly flit from one thing to another Therefore I have imitated Geographers who after they have surveyed the whole Globe of the Earth draw Universal descriptions thereof and comprehend the the whole image of that great Terra-queous Body within a narrow circumference of a Card or Mapp In so doing I may perhaps contribute some what towards the satisfaction of some who neither can nor are able to trace the wearisome foot steps of those eminent Divines who have written fully This Treatise being Historical none can expect but I must have consulted others and gleaned off their writtings what things were needful I cannot here as in writing Philosophy or any such like Science set up new Theorems or Axioms which have not been heard of before This were to make a new Religion a new System and Body of Divinity such as some giddy-headed Hereticks are thinking upon I must confine my self to the good old way and follow the heatten path-road wherein men of sound principles have walked before me This Book is not designed for men of knowledge and learning who are more conversant in such matters than I am but for the unlearned and new-beginners who need to be instructed with the sound principles of the true Protestant Religion I hope none will think I have done amiss in mentioning so many Religions which had been better unnamed some may think than named This might have some weight if there were no more Religions in the world at this time but one only to wit the true Protestant Religion But seeing I cannot name so many here as there are this day owned and professed in the Christian Church I cannot be to blame This Book will be useful for understanding the Confession and knowing the design of it For how many read it and commend it that never knew the nature of it Though there be a multiplicity of questions and many in number yet all of them to my best remembrance are taken word by word out of the Confession The answers are by Yes or No. To which are subjoyned immediately the proofs of the Confession These words which are often repeated Well then do not the Papists err are nothing els but sure Conclusions drawn from two manifest propositions The design of this Treatise is good The method is plain and easy The order of the Questions follow the order of the purposes in the Confession The probations are such as are made use of in the Confession and by the Orthodox Divines against the Adversaries They are either the very words of the Scripture in Terminis or
because they think that all the Jewish ceremonies are still in force and binding us who live under the Gospel Page 141. Independents so called because they will have every particular Congregation to be ruled by their own laws without dependency upon any other Church Page 236 309 317. L. Libertines from the liberty and freedom they take and give to others to commit sin Their first Author was one Quintinus a Taylor in Picardy who taught that whatsoever good or evil we did was not done by us but by GODS Spirit in us and many other blasphemous opinions Page 44 106 114 155 175 189 245 246. Lutherians who so call themselves lyingly and falsely from Martin Luther that eminent Man of GOD. Page 43 65 69 86 112 139 157 244 265 269 271 280 298. M. Manicheans from one Manes a Persian by birth and a servant by condition The Manichean sect was the sink of all former Heresies p. 19 55 261 Macedonians so called from Macedonus Bishop of Constantinople 312. years after Christ. Their Heresie was condemned in the second general Council held at Constantinople by Gratian and Theodosius anno 380. His followers were called Pneumatomachians fighters against the holy Spirit from Pneuma a Spirit and Machesthai to fight Page 28. Marcionites from one Marcion a Paphlagonian near the Euxine Sea who was Cerdons scholar a grand Heretick He maintained Cerdons Heresies at Rome about 133. years after Christ. Page 55 283 334. N. Nestorians so called from Nestorius Patriarch of Constantinople who broached his errours under Theodosius the younger 400. years after Christ. They made Christ to have two Persons as he had two Natures This Heresie was condemned by the third general Council held at Ephesus under Theodosius the younger anno 431. Page 57. Novatians so called from Novatus who lived under Decius the Emperor 220. years after Christ. He was an African by birth P. 104 108 110 230. O. Origenists so called from famous Origen His errors began to spread about the year of Christ 247. under Aurelian the Emperour and continued above 334. years p. 332. P. Pneumatomachians See the letter P. Pelagians from Pelagius a Britain as they say by birth A Monk at Rome afterward a Presbyter under Theodosius the younger p. 45 64 91 115. Puritans otherwise called Kathari because they esteemed themselves purer and holier than others p. 66 104 230 239. Photinians from Photinus born in the lesser Galatia He began to spread his Heresies about the year 323. at Syrmium where he was Bishop under Constantius the Emperour p. 334. Papists are too well known They are to be found in every other page almost of the book Q. Quakers so called because sometimes they use to Quake and Tremble when they prophesy or when they are in a rapture p. 4 5 12 18 23 c. S. Socinians so called from one Faustus Socinus an Italian of Siena place all Religion in the old condemned Heresies following their Master a most vile Heretick p. 1 12 13 21 23 28 31 c. Sabellians so called from Sabellus an African by birth His Heresies began anno Christi 224. Page 23. Separatists so called because they withdrew themselves from the Christian Communion and fellowship of others in the Worship of GOD. p. 257. Scepticks commonly called Seekers maintain that the whole universal Church hath perished a little after the Apostles times and are not to this day restored until Christ from Heaven shall send new Apostles for raising up again the Church Visible p. 247. Sabbatarians so called because they observe the Jewish Sabbath imagining there is no precept or example in the New Testament for observing the first day of the week p. 192. T. Tritheits or Tritheitae so called because they divided the indivisible Essence of the Godhead into three parts the one they called the Father the other the Son the third the Holy Ghost p. 19 23. Tertullianists were so called from that famous Lawyer and Divine Tertullian who lived under Severus the Emperour about 170. years after Christ. p. 230. V. Vorstians from one Vorstus an old Heretick who taught that GOD had a Body and was endued with parts as the Anthropomorphitans affirmed p. 21 22. Vaninians from one Vaninus a great promotter of Atheism He was publickly burned at Tholouse p. 163. CHAP. I. Of the Holy SCRIPTURE Question I. IS the Light of Nature and the works of Creation and Providence sufficient to give that knowledge of GOD and of his Will which is necessary to Salvation No. 1 Cor. 1. 21. and 1 Cor. 2. 13 14. Well then do not the Socinians err who mantain That Men living according to the Law and Light of Nature may be saved Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because none can be saved unless they be born again by the incorruptible seed of the Word 1 Pet. 1. 23. 2 Because Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life and no man cometh to the Father but by the Son Iohn 14. 6. 3 Because there is none other Name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved but by the Name of Jesus Acts 4. 12. 4 Because men cannot believe in Christ without supernatural revelation and therefore cannot be sanctified or justified because all Justification Sanctification and Remission of sins are by GODS Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ Rom. 3. 24 25. Acts. 26. 18. Neither can men be so saved viz. by living according to the light of Nature because Salvation is promised onely to Believers in Christ Acts 16. 31. Iohn 3. 16. 5. Because all that know not GOD will be punished eternally 2 Thes. 1. 8. But men without supernatural Revelation cannot savingly know GOD 1 Cor. 1. 21. Matth. 11. 27. 6. Men destitute of supernatural Revelation cannot know their own corruption and misery by the first Adam nor the remedy which is offered by Christ the second Adam They are without GOD without Hope without the Promises without the Church and covenant of God and the mysteries of Faith are hid and unknown to them allanerly that perish and are lost Eph. 2. 11 12. Rom. 9. 4. 2 Cor. 4. 3. Mat. 13. 11 12. Matth. 11. 25 26 27. Quest II. ARE the holy Scriptures most necessary to the Church Yes 2 Tim. 3. 15. 2 Pet. 1. 19. Well then doth not the Popish Church err that affirmes the true Church to be infallible in teaching and propounding Articles of Faith both without and against the Scripture and that their unwritten Traditions are of Divine and equal Authority with the Canon of the Scripture Yes Do not likewise the Libertines and Quakers err affirming that GOD doth teach and guide the Elect into all truth by the alone instinct and light of the Spirit without any written Word whatsoever Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1. Because the Scriptures are the foundation upon which the Church is built Eph. 2. 20. 2. Because all things are to be examined by the Rule of the Word as the noble Bereans
is no such thing as Venial sin as it is explained by the Popish-church upon which false Foundation is built this fancy of Purgatory Rom. 6. 23. 2 Because temporal punishments do not extend themselves beyond this life Rom. 8. 18. 2 Cor. 4. 17 18. 1 Peter 5. 10. For in this life onely the Godly receive their evil things as the Wicked receive their good things Luke 16. 25. 3 Because after the fault is pardoned there remains no punishment to be undergone Ezek. 18. 22. Psalm 32. 1 2. Micah 7. 19. Rom. 8. 1 33. 4 Because the Thief upon the Cross that was converted did not suffer afterwards any punishment in Purgatory Luke 23. 43. Neither could his death and confession upon the Cross be accounted a perfect satisfaction as the Adversaries affirm because he did acknowledge he had received the due reward of his deeds Luke 23. 41. He that suffers as a Murderer or as a Thief or as an evi doer his punishment cannot be accounted a satisfaction 1 Peter 4. 15. 5 Because they that die in the Lord rest from all their labours Rev. 14. 13. 6 Because Christs satisfaction for the sins of Believers is most full compleat and perfect and doth not need our imperfect satisfactions whether for the Fault or the Punishment Isaiah 53. chapter Titus 2. 14. 1 Iohn 1 7 Heb 10 14 Col. 1 20 21 22. Neither by our sufferings in Purgatory is Christs satisfaction applyed to us First because our sufferings there cannot be an instrument for applying Christs Merits to us For on GODS part we have the Word Sacraments and the Spirit as means for applying his merits to us On our part we have Faith Was it ever heard of in the Word of GOD that the Lord made use of exquisite torments for applying his Grace To apply Mercy by the executing of Justice Is forgiving debt applyed by exacting the debt Shall pardon be applyed to by the punishing of us Quest. IV. WIll such as are found alive at the last day not die but be changed Yes 1 Thess. 4. 17. 1 Cor. 15. 51 52. Well then do not the Papists err who maintain that such as are found alive at the last day shall die Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because Christ is ordained of GOD to be Judge of Quick and Dead which distinction would be needless if all truely Died Act 10. 42. 2 Because the Apostle says as was cited we shal not all sleep but be changed which place of Scripture is not to be read we shall all therefore sleep as the Papists say putting in the Greek particle oun for ou therefore for not Because this illative particle oun cannot agree sufficiently with the Apostles Preface Behold I shew you a mystery This Mysterie is not death it self but a change in place of death which is a great Mystery indeed 3 As the Resurrection of many of the bodies of the Saints was a preamble of the great Resurrection of our bodies Mat. 27. 52. So the translating of Enoch that he might not see death seems to be a preamble of this change in place of death Heb. 11. 9. Quest. V. SHal the Dead be raised up with the self same bodies and none other although with different qualities which shall be united again to their Souls for ever Yes Iob 19. 26 27. 1 Cor. 15. 42 43 44. Well then do not the Socinians Arminians Anabaptists Photinians and Marcionites err who maintain that the same individual body is not raised up which we carried about with us here and laid down in the dust but another body made of Air or of some matter more subtile than Air altogether void of flesh and blood made a-new by Christ Yes Do not likewise many of the Quakers err who maintain also That the same individual body is not raised again but that there is a change thereof in substance as well as in quality Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because it is evident from Scripture Phil. 3. 21. that there shall be a transforming of those vile bodies at the Resurrection to be fashioned after the glorious body of Christ and so not the forming and making of a new one which is hard to conceive if the same individual body should not be raised and if this change here spoken of be as well in substance as in quality 2 Because the Apostle sayes He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies and therefore not bodies made of Air by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Rom. 8. 11. 3 The same Apostle sayes For this corruption must put on incorruption and this mortality must put on immortality 1 Cor. 15. 53. 4 Because the Iustice of GOD requires that the same individual bodies shal receive rewards or punishments which have done good or evil while life remained 2 Cor. 5. 10. Rom. 2. 6. Eph. 6. 8. 5 Because the body of Christ who is the efficient cause of our Resurrection 1 Cor. 15. 4 12 13 16. rose again that same individual body Luke 24. 39 40. Quest. VI. SHal the bodies of the unjust by the power of Christ be raised to dishonour Yes Acts 24. 15. Iohn 5. 28. 29. Phil. 3. 21. Well then do not the Socinians err who maintain there shall be no resurrection of the unjust Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because the Apostle sayes We must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ that every man may receive the things done in the body 2 Cor. 5. 10. 2 Because the hour cometh in the which all that are in their graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation Iohn 5. 28 29. 3 Because the Apostle sayes being accused before Tertullus there shall be a Resurrection of the dead both of the Just and Unjust Acts 24. 15. 4 Because according to the Enochs Prophesy the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute Judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them Iude verses 14 15. 5 Because many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt Daniel 12. 2. CHAP. XXXIII Of the Last IUDGEMENT Question SHal the wicked who know not GOD and obey not the Gospel of Iesus Christ be casten into everlasting torments and be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Yes Matth. 25. 31 to the end Rom. 9. 22 23. Acts 3. 19. 2 Thes. 1. 7 8 9. Well then do not the Socinians err who defining eternal death to be the extinguishing of the Body and Soul maintain that the wicked are to suffer no torment in hell and that their whole punishment will be to be deprived of Eternity or anihilated that is both Soul and Body turned into NOTHING Yes Do not likewise the Origenists and some Anabaptists err who think that not only the wicked but the Devils themselves after many torments in hell shall be received by GOD into favour and be made blessed and happy Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because the Apostle affirms almost in so many words that which we have asserted 2 Thes. 1. 7 8 9 10. 2 Because Life Eternal and Death Eternal are in Scripture opposed to one another in the same sense Mat. 25. 46. But Life Eternal in Scripture is not taken for being simply Eternal but for being Eternally happy or to be in a blessed Eternal state and condition Psalm 133. 3. Therefore Eternal death must be taken in Scripture not for anihilation or being turned into Nothing but for an Eternal wretched and miserable state and condition 3 Because the Scripture saves but the children of the kingdom shall be casten into utter darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matth. 8. 12 13. 4 Because the Scripture affirms expresly that the wicked are tormented in hell Luke 16. 24. Next there are some degrees of torments there but there are no degrees in non esse that is in not to be 5 Because Abraham saves expresly there can no man pass from the place of torment to the place of bless and happiness Luke 16. 26. 6 Because the torments of the wicked are called a Worm that dieth not a fire that cannot be extinguished 7 Because the Scripture sayes that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever Rev. 14 11. Rev. 19. 3. 8 Because the wicked will be carried into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels Matth. 25. 46. And the same wicked are to rise again to shame and everlasting contempt Daniel 12. 2. And to suffer the vengeance of Everlasting fire Iude verse 7. And now only is the accepted time and now is the day of Salvation 2 Cor. 6. 2. FINIS * In magnis voluisse satest