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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34987 A backslider reproved and his folly made manifest and his confusions and contradictions discovered in a short reply to a book lately published by Robert Cobbet called A word to the upright, who being turned from the light now makes it his work to war against it and them that walk in it; but his weapons are broken and in his own snare is he taken / written for the Truths sake by a servant thereof known by the name Stephen Crisp ; unto which is added a brief answer to a pamphelet [sic] stiled A brief discovery of the labourers in mystery Babylon. Crisp, Stephen, 1628-1692.; Atkinson, Elizabeth. Breif and plain discovery of the labourers in mistery, Babilon, generally called by the name of Quakers.; Travers, Anne. Harlots vail rent and her impudency rebuked.; Coleman, Elisabeth. Harlots vail rent and her impudency rebuked. 1669 (1669) Wing C6925; ESTC R29284 17,630 26

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Quakers because she is turned treacherously against them in a light airy spirit with a parcel of fained expressions this were unjust in them as well as in her It were a great wickedness for any to accuse the true Prophets or Apostles because of the false Prophets and false Apostles that rose up against them who turned from the Counsel of God and Truth And it is as wicked in E. A. to accuse the people of God now because probably she knows of some disorderly persons that walk not according to the Principle and Doctrine of Godliness which we have received as it 's probable she being false and perfidious her self might have more knowledge of or intimacy with such disobedient and disorderly Spirits and Walkers than some of us have But however her accusation being general it 's most unjust and impudent For first We are not onely principled against all wickedness filthiness and abominations as that of Cheating using Deceit and Adultery with all other wickedness which we Judge and Testifie against both in the spirit and practice and such as are guilty c. But secondly We also endeavour as much as in us lieth to clear the Truth and Gods people of all such scandals and of all such as give any occasion thereof by bringing just Reproof and Judgement upon the Offenders and endeavouring to suppress and cast out that loose disobedient and unclean mind and spirit which either doth tempt or lead any into disorders or wickedness So that indeed a modest woman or person would have been ashamed to publish such a general Charge of wickedness and impiety against us as thousands that are not of us know many of us to be both of better spirits and principles than in the least to countenance or admit of such gross wickedness as Cheating or Adultery under which she has included many innocent persons for her words Those that practised Honesty and those that were contented with their own Wives c. are general terms and may be construed that all amongst us that were so are now contrary for here is no exception made Who but an impudent person would thus grosly and slanderously have endeavoured to have defamed a people whom she confesses to have walked nine years amongst wherein she has brought Reproach upon her self And now E. A. what hast thou against our principles more than that thou tellst us That we preached a Light within that shewed you good and evil and that thou knew was in thee So herein thou knew the Truth was preached amongst us And that we said if you would mind that it would lead you out of all evil Thus sayest thou we set you to feed upon the Tree of Knowledge which indeed was good but not for food but the subtile twining Serpent called it the Tree of Life thou sayest Thus by hearkening unto them wast thou deluded and blinded to forsake thy first Love c. Thus like a silly ignorant Woman perverted with prejudice hast thou blasphemously accused the Light as being but the Tree of Knowledge and perverted the Truth which directed thee to it as being but the subtilty and delusion of the Serpent and yet thou knows such a Light was in thee as shewed thee Good and Evil which Light hadst thou lived and waited in it would have kept thee out of evil and backsliding which thou art fallen into It s shewing the evil was that thou mightest forsake sin and evil and not that thou mightest either feed upon it or upon the knowledge of the evil by partaking thereof Did not the Light give the Saints a discerning between Good and Evil And things that are reproved are manifested by the Light and the Light that did shine in their hearts gave them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4. and Christ said Believe in the Light that you may be the Children of the Light and this was not the Serpent that thus directed as blasphemously thy words import against the Light and the Ministry of Truth amongst us which directs to it But we need not say much in answer to such silly ignorant sottish blasphemous stuff as thou hast here uttered for like a drunken person thou hast reeled and staggered both ways and hast sufficiently answered and confuted thy self in what follows in thy own words on the behalf of the Light within As in page 2. thou sayst in the beginning God made the World by Christ the Word and the bright shining of his Life was the Light of Men and this Christ is indeed the true Light that enlightens every one that cometh into the World and by this Light Man knew the Will of his Maker but being disobedient thereunto he fell into the wrath of God c. Here take notice That the Life of Christ was the Light of Men and this was not the forbidden Fruit And secondly That every one that comes into the World is enlightened by Christ Thirdly That Mans disobedience to the Light was his Fall and this disobedience the Serpent led into therefore it is not the Serpent nor his delusion that directs people to the Light within as blasphemously and contradictorily thou hast implied Again Thou confessest that Christ came to be a Sacrifice for sin for the whole World if they will believe in him and that these things by the Light within are shewed to us By which thou hast justified the Quakers Doctrine though to thy own confusion And in p. 3. thou adds The Light within is but the manifestation of him that is the Saviour A large confession And must not people look to the manifestation of their Saviour or that which shews them Christ to be a Sacrifice for sin Again Thou sayest we deny the Fountain because we have had a little taste from the Stream and tells of the Plant being refresh'd by the beams of the Sun So here again thou hast falsly charged us but justified our Principle for in thy setting thy Light as the Stream and as the Sun-beams thou hast contradicted thy former accusation against it for they that follow the Stream do not deny the Fountain which it leads to neither is the vertue of the Sun denied where its Beams or Rays are felt and acknowledged for the Suns vertue and influence is felt in the Beams Again P. 4. thou confessest the Light within which shews good and evil to be a glance from him who came to be Salvation And also that we may refresh our thirsty Souls in the Stream but we must go unto the Fountain to be cleansed in the City of God c. So then if the Light within be this refreshing Stream it is not the Tree of knowledge forbidden neither are we forbidden to drink of the Stream for it comes from the Fountain and surely people may wash in the Stream And why dost thou suppose the Stream not to be in the City Whereas there is a River the Streams whereof make glad or refresh the City of
God Psal 46.4 And surely seeing the Light gives the knowledge of our duty shews sin and evil if the Light be obeyed or truly improved it will lead out of evil and guide man in his duty to God so preserve him from the punishment And by this Light we were first called and are in it and need not thy Exhortation who art a treacherous Backslider from it P. 5 6 7. And if hearkning diligently to the Voice of Christ be the the condition joyned to the Covenant and that the Law is manifesst within and we must wait upon him that has called us with earnest prayers c. and that experience is to be had in the Mystery and Life and Salvation not in the Scripture and that the Creature is to retire it self in stillness and not to take part with the Enemy c. as thou hast largely confest What must we wait in hearken in receive Life and Salvation in or experience the Mystery And to what must we retire And by what shall we know the Voice of Christ and pray if not in and by his Light within For thou hast confessed that the spirit of the Wicked one worketh in the Children of Disobedience to do evil so the Spirit of Christ doth work in the Believer to do well which is Trurh but against thy self As also those that have been faithful to their Captain though never so little were committed to their trust shall enter into the possession And p. 8. thou tells us of some that were deceived by not keeping humble and low to follow the Lord and how hard it will be for these to be renewed except they hearken to the Voice of the Lord behind them and O that we may never forget to wait upon the Fountain of Wisdom c. Thou art one of those that art exalted thou hast not kept in humility thou hast not followed the Lord thou hast grown wanton and kick'd against his Light within thou hast not waited for his Counsel as thou oughtest but hast lusted after evil till leanness is entred into thy Soul till gross darkness is come over thee and confusion is thy snare thou hast made lies and falsehood thy refuge like an impudent immodest hard-hearted Woman Who did help thee to compose and word thy lying Pamphlet We hear Ro. Co. commends it Was he thy Patron An angry dark conceited man who glories in his folly and yet thinks he is wise though he is as full of nonsence and confusion as thou art but his and thy clamorous lying Tongues God will cut off and stop your Mouths In p. 4. thou tellst us That the Disciples whom Christ called Brethren did not call themselves the Seed This is thy blindness for were not the Children of the Kingdom called the good Seed and the Children of the Promise counted for the Seed Were they not of one holy Seed and off-spring seeing he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one And were not they a Royal Seed a holy Priesthood And who were the Remnant of the Seed of the Woman that kept the Commands of God And it is remarkable that though thou hast often belied us yet in p. 1. hast confessed That we the people called Quakers of a truth God hath called us out of the broad way of wickedness and many Jewels were we adorned with So then we were a people called and adorned of the Lord and not with the Jewels of the Egyptians which falsly thou hast instanced in the Case Besides we are in the same Way Truth and Principles which God at first called us into though such perfidious Backsliders and Apostates as thou thy self and some others are have abused the Truth rejected his Call and cast his Law behind your backs to your own condemnation and destruction if you do not return and repent Here follows a Collection of some of thy Lyes and Slanders in thy Book against the Chosen people of God called Quakers which are rejected and returned back upon thee Lye 1. That they are Labourers in Mystery Babylon 2. That the subtile Serpent deceived them and made them become proud Boasters 3. That they call the Tower of Babel Mount Zion 4. That they are building it in their Imaginations 5. That he hath confounded their Language 6. That they call good evil and evil good saying It was the Enemy when it was the Lord. 7. That they conclude themselves to be saved by their works 8. That they subtilly perswade you to rest under a Covenant of works VVhich are gross slanders for it 's Christ who is our Saviour It is God that works all our works in us and good works as the fruits of the Spirit and true Faith God hath ordained 9. That they are turned Deceivers and Adulterers 10. That they content themselves with the works of their own imaginations 11. That they trust in their own Righteousness as the Pharisees c. 12. That pride of imagined Knowledge hath puft them up 13. That they being deceived labour to deceive others 14. That they say they see and desire to know no more A palpable slander against Quakers 15. That thou knowest many of them to be grievous Hypocrites 16. That they slight the Scriptures 17. That they are full of all subtilties far from the real Innocency 18. That they are strong Builders in Mystery Babylon 19. That they to shelter themselves many times bring Scripture in a confused manner onely to maintain imaginations 20. That when they are confuted by plain Scripture they will put it off by Evasions These with several more Lyes in thy Pamphlet intended against the Quakers we return back upon thee E.A. as one that hast impudently slandered Gods people called Quakers And though thou art back-slidden and turned into lyes and lightness yet thou art fain to make use of many words and expressions thou hast learned amongst the Quakers to make thy false Coin go the more currant But the Lord hath made thee and that Reviler Ro. Co. sufficiently manifest and your wickedness will sink you down into the pit if you do not return to the Light within which you have abused and repent Thou tellest If the Lord shall call thee out of this Tabernacle of Clay That will be a sad day if thou goest on in this wickedness and impudency a sad end and terrible death will seiz upon thee if thou doest not repent in time VVhen thou art on thy Death-Bed remember thou wert warned in thy Life-time Thy vain light mind and spirit which hath brought forth Lyes against the Innocent will not be able to contend with the mighty God in that day wherein he will judge the Secrets of thee and all other Transgressors and Revolters according to the Gospel and that Light within which thou hast so much slighted and opposed Thou upbraidest some with a Common Belief of being saved by the Merits of Jesus Christ as not having Faith when we see not the Fruits of it brought forth p. 5. But what fruits hast thou brought forth and what are those Saints thou speakest of being Companions with p. 6 VVhat Saints can own thee in thy Lyes and Slanders VVhere are the Fruits of thy Faith that hast thus reviled an innocent People in general making some particular disobedient persons thy Cloak in what thou hast done But this Covering will be too narrow for thee and all such Back-●●iders who hast been forced to confess to the Principle of Truth amongst us after thou hast essayed to declare against it VVhereas thy chiefest colour is the back-sliding or transgression of some disobedient persons like thy self And not any Truth or Reason that thou canst produce against our Principles We are Witnesses to the Truth against Deceit and Impudency ANNE TRAVERS ELIZ. COLEMAN THE END